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Chapter 553 It would be better for us if you were all dead

Chapter 553 It would be better for us if you were all dead

2024-05-29 作者: 晨星LL

  Chapter 553 It will be better for us if you are all dead

  ”… One shot of the ‘Dove’ missile destroyed 12 targets, and the X-16 cleared 11 in less than a minute… As long as you can help me collect enough AI cores, I can even help you build a bionic army, and the unit price is less than one million silver coins. Do you want to consider it?”

  On the giant wall.

  Overlooking the slums, Ibers had a smile on his face, and he commented on it ramblingly.

  Originally, he could only stand here and watch those organics fighting from a distance, and at most sell them a few weapons they could afford.

  Now he can finally go to the battlefield himself.

  He is very satisfied with this new shareholder. Making profits for the Giant Stone Military Industry and watching the organics die in various ways are his few pleasures, and also the meaning of his existence.

  Anyway, he does not have as many miscellaneous desires as humans, and he is not interested in consumption, reproduction, art, philosophy and other ways that humans have to relieve loneliness.

  In the dilapidated and messy alleys, the crowds of people began to retreat. The gang members were frightened by the sudden landing of X-16.

  A few drone assault rifles were their only heavy firepower, and at most a few cheap RPG rocket launchers. Most gang members only had pistols and iron pipe rifles, which were no match for X-16.

  They never thought that they would face the bionic man of the Boulder Military Industry.

  In the memory of most gang members, the towering giant wall would never attack them, the rats in the gutter, because it would not do any good.

  They could not figure out how they could be hit by a missile falling from the sky, and they could not figure out why the respected Mr. Ibers would throw the expensive bionic man here.

  Their lives combined are not as valuable as that guy!

  Human life is too short.

  It is so short that people take things for granted.

  Almost no one remembers that a century ago, the Boulder City hit them hard.

  ”Those little mice have retreated…” Looking at the bottom of the giant wall, Ibers grinned, “Speaking of which, what have you considered?”

  No response.

  After being left alone for a long time, Ibers looked back, but saw that the person was gone. He was slightly stunned, then smiled and shook his head.

  ”Tsk tsk, impatient guy.”


  [Hidden Mission: Discover and destroy the gang base (completed)]

  [Introduction: The welfare house disguised as an abandoned building is actually a den for gang members to raise and sell slaves. ]

  [Reward: 300 contribution points, 1000 regional reputation, 599 silver coins]

  [New mission reminder: Investigate the basement of the welfare house and wait for the arrival of the alliance troops (in progress)]

  The dark and damp basement.

  On both sides of the narrow corridor, there are crooked cells.

  Hearing the sound of the door opening and the footsteps coming from the door, there was a rustling sound in the cell, and faces stuck to the railings and looked out curiously.

  There are boys and girls, the older ones are sixteen or seventeen years old, which is considered an adult in the wasteland, and the younger ones are six or seven years old, which is considered a child anywhere.

  It is a different style from the dungeon of the plunderer’s nest.

  In order to sell the “commodities” at a good price, the gang members generally do not abuse them.

  According to Horaka’s confession, most of these people are orphans, some of whom were sold here by their families, and some were recruited by guys like Miles.

  Most people in the slums know about such a place, but no one cares. Even if this trouble is right under their noses, not everyone will encounter it. On the contrary, without those gang members who “maintain order”, the situation in the slums may be worse.

  After all, it is a wasteland.

  Compared with starvation and death from disease, the few people who were sold are insignificant, and many times prostitutes also need such a place to help them deal with the troubles that are born unexpectedly… Of course, this is the excuse made by the NPC named Horaka to exonerate himself.

  Put away the weapon.

  Feng Qing walked forward along the narrow corridor, and caught a glimpse of a young face, looking at her with big round eyes.

  The little girl was about eleven or twelve years old, and the blue-gray linen wrapped around her body like a skirt.

  Stopping in front of the railing, Feng Qing leaned down with her hands on her knees and smiled at the little girl with round eyes in a friendly manner.

  ”What’s your name?”

  Perhaps because she looked more friendly, the little girl was not afraid of her at all, and said in a crisp and pleasant voice.


  ”Granny… is a nice name.”

  Little Ganju raised the corner of her mouth proudly.

  ”Yeah, Sister Horaka gave it to me!”

  ”Sister Horaka… is she the sister with freckles next to her nose outside?”

  ”Yeah!” Little Ganju nodded and said happily, “I heard that there was a Ganju a long time ago, a big Ganju, but she was adopted by a kind person, and the name was left to me.”

  It can be seen that she likes this name very much, and she doesn’t hate the guy outside at all, and even regards that person as her mother.

  Feng Qing felt a little sad.

  Perhaps it was because the NPCs here were more human than humans, this game was always particularly real in inexplicable places.

  ”How long have you lived here?”

  ”A month…about?”

  Ganju tilted her head. She didn’t know how long she had been here, after all, people didn’t usually live here.


  Ganju continued in a low voice while recalling.

  ”We used to live upstairs, and only children who made mistakes were brought here… Later, Sister Horaka said that the bad guys from the Alliance came and wanted to capture and eat us all. But she told us not to be afraid, she said she would protect us, and asked us to hide downstairs for a while and not make too much noise.”

  Listening to the childish voice, Feng Qing was a little amused.

  Bad guys…

  But think about it.

  There is no such convenient thing as the Internet in the wasteland.

  Maybe in the far south, or in the land west of the Great Desert, the Alliance is a symbol of evil.

  Seeing that the sister in front of her didn’t speak, Ganju continued to speak tentatively in a low voice.

  ”The basement is too stuffy, and I don’t know when the alliance will leave… Sister, are you going to take me away?”

  She felt that this sister was not bad.

  She was pretty and her clothes were nice too.

  ”Do you want to go with me?”

  ”Yes! Sister Horaka said that everyone will be adopted, the sooner the better, it will be troublesome if it’s too late, so you must be good when outsiders come.” Seeing that someone is willing to adopt her, Ganju’s eyes sparkled, and she stretched out her little hand and counted carefully on her fingers, “I can sweep the floor, mop the floor, wipe the windows, and wipe the table…”

  Looking at her counting on her fingers, Feng Qing felt a slight tightening in his heart, but he still smiled and praised her softly.

  ”Great, unlike sister who can only recite poems.”

  ”Poems?” Ganju tilted her head.

  ”Yes!” Feng Qing gently touched her head, “I’ll teach you when we get out.”

  She can recite a lot of poems, not just the few lines engraved on the plane for self-entertainment.

  Back to the entrance of the basement.

  Looking at Horaka who was tied to the cage, Feng Qing sighed and said.

  ”You, why don’t you go down and repent.”

  Horaka’s face was pale and pleaded.

  ”Don’t, don’t kill me… I’ve confessed everything. I was forced to do it. If I don’t work for Mr. West, I will be sold to the looters.”

  ”You can argue with the judge about that kind of thing.”

  Feng Qing glanced out the window of the corridor.

  Two wheeled armored vehicles were parked at the gate of the courtyard not far away. The 20mm heavy machine guns on the roof emitted a cold light. The well-trained soldiers quickly controlled the entire area. With the cooperation of small drones, they searched for traces of militants from house to house in groups of four.

  There was the logo of the First Corps on the armored vehicle.

  There were quite a few people coming, probably a team of 100 people.

  Although their military operations in Luoxia Province were mainly to maintain order in the occupied areas, they also went to the front line to participate in several battles when the players could not cope with it.

  The NPC troops, who only have one life, are more like regular troops.

  A few gangs dared to challenge the war machine of the alliance. They are simply tired of living.

  ”…Looking at this posture, there may be another big event on New Year’s Eve.” Feng Qing’s eyes gradually became excited.

  A group of soldiers wearing exoskeletons walked through the main gate, met Feng Qing’s eyes, and walked over here.

  The soldier in front opened the visor of his helmet, tapped his left chest with his right fist, and said neatly.

  ”The 21st Hundred-man Squadron of the First Corps has been ordered to take over this area. Leave it to us.”

  As the voice fell, a line of light blue text was updated on the VM.

  [Task: Investigate the basement of the welfare home and wait for the arrival of the alliance troops (completed)]

  Following the NPC’s movements, Feng Qing also put his right fist on his chest and saluted, smiled and said politely.

  ”Well! Leave it to you.”

  The captain waved his hand, and sent a team to the basement, the other two teams went upstairs to search, and the rest stayed in the hall on standby.

  Looking at the fully armed soldiers, Horaka, who was slumped on the ground, looked ashen.

  She had no doubt that the Dagger Gang, which was once a powerful force in the slums, would probably come to an end this time…

  The children imprisoned in the dungeon were quickly brought out.

  What Feng Qing didn’t expect was that the dungeon, which didn’t look very spacious, actually held ninety-seven people.

  Since the temperature on the surface was much colder than the basement and there were no suitable clothes for them in the car, the soldiers of the alliance could only let them wrap themselves in the quilts they had searched from the building and wait until they arrived at the refugee home before handing them over to professionals for care. The

  rescued children held the quilts tightly and looked at the soldiers wearing exoskeletons blankly, their faces full of fear, but they dared not speak.

  Some older girls guessed something, but their faces were also full of confusion about the future.

  Looking at Feng Qing standing by the door, Xiao Ganju stopped and whispered.

  ”Sister… are you from the alliance?”

  Even if she was not smart, she guessed something when she saw Sister Horaka’s expression.

  The soldier who took her to the car did not urge her to go forward, but just stopped beside her.

  Feng Qing squatted down and looked at her, gently touched her head, and comforted her softly.

  ”Don’t worry, we won’t eat you.”

  Ganju asked in a low voice.

  ”Then, where will we be sent?”

  Feng Qing thought for a moment and tried to describe it.

  ”Well… a place warmer than here, where people will teach you to read, write and count.”

  Ganju looked a little disappointed.

  ”Will no one adopt us?”

  Feng Qing didn’t know how to answer this question, but looking at the lonely expression of the little girl, he suddenly had an idea and said with a smile.

  ”But sister can go to play with you.”

  Ganju’s eyes lit up immediately.


  ”Yeah!” Feng Qing nodded vigorously, stared into her eyes, and stretched out his little finger, “Pin it.”

  Although she didn’t know the meaning of doing so, after shaking her fingers together, the little girl felt warm in her heart.

  She suddenly felt that the alliance was not so scary.

  Maybe Sister Horaka remembered it wrong?

  After saying thank you happily, the little Ganju waved goodbye vigorously and followed the soldiers to the armored vehicle outside the courtyard gate.

  Watching the armored vehicle drive away, Feng Qing smiled like an aunt and waved gently.

  So cute…

  Can I keep one?

  Suddenly realizing that her smile was a little out of control, Feng Qing blushed, and hurriedly shook her head to get rid of the strange thought.

  ”Oh right…spices, I have to buy some spices to take back.” Muttering to herself, she hurried out of the yard and walked towards the market at the main entrance of the giant wall. I

  almost forgot about the business!

  It’s getting dark.

  I don’t know if it’s too late to go now…


  As it turns out, it’s too late.

  There is a sentry post at the main entrance of the slum, with barbed wire and roadblocks on the edge. A large number of troops pass through the checkpoint to enter.

  Without documents, you are allowed to enter but not to leave.

  The loudspeaker hung on the wooden pole continued to shout into the slum, asking irrelevant people to stay at home to avoid accidental injuries from stray bullets.

  This storm came suddenly and quickly, without any signs, as if it had been prepared long ago.

  It was not just the slums that were blocked off. The market in front of the giant wall was also cordoned off by the First Corps and completely blocked off.

  A group of merchants and mercenaries gathered at the entrance of the market, shouting excitedly at the soldiers of the First Corps.

  ”What are you doing!?”

  ”We are here to do business! We are not your residents!”

  ”Are you robbers?”

  ”Enough, at worst I will stop doing this business, let me leave here–”

  In a sense, the alliance’s actions broke the convention that had been maintained in the Stone City for more than a century, and extended its hand outside the giant wall.

  Most of these people were carrying weapons, and the atmosphere at the scene was tense for a while.

  Just as everyone was cursing and making noise, a loud voice broke the hustle and bustle of the market in front of the gate.


  Looking around at the excited crowd, Wrench raised his voice and continued.

  ”We have received news that a group of evil forces are doing evil outside the giant wall. The relatives of these predators are extremely arrogant. Not only do they commit crimes under our noses, but they also dare to kidnap our citizens on our territory. The administrator has ordered a strict and thorough investigation!”

  ”Please rest assured, we will never miss a bad guy, and we will never wrongly accuse a good person.”

  Before he finished speaking, the voices on the scene became noisy again. It was obvious that some people were leading the commotion and inciting the emotions of the wastelanders.

  ”What does this have to do with us! It’s not us who kidnapped your people!”

  ”This is outside the settlement. We haven’t even entered your home. You are meddling too much!”

  ”Where is the border of the alliance? Why is everything your territory–”


  The harsh gunshots made all the noisy voices pause.

  Looking coldly at the noisy wastelanders, he pointed his gun at the wrench in the sky and continued in a cold tone.

  ”I haven’t finished what I’m saying yet.”

  The machine gun on top of the armored vehicle pointed at them from a distance, and the dark muzzle sent a chill down the spines of countless people.

  Facing those murderous eyes, even the most vicious wastelanders had to say the truth that “a good man never suffers a loss in front of him.”

  Surrounding here were not only the fully armed soldiers, but also the residents of the shelter.

  Apart from those guys who were equipped with strange prosthetics and didn’t look very smart, many of them could clearly feel the aura of the awakened.

  The gang members mixed in the crowd were sweating profusely, and seeing this scene of serious action, they had a faint sense of foreboding in their hearts.

  Looking at the silent crowd, Wrench put the pistol back to his waist expressionlessly and continued to speak concisely.

  ”We will take care of where the bullet flies.”

  ”Everything within the range is our territory.”

  A large number of armored vehicles drove in from the north, and there were also Type 1 tanks coming down from the front line. The murderous armor made countless people feel cold hands and feet.

  At this time, a centurion wearing a heavy exoskeleton walked up to Wrench and saluted.

  ”The slums have been blocked!”

  Wrench nodded.

  ”Prepare to implement the second phase of the plan.”


  The centurion stood at attention and saluted, then immediately trotted to the side of the road, called the armored vehicles to start, and led his brothers to the direction of the checkpoint.

  The militia commander who cooperated with the operation glanced in the direction of the checkpoint and then looked at Wrench.

  ”Isn’t it a post-New Year operation?”

  ”Someone tried to kidnap the residents of the shelter, and the operation was advanced.”

  Anyway, it was almost ready, and it didn’t make much difference if it was a few days earlier or later. In order to prevent those people from slipping into the wasteland, the administrator ordered to start in advance.

  Hearing Wrench’s answer, the centurion’s face showed a surprised expression.

  Kidnapping residents of the shelter?

  Are those guys tired of living?

  ”Is she okay?”

  Wrench replied casually.

  ”If you’re asking about the people who kidnapped her, they’re probably all dead.”

  The captain: “…”

  After controlling the Wastelanders in the market, the First Corps did not immediately check the gang members hiding in it, but only left them a window to surrender, and then focused the operation on the slums next door.

  The cameras on the giant wall and the drones of the Giant Stone Military Industry had already locked onto the residences of the leaders of the major gangs. The pigeon missiles and 155mm howitzers deployed on the walls were on standby, ready for a surgical cleanup at any time. Armored

  vehicles, with the cooperation of the infantry, drove directly into the slums and headed straight for the strongholds of the major gangs.

  According to the manager, first catch the biggest fish, then kill a group of medium-sized ones, and the remaining small fish and shrimp will naturally be honest.

  Not only the First Corps but also the Burning Corps stationed in the Giant Stone City are carrying out the mission.

  Upon hearing the “big job” ordered by the manager himself, the players who were busy preparing for the New Year’s Eve event immediately put down their work, picked up their weapons and rushed to the assembly point to complete the assembly.

  Fighting with aliens is not as exciting as beating the predators?

  The last group battle seemed to be a long time ago!

  In a moment, the Burning Legion had assembled more than 500 brothers.

  In the snow, Lao Bai, wearing a power armor, carried a rifle, walked to the front of the team, turned on the loudspeaker, and shouted loudly.

  ”The wanted information has been updated in the task bar! Divide the 1 million silver coin bonus!”

  ”Full price for the living, half price for the dead!”

  Hearing such a generous task reward, the eyes of the players who were ready to go were all green. It

  seemed that what was hidden in the slums was not gang members, but walking gold coins, and breathing bounties!

  Noticing the power armor coming over, the smoking cessation in the team was slightly stunned, and suddenly recognized that the boy was Ye Shi, and immediately screamed.

  ”Damn it! How come you, a Perception-type guy like Ye Shi, are wearing power armor?!” Ye Shi

  untied the visor of his helmet.

  Wearing OD-10 “Dragoon” power armor, Ye Shi glanced at his younger brother, Quitting Smoking, who was a full head shorter than him, and said with a smirk.

  ”Hey, my contribution points have long reached the level of Knight, so why can’t I wear it? How about I lend you some?”

  Quitting Smoking: “Fuck!”

  This idea is indeed very tempting, and Ye Shi will probably not urge him to pay it back, but after thinking about it, he finally gave up the idea.

  One power armor costs one million silver coins. If it was just a little short, he would have borrowed it, but unfortunately it was more than a little short. It is better

  to wait until the contribution points climb to the knight level and save up money to buy it.

  Looking at the noisy brothers, Lao Bai cleared his throat and shouted.

  ”We are not new guys anymore, I won’t say any more nonsense.”

  ”Check the equipment and get ready for action!”

  He was responded by loud and excited cheers.


  Although this place is not far from the slums, they are not afraid of hearing their voices. After all, they are not trained functional NPCs and cannot understand the “dialect” in their shelters.

  In addition, at the beginning of the operation, the alliance simultaneously launched electronic warfare against the gangs in the slums and interfered with the radio bands commonly used by the major gangs.

  At this moment, the control of the top gangs over the grassroots has been completely paralyzed. The spies planted in the slums have become decorations. They can only communicate verbally in the chaos or fight on their own.

  The Guards Corps has been collecting and monitoring the communication channels of the gang members for a long time. This work is carried out simultaneously with the infiltration investigation in the slums.

  The electronic warfare capabilities of the alliance are not very effective against the legion, and occasionally they are suppressed by the legion, but it is not too easy to bully these minions.

  Many gang members can only use walkie-talkies, and they use the kind of civilian walkie-talkies bought on the market.

  Faced with the well-trained regular army of the alliance and the wolf-like players, these stragglers active in the slums were quickly divided and surrounded, and killed one by one.

  The bang of the gun was like firecrackers that were played in advance, and the orange-yellow gun flames and tracers shuttled freely in the narrow alleys.

  In just one hour, countless gang members in the slums were killed and wounded. There were hundreds of bodies lying in a mess on one street alone, and countless more were blocked in the alleys. The mud mixed with snow and water was soaked into dark red by blood plasma.

  This can no longer be called a war. It

  was a completely one-sided massacre!

  Standing at the door of the West Willow Tavern, looking at the two armored vehicles parked on the side of the road, West’s face was full of surprise and fear, and his eyes were bloodshot.

  He had expected that the alliance might take action against them, but he didn’t expect it to be so fast, so fast that he was not prepared at all.

  Looking at the troops who had surrounded this place, West knew that there was only one way to die if he continued to resist, and immediately shouted at the thugs in the bar.

  ”Put down your guns! Are you crazy? Can these things beat the power armor and tanks outside?!”

  The men were stunned by the roar and were at a loss.

  West gritted his teeth, made up his mind, picked up a briefcase and walked out quickly, shouting at the soldiers who were aiming at him.

  ”Don’t shoot! Wait! Don’t shoot!”

  Killing Dagger, who was holding two big fists, looked at him and said with a grin.

  ”What? Do you have any last words to say?”

  Looking at the pair of fists as big as iron pots tremblingly, West swallowed his saliva, smiled awkwardly, and spread out the briefcase in his hand.

  There were bundles of colorful banknotes inside!

  Some were Cr, some were silver coin banknotes, and the rest were light brown banknotes. I don’t know where the money came from, but the face value was not small.

  ”My lord… I beg you to spare me, and this money will be my tribute to you and your brothers.”

  Before Killing Dagger could speak, the Kidney Fighter, who was left with only a head and limbs, stared at him and tightened the weapon in his hand.

  ”Stupid! Kill you, this money is also mine!”

  Good Dog was frightened when he heard this and hurriedly stopped him.

  ”Wait a minute, this guy seems to be on the wanted list. Full price if alive, half price if dead!”

  Kidney Fighter was stunned, then laughed.

  ”That’s right, catch him alive! Cuff him!”

  Several players immediately stepped forward and pressed the guy with the suitcase to the ground, ignoring his shouting. West, who

  was pressed to the ground with his hands handcuffed behind his back and choked on muddy water, had a face full of embarrassment, regret and despair.

  These guys really have no morals at all!

  If he had known earlier, he would have escaped from the small road…

  There were continuous and dense gunshots in the tavern behind him, but it didn’t last long before the last flickering flame was extinguished.

  Not long after, he saw another team of soldiers, pressing Jeff who had previously hidden in the safe house, coming towards this side.

  And it wasn’t just them.

  Also captured were the boss of the Dean Gang and the second in command of the Poison Gang…

  Looking at those familiar faces, West’s heart completely fell to the bottom.

  It was not until this moment that he understood.

  The Alliance has been eyeing them for a long time, and most likely they have even marked the route they will take to escape on the map.

  Jeff, who was covered in dust, was dragged by a power armor and pressed to kneel next to West.

  These soldiers seemed to want to classify them.

  With his hands and feet struggling, Jeff’s Adam’s apple moved, and he looked at the power armor standing next to him and said hoarsely.

  ”Even if you kill me, there will be other gangs to replace us. This will not solve any problems.”

  ”Let me see your leader… the respected manager, we can cooperate. I will help you do the dirty work that you are not convenient to do. Give me a chance!”

  Old White, who was standing aside, glanced at the guy who was talking in a nagging manner, and suddenly smiled.

  ”Cooperation? You think too highly of yourself.”

  He had actually seen these people.

  That was a long time ago.

  Although the Alliance did not issue a task to wipe out these guys at that time, he knew that sooner or later the manager would deal with these people.

  Jeff was stunned.

  The man’s next words made him feel like he was falling into an ice cave.

  ”You are not worth recycling. It would be better for us if you were dead.”

  ”As for the others who became you.”

  ”I will send them to accompany you.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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