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Chapter 550: The Giant Stone Military Industry Being “Ruined”

Chapter 550: The Giant Stone Military Industry Being “Ruined”


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 550: The “ruined” Giant Stone Military Industry

  [Wasteland OL official website]

  [Official Setting Collection – Survivor Forces – “Giant Stone City” entry update: “Two Hundred Years of the Building”]

  [Introduction: This book is written by Melvin, the former president of Giant Stone City Bank, and details the two hundred years of history of the Giant Stone Building from becoming a beacon in the southern part of the Valley Province to its final collapse. ]

  [Text: (Under preparation, please stay tuned…)]


  ”…This is the account book I sorted out from the financial data of the Giant Stone City Bank. It records every large expenditure of the inner city residents in the past ten years and the traceable whereabouts of the funds.”

  Giant Stone City Hall, reception room.

  A week has passed since the collapse of the Giant Stone Building, and the work of the crisis office has gradually got on track from the initial chaos.

  Alyssa held a thick account book in both hands, solemnly handed it to Chu Guang, and gave a brief explanation.

  This is their second meeting.

  She is still wearing the cotton skirt she wore when they first met, with a cute fishbone hairpin on her head.

  In just two months, she seemed to have matured into a teenager, from a crying little girl to an adult who understood responsibilities and obligations.

  This is the most amazing thing.

  Looking at the graceful Alyssa, Chu Guang was relieved, but also puzzled.

  They are almost the same age, why is Lu Bei still the same as last year?

  There is no change at all. As expected

  , if you want to gain experience, you still have to let him go…

  While Chu Guang was looking at Alyssa with approval, Alyssa was also secretly looking at the manager of the alliance.

  The residents of the shelter are all handsome and beautiful, which is nothing strange.

  I heard that many young men have fallen in love with the girl who cooks porridge for them every day, and some blue jackets who help deliver and move things are also liked by the female workers of the Workers’ Association.

  It’s just that because the residents of Shelter No. 404 have a unique temperament, sometimes people don’t know how to get along with and communicate with them.

  To be more specific, it may be “optimism regardless of the occasion.” In

  addition, they have their own unique language, and they communicate loudly about things that cannot be understood, which makes some of their strange behaviors even more difficult to understand.

  However, their managers are completely different.

  How to describe it?

  If those blue coats are the sun floating in the morning, then he gives her the feeling of sunshine sprinkled on the ground. Just looking at him, her shoulders and heart can’t help but feel warm, but not too hot and dazzling.

  Her cheeks were tanned by the warm sunshine, and Alyssa couldn’t help but have some expectations in her eyes.

  Will he praise her?

  ”Good job.”

  Chu Guang flipped the account book and handed it to Xiaoyu standing beside him.

  ”I’ll leave the verification work to you.”

  Pai discovered Xiaoyu’s talent in spatial imagination and calculation ability a long time ago, and Chu Guang discovered her sensitivity to numbers even earlier, so he arranged for her to help the players count money and keep accounts.

  Now she is not only talented, but also has mastered a lot of mathematical tools and calculation methods. The work of checking the account book is just a trivial matter for her, and it will probably be done in a few days.

  But with Xiaoyu’s stubborn and serious character, even if it is a trivial matter like counting silver coins, she will do it seriously.

  ”Well! Leave it to Xiaoyu!”

  Xiaoyu nodded seriously and took the thick account book with both hands. Pai, who was standing next to her, raised the corners of his mouth proudly.

  ”Don’t worry! My Xiaoyu is super good! She will definitely get it done beautifully!”

  The praised Xiaoyu also raised the corners of her lips happily.

  But she soon seemed to think of something, frowned slightly, looked at Pai and corrected him.

  ”Xiaoyu is not yours, if you insist, it is also Brother Chu’s.”

  Unable to bear the serious gaze, Pai shrank his neck and muttered aggrievedly.

  ”I was just… joking, why do you take it so seriously.”

  Chu Guang coughed lightly.

  ”Don’t say that, you are your own.”

  ”Yeah,” Xiaoyu shook her head and looked at Chu Guang seriously again, “Dad has entrusted Xiaoyu to Brother Chu.”

  Pai: “???”

  Chu Guang: “……?”


  How long ago was this? !

  Seeing Pai staring at him, Chu Guang subtly averted his gaze.

  ”That happened last winter… Don’t look at me like that. It’s not the kind of entrustment you think. I just asked me to take good care of her. Thank you.”

  He felt that he had taken good care of her and did not disappoint the old man’s trust.

  Seeing that Chu Guang didn’t seem to be joking, Pai breathed a sigh of relief and patted his collar.

  ”I told you… I was scared to death.”

  Chu Guang: “…”

  Although it was not what she thought, the “scared to death” still made him a little unhappy.

  You bastard, tell me, how was I scary?

  Looking at the two people whispering to each other, Xiaoyu frowned in dissatisfaction and muttered in a low voice.

  ”What are you talking about, Xiaoyu has already said-”

  ”Okay, okay,” Pai covered her mouth and glossed over the matter with a playful smile, “Don’t say anymore, I know, I know.”

  Growing up in a small place like Beth Street, it is normal to not understand anything.

  Anyway, she is not young anymore, maybe she will understand when she grows up a little bit.

  Chu Guang breathed a sigh of relief.

  Although they both grew up in a small place, Camp 101 is more advanced than the one on Beth Street after all, and Pai is taken care of by Dr. Method, so he is much more sensible than Xiaoyu.

  Looking at the laughing and playing Pai and the unilaterally suppressed Xiaoyu, Alyssa’s expression was slightly dull, and a hint of disappointment appeared in her bright eyes.

  Is it just “good work”?

  Feeling a little unwilling, she couldn’t help but speak.


  Hearing the voice from the side, Chu Guang looked in the direction of Alyssa.

  Seeing that she looked like she had something to say, he smiled and said.

  ”What’s the matter?”

  Looking aside embarrassedly, Alyssa whispered.

  ”…Can you praise me again?”

  The air in the room suddenly became quiet.

  Pai, who hugged Xiaoyu from behind, took the opportunity to poke Xiaoyu’s bulging cheeks. Chu Guang looked at Alyssa, who was expectant, dumbfounded, and saw that face getting redder and redder because of the quiet air. After

  thinking for a moment.

  Chu Guang stood up and walked to the window of the office. His eyes passed over the frosted windowsill and looked at the settlement that was returning to normal.

  ”You did a great thing, so great that I don’t want you to take a second risk, so I will hesitate whether to give you this medal.”

  After a pause, he turned back to look at Alyssa.

  ”But at this moment, I suddenly feel that I should not hesitate on this matter. Doing the right thing should be praised, otherwise it is a betrayal of courage.”

  ”You did a good job. Including me, the survivors inside and outside the giant wall will be proud of your courage. I also sincerely hope that you can continue to work hard in the future to make this settlement more prosperous than ever before, so that people will not regret today’s pride and choice.”

  The sun just passed the frosted windowsill, through the misty window, and shone on Alyssa’s face.

  The bright eyes flashed with the lake light, like the ripples on the lake surface in early spring.

  ”Thank you!”

  Chu Guang smiled.

  ”I should say thank you, and I will have to trouble you to help Xiaoyu complete the verification work later.”

  With a bright smile on her face, Alyssa nodded vigorously.

  ”Well! Leave it to me!”


  Time passed day by day, and soon it was the end of December.

  The first batch of prefabricated apartments was officially completed the day before the alliance’s New Year’s Eve.

  Like the corn buildings east of Dawn City, these apartment buildings were prefabricated with concrete panels by the factory in Boulder City, and then transported to the construction site and erected by crane like building blocks. The

  newly completed community has a total of 30 buildings, each with six floors, 10 single rooms and two small public toilets on each floor, which can accommodate 1,800 households, and the land area is less than one-third of the original shacks. The large amount of free space can be used to plan roads and build public facilities.

  Not only that, every five buildings are also equipped with a cement public bathroom for residents in the community to wash.

  This kind of building with a unified style quickly became the most beautiful scenery near the industrial zone of Boulder City.

  It is not perfect, and it can even be said that there are many shortcomings.

  For example, sound insulation problems, small apartment size, crowded living environment, etc.

  However, for the survivors in the wasteland, especially the workers living in the industrial zone, these are not shortcomings at all.

  Compared with their original leaky shack, these corn buildings are much better!

  Life is always getting better day by day, and no one expects to live a rich life all of a sudden.

  After the first batch of apartment buildings were completed, the new authorities quickly fulfilled their promise.

  These houses will be provided free of charge to the families of survivors who have no houses, and the survivors whose original houses were demolished and the workers of the construction team who participated in the construction will have priority in allocation.

  These young and middle-aged people are also the labor force needed by the nearby industrial zone, and most of them also want to be closer to their workplace.

  At the same time as a batch of apartment buildings were put into use, the underground passage between Boulder City and Dawn City also completed the preliminary cleaning work with the joint efforts of the players and the survivors.

  The incubators that live in the dark corners were completely cleared, as well as the fruiting bodies that wandered in the darkness.

  The players even destroyed a cannibal tribe hiding in the tunnel and rescued a dozen survivors from the cage.

  With the completion of the cleaning work, the time to travel between Boulder City and Dawn City was greatly shortened.

  At present, the Dawn City City Hall is studying and planning a ramp that connects to the underground tunnel so that Boulder City can be incorporated into the Alliance’s rail transportation system.

  It just so happens that the Alliance is also planning to replace the original coal-fired train with a cheaper and more environmentally friendly electric locomotive.

  The two tasks can be carried out together.

  The construction of infrastructure is still proceeding in an orderly manner, and the Crisis Office is also actively transitioning to the new authorities with the help of the Alliance.

  The first is the selection of the city lord.

  Without any surprise, the new city lord was elected by Lovett, the president of the Workers’ Union. After the official broadcast announced the voting results, the “Survivor Daily” also announced the results.

  His speech at the moment of the uprising inspired the survivors of the whole city, and a series of performances after the victory also showed that he was qualified for this position.

  To make a vivid but inappropriate analogy, the positioning of the city lord and the head of the city hall is probably similar to that of the village party secretary and the village head.

  In terms of specific responsibilities, the former is mainly responsible for macro-level decision-making, signing important documents, and deciding what to do.

  The latter and other officials of the city hall are mainly responsible for specific municipal work, and the positions are more held by professionals, who decide what to do.

  In addition, the city lord will supervise the work of the city hall, while the former’s power is granted by the constitution and is jointly supervised by the residents of Boulder City and the Alliance.

  Lovett promised to make “restoring production in the industrial zone and improving the treatment of workers” the top priority for the next three years.

  If there are unscrupulous merchants who try to violate the laws of the alliance, he will not only let them get out, but also kick them in the ass.

  Almost everyone in the workers’ union voted for him.

  Of course, they knew that Lovett was just a carpenter, but they didn’t care. Even a not-so-smart carpenter is better than the smart Mr. House. Besides, carpentry work is not completely brainless. He can not only read and do arithmetic, but also draw.

  It doesn’t matter if the city lord is not proficient in the business, they are willing to wait.

  It’s not the first time that Sberg can write a smooth sentence. It took him half a year to slowly learn something after reading newspapers.

  In view of the performance of the workers’ union during the disaster, most citizens also voted for Lovett.

  After all, now is indeed the time when workers are most needed to shoulder the burden, and other citizens really can’t push out a representative that everyone recognizes.

  The alliance has no objection to the answer sheet handed in by the Boulder City.

  However, in order to appease the opinions of the “royalists” within the alliance and the Boulder City on orthodoxy, Chu Guang still wrote a formal appointment letter to Lovett after the voting.

  In his appointment letter, he wrote:

  ”The Workers’ Newspaper has voiced progress. I hope you will live up to the trust of others and pass on this voice of progress.”

  With this, the Crisis Office officially completed the transition to the new authorities.

  Although it is still a long way to go before people’s lives return to normal, as factories start to work one after another, the first batch of airtight apartment buildings are completed with the concerted efforts of the people, and everyone sees the dawn of a new life.

  The laws of the alliance will be enforced here.

  Sweatshops and the Monolith Building have become history.

  People have no doubt that everything will get better…


  While the NPCs in the Monolith City are busy running towards a new life, the players of the Alliance are not idle either.

  It can even be said that they are busier than usual…

  Monolith Military Industrial Building, Prosthetic Operating Room.

  Ibers stared at the three-dimensional model on the tablet, scratched his chin with his index finger, and glanced at a guy who was already lying on the operating table with his butt sticking up.

  ”Are you sure you want to put this thing on your body?”

  Considering the fragility of organic life and the possible risks of surgery, he asked a question out of professional ethics.

  However, Mosquito, who was lying on the operating table, did not appreciate it and urged.

  ”Stop talking nonsense, hurry up! I’ve paid!”

  This NPC is so talkative!

  Directly above the operating table were densely packed pipes and instruments, including welding guns and electric saws. Anyone with their backs to those things would have their scalp tingling.

  Looking at the engineers and surgeons who were looking at each other in bewilderment, Ibers scratched his head, and finally threw aside the tablet and professional ethics in his hand, and said happily.

  ”Okay, I respect your choice… After all, the customer’s opinion comes first.”

  This sentence seemed to be said to some kind of imprisonment program in his body.

  After waiting for a while and seeing no response, Ibers happily snapped his fingers, signaling the engineers and doctors in the operation to pick up the equipment and start working.

  Before the anesthetic needle was inserted, Mosquito rolled his eyes, left his body and went to another world.

  There was a flash of electric sparks on the operating table.

  Sometimes it was the sizzling sound of electricity, and sometimes it was the creaking sound of sawing bones.

  With the busy work of several construction workers, blood plasma was sprayed everywhere, and the operating room was filled with a burnt smell.

  Although the movement was a bit loud, the effect was not ambiguous at all.

  They cut off a large section of the patient’s spine, replaced it with a mechanical spine made of alloy, and after suturing the wound, they inserted a mechanical hand into each of the eight interfaces.

  After the operation, Mosquito looked like an eight-legged spider with its legs curled up on his back.

  After a few hours, the anesthesia was completely over.

  Mosquito suddenly opened his eyes, and his eight hands on his back fluttered first without moving his limbs.

  Experiencing the weird feeling, he quickly climbed down the operating table and looked at the mirror handed to him by the surgeon, his face full of fanatical surprise.

  ”Fuck! Awesome!”

  This skin is amazing!

  The eight mechanical hands are like his arms, able to move freely under his control, and have a sense of touch.

  ”Hahahaha! I’m Dr. Octopus now!”

  Looking at the patient dancing with excitement, Ibers kindly reminded him even though he didn’t understand what he was yelling.

  ”If you regret it, you can change it back. We have frozen your original spine. In addition, if you don’t want to bleed profusely, please don’t walk with the prosthesis… I remind you again, this is a mechanical hand, not a mechanical leg.”

  Without taking his advice to heart at all, Mosquito picked up the backless cotton jacket prepared in advance and put it on with a playful smile, and patted Ibers on the shoulder with his mechanical hand.

  ”Thanks, old friend! If it works well, I will recommend it to people in need!”

  ”Old friend? Old friend? Are you talking about me?” Ibers touched his chin, raised his eyebrows with interest, and muttered “Interesting name…” It

  really suits him.

  After all, his AI core is indeed a few years old.

  Although they are annoying organisms, these guys are quite interesting.

  At least much more interesting than the previous customers.

  Watching the shelter resident named [WC Really Mosquito] leave the operating room ecstatically, Ibers was also sincerely happy for him.

  He was also very satisfied with his new work.

  I just hope that this not-so-smart organism will not cry in a few days.

  Picking up the tablet, Ibers extended his index finger and swiped it, muttering to himself.

  ”I want to install a fist as big as a casserole. What is a casserole? The arm can launch a ‘dove’ missile… Tsk, do these guys know how heavy that thing is?”

  But –

  it feels a bit interesting.

  Ibers’ face showed a happy smile, put away the tablet in his hand, looked at the engineers and surgeons in the operating room, cleared his throat and said.

  ”New work.”

  Several engineers smiled bitterly and looked at each other.

  ”Is the eight mechanical arms okay…”

  ”I’m more worried that his head can’t bear it. At least a heat dissipation plug-in should be installed for the cerebellum.”

  ”This is probably not just a heat dissipation problem.”

  ”What a pity… It would be great if there was a bionic chip.” It

  ’s a good thing that life is back on track, but these engineers always feel that the weapons made by their own factory are getting more and more wrong.

  Is it really okay to use those blue coats for “human experiments”?

  And it’s an experiment at their own expense…

  It’s not just a matter of guilt, they always feel a little guilty.

  But their bionic boss Ibers doesn’t think so.

  These shelter residents who “sincerely like his design” are much cuter than those picky guys!

  As expected, selling myself to that man is a wise choice that couldn’t be wiser!

  ”Customer opinions are supreme! Tsk tsk… Let me think, if I install the launch tube between the radius and ulna, and make a fist as big as an iron pot, I should be able to meet the needs of customers.”

  ”But in this way, the weight of the arm may exceed the customer’s original weight, and the shoulder blade and spine must be replaced with a more solid prosthesis…”

  ”Let me calculate, the price… 500,000 silver coins should be more reasonable!”

  The voice of talking to himself became more and more excited, and the smile on Ibers’ face became more and more pleasant.

  It seems that he will not be bored for at least the next five years!

  At this time, an assistant drone floated in and hovered behind him. At the same time, a smooth electronic sound came.

  ”New order, from the Burning Legion.”

  Ibers’s expression was slightly surprised. He reached out to pick up the tablet, clicked on the list of the latest orders, and found the new order reported to him by the AI ​​assistant. “A

  full set of infantry equipment for mutants, including protective gear and weapons… 500 sets, with a budget limit of 5 million silver coins.”

  The order listed detailed requirements.

  This is certainly not a matter of just getting a few sets of bulletproof vests and rifles to fool around. They need a set of infantry equipment that can clean up mutants like cutting watermelons and vegetables.

  It is foreseeable that this is just the beginning.

  There must be other orders in the future!

  Ibers’s electronic eyes flickered with interest as he scratched his chin with his index finger, and a meaningful smile appeared on his face.

  Of course, it was not just this ordinary order that interested him.

  It was the news behind this order.

  ”…The wave hasn’t even started yet, and they are already preparing to wipe out the mutants in the south?”


  His new customers are really getting more and more interesting!


  After the Great Stone City was incorporated into the Alliance, the official website added a bunch of NPC entries, among which Ibers of the Great Stone Military Industry is undoubtedly the most popular.

  Especially after seeing the eight-clawed mechanical arm of Mosquito Brother, many players’ eyes were almost green with greed.

  However, after seeing the expensive price of the prosthesis, most people calmed down.

  Sure enough, private customization is a trick that only the rich can afford. They should wait until the technology is mature to buy relatively cheap mass-produced models.

  The factory of Goblin Technology.

  Looking at the eight arms on the back of Mosquito with envy, the one who tried to stop the fight reached out and touched it, and couldn’t help saying.

  ”…Your new equipment is awesome!”

  A few days ago, Mosquito said mysteriously that he was going on a long trip, and they thought he was going to do something, but it turned out that he went to his neighbor’s house for a transformation operation.

  Chasing Soul couldn’t help but say sourly.

  ”It looks awesome, but I don’t know what it’s used for.”

  Mosquito, whose nose was about to rise to the sky, rolled his eyes at him.

  ”You know nothing! I have ten hands now! I can screw in screws five times faster than you!”

  Soul Chaser said with a smile.

  ”Tsk, what’s the use of being fast?”

  Before Mosquito could come to his senses, his other disciple, God of Killing, asked.

  ”If you don’t understand, just ask. Won’t this affect your real life?”

  ”No, it doesn’t have much impact. When you take off the helmet, you can’t feel the eight arms…” The mechanical hand behind his back scratched his head. Mosquito thought for a while and changed his words, “Well, it’s not completely without impact. I always feel like something is missing, which is very inconvenient.” It

  would be awesome if I could get a set in reality!

  Mosquito smiled when he thought of that scene. The

  one who tried to persuade the quarrel still had a greedy expression, staring at his eight mechanical arms intently, and couldn’t help smacking his lips.

  ”Damn… I’ll get a set when I have money!”

  God of Killing continued to ask curiously.

  ”If you don’t understand, keep asking. How much did you pay for this?”

  Mosquito raised the corner of his mouth proudly.


  As soon as the words fell, the four people were shocked.


  ”Crazy?! 400,000 to buy this thing?!”


  What shocked them even more was that this guy made so much money quietly that he didn’t feel bad about playing with it!

  Seeing these guys’ ignorance, Mosquito curled his lips.

  ”Tsk, you don’t know the goods, you have no pattern! What do you mean you bought this thing for 400,000? Wait until I buy it back and slowly figure it out. After figuring it out, wouldn’t it be nice to make one ourselves!” The

  one who persuaded the quarrel couldn’t help but give a thumbs up.

  ”Great! You are worthy of it!”

  But then again, how should this thing be figured out?

  He is tinkering with drones, Chasing Soul is in the chemical industry, Killing God is a car repairman, and counting the deadly brother who doesn’t know what he does, none of them understands neural connection.

  And is there a similar technology in reality?

  Although there is neural connection, it is not a thing of the same dimension as this outrageous black technology in the game, right? ! At this time, Du Ming, who had

  been silent,

  suddenly spoke.

  ”I have been thinking about a question just now. How will you fly a plane after you install this thing?” It turned out that the W-2 was cheap enough, so it was not a big deal if it fell.

  But this set of equipment costs 400,000…


  How many planes can be caught up with it!

  Not only Du Ming, but the other three people were stunned for a moment, but they quickly came to their senses and looked at their nemesis boss silently.

  The air was strangely quiet for a while.

  Mosquito’s expression was first stunned, then confused, and finally as if he had taken off a mask of pain, and covered his head with his two iron claws.

  ”Damn it!”

  Too careless!

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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