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Chapter 551: Rats in the Shadow of the Giant Wall

Chapter 551: Rats in the Shadow of the Giant Wall


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 551: Cowards in the Shadow of the Giant Wall

  At the entrance of the Boulder City Industrial Zone, there was a notice with names and numbers written on it.

  A crowd of people stood in front of the notice board.

  From time to time, there were excited cheers, and those who found their names were all excited, as if they had won the lottery. The people around him cast envious glances at that person, only regretting that they responded to the mobilization too late and did not work hard enough at the time.

  Excluding the scavengers outside the city, Boulder City has almost no primary industry, only secondary and tertiary industries. Even if the labor law is tightened and child laborers under the age of 16 are sent to full-time schools with food and accommodation, there are

  still more than 100,000 registered workers. The 1,800 free apartments are like a handful of water poured into dry land, but it still gives many people hope of living a good life.

  Lovett said that when all the houses in this settlement are airtight and the financial situation improves, they will consider building some houses with better living conditions that everyone can afford.

  Although he had no hope, Kent couldn’t help but walk around the signboard. What he originally just glanced at without hope made him widen his eyes in surprise.

  ”…My name is on it?”

  Thinking that he had seen it wrong, Kent rubbed his face vigorously with his dusty sleeves. After

  confirming that the name and number were correct again, he didn’t have time to be happy. For fear of being robbed, he immediately squeezed to the front of the crowd and went through the relevant procedures at the registration office.

  Looking at the residence certificate in his hand, Kent was excited. He didn’t expect that he would be able to live in a building one day.

  But he was still a little uneasy, so he couldn’t help but look at the staff and ask a question.

  ”How are these houses divided?”

  People often ask this question. The worker sitting behind the wooden table didn’t care and skillfully said four priorities.

  ”Those who have been demolished are given priority, workers who participated in the construction are given priority, those whose homes are within the demolition area are given priority, and families of five or more are given priority.”

  Kent silently calculated in his heart that he was single, so the last item would definitely not be met. The first item was not met, but the second and third items were all met.

  Not only did he actively participate in the construction, but he also put in all his efforts and did not dare to be lazy at all. Because of his diligence, he was praised.

  His leaky shack was obviously also within the scope of rectification. I don’t know what the problem was with the new authorities. It seems that they can’t stand leaky houses. He clearly used mud to paste all the cracks in the wall.

  At that time, he was still sulking about this matter for several days, muttering that the noble masters would at least not steal his shack, but now he can’t complain.

  It turned out that the new masters did not just tear it down and leave it alone.

  However, he really couldn’t believe that there would be such a good thing as pie in the sky. He always felt that someone would take it away, and finally couldn’t help asking.

  ”This house… is it really free to live in? No money?”

  The staff said with a smile.

  ”No charge! As long as you don’t have any other property in the alliance, you can live here forever. When it becomes a dangerous building, we will replace it with a new one. Oh, by the way, every household will have water and electricity in the future. Now it is a quota system and no charge is charged. Some money is given monthly, and the unused quota can be accumulated. After winter, it will be returned to the municipal government. After the quota is used up, water and electricity fees will still be charged.”

  What is water and electricity?

  Kent was at a loss for a moment, unable to figure out what that meant, but when he heard that he would still have to pay some money after winter, he felt better.

  Sure enough, he was not wrong. The master was still there, but he was not called Lord Fang Ming anymore. He became a carpenter named Lovett.

  Lovett was appointed by the manager, so the master of Boulder City should be the manager.

  But it’s not bad.

  After finding out that he was not wrong, Kent was not angry, but a little happy.

  This is indeed not a bad thing.

  Legally speaking, those who were able to enter the shelter at the beginning must have been nobles of the Human Alliance, so the orthodoxy of the Human Alliance was the shelter.

  Going a little further ahead, Boulder City was once a settlement planned by the War Construction Committee, so the orthodoxy of Boulder City is also in the north.

  Northern suburbs… Northern suburbs…

  Kent’s eyes lit up, but he was a little embarrassed.

  Damn House, he dared to lead everyone to call him a northern suburbs bumpkin and a blue mole, almost ruining the big thing!

  That great manager and his warriors are obviously the saviors of mankind!

  He was deceived!

  ”Long live the manager!”

  Kent, who finally made up his mind, was so excited that he couldn’t help himself. He shouted in the street but didn’t dare to be loud. He was drowned in the crowd and no one paid attention to him…

  He felt a little lost, and blushed and shouted “Long live the alliance” to show his loyalty. This time people heard it and smiled and congratulated him on moving into a new house.

  Kent was so happy that he couldn’t close his mouth. He nodded to people, clasped his hands tightly to congratulate them, and was glad that he had integrated into the new collective, and hurried away.


  ”Wasteland OL” official website.

  [Server Announcement:]

  [The Second New Year Celebration Event of “Wasteland OL”!]


  The juicy and easy-to-preserve split-claw crab cakes have accompanied us through the cold winter of the 212th year of the Wasteland Era. Without those cute little ones waving their claws, there would be no prosperous alliance!

  In the past year, we have eaten the split-claw crabs by Linghu Lake into rare animals. What magical species will we eat to extinction next year?

  The answer will be revealed tonight!

  Like last year, the administrator has prepared a mysterious gift for every resident who participates in the event. The winner will unlock the limited achievement of “Wasteland Gourmet” and will be permanently recorded in the official website Hall of Fame together with the recipe!

  The administrator of the alliance once again solemnly reminds everyone that although this year is a bumper year, there are still many people who are hungry. Remember not to waste it!

  In addition, don’t stuff everything into your mouth, be careful not to eat a stomachache!


  【Event time: December 28, 212 to January 1, 213】

  【Location: All settlements within the alliance (including Bicester Town)】

  【Requirements: Use local materials, develop recipes, and make food that even ordinary people (physique: 5) can eat! 】

  【Selection rules: Each settlement will select two awards, namely the food in the minds of players and the food in the minds of local wastelanders. As the fifth settlement in the alliance, Boulder City will set up an additional special award, that is, the food recognized by the administrator (the range of materials is not limited, and the award focuses on: large quantity, cheap, delicious, nutritious and healthy)! 】

  【Bullish City Designated Poison Tester: Yaya】

  New Year’s Eve activities are almost a routine for major MMORPG games, and “Wasteland OL” is naturally no exception, but the dog planner is lazy, which is a real hammer.

  This year’s event is almost the same as last year’s, and it is still related to food. It seems that a certain planner is determined to test the ecological balance of the server.

  Since the split-claw crab cake was designated as a special delicacy in Dawn City by the administrator, the split-claw crabs on the entire north bank of

  Linghu Lake have been eaten to extinction. If you want to hunt split-claw crabs, you can only go to some collapsed waterlogged areas in the city, or go to Xizhou Lake in the north to see a large number of them.

  Otherwise, you can only go south.

  It is worth mentioning that in order to obtain a stable source of food, some wastelanders have also started breeding, and studied how to cultivate edible split-claw crabs with less aggressiveness, more frequent spawning, and more delicious meat on the edge of Linghu Lake.

  This is something Chu Guang had never imagined.

  Back to the event itself.

  This year is different from last year. After opening the market in Luoxia Province, there is no shortage of food. The purpose of the event has also changed from solving the survival crisis to enriching the lives of the residents of the alliance. The

  Stone City is located on the edge of the Third Ring Road, surrounded by high-rise ruins one after another, and there are tunnels running underground. The alien species active in this area are not just the fruiting bodies of slime molds, but there are still a lot of species. For experienced hunters, it is not too difficult to find hibernating prey.

  Chu Guang plans to continue this tradition and hold a similar server event at the end of each year to make “hunting alien species” a part of the alliance culture.

  Compared with celebrating the birthday of the Bighorn Deer God, the festival created by people themselves is obviously much more meaningful.

  After the announcement was issued, it immediately aroused heated discussions among players and cloud players, but what he did not expect was that people’s complaints were not about the event itself, but about other places.

  Quit Smoking: “Hahaha! I’m okay as a designated drug tester!”

  Crow: “I’ll die of overeating! QAQ”

  Macabazi: “Hahaha! Fat Crow is confirmed!”

  Crow: “Get lost! How am I fat! Go to hell!!! (╯°Д°)╯︵┻━┻”

  Teng Teng: “Damn, this indecent guy… The planner should cut him down quickly, he’s too hateful! TT”

  Crow: “???”

  Tail: “Wuuuu, Si! I miss home! (;д;)”

  Si Si: “Don’t cry, Wei, I’ll let Rourou help you catch a fish for soup later.”

  Meat Mountain Big Steamed Bun: “This is in the sea!!!”

  Tail: “Oh! Last time Si caught such a big tentacle monster! (ω)”

  Sisi: “Uh… it’s something I don’t want to recall. (holding his forehead)”

  Aoao Zhimahu: “Ahahaha… pat on the head.”

  Debt Eyes: “Tentacle monster?! Explain it in detail. (Funny)”

  Construction Site Boy and Brick: “What do you want to do? Can’t humans satisfy you anymore?”

  Debt Eyes: “Get lost! Am I that kind of person? (Angry)”

  Drum Shampooing Machine: “Dude, you’re playing it pretty perverted. (Funny)”

  Elf King Fugui: “Laona called him good guy directly. (Funny)”

  Irena: “I’m just more curious about what it smells like. Why didn’t Brother Luoyu call him good guy directly. (Funny)”

  Luoyu: “???”

  Fang Chang: “This game is too real. (Funny)”


  After the official website released the event announcement, a large number of players immediately poured into Boulder City from Dawn City, and the square in front of the gate was bustling with people. It

  was so lively that it felt like a festival.

  ”Group together to kill monsters! If you are interested, please send a private message!”

  ”A nest of cracked-claw crabs was found at the Nanjiao Sewage Treatment Plant! Are there any brothers who want to steal crab eggs together? We are still short of one to make a nest.

  ” “Damn, does anyone know what kind of meat this is? I seized it from the plunderer’s nest… Are there any brothers who are doing business and need dried meat?”

  ”Hahaha! Throw it away, brother, you don’t want to know what it is.”

  ”Fuck! The homeless Xiao Gaigai that I sponsored yesterday stole my wallet! I don’t believe in love anymore!”

  ”Calm down, at least the VM is keeping it for you.”

  ”Wait… are you sure it was stolen?”


  Although the New Year’s Eve event can be participated in any settlement, the newly incorporated Boulder City has an extra prize compared to other settlements.

  If they don’t have work to do, most life profession players would rather go to Boulder City to join in the fun.

  What’s more, the special prize is selected by the manager himself, which is a great opportunity to improve the favorability of the faction boss!

  Players who are determined to win the title of “Wasteland Gourmet” certainly don’t want to miss it.

  ”These newbies are so weak. They need to form a team to get a cracked crab. They are so weak!”

  In the corner of the market.

  Looking at those chattering B-test rookies, Killer Dagger put his hands on the ground and grinned like a baboon.

  The reason for posing like this is not to show off, but mainly to save energy.

  Just a few days ago, he received prosthetic transformation from the Stone Military Industry, and his entire body from the spine to the shoulder became a T-shaped alloy structure.

  What’s more exaggerated is his two fists, which are a big iron lump. When they are put together, they can be used as an excavator shovel.

  Speaking of fists, Killer Dagger was puzzled.

  He remembered that he wanted a fist as big as a casserole, the kind of Piltover law enforcement officer, but the NPC named Ibers didn’t know what he was thinking and directly gave him a fist as big as an iron pot.

  But it doesn’t matter. He

  has already pretended.

  Now he feels that his hands are full of endless power. A slap can kill a strength system, and the wind can blow away the intelligence system!

  Of course, the premise is that the opponent stands still.

  The dog took all the good names and stared at him blankly. After a while, he screamed.

  ”What the hell?! Where did you get 500,000 silver coins?”

  If he remembered correctly, the offer was 500,000.

  At that time, he laughed at this guy for putting a green onion on his nose to pretend to be an elephant, but he didn’t expect that he actually put it on? !

  Looking at the stunned expression of his friend, the murderous dagger smiled embarrassedly and told the truth.

  ”It’s not that expensive… I discussed with the NPC and removed the ‘pigeon’ missile launcher on the fist, and the offer was adjusted to 50,000 silver coins.”

  In addition, in exchange, he needs to submit product usage data to Giant Stone Military Industry on a regular basis to facilitate Giant Stone Military Industry to improve its products.

  But it doesn’t matter.

  Privacy is a thing, just use it as you like. Anyway, he doesn’t expect to have a sex life in the game after it has been changed to this.

  Good Dog stared at him blankly, not knowing how to complain for a moment, and it took him a long time to utter the next sentence.

  ”…I remember you chose the Agility system because you wanted to play the stealth style?”

  ”You don’t understand this,” Killing Dagger raised his mouth proudly, and wanted to pat Brother Dog on the shoulder, but gave up after thinking about it, “As long as we kill everyone, no one will know I’ve been here, which is also a kind of stealth… And don’t we have a real stealth style in our team? Look, Old Kidney has also changed it.”

  As he said this, he raised his chin, and Good Dog looked in the direction of his chin with a confused face, only to see the Kidney Fighter wearing an alloy breastplate walking towards this side with a smirk.

  ”Hahaha! Brother Dog, you are here too, let me tell you, the prosthetic transformation function of this Giant Stone Military Industry is simply awesome!”

  ”…What did you change?” Looking at the alloy breastplate on him and the open-collared jacket, Good Dog always had an ominous premonition.

  The corner of the Kidney Fighter’s mouth raised.

  ”Hehe… look at this.”

  As he said that, he grabbed his clothes and threw them into the air like a pervert, revealing the entire breastplate and two bare arms.

  Good Dog then realized that this guy’s alloy breastplate was not put on, but was welded directly to his body.

  ”Are you crazy?” Good Dog stared at him blankly, “What’s the use of this…”

  Before he finished speaking, the black breastplate suddenly became transparent like ink diluted by water, and finally disappeared.

  Good Dog’s eyes were as big as light bulbs, almost falling out of their sockets.

  ”Fuck!? Optical camouflage?!”

  ”Exact answer!”

  The Kidney Fighter, who was left with only his limbs and head, laughed, touched his head floating in the air, and continued.

  ”It’s a pity that I don’t have enough money, otherwise I could get a full set, but it’s okay to just make the belly invisible, at least it will be a much smaller target.”

  Like the equipment of Brother Sha Bi, the price is also 50,000 silver coins, which is equivalent to the price of half a heavy cavalry exoskeleton. It stands to reason that optical camouflage wouldn’t be so cheap, but since it’s recycled waste, it’s discounted.

  If it weren’t for the rare opportunity, he, a power player, wouldn’t wear this thing. To put it bluntly, he’s just greedy for cheapness.

  Good Dog couldn’t help but give a thumbs up.

  ”You’re such a talent!”

  It’s hard to say whether it can be used stealthily.

  But it should be able to scare people to death at night.

  He took a closer look and found that this optical camouflage is not without weaknesses.

  A slightly larger vibration can make it show a clear outline, and it can only be nearly 100% invisible when it is completely still.

  Looking at Brother Dog who was already powerless to complain, Killer Dagger smiled and encouraged him.

  ”Brother, you should also get a set, it’s very useful.”

  Good Dog: “It’s very useful!”


  As the two were talking, a scream suddenly came from the side.

  A little girl who had just come out of the market with a basket was so scared that she collapsed on the ground.

  She looked at the Kidney Fighter with only his head and limbs left, shivering and moving backwards, regardless of the knee-deep snow on the ground.


  Even though there were many strange things in the wasteland, it was rare to see a head floating alone in the air, not to mention that this head was smiling at her.

  ”Don’t be afraid, lady, I’m just…a special prosthesis.”

  The Kidney Fighter tried to squeeze out a friendly smile from his face, and was about to explain to her in a half-hearted human language, but he didn’t expect that he had just taken less than half a step forward and frightened the girl to faint. Good

  Dog sighed and covered his forehead.

  ”Wait for a kick.”

  The Killing Dagger whistled, supported himself on the ground with his hands, moved his body, and faced the other side, pretending not to know this guy.

  Looking at the two very real good brothers, the Kidney Fighter said with a smile.

  ”Fuck! You–”

  Before he finished speaking, the Alliance guards had already rushed over here in a hurry, and the players followed suit and shouted.

  ”Fuck, you’re awesome, brother, how did you lose your stomach?”

  ”What’s this new bug?!”

  ”Call the terrorist squad! There’s a cyber madman here!”

  ”Cyber ​​madman?! Where is he?”

  ”Wait a minute! Don’t turn it off yet! I’ll take a picture!”


  On the giant wall, the howling north wind blew the fluffy snow.

  Looking at the market in front of the door thousands of feet below, the crowds in front and behind the market, and the noisy customers, Ibers showed a happy smile on his face.

  ”Your residents are all geniuses.”

  Chu Guang, who was standing next to him, glanced at him.

  ”Is this a compliment or a derogatory term?”

  ”Is genius used in a derogatory sense?” Ibers touched the back of his head and suddenly said in a jumpy tone, “By the way, the X-17 project has been approved. When are you going to have your honeymoon with X-16?”

  ”Not interested.”

  ”Not interested? Could it be… the little girl from the Melvin family? Tsk tsk tsk, you are probably crazy. That organism will definitely break down, but–”

  Listening to the old man’s nonsense, Chu Guang couldn’t help but kick him in the ass, although it was not good from the perspective of seniority.

  X-16, who was standing aside, silently watched Ibers roll on the ground for a few times and get up, without any intention of helping this guy.

  In fact, she couldn’t help.

  She had no doubt that she and Ibers together were no match for that human. He could pick her up and throw her out of the giant wall with one hand.

  Even if he didn’t turn on the power of the power armor.

  ”Is this the way the blue coats say hello?” Ibers got up from the ground and touched the back of his head, laughing, “I can see that you are angry… I am very happy.”

  ”Are you M?” ”

  M? What is that? Forget it, it’s a good thing to be angry anyway, being angry is human, AI can’t be really angry or happy…” Ibers shook his head, “For example, my designer, the respected Mr. Fang Ming, it didn’t really understand what the emotion of ‘hate’ was until the end.”

  Chu Guang looked at him.

  ”So what do you want to say?”

  Patting the snow off his body, Ibers nodded slightly, elegant like a gentleman. This set of etiquette was obviously learned from his former clients.

  ”…I am very happy to serve a human being with flesh and blood. Although Mr. Fang Ming has my deep respect, being a servant of a program is too boring.”

  Chu Guang looked at him in surprise.

  ”I thought you were the type who wanted to cause chaos in the world.”

  ”This is not contradictory. AI should serve people, right?” Ibers said with a smile, “Anyway, as long as the slaughter tools are handed to you, you will soon scatter your intestines and brains everywhere, and there will be nothing left. It’s just a matter of time.”

  ”One year and one second are the same to me.”

  Looking at Ibers who was talking about dangerous things without changing his expression, Chu Guang sighed softly.

  ”For a second, I thought you might be a good person. It was my mistake.”

  When Fang Ming was programming his soul, he probably unconsciously projected all his malice towards humans onto this guy.

  Xiao Qi will hate people and things he hates.

  This guy is the same.

  Fang Ming hated his mission as much as he hated organisms that displeased his master, although he was extremely loyal to his customers in terms of programming.

  This is undoubtedly contradictory for humans. It is difficult for humans to be loyal to something they hate from the bottom of their hearts, but it is another matter for AI.

  Ibers nodded slightly and said politely.

  ”Correction, I am not a human, I am an AI.”

  He can be loyal to organic clients while providing them with more efficient slaughtering tools based on their opinions.

  It is better to say that the existence of clients is necessary for him.

  Chu Guang was too lazy to talk nonsense with him.

  ”Ask you a question.”

  Ibers said respectfully.

  ”Please ask.”

  Chu Guang went straight to the point and explained his purpose.

  ”Are there any side effects of implanting prostheses?”

  Ever since Mosquito installed a cool prosthesis for himself and showed it off everywhere, most of the players on the server have become potential customers of Giant Stone Military Industry.

  Some want to make themselves more resistant, some want to install nitrogen on their backs to accelerate, and some want to be longer… and these are still relatively normal needs. The

  abnormal ones are like the ones in front of the market, some have changed their arms into excavators, and some are only half invisible to save money.

  Speaking of Mosquito, that guy is really ruthless.

  He received a biological prosthesis from Xiaoyu before, and before he could figure out how to play with the symbiont, he ordered eight mechanical arms for himself from Giant Stone Military Industry.

  In total, his brain has to take care of twelve limbs, hundreds of joints, and another little life living in his body.

  Is this guy’s head okay?

  Chu Guang remembered very clearly that he was an agile person.

  ”Of course there are side effects. Drinking too much water can kill you, not to mention replacing part of your body with machinery…” Seeing that Chu Guang’s eyes were getting sharper and sharper, Ibers quickly added, “Of course, we will inform customers verbally and in writing of the possible risks of installing a prosthesis that exceeds their own tolerance! Every customer is absolutely aware of the risks before installing the prosthesis!”

  Chu Guang withdrew his gaze from him.

  ”From now on, non-shelter residents can only install prostheses within the safety limit they can bear, and prostheses with functions such as neural feedback and perception simulation require the signature and authorization of a qualified brain doctor. I will let my assistant pass on the specific management regulations to you later.”

  Ordinary residents still need to be controlled. Even if they don’t become “cyber maniacs”, potential medical problems are also a cost to the entire society.

  As for the players…

  just let them do whatever they want.

  Anyway, a clone is created every three days. They don’t even like to go to the hospital when they are seriously injured. To save trouble, they just let their teammates help them.

  Now the shelter is not short of active substances. If you really regret it, just throw yourself into the conversion furnace.

  Although Ibers was helpless, he had to agree.

  ”Yes, sir.”

  Chu Guang nodded, turned around, and was about to take the elevator down from the giant wall.

  The population of Boulder City far exceeds that of other settlements in the alliance. He still needs to talk to the city hall about the New Year’s Eve activities and prepare in advance.

  However, at this moment, there was a sudden explosion from the bottom of the giant wall. The noise made Chu Guang stop involuntarily.

  ”It seems to be outside.”

  Ibers, who was standing on the edge of the giant wall, scratched his chin with his index finger.

  He leaned over and stared at the shacks growing like moss below and the billowing smoke from one area. He continued with interest.

  ”There are such noises from time to time in the slums… Strictly speaking, that place is outside the Giant Stone City and is not under the jurisdiction of the Giant Stone City. If I remember correctly, it should be managed by several gangs.”

  In the past, the nobles in the inner city hoped that all the beggars outside the giant wall would die. Only when the tide came would they recruit some people from inside and give them rifles to follow the mercenaries to fill the line.

  Hearing the word “gang”, Chu Guang narrowed his eyes slightly, and a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

  ”I almost forgot about these rats.”

  He didn’t really forget.

  The first thing the refugee home did when it arrived at Boulder City was to stabilize the survivors in the outer city slums, organize them to build tents, give them food, and register their names, heights, weights, families, ages, and approximate residential areas.

  This is both disaster relief and population statistics.

  The gang members are not interested in the porridge provided to the disaster victims, nor are they interested in signing up for the construction team. At most, they will mix in a few minions or marginal figures to serve as spies.

  The Alliance has used a series of means to transfer and resettle some refugees in the slums to the eastern part of Dawn City for unified management, and a large number of laborers have been transferred to the construction site in the tunnel outside Boulder City.

  As a result, the remaining young and middle-aged people in the slums have a clear and distinct crowd portrait.

  People always have to have a livelihood.

  Either do business, be mercenaries, or do some inconvenient things.

  The Guards have locked in some gang leaders and senior officials through interrogating the inner city nobles and visiting the city.

  In particular, according to reliable clues, the Dagger Gang, one of the three major gangs hidden in the slums, has close business dealings with the Bugera Free State in the north.

  Chu Guang originally planned to deal with the rats after the wave was over, but now it seems that they don’t seem to realize that the sky in Qingquan City has changed.

  After the tumor in Boulder City is removed, there will be no soil for predators to survive in this area, and the alliance will not allow any evil forces to exist on its territory.

  Since I can’t wait.

  Then wait for the tide to come, and then go fill the line.

  ”Do you want to take care of that… Okay, just treat it as a nonsense question.”

  Seeing Chu Guang’s matter-of-fact expression, Ibers showed a smile of watching the fun and not minding the trouble, and then looked at X-16 standing aside.

  ”There are a few little mice firing cannons under our noses. Take your equipment and go over there to take a look. Don’t let your master down.”

  ”Yes, sir.”

  The pitch-black mirror reflected the cold light. X-16 nodded slightly, without a word of unnecessary nonsense, turned around and walked towards the elevator…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode