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Chapter 57 Joyful Love

Chapter 57 Joyful Love


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 57 Joyful Style

  Yang Shifei took two steps back with a strange look in his eyes: “Miss Qiu suddenly sneaked into my house, what’s the matter?”

  ”Nothing, I just wanted to see you.”

  Qiu Buhuan smiled and took two steps closer.

  The intoxicating fragrance wafted into his nose, like a cup of intoxicating liquor, stimulating his mind.

  Yang Shifei tightened his face and his eyes drifted subconsciously. He saw that she seemed to have changed her clothes today. The tightly wrapped luxurious robe was replaced with a black skirt, and the shoulders were wrapped with tassels. The dignified and charming mature woman’s posture was more prominent.

  When his eyes fell on the chest embroidered with crimson peonies, the high and exaggerated arc made his eyes twitch.

  These two peonies have been stretched into peony balls. Are they too big?

  ”Brother Shifei’s eyes are quite dishonest.”

  Qiu Buhuan smiled charmingly and teased, “Do you like this dress?”

  Yang Shifei quickly stood up and cleared his throat, “Miss Qiu is beautiful and gorgeous. No matter how she dresses, she is stunning.”

  Qiu Buhuan covered his lips and chuckled twice.

  This charming and charming laugh made Yang Shifei blush a little, and he quickly changed the subject, “I remember that Taiwu Haoshi was sent out of Dongcheng today. Isn’t the young lady going to accompany him?”

  ”The Liang Kingdom is responsible for this matter. It doesn’t matter if I leave a little later.”

  Qiu Buhuan smiled lightly, “So I want to spend more time with you before I leave.”

  Yang Shifei was even more puzzled.

  When did he become so charming that this woman could not forget him and even chase him to his house.

  Although he was puzzled, he remained calm: “Thank you for your appreciation, young lady. And the tonic I gave you last night was also very effective. I am really grateful.”

  ”It’s just a small gift.”

  ”Then wait a moment, young lady. I’ll make two pots of tea to entertain you.”

  ”Well, I won’t bother you.”

  Qiu Buhuan smiled. Seeing Yang Shifei turned around and started to pour hot water, her beautiful eyes secretly glanced at his right hand, and her mind became active.

  In the past two days, she almost couldn’t sleep because of this matter. And today, she came here just to explore it again.

  Try to touch this person’s body again, and whether she will still feel the fiery throbbing like the first love – as soon

  as the thought came to her mind, she suddenly grabbed Yang Shifei’s right hand.

  Qiu Buhuan’s beautiful eyes flickered slightly. Another strange heat spread throughout her body. Although it was slightly relieved compared to yesterday, her legs still trembled.

  But at this moment of distraction, she was immediately grabbed by the arm, and her soft body staggered and was forcibly pressed down on the stove.

  Yang Shifei’s face was solemn, and he tightly held the arms of the beauty under him.

  He had just fought a fierce battle with Pei Shengfan, his blood was boiling, and his body and mind were still alert. He was suddenly touched from behind, so he reacted quickly. He did

  n’t know if it was an illusion, but at that moment, his hair stood up, and he felt a sense of crisis, so he subconsciously grabbed the other party.

  He was about to ask a question, but his expression was stunned.


  Qiu Buhuan lay on his back without any defense, his hair was loose, and his black hair was messy.

  The half of his face covered by his bangs was fully exposed, his mature and charming face was a little confused, and his pair of peach blossom eyes seemed to be dyed with autumn water, gradually stirring the heart.

  When their eyes met for a moment, this plump and enchanting beauty’s breathing was slightly disordered, her cheeks and ears blushed like a young girl in love, and a little sweat oozed from her forehead, unconsciously revealing a bit of seductive charm.

  Yang Shifei was silent for a moment.

  This look didn’t seem like she was plotting against him, but more like inviting him to do whatever he wanted quickly.

  The two of them were silent for a long time. Qiu Buhuan bit her red lips lightly, almost embarrassed, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes.

  She had nothing to say now.

  When they touched, there was indeed a strong heat flowing through her body. But when their eyes met, the heat in her heart was several times stronger, burning her almost unconscious.

  She had to admit that she was really like a young girl. She was interested in a man.

  ”I just wanted to take a look at your palm lines, brother Shifei, but I didn’t expect it to be so sudden…”

  Qiu Buhuan was the first to break the silence, but her voice was so charming that she blushed.

  Yang Shifei was also extremely embarrassed: “I overreacted a little, please forgive me, girl.”

  Qiu Buhuan blushed. Her hands were restrained, and she couldn’t bear to struggle hard, so she had no choice but to rub his waist gently with her knees: “Then let go quickly.”

  Yang Shifei was rubbed so hard that she secretly took a breath and her hands were shaking a little. What a annoying little big demon.

  Qiu Buhuan saw that he looked depressed and couldn’t help but blink: “What’s wrong?”

  ”No, nothing.” Yang Shifei then loosened his hands and took two steps back, bowing slightly.

  Originally, I thought this woman was a mature and charming woman who loved to tease men, but from her reaction just now,

  how come she is more like a young girl who is just beginning to fall in love and doesn’t know anything?

  Qiu Buhuan slowly sat up, raised his arms and crossed his chest with a blushing face, and cast a slightly resentful look: “Little enemy.”


  Yang Shifei secretly adjusted his breathing and tried to calm himself down. He

  couldn’t let the witch throw him off balance now.

  ”It’s really my fault for the misunderstanding just now. Why don’t you stay and have lunch together?”

  ”It’s also my fault for being too abrupt.”

  Qiu Buhuan put on his hairpin again, blushed and went down the stove: “Just eat something casually.”

  Yang Shifei breathed a sigh of relief and chuckled: “I’ll cook you a bowl of noodles.”

  ”Thank you, brother Shifei.”

  Qiu Buhuan stepped aside and watched him start to knead the dough very neatly.


  After all, she was a martial arts expert, and she quickly calmed down her agitated emotions, but her mood was a little complicated for a while.

  She thought about how she was raised by her adoptive mother, and she had hardly left the Thousand Blades Weapon Pond for thirty years. She had been forging weapons in front of the furnace all her life. When had she ever had contact with a man?

  When the hot breath hit her cheek, the heat that was different from that of the furnace seemed to smoke into her heart. Not only did her body go limp, but even her cultivation seemed to turn into spring water, and she was so soft that she had no strength.

  This man might really be her nemesis.

  ”Girl, do you want an egg?”

  ”Well, I don’t have any dietary restrictions.”


  Qiu Buhuan blinked, and his heart was inexplicably calmer.

  She stood quietly by the side, watching silently. Her eyes softened unconsciously.

  It was not until a bowl of hot scallion oil noodles came out of the pot that Qiu Buhuan came back to his senses.


  ”Would you like to eat in the backyard?”


  Qiu Buhuan had a complicated expression on his face, and walked to the stone table in the backyard with the bowl of noodles and sat down.

  Yang Shifei was sitting opposite her, and when he saw her carefully pick up the noodles and tasted them, he asked, “How does it taste?”

  Qiu Buhuan’s charming eyes lit up slightly, but he pretended to be calm and replied, “Not bad.”

  Yang Shifei then smiled with satisfaction.

  This woman, perhaps, is quite easy to understand, and may really have no bad intentions.

  ”If you are not full, I will give you two more bowls.”

  ”No need.” Qiu Buhuan licked her red lips and whispered, “Do you usually cook for yourself?”

  Yang Shifei shook his head: “Only occasionally, most of the time Miss Tanxiang helps with cooking.”

  ”The Luo Mansion treats you well.”

  ”Yes, very well.”

  ”——Brother Yang, what happened in the kitchen? You haven’t come back for so long?”

  At this time, Liang Xin was walking slowly along the corridor, constantly looking around, and happened to see the two people in the yard, and was immediately stunned.


  Liang Xin’s expression was slightly stiff, and he turned around slowly like a wooden man: “I didn’t see anything, please do as you please.”

  Seeing him turn around and run, Yang Shifei hurriedly shouted: “Brother Liang, don’t be lazy, continue practicing.”

  After Liang Xin hurriedly left, he retracted his gaze and smiled awkwardly: “Maybe there is a small misunderstanding.”

  Qiu Buhuan stroked his long bangs and ate noodles in silence.

  She put down her chopsticks with a slightly red face until the bowl of noodles was empty: “Your cooking skills are very good.”

  ”Thank you for the compliment, young lady.”

  Yang Shifei helped her clean up the dishes and chopsticks: “What are you going to do next?”

  ”I’ll leave in the evening.”

  Qiu Buhuan took a deep breath and showed a charming smile again: “It’s just right to see you practicing martial arts.”

  Yang Shifei raised his eyebrows slightly: “Young lady, don’t you think it’s boring?”

  ”You and I are friends. It’s normal to care about your progress in cultivation.”

  Qiu Buhuan leaned against the table and teased with his chin: “Or, brother Shifei wants to accompany me to the street?”


  Yang Shifei put the washed dishes and chopsticks back in the kitchen: “After practicing martial arts in the afternoon, I will accompany you for a walk.”

  Qiu Buhuan was stunned. Is this little bad guy serious?

  Liang Xin felt that the atmosphere in this family was so weird.

  Not long ago, the maid of Luo Mansion brought lunch, and the two sides happened to meet.

  At that time, the cold and gloomy look from the other party really scared her and trembled. After shivering for a long time, she explained that she was just here to practice martial arts, not to steal a man.

  And now——

  Yang Shifei was eating his food with big mouthfuls, while the Bingtan Saint Envoy was sitting beside him, staring at him with “affectionate eyes”. This scene was so weird.

  Liang Xin silently withdrew his gaze and secretly worried about him in his heart.

  Brother Yang, you are too romantic, be careful of capsizing.

  In the afternoon.

  As the martial artists left Dongcheng one after another, the streets of Dongcheng seemed a little quieter.

  Yang Shifei practiced at home for half an hour, and then accompanied Qiu Buhuan to the streets, ready to walk around several streets.

  He originally wanted to take a look at the customs and customs of Dongcheng, but as soon as he walked on the street, the woman’s reaction was really surprising.

  ”——I miss this thing so much.”

  Qiu Buhuan walked quickly to the stall, picked up a small drum and played with it: “I remember I had one when I was a child.”

  As he said, he looked at the other “toys” next to him, and smiled even more brightly and charmingly. Even with a veil, several stall owners and passers-by next to him were stunned.

  ”You used to…”

  Qiu Buhuan just turned around and met Yang Shifei’s strange gaze. His face suddenly turned red and he immediately put the toy in his hand back:

  ”Don’t get me wrong, I just miss my childhood life a little bit.”

  ”The girl is quite lively.”

  Yang Shifei considered his words and chuckled: “I thought you had no interest in these worldly things.” Qiu Buhuan gathered

  his sleeves and continued to move forward, humming twice: “Although I am good at martial arts, I am not a heartless and ruthless god in the sky. Of course, I have likes and dislikes.”

  ”That’s right.” Yang Shifei rubbed his forehead: “When I heard the title of the Holy Envoy, I always felt that she was unattainable. In fact, she is also a woman.”

  Think about it carefully, isn’t this an older unmarried woman.

  Qiu Buhuan rolled his eyes: “It’s not as simple and straightforward as you think.”

  Yang Shifei chuckled twice, and his mood was much more relaxed.

  The two walked and stopped along the street, lingering in front of various stalls.

  But not long after, a warrior came over with a scream and began to talk about the martial arts competition in the palace last night.

  Yang Shifei chatted for a while and finally sent the young man away. Then he looked at the street scene in front of him and felt a headache. He forgot that he was already half a celebrity and it would be easy for the gangsters in the palace last night to recognize his identity.

  ”——Come, let me put it on you~”

  A bamboo hat suddenly covered his head with a layer of black cloth hanging down.

  Yang Shifei let out a light exclamation, and saw Qiu Buhuan jumped out from behind with a smile, shaking the same bamboo hat in his hand.

  ”Brother Shifei, you are here to play with me, so of course I have to protect you.”

  She put the bamboo hat on herself again, lifted the black veil in front of her with her slender fingers, and her beautiful eyes moved: “Do I look good like this?”

  ”. Very good looking.”

   I hope everyone will follow the monthly votes, thank you~


  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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