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Chapter 558: Marching South

Chapter 558: Marching South


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 558 Marching South

  ”Is this the place?”

  At the entrance of the Pirate Bay Tavern, people were coming and going on the street.

  Luo Yu glanced at the map and photos on the VM screen, and then compared them with the storefront in front of him, his eyes gradually becoming excited.

  No mistake!

  This is it!

  ”Xiao Yu, let’s go!”


  After confirming the target, Luo Yu immediately pushed the door open and walked in.

  The ten guys wrapped tightly in exoskeletons behind him also followed closely and walked through the open door together.

  They are all Xiao Yu’s fruiting bodies, without independent consciousness, and share the same consciousness body with the mother nest, which is equivalent to Xiao Yu’s hands and eyes.

  Strictly speaking, the fruiting body cannot leave the mother nest too far, especially Xiao Yu is different from other mother nests. The medium for transmitting information is not spores, but sounds with a shorter range.

  However, the manager’s brain hole installed earphones on them, and the original shortcomings instantly became advantages.

  Although Xiaoyu’s body cannot leave the shelter, as long as they are within the signal coverage of the alliance, Yuyi, Yuer, Yusan, and Yushi can communicate with the mother nest as the brain without any obstacles.

  In order not to scare passers-by NPCs, Luoyu took advantage of the discount on Boulder City’s armaments some time ago and equipped them all with K-10 iron wall exoskeletons with an original price of 30,000 chips.

  When the helmet mask is closed, others can hardly see what is in the exoskeleton. They can only see ten burly men dressed like iron lumps following him.

  Thanks to this, wherever he goes now, he can attract a lot of attention.

  ”What would the guests like–”

  Hearing the sound of wind chimes at the door, the bartender standing behind the bar just opened his mouth to say half a sentence, and then he faced the row of shiny black exoskeletons.

  After calming down, he changed his words.

  ”Are you here to take a commission?”

  ”Yes!” Walking straight to the bar, Luo Yu nodded excitedly and showed the VM on his arm, “That B-level commission!”

  As soon as the group stepped into the tavern, they attracted the attention of countless people. When they heard that this young man had taken a B-level commission, everyone whispered again.

  ”B-level? The Mercenary Guild has only been open for a few days, how come someone has reached B-level?”

  ”The rules of the mercenary group seem to be different. I heard that there are special identification and assessment standards.”

  ”It seems that awakeners can apply for level assessment? They don’t have to start from G-level…”

  ”I see…”

  ”But this equipment… is it from the regular army?”

  Strictly speaking, rookies who have just entered the industry cannot take B-level mercenary tasks, but the Mercenary Guild has just opened, unlike the scientific expedition team that has had it since the A test, and they can’t let those high-level commissions wait.

  Therefore, there will be settings such as “qualification matches”.

  Players who have just registered as members of the Mercenary Guild, as long as their level exceeds LV10, that is, they meet the conditions for awakening once, can calculate a combat power score based on the combat occupation levels of soldiers, hunters, etc., and the system will assign three tasks that meet the combat power standards.

  For example, the three tasks are C, C+, and B. The player completes C, C+ in turn, and fails B, and the initial level is C+.

  If all three tasks are completed, the initial level is B.

  If all three tasks fail.

  Then you have to start from level G and climb up.

  Since the client usually has limited information, the level determination is not absolute. The difficulty of the task marked as C level may actually be S level.

  However, for players, opening blind boxes is also one of the fun of Wasteland OL.

  ”B-level commission… Well, this task is not easy to do,” the bartender who leaned close to the VM and took a look, touched his chin with his index finger, and then looked at Luo Yu and said, “Wait a moment, I’ll call my boss.”

  After that, he turned and walked into the kitchen behind the bar.

  Luo Yu waited for a while at the bar, and soon someone sat on the stool next to him and extended his right hand to him.

  ”White Shark, I’m the boss here.”

  Looking at the NPC, Luo Yu introduced himself.

  ”Luo Yu!”

  Looking at the row of bodyguards wearing exoskeletons behind him, White Shark had a rough idea of ​​the strength of this mercenary group, and looked at the young man sitting in front of him again and said.

  ”Luo Yu, huh… Interesting name, a resident of the shelter?”

  Luo Yu said simply.

  ”Yes, do you have any questions?”

  ”No problem, just chatting casually. I think that except you, no one else should be interested in this kind of mission to go out far in the winter,” White Shark smiled faintly and continued, “Then I’ll get straight to the point.”

  As he said that, he took out a tablet and tapped it twice, synchronizing the mission information to the VM of the young man in front of him.

  Luo Yu immediately opened the VM and took a look.

  When he saw the mission reward, he held his breath.

  Commission money of 100,000 silver coins! !

  This, this is too much!

  Seeing the young man’s expression of being obsessed with money, White Shark waved to the bartender behind the bar and asked for two glasses of honey water.

  He took a sip from one of the glasses, moistened his throat and continued.

  ”The employer is a merchant doing business in the south, from a settlement called Songguomu Farm, located in Jinhe City, Jinchuan Province. The coordinates of that settlement should have been updated on your map.”

  Looking away from the commission, Luo Yu cast a puzzled look at the man called White Shark.


  ”It’s just called a farm,” White Shark smiled lightly and said softly, “It’s a well-known settlement in the local area, with quite a few residents, I heard there are about 50,000 or 60,000. Among the merchants I know, at least four of them have their hometowns there.” Jinhe


  Garbage King and Qiangren Suonan seemed to be there too, but they were in a small village called Dust Town in the north, and I haven’t heard them talk about the situation of other settlements.

  Luo Yu understood.

  ”I see.”

  White Shark continued.

  ”You have two tasks. One is to transport a batch of arms worth 500,000 silver coins to there. These mainly include rifles, bullets, and anti-material weapons. You don’t have to worry about the transportation. You are only responsible for escorting. Once you get the delivery note, you will have completed one-third of the reward.”

  The price of an LD-47 is about 300 silver coins, and the price of a 7mm bullet has dropped to 0.5~0.6 silver coins. These are the most stable industrial products in the current alliance.

  500,000 silver coins of arms are already a lot of them. It is estimated that it will take four or five trucks to transport them away.

  Luo Yu nodded to show his understanding.

  ”What about the remaining two-thirds of the reward?”

  ”The local lord is Zhao Tiangan. There is a six-year-old maid in his family named Yang Xiaoyang. No matter what method you use, bring her here safely.”

  Luo Yu frowned.


  ”It’s saving people,” corrected his statement, White Shark smiled lightly, and continued with a hint of playfulness, “Not everyone is qualified to help the landlord do business. Either they are relatives or they have hostages… I mean, you should have understood it, right?”

  Luo Yu nodded.

  ”Yeah, I understand.”

  No matter what the contract between the businessman and the local lord is, and what conflicts of interest there are, what he does is not a crime.

  That’s enough.

  Seeing the blue jacket nod, White Shark continued slowly.

  ”In short, the client and the target of the mission are direct relatives, and your guild will also verify this. Don’t keep asking me, and don’t always think about inquiring into the client’s private affairs… Anyway, after you find the person, take her to the guild in Boulder City, and you can get all the rewards.”

  ”The client will stay here during this period. It’s okay if you want to talk to him after the task is completed, if the other party is willing.”

  Luo Yu made an OK gesture and jumped off the stool.

  ”Okay, wait for my news.”

  The distance is 700 to 800 kilometers, and it will probably take a month to go back and forth.

  But considering the 100,000 silver coins, it’s worth it!

  In addition to this main task, he can also take some side quests along the way, or take a private job from the forum.

  Thinking of this, Luo Yu was full of energy and couldn’t wait to set off now.

  Looking at the blue jacket turning around and preparing to leave, White Shark suddenly thought of something and hurriedly called him.

  ”Wait a minute.”

  Luo Yu stopped and looked back at him.

  ”Anything else?”

  White Shark said in a casual tone.

  ”I don’t have anything else to do, but the place you are going to has had a little problem recently… This is an extra advice from the intelligence dealer. Although the client has given you two months, if you want to get the full commission, I advise you to hurry up.”

  Thinking of the discussion on the forum yesterday, Luo Yu vaguely read something from the expression of the NPC in front of him and frowned slightly.

  Is it related to the Torch Church?

  ”I know.”

  Looking at the serious expression of the young man in front of him, White Shark smiled and nodded.

  ”It’s better to really know.”


  In the open space in front of the Giant Stone Military Industry Building.

  Twelve light trucks lined up in a row, and staff wearing KV-1 exoskeletons were loading boxes of goods into the carriages.

  Among these goods are military supplies such as weapons and ammunition, as well as electronic equipment including radios and hibernation capsules, and some are the players’ own personal belongings.

  Not far from the convoy, 120 players have completed the assembly.

  In addition to the five-type and six-type exoskeletons equipped by most players, there are also five “Dragoon” power armors!

  I just happened to come here to buy a prosthesis. When I saw Quitting wearing a power armor, the Elf King Fugui’s eyes widened.

  ”Fuck, Quitting, are you selling your ass?!”

  Quitting rolled his eyes.

  ”Get lost! You’re the one selling your ass!”

  Staring at the mechanical power armor with envy, the Elf King Fugui couldn’t help but reach out and touch the angular chest armor.

  ”One million silver coins! MMP, I’m not worth that much even if I’m sold!”

  Embarrassed by the straight eyes, Quitting coughed and explained.

  ”Ahem… This power armor is not actually mine, it belongs to the Corps.”

  Hearing this, the Elf King Fugui was stunned.

  ”Can’t logistics points be exchanged for power armor?”

  If he remembered correctly, the logistics points of the Corps system can only be exchanged for assembly line products that can be produced by the Alliance Military Factory, and even personalized customized equipment such as prostheses are not supported.

  Looking at the confused elf brother, Quitting smiled embarrassedly.

  ”…Didn’t I reach the Knight level through contribution? Lao Bai and his friends collected one million silver coins and bought it with my quota. Although this power armor is linked to my account, it actually belongs to the Corps, and I will give it to others if they need it.”

  Lao Bai’s reason was very direct. After all, the power armor in the store is limited, and the “Dragoon” is a rare pre-war model. It’s hard to say when the new one will be available after it’s sold out.

  By the time I save enough money, this model may be gone. It’s better to buy it for him first and treat it as the Corps’ equipment.

  At first, it was a bit embarrassing to quit smoking, after all, it was one million silver coins, but after wearing it once, he stopped being pretentious.

  In addition to him, there are two main tanks in the Corps, and the physical players who have trained their contribution level to the Knight level also benefited from it.

  As for why he only bought five, it was because there were a total of fifteen on the store, and he was afraid of being scolded if he bought them all. It’s

  a big bargain to enter the game in the early version, and you have to leave some game experience for others.

  Besides, such expensive equipment cannot be registered under someone else’s name unless they are good brothers who have been through life and death together.

  The game does not recognize the transaction of bound equipment ownership, but it does not prohibit players from borrowing equipment from each other. If someone really swallows the equipment registered under his own name, the person who paid for it can only be speechless.

  It is precisely for this reason that after hearing the words of quitting smoking, the Elf King Fugui was shocked.

  ”Fuck! This is also possible?!”

  Several newbies from the Skeleton Corps said with envy.

  ”I am crying with envy!”

  ”Hey, the damn Mole is too stingy!”

  ”That’s right! Not only did he not give us benefits, but he also asked us to borrow money!”

  Although the Mole guy did not borrow from them, it did not prevent them from putting themselves in the shoes of those good brothers who were borrowed money.

  Looking at the wailing newbies, Fang Chang, who was standing aside, said with a smile.

  ”Calm down, your Mole brother is still in the early stages of his business. It will be fine once his Skeleton Studio in Ideal City gets on the right track.”

  Listening to Fang Chang’s big words, one of the newbies couldn’t help but swallow his saliva.

  ”It will be fine…”

  Fang Chang said with a smile.

  ”You can make more money.”

  Newbie: “%¥#@!”

  Having said that, to be honest, Mole brother is actually quite righteous, and his popularity and reputation in the server are also very good.

  Otherwise, there wouldn’t be so many players following him, let alone collecting so many silver coins to lend to him to start a business.

  Fang Chang believes that when the Skeleton Studio really becomes bigger and stronger, Mole brother will surely not treat his good buddies in his own army badly.

  ”By the way, why don’t you get a power armor?” Ye Shi glanced at the exoskeleton on Fang Chang’s body and asked curiously.

  Patting the “Dawn” mechanical bow behind him lightly, Fang Chang said calmly.

  ”I have this enough.”

  Power armor is not the best solution.

  Even the lightweight OD-10 “Dragoon” has a certain impact on mobility.

  For him, the performance of the Type 5 “Light Cavalry” exoskeleton is completely sufficient.

  In addition to the bulletproof lining and optical camouflage plug-in he modified, it can basically adapt to various combat scenarios, and even the prosthesis is redundant.

  Kuangfeng glanced at Ye Shi and teased.

  ”Look at his vision. You are a black gun shooter. What’s the point of wearing a power armor? You might as well save money to get an exoskeleton with an optical camouflage plug-in.”

  He was also not equipped with a power armor.

  Transforming prostheses and drones is the future of the intelligence system.

  Ye Shi rolled his eyes.

  ”Tsk! I don’t have a vision!”

  ”Hahaha! It’s okay, who said that snipers can’t wear heavy armor?” Fang Chang smiled and patted Ye Shi on the shoulder, “Brother, I’m optimistic about you!”

  Almost everyone was there.

  Walking to the front of the queue, Lao Bai tapped his helmet with his index finger, turned on the speaker, and shouted loudly.

  ”The mission briefing has been updated on your VMs. Our destination is a settlement called Dust Town in the north of Jinhe City in Jinchuan Province.”

  ”Brother Trash has already gone there to scout for us. We are going to build an operations base there and then recover 127 tons of nuclear fuel from the research facilities in the city.”

  ”The entire journey is nearly 800 kilometers, and more than half of the road sections are mountainous. It is expected to take a week to arrive, and the mission cycle is about half a month.”

  ”The convoy will depart from the East Gate at noon! The advance team will get on the plane with me in a while, and we will follow the engineers of the logistics department in the Viper first!”

  This mission is not only to recover nuclear fuel, but also to investigate the local survivors and mutant tribes in Jinhe City.

  The first batch of advance teams will arrive at the Jinhe City settlement first, set up a series of infrastructure including communication base stations, set up save points, and investigate the situation in the city.

  The rest of the players will follow the convoy to deliver supplies and building materials to Dust Town and cooperate with the logistics department to complete the construction of the operations base.

  All preparations are ready.

  Lao Bai, wearing a power armor, walked to the elevator and was about to take the elevator to the helipad on the roof of the building when he suddenly saw an unexpected figure.

  Chen Yutong, wearing the uniform of the scientific expedition team and holding a suitcase in her hand, also walked towards this direction.

  Her sight happened to meet Lao Bai, and she smiled and took the initiative to say hello.


  This “Hey” full of stories made Lao Bai’s back stick to at least a dozen pairs of eyes.

  ”Hey, what a coincidence.”

  Ye Shi secretly learned a sound in the communication channel, winked and patted Lao Bai on the shoulder, and then followed Fang Chang and Kuang Feng to get on the elevator.

  Fang Chang, who was standing on the elevator, also followed the trend and laughed and teased.

  ”The elevator is full, group leader, wait for the next one.”

  Before he finished speaking, Kuang Feng had silently pressed the button to close the door and closed the elevator door.

  These bastards…

  Laughing and crying, he moved his eyes away from the rising elevator. Lao Bai looked at Ms. Chen who was walking towards him with a bright look, and said with a light cough.

  ”Why are you here?”

  Chen Yutong said with a smile as she stopped beside the elevator.

  ”Can’t I come and see you off?”

  Lao Bai glanced at the suitcase she was holding.

  ”Do I need to bring a suitcase to see me off?”

  ”You found out.”

  Chen Yutong smiled and stretched out her index finger to press the button on the elevator, and continued in a casual tone.

  ”For some reasons that are inconvenient to disclose, the Alliance has raised the threat level of ‘Nago’. The Biological Research Institute hopes to get more research materials to speed up the research on Nago. At the same time, the scientific expedition team also has some investigation work to be carried out locally. I am currently in charge of this work. I’ll trouble you to give me a ride.”

  Lao Bai glanced at the holographic screen on the inside of the helmet. As expected, there was an extra line of branch lines on the task bar of VM. Obviously, this guy would not joke about such things.

  Looking at Chen Yutong again, he subconsciously looked up and down at the equipment on her body and couldn’t help frowning.

  ”It’s too dangerous there. Are you sure you want to go with us?”

  Qingquan City has been almost developed by players. As long as you don’t go deep into the Fifth Ring Road, there is basically no big threat.

  However, Jinchuan Province is different.

  Before they went there, there were only three players, and they were only active in a small area in the northern suburbs.

  Outside the players’ activity area, there was not only a mutant tribe of more than 10,000 people, but the Torch Church in the south was eyeing the land under their feet.

  You can imagine how dangerous it is there.

  ”It’s more dangerous to leave those things alone.”

  Gently shaking the bangs that fell on the tip of her nose, she continued in a joking tone, “And don’t you have it?”

  Lao Bai stared at her eyes for a while, making sure that she was mentally prepared to return to the front line.

  ”After getting off the plane – no, after getting on the plane, follow my instructions and report to me when you need to go on duty! In addition, give me the luggage.”

  ”Thank you.”

  Chen Yutong handed over the suitcase, looked at Lao Bai who took the suitcase, and said in a playful voice.

  ”Although I want to say that I have died once, but it feels good to be cared for by others.” It’s okay to

  die once… but

  you also call it death?

  Looking at the back of the person walking up the elevator, Lao Bai shook his head with a smile and didn’t know what to say about this guy’s carelessness.

  He is a person who has died several times, and he dare not guarantee that he can come back alive after every mission.

  In short… I

  can only be more careful.

  (PS: The computer crashed, and the unsaved manuscripts were directly lost. I also collapsed. TT)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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