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Chapter 563 Come Down!

Chapter 563 Come Down!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 563 Come on down!

  According to the general idea of ​​the game, it is natural to pile up the most expensive equipment on your body, but “Wasteland OL” is completely different.

  Whether it is equipment, level, or the player’s own experience, they are only one of the factors that determine the outcome of the battle, not all.

  The too realistic collision volume and physical system often make the battle full of variables.

  Just like throwing dice.

  Experienced warriors have a higher probability of rolling higher points, but a small mistake or a moment of hesitation will make the dice throw again.

  If the file can be read, Ye Wei swears that he will never spend a million silver coins to buy an iron coffin as a wronged seed.

  Although the OD-10 “Dragoon” is the equipment of the Orbital Airborne Division, its lightweight is only relative to the T-10 “Champion”. The application scenario is to be airdropped into the city to cooperate with armored units and lighter infantry to complete street fighting tasks, so the armor still has a certain width.

  If you really want to repeatedly jump between high-rise buildings, you have to get a “special warfare version” with stronger mobility and higher lightweight.

  It would be even better if it could be equipped with optical camouflage and chemical propulsion.


  In the dark tunnel.

  Suddenly awakened from coma, Ye Shi, who was lying on the top of the elevator car, twitched like a zombie, and sat up from the sunken iron shell with a cough.

  ”Damn, I finally got on board!”

  A yellow exclamation mark flashed on the tactical eyepiece, but fortunately the power components and mechanical structure were not damaged.

  After moving his limbs and confirming that the motors of each joint of the armor were operating normally, Ye Shi breathed a sigh of relief and got up from the ground slickly.

  If it weren’t for the buffer lining of the power armor that removed part of the impact force, the previous blow alone would have been enough to send him away.

  Thinking of this, Ye Shi couldn’t help but sweat in his heart.

  This antique from two centuries ago has been repaired and used until now, and it can still be used after falling from a height of fifty or sixty meters.

  The technology of the prosperous era is really awesome.

  But that long string of yellow exclamation marks…

  This time I will probably have to overhaul it

  . Consciousness has been fully restored, and the omen of crisis has gradually crept into his mind.

  Knowing that he couldn’t stay here for long, Ye Shi quickly jumped down from the top of the scrapped elevator car and moved it away with the brute force of the power armor. After

  removing the elevator door and entering the corridor, Ye Shi caught a glimpse of the number B4 on the wall.


  This pit is deep enough! He

  quickly found the floor map on the wall, wiped off the dust on it with his hand, and quickly confirmed his position and the safe passage.

  ”… Turn left at the corner of the corridor.”

  To be safe, he took a photo, but just as he was about to leave, a faint sound suddenly came into his ears.


  The sound was like the panting of a beast.

  It was abrupt and weird in the dark corridor, making the hairs all over his body stand up.

  Then came the creaking sound of boots stepping on the dust, coming from the other end of the corridor, and getting closer and closer…

  ”Damn… It was supposed to be a fun game, but I played it as a horror game.”

  Cursing, he hung the Gauss rifle with an overlong barrel behind him and took out the LD-50 carbine hanging on his waist.

  The other side already knew he was here, so hiding was meaningless. He opened the safety and loaded the rifle neatly.

  Just as he expected, the other side’s footsteps did not hesitate at all, as if he had determined that he had no other place to escape, and walked towards this side step by step as if playing with prey.

  Staring at the end of the corridor with his eyes locked, when he saw the figure walking around the corner, Ye Shi’s pupils could not help but shrink.

  It was a green-skinned giant, wearing a heavy steel helmet on his head, almost sticking to the ceiling of the corridor, and his broad shoulders occupied half of the corridor. The

  knotted muscles were like a pile of granite blocks, and his clenched right fist was holding a half-man-high chain saw. What was even more chilling was his left half of the body, from the waist to the head, which had been completely replaced by metal structures, and his left arm was inlaid with a large-caliber gun barrel!

  What the hell! ?

  Cyborg mutant? !

  Which wicked thing performed surgery on this thing!


  The dull roar was like a war cry.

  It also sounds like its name.

  This guy seems to be planning to fight him one-on-one.

  Swallowing his saliva, Ye Shi clenched the weapon in his hand, turned on the speaker, and introduced himself in his native language.



  Looking through the dark tactical eyepiece, Oulu read the panic of the human in front of him at the moment, and a cruel smile twisted his mouth.

  These ugly human things have been harassing them for a long time. He vowed to chop this guy into pieces in the most cruel way.

  Oulu, who didn’t take the small water pipe seriously at all, shook the chainsaw in his hand and made a provocative gesture.

  ”… Good guy, you don’t panic when you see the power armor?”

  Reading the provocation in the eyes, Ye Shi raised his eyebrows and decisively pulled the trigger with his index finger.

  ”Bang, bang, bang–!”

  The sound of gunfire echoed in the corridor, and the muzzle of the LD-50 spewed out surging flames, and bullets rained down on one side of the corridor.

  The cyborg mutant was not panicked.

  It slammed the heavy chainsaw directly to the ground. The saw blade, which was two palms wide, was like a shield. The rain of bullets scraped a series of jumping sparks on it.

  Too weak!

  Olu stood sideways, looking at the human at the end of the corridor with cold eyes, and a cruel arc appeared at the corner of his mouth.

  However, at this moment, something strange happened.

  The human suddenly put down the carbine with an empty magazine, and instantly grabbed the Gauss rifle on his back and held it in his hand.

  Olu’s expression froze.

  From the dark and cold muzzle, he vaguely saw the jumping arc.

  Charging has been completed –

  but when? !

  ”Die for me!!”

  The piercing sonic boom exploded in the corridor, and the hot trajectory seemed to distort the air.

  The distance of less than 20 meters passed in an instant, and the high-speed mass bullet blasted the chainsaw and the mutant away.

  When Ye Shi was shooting at the green baboon with his carbine just now, he turned on the charging switch of the Gauss rifle behind him, and almost at the moment when the last bullet in the magazine was emptied, he switched to the Gauss rifle that had been fully charged.

  At such a close distance, there is no possibility of survival as long as he hits.

  However, the warning sign lingering in his heart has not yet dissipated from Ye Shi’s mind.

  ”No way… this guy is still alive?!”

  The cooling CD of the capacitor had almost just ended, and Ye Shi pressed the charging switch again, intending to give the green baboon another shot.

  However, almost at the moment he pressed the switch, a deafening explosion came almost at the same time from the other end of the corridor.


  The huge impact force hit his chest, knocking him back and staggering.

  Then there were two more bangs, one shot smashed the drooping door panel behind him, and the other shot pushed him into the twisted elevator box.


  The huge gun barrel was emitting green smoke, and anger burned in his bloodshot eyes.

  Oulu struggled to stand up from the wall, grabbed the half-broken chain saw that fell on the ground, and no longer dared to be arrogant. He roared and rushed towards the crooked elevator.

  Of course, a few lead bullets could not penetrate the power armor, but as long as he was strong enough, he had no doubt that he could smash the guy in the iron coffin into a pulp.

  He no longer cared where the mouse came from, nor did he care whether he was in the same group with the other little mice.

  He just wanted him to die now!

  ”Go to hell!”


  The half-broken chain saw slammed into the power armor that fell to the ground, but the feeling of cutting on steel did not come. The chain saw in his hand smashed the floor of the elevator car straight, and the blunt teeth were stuck in the concave and broken metal plate.

  His attack seemed to be predicted.

  The human wearing the iron lump rolled sideways to avoid the fatal blow, hit the side of the elevator car, and set up the Gauss rifle in his hand.

  Of course, he would not let this guy succeed. He swung his left arm violently, and the stick-like barrel directly blew the high-tech rifle away.


  The flashing arc was released, and a hot trajectory almost passed through them, blasting a big hole in the elevator car.

  Oulu grinned, loosened the half-chain saw that was stuck, turned over and rode on the power armor, restrained his joints, and the fist-sized barrel directly hit his neck.

  However, something unexpected happened to Oulu.

  Almost at the moment he pulled the trigger – or the second before, the power armor he was riding on raised his right hand, pressed the muzzle of the gun to his chest, and held it tightly, almost welding his gun barrel to his chest armor.

  Oulu, who was holding the gun barrel, changed his face, and instinctively sensed the danger from the human’s actions, but it was too late.

  The gunpowder exploded, and the energy with nowhere to go blew up the barrel of the gun, and hot sparks and charred flesh flew all over the elevator car.

  Oulu screamed in pain, his left arm was half broken and blood was dripping. He couldn’t tell which was blood and which was machine, and he stumbled backwards and fell to the ground.

  The kinetic energy of the lead bullet made a shallow dent on Ye Shi’s chest armor, and he fell to the ground with a muffled groan. Although it was also unpleasant, it was still much better than the ruthless man who welded the gun barrel to his body.

  ”…I told you, I’m your father.”

  With a grin, Ye Shi struggled to get up from the ground and walked to the mutant named Oulu.

  There was no signal in the elevator shaft, so he was not worried about this guy asking for help, but considering the mutant’s cockroach-like vitality, it was better to finish him off as soon as possible.

  Feeling the threat of death, Oulu struggled to get up from the ground.

  But Ye Shi didn’t give him a chance to breathe, and directly pulled out the combat dagger tied to his waist and stabbed him fiercely in the eye socket.


  The dagger got stuck in the eye socket. Olu howled in pain, but he was not dead yet. He smashed Ye Shi’s head with his right fist.

  This guy’s vitality is really strong. He is still struggling even at this point.

  The helmet was hit hard by the punch. Ye Shi, who was well prepared, just shook his head slightly. He raised his fist without stopping and swung it on the handle of the dagger like a hammer.


  The dull feeling of metal splitting flesh and bones came from the fist, and the dagger stuck in the skull directly pierced Olu’s head.

  Olu’s whole body twitched as if he was electrocuted, and then the electronic eye on the left half of his face flipped upwards and stopped moving completely.

  Worried that this guy was not dead, Ye Shi stabbed him a few more times. The whole elevator car was in a mess, and blood plasma almost soaked the floor.

  ”Damn…Is he going to die now?”

  Ye Shi, who was almost exhausted, breathed a sigh of relief, let go of Oulu who was no longer moving, pulled out the combat dagger from him, looked around, and couldn’t help but smack his tongue.

  The amount of blood loss was comparable to that of a B-level movie.

  No, B-level movies are simply weak compared to this!

  Is this a fun game?

  Silently complaining about Brother Guang in his heart, Ye Shi picked up the Gauss rifle running in the blood plasma and shook off the blood stains on it.

  The barrel was knocked crooked by the mutant, but the 15-type “Python” was originally a detachable barrel, so it didn’t have much impact.

  Hanging the Gauss rifle behind him, Ye Shi took a few photos of the cyborg mutant’s body, picked up some debris and took them with him, then hurriedly evacuated the elevator car and rushed to the safe passage.

  Although the mutant named Oulu came down alone to fight him, it was obvious that there were more than just the “big guy” surrounding him.

  Four or five mutants were squatting at the stairs of the safety passage, and the murderous intent visible to the naked eye almost overflowed from his retina.

  However, the killing intent was killing intent, and the combat effectiveness of these minions was obviously much worse than that of the elite monster transformed by the prosthetic body just now.

  Estimating that he could not break through the blockade of the firepower network, Ye Shi simply withdrew from the stairwell and returned to the B1 floor. He raised his hand and stuck a C4 on the ceiling, turned around and turned into a room next to it.

  ”Come down!” With an evil smile on his lips, he tightly grasped the detonator in his hand.

  A loud bang echoed in the corridor. The shock wave of the explosion not only shattered the ceiling, but also blew up the old concrete slab and collapsed it.

  The mutants guarding the exit of the safety passage on the first floor had no time to react, so they fell down and fell into the rolling dust.

  If it were an ordinary person, he would probably be killed on the spot, but the mutant shook his head and rested for a while to recover.

  Without giving them a chance to breathe, Ye Shi stepped over the concrete debris on the ground and walked forward, shooting directly at the heads.

  The explosion in the building attracted the attention of the mutants patrolling the street. Ye Shi did not dare to go through the main door, but went around the back door to the street.

  However, almost at the moment when he fled to the street, the headlights on both sides of the street were lit up, which could blind people’s eyes.

  Through the tactical eyepiece, Ye Shi saw that they were two armed pickup trucks with welded steel plates, and the machine guns on the roof were pointed straight at him.


  His face changed slightly, and Ye Shi was about to find a shelter to hide. Two missiles whizzed down from the night sky, and the flames of the explosion almost instantly engulfed the two armed pickup trucks. The

  mutants who were set on fire stumbled out of the car, and gunshots rang out on the other side of the street.

  At the same time, gunshots rang out on the other side of the street, and Fang Chang, who had previously covered the guerrillas’ evacuation, came back with his men. A

  familiar and long-lost voice came from the communication channel.

  ”Ye Shi! How’s the situation over there?”

  Hearing the voice that sounded like the sound of nature, Ye Shi said excitedly.

  ”Good brother——”

  ”Stop talking nonsense, come here quickly!!!”

  The rude voice interrupted his half-brewed emotions without any hesitation.

  ”Hehe, got it!” With an embarrassed smile, Ye Shi ran towards the rendezvous point on the map without stopping.

  The shouts of mutants could be heard in the streets in the distance, and the noisy gunshots were like cannons, chasing the buttocks of a group of people and landing on the street corners.

  Ye Shi quickly joined up with Team B led by Fang Chang and rushed to the evacuation point together.

  The evacuation point was in an open-air parking lot of an abandoned building, only 300 meters away from their location. The “Viper” transport plane was parked in the middle of the open-air parking lot.

  The group hurriedly boarded the plane, and the pilot immediately raised the altitude and controlled the vertical take-off and landing transport plane to fly towards the suburbs.

  The crisis was finally resolved.

  Watching the brightly lit half of the city getting farther and farther away, Ye Shi finally breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Fang Chang who was sitting opposite him.

  ”Didn’t you retreat? Why are you back?”

  Before Fang Chang could say anything, he patted his shoulder with a smile.

  ”Brother, it’s a million! It’s a loss to abandon you!”

  Another team member also laughed and teased.

  ”That’s right, we have to pick up your body anyway.”

  Ye Shi: “Fuck! Are you so ruthless?” Fang

  Chang rolled his eyes.

  ”Stop talking nonsense, what the hell were you doing just now?”

  Thinking back to the previous exciting experience, Ye Shi sighed.

  ”It’s a long story. The mutants came to my building and planned to steal my ass. I sensed it in advance and planned to go down the elevator. But these guys didn’t follow the moral code of martial arts. They probably heard the movement in the elevator shaft and cut the cable for me directly from above…”

  ”The idea is correct. If you act quickly, the other party may not react. But your equipment…” Fang Chang glanced at his power armor with a subtle expression, “Aren’t you afraid that it will get stuck inside?”

  Ye Shi scratched the back of his head awkwardly, and suddenly remembered something, and immediately changed the subject.

  ”By the way, that group of mutants is a bit weird.”

  As he said, he took off the wreckage hanging on the power armor.

  This thing was black, sticky with burnt blood and meat residue, and it was impossible to tell where it was removed from.

  Several players came closer to take a look, but couldn’t figure it out.

  Fang Chang frowned slightly.

  ”This is…”

  Ye Shi said with a gleaming look in his eyes: “A modified prosthesis! I took it off from that elite monster – oh no, from that BOSS.”

  Hearing his answer, a group of players exclaimed in surprise.

  ”What the hell?! Prosthesis?!” “Mutant?!”

  ”Are you dazzled

  ? ”

  Seeing that these animals didn’t believe him, Ye Shi became anxious.

  ”How could I be wrong? I stabbed his head with a dagger.”

  As he spoke, he vividly described the appearance of the mutant with a prosthesis and how dangerous the situation was at that time.

  Only when he was dry-mouthed and satisfied did he share the photos he took with his teammates’ terminals, and for this he was given another eye roll by Fang Chang. Quitting

  listened attentively enough. He always believed what others said, especially when he heard about the dangerous fight in the elevator, his eyes widened.

  Only after Ye Shi’s brother finished bragging did he sigh with emotion.

  ”Good man… When will mutants be able to undergo transformation surgery?”

  ”It’s not hard to understand. The top leaders of the Torch Church are not believers in the simple sense, but experts in the shelter. Religion is more like their tool.”

  Fang Chang stared at the photo on the VM screen with a frown and continued.

  ”Speaking of which, I had a similar feeling just now… Those mutants, whether in tactics or equipment, are not like ordinary mutant tribes.”

  Lao Bai also fell into deep thought. .

  ”Well, especially those vehicles and weapons, it seems to be tailor-made for them.”

  Several players next to him exchanged glances.

  It seems that this task of recycling nuclear fuel is not as simple as they imagined…

  The helicopter did not fly back to the base, but flew to the suburbs more than ten kilometers away and landed at the edge of the forest, where the trees were relatively sparse.

  One good thing about this jet helicopter is that there is no need to worry about the propeller stirring the branches, and it can basically land anywhere.

  Another Viper also stopped nearby. The players who retreated here first lit a fire and sat next to the fire.

  There were six guerrillas who had retreated with the players nearby. Two of them were seriously injured and unconscious.

  Seeing Lao Bai and his group coming, Kuang Feng threw the branches he was using to stir the fire into the fire, stood up and walked over.

  Next to him was a middle-aged man with an untidy beard. He had a scarf around his neck, a cement-gray jacket, an armband with the iron tower logo on his arm, and an assault rifle wrapped with cloth and tape on his back. He

  looked like an experienced veteran.

  ”Thank you for your help.”

  ”You’re welcome. I have a lot of complaints to make, and a lot of questions to ask you…” Lao Bai stared at him for a while, then got straight to the point and asked, “What’s your name, who are you? And who sent you here?”

  Perhaps he asked too directly.

  The atmosphere was tense for a moment.

  Apart from the two unconscious people, the three guerrillas sitting by the fire were on edge.

  However, they clearly knew that these scattered soldiers could not be the opponents of these well-equipped “professionals”, so they wisely did not make any moves that would cause misunderstanding.

  The man looked calm and said to Lao Bai.

  ”Li Jinrong, you can call us ‘Iron Tower’, that’s the name of our organization. No one sent us here, we are not anyone’s subordinates, we only fight for ourselves… I saw you firing at those mutants, I thought we could be allies.”

  Lao Bai smiled faintly.

  ”Whether we can be allies depends on your sincerity.”

  Li Jinrong looked at him and said.

  ”I think sincerity is mutual.”

  Lao Bai introduced himself in a concise manner.

  ”Lao Bai, alliance. As for the rest, I have nothing to say. We saved your life, and I think this is enough as a sincerity.”

  Hearing a few of the key words, Li Jinrong’s eyes were filled with surprise, and he looked at Lao Bai in disbelief.

  ”Alliance… Are you from the Alliance? The Alliance in the southern part of the River Valley Province?”

  ”Yes, nothing can prove our identity better than this guy,” said Lao Bai, patting the LD-47 assault rifle hanging on the power armor, and raised his eyebrows at him, “You seem to have heard of us?”

  Li Jinrong nodded slowly.

  ”I heard that you relied on shoddy equipment to beat up the Legion in Luoxia Province… But it seems that shoddy equipment is a rumor.”

  Although the rifle looks a bit retro, the power armor and vertical take-off and landing aircraft… These equipment are not bad at all.

  Lao Bai can feel that after learning that they are from the Alliance, although this guy did not completely relax his vigilance, his vigilance has obviously decreased a lot.

  Obviously, reputation still has some benefits.

  Just like the merchants in Yunjian Province, whether they have been to Ideal City or not, they like to say that they are from the enterprise.

  Ye Shi chuckled and interrupted.

  ”It’s definitely a rumor that it’s shoddy, but generally speaking, the equipment of those big-nosed guys is better than ours.”

  Fang Chang interrupted the topic without letting Ye Shi steer the conversation off track and asked.

  ”Why is it the Champion Biopharmaceutical Research Institute?”

  Li Jinrong hesitated slightly.

  ”Why do you mean…”

  Fang Chang continued, staring into his eyes.

  ”If your target is mutants, they have more than one base in the city. What do you know about that facility?”

  Li Jinrong curled his lips.

  ”Mutants? We don’t care about those green-skinned guys. Our target is those charlatans holding torches.”

  Quit Smoking: “The Torch Church?”

  ”Yes… they destroyed our home and killed my family,” the man said word by word with hatred flashing in his eyes, “I don’t care what their plan is, as long as I can bite a piece of meat off them, I will do it.”

  ”Coincidentally, our relationship with those charlatans is not good either. They supported the Bone Chewing Rebellion, and they are the ‘xie cult’ in the alliance.” After a pause, Lao Bai looked at him and continued, “Our purpose of coming to Jinchuan Province happens to be related to those guys spreading the plague everywhere, so is there any connection between that facility and the Torch Church?”

  ”I don’t know, but after those guys came to Jinhe City, the first stop they went to was there. We followed them all the way, from Haiya Province to here… But unfortunately, our strength is too weak, and the locals like them more than us. We can only watch them form an alliance with mutants, and then watch them make this land stink, and finally repeat our mistakes…”

  When saying this, Li Jinrong stared at Lao Bai with sharp eyes.

  Lao Bai knew what he was thinking.

  However, this was beyond the scope of his authority. He needed to report the matter to the administrator, and the administrator would make the decision.

  ”We have a common enemy, and maybe we can cooperate, but I’m just a corps commander and can’t give you an immediate answer.”

  ”It doesn’t matter, we can wait!”

  In order to increase his weight, Li Jinrong continued, “We have more members than these people, we have bases near various settlements!”

  Lao Bai nodded.

  ”I will report it to our administrator truthfully.”

  ”Haiya Province? Where is that?” Ye Shi and Quit Smoking exchanged glances and muttered in a low voice.

  Quit Smoking scratched his head, confused.

  Fortunately, Brother Fang is here.

  ”The south of Jinchuan Province is located in the tropics, with a long coastline and large hills and mountains, and only a few plains… It is said that it is the lair of the Torch Church.”

  He paused and continued after looking at the night sky in the south.

  ”The Death Coast is there.”

  That should be the place closest to the sea in the alliance.

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode