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Chapter 57 Deduction! The secret technique of mental attack!

Chapter 57 Deduction! The secret technique of mental attack!


Author: I eat instant noodles in Hengyang

  Chapter 57 Deduction! The secret technique of mental attack!

  The next day, early morning.

  The sky is dim and the white mist is thick.

  Jianghai Martial Arts Academy.

  The morning is cool and refreshing, and the students who have arrived early in the morning are walking on campus, shuttling between the teaching buildings, full of youthful vitality.

  And on the top floor of the Tengfei Building, the tallest building.

  Mr. Li stood in front of the window, overlooking the panoramic view of the campus, his face as solemn as water.

  In the past few days, things have been going on at the Ningchuan Martial Arts Academy next door.

  The news spread across the country that Hu Yanjian, one man and one sword, challenged the entire Ningchuan College alone.

  Now netizens across the country are paying attention to his next trip.

  ”Next…it’s our turn at Jianghai Academy.”

  Mr. Li sighed, slowly lowered his head and looked at the phone in his hand.


  On the mobile phone, the video of Hu Yanjian challenging Ningchuan Academy was playing.

  Drag along with the progress bar.

  Hu Yanjian’s figure appeared on the screen.

  I saw that his upper body was naked, exposing his tendons with explosive lines, his back muscles were clearly defined, and his beard and hair were shaggy, like a ghost from the underworld.

  He held a thick wooden stick in his right hand, which he used as a sword.

  Just challenge the entire Ningchuan Academy.

  At his feet was Ningchuan’s number one genius, vomiting blood and no longer as high-spirited as before.

  They once faced each other with swords, using their own swordsmanship to fight each other’s sword intent.

  But in just an instant, the genius from Ningchuan Academy flew backwards, and Hu Yanjian easily won the battle with a crushing attitude.

  This is the horror of Huyan Sword.

  Using only a wooden stick, he single-handedly shattered the face of the entire Ningchuan Academy.

  ”It’s a pity… this genius from Ningchuan University is destined to stop here.”

  Mr. Li looked at the video and shook his head regretfully.

  As someone who has been there, he knows the importance of this battle.

  If a star warrior chooses to cultivate his sword, he must first cultivate his heart.

  After the heart is right.

  Only then can you control the sword in your hands.


  The Ningchuan genius in the video turned pale after being suppressed, with no firm look on his face.

  This is the broken heart of the sword.

  The path of cultivation in the future will definitely be blocked!

  And look at the other side.

  Hu Yanjian is calm and composed, with thunder in his chest and a face as flat as a lake. This is in sharp contrast to the Ningchuan genius in front of him, which shows that his talent is extraordinary.

  ”No wonder this kid can defeat so many geniuses.”

  Mr. Li looked at Hu Yanjian in the video and couldn’t help but marvel.

  Today’s Huyan Sword is very dangerous.

  Not only is his strength far superior to that of his peers, but his character is also superior to that of his peers.

  Moreover, coupled with the teachings of the Prairie Sword Master, his future is limitless. It is only a matter of time before he sets foot in the Grandmaster realm!

  ”Can our Jianghai College… really be able to accept his challenge?”

  Thinking of this, Mr. Li’s heart became a little heavier.

  This challenge is related to the reputation of the entire Jianghai Martial Arts Academy. We must find every way to win it without making any mistakes.

  But after seeing the video of Huyanjian’s battle, he couldn’t help but worry about its future.

  at this time.


  The office door was suddenly pushed open.

  ”Teacher, I’ve already made the tea you asked for.”

  Li Zixuan walked into the room quietly holding the tea cup, came to the desk and said, “I’ll leave it here for you. You can use it slowly.

  ” The aroma of tea floats in the room.

  Mr. Li smelled the aroma of tea, his eyebrows slowly stretched, and he looked at Li Zixuan with soft eyes.

  ”Xuanxuan, how have you been practicing these past few days? Is there anything you don’t understand that you need help with?”

  Soon, she will perform on the martial arts stage.

  You must do your best to help.

  ”It’s okay, don’t worry, teacher, I practice every day.”   

  Li Zixuan looked at Mr. Li and saw that his face was heavy, so she couldn’t help but ask: “Teacher, are you still thinking about Hu Yanjian?”


  Mr. Li nodded slightly, looked at Li Zixuan and said worriedly: ” In fact, after all, I am still worried about you.”

  ”Worried about me?”

  Li Zixuan was confused.

  ”Xuanxuan, I only have you as my disciple, and I know that you have always been high-minded.”

  Mr. Li sighed: “But this time Huyanjian is not an ordinary person… I am worried that if you lose this time, maybe the sword My heart will be damaged by this…”

  The words trailed off.

  There was silence for a few seconds.

  After Li Zixuan learned what Mr. Li was thinking, she smiled sarcastically and said calmly: “I thought it was something, but it turned out to be just this…”


  Mr. Li said in surprise when he heard this, “Aren’t you afraid of the Huyan Sword? ”

  Don’t be afraid.”

  Li Zixuan said slowly, with a calm heart, “Teacher, have you forgotten what you taught me before? As a swordsman, one should rather break than bend, and the

  path to martial arts is to be fearless.

There are so many thorns that most people would be afraid to do so, but since I choose to use my sword to prove the truth, I will just move forward without retreating.”

  Li Zixuan’s firm determination was revealed in her calm words.

  No matter whether there are towering mountains or vast ocean ahead.

  She could only move forward without giving in at all.

  As the words fell, the fighting spirit in Li Zixuan’s heart burned, causing the sword intent of the sword to open the Tianmen to escape.


  In an instant, the extremely sharp sword intent swept across the office, roaring like a violent wind.

  Sensing this momentum, Mr. Li’s pupils shrank suddenly and he was extremely shocked.

  This girl…

  when did she have such determination! ?

  Not seen for a few days.

  Mr. Li found that he was becoming more and more unfamiliar with this disciple.

  It seems that Li Zixuan is undergoing a new transformation every day…

  In the office, Mr. Li was silent for a moment, looked at Li Zixuan again, clasped his hands and said happily:

  ”Okay, well said, you have really grown up, Xuanxuan , I feel relieved to have such a character.”

  ”Teacher, don’t worry, I will go all out in this competition, and those who block my way…”

  Li Zixuan looked at the morning light outside the window and smiled:

  ”…They will definitely lose.”

  … At the same time


  in the library.

  Qin Yang was fishing on the second floor, while Xiaobai turned into a little lolita with animal ears, running and jumping freely among the bookshelves.

  ”Tsk, this little fox can really jump.”

  Qin Yang looked at her cheerful look and was too lazy to pay attention to it, and continued to search for books in the bookshelf.

  After turning over and over again, I searched carefully.

  He found a total of two books on the secret techniques of mental attack.

  One of them is still incomplete.

  And these are all the books on spiritual mysticism on the entire second floor.

  To know.

  The cultivation of spiritual power is very difficult, and few people in Jianghai City can successfully cultivate it to become famous. In addition, it is extremely difficult to collect these books.

  So the library simply didn’t bother to include it, so it just used two books as a pretense and got rid of it hastily.

  ”Forget it, I can make do with two books.”

  Qin Yang secretly thought to himself, if it wasn’t to capture the soul-eating worm, why would he go to such trouble to find the book.

  Thinking of this, he directly opened the enlightenment space.

  Begin to fuse the two spiritual secret arts.

  The characters surged into the supreme understanding of spiritual power and poured into Qin Yang’s mind.

  The attribute of mental power is soft, similar to the flow of water, moistening things silently.

  It is the foundation of thousands of living things.

  With this thought, Qin Yang concentrated his mental power, imitated the sword intention, and turned it directly into an extremely sharp ‘water’ sword.

  The sword cuts the soul and kills the consciousness.

  After a while.

  This new secret technique of “Soul-Slaying Sword” took shape in Qin Yang’s mind!

  (End of chapter)


I Stomped on a Bug, and the System Said I Slaughtered a Dragon?

I Stomped on a Bug, and the System Said I Slaughtered a Dragon?

Score 7.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese
“Ding! Congratulations on slaying the Beast King. Reward: tenfold amplification. You have obtained an Undying Body and a sixty-year cultivation base!” Qin Yang looked at the big c*ckroach he had just crushed underfoot, and his face was completely shocked. “Alert! A Beast Sovereign-class star beast has been detected. Host, please flee immediately or you will die a horrible death!” Qin Yang looked at the little purple spider in front of him, and a huge question mark appeared over his head. What do you mean, “Beast Sovereign”? Inside the library, Qin Yang was reading when a little girl walked in. “Ding! Empress aura detected. Host, please kneel and beg for her to take you as an apprentice. Your future is boundless!” Qin Yang looked at the girl in front of him, who was looking very earnestly at the book she held. His expression stiffened. This System must be sick!


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