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Chapter 55 Hunter and Hunter

Chapter 55 Hunter and Hunter


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 55 Hunter and Hunter

  The next morning.

  In the tailor shop, Teng Teng, who had just started work, peeled off a piece of paper from the wooden board.

  ”Task… Make a set of clothes for the owner of the weapon shop, and the reward is 5 to 10 silver coins?” After reading the order from beginning to end, Teng Teng’s eyes gradually lit up.

  It only took a second for a perfect design plan to take shape in her mind.

  ”Great, leave it to me!”

  After putting the note into her pocket, she immediately walked towards the direction of the weapon shop excitedly.

  On the other side.

  Inside the shelter.

  Chu Guang was standing in the resident hall, facing twenty little newbies who had just crawled out of the incubator, and finished reading the lines he had finally made up.

  Maybe it was because they had waited too long, or maybe it was because there was one more female player this time than last time. This group of little newbies was much more honest than the previous group of players. At least no one did such an eye-catching thing as taking off their pants in public.

  It seems that gradually raising the reservation threshold, appropriately hunger marketing, increasing the waiting time cost, screening high-quality human players, and a series of operations are still somewhat useful.

  Of course, it may also be because the game is too realistic and you can’t open a small account. When you think of a large group of planning masters “secretly observing” overhead, everyone still has to consider their moral integrity.

  Xiaoqi and the newbies explained the gameplay of the game, and then Chu Guang took them to the elevator leading to the surface and drove them out like ducks.

  Standing on the land in front of the sanatorium, these newbies felt the shock of being in the scene for the first time.

  ”Fuck… Fuck, fuck, fuck!”

  ”This, this is the world of Wasteland OL?!”

  ”The feeling of the sun shining on my face is exactly the same as in the real world, the wind is kissing my cheek, this place is just like a dream! No, it is a dream!”

  ”The child is crying, the technology is too advanced now!”

  ”This is not open for testing yet! Damn! What else does the development team want to test? Hurry up and launch a one-stop public beta, give me a code and I will buy it!”

  ”In one word, bunker!”

  The reactions of all new players who just entered the game seemed to be similar.

  Chu Guang could understand this state.

  From the moment I received the helmet, half-joking fun turned into half-belief. I almost counted down the most difficult 72 hours in tossing and turning. With the opening of my second pair of eyes, all my expectations became reality in the moment when my five senses touched.

  It was like rebirth.

  The impact of this moment cannot be summed up in words.

  Standing on the soil of a foreign world, sniffing the fragrance of the dust, chasing butterflies in the grass, embarking on an adventure with an unknown future… How many game fans dream of this?

  Not to mention them, Chu Guang himself has had such a daydream more than once, that one day he can step on the soil of a virtual world.

  It’s just a pity…

  Knowing all the truth, I am destined not to be able to enjoy the fun of the game like them. Perhaps for me, the untouchable reality is virtual.

  ”Go, warriors.”

  ”Go change this declining world!”

  ”With your hands.”

  While feeling emotional, Chu Guang improvised and added three lines to himself.

  Then he did not stay here, but gave the time to these players themselves, carried Xiaoqi to the third floor, and placed it in front of the window with the best view… This is the first-class seat overlooking all the players.

  At the same time, in the open space in front of the sanatorium.

  The newbies who had just stepped into the game world were surrounded by the old players who arrived on the surface in advance before they had time to breathe the air of the wasteland.

  ”Are there any brothers with special talents? Raise your hands… What? You have? Damn, you are awesome, what talents are you talking about… What the hell is calmness? Why does it sound so useless.”

  ”Are there any newbies with strength? Let’s pull trees together to brush up the attributes! It’s fun!”

  ”Boss, I’m a strength-type, how should I play this game?”

  Seeing that there was finally a newbie to pay attention to him, the old player was overjoyed.

  ”You are a strength player? What’s your name?”

  ”Construction Boy and Brick!”

  ”Fuck, brother, this game has taught you a lot! Listen to me, strength players should chop more trees, move more bricks, roll up your sleeves and get to work, chop down a hundred trees and you’ll be promoted to level 1! 7 to 8 points of strength will make you invincible in the wasteland, and when you encounter an alien, just pick up an axe and kill him!”

  ”Then, what if you encounter one with a gun?”

  ”Just kill him!”


  Standing in front of the window on the third floor of the sanatorium, Chu Guang looked down and observed the players downstairs for a while.

  Seeing that the newbies had gradually mastered the tricks of playing this game under the guidance of the old players, he nodded with satisfaction.

  Very good.

  Very reliable.

  These closed beta players really lived up to his expectations of them.

  The only thing that made Chu Guang feel a little bit regretful was that although this group of newcomers were very obedient, they did not seem to have the easter egg left by the first generation of managers – the special gene sequence called “alien”.

  However, there are two special talents that interest him.

  One is “calmness”, which increases the basic resistance to negative mental states such as “fear” and “despair” by 50%, and can remove negative effects from the mental level more quickly.

  On the surface, this talent seems useless, but only those who have experienced actual combat know how important this quality is in combat.

  Another talent is “thermal vision”. The player who possesses this talent is named [Elf King Fugui], and his gene sequence is agile.

  Just looking at the description of this talent in the system, it is simply magical for night battles! In a state of concentration, actively triggering this talent, the retina will be more sensitive to infrared light.

  The specific manifestation is that you can see the heat source in the dark within a certain range!

  Of course, this talent is basically ineffective for “cold-blooded animals”.

  Chu Guang silently memorized this [Elf King Fugui]. If there is a need for night battles in the future, he will wear this guy.

  In addition, there are several strange talents.

  For example, “temperature intuition” that can sense the temperature of the heat source without contact, “plant speaker” that can see the growth status of plants, and “insect hunter” that can smell the pheromone released by insects, etc.

  These talents have little practical significance, but if used in production and exploration, they can still play a significant role.

  Chu Guang believes that there is no need for him to give any advice, as these players can work out the most suitable gameplay by themselves.


  The apartment area in the north of the wetland park.

  A team of four is carefully approaching the prey.

  The terrain in the city is very complex. From the ruins of the tower greenhouse, it can be seen that people in the pre-war society should have lived a very comfortable life.

  Kuangfeng: “People in the pre-war era were quite good at enjoying themselves… Let me open my mind. Residents living in the community grow vegetables and fruits on the inside of the tower. This is both their vegetable market and garden.”

  Lao Bai: “Who will maintain it?”

  ”There will always be property management. It’s not bad to outsource the site to a specialized company. This kind of ecological community is quite meaningful for reference. The designer who designed this game is a master.” Kuangfeng gave a high evaluation. He was quite interested in the design here.

  ”You’d better focus on our prey. I feel that we are very close to it.”

  Ye Shi immersed his five senses in the surroundings. From the flowing breath, he seemed to have heard the heartbeat of the prey… one strong and one weak.

  Wait, two?

  ”In front.”

  Fang Chang had already found the reindeer that had been shot and fell to the ground. However, just as he was about to move forward, he suddenly found another arrow stuck in the neck of the prey.


  He was stunned.

  Did he remember correctly that he had shot the buttocks?

  While he was stunned, he met the eyes of the boy opposite him.

  The two of them were stunned at first, and the next second their hands moved at the same time, pulling the bows and arrows at each other.

  ”Who are you?”


  The two chattered to each other for a while, and neither could understand what the other was saying.

  Kuangfeng and Laobai reacted quickly. After discovering Fang Chang’s situation, they immediately quickly surrounded him from both sides and went around the side of the boy.

  The boy stepped back nervously, leaning against the concrete wall to hide his back.

  Fang Chang could feel the murderous aura emanating from the cold light, but he was not afraid. He approached step by step.

  After all, if he was far away, he would not be able to shoot.

  ”Don’t come over.”

  ”Put down your weapons, you are surrounded.”

  What is this person talking about?

  Predator? !

  The boy looked at the three men approaching him, thinking of how those who were caught by the looters died, and suddenly he made up his mind and released the bowstring.

  Whoosh –

  the sound of breaking through the air came like the wind.

  Fang Chang subconsciously turned sideways and dodged the arrow that flew past his cheek, and the feather almost brushed the tip of his nose.

  If he hadn’t dodged it, he would have gone back to the spring!

  ”Fuck! Catch him!”

  Fang Chang threw down the carpenter in a hurry and anger, pulled out the steel bar, and rushed up with Lao Bai and Kuang Feng.

  The boy pulled out the short knife at his waist, with a determined look on his face, ready to fight to the death.

  However, at this moment, a stone flew over and hit him on the forehead, knocking his consciousness into a trance.

  ”Hurry up!”

  Ye Shiyi, who was holding a slingshot, called out, and the three immediately surrounded him, knocked the short knife out of the boy’s hand with a stick, and pressed him to the ground.

  ”Let me go!”

  The boy roared and struggled with all his strength, but it was Lao Bai who caught him after all.

  The power of the tech hunk is no joke.

  ”Be quiet! Damn, this guy has quite a bit of strength in his hands! Fang Chang, what should we do now?”

  Looking at the boy struggling on the ground, Lao Bai, who had tied him up, looked at Fang Chang next to him.

  In Wasteland OL, there is no experience in simply killing people or monsters. The experience of genetic sequences grows naturally in battle or training.

  In other words, the experience of capturing and killing is the same.

  Kuangfeng checked the boy’s package and found that there was only a piece of cake, a few arrows and a finely crafted knife.

  Shaking his head, he stood up and said.

  ”Very poor.”

  Looking at the boy lying on the ground and glaring at him, Fang Chang fell into deep thought.

  ”I can’t guess what he is talking about.”

  ”Anyway, tie him up first and take him back to exchange for money.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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