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Chapter 566 A fight of blood and fire!

Chapter 566 A fight of blood and fire!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 566: Blood and Fire Fight!

  Not counting the Horned Rat’s minions, there were 23 people who decided to stay. Including the 20 heavy infantrymen of the Jungle Corps and the “Three Pillars” of Dust Town.

  Generally speaking, if the equipment gap is not big, with the HP bar, basic defense and recovery of mutants, humans have almost no chance of winning in a contest of equal numbers. Even a

  500-to-500 duel would be extremely difficult, let alone 23-to-500.

  Especially in the confrontation on the front battlefield, there is almost no room for maneuver, unlike guerrilla warfare where there is room for pulling.

  As Lao Bai said, this is no different from suicide.

  However, the rats are still lizards, and their eyes are burning with a strong will to fight, and they have no fear of the upcoming fight.

  Death is just the destination –

  they are all immortal heroes.

  Walking in front of Lao Bai, Jun Jun, wearing a “Hunter” exoskeleton, said solemnly.

  ”I’ll leave those residents to you.”

  The houses can be rebuilt if they are gone.

  As long as the people who remember them are still alive.

  Lao Bai nodded seriously.

  ”I promise, when you come back, you will still have as many followers as before, not one less.”

  Junji Jun grinned.

  ”Hey, I remember that.”

  After saying that, he waved his claws and walked away to join the brothers of the Jungle Corps.

  The group went their separate ways and headed in the opposite direction of the main force.

  Looking at Junji Jun’s tall and burly back, Qin Baitian hesitated for a moment, and finally couldn’t help asking, “Sir… Big Horned Deer God, won’t he go with us?”

  Looking at the direction the group left, Lao Bai narrowed his eyes.

  ”He’s going to complete his mission, you will see him again.”

  Qin Baitian sighed bitterly.

  Although he is old, he is not confused.

  No matter how strong that sir is, there are only five hundred mutants. In the years he has lived here, he has heard that a mutant slaughtered half of the village. The phrase

  ”I will see you again”

  is probably just a consolation that is better than nothing.


  In the mighty procession, Oger, sitting in an open SUV, stared at the wilderness in the north.

  Hatred flashed in his bloodthirsty eyes.

  Olu was his elder brother and also his father.

  The old priest who delivered him said that they were both born in the same tent and even by the same human mother.

  This situation is extremely rare in the mutant tribe.

  Few humans can live that long.

  Even the awakened ones will mostly die in the seventh or eighth year and be taken to the kitchen by the butchers.

  Perhaps because the human who gave birth to him has a good strength, he can clearly feel that he is obviously different from other people born in this world.

  Stronger muscles, quicker reactions, and tougher physique… He was appreciated by the centurion when he was seven years old, and was incorporated into the same hunting team with his brother, becoming a hunter in the tribe.

  Perhaps because of the closeness of blood, his brother took special care of him and took him with him no matter what he did.

  The first time he hunted, the first time he ate people, the first time he massacred a village, the first time he received the chief’s praise and honorary name, and the first time he accepted mechanical transformation… It can even be said that every major event in his life was completed under the witness of Oulu.

  But Oulu died.

  And his death was extremely miserable.

  When he saw the corpse, he wanted to chop his teeth into pieces, and swore in his heart that he would torture the human who killed his brother in the most cruel way until he took his last breath.

  So when he learned from the chief that the murderer who killed his brother was hiding in a settlement called Dust Town and allowed him to massacre the village, every cell in his body was trembling with excitement.

  He seemed to have seen the group of despicable, cowardly and skinny two-legged animals crawling and trembling at his feet.

  Ah, how ugly it was…

  His pupils were burning not only with hatred and anger, but also with a layer of excitement.

  ”Faster!” Oger shouted loudly in his rough voice.

  The mutant sitting in the driver’s seat received the order, grabbed the intercom hanging on the central control, and shouted excitedly into the communication channel.

  ”Oger, speak faster!”

  A series of rude roars echoed in the communication channel.


  The wheels of the vehicles turned faster, and the mutant soldiers chasing behind ran hard, drooling everywhere, and soon they fell behind the team panting. It’s

  like this every time they go on a mission.

  There are always a few stupid fish who can’t squeeze into the truck and can’t keep up with the team. In the end, they wander around without knowing where they are. Occasionally, they will bring back one or two unlucky men and women to prove that they are not slacking off or deserters.

  But none of this matters.

  The “Qi” tribe has never relied on those weak shrimps who have fallen behind, but on real warriors!

  At this moment, the group of green beasts did not notice that a group of fully armed players had ambushed them on the road they had to pass.

  In the forest.

  Looking at the mighty team on the plain, the Piltover paratrooper holding a telescope couldn’t help but smack his lips.

  ”Damn… How can these animals run so fast?”

  The record of the 42-kilometer marathon on Earth has just been “broken 2”, but this speed seems to be just basic exercise for mutants.

  Their strong cardiopulmonary capacity gives them terrifying endurance. They ran four-fifths of the distance of 50 kilometers in less than two hours!

  And this is in the wilderness without roads.

  Looking down at the mighty dust shadows on the ground through the drone, the model worker said solemnly.

  ”They are starting to slow down.”

  The Piltover paratrooper frowned.

  ”Have they discovered us?”

  Xiao Xiaoxiao Bookworm shook his head.

  ”No, it should be just a normal tactical strategy to save energy before engaging the enemy… I wonder if they will rest for a while.”

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”If they don’t plan to continue moving forward after resting, now is the best time to take action.”

  ”Well…” Midnight Chicken nodded calmly, raised his right fist and waved, “Act according to the plan.”

  Excitement ignited in their eyes, and soon a uniform answer came from the communication channel.


  The hunt began!

  Twenty people were divided into five teams, and soon moved along the jungle to the front of the road that the mutants had to pass, spreading out in an arc from the center of the circle to the outside.

  One of the anti-tank teams stepped forward, and four players including the team leader took out the RPG rocket launcher and aimed at the moving convoy.

  Quietly waiting for the target to approach within the range, Midnight Chicken immediately ordered in the communication channel.


  The moment the order was issued, the four players pulled the trigger almost at the same time, and rockets dragged long white smoke towards the convoy in the distance.

  There was almost no time to react.

  The truck that was hit first was hit directly, and sparks exploded in the convoy, and three trucks broke down on the spot.

  Caught off guard, more than a dozen trucks braked suddenly, turned, and huddled together in the wilderness.

  If the looters were attacked so suddenly, even if their morale didn’t drop by half, they would still hesitate to move forward.

  However, it was a completely different story for the murderous mutants.

  More than a dozen mutants were thrown out of the car by inertia, but they fell to the ground and quickly got up cursing.

  The guys who were huddled together in the car jumped out of the car, grabbed their weapons randomly, and ran towards the forest.

  They were like animals –

  the difference was that they were holding large-caliber assault rifles in their hands.

  ”Go in! Kill them all!”

  Oger, who was sitting in the passenger seat of the off-road vehicle, roared, slapped the driver’s shoulder, and then slapped the machine gunner on the roof away with a slap, rushed to the back seat, grabbed the machine gun, and fired at the forest.

  Hot shells tinkled in the carriage, and the muzzle flash illuminated his hideous gums and twisted facial muscles, and thick traces of light formed a net on the plain.

  He roared like a beast.

  ”Go to hell! Hahaha!”

  Bullets whizzed into the jungle, breaking the thick tree trunks into pieces. The caliber was at least .50 or above!

  The player who fired a volley quickly ducked to avoid it, moved to a new position and fired two more RPG rounds, then put away the launcher, pulled out the XB-1 “Growler” bolter and opened the safety.

  Seeing that all the team members had almost reached the combat position, Midnight Killer shouted loudly and was the first to pull the trigger.

  ”Free fire–!”

  The muzzle explosion instantly resounded through the forest, and thick tongues of fire drilled out of the forest.

  The locust-like rain of bullets soon hit the mutant soldiers running over, knocking the mutants running in the front to the ground.

  The huge recoil caused a pit to form under his feet. The model worker holding the “Roarer” in his hand trembled and shouted excitedly.

  ”Fuck! Brother Chicken! This power is too powerful!”

  It’s not an exaggeration to hear two shots from one shot!

  The bullet that broke out of the chamber will ignite twice in the air, dragging a tail flame to hit the target, and after hitting the target, it will stimulate the firing pin of the bullet and release a metal jet as hot as magma!

  This thing doesn’t look like an assault rifle at all, it’s just a rocket that fires continuously!

  A charging mutant sentry was hit in the chest by a bullet, and a ball of hot sparks exploded behind him. He fell to the ground without even having time to scream.

  The mutant heavy infantry wearing steel breastplates were also in trouble. The thumb-thick steel plate was quite effective against rifle bullets, but it was like paper in front of the metal jet.

  Oger, who was sitting in the off-road vehicle, was also shocked by the power of the bullet.

  A bullet hit the side and rear of the vehicle under him. The sparks danced directly in the back seat of the car, roasting the two mutant warriors behind him and making them scream. It also burned a scar on his back, and scared him so much that cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

  ”Damn! What the hell is this thing?!” It

  was the first time he saw a guy who could kill a mutant with one shot!

  Fortunately, the flying speed of this bullet was not fast. It was considered subsonic ammunition. It was not easy to hit a high-speed moving vehicle.

  Oger’s mind raced, and he suddenly grabbed the walkie-talkie and shouted in the communication channel.

  Hearing his order, eight off-road vehicles dropped the tails hanging behind them, rushed to the front of the infantry, and cruised in a snake-like manner, creating an “S”-shaped trajectory in the wilderness. The

  large amount of dust and the exhaust gas that seemed to be artificially created not only obscured the traces of the convoy, but also provided cover for the charging infantry.

  Staring at the large amount of dust raised in front, Midnight Killing Chicken cursed inwardly.

  Old White was really not kidding him.

  This group of mutants is really not simple. Not only are they very fast in responding to changes, but they have also learned the tactic of pulling smoke cover.

  This has hindered the aiming of the jungle corps to a certain extent.


  those green-skinned musclemen obviously did not expect that the trouble would come from under their feet.

  Because their attention was all in front, they did not pay attention to the situation under their feet at all. The mutants who rushed to the front quickly fell to the ground, rolled on the ground for several rounds, were covered by smoke, and then tripped the people behind them.


  With an angry roar, the mutant spit out the mud in his mouth and struggled to stand up. Then he was shocked and angry to find that the tufts of dry grass in front of him were tied into knots at some point.

  What the hell is this? !

  Not only that.

  There are nails and ropes scattered in the grass, and some tunnels that look like they were dug by groundhogs. Although these traps are not very harmful and are crudely prepared, they are extremely insulting.

  The bullets with flames are still roaring in the air, and there is no time to think.

  From time to time, someone was tripped by the trap and fell to the ground, followed by a roar of pain. The 100-man team on the far right of the team quickly slowed down.

  Looking at the green-skinned muscle guys who fell to the bottom one after another, the strong man hiding behind the bushes screamed excitedly.

  ”Go up! Poke their eyes! Bite their throats! Kill them!”

  However, contrary to his wishes, the little rat brothers did not listen to him and did not understand what he was saying.

  Frightened by the green-skinned giants that suddenly broke in, several mice that were still working on the traps screamed, jumped out and turned around to run.

  No matter how a big horned rat screamed beside them, they didn’t listen at all and just ran away.

  ”Fuck! These cowards!”

  Looking at the panicked mice, Qiangrensunan cursed, but soon remembered that these guys were mice.

  ”MMP! You can’t count on these guys!”

  Looking at the mutants struggling to get up from the ground, he gritted his teeth, pulled out the dagger hanging on his waist, and rushed up with a roar.

  ”Long live the administrator!”

  Frightened by the knee-high fat rat, the mutant soldier who had just climbed up was obviously stunned.

  And it was this moment of daze that allowed Qiangrensunan to rush close to him and stab his calves.


  The dagger cut through the flesh, and the mutant roared in pain. He kicked at him, but his kick landed in the air, and Qiangrensuan dodged behind him.


  While the mutant’s center of gravity was leaning forward, Qiangrensuan bit the dagger, used all four claws, climbed up his left leg to his back, grabbed the dagger and stabbed it into his throat.


  The knife cut the artery, and blood spurted out like a raging fire. The mutant knelt on the ground with his eyes as big as copper bells, and blood gushed out in an instant. He died before he knew what happened.

  ”Pah! This blood is so damn stinky!”

  After spitting, Qiangrensuan bit the dagger and jumped down from the mutant’s back shoulder.

  However, just as he was about to pounce on another mutant, a huge impact came from the side, knocking him out and rolling on the ground twice.

  The right half of his body completely lost consciousness, and the dagger in his mouth flew out.

  After coming to his senses, Qiangren Suonan found that his right forelimb and stomach were torn apart by shrapnel.

  If it weren’t for the pain shielding, this alone would have been enough to make him faint.

  The mutant soldier standing not far away grinned and pulled the handguard under the barrel, and the shell, which was two circles thicker than the thumb, was thrown out of the gun chamber.

  ”Fuck… shotgun!”

  Qiangren Suonan cursed, barely moved his left forelimb, pulled off the pull ring hidden on his waist, and a flame rushed into his waist bag.

  There was half a kilogram of explosives hanging there.

  Maybe this is the right way to play with rats.

  The mutant strode to him, stretched out his big hands like iron pliers, pinched his fat neck, and lifted him up from the ground.

  Just when he was trying to figure out what was going on with this fat rat, the fat rat, who was dying a second ago, suddenly smiled evilly.

  I’ll go first.

  The rest –

  I’ll leave it to you!

  He screamed with a sharp voice.

  ”Long live the Administrator!”

  The flames exploded in an instant!

  The mutant who lost half of his arm and head, with countless broken pieces of iron stuck in his body, fell to the ground silently.

  The fire that exploded in the wilderness was like a stone thrown into a lake, and was quickly submerged in the tide-like offensive.

  However, in the eyes of the trembling rat brothers, the inconspicuous flames were dazzling like a blooming firework.

  At that moment –

  their big horned rats turned into light!


  Staring at the exploding fire with bloodshot eyes, Jingjing, who was lying in the forest, roared angrily, and his index finger was firmly welded to the trigger of the “cavalry rifle”. The

  20mm muzzle kept spurting out flames, dragging the tracer armor-piercing incendiary bullets into the noisy rain of bullets, like a cluster of flames swaying in the wind.

  Neither the traps and sneak attacks of the Qiangrensinan brothers nor the 20mm lance in his hand could hold back the mutants for long.

  The lizard lurking in the forest rubbed its claws silently.

  He was waiting for an opportunity…

  an opportunity to enter the field and reap the harvest!

  ”Twenty…” Jun Jun muttered silently, “I killed two mice, I have to kill at least twenty!”

  The last hundred meters of distance passed in a flash. After leaving behind hundreds of corpses, the mutant troops holding rifles finally rushed into the jungle.

  The jungle corps kept firing while retreating, completely pulling the mutant troops into the dense forest with narrow vision.

  At the extreme distance where you can almost smell the breath of the other side, the grenade launcher with a safe distance of 10m has lost its effect.

  It’s not just the grenade launcher –

  long-range weapons other than large-caliber machine guns or shotguns are almost useless at this moment when it is difficult to aim at the head!

  Of course, this is the same for mutants.

  The K-10 “Iron Wall” exoskeleton provides the twenty players of the Jungle Corps with extremely strong rigid armor, which can absorb the kinetic energy of bullets at the cost of armor deformation.

  Unless you are hit by two rounds of bullets or are hit in the vitals, it is basically difficult to die.

  The opponent obviously knows this, so he did not lie on the ground and shoot at them, but rushed up to fight the players in close combat despite the high losses.

  Midnight Killing Chicken made a prompt decision, released the “Roarer” in his hand, and pulled out the felling axe hanging on the “Iron Wall” exoskeleton.

  The sharp axe blade can split a pine tree as thick as a thigh, and naturally it can also split the neck and skull of a mutant.

  Looking at the mutant warrior rushing towards him, this time he did not retreat but advanced, roared and smashed up with an axe.

  The vertical axe chopped with a thunderous momentum. The mutant soldier had no time to react. He did not expect that the human in front of him would dare to fight with him. A gap was split on the top of his head on the spot. Red and white slurry sprayed all over the ground, and even his teeth were chopped off.

  He kicked the heavy corpse away with one foot, reached behind his back with his left hand, and pulled down another axe hanging on his back. The

  black breastplate was hung with red and white, and the blood-soaked figure was like a devil in the forest. The two woodcutting axes emitted a cold light.

  The mutant warrior who rushed to his side was so scared by the devil-like appearance that he stopped involuntarily.

  This guy

  is different from the guys they have eaten before!


  Venting his fear in a war cry, a mutant centurion wearing heavy armor strode forward and swung the mace in his hand with all his might.

  The hammer head that came whistling down dragged a strong wind, and the terrifying kinetic energy was like a cannonball, as if it could even make a dent in the armored steel of a tank.

  If he was hit by this, even if he didn’t die, he would become a vegetable.

  Seeing that the fatal blow was about to hit the human soldier’s face, the mutant centurion saw a flash in front of his eyes, and then a piercing pain came along his forearm.

  The hand holding the mace was chopped off by the axe that was chopped sideways!


  Screaming in pain, he staggered back a step, and before he could stand firm, a strong wind hit his face.


  The axe blade that chopped vertically smashed another head.

  And all this happened in just a few breaths!


  Covered in boiling blood and brains, Midnight Killer stared at the mutant warriors who stopped moving with bloodthirsty eyes, and the excitement in his throat could no longer be suppressed.

  ”Completely crazy!”

  He roared loudly, swung two axes and rushed forward.

  Looking at the guy who was rushing towards him with a meteor-like stride, a rare panic surged on the dark green faces.

  They always chased those weak two-legged animals and watched those guys stumble in the forest, and then cry and beg for mercy.

  No one has ever dared to do this now, not only did not run away, but rushed towards them head-on.

  This guy is definitely not the ones they ate in the past –


  He is not a human at all!

  The real hunt has just begun.

  The twenty players of the Jungle Corps started a bloody fight with the green-skinned muscle guy who rushed into the forest. The swinging axe blades were like a rolling meat grinder, harvesting green heads in the pungent smell of gunpowder smoke.

  For the players standing here, chopping necks is no different from chopping trees. They are both what they are best at.

  This is the jungle.

  This is their home ground!

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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