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Chapter 552 Kidnapping and Counterattack

Chapter 552 Kidnapping and Counterattack


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 552 Kidnapping and Counter-killing

  A not-so-cold piece of trivia: even if the nobles of Boulder City are corrupt and incompetent, the orderly Boulder City can still be regarded as a land of blessing for the wasteland in the southern part of the River Valley Province and even the northern part of the Jinchuan Province.

  For two hundred years, survivors have been constantly migrating to Boulder City. Even now, after the collapse of the building, this inertia continues.

  Since the influx of population far exceeds the limit of the population absorption of Boulder City’s industry, the limitations of the giant wall itself also determine that this settlement cannot accommodate too many survivors, so there is a city entry tax of 1 to 2 chips.

  Workers with jobs will not leave the city at will, and scavengers working in the wasteland will not enter the city at will. At the same time, the militia stationed at the city gate can also get an additional income.

  It can be said to kill three birds with one stone.

  A large amount of surplus labor and the resulting unemployment and informal employment have formed a city without a master over time – slums.

  People here usually live on the garbage flowing out of the giant wall, or help the survivors in the giant wall to scavenge and hunt in the wasteland, or do some work that the survivors in the giant wall are unwilling to do or cannot do.

  In history, the Stone City has tried to clean up the psoriasis attached to the giant wall, but several attempts have found that doing so is simply a thankless task.

  Building a shack is almost a necessary skill for every survivor in the wasteland. Even if it is demolished today, there will be scavengers to build it tomorrow.

  And when the tide comes every year, the nobles in the inner city also need these people to fill the front line.

  Even the masters who often mess around with economic strategies know that the impact of withdrawing manpower from the slums is far less than withdrawing skilled industrial workers from the industrial zone to carry guns.

  Over time, one shack after another spreads from the root of the giant wall to the wasteland like psoriasis, forming a buffer zone between order and chaos.

  Over time, some houses that look like that have even been built here, standing out from the slums with sewage flowing.

  Those unique buildings are usually the homes of gang members, or the businesses they run for wastelanders.

  The order here is maintained by gang members, and these gang members are mainly villains. They not only do business with the predators in the wasteland, but some of them are simply predators.

  For the Alliance, if they want to truly liberate the nearly 200,000 poor people on the edge of the giant wall, they not only need to find them a job to support their families, but also find the villains hiding among them.

  This is obviously not good news for the villains hiding among them…

  West Willow Tavern.

  Sitting on the second floor, Jeff played with the dagger in his hand, looking at the fine snow fleurs floating outside the window, with a hint of sadness written on his cold and gloomy face.

  As the head of the Dagger Gang, although his bloodline is not as noble as that of Master Sid, he is also a well-known big man in this slum of nearly 200,000 people. Anyone who sees him must respectfully call him Master or Mr.

  It stands to reason that he shouldn’t have any worries in his position, but a series of events that happened recently made him feel a strong sense of uneasiness.

  A newspaper seller was lost in the outer city, a revolution broke out in Boulder City, and then the Alliance took over Boulder City. It was as if they had agreed on this.

  If it was just that, it would be fine, but it obviously didn’t stop there.

  The Alliance began to set up relief stations in the slums, distributing food while registering the information of survivors, setting up tents, arranging work, and transferring some people…

  This series of measures made him nervous.

  The Alliance is breaking the tacit understanding formed over a century and a half, trying to establish a new order in his underground kingdom!

  What’s more terrible is that the newspaper seller is still alive and kicking, but the killer that Master Sid hired from him has disappeared…

  There were footsteps outside the door.

  Jeff subconsciously clenched the dagger and tensed his muscles, but after hearing the three long and two short knocks on the door, he relaxed his tense nerves.

  ”Come in.”

  The door opened.

  West, the second in command of the Dagger Gang, came in from outside the door.

  Jeff said immediately without waiting for him to speak.

  ”Any news?”

  West shook his head grimly.


  Jeff was silent for a long time, the dagger in his hand stabbed fiercely on the table, and he cursed unsatisfied.


  Understanding his anger, West said nothing, sighed and walked to a chair beside and sat down.

  ”Sid was buried, along with the collapsed building, ‘Knife’ is still missing, Sberg is still alive… but these are irrelevant. The terrible thing is that the distinguished guest from the north died, and our Serite also died. We spent a lot of time and energy, but in the end the weapon was not found.”

  Jeff’s face was gloomy, and he said after a long time.

  ”Where is Weilun?”

  ”… He seems to have confessed to the Alliance, and then got on the bus to the prisoner-of-war camp. I don’t know how long his sentence will be. I suspect he may have revealed our business with the guests from the north. This is what I am most worried about.”

  Looking at the silent Jeff, West paused and continued.

  ”On the surface, the Alliance has not made any moves against us… but every move they make is almost fatal to us. I suspect that when this snow or spring wave passes, they will settle accounts with us.”

  Jeff was afraid in his heart, but he looked disdainful and sneered.

  ”Can they send troops to shoot us all?”

  ”It may not be impossible,” West said with a wry smile, “The construction team has actually infiltrated the grassroots of the slums. The more people they organize, the less space we have to hide… I even suspect that they have already set their sights on you and me.”

  Jeff’s eyes narrowed slightly.

  In fact, without West’s reminder, he had a similar feeling after seeing a series of actions taken by the Alliance. Especially in recent days, he always felt that someone was watching him.

  Perhaps –

  he should go to the north to avoid the limelight.

  Wait until the aftermath of the upheaval in Boulder City has completely calmed down and everything has settled before coming back.

  After a moment of silence, he said seriously.

  ”What is your suggestion?”

  West expressed his thoughts.

  ”First shut down businesses that may provoke the alliance’s sensitive nerves, such as ‘labor dispatch’ and ‘organ trading’. Also shut down facilities that may cause problems, such as ‘hospitals’, ‘kitchens’, and ‘welfare homes’.”

  Jeff’s brows twitched.

  ”This is a lot of money.”

  West nodded silently.

  ”Yes… but even if we don’t close it, our customers have been almost wiped out. It’s a pure risk to continue operating.”

  Recently, those blue coats have been running around like crazy, even digging out the cannibal tribes hiding in the tunnels for the winter.

  Those cannibals are really disgusting, and he doesn’t like them, but it’s more pleasant to do business with them.

  They catch fat sheep like traveling merchants, eat the meat, and the remaining property and goods are often sold through the gangs in the slums, and the reward is only a few old and ugly girls who can’t be sold.

  They are different from the nobles in the north. They don’t mind whether the slaves are good-looking or not, and they are not picky about food.

  Listening to the second-in-command’s advice, Jeff stared at the dagger on the table and fell into deep thought.

  Two years ago, when the business in Red River Town was still booming, these were actually just petty profits, and it didn’t matter if they were given to the Dean Gang and the Poison Gang.

  However, now, these petty profits are almost the bulk of the gang’s income. What will he and his brothers eat after cutting them off?

  After pondering for a moment, Jeff said slowly.

  ”Transformation is possible, but we need a new source of income.”

  Seeing that the boss finally gave in, West breathed a sigh of relief and continued patiently.

  ”I think so too… We have enough manpower, as long as the whitewashing goes smoothly, we can completely change our livelihood. For example, find a way to contract some legal projects from the Alliance, or go to Xizhou City to open a mine. After the procedures are completed, we will use our own methods to do it. The profit from this may not be less than that from the business of killing and robbing.”

  Jeff nodded slowly.

  ”Do as you say… I plan to go to the Free State in a few days to explain the weapons to our customers. I guess I will stay there for a while, and I will leave this to you.” ”

  Yes, sir.”

  West nodded slightly respectfully, but he curled his lips in disdain in his heart. I’m

  afraid that explaining to the customer is fake. This old fox is probably scared to death by the Alliance. I’m afraid he hasn’t slept these days.

  But it’s okay.

  This guy is gone, so it’s convenient for me to do some things.

  When he comes back, it’s hard to say who will be the boss here.

  Looking at his subordinate who was bowing his head, Jeff nodded slightly. Just as he was about to send him away, a deafening explosion suddenly came from outside the window.

  The two immediately looked out the window, only to see thick smoke billowing from the dilapidated street not far away, and people screaming and running away.

  ”Damn it!”

  Jeff cursed and stood up and walked to the window, “What are those idiots doing! Didn’t I tell them to keep a low profile these days!”

  Staring at the direction where the smoke was floating, West’s pupils shrank slightly.

  ”Welfare home…”

  Hearing the three words “welfare home”, Jeff’s brows twitched violently, and he immediately turned around and walked to West, reaching out to grab his collar.

  ”Take people over immediately! Move the goods to a safe place! Before the alliance people come! Hurry!”


  Thinking of the alliance’s methods, West nodded nervously, not daring to hesitate, and immediately turned around and walked out the door.

  Looking at the hastily closed door, Jeff always felt uneasy. He cursed in a low voice, walked to the table and drew his dagger.

  Maybe he should stay in the safe house for a while.


  ”Star anise, bay leaves, fennel… what do they look like?”

  Feng Qing, who was walking in the market at the gate of the giant wall, held a crumpled piece of paper in her hand and looked around blankly.

  About an hour ago, she, Guigui and several other friends from the Goblin Corps were preparing New Year’s Eve food in the kitchen of the Alliance Barracks.

  As for the ingredients, they are the tentacles of centipedes.

  This kind of mollusk-like mammal is usually active in the forest from Dawn City to the Red River Alliance. There are also some in the high-radiation areas in the city, but they are not common.

  Most wastelanders will walk around when they see centipedes, because this thing is not only resistant to beatings, but also has strong recovery ability.

  A volley of bullets swept over, and the stumps fell to the ground, and they grew again after a few days.

  More than that.

  Its meat is extremely smelly, smelling like an egg that has been rotten for half a month. I’m afraid that in addition to organic acids, it also contains hydrogen sulfide. Almost no one would want to eat it.

  However, their boss, Mosquito, suddenly had an idea –

  ”Since the centipede is so durable and its tentacles can regenerate, if we can solve the problem of unpalatable, can’t we raise it like leeks!”

  Cut a crop and it will grow again. The protein production efficiency is much better than that of chickens, ducks, pigs, cattle and sheep!

  At first, everyone refused because it was too smelly, causing the buddies from other regiments to look at them with strange eyes.

  However, all of them put together could not resist the persistence of the boss Mosquito.

  ”I’ll find a way to cure the toxicity! MMP! The periodic table is there, I still don’t believe that I can’t cure a piece of meat!”

  ”No, no! The meat is too smelly! Lao Na said it’s no good!”

  ”Captain! Give up!”

  ”Spice! Use spices to cover up the stench! Hahaha, I’m really a genius!”

  So –

  she was sent out by everyone to purchase spices.

  Feng Qing had no objection to this. The errand fee given by Mosquito Boss was 100 silver coins. Although this guy was reckless, he was really generous.

  However, the problem was…

  she had no idea what these spices looked like, let alone what they were called in Renlian.

  To be honest, she couldn’t cook at all. She did try once in the game, but she almost got herself killed.

  This was much harder than flying a plane…

  After walking around the market for several times, Feng Qing didn’t find any spices that matched the pictures she searched on the Internet, and couldn’t help but sigh.

  ”Anyway, as long as they are spices with a strong smell, they will be fine… Just buy some.”

  If I had known earlier, I would have pulled Gui Gui out with me.

  Seeing that she had walked around the stall for several times, the owner of the seasoning store couldn’t help asking.

  ”Hey, lady, do you need help?”

  Feng Qing stopped and nodded after understanding the Renlian.

  ”Well, do you have any spices?”

  The owner scratched the back of his head.

  ”Spices? Yes, there are…but which one do you want?”

  ”Anything will do.”

  What the hell does “anything will do” mean?

  The boss was stunned for a moment, and glanced at the bunch of garlic hanging under the shed.

  ”Is this okay?”

  ”This is garlic, right? What I want is spices…” Feng Qing couldn’t help but frowned, “It seems that we have it in the kitchen, and I need the kind with a stronger smell.”

  The boss scratched his head and said.

  ”You said spices, garlic is also a spice… Is it stronger? It would be better if you could be more specific.”

  ”It’s relatively rare… does it count?” Feng Qing added in a low voice with a guilty conscience.

  Rubbing his chin with his index finger, the boss thought for a while and said.

  ”It’s relatively rare? Exotic spices? I heard that the province of Borneo is rich in spices with strong smells. A few days ago, there was a merchant from there selling them…”

  Hearing the boss’s words, Feng Qing’s eyes suddenly lit up, and he supported himself on the stall with both hands.

  ”Where is he?!”

  Being stared at by the piercing eyes, the boss unconsciously took a half step back and coughed and said.

  ”He’s gone… I saw that his goods were sold out yesterday, and I guess he should go back.” He

  actually sold out…

  A trace of loss appeared on Feng Qing’s face.

  At this moment, a hearty shout suddenly came from the side.

  ”Exotic spices? I have some.”

  The voice came from a slightly larger stall. The owner was a young man in his twenties or thirties, wearing a leather coat, smiling at her.

  He was not doing business alone.

  There were two taciturn young men sitting under the shed, one playing with a dagger, and the other closing his eyes as if dozing off, ignoring each other.

  Feng Qing’s eyes lit up and she immediately walked to the stall. However, after glancing at the things on the wooden table, a hint of doubt appeared in her eyes.

  ”Are you… selling condiments?”

  The stall was full of miscellaneous items.

  There were accessories such as glasses, rings, and jewelry, as well as miscellaneous rifles and bullets of various calibers, and clothes or backpacks.

  There were even a few mechanical prostheses and electronic parts that had no apparent use.

  This place didn’t look like a place selling condiments at all.

  It wasn’t even enough for food.

  ”It’s still snowing in the sky. We certainly can’t put such precious things outside,” the man said with a smile, “The goods are in the hotel, not far from here. If you are interested, you can come with me to get it.”

  Feng Qing asked worriedly.

  ”Is it expensive?”

  ”Not expensive, not expensive, you can definitely afford it!” Seeing that the fat sheep had taken the bait, the man smiled and kicked the boy playing with the dagger, handed the stall to him, and walked out from the back of the stall, saying attentively, “Come with me, I’ll take you there.”


  Feng Qing nodded excitedly and followed the man.

  Seeing this, the boss selling condiments on the side opened his mouth hesitantly, and just wanted to say something, but after looking around, he closed his mouth again.

  The guy was obviously a member of the Dagger Gang, and the miscellaneous goods sold on the stall were obviously stolen goods.

  He came here to do business, not to cause trouble, but he didn’t want to have his throat cut in the middle of the night.

  Watching the little girl follow the gangster and disappear at the edge of the market, he shook his head and clicked his tongue.

  She was a pretty girl.

  ”What a pity.”

  Walking to the edge of the market, seeing the NPC walking towards the slums, Feng Qing couldn’t help but tilt her head in confusion, looking at the tall building next to the viaduct and said.

  ”Isn’t the hotel over there?”

  She remembered that the NPCs all lived at the Faraway Wind Hotel.

  The man said with a smile.

  ”That’s where the rich merchants live. People like us who do small business can’t afford to live in such luxurious hotels… Come with me, it’s not far ahead.”


  Feng Qing glanced at the building that was as tall as a giant wall.

  It felt like it was just average except for being tall.

  But thinking that this was a wasteland, she was relieved. Just

  in case, she should send a message to Gui Gui.

  Thinking of this, Feng Qing raised her index finger and tapped the VM on her left arm a few times, editing a short message.

  [Feng Qing: It seems that a hidden task was triggered when I was looking for spices! Excited! ()】

  Editing completed——

  Sent successfully!

  Not long after, the reply came.

  【Ghost: Hello, wait, where are the spices? ! What about the spices? We are all waiting for you!!!】

  Feng Qing smiled and typed a few more words.

  【Feng Qing: Don’t panic. 】(Sending failed)


  Seeing the small bubble behind the message, Feng Qing was slightly stunned.

  Is the signal so bad?


  After leaving the market, the two walked a little further in the slums. The shacks around them became more and more dilapidated, and the alleys became narrower and narrower.

  Until in front of a rusty iron door, the man finally stopped, took out a bunch of keys from his waist, and started searching.

  While he was taking the keys, Feng Qing took a look at the place.

  In front of her was a very narrow courtyard. Behind the weed-covered courtyard was a three-story red brick building. There were five or six rooms on the first floor, and each window was hung with tattered curtains.

  Rather than saying that this was a hotel, she felt that it was more like a dormitory, or a place like a school.

  Soon she caught a glimpse of a line of words on a rotten wooden sign, which probably said something like a welfare home.

  This is really not a hotel, right?

  Feng Qing thoughtfully moved her eyes away from the weedy courtyard and looked to the other side of the alley, and happened to meet the eyes of an old woman who was clearing snow.

  She was going to smile, but saw that the old woman’s face changed as if she had seen the plague god. She quickly moved her eyes away and hurriedly hid in the house.

  She vaguely heard the sound of the bolt.


  From the beginning, she felt that she might have triggered some hidden mission, otherwise why would there be so many people with guns around.

  Now she is more and more convinced that this is not a hotel at all, and the guy who brought her here is not a good person at all.

  ”Miss, are you a resident of the shelter?”

  Hearing the man talking, Feng Qing retracted her gaze from the other side of the alley and nodded.

  ”Well, how did you figure that out?”

  The man said with a chuckle.

  ”Your accent and unique temperament told me so… The wastelanders outside can’t compare to you.”

  This NPC is quite good at talking.

  Feng Qing couldn’t help blushing and said with a smile.

  ”You’re flattering.”

  Finally finding the key, the man pushed open the iron door with a creaking sound and walked in first.

  The guy didn’t seem to worry about running away.

  However, it was rare to trigger such an unusual task, so she didn’t plan to run at all, and followed with a hint of curiosity.

  The two walked through the weedy yard, followed the stone path, stepped onto the two steps of the front door, and walked to the main entrance of the red brick building.

  The man gave Feng Qing a gesture to wait, walked up to the wooden door alone, stretched out his hand and knocked on it twice.

  As if he had been waiting at the door for a long time, the wooden door opened a crack, and a bored face appeared behind the crack.

  She was a woman in her twenties or thirties, with messy hair and freckles next to her nose. She was actually pretty, but unfortunately there was a burn on her forehead that ruined all her beauty. Her

  name was Horaka. She had been a prostitute, a thug, and the mistress of the leader of the Dagger Gang. Now she was the director of the Gray House Welfare Home.

  Everyone in the slums knew her.

  If a child got lost or a girl never came home, they would either run away with the Wastelanders or come to her.

  ”Myers…what are you doing here?” Horaka lowered her hoarse voice and said impatiently, “Didn’t Mr. West say that he would stop doing it these days?”

  The man named Miles did not hide his smugness on his face, lowered his voice very low, and said with a beaming face.

  ”He did say that, but it’s a rare opportunity.”

  The woman glanced at the little girl standing behind Miles, looking left and right, and her eyes narrowed dangerously in the shadows.

  ”Shelter resident? Are you crazy…”

  She saw at a glance that this guy was definitely not an ordinary Wastelander.

  ”She is alone, without any companions. I have been keeping an eye on her for a long time. Don’t be so timid. There are at least tens of thousands of residents in the northern suburbs. It will take many days for the alliance to find out that one is missing. We have already sold her. Haven’t the customers in the north always wanted to buy one?”

  Seeing this crazy woman staring at him, Miles laughed and said, “Don’t worry… I turned on the blocker, and no signal will be transmitted.”

  Of course, he knew that the residents of the shelter would carry a vital signs monitor (VM). He

  also knew that two VMs could locate each other, which was common sense in the wasteland, just like the coats of those blue gophers.

  But even so, what?

  Blocking signals is much easier than locating signals.

  He turned on the blocker as soon as he left the market.

  The woman’s sharp eyes softened a little, and she opened the door a little wider.

  ”Come in and talk.”

  As she said that, she looked at Feng Qing, who was standing behind Miles and fiddling with the VM, and cleared her throat and said.

  ”Come in too, it’s very cold outside.”


  Feng Qing put the VM with no signal back into her sleeve, smiled and nodded, and followed the man named Miles into the house.

  The front hall is very spacious.

  Opposite the main entrance is a wooden platform, on which stand two iron cages made of steel bars, with shackles hanging on the railings. The black stains are not sure whether they are rust or blood.

  It should be blood.

  As soon as she came in, she immediately smelled a very faint odor of rotting grease.

  There are more than a dozen chairs under the wooden stand. It seems that some special program has been held here. Judging from the signs thrown next to the chairs, they should be things used for holding up signs at auctions.

  There is a thick layer of dust next to the legs of the stools. This strange facility should have been idle for some time.

  As for why she can see clearly, it is natural.

  Flying at an altitude of more than 100 meters, she can clearly see the heads buried in the trenches, of course, she can see the details that are close at hand.

  ”Excuse me, is Spice here?” Although she knew it was nonsense, she still called out softly.

  Horaka looked at Miles, who was stunned for a moment, and then laughed as if he had heard a very funny joke.

  ”Spice? Hahaha! Hey hey… little girl, you haven’t figured out the situation yet, have you?”

  Before he finished speaking, he took out a pistol and pointed it at Feng Qing, grinning and continued.

  ”You should understand when you see this guy.”

  Horaka, who was standing aside, crossed his arms and teased.

  ”Remember to open your eyes in your next life. It’s a rare opportunity to be born in a shelter… But don’t be too sad. Although the lunatics in the north are wilder, they are still much better than those in the wasteland.”

  ”Really, if there is no spice, just explain it clearly. I was so happy for nothing.”

  Feng Qing did not show a fear or horror expression as the two expected. She smiled slightly and took out a grenade and threw it at her feet.

  ”As for reincarnation…why don’t we go together?”

  ”Damn it!”

  Looking at the ring rolling on the ground and the grenade rolling towards him, Miles, who was holding a gun, turned pale and fell backwards.

  This lunatic!

  He wants to die? !

  Horaka was the same, hiding to the side in fear.

  Almost at the same time as he lay down, the eardrum-shattering explosion roared in the hall, and the two people subconsciously closed their eyes when they saw the white light of nearly ten million candela flashing.

  But it was useless.

  Not to mention that the speed of closing eyes could not be faster than light, the flash of nearly ten million candela could not be blocked by a mere layer of eyelids.

  ”Damn it! It’s a flash bomb!”

  Miles, who was lying behind the stands, roared in shock and anger, rubbing his red eyes with his left hand, and firing randomly.

  The explosion of the gun echoed in the hall, but he could not hear any sound at all. His brain was like being hit by a heavy hammer, and his body lost balance.

  At this moment, another larger grenade rolled to his side.

  The moment he could barely see clearly, his face changed drastically.

  The flames of the explosion shot up into the sky, and the visible air waves swept across the wooden stands, even shattering the window covered by the curtain next to the door.

  Miles was killed on the spot, without even a last word.

  Horaka slumped on the ground, as if she was frightened and stupid, with no trace of blood on her face, and the floor was wet with ginger liquid.

  She had been a thug for the Dagger Gang and had killed people, but that was when she was very young.

  Even then, she had only fought with rival gangs on the street with a pistol, but had never been bombed by a shell.

  Feng Qing, who was lying on the side of the hallway, shook her dizzy head and stood up from the ground with the help of the wall.

  The impact of the flash bomb on her was also not small, but it was not enough to make her lose her fighting power.

  After all, she came down from the battlefield. Even if she was not as good as the bosses of the Burning Corps, she would not be overturned by two minions.

  Looking at the messy hall and the scorched floor, Feng Qing took out the pistol and loaded it, muttering to herself.

  ”Isn’t this charge too exaggerated?”

  With that power, it felt like the fragments were redundant…

  Finally recovering from the aftermath of the explosion, Horaka secretly got up from the ground and prepared to slip away from the messy front hall.

  However, before she could stand firm, the cold muzzle of the gun was already against the back of her head, and then a not-so-standard human voice came from behind.

  ”Don’t move, I’m an awakener after all, I must be much faster than you.”

  Horaka slowly raised her hands and said tremblingly.

  ”Don’t, don’t shoot!”

  She couldn’t figure out why the girl who looked polite and quiet was so fierce in combat.

  ”I surrender!”

  Feng Qing looked at her and continued to ask.

  ”Are there other people here? Or are you the only one?”

  ”There are still some goods in the basement… No, there are some slaves, oh no, prisoners.” Horaka stammered. There

  should have been some thugs here, but the business has stopped recently. There is no need to entertain customers, only to feed the goods, so she is the only one left.

  In order not to attract the attention of the alliance, the Dagger Gang disguised this place as an abandoned building.

  Thinking of this, she couldn’t help cursing the idiot who had turned into a corpse in her heart. If he survived, Mr. West would definitely cut off his hands and feet and throw him to the dogs.

  Not caring about her incoherent change of words, Feng Qing glanced at the VM on her left arm.

  The signal still hadn’t been restored.

  It seemed that this building was also equipped with shielding equipment.

  At this time, there was a sudden chaotic sound of footsteps and shouting in the yard outside the door. At least a dozen or twenty people came.

  ”We have fallen into a den of thieves.”

  If I had known that this hidden mission was so exciting, I would have brought Gui Gui with me.

  Looking at the direction of the door, and then looking at the “red-named NPC” who was trembling with his hands on his head, Feng Qing muttered to herself.

  Just as she was about to meet the enemy, a loud explosion suddenly came from outside the door and window, and the broken snow and mud raised by the explosion fell into the house like raindrops.


  Unable to hold back the fear in her heart any longer, Horaka, who was knocked to the ground, screamed heartbreakingly, but soon she was hit hard on the head, and her eyes rolled up and she fainted.

  ”It’s so noisy.”

  After knocking the predator unconscious, Feng Qing pressed her body and quickly moved to the window.

  The moment she looked outside, her eyes widened.

  ”Is this… a missile?!”

  The entire front yard looked like it had been turned over by an excavator, leaving only a large hole several meters wide in the center of the yard.

  Although the dust from the explosion made a mess of the surroundings, it did not damage any of the surrounding buildings, and even the wall of the yard did not collapse.

  Such a precise attack was obviously not an artillery attack!

  Several bodies were lying in a mess next to the crater, and several gang members whose hands and feet were blown off were curled up and wailing faintly.

  The explosion happened almost in an instant, so fast that they had no time to react.

  In the billowing smoke that filled the alley outside the yard, there were occasional gunshots and screams, but all of them were broken cleanly without exception.

  The battle was completely over.

  A curvaceous figure crossed the dusty yard and walked steadily towards the red brick building.

  Looking at the bulging alloy breastplate and the black mirrored helmet, as well as the explosion-proof shield and rifle in the sister’s hand, Feng Qing’s eyes couldn’t help but shine.

  ”So cool!” She couldn’t help but whisper.

  What kind of equipment is this? !

  Wait, is it a prosthesis?

  X-16 glanced at the resident of the shelter sticking to the window, and tapped the helmet with his index finger.

  ”The target was recovered successfully–”

  ”Mission accomplished.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode