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Chapter 558 The Future of Group Buying

Chapter 558 The Future of Group Buying


Author: What’s wrong

  Chapter 558 The Future of Group Selection

  Jiang Qin’s words awakened Cao Guangyu from his dream, and Cao Guangyu instantly understood his identity, so that he puffed out his chest all afternoon, looking bigger than Ding Xue.

  These two really look the wrong way round.

  Boss Jiang looked away and found that twelve transport trucks next to the rough processing area were already in the starting state, and the engines were constantly making dull roars, and slowly drove out as the assembly was completed.

  ”Are you starting to ship now?”

  ”Yes, Mr. Jiang, it will arrive at the destination around 3 o’clock this afternoon.”

  ”It’s quite spectacular…”

  Jiang Qin crossed his arms, and his eyes drifted away as the transport trucks left one after another.

  In fact, Master Cao had seen such scenes since he was a child, and he didn’t think there was anything wrong, but combined with what Jiang Qin had just said, his breasts were even more erect.

  These things will be delivered by Hengtong Freight and enter various cities through the group purchase channels.

  According to the path, they will be input into the hands of group purchase cooperative merchants and provided to group purchase consumers.

  Physical stores in the catering industry are highly dependent on the supply chain. Merchants who have signed a group-buying supply chain should be inseparable from group-buying in their lifetime.

  Because as merchants, they may be able to choose a better group-buying platform, but they cannot find a more affordable supply chain like group-buying.

  Although group-buying is indeed making money on both ends, it is still very conscientious under the coordination of supply and commission.

  I earn 10% from you for supply, and the platform takes 10% from you for commission, which is actually only 20% in total.

  But other suppliers may ask you for 15%, and you have to give 10% to other group-buying platforms.

  Therefore, the group-buying platform plus its own channels will allow merchants to save 5% of profit margin in this regard,

  and only fools will not choose it. As more and more merchants sign contracts, their data statistics will become more and more accurate.

  How many pigs, cattle, sheep, fish, and fish are consumed in each city in a month… There are data to be tested, and feedback to the purchasing department becomes the basis for procurement.

  This data can ensure that there will not be too much inventory and excessive inventory, and maximize the operation and use efficiency of the warehouse, and reduce the risk of unsalable goods.

  So, why are rich people getting richer? It is because of the ability to integrate resources.

  In fact, except for some innovative industries, most of the various industries do this, and there is no high technical content.

  ”Master, don’t hold it up, it’s big enough, come with me to the next storage area to have a look.”


  Cao Guangyu followed Jiang Qin and quickly came to the next area: “Group purchase, I know this, the genuine mall of your platform.”

  Jiang Qin nodded and walked around the warehouse.

  The group purchase channel is the only self-operated channel of the entire group purchase platform, involving many categories, from electronic products, home appliances to snacks and beverages.

  These purchased items will be transported to logistics warehouses in various cities by Hengtong Freight. Once someone places an order in the group purchase, the order will be generated and the goods will be included in the list of goods to be shipped.

  From the warehouse to the hands of the buyer, it may take half a day to arrive at the fastest.


  Because their goods will be distributed to warehouses in various cities along with the transportation of the supply chain.

  Then the person in charge of community group purchase will hand over the transportation and arrive at each station to achieve seamless connection.

  Therefore, group purchase is actually the product that can threaten the e-commerce platform the most.

  Just like Taobao, without self-built logistics, the delivery speed is really terrible.

  And the only one who can compete with Pintuan in delivery speed

  is Jingdong, which has built its own logistics. In terms of the construction of logistics channels, Jiang Qin actually uses Jingdong’s ideas, but Pintuan’s supply chain currently only targets the four first-tier cities, and it is unrealistic to achieve national delivery, so Pintuan Yanxuan is not big.

  In addition, Jiang Qin has never planned to make Pintuan Yanxuan bigger.

  There are two reasons for this.

  First, the emergence of Pintuan Yanxuan is to make consumers believe in Pintuan’s credit, do a good job of strict quality control, avoid counterfeits, and associate Pintuan’s name with high-quality authentic products.

  Therefore, its image significance is far greater than profit.

  Second, if Jiang Qin expands Pintuan Yanxuan now, it is equivalent to declaring war on Alibaba and Jingdong, which is a bit unwise.

  So, what is the current model of Pintuan Yanxuan?

  It is to absolutely guarantee authentic products, maintain reputation and image, and the delivery speed is higher than Taobao, but the price is far lower than Taobao and Jingdong, and the variety of goods is not as rich as Taobao and Jingdong.

  At present, there is a special group-buying and strict selection business group in Shanghai, and the director is Guan Shen, who was just transferred from Shenzhen.

  Guan Shen did not understand Jiang Qin’s behavior of suppressing group-buying and strict selection and not allowing it to continue to develop.

  Because they can be bigger, and even have an independent mall.

  But Jiang Qin has not approved it, which made her quite depressed.

  Especially in the first half of this year, the sales manager of Xiaomi Technology also called Guan Shen specifically, hoping to discuss cooperation with group-buying and strict selection.

  Xiaomi mobile phone launched its first new phone this year, and the supply was very small, which caused a rush to buy. It was criticized by the media for engaging in hunger marketing.

  This is one reason, but the other reason is that Xiaomi, as a new mobile phone brand, does not have many distribution channels.

  So they want to try the channel of group-buying and strict selection, and at the cost of exclusivity, give the sales channel of Xiaomi mobile phone 2 in first-tier cities to group-buying and strict selection.

  This is actually a very tempting thing.

  Group buying is highly mobile in first-tier cities, and Xiaomi phones are also popular among enthusiasts, and the hype is also very successful, so cooperation will be a win-win situation.

  But when this plan was finally fed back to Jiang Qin through the internal system, it was still approved to stop.

  The group buying market has just stabilized, the sinking market has not been completely eaten up, the stability of group buying has not been maximized, and the returned funds have once again been invested in the supply chain.

  Then there is no need to grab another track and establish a stronger enemy.

  There are many TV dramas and novels that write about how arrogant the protagonists are, declaring war on anyone at every turn, and leading the industry at every turn.

  It’s stupid.

  Because doing business really can’t shout everywhere that I am the strongest and I am the most awesome, but you have to dress yourself up as a vulnerable group.

  Just like the Double Eleven Shopping Festival not long ago, because of the impressive performance of 5.9 billion, Boss Ma decided to increase the previous annual operating fee of 2,000 to 20,000, and was scolded by countless merchants.

  Many merchants even united to form an “Anti-Taobao Alliance” and held an anti-Taobao conference in Hong Kong.

  How did Boss Ma do it?

  Facing the media, he choked up several times and said, “I’m too tired. I don’t make any money at all. The purpose of increasing operating expenses is to maintain the company’s operations and to promote social development.”

  Jiang Qin is now playing the role of a disadvantaged group. Uncle Ma, don’t mind. I really don’t plan to expand.

  For example, the sales channel of Xiaomi 2, do it exclusively? Oh my god, Uncle Ma will collapse in anger?

  ”This is Estee Lauder. Ding Xue just wants to buy it.”

  Cao Guangyu saw white boxes stacked on several shelves on the shelf.

  Jiang Qin walked over and took a look: “Damn, the price of cosmetics is so expensive? How much is the purchase price?”

  ”Mr. Jiang, this is the purchase order.”

  ”Fuck, I can actually make so much? It’s faster than robbing money. This warehouse seems to be a lawless place.”

  Jiang Qin sighed, then walked forward and took out a pair of boots: “This is pretty good-looking, take it back to the little rich woman, she likes to wear such boots.”

  Cao Guangyu grinned from behind: “You really spoil her, you can’t forget her wherever you go, right?”

  ”Someone has to spoil you, otherwise what’s the point of making money? I’m single like Chaozi, I don’t have a girlfriend, and there’s no one else to spoil except her.”

  ”Get married after graduation.”

  ”Bah, good friends getting married? You are greedy for your good friend’s body, despicable.”

  Jiang Qin walked forward with a righteous face, and saw a whole area of ​​erotic underwear, which was simply another lawless place.

  Young Master Cao walked to a nurse outfit and couldn’t move his feet: “Old Jiang, can I have one?”

  ”I’ll give it to you at cost price, don’t say I’m not a good brother.”


  The sexy lingerie area and the underwear area are next to each other. Jiang Qin came to the front and took a look, shaking hands and making claws: “If I do a good job of statistics in the future, I can even know which girls are the most generous and which city has the smallest men.”

  Young Master Cao Yao took a deep breath: “Is it true?”

  ”Of course, the small ones can’t just buy the big ones, so data is really a good thing.”

  Jiang Qin came back to his senses, patted his stomach, and looked at Cao Guangyu: “I’m a little hungry.”

  Cao Guangyu waved his hand: “Let’s go home and eat!”


  Father Cao and Mother Cao started preparing dinner at three o’clock in the afternoon, but they were not the only ones at home, there were also several other logistics company owners.

  In the expansion of Hengtong Freight, these logistics companies that were originally in a competitive relationship were accidentally swallowed up.

  This time Jiang Qin came from afar, and Father Cao also brought these people to meet Jiang Qin.

  ”I went to Young Master Cao’s house for dinner. There was braised pork for dinner, and there was a young girl, but she was only eight years old…”

  Jiang Qin sat at the dining table and typed.

  Cao Guangyu glanced at him: “Are you reporting to classmate Feng again?”

  ”What baby? Nonsense, we are just good friends.”

  ”Who said baby? I said report!”

  Jiang Qin put down his phone: “No, I’m writing a diary.”

  Cao Guangyu picked up the chopsticks, picked up the duck head of the marinated duck and put it in Jiang Qin’s bowl: “Old Jiang, poke it and see who is stubborn.”

  ”Stinky nephew, you have no respect for your uncle.”

  At this moment, Feng Nanshu’s message popped up.

  ”At my aunt’s house, I had dinner. There were soybean pig feet and tiger skin chicken feet. I think you should want to eat them. Then I met relatives. There was no boy.”

  (Monthly ticket, monthly ticket!)

  (End of this chapter)


Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a s*ave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that!


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