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Chapter 548 Strategic Space-Based Railgun

Chapter 548 Strategic Space-Based Railgun


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 548 Strategic Space-Based Railgun

  In the elevator.

  Ibers reached out and pressed the button for the next floor.

  The elevator began to descend, and he suddenly looked at Chu Guang and said with a smile.

  ”Have you heard of the Torch Project?”

  ”The device that restarts the world?” Chu Guang looked at him in surprise. He didn’t expect that he actually knew about Shelter 0.

  But think about it.

  This old monster has lived for more than a hundred years, and it is inevitable that he will hear some strange rumors.

  Ibers smiled and nodded.

  ”Yes, since you know the torch, then I can explain it in a simpler way.”

  Chu Guang said.

  ”You mean that the ‘weapon’ is similar to the torch? Destroy the macromolecules of organisms through neutron plumes?”

  Ibers smiled and shook his head.

  ”Almost, but it’s too simple to describe it this way. A simple neutron plume can’t restart the world. There are many ways to defend against nuclear strikes, such as… a deflector shield based on the anti-gravity principle can deflect neutron plumes very well. So if we want to kill the organisms in the shield, we must first break the shells of people. Therefore, the ‘fire’ part of the Torch Plan can be divided into two execution steps. One is the planetary phase shock to paralyze the anti-gravity device and the shield, and the other is to release the neutron plume to kill the organisms on the planet.”

  Although Chu Guang only understood the general idea, he couldn’t help but admire it.

  ”Clear thinking.”

  Ibers said with a smile.

  ”And efficient.”

  Chu Guang glanced at Ibers.

  He always felt that this guy was a little bit psychopathic. He was particularly excited when he mentioned the methods and tools of killing. He was completely different from the two brainless and unhappy people from the enterprise.

  What a dangerous guy.

  Xiao Qi must keep a close eye on him.

  Just as Chu Guang was thinking this, the elevator stopped with a ding, and the alloy door opened to both sides.

  ”We’re here.”

  With an elegant gesture of invitation, Ibers took the initiative to walk out of the door and took Chu Guang to the core area of ​​the Giant Stone Military Industrial Building.

  The two came to an empty room.

  The layout here is very similar to the command room.

  A huge screen is hung on the wall facing the entrance. In the center of the screen floats an abstract blue planet, surrounded by dense gray fog.

  Not surprisingly, the dense gray fog should be orbital garbage. As the enterprise said, the density of these orbital garbage has reached the level that can reduce the average annual sunlight on the surface.

  The severe cold climate outside is at least 20% of the credit.

  Chu Guang glanced around the room and finally stopped at the screen in front of him.

  ”What is this?”

  ”Sky Thunder.”

  ”Sky Thunder?”

  ”The name of this device, the full name is Phase-Neutron Killing Strategic Space-Based Orbital Cannon, abbreviated as SOG.”

  Ibers looked at Chu Guang with a smile and continued.

  ”What you are looking at now is one of the greatest weapons of the Prosperity Era! It is also the inspiration for the Torch System! With just one shot, the entire organic matter of Qingquan City can be evaporated. There is no more efficient slaughter tool than this.”

  ”It can’t restart the entire world, but it is no problem to wipe a city off the surface of the earth.”

  Good guy!

  An efficient slaughter tool is okay…

  Chu Guang’s face was full of surprise, and his attention was completely attracted by the screen in front of him.

  If this was used to hit the mother nest of Qingquan City…

  However, this idea only appeared in Chu Guang’s mind for a moment, and he was dispelled.

  This weapon was previously in the hands of the Post-War Reconstruction Committee, and then it was distributed to the settlements under the responsibility of the War Reconstruction Committee.

  If it was really that efficient, the War Reconstruction Committee would have used it long ago, and would not have thrown “not so efficient” nuclear bombs at the city center, let alone launched the Weyland Plan because of the lasting casualties.

  Chu Guang estimated that there was another possibility, that is, it was impossible to confirm whether this weapon was effective against the shelter.

  To this day, there are still many shelters in Qingquan City that are closed, fulfilling the mission of two centuries ago.

  Slime mold is one of the main threats in the wasteland, but it is not the only threat.

  Perhaps because the price to be paid is too high, the War Construction Committee did not use it to clean up the mother nest until it was finally disintegrated.

  Taking his eyes away from Chu Guang who was lost in thought, Ibers looked at the blue planet wrapped in gray fog on the screen, as if he was looking at some treasure, and said with a smile.

  ”It is silent in the gray fog, drifting with the orbital garbage. There is almost no way to lock it. Even the holder of the weapon does not know its specific orbital parameters… But it doesn’t matter. As long as you use the ‘key’ to wake it up, it can be deployed above any area of ​​the planet under your command.” ”

  Of course, this device is not without weaknesses. It takes up to 24 hours to charge. And once it ends its silent state, it will light up like a lamp. There are many ways to observe its position, calculate its orbital parameters, and calculate its strike coordinates…”

  ”Even if it has its own close defense system and deflector shield, 24 hours is enough for a lot of things to happen.”

  Ibers spent some time introducing this weapon system. Chu Guang, who was standing aside, listened carefully to the end and suddenly spoke.

  ”Does the Legion have similar weapons?”

  Ibers said with a smile.

  ”Who knows? Why don’t you float it over Triumph City and try it?”

  When he said this, he didn’t use a joking tone, and there was even a hint of instigation in his voice.

  Chu Guang rolled his eyes and didn’t bother to pay attention to this guy.

  Using a “open card” that has been in use for two centuries to threaten the old survivors who have existed in the wasteland for a century and a half.

  That’s just because they are tired of living.

  A very simple logic.

  There are settlements similar to Boulder City to the west of the Great Desert, but the Legion still conquered most of the continent, and Triumph City was safe and sound.

  It’s obvious.

  This so-called “sky thunder” does have a certain deterrent power, but the concept of deterrence has never been absolute.

  Two centuries is enough time for the Legion, enterprises, and colleges to come up with countermeasures against this strategic weapon and add some other cards to their hands.

  The real reason for maintaining the validity of the contract, in addition to the high cost of breaking the contract, is probably more of a simple indifference.

  Whether it is the Legion, the Academy or the Enterprise, these veteran survivor forces with clear lines and firm beliefs do not think that the Stone City can cause any big waves. Even if it is rotten to the core, it will only harm half of the province.

  A group of fattened pigs do not have the courage to shoot randomly.

  Take the Enterprise as an example. If the Council really thinks that the Stone City is a trouble, they can just spend some money to buy the weapon back from the hands of those nobles.

  But they did not do so, which has already explained some problems.

  Chu Guang couldn’t help but think of another thing.

  The embassy of the Enterprise must have understood the drastic changes that have taken place in the Stone City at this moment. How will the Supreme Council view the fact that the Alliance has inherited the “Sky Thunder” system?

  Observing the expression on Chu Guang’s face, Ibers continued slowly.

  ”…In theory, the Sky Thunder can even break through the defense of the Holy Shield, but there is only one bullet in the barrel, and the energy that overflows at the moment of firing will destroy the weapon itself. It is said that the purpose of this device is not to destroy anyone, but to ensure a promise made long ago – the survivors will not interfere with each other, and jointly explore ways to end the wasteland era and find the future of civilization.”

  ”I heard from Fang Ming that the first generation of residents gave the ‘Sky Thunder’ to it for safekeeping because, on the one hand, they were worried that his descendants would not have the courage to pull the trigger, and on the other hand, they were worried that they would lose respect for the contract and use weapons that they must not use at will.”

  ”Tsk tsk, the first survivors are really smart. Although I have only seen them in the screening room, they seem to have guessed what will happen a century later. Do you know? In the last vote, those idiots in the inner city really thought of giving you a shot. Haha, I almost laughed out loud. Those idiots really don’t know anything, and they are arrogant and conceited. It’s hard to imagine that they are really the descendants of that group of people… What will your descendants look like?”

  Ibers looked at Chu Guang expectantly, but Chu Guang didn’t want to look at this twisted guy, and just replied lightly.

  ”It’s still early for me.”

  Ibers smiled and shook his head.

  ”It’s not too early. A second, a hundred years, is just a blink of an eye for me. What should happen will happen. I just hope that you don’t give me the same boring feeling as my previous client.”

  ”Stop talking nonsense, tell me how to use this thing?” Chu Guang interrupted this guy’s chattering impatiently.

  He already knew the matters that needed to be paid attention to in this “Sky Thunder” system, and other nonsense was redundant to him.

  Ibers said with a smile.

  ”Mr. Fang Ming gave you a drone. You’re carrying it, right?”

  ”Yes.” Chu Guang nodded, took out the small projection drone, and cast a questioning look at him, “How do I use it?”

  Ibers reached out and gently took the drone from Chu Guang’s hand, stroking its outline with his index finger, his eyes swaying slightly.

  ”Ah… Mr. Fang Ming’s ashes.”

  Seeing that the AI ​​seemed to be making a fool of himself again, Chu Guang coughed.

  Coming back to his senses, Ibers’ face floated with a friendly smile and continued.

  ”Sorry, I can’t help it… The authorization process is very fast, just wait for me.”

  Taking the drone left by Fang Ming to the control console, Ibers took out a memory card from it and inserted it into the computer.

  The AI ​​data about Fang Ming has been completely formatted, but the identification code for starting the “Sky Thunder” system has been with it to the end.

  Lines of code flashed on the screen, and soon the authorization of the “Sky Thunder” system was transferred from this room to Shelter 404.

  From now on, he no longer has to come to this room. As long as he is within the signal coverage of the shelter and the link with the signal transmitter is normal, he can order the “Sky Thunder” suspended in the high orbit to enter the activation standby state.

  Chu Guang confirmed through Xiao Qi that the “Sky Thunder” system hidden in the orbital garbage is silent and can enter the activation standby state at any time.

  Since the orbital coordinates of the weapon will be exposed once activated, and there is only one bullet, Chu Guang did not let Xiao Qi further test its performance.

  This is a switch for mutual destruction.

  It can only be used as a switch for mutual destruction.

  He sincerely hopes that it would be best if he would never really use it in his lifetime…


  addition to the “Sky Thunder” system, Ibers also introduced Chu Guang to other weapons stocks of Jushi Military Industry.

  After looking at these stocks, Chu Guang felt a sense of emotion.

  The old men in the inner city perfectly explained to him what it meant to play a good hand of cards badly.

  Not to mention the KV series of exoskeletons, there are thousands of basic KV-2s alone, and nearly three thousand KV-1s as the monkey version!

  In addition, there is the K-10 “Iron Wall” heavy exoskeleton that Chu Guang wanted to buy but didn’t buy before, and there are nearly five hundred sets in stock!

  The battlefield positioning of this heavy exoskeleton is almost based on power armor. In terms of comprehensive performance alone, the “Iron Wall” is not inferior to the Type 6 “Heavy Cavalry” police exoskeleton, and its defensive performance is even slightly better, but its endurance is slightly weaker.

  In addition to these light equipment, Jushi Military Industry also keeps “big guys” such as aircraft and missiles for the city lord Fang Ming.

  For example, the P-1 “Viper” transport aircraft that has been in service with the militia.

  There are a total of four parked in the hangar!

  This transport aircraft is a twin-engine rotorless vertical take-off and landing aircraft independently developed by Jushi Military Industry based on parts and drawings from the pre-war era.

  The two engines are located in the belly of the fuselage, one in front and one in the back. Its battlefield positioning is similar to that of the Black Hawk and Mi-8 on Earth, but its maneuverability and stability are completely incomparable to the latter.

  The power principle adopted by this aircraft is similar to that of the “Orca”, both of which are plasma engines, but the design ideas and technical details are different.

  In addition to the P-1, there are two long shuttle-shaped P-2 “Lightning” attack aircraft with wings of moderate length. The plasma engines are located on both sides of the fuselage and can switch between vertical take-off and landing and fixed-wing modes.

  These two aircraft helped the survivors in the northern suburbs deliver express to the Wave at the beginning of the year – although this express was bought by Chu Guang.

  Chu Guang was still speculating at the time that this Giant Stone City had the spare capacity to deal with the Wave while exporting bombing business, and the reserve of aircraft might not be small!

  Unexpectedly, when the box was opened, there were only these two aircraft that could be used, which really made him a little unsure of how to evaluate it.

  As for guided weapons, Giant Stone Military Industry did not have any inventory.

  Because of the two obvious reasons that they were not used and were not practical, Giant Stone Military Industry had not produced them for many years, but the drawings were still saved on the server.

  For example, the D-1 “Dragon” tactical missile has a warhead weight of 450 kilograms and a range of 500 kilometers.

  Another example is the D-10 “Dove” light missile that can be carried by a single soldier. It weighs 20 kilograms and has a warhead of 5 kilograms. It can be launched from a vehicle or carried by a single soldier.

  Although these equipment are now blueprints, Chu Guang is obviously more interested in these blueprints than the inventory piled in the warehouse.

  The Alliance is not short of individual equipment, tanks and artillery, but it is lacking these strategic weapons.

  If the industrial zone of Boulder City is the crystallization of the sweat and wisdom of countless survivors for two centuries, then Boulder Military Industry is the most shining one among countless crystals.

  Now, this company has become part of the Alliance. These spears and shields that originally belonged to a few people will fight for a higher ideal!

  Ibers made a list of all weapons, whether they have been delivered to the militia or not, for Chu Guang.

  A series of individual equipment including power armor has been moved back to the Alliance by the Burning Corps.

  Chu Guang handed Ibers’ list to the staff of the logistics department and asked them to recycle them in batches and keep them properly.

  At the same time, the official website of “Wasteland OL”.

  The updated server announcement officially announced the news that Boulder City joined the United Front for Human Rejuvenation.

  Following the pioneer city, the alliance has added another settlement, and the number of united survivors has taken another big step towards the one million mark!

  [New settlement – Boulder City:

  Boulder City used to be a casino. The diligent workers created the value of 20 chips, but could only get 1 chip as reward. Only gamblers who are willing to risk their lives can stand out here, but the winner is always the dealer with a lot of chips. Finally unable to bear the exploitation of the masters, the residents of Boulder City once again bravely stood up and confiscated the black cards of the residents in the inner city. They sank for a century and sank again, but countless failures did not defeat them, and victory finally favored them. The casino is

  permanently closed, and they have become their own saviors. The glorious residents of Boulder City will stand on the same front with us to jointly deal with the threat of the wasteland!


  【New NPC – Joey (former centurion of the Boulder City Militia, current head of the Boulder City Militia): “I will bring victory and glory to my children, not become their shame!”】

  【New NPC – Lovett (president of the Workers’ Union, director of the Crisis Office, and the most powerful candidate for the next city lord): “We have to do what Bol should do!”】

  【New NPC – Sberg (secretary of the Workers’ Union, sequel to “Boll the Awakener”): “Don’t urge me, don’t urge me, I’m writing it, I’m already writing it.”】


  【New NPC – Ibers (bionic man, president and chairman of Boulder Military Industry): “My last client played himself to death, I hope you can satisfy me.”】

  【New facility – Boulder Military Industry Building: the crystallization of Boulder City’s industry! There are more than a thousand professional engineers and designers here, who have a huge reserve of professional knowledge and skills, and can turn wild ideas into reality. (Note: Boulder Military Industry now accepts equipment customization business, click the link to view details)】

  As a series of announcements were issued intensively, it immediately aroused heated discussions among countless players and cloud players.

  The most popular one is undoubtedly the legendary Giant Stone Military Industry!

  Since the server was launched, players and cloud players on the forum have heard of this name. The most common KV-1 exoskeleton is one of its masterpieces, and many awesome equipment cannot be bought even with money, and you have to spend a lot of chips to order in advance!

  Now, Shelter 404 has become a new shareholder of Giant Stone Military Industry. This military factory is not only completely open to players, but also seems to accept equipment customization!

  After the news spread, the entire forum was boiling!

  Tail: “Oh! Can you customize a android?! (ω)”

  Sisi: “Awei, don’t make something too weird.”

  Tyrannosaurus Warrior: “If you don’t understand, just ask. Can those who haven’t received the helmet submit their work? TT” Quit

  Smoking: “Awesome! What if I want to build a Titan? Can I build it?”

  Kuangfeng: “In theory, it should be possible, but the silver coins spent may be enough to build an aircraft carrier in reality.”

  Fang Chang: “I guess it’s not just a matter of money. Based on the experience of other games, this kind of difficult equipment may have a lot of side quests, such as asking you to collect the materials for the equipment yourself, and then you have to find an NPC who knows the business… If you have those things, you can ask Mosquito, who might be able to make you a moving one. Titans are coming out.”

  Canyon Fleeing Mole: “Fuck, stop talking! Besides, A Guang is going to copy!”

  Macabazi: “Hahaha! Too late! I bet A Guang has definitely copied! (Funny)”

  Quit Smoking: “Am I the only one who feels sorry for Mosquito? I feel like Mosquito is going to be unemployed.”

  Ward Athlete’s Foot Who Levin: “Why do you feel sorry for that guy? I think the business of Goblin Technology will be taken to a higher level.”

  Yaer I Want to Go to the Toilet: “Haha, after all, it’s a big outsourcing factory, and we make all the parts for them. (Funny)”

  Just as the players were discussing what to ask Giant Stone Military to help build, the mosquito, who was supposed to come up with bad ideas, was sad about another thing at this moment.

  There are mosquitoes in the WC: “Woo woo woo! My Queen of the Night bar! Damn! At least leave a special zone for us to play! (Furious)”

  Murderous Dagger: “The bar is still there! I’ll testify! (Funny)”

  Lao Bai: “Haha, there’s only a sign left.”

  Fang Chang: “It will probably open after winter is over, but there will probably be no special programs in the future. (Laughing with squinting eyes)”

  Canyon Escaping Mole: “Tsk tsk, look at how useless you are. If you want to play special programs, why don’t you go to the neighboring Luoxia Province. It’s not the territory of the Alliance, and the purchasing power of silver coins is still very strong. (Squinting eyes)”

  Debt Big Eyes: “+1, but you have to choose a place. For example, the Honey Badger Kingdom is more conservative, there are not many entertainment industries, and it is a monogamous system. The Lion Kingdom is much more secular, there are no such restrictions at all, and I heard that the nobles there like to collect blood. Hump King I won’t talk about the country, just give the money, and you can have enough fun. (Funny)”

  Edge paddling: “Fuck! Why do you know so much?”

  Battlefield atmosphere group: “Damn big eyes, what on earth did you do behind our backs!”

  Fountain commander: “@阿光, confiscate his tools, thank you!”

  Debt big eyes: “Ahem, damn! You guys stop pretending to be pure! Especially the battlefield guys, everyone on the official website knows that you can kill ten people at a time!”

  Battlefield atmosphere group: “Get out! I didn’t do it, okay!”

  Debt big eyes: “Hey, if I hadn’t just gone to the Highway Town Hotel to drink last night, I would have believed it.”

  Lao Bai: “Hahaha.”

  Battlefield atmosphere group: “What does this have to do with the Highway Town Hotel? !”

  Lao Bai: “Don’t worry about it, when the mission is done, you should find time to go back. (Grinning teeth)”


  What are these guys doing!

  He always feels that they are hiding something from him.

  The Battlefield Atmosphere Group, who was sitting in front of the computer, threw away the keyboard with a curse, picked up the gaming helmet on the table, and stared at the round outline and muttered.

  ”It’s already the fifth city…”

  Time flies.

  A year ago, they still had to rely on the breath of the Stone City. Now the Stone City has not only become the shape of the Alliance, but it has also become completely inseparable from them.

  I heard that the Dawn City has changed a lot.

  Even the place where they used to drink together has been renovated several times, and it is completely impossible to tell that it was once a deserted wasteland.

  The Battlefield Guy couldn’t help but feel a little nostalgic.

  I heard that the next version is in Jinchuan Province, but he is going further and further west, and he doesn’t know when he can go back.

  I really want to go back and take a look.

  Shaking his head, the Battlefield Guy put on the helmet.

  Recently, Teresa, the mayor of the pioneer city, plans to expand the settlement, and needs players to help clean up the digging beasts wandering around the settlement.

  Yesterday he just received a mission from Rama, the leader of the Thorn Corps, and finally put together a convoy of ten people. The agreed time is coming soon.

  Recently, some Willant people who were stranded in Pioneer City have also been working to earn silver coins, and some merchants who came from the Falcon Kingdom to do small business also use silver coins.

  I don’t know when it started, but the hard currency dinar, which was originally popular in the desert, was suddenly replaced by the silver coins of the Alliance.

  Captain Adria has encouraged his idle subordinates more than once to earn back the money that the Alliance earned from them, so that he, a traitor, would not have to help the Alliance in a secretive way and could take jobs from the Alliance openly.

  Speaking of which, since the direct civil airship flight was opened, a group of second-hand newbies who have just reached level 10 have come to Pioneer City.

  The small village that originally had only two or three hundred survivors now feels a little lively.

  I hope it will be even more lively when I go home one day.

  With a smile on his face, the helmeted warrior stretched out on his back while lying flat on the bed.

  ”It’s time to go online and do some work.”

  When he thought about how the Alliance’s settlement would become more prosperous because of his hard work, he felt that his whole body was filled with endless energy…

  (Low fever, cough, but feeling better than yesterday, but still feeling a little dizzy… This damn weather is uncomfortable.)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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