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Chapter 562: Fight in the Dark

Chapter 562: Fight in the Dark


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 562: Fighting in the Dark


  The sudden sound of gunfire shattered the silence of the night. The originally quiet street was like a pot of boiling water, and it was completely boiling.

  ”Bang, bang, bang–!”

  The orange-yellow tracers shuttled freely in the night, and the continuous gunfire was like exploding firecrackers, catching the mutants in the park off guard.

  But it was only like this at the beginning.

  Those mutants seemed to have long been accustomed to sudden sneak attacks.

  They dragged their fallen companions back behind the bunker, then picked up their weapons and roared to launch a counterattack in the direction of the gunfire.

  Ye Shi quickly glanced at the map and compared it with the area where the gunfire sounded.

  He was sure.

  There were no one of his own there.

  Almost at the same time as the gunfire exploded, a noisy voice came from the communication channel.

  ”Fuck, who fired the gun?!”

  ”Ye Shi???”

  Hearing his ID, Ye Shi couldn’t help but spray.

  ”Did you hear the sound of the electromagnetic gun?”

  These bastards!

  They are still teasing me at this time.

  ”Quiet! Those are not our gunshots!” At the critical moment, Lao Bai was still reliable and quickly interrupted the quarrel in the public microphone.

  If you listen carefully, the first gunshot was indeed not the sound of LD-47. After playing the game for so long, he can still distinguish the gunshots.

  However, among the crackling gunshots that sounded later, some were obviously fired by LD-47.

  Perhaps it was because the recoil of the full-power bullet could not be suppressed, and the gunshots were very short, maintaining the rhythm of two or three rounds per round.

  Ye Shi immediately made a judgment in his mind.

  These people are using inferior equipment!

  Although it is impossible to judge whether these people are elite or not just from the gunshots, at least it can be judged that they should not be very rich.

  Could they be mercenaries?

  Just as he was thinking this, the voice of Brother Fang came from the communication channel. Judging from the gunshots leaked from the microphone, the B team he led should be very close to the crossfire area.

  ”…There was a crossfire on North 13th Street. In addition to us, there are people who are eyeing this place.”

  While reporting the situation, a group of photos were uploaded to the team member’s VM at the same time.

  Although the streets were dark due to the night, the outlines of the group could still be roughly seen by the light of the gunfire.

  There were about ten of them, wearing different styles of casual clothes and holding different weapons. It was impossible to judge their camps by their equipment.

  However, they all had a unified symbol, which was the armband wrapped around their left arm. There seemed to be an elongated arrow drawn on it, and it looked like a high-voltage tower or a signal tower when it was enlarged.

  At this time, news came from Kuangfeng.

  ”The nearby mutant tribe sent reinforcements. The terrain is complicated and the number of people cannot be determined. Twelve modified armored vehicles can be seen.”

  Ye Shi was shocked when he heard it.

  ”Armored vehicle?!”

  Kuangfeng: “It’s just a modification to the extent of welding steel plates… But there are some strange-shaped weapons on it that make me more concerned. These mutants may be different from those we encountered before.”

  Lao Bai: “How long will it take to arrive?”

  Kuangfeng: “Within three minutes.”

  After a brief pause on the communication channel, Lao Bai made a decisive judgment.

  ”We have to find a way to find out their identities, and it would be best if we can bring back two alive.”

  The group of unknown armed forces that suddenly launched an attack was obviously just a feint, and they had no intention of taking down the research facility occupied by the mutants.

  This is easy to judge.

  Guerrilla warfare and siege warfare are completely different in terms of both fighting style and scale. He could tell just by listening to the intensity of the exchange of fire and the distribution of the gunfire that this group of people had already planned their escape route when they launched the attack.

  It is obvious that this is not the first time they have harassed the mutants here.

  If these NPCs are like the resistance organization in Xizhou City, they are all survivors who rose up under the oppression of mutants and the Torch Church.

  They may be able to cooperate.

  Fang Chang: “Leave it to me… This group of people here is likely to be in trouble, and I should be able to save one or two.”

  Lao Bai: “Ye Shi, you support him, Group A, C, and D retreat, and leave this to Group B and reconnaissance.”

  A uniform answer came from the communication channel.


  In the darkness, a group of soldiers wearing exoskeletons began to move, and Fang Chang led three teammates to the rear of the guerrilla group they were targeting.

  The mutants had obviously also set their sights on this group of people.

  The green-skinned guys seemed to know that it was impossible to catch all the rats, so they planned to concentrate their efforts to catch the most jumpy ones first.

  The guerrilla soldiers seemed to have realized something and began to shrink their positions. However, they were not facing ordinary soldiers, but mutants who were not afraid of death.

  Those green-skinned guys were like cancer cells. Even if half of their bodies were blown off, they could still survive. Unless the bullets shattered their skulls, a few bullets in their bodies would not hurt them at all.

  In order to avoid alerting the enemy, the Viper transport plane parked in the high-rise building evacuated the battlefield first and flew to the evacuation point at the back.

  He lay down on the edge of the building again.

  Ye Shi skillfully unfolded the bipod of the 15-type “Python” Gauss rifle and adjusted the scope to thermal imaging mode.

  The field of view was clearly black and white.

  The white spots hiding in the darkness instantly exposed the positions of the two sides in the exchange of fire.

  ”Can you see your three o’clock direction?”

  Comparing the map and markings on the tactical eyepiece, Ye Shi quickly determined the location that Fang Chang mentioned.

  A group of mutants were moving quickly in the half-collapsed high-rise building, apparently intending to move to the side and rear of the guerrillas to establish a firing point.

  Looking at the mutants who threw the machine gun to the broken window and unfolded the bracket, Ye Shi’s eyes flashed with surprise.

  Good guy!

  These mutants also understand tactics? !

  Without hesitation, he immediately replied in the communication channel.

  ”I see… The scale is about ten people, and they are preparing to set up machine guns.”

  Fang Chang: “Shoot them down!”

  ”Got it!”

  As soon as the voice fell, Ye Shi had already pulled the trigger.

  The arc flashed slightly between the gun barrels, and the recoil evenly hit the shoulder armor, and the force was like throwing a javelin.

  At the same time, the head of the mutant holding the machine gun hundreds of meters away was instantly like a watermelon hit by a club, and red and white were scattered all over the ground.


  To deal with a soft target without armor protection, there is no need to charge the capacitor, and a single hit is enough to hit the head.

  After killing one, Ye Shi did not relax his breath and quickly aimed at the next target-the mutant who rushed over to take over the machine gun.


  The moment the trigger was pulled, another head was blown into pieces.

  Two mutant warriors were blown up in the head in succession, and the remaining eight mutants suddenly fell into panic, shouting and clamoring, and dared not touch the machine gun on the window again.

  Seeing that no one showed up for a long time, Ye Shi gently exhaled the turbid air in his chest, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

  ”The machine gun firepower point was successfully suppressed!”

  Fang Chang’s voice came from the communication channel.

  ”Well done! Keep suppressing… I’ll take care of the rest!”

  The tactical eyepiece projected the image taken by the drone. Through the holographic image, Ye Shi could see that the team led by Fang Chang successfully intercepted the mutant team that went around the rear of the guerrillas.

  These guys are indeed different from the mutants they have encountered before.

  Although the tactics of these green-skinned guys are not proficient, and can even be said to be simple and crude, lacking skills, they are just right with the tough physique of the mutants.

  A piercing buzzing sound accelerated towards the ground, and a blaze of fire burst out from the convoy of mutant reinforcements in the distance.

  That was the work of Kuangfeng.

  Judging from the power of the explosion, it was obviously the “switchblade” that shined in the battle of Xizhou City. This thing can even overturn the Conqueror No. 10 tank, and it is more than enough to destroy a modified truck.

  The sudden explosion blocked the reinforcement convoy in the street, and this also bought some time for the besieged guerrillas to retreat.

  Those people have obviously noticed the helpers who suddenly appeared and are trying to reunite with the team led by Fang Chang.

  ”Got it!”

  Ye Shi replied briefly, and continued to stare at the thermal imager, his eyes fixed on the machine gun, waiting for the enemy. However, after waiting for a long time, the third head did not appear. A

  faint heat source could be seen by the broken door, and he was sure that the mutants were still guarding there. Those animals would never have dreamed that their heavy breathing was also a heat source, and was also outlined in the lens of the thermal imager. With

  his index finger rubbing the trigger, Ye Shi was getting impatient.

  To be honest, after playing this game for so long, this was the first time he saw such a cowardly mutant. After two of them died, they shrank behind the bunker and dared not show their heads.

  With a thought in his mind, the corners of his mouth curled up with a wicked smile.

  ”You like to hide behind bunkers, right?”

  It was a good time to try out the new equipment.

  Before in Luoxia Province, he thought he could rely on the range advantage and armor-piercing ability of the Gauss rifle to show his skills, but he didn’t expect that his expectations would be in vain.

  The terrain there was indeed wide, but because it was too wide, the distance between the two sides was far beyond the range of rifles. Ultra-long-range combat was basically handed over to tanks, planes and artillery. The few raids he participated in had no place for sniper rifles to show their strength.

  Ye Shi did it right away, and took out a long spike-shaped bullet from behind his butt.

  This thing is an armor-piercing bullet designed for concrete bunkers, specifically for those old bastards who hide and don’t show their heads.

  After stuffing the bullet into the gun chamber, Ye Shi pressed the charging switch of the capacitor, and then slowly pulled the trigger.

  The current flowed from the battery to the high-energy capacitor, and the hot plasma kept rolling in the gun chamber and released the moment he released the trigger.

  With a short explosion, the hot air squeezed out of the muzzle, creating a circle of ripples at the muzzle, and broke through the sound barrier together with the high-speed mass bullet!

  The bullet drew a hot and transparent trajectory in the night sky, and blasted into the dark window like a cannonball, directly breaking the entire wall.

  The reverse recoil caused the shoulder armor to shake slightly. Looking at the corpse emitting white light in the thermal imaging device, Ye Shi couldn’t help but curl up a smug smile.


  The power of this Gauss rifle is really not exaggerated. It directly shattered the people and the wall.

  Although it was a bit wasteful, it was cool!

  After being shot, the group of mutants were obviously stunned. I don’t know that the guerrillas who came to pick a fight every day actually have this ability.

  At a distance of hundreds of meters, Ye Shi couldn’t hear their communication, but it seemed that they were scared and didn’t dare to stay behind the wall. They all fled downstairs.

  ”Too weak!”

  However, just when he was feeling proud, a warning sign quietly climbed into his heart, making his hair stand up.

  Something is staring at him!

  He can faintly sense the existence of that thing, but he can’t sense the specific direction of the killing intent!

  What is certain is that the guy may have been staring at him for a while, maybe when he fired the first shot.

  It’s only now that he’s within his perception range…

  This guy is strong!

  Ye Shi was immediately alert. He didn’t dare to be careless. He immediately put away the Gauss rifle on the edge of the building and retreated to the entrance of the safe passage, shouting in the communication channel.

  ”I seem to be targeted!”

  Fang Chang’s voice came to his ears.

  ”You retreat first and go to the evacuation point immediately! We are ready to call it a day.”

  Ye Shi replied immediately.

  ”Got it! See you at the base!”

  He punched open the rusty safety door.

  The moment he retreated from the roof to the top floor, Ye Shi clearly felt that the omen of crisis was getting stronger and stronger.

  If he went down the stairs, he might run into the group of mutants head-on. The narrow terrain might not be pleasing even with power armor.

  What’s more, he was not good at frontal combat, but shooting from a distance.

  Thinking of this, Ye Shi had an idea and decisively gave up the stairs. He went to the elevator room and used both hands to forcefully pry open the rusty elevator door.

  The elevator shaft was pitch black and he couldn’t see the situation below.

  He reached out and tugged at the cable hanging in the middle. After confirming that it had enough strength, he put the hook on it, then pulled the cable and jumped down the elevator shaft.


  Although the weight of the power armor was over one ton, it was within the weighing range of the elevator system, and the locking and lowering process was relatively smooth.

  However, the tooth-grinding metal friction sound was a little louder than he expected.

  ”Oh my god… don’t let anyone hear this.”

  It shouldn’t be that bad, right?

  Isn’t the sound insulation of the elevator shaft very strong?

  Just as he was thinking this, the outline of the elevator car suddenly appeared below, and Ye Shi quickly clamped his legs and hooks to slow down.

  His feet stepped heavily on the top of the elevator car, and the elevator car creaked and shook.

  Ye Shi quickly glanced at the number on the wall and found that this was the tenth floor, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

  It should be no problem to take the stairs next.

  Holding the handle of the elevator car’s top door with his right hand, Ye Shiyi pulled it off the top of the elevator car and threw it aside.

  However, just as he was about to step one foot in, his face changed slightly.

  What the hell? !

  This hole is too small!

  The top door of the elevator car is only about 1.5 shoulder widths, just enough to get stuck on his shoulder armor. If he got stuck in the air halfway down, Ah Guang, who was peeping at the screen, would laugh like a pig.

  That won’t do!

  ”MMP! You’re giving me a hard time!”

  What should I do?

  Ye Shi immediately looked around to find a way out, but at this moment, his feet suddenly felt empty and he lost the touch of the ground.


  The momentary weightlessness almost knocked him over, and the explosion above his head made him realize what had happened.

  Someone had blown up the cable.

  The last time it was overhauled was two centuries ago. After losing its only traction, the elevator car, whose braking system had completely failed, immediately began to free fall in the elevator shaft.

  Looking at the rapidly descending floors, Ye Shi’s face changed wildly.

  Although his power armor was the legacy of the Orbital Airborne Division, it had to be used with an airborne capsule. He hadn’t heard of any power armor that could jump down naked with a weight of more than a ton.

  Maybe a pentagonal warrior could do it.

  But unfortunately, the character he trained was just a weakling of the perception system.

  ”Oh my god–!”

  I was careless!


  At the same time, in Hope Town, dozens of kilometers away, Xiaoyu No. 1, standing on the edge of the town, suddenly raised his head slightly.


  Hearing the voice coming from the communication channel, Luo Yu stopped and looked back at it.

  ”What’s wrong?”

  Yu Yi and Yu Er looked at each other and tilted their heads in confusion. Yu San looked around and suddenly said something.


  Luo Yu: “…”


  He thought Xiao Yu had discovered something, but it turned out that he just wanted to talk bad.

  Relieved, Luo Yu was about to catch up with the convoy when he suddenly caught a glimpse of a green-skinned guy walking out through the gate of the town.

  Although it was already night and the lights under the fence were dim, he was sure that he was not wrong. The face under the hood was green.

  But for some reason, his physique was not as burly as that of a mutant, and his bones and body lines were closer to humans.

  Luo Yu, who was covered with sweat and hair, almost reflexively drew his weapon and aimed it at the guy’s head.

  This sudden action scared everyone around.

  Wu Wenzhou, the leader of the team, didn’t understand the situation, and the green-skinned guy did the same thing as Luo Yu. This also resulted in ten more rifles pointed at his head.

  Seeing the two people at loggerheads, the old guard standing at the gate of the town immediately took off the rifle on his back and walked towards this side with it in his hand.

  ”Hey! Stop it, man! Private fighting is prohibited within 100 meters of the town!”

  Seeing the black exoskeleton, he was instinctively a little scared, but still shouted.

  ”Mutants!” Luo Yu stared at the green-skinned guy, “Does this settlement allow mutants to come in and do business?”

  ”That guy…actually not.”

  The guard’s expression was a little embarrassed, as if he didn’t know how to explain, and he was a little hesitant about whether to help that guy.

  There is no doubt that fighting is prohibited in the settlement. This is the rule, especially for Hope Town, which needs to rely on trade to survive.

  After all, without rules, everything will be a mess.

  But to be honest, he didn’t like these green-skinned guys very much. Even if they look more like humans, they also have half mutant blood flowing in their bodies.

  Especially most of them come from the mutant tribe called “Qi”.

  There is no survivor in the entire Jinhe City area who does not hate and fear those guys.

  The green-skinned guy looked at Luo Yu coldly, suddenly curled his lips, put away his weapon, and then silently took off his pants.

  Startled by his action, Luo Yu quickly freed his left hand to cover his eyes, but in order to aim, he could not completely block it, so he missed a gap of a finger.

  ”Fuck, what are you doing–?”



  Looking at the smooth green skin, Luo Yu was stunned.

  He read in the information on the official website that some mutants are said to have no penis, especially the oldest ones.

  They are not transformed through reproduction, but born in culture tanks, and some of them are even engineers and scholars. If they are not crazy, they may still retain human sanity, but this kind of existence is too rare.

  Most guys who are canned and forcibly turned into mutants will go crazy for various reasons and become animals through and through.

  Very few can stay awake.

  Since this kind of species synthesized by technical means cannot reproduce, the speed of expanding the population size is obviously not as fast as the mainstream species in the wasteland, so it is almost impossible to encounter it in the wasteland.

  I can’t be fooled by this strange guy.

  When Luo Yu came to his senses, he had already pulled up his pants and walked away.

  ”…Hybrids, occasionally you can see such guys, inheriting more genes from the mother, with neither reproductive ability nor mutant physique. I heard that there will be one or two in ten thousand mutant cubs, but who knows? Mutants will not give birth in front of us.”

  ”Besides, the mutants themselves don’t like these guys very much. They usually regard them as a shame and throw them into the wasteland to let them fend for themselves.”

  Looking at the back of the man leaving, the guard on duty with a rifle narrowed his eyes and continued.

  ”How should I put it?”

  ”They are like a mule born from a horse and a donkey, haha.”

  The man laughed to ease the atmosphere, and the other people in the caravan also laughed, but Luo Yu always felt a little uncomfortable.

  This metaphor not only draws a line between those “hybrids” with half human blood flowing in their veins, but also seems to draw a line between those captives who were unfortunately captured by mutants.

  He didn’t know how to evaluate the former, but at least the latter was innocent and should not become a joke to ease the atmosphere.

  ”That… what’s the guy’s name?”

  ”Who knows, they all look the same, no one is interested in looking closely at their faces, and they usually cover their faces. If you need to find him, just shout ‘Hey’. They are very good hunters, and occasionally take some mercenary work, the price is cheap, but usually they don’t leave the local area.”

  ”If you don’t leave the local area, you can’t do the business of traveling.” Wu Wenzhou patted Luo Yu’s shoulder and grinned, “Don’t worry about that guy, are you interested in a drink?”

  ”Yeah.” Luo Yu nodded, he just wanted to find out some local information.

  According to Brother Fang’s theory, the tavern is the easiest place to collect intelligence, especially the tavern frequented by traveling merchants and mercenaries.

  Wu Wenzhou glanced at the ten strong and loyal thugs behind him.

  ”What about those guys?”

  These people are very strong, but they never take off their helmets, and they have never seen them take off their masks once.

  If possible, he wants to have a good relationship with these guys. This is not only for his boss, but also for himself.

  Luo Yu was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said.

  ”Ah, Xiaoyu, that’s not necessary.”



  Wu Wenzhou glanced at the ten thugs. They all seemed to react to this name, so that he couldn’t tell who he was calling.

  But this kind of thing is not important. There are so many strange things in the wasteland.

  He laughed and asked his men to park the car at the hotel he often went to, and then took this ruthless man to the bar at the entrance of the town.

  ”Grizzly and Streetlight… the name of this pub, this is a good place!” Standing at the door, Wu Wenzhou took a deep breath intoxicatedly, and then strode into the door.

  Luo Yu frowned and fanned his nose, and followed him with his head held high.

  The facade of the pub looked unremarkable, but the hall and the bar were almost full, and the noisy and noisy sounds were endless. The speakers also played music that tortured the eardrums, just like scratching a fork on a blackboard.

  Not only that, the air here is quite turbid. In addition to the smell of smoke and sweat, there is also a strange musty smell.

  I can’t describe what it feels like.

  But people here don’t pay much attention to it.

  Perhaps in the eyes of most people here, this is the only way to feel alive.

  But in the wasteland only a hundred meters away, the feeling of being alive is too thin. Even a powerful awakener may lose his life if he is not careful. In a

  radius of about a hundred miles, only here can you relax and have a few drinks without worrying about being shot in the head by your enemies – unless he doesn’t want to live anymore.

  While talking to Luo Yu about the history of this tavern, Wu Wenzhou found a secluded place to sit down and ordered a few side dishes and two large glasses of beer from the waiter holding a tray.

  ”Everything else is expensive in Jinchuan Province, only food is cheap.”

  In fact, there is another thing that is cheap.

  That is population.

  Whether it is men, women, old people or children, they are all extremely cheap in this fertile and chaotic land, usually only half the price of other places.

  But considering that this guy is a resident of the shelter, Wu Wenzhou was very tactful and skipped this matter.

  Luo Yu took a sip of beer. The mellow taste was indeed good, but there was a strange smell in the air here.

  He noticed it when he first came in here.

  ”This smell always feels weird.”

  Wu Wenzhou said with a smile, thinking he was talking about the beer.

  ”Are you not used to drinking alcohol outside your hometown?”

  ”It has nothing to do with alcohol,” Luo Yu nodded, looked around, and muttered softly, “There is something unclean.”

  He didn’t know what it was.

  It was Xiao Yu who told him.

  He said that he smelled a bad smell when he entered the town, and the closer he got to the tavern, the stronger the smell became.

  At this time, the waiter came over with a basket of bread and a jar of green bottles and placed them on the next table.

  ”Pine nut bread, a specialty here.”

  The mercenary at the next table glanced at the green glass jar and asked curiously.

  ”What is this?”

  Before the waiter spoke, the man sitting next to the mercenary said with a smile.

  ”Hope Town’s special jam! Delicious stuff, very popular in this area recently, you’ll know after you try it! I bet you’ll love it!”

  ”Haha, come on, I don’t eat sweet things, I only eat meat!”

  ”Try it, it’s my treat anyway.”

  Encouraged by his good brother, the mercenary curiously unscrewed the glass jar, dipped a little with his finger, put it in his mouth, sucked it, and muttered after savoring it for a while.

  ”It’s a bit weird, let me try it again.”

  Looking at the jar of green jam, Luo Yu suddenly recognized it and his eyes bulged out.

  Good guy.

  Na Guo… Jam? !

  Now he finally figured out what was making Xiao Yu uncomfortable…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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