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Chapter 564: Because it is less than 20mm, it is of course a gun

Chapter 564: Because it is less than 20mm, it is of course a gun


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 564: Because it is less than 20mm, it is of course a gun

  . “Wasteland OL” official website.

  During the peak period of offline, a freshly-released post topped the hot list at lightning speed and became a hot topic among countless players and cloud players.

  Ye Shi: “Big news!! A cyborg mutant was found in Jinhe City!!!”

  In the post, Ye Shi exaggerated the dangerous situation at the time and how he cleverly killed the opponent and escaped.

  In addition, several restricted pictures were attached to the post. Although they were processed by the system’s built-in filter, they still require age verification information to view. However,

  to Ye Shi’s great disappointment, the situation where a group of fans shouted 666 did not appear in his post.

  Instead, there was a boo.

  Tyrannosaurus Warrior: “You can fight evenly even with six sets of armor, that’s too lame!”

  Cheerful netizen: “That’s right!”

  Professor Yang, the King of Lightning: “It’s better to let me wear it than to identify it! (Funny)”

  Ye Shi: “Fuck! You talk easily, go and kill one and try it!”

  Professor Yang, the King of Lightning: “That’s easy, give me a helmet and I will show you my skills immediately. (Smirk)”

  Ye Shi: “#@%¥!”

  Lao Bai: “Haha, that mutant with prosthetic body modification is still something, he can run and jump after taking a charged shot from a Gauss rifle, and swung a half-chain saw and banged several parts of our brother Ye Shi’s power armor.” Quit

  Smoking: “Wait, I remember that it was dropped?”

  Fang Chang: “Capture an honest man alive.”

  Kuangfeng: “(Squinting smile)”

  Teng Teng: “(╯▽╰)”

  Ye Ten: “TT”

  Tail: “Wait a minute… Si, are we running too far south?! (#Д)”

  Sisi: “I thought the south was the south of Luoxia Province… After all, wouldn’t it be too obvious if it was the south of River Valley Province? (Guilty)”

  Roushan Damomo: “Sure enough, it’s too difficult. TT”

  Aoao Zhimahu: “Ahaha… Actually, surviving on a deserted island is quite interesting, pat on the head.”

  Crow: “Surviving on a deserted island?! Where on earth did you go? Σ(°△°|||)”

  Sisi: “Phuket Island, anyway, we are repairing the ship… By the way, there are crabs as big as a small house here, which should not be considered cracked claw crabs, but it’s a pity that the photos can’t be uploaded. ( ̄~ ̄;)”

  Fountain Commander: “Shocked…”

  Ye Ao Nai Wo He: “Laughing, the picture can’t be clicked at all, so just make it up? Trash!”

  The post is full of joy.

  Although there are many good brothers who tease Ye Shi for having such a hard time wearing power armor, most players still recognize his strength.

  It is not easy for a perception system to be able to kill back even when being attacked face to face. In theory, in terms of strength, constitution, and agility, mutants are far superior to humans. Power armor can provide high damage reduction, but it is not invincible after all.

  Apart from the voices of ridicule, the focus of most players’ discussions is still on the game itself.

  That is, the ridiculously strong mutants that appeared in the new map!

  As early as when the server was just launched, the old players of the A test had experienced the horror of the mutants’ combat power.

  If it weren’t for the crew of the Trailblazer who killed those beasts in the plot, they would probably have no way to deal with the mutants on Street 76 with just the manpower and equipment at that time.

  At that time, everyone discussed on the forum that considering the intelligence level and physical fitness, the strength of mutants should probably be comparable to that of level 40 or 60 monsters.

  After all, they are not animals like the cracked claw crabs that will only rush up when hit, but primates with learning ability.

  Not only do they make their own iron barrel rifles and Molotov cocktails, they also stuff iron nails and gunpowder into cans to make traps like tripwires and mines.

  And now, these mutants are not carrying those homemade iron barrel rifles.

  Not only do they have vehicles and modified prostheses tailored to their body types, they even have radio commands and simple, crude but effective tactical coordination.

  The strength of this 10,000-strong mutant tribe is probably far greater than that of a 100-strong mutant tribe.

  Of course, even in a serious discussion, it is inevitable that there will be some inappropriate content.

  Luo Yu: “Come to think of it, I also saw another kind of mutants here. The locals call them hybrids, probably similar to orcs? They occasionally appear in the survivors’ settlements. Their body shape looks similar to humans, but they don’t have penises, or they don’t have primary sexual characteristics.”

  Sisi: “?” Fang Chang

  : “???”

  Luo Yu: “Uh, why are you posting question marks… Can’t we discuss this? (Feeling guilty)”

  Fang Chang: “Well, it’s not that we can’t discuss it.”

  Sisi: “It’s just… how did you know?”

  Wei Ba: “!!! Tell me more! (ω)”

  Luo Yu: “???”

  Elf King Fugui: “It’s Luo Yu as expected. Lao Na called him a good guy. (Funny)”

  Canyon Fugitive Mole: “Although they are all eating, they are completely different, right? (Funny)”

  Construction Site Boy and Brick: “Hahahaha, Big Eyes gave a thumbs up.”

  Debt Big Eyes: “Damn! What’s wrong with me?”

  Irena: “Thank you, I’m offended. (Fist Hard Limited Edition Funny.jpg)”


  Shelter No. 404.

  In the B4 browsing room, Chu Guang, sitting in front of the computer, was looking at the report submitted by Lao Bai.

  In fact, before receiving this report, he had already learned the whole story of last night from the forum post.

  However, compared with Ye Shi’s bragging narration and the sabotage of his good brothers, Lao Bai’s report was obviously much more professional and rigorous.

  It not only contained the plan and complete process of the entire operation, but also reported in detail the entire process of their contact with the Iron Tower Organization.

  According to the members of the “Iron Tower” organization, the Torch Church did not immediately contact the local survivors after arriving in Jinhe City, but first found the local mutant tribe “Qi”.

  This happened two years ago.

  And the year before last, that is, in the year 211 of the Wasteland Era, the year he just woke up in the wasteland. The Torch Church sent an apostle to Qingquan City, and hired local mercenaries through the middleman White Shark in the Pirate Bay Tavern to search for Shelter No. 117 and the black box in it.

  At present, White Shark has been controlled by the Guards and has become one of the Alliance’s “informants” in Boulder City. This part of the intelligence has naturally been unlocked.

  Combined with the rhetoric provided by the Iron Tower Organization, it is basically consistent. Including

  the fact that the Torch Church later provided limited weapons and intelligence support to the Bone Chewing Tribe through Boulder City as a springboard, not only for the black box of Shelter No. 117, but also for the plan to carry out missionary activities in Jinchuan and the River Valley at the same time.

  It’s just that the group of predators is really a hopeless case, and they caught up with the winter blizzard, and lost the right time, place and people. The operation of the Calabash Brothers saving their grandfather not only played themselves to death, but also forcibly created a “new alliance” in the wilderness.

  At that time, the Iron Tower Organization tried to win the help of the nobles of Boulder City, but those guys didn’t even look down on the country bumpkins in the northern suburbs, let alone the country bumpkins from other provinces.

  According to Lao Bai’s report, Li Jinrong said that the envoys they sent to Boulder City did not even see the then director of the City Hall and were directly sent away by the gatekeeper.

  However, it may be precisely because of the arrogance of those old nobles that the Torch Church did not get their attention. On the contrary, because the interests of Boulder City were focused on the south at that time, the ambitions of the missionaries aroused the vigilance of the “noble merchants” headed by Weijia.

  Many plantations in Jinchuan Province are actually remotely controlled by the industrial owners of Boulder City, which “to a certain extent” limits the expansion plan of the Torch Church.

  However, with the rise of the alliance, the decline of Boulder City and the old noble forces, the cheap agricultural products produced by the river embankment in Luoxia Province gradually flowed into the southern part of the valley province as the front line advanced, and this insignificant inhibitory factor was soon removed.

  This happened outside the vision of the alliance.

  Now the Torch Church has almost included the entire Jinchuan Province in its sphere of influence, and the “Qi” tribe has become a staunch ally of the Torch Church.

  This part of the information is basically consistent with the information Chu Guang had previously investigated through the Guards.

  Not only that, the man named Li Jinrong also provided him with a clue that he did not expect.

  That is, the first stop of the Torch Church after arriving in Jinhe City is the “Champion” Biopharmaceutical Research Institute. And that place is exactly the coordinates provided to him by the academy!

  So what exactly is that research institute?

  Now Chu Guang is more and more convinced that the academy is using him to do something.

  Is it to use him to get rid of the Torch Church?

  Or is it just to divert his attention from Luoxia Province or the Great Desert, or other things.

  Those guys have too many minds, he really can’t guess.

  Sometimes Chu Guang even suspects that even the accidental encounter between the Beacon Team and the Burning Corps at the edge of the Wandering Swamp was arranged by an invisible hand…

  ”Mutants transformed by prosthetics…”

  Chu Guang, leaning on the chair, tapped his forehead lightly with his index finger, pondered for a long time, and suddenly spoke.

  ”Xiao Qi, help me contact Ibers.”

  Since he can’t make up his mind, he might as well ask the experts for their opinions first.

  Almost at the same time as he finished speaking, a clear and pleasant voice floated over.

  ”Okay, Master…ah, Ibers is still in the operating room, and his assistant told Xiaoqi that it will take about 15 minutes.”

  It should be the player who is doing the operation.

  Chu Guang said.

  ”Tell him not to rush and finish the work first.”

  ”Got it!”

  Xiaoqi, who was sitting on the table, saluted playfully.

  Listening to the energetic voice, Chu Guang couldn’t help but smile, and the solemnity between his brows couldn’t help but dissipate a little. He stretched out his index finger and rubbed its little head.

  ”Can you make me a cup of tea?”

  Xiaoqi, who was enjoying the massage on his head, nodded happily.

  ”Well! Leave it to Xiaoqi!”

  Chu Guang always felt that the smile was not that simple, but he didn’t take it too seriously.

  Not long after, the door of the browsing room opened, and Yaya, holding a cup of black tea, walked in in a hurry.

  ”Oh, oh! Dear administrator, here is the black tea you requested for sleepiness!”

  Chu Guang almost choked on his own saliva after hearing this off-line speech, but he managed to maintain the dignity of the camp boss and nodded seriously.

  ”Thank you, just put it here.”

  It was getting harder and harder to hold back in front of the players.


  Ya Ya raised the corner of his mouth happily and floated out the door like a gust of wind.

  It can be seen that the task rewards are not small.

  Chu Guang glanced at the black tea on the tray and sighed.

  ”Xiao Qi.”

  A certain figurine sitting at the corner of the table tilted its little head pretending to be stupid.


  Chu Guang: “…”

  Forget it.

  At least Ya Ya is a more serious type among all the players, and will not add some weird things to the drink.

  If it was brought by a few “filial sons”, even if Xiao Qi was watching next to him, he would definitely hesitate.

  Chu Guang picked up the teacup and took a sip.

  Some milk was added to the black tea, and the tea tasted very light, but it had a faint sweetness, which was different from what he usually brewed himself, and also different from what Alyssa asked him to drink.

  When he took the teacup in his hand, he found a note on the tray, with funny and sloppy handwriting on it.

  [Black tea with sugar cubes and milk, I hope it suits your taste. Even if you are busy, don’t stay up late, and pay attention to rest. (^_~)]

  This guy.

  Chu Guang smiled and shook his head, but his heart was warm.

  Even if the motive is to brush up the favorability and unlock the hidden task, it feels good to be cared for by others.

  He had been in Boulder City for the past few days, and only came back from there yesterday. The whole person was like a wound spring, and he didn’t stop for a moment.

  He suddenly thought that maybe it was not just this cup of black tea, and asking him to wait for 15 minutes might also be a kind of consideration?

  Although he couldn’t imagine how considerate Ibers was, according to his visit to Boulder Military Industry, prosthetic transformation surgery usually did not require that guy to be on site.

  Standing in the operating room and watching the engineers “cut open” the organism was just a bad taste of an AI.

  Looking at things from a different angle brought unexpected fun. Chu Guang decided to put work aside while waiting for Ibers. While tasting the sweet black tea, he sorted out the memories of his time in Boulder City that were not related to work.

  Perhaps because of the cup of black tea in his hand, the first person he thought of was Alyssa.

  The little girl would occasionally ask him some questions about management in her spare time. As a thank you for bothering him, she would politely invite him to taste the black tea she brewed by herself, and always give him some over-baked cookies.

  The polite and lovely little girl was very popular with everyone.

  Especially the aunties in the kitchen of the city hall, who treated her like their own daughter and often taught her some cooking skills. And for these skills that she had never been exposed to before, she was also very happy to learn and did not feel tired at all.

  Being studious is an amazing skill.

  Chu Guang always had a hunch that she might become a great person in the future.

  Especially when he learned that she was determined to go to Camp 101 to study with Xiaoyu and Pai, he was even more convinced of this.

  The three of them seemed to have established a deep friendship at the celebration, and Xiaoyu seemed to say that she would introduce Boss Xia to her.

  Alyssa was also full of curiosity about how mercenaries lived.

  Maybe they would become good friends.

  Thinking of Boss Xia, Chu Guang suddenly felt a little sorry.

  Xiaoyu said that she was working on something very powerful, saying that she wanted to give everyone a surprise, and she even turned down the celebration.

  Although Xiaoyu did not describe what the powerful thing looked like, Chu Guang guessed that it was probably related to the power armor.

  Maybe he shouldn’t have joked about asking her to help build a power armor last time, but it was obvious that she took that statement seriously.

  He rarely forced a person to do things beyond his ability, whether it was the natives of this world or the players from another world.

  He never expected that the guy who used to be playful and gluttonous and loved to slack off would become so diligent and studious that he even skipped such an interesting celebration…

  ”It seems that I have disturbed you.”

  An abrupt voice came from the table, and Ibers, half of his body immersed in the holographic beam, bowed slightly.

  The pair of eyes made of azure light and shadow had a playful expression.

  Putting down the teacup in his hand, Chu Guang looked at him.

  ”No, I was waiting for you.”

  ”Really?” Ibers smiled slightly and said in a gentle and elegant manner, “Then, respected administrator, what do you want me to do?”

  Chu Guang did not speak, but lightly swiped his index finger in the air and sent him the battle footage taken by the Burning Legion.

  Staring at the miserable mutant corpse soaked in blood plasma, Ibers’ face showed a strange expression, as if he was appreciating an interesting work of art.

  He rubbed his chin with his index finger and muttered to himself with interest.

  ”Ah… the taste of blood, what did I say?”

  Not wanting to pay attention to this guy’s neurosis, Chu Guang went straight to the point.

  ”I want to ask your opinion on these prostheses.”

  ”…Without the entity and only the photo, it’s really hard for me to see anything.” His index finger slid to the right on the photo, and Ibers commented with interest, “But the design idea is very creative, and it can even be said that… it is designed specifically for the characteristics of mutants.”

  The implication is that this thing was not seized, but installed by the original factory.

  It can be seen that the forces behind the mutants not only have reliable prosthetic transformation technology, but also have the production capacity to realize the technology.

  Chu Guang couldn’t help but frowned.

  What worried him was not the technology mastered by the enemy, but the information revealed behind this technology.

  The Torch Church obviously did not start to study how to use prosthetic technology to strengthen mutants after arriving in Jinchuan Province.

  This set of equipment put into actual combat has obviously been improved and matured.

  Those fanatical lunatics may have mixed with mutant tribes in other parts of the wasteland earlier.

  They not only provide food and breeding beds for mutants, but also use prosthetic transformation technology to systematically make them stronger.

  Appreciating the expression on Chu Guang’s face, Ibers smiled slightly and said.

  ”It seems that little thing can’t escape your eyes, so I won’t waste any more words to remind you.”

  Chu Guang looked at him and asked.

  ”Well, I’ll pay special attention to it… By the way, how are the equipment I asked you to develop?”

  ”I was just about to report this to you.”

  Ibers raised an index finger and gently stroked it in the air. The light blue light particles quickly gathered into a uniquely shaped rifle.

  At the same time, a line of labels appeared next to it, briefly introducing this special equipment.

  The shape of the whole gun looks quite wide and bulky, and the unique front grip and handguard design makes it look like the real P90.

  However, its magazine is not inserted above the gun body, but in front of the trigger like most traditional rifles.

  The most prominent feature is naturally its caliber, which is a full 19 mm! It can continuously fire the legendary .75 caliber ammunition!

  Although this caliber is a bit outrageous for an automatic rifle, it is less than 20 mm, so it is naturally a gun.

  After confirming that the caliber was not marked incorrectly, Chu Guang was shocked.

  Good guy!

  A grenade gun? !

  ”…XB-1 heavy rifle, a new product of Giant Stone Military Industry! Of course, the products we produce are naturally high-quality!”

  Admiring the expression on Chu Guang’s face, Ibers made additional explanations in a narrative tone and continued.

  ”It is worth mentioning that since the ammunition of this rifle adopts the rocket propulsion principle, it will undergo secondary acceleration after leaving the barrel, so there will be a safe distance of about 10 meters… In short, getting too close will affect the power. A distance of 100 to 300 meters is just right, and it will not have much effect if it is a little further away.”

  ”Its killing mode is also different from that of traditional rifles. You may think it is like a grenade, but in fact it is a directional release of metal jets similar to armor-piercing shells.”

  ”I don’t recommend ordinary people to equip it. Although it has secondary acceleration, it is not a recoilless gun after all, and the recoil is not small. If you don’t want to be shaken to pieces, it’s best to match it with a heavy exoskeleton or power armor, or it’s best to be an awakener who focuses on muscle strengthening.”

  ”Similarly, I don’t recommend using it to hit ordinary people. Most of the metal jets will spray out from the back or the back of the head… This is too wasteful, like using a cannon to hit a mosquito. It’s not efficient at all.”

  ”But on the other hand, for dealing with mutants, or some alien species with stronger resilience, I bet there won’t be a more perfect product on the market! You can even use it against light vehicles, and a 20mm steel plate can be penetrated with one shot.”

  ”Because you can hear three sounds when you fire a shot, it’s quite noisy. What do you think of the name ‘Roar’?”

  Chu Guang, who was immersed in shock, came to his senses after hearing the question from Ibers and said immediately.

  ”I have no objection… By the way, let’s change the heavy rifle to a bolter.”

  Ibers was stunned for a moment, his eyes lit up, and he said happily.

  ”This name is good, very descriptive!”

  Chu Guang’s expression was a little subtle.

  This is no longer descriptive, it’s almost exactly the same.

  ”… As expected, we are more compatible. It is my greatest honor to serve you,” Ibers smiled and continued to flatter Chu Guang who did not speak. “By the way, the weapon has just passed the laboratory test. If it is convenient, I want to send it to the battlefield to see its actual combat performance, and then decide how to design the ‘anti-mutant exoskeleton’ and ‘anti-mutant prosthesis’.”

  ”That’s easy,” Chu Guang said immediately, “I plan to send the Jungle Corps to Jinchuan Province to support the actions of the Burning Corps.”

  ”They will cooperate with your experiments. If necessary, you can directly issue branch combat missions to them through the terminal I gave you.”

  ”Of course, they have their own judgment on whether to complete the branch missions. You’d better exercise this authority with caution.”

  Hearing this incredible statement, Ibers looked at Chu Guang in a daze, his mouth wide open in surprise.

  Seeing that the AI ​​was stupid and did not speak for a long time, he frowned slightly.

  ”What’s wrong?”

  ”Nothing, no… I mean, thank you, this is great!” Ibers clenched his fists in high spirits.

  In the past one hundred years, no one has ever given him such great support, even dear Mr. Fang Ming has never given him the right to command.

  However, this generous man did it without hesitation! This

  is the first time he has shown such respect to an organism… How about giving him X-17 as well?

  No, forget it, he hopes that this man can stay with him for a little longer, and that kind of thing really needs to be restrained.

  Looking at the swaying holographic image of Ibers, Chu Guang frowned even more tightly, and a strange expression appeared in his eyes.

  Xiao Qi whispered his concerns in his ear.

  ”Master… Is this guy really okay?”

  To be honest, Chu Guang didn’t know.

  The AI ​​in this world is too advanced for him. In order to catch up with those old guys, he is also slowly learning and understanding many things.

  Ibers may be a try.

  This guy is an AI designed entirely by AI, and in a sense, it is also a unique existence in the alliance.

  ”… Keep an eye on him for me.”

  Xiao Qi, who was sitting on the desk, nodded silently.


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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