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Chapter 56 Talent Show

Chapter 56 Talent Show


Author: What’s wrong

  Chapter 56 Talent Show

  After the perfect weekend, the military training of Linda University continued. In the morning, they first ran ten laps on the playground, then stood in military posture and marched, and performed a set of gangster excitement punches. After a set of combos, all the freshmen in the playground were wilted, too tired to stand or sit properly.

  Jiang Qin took off his hat, and his hands were sweaty. Then he stretched out his hands and put them on his crossed legs.

  At this moment, a slender hand suddenly stretched out from behind him and handed him half a bottle of Wahaha mineral water.

  ”Jiang Qin, do you want some water?”

  Song Qingqing sat on the right rear side of the team, leaning forward slightly, and blinked at him with her eyeliner.

  ”Forget it, Qingqing, you’ve already drunk your bottle, so drink mine. Mine hasn’t been opened yet.”

  Jiang Tian also stretched out her hand and handed over a bottle of Wahaha mineral water, with a little peach-colored powder on her plain face.

  Jiang Qin did forget to bring water today, so he took Jiang Tian’s water and drank two sips: “Thanks, I’ll buy it and return it to you tomorrow.”

  ”No need to return it, it’s just a bottle of water.”

  Jiang Tian said, the corners of his mouth raised involuntarily, and Song Qingqing’s eyes were a little resentful.

  But after the resentment, she began to comfort herself again.

  Don’t be angry, his family has a Bentley, his family has a Bentley…

  Seeing this scene, Zhou Chao, who was sitting behind him, felt so sour that his teeth were about to break. He felt that the ice in his hand had instantly lost its sweetness and turned into a soulless sparkling water.

  ”Pan Xiu, I forgot to bring water too.” Ren Ziqiang suddenly spoke.

  Pan Xiu showed two dimples: “According to scientific research, people will die of thirst if they don’t drink water for three consecutive days.”


  After a long while, the instructor felt that the training was almost over, so he gathered the four nearby teams and asked if anyone was willing to show their talents.

  Although everyone is usually a group of five or six people, and they are very arrogant in the dormitory, they are really shy in front of so many people, so no one among the more than 200 people spoke, they were all cowards.

  The instructor saw that it was not going to work, so he said that there were still two hours before the end of the military training.

  Either let the talented students perform their talents for two hours, or let everyone run for two hours.

  Hearing this, the team immediately became agitated.

  My goodness, one hour is so tiring, and two hours will break their legs? Then they must have talents.

  ”Report to the instructor, Li Cancan can dance ballet!”

  ”Report to the instructor, Du Jiahao can spray water with his nose, so tall!”

  ”Report to the instructor, Jia Xiangru can do the peacock dance!”

  ”Report to the instructor, Yang Liu can sing the dimples!”

  ”Hey, hey, hey, Liu Jinghao can also sing the dimples, let them sing together!”

  With the backstabbing of various close friends, some students had to come out to perform. After all, no one wanted to run around the playground for two hours.

  There are indeed many young people of this generation who have something special, especially the one who sprays water from his nose. Although it makes everyone feel a little disgusting, no one can do it if you ask others to do it.

  However, after showing this talent, his right to choose a spouse in college is completely abandoned.

  Good man, which girl would like a boy who sprays water from his nostrils? Even if there is one, he is a pervert. The

  duet of the dimple boy and girl is also very good. The two of them exchanged glances while singing, which caused a lot of booing in the team. This kind of booing has a youthful flavor and instantly made the atmosphere on the scene become lively.

  In addition, Li Cancan’s ballet is also very good, but the most attractive thing is her figure, spinning and jumping, closing her eyes, and ready to burst out.

  ”Damn, it’s a good thing that Lao Cao didn’t come to watch our military training today.” Ren Ziqiang muttered to himself.

  Zhou Chao couldn’t help but turn his head: “What’s wrong?”

  ”It’s not fully healed yet, otherwise he would be in so much pain!”

  Zhou Chao suddenly realized: “Old Ren, you know how to think from another’s perspective.”

  After a while, Song Qingqing couldn’t help but volunteered to perform a segment of Jolin Tsai’s “Dancing Diva”, singing and dancing at the same time, which made the boys in the team scream.

  Hearing the cheers around her, Song Qingqing couldn’t help but feel a little proud, so she subconsciously glanced at her own team, but found that everyone was looking up at her, except Jiang Qin who kept his head down, which made her eyes dim.

  This man, what does he like?

  ”Jiang Qin, didn’t I dance well just now?” Song Qingqing returned to the team and asked with some resentment.

  ”Hmm? Good, you jumped high and far.”


  Jiang Tian had been listening to the conversation between the two with her ears perked up, and she couldn’t help laughing out loud.

  Song Qingqing was a little embarrassed, but she couldn’t complain at all.

  If a boy from an ordinary family treated her like this, he would be pretending, but since he was a rich second-generation, it was reasonable for him to be aloof and cold.

  But it wasn’t that Jiang Qin didn’t want to see it, but Pang Hai suddenly sent him a message saying that the picture of the advertising fan had been completed and now it was time to connect with Shengshi Advertising.

  The mobile phones of 2008 could not send anything except text and built-in emoticons. Jiang Qin couldn’t see the picture, so he couldn’t be sure whether the content was appropriate.

  When will this talent show end?

  If not, just use the excuse of peeing to escape.

  Jiang Qin put away his phone and wanted to raise his hand, but found that everyone around him was shouting: Instructor, come on, instructor, come on!

  The instructor seemed to be infected by the warm atmosphere, so he took off his clothes, revealing his muscular figure and bronze skin, and performed a set of enemy-catching punches on the spot.

  The punch was so powerful and fierce that all the freshmen cheered.

  After the set of capture punches was finished, the instructor wiped the sweat off his clothes and looked back at the team. His eyes lit up and he pointed at Class 3.

  ”Come on, the boy who raised his hand, come up and perform.”


  Jiang Qin looked around and found that he was the only one who raised his hand, and everyone in the four teams was looking at him.

  He even saw Song Qingqing and Jiang Tian’s eyes flashing with inexplicable expectations, and Feng Nanshu in the next team also stood up slightly and stared at him with smart eyes.

  No, I just want to pee?

  As for talent.

  What is talent?

  But in this case, you definitely can’t escape anymore. You say instructor, I’m sorry, I want to pee, that’s too embarrassing.

  Jiang Qin picked up his hat and put it on, walked out of the team calmly, and came to the instructor’s side.

  ”What’s your name?”

  ”Jiang Qin.”

  ”What talent do you have?”

  ”Report to the instructor, I can imitate the show.”

  ”Imitate what?”

  ”Imitate you, instructor.”

  Hearing this, the team was in an uproar.

  The set of punches that the instructor just performed was very majestic. It was impossible for a non-professional soldier to perform that kind of momentum. This guy could actually imitate it? It must be a lie!

  However, after hearing this, the instructor’s eyes lit up, thinking that Linda is indeed full of talents, so he immediately stepped aside and gave the empty field in front to him.

  ”Now I am the instructor. When you watch it later, you must substitute it into the picture and imagine me as the instructor. This is a very important prerequisite. Do you understand?”

  The freshmen didn’t know what his routine was, so they nodded subconsciously.

  So Jiang Qin walked to the front of the four teams with his hands behind his back: “Everyone listen to my command, and everyone disperse!”


  The people in the team were stunned for a second, and then they had an idea, raised their butts and rushed out, and the whole playground was filled with deafening cheers.

  The instructors were dumbfounded and ran over to stop them, but there were more than 200 people in the four teams and it was impossible to stop them. So more than 200 freshmen rushed out of the playground, leaving everyone in the other teams dumbfounded.

  Only Feng Nanshu was still standing there staring at Jiang Qin, as if he was ready to appreciate his boxing, but he was pulled away by Jiang Qin the next second and was out of the playground in the blink of an eye.

  (End of this chapter)


Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a s*ave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that!


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