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Chapter 560: Distorted Life and Faith

Chapter 560: Distorted Life and Faith


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 560: Distorted Life and Faith

  With the timely arrival of the Burning Legion’s support, Jun Jun rushed into the battlefield waving his claws, and the whole battle instantly turned into a one-sided massacre.

  And everyone also thoroughly witnessed how strong Jun Jun was when the wind was favorable.

  There was a risk of being beaten into a honeycomb coal if he charged head-on.

  But he was so good at sneak attacks and pursuits. With a light wave of his claws, the believers in front of him were torn in two.

  Bathed in blood, Jun Jun’s killing instinct was ignited, and his amber pupils flashed with bloodthirsty light.

  ”Hahaha! Cool!”

  Not satisfied yet, he raised his head and howled excitedly, and the deafening roar spread out circles of ripples in the smoke.


  The faces of the nearby believers showed pain one after another, and they subconsciously covered their ears.

  Perhaps the effect of the drug was wearing off, and the pain and fear finally found them.

  Looking at the monster bathed in blood, the pairs of fearless pupils finally gradually became stained with fear.

  ”Monster, monster!”


  ”Don’t come over! No–”

  Under the cover of the rain of bullets falling from the sky, Junji rushed into the crowd again with his claws waving.

  In just a few breaths, broken limbs and arms fell to the ground, and thirty or forty bodies were lying outside the fence.

  Seeing the heavy casualties of the enemy, the morale of the villagers behind the low wall was greatly boosted.

  I squatted behind the bunker with the villagers, and shouted excitedly behind Junji.

  ”Well done! Brother!”

  After saying that, he looked at the villagers around him, and said solemnly and solemnly.

  ”The Great Horned Deer God has brought down divine punishment on those arrogant guys! It’s time to offer our loyalty and bravery to the gods who protect us!”

  ”Hit them hard!”

  Infected by the indomitable momentum, the last bit of timidity and cowardice was swept away from the eyes of the villagers.

  Everyone burst into a mighty shout, picked up their weapons and climbed over the low wall, chasing after the fleeing believers.

  ”Oh oh oh!”

  Although until now they still didn’t know what their religion was called and what its doctrine was…

  Looking at the helicopters pouring fire overhead and the believers who were killed and injured in front of them, the missionary in a gray robe had a face full of fear.

  ”Scatter and hide!”

  ”Don’t turn your butt towards that lizard–”

  ”Everyone, don’t retreat! Hold on!”

  While shouting hysterically, he fled to the jungle on the side like his life was in danger.

  The intelligence was wrong!

  This place is not like what the locals said, just a small village of two or three hundred people. The water behind this is probably deeper than he imagined!

  Apart from anything else, the death claw wearing an exoskeleton is scary enough!

  The news must be reported to the bishop immediately!

  He had completely forgotten the mission of preaching. He just wanted to get away from this hellish battlefield… He

  ran in the woods in a panic, not caring about the vines and branches cutting his face. After running for an unknown period of time, he stretched out his hand to support himself on the tree trunk and breathed in the fresh air.

  ”Damn…” He

  finally ran away!

  The sound of gunfire behind him was so far away that he could hardly hear it. He gradually breathed a sigh of relief and stood up to continue on his way.

  However, the moment he raised his head, his whole face lost its color, and his heart, which had just relaxed, instantly pulled to his throat.

  He saw a power armor standing in front of him, carrying a long sniper rifle on his shoulder, as if he had been waiting for him here for a long time.

  Although he could not see the expression on the man’s face through the helmet and eyepiece, he could feel that the man was looking at him with a smile.

  ”If I were you, I would run in another direction.”


  The battle was over soon.

  The resistance of those believers was indeed tenacious.

  If it were a normal looter, they would have fled long ago with such heavy casualties, but these cultists fought until only twenty or so were left.

  Half of them were missing arms and legs.

  Shaking off the meat and blood hanging on his claws, Trash looked at Qiangrensuan who had come out of nowhere and couldn’t help asking.

  ”What were you doing just now?”

  Qiangrensuan felt a little embarrassed after being offline for so long, and said with a dry cough.

  ”Ahem… I dug a tunnel with my little brothers and planned to bury explosives under their feet… but it seems that it won’t be used.”

  At first, he planned to go to the front line and face the enemy, but the one-meter-high low wall blocked his way.

  Now it seems that digging a tunnel is not a good idea. The enemy has no fixed front line, but when he finally dug half of it, the friendly forces had already started to clean up the battlefield.

  Garbage Picker Level 99: “Fuck, you old man!”

  The strong man looked at him sideways: “Tsk, you have the nerve to say that I am old man, your tank doesn’t start a team fight, and you run to the back row to hide, do you have the nerve to do that?”

  Garbage Jun was about to refute a few words, at this time Jingjing, carrying a rifle, walked over here and looked around.

  ”Where is the guy in the gray robe? Did anyone see it?”

  Garbage Jun was stunned and slapped the back of his head and said.

  ”Damn! Let the BOSS run away!”

  As soon as he finished speaking, a loud voice came from not far away.

  ”He can’t run away.”

  Garbage Jun quickly turned around and saw Lao Bai, who was wearing power armor, and a group of nine people came out of the woods next to him.

  The missionary in the gray robe was being caught by Ye Shi.

  After kicking the former’s butt, Ye Shi said with a playful smile as he looked at the missionary who staggered forward.

  ”You call this a BOSS? It’s just an elite monster at best.”

  The missionary who was kicked on the buttocks didn’t understand what the soldier behind him said, and he didn’t dare to resist. He got up from the ground trembling.

  ”Ye Shi! Lao Bai!!” Looking at those familiar faces, Garbage Jun’s face showed excitement.

  Not only Lao Bai and Ye Shi, but also Kuang Feng, Fang Chang, and Jie Yan are here!

  ”Haha, long time no see!”

  Patting Brother Garbage on the shoulder, Lao Bai continued with a smile.

  ”It seems that we arrived in time.”

  Walking through the collapsed fence gate and next to I want to be quiet, the mayor of Dust Town, Qin Baitian, looked at the group of fully armed soldiers in front of him and said nervously.

  ”Excuse me, who are these guys…”

  I want to be quiet and coughed lightly, and pulled him aside.

  ”Those big guys are the original bodies of genes.”

  Qin Baitian looked at him blankly.

  ”Gay, gay what?”

  ”You can understand it as the emperor’s own son.” I want to be quiet and talk nonsense, “Whether it is the big horned deer god or the big horned rat… Strictly speaking, they are all servants of the emperor.”

  Qin Baitian was shocked and nodded.

  ”I see…”

  It seems that there will be more statues in the ancestral hall…


  Under the command of I want to be quiet, the villagers of Dust Town began to clean up the battlefield, and the group of rat brothers who forced others to do it also rushed up to help.

  After Lao Bai and Garbage exchanged a few words, he looked at the missionary with a panicked face.

  The feeling this guy gave him was completely different from the apostle they had captured from the Bone Chewing Tribe before.

  At that time, the old man was harder than a rock, and they didn’t torture him to get any useful information, so they let him commit suicide in prison.

  And this guy, it seems, is just a monk who changed his job halfway, and he may not believe in the Torch Church.

  To put it bluntly, he is a speculator in the team.

  Obviously, expanding too fast is not a good thing.

  Opening the visor of the helmet, Lao Bai stared into the eyes of the missionary and said.

  ”From now on, I ask you questions and you answer them. Don’t waste my time. Understand?”

  The missionary swallowed his saliva, nodded with a green face, and said tremblingly.

  ”Yes, I understand.”

  ”Very good. If you think for more than two seconds, I will think you are lying,” Lao Bai nodded and continued straightforwardly, “What’s your name?”

  ”Zhang Zhengyang.”







  ”Who sent you?”


  He blurted out a syllable out of habit, and just wanted to stop talking, but it was too late.

  Lao Bai stared at him sharply and asked.

  ”Luo what?”

  Zhang Zhengyang swallowed his saliva and said.

  ”Luo Qian… He is the pioneer of Jinhe City.”

  The pioneer is equivalent to the bishop of the Torch Church, usually ruling a parish, while the apostle is similar to the position of priest or priest, equivalent to the grassroots personnel, and the power can be large or small.

  These are the public settings on the official website.

  Unexpectedly, a big fish was pulled out, and Lao Bai stared at him and continued to ask.

  ”Where is he?”

  ”In the Holy Land.”

  ”What is that place?”


  Without waiting for this guy to hesitate, Lao Bai took out a map and threw it in front of him.

  ”Mark the location, I’ll send someone to look for it. If there’s nothing there, you know the consequences.”

  Beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. Zhang Zhengyang raised his head with a sad face and looked at the power armor in front of him.

  ”Sir… I, I really don’t know the exact location of the Holy Land.”

  Lao Bai put the muzzle of the gun to his head.

  ”You’d better tell the truth. I don’t have time to listen to your lies.”

  The missionary was frightened and turned pale, and knelt on the ground on the spot.

  ”Sir, I swear, everything I said is true! The Holy Land is the hiding place of the Forerunner. No one knows his location except him and his confidants! I’m not even sure if he is in the Jinhe City area.”

  Lao Bai frowned.

  ”So he usually hides in that holy land and gives you orders?”


  Having confessed so much, Zhang Zhengyang no longer hesitated and continued, “He said that the time is ripe, and Naguo’s grace has spread all over this land. He ordered us to incorporate the survivor settlements in Jinhe City into the territory of the church… Now only the settlement of Dust Town has not followed the Holy Son.”

  Ye Shi couldn’t help but say.

  ”So you plan to physically destroy the people here?”

  Zhang Zhengyang hesitated and couldn’t say a word, but he didn’t dare to say a word, so he could only whisper timidly.

  ”I, I plan to persuade them…”

  Ignoring his excuses for himself, Lao Bai stared at him and continued.

  ”Let me ask you another question, what’s wrong with these people?”

  As he said this, Lao Bai glanced at the believer who had one arm blown off not far away and was lying on the ground twisting like an earthworm.

  That sick expression didn’t look like pain at all.

  Even more, the man was still rubbing the remaining half of his arm against the soil, trying to stop the bleeding in this way, without considering the possibility of inflammation of the wound.

  ”They ate Naguo…” Zhang Zhengyang swallowed his saliva and said.

  Retracting his gaze from the believer, Lao Bai looked at the missionary and asked.

  ”Just taking Naguo will turn you into this?”

  Zhang Zhengyang shook his head quickly.

  ”Of course not. Eating Naguo alone will at most enter a state of ‘wandering’. Although it will not hurt, it will also be unconscious. We will inject them with ‘holy water’, so that they can live in heaven in a half-awake state, and completely obey our orders, without feeling pain or fatigue… whether fighting or working.”

  Ye Shi was stunned.

  ”Good guy, the mosquito’s holy water is here.”

  Kuangfeng coughed lightly.

  ”…Obviously they are two different things.”

  ”Where is the thing?” Fang Chang stared at the missionary and continued, “Do you still have that ‘holy water’?”

  ”Yes, yes!”

  Being stared at by that penetrating gaze, Zhang Zhengyang hurriedly stretched out his trembling hand, took out a metal box from his pocket, and handed it to Fang Chang. Fang

  Chang reached out to take it, opened it and took a look. There was a syringe and six thumb-sized ampoules inside.

  ”That’s all?”

  ”That’s all I brought… I don’t use it often.” Zhang Zhengyang said nervously. Of

  course, he also ate the Naguo.

  Otherwise, let alone preaching, he simply couldn’t survive among a group of infection sources.

  However, he would control the amount he took, eat in moderation, control the “wandering” state to three to four times a month, and regularly inject antibiotics to eliminate the bacteria carried in the body.

  In this way, the negative effects of the Naguo can be minimized, and even the human body can withstand it.

  ”So the fighting power of these crazy people has to be maintained by injections?” Ye Shi touched his chin and frowned, “My goodness, this cost is not small.”

  ”Mass-produced drugs are not as expensive as you think, and…” Fang Chang looked at the missionary, “That ‘Qi’, is he in the same group with you?”

  Zhang Zhengyang nodded his head and said cautiously.

  ”That mutant tribe… was the first to join us in the entire Jinhe City Diocese.”

  Fang Chang laughed.

  ”And that Naguo that can cure all diseases, they also helped you promote it, right?”

  Zhang Zhengyang nodded silently.


  Without looking at this guy again, Fang Chang closed the box containing the syringe, cast his eyes on Lao Bai, and said in Mandarin.

  ”Now the idea is clear. There are two clues. One is the pioneer hiding in the ‘holy land’, and the other is the mutant tribe with more than 10,000 people… But it’s hard to accomplish anything with just our few people. I’m afraid we need to call more brothers over.”

  Considering that the influence of the Torch Church in Jinchuan Province is probably not limited to Jinhe City, the Burning Corps alone may not be enough.

  Not to mention that they only sent a team of 100 people.

  Lao Bai nodded and frowned.

  ”The problem is the wave… I’m afraid we can’t spare many people.”

  According to the preview on the official website, the scale of this year’s wave may exceed that of previous years. Especially now that Boulder City is also part of the alliance, the pressure on the defense line can be imagined.

  Large-scale deployment of troops to Jinchuan Province may have to wait until after the wave.

  While the group was talking, the believers lying on the ground showed new changes. Some of them began to sweat on their foreheads, and their happy expressions gradually turned into pain.

  Some of the more seriously injured ones simply went into shock.

  Seeing the man in the power armor looking at him inquiringly, Zhang Zhengyang said nervously.

  ”The effect of the Naguo is about to wear off…”

  Naguo does not heal any pain, but only allows the organism to reach a reconciliation with the bacteria attached to itself and coexist under the fusion of hyphae.

  Once the effect of the medicine wears off, those originally docile bacteria will reveal their ferocious fangs.

  And what awaits them will also be the final death.

  ”We have to leave a few alive.”

  Lao Bai glanced at Fang Chang and Kuangfeng.

  ”Look for them on their bodies to see if they have any Naguo and stuff them in their mouths.”

  Fang Chang nodded seriously.


  Several players spread out on the battlefield and quickly searched out some Naguo from the cultists.

  Then they found those cultists who were still alive, and stuffed the Naguo into their mouths regardless of whether their intestines were leaking out. It

  really worked.

  Several guys whose faces were twisted in pain suddenly calmed down after chewing twice. Some people were too seriously injured to stuff the Nago into their mouths, so they could only be left to fend for themselves.

  After confirming that the ground was safe, a “Viper” transport plane landed on the farmland on the east side of Dust Town.

  Chen Yutong quickly jumped off the plane and walked to a cultist lying on the ground with a toolbox.

  The man was seriously injured, half of his stomach was cut open, and his intestines fell out.

  Even though she had seen many wastelanders die miserably, Chen Yutong couldn’t help but feel a little tingling on her scalp, but she still held her breath and gave him a shot of sedative, then stuffed his intestines back, sprayed him with blood coagulation spray and did a simple wound treatment.

  ”This guy is already hopeless, let’s give him a quick death.” Walking to her side, Lao Bai took a look at the guy lying on the ground.

  Being scratched by the garbage man is no joke.

  ”I’m not a professional doctor, I don’t expect to save him… These are just some emergency measures,” she paused, and said, “I need to study the materials.”

  Lao Bai nodded.

  ”Is there anything I can help you with?”

  Chen Yutong glanced at the town not far away.

  ”It would be great if you could give me a quiet room. I need to do some minor surgery on him.”

  ”Well, leave it to me.”

  Lao Bai nodded, tapped his helmet twice with his index finger, and briefly told Jun Laji about the researcher’s needs.

  Soon, the big lizard came over here with its tail swaying, pinching its two paws and making an OK gesture.

  ”It’s been arranged.”

  Lao Bai said with a smile.


  ”Well, why are you being so polite to your brothers? I haven’t thanked you yet.” Jun Laji grinned and noticed the female researcher next to him, “Who is this?”

  ”Chen Yutong.” Lao Bai introduced her in both human language and Mandarin, then looked at Chen Yutong and said in human language, “This is my friend… His name is a bit strange, you can just call him Jun Laji.”

  Chen Yutong stared at Jun Laji blankly and nodded.


  Compared to the name.

  She thought this guy’s appearance was even weirder.

  ”Hello to you too, dear lady,” Garbage-kun grinned, looking at the half-dead captive on the ground, and said politely, “Do you need me to help you move this guy to the operating table?”

  Old White coughed lightly.

  ”Don’t make trouble, your claws will squeeze out the remaining breath.”


  Garbage-kun rolled his eyes, but couldn’t help but envy in his heart.


  This bunch of damn human players, one or two of them have a partner, but he is still single. Even Neeko doesn’t look down on him.

  Oh, wait!

  When he has trained to be as exaggerated as “Yongshi” – or even “Mother of Deathclaw”, he will make all the Deathclaws in the world kneel down and sing “Conquer” to him.

  ”That… he can talk?”

  After watching that trash man walk away, Chen Yutong finally couldn’t help her curiosity and looked at Lao Bai standing beside her and asked.

  She did hear some rumors that some aliens tamed by managers in the alliance could speak human language.

  At first, she only regarded those rumors as the general public’s worship of charismatic leaders, but she didn’t expect that there would actually be a talking Deathclaw!

  This is the first time she has seen it in reality!

  ”Not only can he talk, but he is also a resident of the shelter,” Lao Bai said with a smile, “There are all kinds of strange things in the wasteland, you will get used to it.”

  Chen Yutong nodded blankly.

  She heard a long time ago that a shelter in the south was conducting research on transplanting consciousness from the human body to other organisms.

  Unexpectedly, it was successful?

  Rationally analyzing, she was more inclined to think that it was a person wearing lizard skin than to let the lizard learn to speak.

  Chen Yutong’s eyes gradually flickered with interest.

  Things are getting more and more interesting…


  Stone City Hall.

  Chu Guang, who was sitting in the office, received a war report from the south from Xiaoqi.

  The advance troops of the Burning Corps arrived in Dust Town at 2 o’clock this afternoon and had a fierce exchange of fire with the believers of the Torch Church.

  The players killed a total of 92 believers and captured 11 people in the operation. The casualties on their side were nine villagers, six of whom were out of danger, and no player was injured or killed.

  Among the eleven captives, one was an apostle of the Torch Church.

  According to the information obtained from the interrogation of the apostle, the Torch Church is expanding its influence in Jinchuan Province.

  The specific reason is unknown.

  At the same time, according to the confession of the apostle, the Torch Church has reached a certain cooperative relationship with the local mutant forces.

  Now, in addition to the small settlement of two or three hundred households in Dust Town, the entire Jinhe City has been incorporated into the territory of the Torch Church.

  This missionary failed, and the next one might be a mutant army.

  In order to prevent the Torch Church from retaliating, the Burning Corps has mobilized local residents to deploy more fortifications and traps outside the town.

  At the same time, the Corps leader Lao Bai expressed his request for reinforcements in the battle report.

  Jinhe City has become the front line of the conflict between the Alliance and the Torch Church.

  At present, the Torch Church’s foundation in the local area is still unstable, and it only relies on drugs and interest exchanges to maintain its rule. Now is undoubtedly the best time to eliminate the Torch Church’s influence in the local area.

  If a medical way to eliminate the influence of Naguo can be found, the local mutant tribes are eliminated, and the locals are guided to live a normal life again and grow safe crops in the right way, the survivors of Jinhe City still have hope of being rescued.

  The soil contaminated by Naguo is not without a way to save it. According to Heya’s research conclusions, burning it with fire is enough.

  After reading the report from beginning to end, Chu Guang frowned and fell into deep thought.

  There is nothing wrong with what is mentioned in the report. He also agrees that now is the best time, but the problem lies in the wave two months later.

  If this continues, we might have to fight on two fronts…

  ”The timing is too good to be true.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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