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Chapter 554 The world has changed

Chapter 554 The world has changed


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 554: The sky has changed.

  The military operations against the major gangs in the slums lasted until midnight.

  The First Corps dispatched two thousand-man teams, with a total of 52 wheeled armored vehicles, including twelve Type 1 tanks.

  The Boulder City Militia initially sent two thousand-man teams, and later increased to three.

  For the gangs hiding in the slums, such an oversized military force is undoubtedly a cannon hitting a fly. There are

  many survivors who hold similar views.

  However, according to the managers, the gang forces living in the slums have become a hotbed for breeding predators and crimes.

  They maintain limited order, but they are also the root of all chaos in Qingquan City.

  If this trouble is not completely solved, it will be useless to destroy any number of predator tribes, and those guys will spawn like wild monsters.

  This stubborn disease has existed for more than a century, and strong medicine must be used.

  The Alliance must not only use cannons to kill this fly, but also give all the guys who are ready to move a warning, so that they can see how the fly dies!

  Therefore, all the major corps did not hold back, and all those who resisted with guns and had gang symbols tattooed on their bodies were arrested.

  The number of people involved was also larger than everyone imagined.

  The Dagger Gang alone captured a team of 1,000 people, the second largest gang, the Dean Gang, had more than 800 people, and the Poison Gang had 600 people.

  There was a dark crowd standing at the entrance of Boulder City, with ten people tied tightly with ropes, and there was another group under the viaduct in the distance.

  Jeff, who was being pressed on the head, was confused himself. The gang members he often came into contact with were actually the core ones.

  He himself didn’t know that there were so many people under his command. What made

  him even more frightened was that the Alliance knew his family background better than he did.

  West was also confused.

  He thought that the Alliance had been eyeing them when they took over Boulder City, but now it seems that these guys might have wanted to take action a long time ago…

  Walking in front of Chu Guang, Wrench stood at attention and saluted.

  ”A total of 4,713 people were arrested, and 671 people were killed in the operation!”

  Standing next to Chu Guang, Joey’s expression was slightly moved when he heard this number.

  ”There are so many people… almost accounting for 2% of the total population of the slums.”

  Boulder City has not counted the exact number of people in the slums, but it is estimated to be around 200,000.

  Wrench continued with a serious look.

  ”The situation here is probably more complicated than we imagined. We have only arrested core members near the base and gang members who have resisted. There are also a large number of peripheral personnel hiding inside.”

  After all, they are soldiers, not police officers handling cases. The execution process will definitely be much rougher, and it is inevitable that some of those who are arrested will be wrongly arrested.

  But it can’t be said that they are wrongly arrested.

  The alliance has warned the survivors in the slums to stay at home.

  Not being in the construction team, not listening to advice, and just between the ages of 16 and 35, and carrying weapons, and just running around near the gang base, it is no wonder that they were arrested as gang members.

  After that, the alliance will interrogate the captured people separately, release some innocent people based on their confessions and the physical evidence collected, and deal with the rest as needed.

  Chu Guang nodded after taking a look at the people in the distance.

  ”Catch the big ones and let the small ones go. Repeat this several times. Focus on cleaning up those organized criminals. Don’t let any of them go. The peripheral personnel who are not deeply involved in the case will be reformed. Let the guard team register and file. If they commit the crime again, they will be severely punished.”

  People can’t live in a vacuum. Living in an order dominated by gangs, young and middle-aged people in the slums are more or less stained with unclear things.

  In fact, the construction team itself is a means of differentiation and transformation. As long as they work honestly, today’s incident will have nothing to do with them.

  Use the new order to unite some peripheral personnel, so as to minimize the risk of explosion of the bombs buried in the slums.

  Then send the army in to completely smash the pot of the evil forces.

  This is the whole plan.

  Wrench asked in a deep voice.

  ”How to deal with these people?”

  ”Just like the looters, the bandits will be executed first and then tried, the core members will be tried first and then executed, and the general gang members will be sent to the prisoner-of-war camp…”

  After a pause, Chu Guang changed his words.

  ”Forget it, don’t send them to the prisoner-of-war camp, let’s set up a punishment camp, the wave is coming.” It

  seems inhumane to lock criminals and prisoners of war together, and it is better to sort the garbage.


  Wrench put his right fist on his chest and saluted, then turned and walked towards the troops not far away, calling his men to arrange the work.

  After handing over the punishment of these gang members to Wrench, Chu Guang looked at the suitcase lying on the snow beside him.

  Inside lay bundles of light brown banknotes, each with a face value of 100,000.

  This was the stolen goods seized from the Dagger Gang’s stronghold.

  There were originally some silver coins, dinars and Cr in it, and he asked the guards to send them to the court and put them together with other stolen goods.

  The rewards for the players are calculated separately, and these stolen goods will be confiscated after the trial.

  ”Buglar… I remember this is the money of the Free State.”

  Following Chu Guang’s gaze to the banknotes, Joey frowned and continued in a low voice, “I heard a long time ago that there are people from the Free State in the gangs in the slums outside the city.”

  Gangs are one of the specialties of the Free State.

  There, the company’s armed forces are the strongest, followed by a mixed bag of gangs and mercenaries, bounty hunters, etc., and finally the government army and the police.

  They sell civilized people’s weapons to predators and export predators’ methods to civilized people.

  However, compared with pure predators and survivors, companies in the Free State prefer to do business with those in between.

  Because by doing business with such customers, they can export weapons and experts at the same time and get more generous rewards.

  Chu Guang nodded and spoke slowly.

  ”Just like the news I received, the people of the Free State bribed some nobles in the inner city. According to the confession of the centurion named Wei Lun, they noticed the guests from the north a long time ago. But those people hardly touched the cakes in their hands, so they didn’t pay much attention to them. Occasionally, they would make some deals with them and let them do some dirty work that they were not convenient to do themselves.”

  The Dagger Gang is a gang supported by the Bugera Free State.

  Their style of doing things is very secretive. They are used to establishing another set of rules hidden in the dark under the established order, and then squeeze extra benefits from marginal groups and the weak.

  Since they will not touch the cake of the vested interests, and even cooperate with the vested interests, most settlements or survivor forces are not willing to spend that effort to deal with them.

  ”It’s difficult…” Joey sighed, “If we don’t solve the trouble in the north, even if we step on these cockroaches to death, a group of small insects will emerge later.”

  ”No matter how difficult it is, we have to do it.”

  Looking at the direction of the slums, Chu Guang narrowed his eyes slightly.

  ”Even if there are no neighbors in the north, the wasteland is always exporting chaos to us. If we want to maintain the results, we must do a good job of post-processing, establish a perfect mechanism, plug all possible loopholes, and then shrink the living space of those cockroaches little by little, until our alliance has no soil for them to survive.”

  It can’t be said that flies don’t bite seamless eggs, but there are also places in this wasteland that the Bugera Free State cannot penetrate.

  For example, colleges, such as enterprises.

  ”…I will discuss these matters with Lovett, Luca and others. Of course, we also need the cooperation of your militia.”

  Feeling the determination in that sentence, Joey nodded slightly and respectfully placed his right fist on his chest.

  ”It’s my honor to serve you.”


  The second half of the night was calm and nothing happened.

  The next morning, before it was completely light.

  Twenty gang leaders with dusty faces were escorted by a team of a hundred people to the open space between the market and the main gate.

  The movement at the door attracted the attention of countless people, and the wastelanders who were stranded in the market gathered at the entrance of the market to watch the excitement.

  Many merchants who often came to Boulder City to do business knew those guys with their hands and feet tied, and some people even called out their names in surprise.

  ”Jeff… and West?!”

  ”The leader and second in command of the Dagger Gang!” ”

  The third in command is here too!”

  ”And the Dean Gang and the Poison Gang…”

  ”Wow, the three major gangs are gathering together?!”

  ”What is the Alliance going to do?”

  People looked at the entrance of the giant wall curiously, watching the Alliance soldiers put plastic hoods on those people, and whispered about what the Alliance was going to do.

  But they didn’t wonder for too long, because the mystery was soon revealed.

  Twenty soldiers carrying rifles walked in neat steps not far behind the group of people, and then loaded their rifles without a word.

  Some wastelanders vaguely sensed what was going to happen next, but they didn’t dare to believe that the Alliance would really do this, and surprise was written on their faces.

  ”Bang bang!”

  A burst of dense gunfire, and a blood mist exploded on the backs of the heads and backs of the twenty culprits, and they fell silently in the snow.

  They probably thought they still had some value and should at least be tried. They probably didn’t expect the Alliance to kill them directly.

  When the gun went off, they were not prepared at all.

  There was still one person who survived, twitching on the blood-stained snow, and the plastic sheet on his head was rubbed off.

  That person was Jeff, the underground emperor of the slums and even the Boulder City!

  The boss of the Dagger Gang!


  He opened and closed his bloody mouth, blood kept oozing out, and wanted to say something to beg for mercy, but he couldn’t say a complete sentence. He could only look at the soldier walking towards him with a pleading look and stretched out his trembling hand.

  The shape of his lips seemed to say –

  ’Give me another chance.’

  The soldier didn’t talk to him at all, and didn’t know this guy at all.

  Finding that there was still one looter leader left to send away, the young man quickened his pace and walked up, picked up the rifle and shot him in the head again.


  The market was dead silent.

  Only the echo that was gradually fading away was left.

  Jeff’s pupils gradually blurred, and his raised arms fell into the snow, ending his evil life in such a sloppy way.

  Seeing the leader of the Dagger Gang die like a wild dog, all the Wastelanders could not help but swallow their saliva.

  Looking at the soldiers wearing exoskeletons, they could not help but have a trace of deep fear in their eyes.

  These guys are serious!

  They even killed a big shot like Jeff!

  The sky here seems to have really changed…

  In addition to those who were watching the excitement, some looters and gang members who were stranded in the market were even more terrified, and their hands and feet were shaking.

  The Alliance has blocked the entire market, and they have nowhere to run.

  If the accomplices who were caught gave them up…

  Many people unconsciously glanced at the surrender window, desperately calculating in their hearts whether they still had a chance to survive.

  Unlike the Wastelanders in the market who had different thoughts, the gang members who were detained next to the execution ground were almost all pale, as if they had lost their souls.

  Some were frozen, and some were scared.

  Seeing the boss’s body lying at the gate of the city, almost everyone’s calves couldn’t help but tremble.

  Some people couldn’t hold back their urine, and their pants were soaked. Some younger or timid people just cried out loud.

  Most people are afraid of death.

  Those who are not afraid of death died in the gunfight before dark yesterday.

  The soldier standing guard with a rifle glanced at the villains coldly, and curled his lips with disdain.

  Are you afraid now?

  What did you do before?

  The execution was carried out for three rounds, and in front of everyone.

  In order to let every prisoner see the end of these culprits, Wrench took the prisoners to the giant wall in turn to watch.

  Perhaps it was because of seeing the miserable end of those leaders that the subsequent interrogation went much more smoothly.

  The gang members in the market confessed first, and those who hid with a fluke mentality were also confessed by other merchants.

  Since the alliance is serious, those merchants who really do business honestly naturally don’t need to worry about any revenge afterwards.

  Then came the prisoners captured in the slums. Some of them confessed even the smallest of thefts, while others went crazy and accused everyone, racking their brains to reveal all the accomplices they knew in order to gain leniency.

  A long list soon appeared on the list.

  Although some unlucky people who were implicated were released, some people were brought out of the slums one after another.

  The size of the punishment camp did not decrease but increased to more than 5,000 people.

  At the same time, as the dens of thieves hiding in the slums were destroyed one after another, some controlled survivors were also rescued.

  Among them, most were children aged 12 to 16, and the number was more than 3,000.

  Some people not only suffered from lung disease, but also had serious vision degeneration due to living in a dark and humid environment for a long time. Some people were forced to engage in flesh trade and contracted serious diseases at a young age.

  This news was soon published in the “Survivor Daily”.

  Not only the residents of the Stone City, but the entire alliance was shocked by the crime under the shadow of the giant wall…


  Ideal City.

  In the towering building.

  Sitting on the sofa, Wu Changnian finished reading the “ancient” newspaper in his hand, sighed softly, and put it on the table.

  ”There are so many victims…”

  This newspaper was sent by the embassy of the alliance.

  And it was brought by Shu Yu, the ambassador, in person.

  Although it may sound a bit cold-blooded, there are so many more tragic tragedies in the wasteland than this. Apart from giving the Alliance a thumbs up, he doesn’t want to get involved.

  Looking at Wu Changnian who was lost in thought, Shu Yu said sincerely.

  ”We need your help! To be honest… just rescuing the survivors in Boulder City has exceeded the upper limit of our ability. Now there are 200,000 more survivors who need rescue. It’s hard for us to help them alone.”

  Wu Changnian closed his eyes and sighed again.

  He knew Boulder City. It was one of the survivor settlements under the War Construction Committee. Many of the factories there were built with the help of the predecessor production department of the enterprise.

  The things back then were too complicated. There were both human factors and non-human factors. It was a mess no matter how you counted.

  And those settlements that were forced to fend for themselves were just an episode among many problems.

  After learning that the weapon was in the hands of the Alliance, the Council did not ask about Boulder City again. Unexpectedly, after more than half a month, he had to worry about the survivors three thousand kilometers away.

  Wu Changnian asked in a deep voice, tapping his knee with his index finger.

  ”What do you need?”

  Based on his previous experience dealing with the Alliance, those people would never miss any opportunity to get something for free from them.

  However, Shuyu’s answer was beyond his expectations.


  Wu Changnian was stunned, thinking he had heard wrongly.

  ”…Teachers?” He thought the Alliance would take the opportunity to ask for money.

  ”Well,” Shuyu nodded seriously, “The Alliance’s full-time schools and night schools are already operating at overload, and the infrastructure in this regard in Boulder City is blank. We have allocated a large amount of educational resources to Boulder City, but now there are more than 3,000 more people.”

  ”I understand what you mean, this is indeed a problem,” Wu Changnian breathed a sigh of relief, and after thinking for a moment, he continued, “…We will raise funds for you on the Endpoint Cloud and recruit some volunteers to assist you, but you have to ensure their safety.”

  This kind of thing is not worth discussing at the board meeting. It is more appropriate to solve the problem within the authority of the General Management Department.

  Obviously, the alliance did not want to owe too many favors to the enterprises, so it did not make excessive demands such as “send those people to the ideal city”. It

  would not cost much to mobilize civilian forces.

  After receiving the promise from the deputy minister, Shu Yu was relieved and showed a sincere smile on his face.

  ”Don’t worry about this! We will not only guarantee their personal safety, food and lodging, and health, but also pay them a full salary!”

  Wu Changnian said with a smile.

  ”That’s not necessary. Most of the residents here who are interested in rescuing the survivors outside have good living conditions. You just need to take care of their food and lodging.”

  Shu Yu shook his head and insisted.

  ”These are two different things. Here, as long as you work, you must be paid, and how can we let those kind people pay out of their own pockets? Just consider it as a little thought from us!”

  Seeing that the ambassador said so, Wu Changnian no longer refused and nodded.

  ”Then I thank you on their behalf.”

  ”No, we should be the ones to say thank you!” When he said this, Shuyu smiled embarrassedly and continued, “By the way, in addition to teachers, we also need some medical staff, as well as experts in medicine and biology.”

  Wu Changnian was stunned.

  ”I can understand medical staff, and we can even sponsor you some medicines… But what about experts in biology and medicine?”

  Shuyu looked ashamed.

  ”It’s such a bad time! Every early spring, Qingquan City will have a wave of outbreaks, especially after a warm winter. Now such a big thing has happened again, and our manpower is very tight in all senses… Not only educational resources, but also medical care, production and other aspects-”

  Wu Changnian coughed quickly to stop him.

  ”It’s really not easy for you.”

  Shuyu sighed.

  ”There’s no way… It’s all to clean up the mess left by our predecessors. We can’t just leave those poor people alone.”

  Although it can be heard that this upright young man is referring to the Human League from earlier, Wu Changnian’s eyebrows couldn’t help twitching.

  He coughed lightly to cover up his embarrassment and said with the dignity of an elder.

  ”I’ll help you think of a solution.”

  Shuyu nodded vigorously with a bright smile on his face.

  ”Yes! Please!”

  Wu Changnian stared at the young man for a while, and always felt that this guy looked a bit like an acquaintance.

  Especially that sentence, it was so similar!

  Is it an illusion?


  Getting support from the outside is only one part of the work.

  The aftermath work done by the alliance for this “military operation” is far more than that, and it may not be done in a day or two.

  After the initial screening, more than 5,000 prisoners incorporated into the punishment camp were taken to Qingshi County in the north of Shuguang City by the First Corps.

  They will receive two months of military training there, and then the alliance will send them to where they should go.

  As the major gangs were completely destroyed, the slums and markets were successively unblocked.

  Some wastelanders walked into the wilderness with complaints, choosing to leave this dangerous place, but most people, after seeing the Alliance’s swift and iron-fisted measures, became more confident in the future of Boulder City and chose to stay.

  In addition, despite such a major incident, the New Year’s Eve activities were not cancelled.

  According to the administrator, the new order established by the Alliance is to prevent bad people from celebrating the New Year, not to prevent good people from celebrating the New Year. We

  can’t let a few flies affect the festive celebration.

  Besides, this is not a big deal.

  Last year on New Year’s Eve, they just put down the bottle and took their rifles to the battlefield.

  Boulder City Hall.

  In the administrator’s office reserved by the new authorities for Chu Guang, the newly appointed captain of the guard team reported to Chu Guang the patrol plan for New Year’s Eve, and then hesitantly expressed his concerns.

  ”… So many people gathered on the street, and it was at night. I’m worried that the fish that slipped through the net in the last operation may take this opportunity to retaliate against us.”

  Chu Guang said calmly.

  ”Then let them come. Since it’s a matter of time, it’s better to come earlier.”

  He was not worried that those people would make any big news. Not

  to mention that after the Great Stone City was incorporated into the communication range of the Dawn City, Xiao Qi had already taken over the camera of this huge wall. Every player waiting for the gold coins to explode was his eyes.

  Later, he would issue a notice to remind the players participating in the event to keep their eyes open and keep a close eye on those who tried to make trouble.

  The captain of the guard hesitated and whispered.

  ”…I’m actually more worried that they will come for you.”

  When Chu Guang mentioned this, he smiled faintly.

  ”That’s even better. I couldn’t ask for it.”

  The players are becoming more and more capable. Although he has not neglected to exercise, he hasn’t taken action in person for a long time.

  If there are really blind guys who want to come to him and make a fool of themselves, he doesn’t mind fighting with those guys.

  Otherwise, only Heya in the entire alliance knows how strong he is, and the attribute panel of the pentagonal warrior is simply a waste.

  The captain of the guard was stunned. Obviously, he was confused by this sentence. For a moment, he didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, and didn’t know what to say.

  It’s okay if you can’t ask for it…

  Although he knew that there were many experts in the Guards Corps, and the respected administrator always wore power armor in public, he thought it would be better to be careful. However,

  seeing that this master had such confidence in his subordinates, he didn’t say much, and nodded slightly and turned to leave.

  Not long after the office door was closed, Chu Guang picked up a pen to review the documents in his hand. After a while, there was a gentle knock on the door.

  ”Come in.”

  The door opened a crack, and Alyssa glanced left and right to make sure that no one saw her. She quietly entered the door and closed the door gently.

  Looking at her cautious look, Chu Guang couldn’t help but smile and put down the pen he had just picked up.

  ”Is someone following you?”

  Hearing this teasing, Alyssa blushed and shook her head.

  ”No… Um, are you free now?”

  She didn’t want to disturb the administrator’s work, especially for her own personal affairs, but after all, it was a major event in her future life, so she still wanted to make a choice after careful consideration.

  ”Now that you’re here, I can’t let you keep your words to yourself,” Chu Guang joked, and continued, “Tell me what it is.”

  ”…It’s about Shelter 101.”

  For some reason, she looked embarrassed to speak, and Alyssa hesitated for a long time before continuing in a low voice, “Is it really as magical as Pai said?”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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