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Chapter 565 We Are Here to Die!

Chapter 565 We Are Here to Die!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 565 We are here to die!

  The mutants entrenched in Jinhe City have long been accustomed to the attacks of the Iron Tower Organization, and this time seems to be no different from the last time.

  Both sides left more than a dozen corpses, and the fight ended

  hastily after a big fight. However, as Chu Guang guessed, the local mutant tribe is different from those in other places, and there are more calculating guys.

  Three armed trucks were blown up, and 19 mutant soldiers were killed, including a centurion with 30% nominalization.

  For a group of guerrilla soldiers whose equipment was pieced together, this loss was obviously suspiciously high…

  The next morning.

  On the messy street, stood a burly and magnificent giant.

  He was more than three meters tall, as strong as a wild bear, with green and black skin. Half of his body was granite-like muscles, and the other half was steel soaked in oily luster and mottled rust. At first glance, it was difficult to tell whether it was flesh and blood driving the steel, or steel being driven by flesh and blood.

  His name is Qi Gann, the leader of the secular faction of the Qi tribe. He is not only the strongest person in the entire tribe, but also the undisputed supreme authority.

  Looking at the miserable corpse in front of him, his brows twisted into two centipedes, and it is unknown what was brewing in his flickering pupils.

  At this time, an old mutant with a hunched figure and a patterned cloth strip on his shoulders walked half a step to his side and whispered.

  ”Missiles, Gauss rifles, power armor, and airplanes… These sophisticated gadgets don’t seem to be the work of those scattered soldiers. It is probably that the humans in the north have set their sights on us.”

  The old man’s name is Qi Gomo, the high priest of the Qi tribe, who is over a hundred years old.

  In the Qi tribe, although most of the elderly priests are from the ancient ancestor faction, this Gomo is an exception and completely stands on the side of the younger secular faction.

  This is also one of the reasons why he can replace those respected old antiques, become the high priest of the tribe, and gain the trust of Gann.

  ”Where are they?” Gann asked in a deep voice.

  There was no ups and downs in the voice, but Gomo still heard the anger brewing in it.

  He knew this adult too well.

  After all, he watched this child grow up…

  Gomo’s eyes moved slightly, and he said in a very light voice.

  ”I heard that a few days ago, the apostles of the Torch Church went to a place called Dust Town in the north of Jinhe City to preach, but there was no news.”

  ”In the entire area around Jinhe City, the only place called Dust Town should be left that has not been embraced by the Holy Fire. Even the Pine Cone Farm has become a puppet of the church, and that village has only two or three hundred households. It is impossible to survive on its own with just those few people…”

  It was obvious.

  Someone helped them.

  And who those people were, of course, self-evident.

  After understanding Gomo’s roundabout advice, Gann’s mouth curled up a cold smile, and his scarlet gums revealed a bloodthirsty and cruel breath.


  As soon as he finished speaking, a tall, heavily armored mutant warrior strode in front of him, knelt on one knee, and said in a muffled voice.

  ”What do you want, leader?”

  Garn took the map from Gomo’s hand, looked at it, threw the map into the hands of the mutant warrior named Og, and ordered in a steady voice.

  ”Take five hundred teams and go to the settlement called Dust Town in the north to avenge your brother.”

  ”The humans there–”

  ”Don’t leave any!”

  The Torch Church hoped that they would take from the sheepfold in moderation, but since that was not a sheepfold, there was nothing to say.

  This was a necessary deterrent.

  He wanted those disrespectful people to remember the price of disobeying them.

  Hearing about revenge for his brother, Og’s eyes immediately rose with a monstrous fighting spirit and anger, and he tightly grasped the wrinkled map in his hand.


  After leaving the leader’s side, Oger strode towards the open SUV parked on the side of the road, and shouted at the driver to drive to the military camp several kilometers away.

  Soon, a group of mutant soldiers who looked sloppy but well-equipped gathered at the door. There were about 500 of them.

  Half standing up from the open SUV, Oger grabbed a thigh-thick rifle and raised it high, shouting rudely at the top of his voice.


  ”Take you to slaughter the cowardly and ugly two-legged insect!!”

  The rough roar seemed to have a strange magic, igniting countless pairs of pupils looking up at him.

  The mutant soldiers standing in front of the door raised their weapons in their hands and shouted excitedly and rudely for the upcoming killing.


  In the Qi tribe, names are given special meanings.

  Only warriors who have been recognized by the leader can be given a name that can be written, and only warriors who have made enough military achievements can have the surname of the tribe in front of their names.

  Shouting your own name in front of the battle means gambling your own honor and your oath of victory.

  And shouting the name of the general is a response to the oath!

  ”Let’s go!” Oger waved his hand as big as a palm leaf fan.

  Under his simple and rough command, the mutant soldiers climbed onto the heavy trucks with a roar.

  Those who didn’t squeeze into the car ran behind the trucks with a grunt, as if they were rushing to a feast of wine and meat, fearing that they would fall behind if they ran too slowly.

  Overloaded trucks welded with horns and steel plates crawled like snails, leading a group of green heads and black gun muzzles, and swarmed to the suburbs.

  Eight armed off-road vehicles were cruising on both wings of the large army, and the muscles as big as steamed buns filled the space in the car.

  It must be said that this marching pattern is also quite “Goblin” style…

  However, these “Orks” obviously did not notice that a drone was hovering above their heads and had been staring at them for a long time…

  On the other side, Dust Town, 50 kilometers away, was shrouded in a thin morning mist at this moment, and it was still peaceful and tranquil.

  The survivors living here have never seen a flying and fire-breathing giant like the “Viper” transport plane, and they all regarded the players coming down from it as “heavenly soldiers” sent by the Emperor. The

  local residents seem to have formed a set of self-consistent logic, or belief, and have full faith in the Emperor who saved them and the Great Horned Rat and Great Horned Deer Gods under the Emperor…

  ”What the hell is the Emperor?!”

  After learning about the situation in the town from the mayor, Ye Shi caught up with the garbage guy and asked, “And how did I become a Primarch?!”

  The garbage picker glared at the guy next to him awkwardly.

  ”You have to ask this guy.”

  I think Jingjing also had a subtle look on his face and coughed.

  ”I was just joking, but I didn’t expect them to take it seriously… And the Primarch, don’t you think it’s cool?”

  Qiangrensuonan looked at him dissatisfied.

  ”Cool! It would have been great if these unruly people believed in the Horned Rat, but you are so talkative and stuffed a bunch of messy things into them.”

  I think Jingjing was immediately unhappy.

  ”What do you mean by messy? I suspect you are not loyal!”

  Qiangrensuonan spat.

  ”Bah, human stuff!”

  Looking at the man and the rat arguing, Fang Chang moved his eyes away with a subtle expression.

  ”Maybe our game inventories are different.”

  He neither got the point of their argument nor could he get into their topic at all.

  Suddenly remembering something, Garbage Jun hurriedly pulled Ye Shi to ask.

  ”Oh, I almost forgot, where are the fertilizers and seeds I asked you to bring? And the tractor and so on.”

  ”How can those things be loaded on a plane?!”

  Ye Shi rolled his eyes, but seeing that his brother was anxious, he sighed and said, “Don’t worry, I’ll get you a truck, and it should be here in a few days.”


  The amber pupils suddenly lit up, and the garbage man, who had a sullen face a second ago, smiled instantly, and hooked Ye Shi’s shoulder with a smile.

  ”Thanks, brother!”

  ”You’re welcome, let me ride next time.”

  ”Hey, it’s okay to call me dad.”


  The group was bragging, and the two “Viper” transport planes that returned to Boulder City last night suddenly drilled out of the edge of the forest with two arcs of light.

  The high-speed plasma plume blew up a large amount of dust, dragging the two black fuselages slowly to the center of the town.


  Seeing the unique-shaped plane, Qin Baitian, the mayor of Dust Town, clenched his fists excitedly, and when he came to his senses, he quickly took the lead and knelt on the ground.

  Seeing this, the residents who went out to watch the excitement also prostrated themselves on the ground excitedly, praying and worshiping devoutly towards the plane.

  Twenty players wearing exoskeletons jumped out of the cabin.

  They were all wearing K-10 “Iron Wall” heavy exoskeletons, and holding a rifle that looked like a long brick and was ridiculously large in size.

  The thick caliber was like a shortened 20mm “cavalry rifle”, but compared with the heavy exoskeleton they were wearing, it didn’t seem abrupt.

  Looking at the residents crawling on the street, the leader of the Midnight Killing Chicken was stunned for a moment, and was confused by the three kowtows and nine bows.

  What’s going on?

  Just when he was at a loss, a familiar voice suddenly came from not far away.

  ”What the hell?! Brother Chicken?!”

  Seeing the leader Midnight killing a chicken, Ye Shi opened his eyes wide in surprise, walked up to him and patted his shoulder, and continued with a playful smile.

  ”Long time no see, no more trees?”

  Although I can occasionally see him on the forum, I haven’t seen him in the game for a long time.

  During the entire Luoxia Province Campaign, the Jungle Corps was almost not deployed to the front battlefield, but was active in the northern part of the Alliance, hunting for alien species that built nests near Dawn City, and tracking the followers of the Bear Clan who were roaming at the junction of the Valley Province and the central part of Luoxia Province. There

  are high mountains and steep hills there, and there are no roads to pass. People can pass through, but supplies can’t, but this is obviously not a problem for Brother Midnight.

  A group of strong men, each with a felling axe, forcibly cut a path in the jungle.

  In the process, they also found a lot of survivors who hid in the mountains and forests to avoid the Bone Chewing Rebellion, and naturalized those unexpected populations into Dawn City, which in a sense can be regarded as expanding the territory for the Alliance.

  Among the many ways to play “Wasteland OL”, the tree-cutting style represented by Brother Midnight is a unique way of playing.

  Although this way of playing is a bit boring and there are very few players who can stick to it, this long-term process of tempering the body is a good way to upgrade for the strength system, which is not much worse than tempering on the battlefield and construction site.

  His current level is LV34, only 2 levels away from Lao Bai.

  If it weren’t for his too reckless fighting style and a slightly higher loss rate, I’m afraid he would have been ranked TOP1 in the strength system.

  Looking at Brother Night Ten, who hadn’t seen him for a long time, Midnight Killing Chicken smiled honestly.

  ”Yes, we still need to cut trees, but the manager asked us to change places to cut, so we switched defense with Brother Fountain Water!”

  Seeing the big guy in his hand, Night Ten asked curiously.

  ”What the hell is this? Why haven’t I seen it in the store?”

  ”XB-1 ‘Growler’ Bolter! It fires 19mm bolt rounds!” Seeing the envy in the eyes of the players, Midnight Chicken patted the thing in his hand and said with a beaming face, “This thing is probably the largest caliber light weapon in the Alliance at present… This equipment is still in testing, and we are here for this.”

  ”Fuck?! Bolter?”

  Hearing this introduction, I think Jingjing’s eyes were straight, and the obsessed expression almost had the word “want” written on her face.

  Qiangren was also envious, but he gave up helplessly after looking at his small body.

  The gun was as big as his whole rat, and after all, the equipment of goblin technology was more suitable for him.

  It would be better if Mosquito brother didn’t mess around so often.

  ”Good guy… 19mm?! You call this a gun?!”

  The Piltover paratrooper standing next to Midnight Chicken said with a grin.

  ”This thing is really powerful. We tried it and it can blow up a steel plate as thick as a thumb! But the ammunition capacity is a bit low. The magazine can only hold 20 rounds, and the double drums can only hold 50 rounds. Wearing an exoskeleton, you can only carry three drums.”

  Ye Shiyi reached out and touched it with envy.

  ”Good brother, give me some fun.”

  Xiao Xiaoxiao Bookworm smiled and patted his shoulder.

  ”Don’t even think about it, you are a perception type. This thing requires at least 30 points of strength, or you have to wear a heavy exoskeleton.”

  Ye Shi: “Damn! Can’t I wear an exoskeleton?”

  Midnight Killing Chicken glanced at Ye Shiyi curiously.

  ”By the way, where is your power armor?”

  I heard that this guy showed off a lot during the few days in Boulder City, and he didn’t care about electricity. He almost welded the thing to his body.

  Ye Shi scratched his head and said awkwardly.

  ”…The health bar is dry and yellow, so it was sent back for overhaul.”

  Xiao Xiaoxiao Bookworm: “Hahaha! My condolences!”

  Ye Shi, who had already been ridiculed on the forum, sighed.

  ”Damn… I’d better change to a lighter equipment next time.”

  His power armor was brought back on the flight last night. The repair bill was as high as 100,000 silver coins, enough to buy a “Six-style” heavy cavalry exoskeleton.

  Learning from the lessons of the last battle, he planned to refer to Fang Chang’s advice and get a lighter exoskeleton, and then get some plug-ins such as optical camouflage and nitrogen injection.

  This is more suitable for his black gun gameplay.

  ”No more nonsense, where is Lao Bai? I have something to find him.”

  As he said, Midnight Killing Chicken looked behind Ye Shi and happened to see Lao Bai and Kuangfeng walking towards him from the direction of the town gate.

  ”I’m here. Long time no see.”

  After greeting Midnight Killer, Lao Bai looked at him and continued with a serious face, “I’m sorry to tell you a bad news. You came at the wrong time. We have to move.”

  Xiao Xiaoxiao Bookworm was stunned.



  Kuangfeng, who was following Lao Bai, nodded and continued, “I just saw in the sky that the mutant tribe in the city has new movements. A large number of mutant soldiers have completed the assembly and are heading towards us.”

  Hearing this, everyone’s faces showed surprise.

  Especially Trash, Qiangren Suonan and Jingjing, the three guys were dumbfounded on the spot.

  Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Jingjing asked in a trembling voice.

  ”…How many people?”

  Kuangfeng: “At least five hundred.”

  Ye Shi took a breath of cold air.

  ”Hiss… This is more than what we encountered last night.”

  Qiangren Suonan slapped his forehead with an uncomfortable expression.

  ”This is fucking over.”

  Before he could recover from what Kuangfeng said, Quitting asked in a daze.

  ”Wait, how did they know we were here?”

  Kuangfeng shook his head and was about to explain, but Ye Shi rolled his eyes and said,

  ”It’s obvious. Those green-skinned muscle guys are just irritable, but they are not blind. This is the only place in Jinhe City that has not been trapped by those church lunatics, not to mention that we made them suffer a loss a few days ago. The missionary named Zhang Zhengyang is still in jail!”

  Fang Chang looked at Ye Shi in surprise.

  Good guy.

  This kid has improved.

  ”Anyway, this is the current situation. We need to start organizing the transfer of residents immediately. We have about half an hour to pack up. Communication equipment and archiving tools must be taken away. Take as much food as possible…” After

  giving orders to the brothers in the corps, Lao Bai then looked at the silent Brother Trash and said seriously, “Brother Trash, please explain the situation to that NPC… Please.”

  Although he can speak human language, his prestige in the local area is obviously not as good as that of a certain talking lizard. Now is the time to race against time, there is no time to delay.


  Even though he was in a complicated mood, Garbage Jun knew that this was not the time to be willful, and nodded gently.

  Walking to the confused Mayor Qin, he briefly explained the situation to the old man and asked him to move.

  The old man didn’t believe it at first, and asked repeatedly whether it was true, but seeing that the “god” didn’t look like he was joking, he finally gave up his unrealistic fantasy and gritted his teeth to trot to inform everyone.

  Thanks to the two planes just now, many people went out of their homes to watch the excitement, and the news quickly spread throughout the town.

  But even so, hearing that those murderous mutants were coming, everyone was still scared and changed their faces.

  The houses were full of clanging sounds, there were quarrels between men and women, and there were also children crying. The tranquility and peace of the past seemed like a dream.

  Looking at the chaotic street, Jingjing, who had been holding back for a long time, finally couldn’t help but speak.

  ”Can’t you… defend it for a while?”

  He knew that the fortifications here were a bit lame, and a one-meter-high wall and dozens of rifles could not stop the mutants.

  But when he thought about abandoning this place, he still couldn’t bear it.

  Looking at this newcomer, Fang Chang could probably guess what he was thinking at the moment, but he still told the truth.

  ”It’s very difficult.”

  ”We have too little time to prepare. This place is only 50 kilometers away from the city. They will arrive here soon, and our main force and logistics are still on the way. Even if we repel their first wave of attacks, we will soon be submerged in the second and third waves of attacks.”

  ”Besides, this place is already a plain. There are neither enough fortifications nor enough weapons and ammunition reserves. The most realistic way at the moment is to move 50 kilometers north and re-establish an operational base in the mountainous area with higher terrain.”

  ”Sorry, we may have dragged you down,” Lao Bai patted the newcomer’s shoulder lightly and sighed, “The only thing we can do is to take the residents here away.”

  Jingjing raised her head, with a bitter expression on her face, and shook her head lightly.

  ”Don’t say that… Even if it hadn’t happened last night, the Torch Church would never have let this place go. Without you, we would have been gone on the first day.”

  No matter how strong Trash is, it would be hard to face a hundred lunatics with automatic rifles…

  Half an hour passed quickly.

  The residents of the town had packed their luggage and stood at the gate of the town with their families, carrying large and small bags on their backs. The adults were carrying loads on their shoulders, the old people were leading their children, and their eyes were filled with fear, helplessness and confusion.

  Having left the land on which they depended for survival, they didn’t know where to go next, let alone how to survive next year.

  But the mutants were coming here, and they had no choice but to escape.

  If the predators could still be negotiated, then in the eyes of the mutants, they were basically no different from livestock.

  Men would almost be killed on the spot and made into jerky, and women would be locked in cages regardless of whether they were fifty or five years old.

  With a complicated look at the town behind him and the residents standing at the door, Junk suddenly made up his mind and walked in front of Old White.

  ”I plan to stay.”

  Perhaps she had the same idea as him, so she followed him reluctantly, put her claws on his tail and sighed.

  ”It’s rare to have the same idea as this stupid lizard… I’ll stay too.”

  I want Jingjing to stand up .

  ”Count me in.”

  Lao Bai looked at the three people in surprise, and his expression gradually became serious.

  ”Think it through… This is no different from committing suicide.”

  I want Jingjing smiled embarrassedly, scratched the back of his head and said.

  ”It’s okay… Anyway, I have saved the game with your equipment, so three days is three days. And someone can cover the back, which can help you buy more time to retreat.”

  In the past, he didn’t particularly understand the extraordinary feelings that the A-test players had for the Alliance.

  It was obviously just a game, but they would completely stand on the Alliance’s side, put themselves in the shoes of the collective interests, and even risk not being able to save the game to do things that could not see the end.

  But now, he suddenly understood.

  Although they are not the natives of this virtual world and have no blood connection with the NPCs, this is their home built brick by brick.

  Just like in Minecraft, the items in the backpack are never the players’ archives, but the home built by them together.

  And his mood at this moment is the same.

  Whether it is the stone bricks paving the road or the windmill hanging on the mill, every plant and tree here records his memories of the past six months.

  He still clearly remembers that when he, Garbage-kun and Qiangrensunan first came here, there was only a crooked turret and a thatched house that was not even a shack, a group of looters who ate people without spitting bones, and a group of skinny hungry people.

  Now they have finally led everyone to live a normal life.

  If someone wants to destroy this place –

  then come and try.

  Even if he is just a rookie, he will try his best to use his life to hold them for at least two seconds!

  Lao Bai stared at him for a while, confirmed the determination in his eyes, nodded, took a 20mm “cavalry rifle” with a modified receiver and magazine from the hands of the brothers next to him, and stuffed it into his hands.

  Subconsciously taking over the heavy firepower, Jingjing felt her arm sink down, and looked up at Lao Bai in surprise.

  Lao Bai looked at him and said.

  ”LD-47 is not very effective against mutants, use this.”

  Jingjing said with emotion, holding the big guy in her hand.

  ”Thank you…”

  Lao Bai smiled and said.

  ”You’re welcome. You bought us time to retreat, and we should thank you.”

  ”Oh, don’t be so hypocritical, I’m embarrassed!” Jun Lazi patted Lao Bai’s shoulder and grinned, “Killing predators is not fun, but mutants are more exciting! Wait for my news on the official website. If I don’t kill 20 or 30 today, my name will be written backwards!”

  Looking at the three people who said goodbye to everyone, Midnight Killing Chicken, who had been silent, suddenly laughed heroically.

  ”Haha, how can such an interesting thing be without us!”

  Jun Lazi glanced at Brother Chicken.

  ”What’s wrong with you again?”

  Looking at the surprised people, Midnight Killing Chicken grinned.

  ”I almost forgot to tell you.”

  ”We are here to die!”

  (I haven’t seen any chapters in the past few days. No one is urging me to do it. I’m not used to it. _(:зゝ∠)_)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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