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Chapter 55: Sect Recruits Disciples

Chapter 55: Sect Recruits Disciples


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 55: Sect Recruits

  Disciples Yang Shifei expected that after the martial arts competition on the ring, the reputation of Luoyue Pavilion would be successfully spread, and perhaps many young warriors would want to come to learn from them.

  However, he did not expect that the Ninth Prince would come to his house to learn from him in person.

  ”Brother Liang, are you serious?”

  ”Very serious!” Liang Xin’s eyes lit up slightly: “Brother Yang is so powerful, the Luoyue Pavilion that teaches you martial arts must be quite extraordinary!”

  She took another step forward and patted her chest: “I have traveled all over the country and came to Dongcheng all the way, not only to see the scenery of the martial arts world, but also to find a famous teacher in person to teach me profound martial arts!”

  Yang Shifei looked strange: “Brother Liang is of high status, can’t you find a famous teacher in the martial arts world?”

  ”I have looked for them, but they are all good-looking but useless people, and they only teach fancy moves.”

  Seeing Liang Xin waving his hand indifferently, Yang Shifei was a little puzzled. A mere prince couldn’t find a famous teacher to assist him?

  Could it be that those people didn’t dare to be too presumptuous in front of the Ninth Prince?

  That’s right. If you are not careful and eat the whole family’s Chao Zhan set meal, no matter how strong your martial arts skills are, you may not be able to withstand it.

  But it’s not that you can’t even teach well.

  ”Hey, how do they teach that makes Brother Liang complain so much?”

  ”How else can I teach? Watch from a distance.” Liang Xin gestured the distance twice: “The martial arts master is practicing in the yard, and I’m sitting in the pavilion to watch.”

  Yang Shifei: “.”

  You can’t learn anything from this. No wonder this girl knows a lot of martial arts, but every move is unfamiliar and she makes a lot of mistakes.

  ”Didn’t you let those martial artists get close to me for instruction?”

  ”No, they are not qualified to get within three feet of me. After all, he is a royal relative… cough, it’s not easy for servants to get close to him casually.”

  ”But didn’t Brother Liang have sparring with many knights during your travels?”


  Seeing that he had no reaction to his royal identity, Liang Xin felt better and smiled, “I haven’t even hit them yet, and they’re all lying on the ground begging for mercy and crying out in pain. Only a few young men with good light skills dodged in the yard for a long time, and finally stepped on a stone and fell to the ground.”

  Yang Shifei couldn’t help but cover his face. These people’s acting skills were really bad.

  ”The only exception is you.”

  Liang Xin took two steps closer, his eyes slightly resentful: “Since I started practicing martial arts, this is the first time I have been beaten to tears. I have made all kinds of ugly appearances. I am afraid I will never forget it for the rest of my life.”

  Yang Shifei laughed awkwardly: “It’s just an ordinary exchange, don’t

  blame me, Brother Liang.” Liang Xin pouted: “Forget it, I don’t blame you. It’s my lack of vision and knowledge that I asked for trouble by finding a freak like you!”

  She quickly widened her eyes again: “Why did you change the subject? We were just talking about becoming a disciple.”

  ”Well, let me think about it first.”

  Yang Shifei stroked his chin and thought secretly.

  Thinking carefully, it would not be bad for the sect to accept a prince as a disciple. If

  the Ninth Prince can make a name for himself in the future, the reputation of Luoyue Pavilion will naturally rise.

  But now the internal situation of Liang is quite chaotic, and it is not certain how long the Ninth Prince can be free. In the future, if a new Liang emperor wants to settle accounts, he may be implicated.

  ”You want to become a disciple without asking your master?” Liang Xin was a little confused: “Or does your Luoyue Pavilion not accept disciples?”

  Yang Shifei had already made up his mind and smiled: “There are only two masters and disciples in my Luoyue Pavilion. Are you sure you want to join the sect?”

  ”It doesn’t matter if there are many people or few people.”

  Liang Xin smiled confidently again: “I’m not here for the fun, I’m here to practice martial arts.”

  ”It’s okay to accept you into the pavilion. But you have to have determination and perseverance.”

  Yang Shifei made way for the entrance: “If you clamor to quit after practicing for a few times,

  you can just be a nominal disciple.” “Just wait and see, I’m serious this time, and I will definitely not let your master down!”

  Liang Xin stepped into the courtyard without hesitation.

  poked her head out

  and looked around the courtyard: “You live in a nice place, a quiet place to practice martial arts.”

  ”You get familiar with it first, and we’ll start practicing later.”

  ”So, so soon?”
Liang Xin was stunned: “I have to meet the master first.”

  ”You met her last night, she’s my fiancée.”

  Yang Shifei smiled and pointed at herself: “So I’m the temporary master, you can just call me Master.”

  Liang Xin: “?”

  What’s going on? It turns out that the Falling Moon Pavilion was built by you two? !

  ”I’ll go clean up the backyard first, you can walk around here.”

  ”Oh, oh”

  Liang Xin responded blankly, and looked at the empty courtyard again, and suddenly felt a little weird.

  Did she come to the wrong place? This is not a martial arts holy place at all, but a wolf’s den?

  But thinking of yesterday’s experience, she slowly relaxed again. Brother Yang is such a cool and heroic man, he would never have any bad intentions.


  her face looked a little strange again.

  Nowadays, the legend of the “Falling Moon Pavilion” in the martial arts world is so magical that it is almost comparable to the reputation of the Yunshang Sect. But now it seems that it is just a little romance between this man and woman.

  Is it such a big deal between Brother Yang and Miss Luo?

  ”No! If I force myself to join Luoyue Pavilion, wouldn’t it be…”

  Liang Xin blushed for some reason, subconsciously straightened her clothes, and quickly put aside all the messy thoughts.

  ”No, it’s okay. Even if there is no master, Brother Yang is so young and promising. It’s good to concentrate on practicing martial arts with him.”

  She hesitated and turned around a few times, then hurried to the water tank beside her, lowered her head to look at her cheeks in the water, and touched her braids.

  ”They should not be able to find out that I am a woman.”

  When Yang Shifei finished cleaning up the dishes and returned to the yard, he saw Liang Xin already exercising.

  ”Are you ready?”

  ”Wait.” Liang Xin whispered, “If you want to teach me martial arts, do you have to prepare the apprenticeship gift first?”

  ”Don’t think too much.” Yang Shifei smiled and waved his hands: “I don’t have any magical powers to teach you.”

  Liang Xin was stunned: “Then how do you practice on weekdays?”

  ”Just practice more.”

  Yang Shifei took a stance and performed a few moves of the Three-fold Skill of Piercing the Forest on the spot.

  The whistling and powerful fist wind shocked Liang Xin who was standing beside him with a look of surprise, and he couldn’t help but take two steps back.

  ”What a powerful boxing method.”

  ”It’s not really profound.”

  Yang Shifei brushed his sleeves and chuckled: “It’s just that my physique is strong, so the momentum is more powerful when I perform it.”

  Liang Xin pursed his lips and shook his head: “Not only that, I can see that every move and every style of yours is extremely accurate, and it is obvious that you have worked hard.”

  Yang Shifei raised his eyebrows slightly. Although this girl’s martial arts are loose, her eyesight is indeed good.

  ”So, the only thing I can teach you is ‘perseverance’.”

  Yang Shifei patted his arms and said in a slightly depressed tone: “No matter which martial arts school, each has its own unique features. As long as you can persevere and practice seriously, you will definitely gain something from it. But if you are lazy and slack, even if you have a peerless magic skill in front of you, it will only be a waste of heaven’s gift.”

  Liang Xin’s eyes flickered and he nodded silently.

  Although the man in front of him seemed to be romantic, he must have experienced hard practice that ordinary people could not imagine, so that he could have such an amazing achievement.

  Moreover, he stood up when the heroes were in danger. For such a man,

  Liang Xin clenched his hands and whispered, “How long do you usually practice?”

  ”Uh, not much.” Yang Shifei said seriously, “I am born with talent, you don’t need to learn from me.”

  Liang Xin: “?”

  Yang Shifei said seriously, “Your problem lies in two points. One is that your body is too weak, and the other is that what you have learned is too complicated. You just ‘remembered’ a lot of martial arts, but you are jerky and slow when you fight. It’s okay to hit a wooden stake, but if you fight with a real person, no one will wait for you to perform all the fancy moves.”

  ”What do you mean?”

  ”Practice each martial art ten times today, and practice it thoroughly.”


  Liang Xin’s expression froze, and he almost thought he had heard it wrong.

  ”If you practice all ten times, wouldn’t it take an hour?”

  ”This is considered the introduction.” Yang Shifei smiled with interest, “If you feel tired, I will accompany you.”

  After that, he suddenly stepped forward and stretched out his right palm.

  Liang Xin was startled and retreated in a panic. After dodging several moves, he remembered to fight back.

  Yang Shifei deliberately slowed down his attack, and the two sides fought for hundreds of rounds.

  He stopped punching and palming until Liang Xin’s heels were hit by the steps behind him and he staggered to sit down.


  Liang Xin shook her hands with tears in her eyes, and she felt that her whole body was about to fall apart.

  Yang Shifei did not force her anymore: “You take it easy first, I will continue to practice. When you have strength, I will continue to practice with you.”

  After saying that, he stepped back a few steps and practiced the many martial arts he had just learned last night in the courtyard.

  Liang Xin rubbed her numb arms, complaining in her heart, why did she hit harder than the previous few days.

  She took out the medicine bottle in her arms and applied some bruise ointment on herself.


  Without saying a word, she hugged her knees silently, staring at the figure moving in the field with resentment.

  Unknowingly, more than an hour passed quietly.

  Yang Shifei was still swinging his fists and feet, thinking and studying with a focused expression, not wasting even a minute.

  Each martial art was awkward at first, but gradually became proficient after several drills, and his swinging arms and kicking legs were more graceful and smooth. Liang

  Xin had already been fascinated.

  She held her cheek and looked lost, as if she was intoxicated by the martial arts moves, and there seemed to be a glimmer in her eyes.

  It was because of her photographic memory that she knew how perfect and accurate these moves were. I’m afraid that even martial artists from various schools would not be able to do this if they fought each other in person.

  Brother Yang is indeed an extraordinary martial arts genius, and I didn’t find the wrong person.

  ”Why are you standing there stupidly?”

  ”Huh?” Liang Xin suddenly came back to her senses and found that Yang Shifei had come to her.

  ”Ah, I’m not…”

  Seeing that he suddenly felt guilty and panicked, Yang Shifei raised his eyebrows slightly: “You’ve rested for so long, do you want to continue practicing?”

  Liang Xin was speechless, and stood up silently with a pursed mouth.

  But looking at Yang Shifei’s back again, she felt a little more admiration in her heart.

  Although he said that it was due to his talent, his hard work in martial arts training made her intoxicated. Pah, it was shocking!

  But before the two of them practiced a few moves this time, the gate of the courtyard was knocked again.

  Yang Shifei wondered who had found out her address again, and hurried to open the door.

  Outside the door, stood a handsome young man in a black Taoist robe. He was tall and straight, with a long sword wrapped in cloth on his back.

  After meeting, the young man immediately bowed solemnly: “I am Pei Shengfan, a disciple of Yunshang Sect. I have come here specially to visit Luoyue Pavilion.”

   I hope everyone will follow more~


  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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