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Chapter 571: Half a Paper of Fame, Thousands of Mountains and Snow (V)

Chapter 571: Half a Paper of Fame, Thousands of Mountains and Snow (V)


Author: The Bell Outside the Besieged City

  Chapter 571: Half a Paper of Fame, Thousands of Mountains and Winds of Snow (V)

  There is also a problem with the Moon-Picking Sword.

  Ever since Old Zhang lost contact, Wei Changtian has always felt that something might go wrong, after all, the sword manual of the Moon-Picking Sword is on him.

  Now it seems to be true.


  After looking at Xu Suisui, Wei Changtian did not ask any more questions, but lowered his head and tapped the table lightly.

  Ning Yongnian was just the opposite. After hearing this, he slowly raised his head.

  He obviously did not understand this sentence, so he frowned and asked Xu Suisui:

  ”Miss Xu, what swordsmanship?”

  ”Nothing, this matter has nothing to do with you, Your Majesty.”

  Xu Suisui shook his head and brought the topic back on track.

  ”Your Majesty, Young Master Wei.”

  ”I have said everything I should say. I wonder if you think the current situation is critical?”

  ”If it is, then let’s discuss a ceasefire.”

  Two million troops will attack in three months. No matter how you look at it, this matter is definitely extremely urgent.

  If the war continues without a ceasefire, the result at that time will definitely be that everyone will be finished.

  So although Wei Changtian and Ning Yongnian did not answer immediately, they actually had the answer in their hearts.

  Then the next key is “how to cease fire”.

  After all, a ceasefire is simple, but the distribution of benefits after the ceasefire is very difficult.

  ”You should have had an idea a long time ago, right?”

  Wei Changtian stopped tapping the table and looked at Xu Suisui: “Tell me.”

  ”What about you, Your Majesty?”

  Xu Suisui asked Ning Yongnian: “Are you willing to listen to my plan first?”


  Ning Yongnian nodded slightly, temporarily suppressing the sword technique in her heart: “Miss, please tell me.”


  Nodding, Xu Suisui did not hesitate, and quickly took out a wooden tube from her waist under the gaze of the two.

  Unscrew the cover of the tube and shake out the contents.

  It turned out to be a map.

  With a “clatter”, the map depicting the territories of Da Ning and Da Feng was unfolded on the stone table, just filling the table.

  Xu Suisui looked at Wei Changtian and Ning Yongnian, and then slowly said:

  ”Young Master Wei, Your Majesty.”

  ”Daning has thirty-six states, Dafeng has twenty-four prefectures, and together there are exactly sixty states.”

  ”And since Dafeng is now in name only, the three of us will divide the sixty states.”

  ”What do you think?”


  Putting aside Li Qi, the world will be divided into three parts.

  These few words of Xu Suisui did not cause much waves in the hearts of Wei Changtian and Ning Yongnian.

  Both of them have seen the world and have long anticipated this situation, so they are not surprised at all.

  There is no problem in dividing the world into three parts. Although Xu Suisui has no soldiers, she has Qin Zhengqiu, and she is indeed qualified to share a piece of the pie.

  The key is just how to divide it.

  ”You can divide it.”

  Wei Changtian smiled meaningfully, “But these sixty states can’t be twenty states for each person, right?”

  ”Of course not.”

  Xu Suisui’s expression was calm: “I know I am weak, so I don’t ask for too much, I just want to have ten states to live in.”

  ”The remaining fifty states, you can share them equally with the emperor.”

  Xu Suisui had ten states, and he and Ning Yongnian had twenty-five states each.

  Wei Changtian narrowed his eyes and didn’t rush to express his attitude.

  However, Ning Yongnian’s face suddenly became a little ugly.

  A year ago, he was still the emperor of Da Ning, sitting on thirty-six states, and was almost going to annex all of Da Feng.

  In other words, if there was no Wei family, these sixty states should have belonged to him alone.

  But now it has become like this.

  Ning Yongnian was naturally unhappy, but he also knew that he couldn’t ask for too much at the moment, so he could only try to get more.

  ”Miss Xu, Master Wei.”

  ”Since it has come to this, I will speak frankly.”

  ”The combined forces of Feng and Ning are no more than one million, and I account for at least half of them.”

  ”To put it bluntly, if the war does not stop, I will definitely be the winner in the end.”

  ”Of course, since we are facing a powerful enemy, I naturally do not want to continue the internal struggle.”

  ”I just want to tell you two that if the armies of the four countries really invade, the most soldiers on the battlefield will be my soldiers.”

  ”And since I have contributed the most, only 25 states are naturally not enough.”


  Young Master Wei.

  This was the first time that Ning Yongnian used this title after they had a falling out.

  Ning Yongnian obviously intended to ease the relationship between the two, but Wei Changtian didn’t even look at him, just listened to Ning Yongnian’s request with a half-smile.

  ”Well, my conditions are very simple.”

  ”Twenty-four states in the north of Daning, plus eleven prefectures in the north of Dafeng, a total of thirty-five states.”

  ”I only want this much, as for how to divide the rest, I don’t care.”

  ”If you two agree, then we will continue to talk.” ”

  If you don’t agree, then there is no need to talk.”


  The night wind passed through the gaps in the tent, blowing the candlelight swaying, and the pavilion was dim.

  Ning Yongnian asked for thirty-five states as soon as he opened his mouth, and threatened not to talk if he didn’t give it to him.

  In fact, his reason was reasonable.

  Indeed, judging from the military strength alone, he does have the most combat power, so once the war starts, he will definitely be the main force to resist the enemy.

  So it seems reasonable to divide more.

  As for what he said, “If you don’t agree, then don’t talk.” You don’t need to care too much about it. It’s just an ordinary negotiation method.

  The ceasefire must be stopped, otherwise everyone will have nothing in the future.

  Ning Yongnian couldn’t fail to understand this, so he said this just to put pressure on Xu Suisui and Wei Changtian.

  Especially the former.


  frowned slightly, and Xu Suisui cast her eyes silently at Wei Changtian.

  She knew that it was useless for her to agree or not, and this matter must depend on Wei Changtian’s attitude.

  Xu Suisui was afraid that the latter would suddenly say “If you don’t agree, then don’t talk”, making all her efforts fall short, so there was a hint of pleading in her eyes.

  However, Wei Changtian’s expression did not change at all. He just pondered for a moment and nodded casually.

“The 35 states in the north can be given to Daning.”

  ”My Shu Kingdom only wants the 12 states in the south, plus the three prefectures in the southeast of Dafeng


  As he spoke, Wei Changtian raised his hand and drew two long lines on the map with his internal force.

  One line divided the map into two halves, the upper and lower halves, and the other line divided the lower half into the left and right halves.

  Pointing to the lower left side of the map, he smiled and looked at Xu Suisui.

  ”Don’t you want the land of ten states?”

  ”Here, these ten prefectures of Dafeng are for you.”


  The extremely casual voice fell, and the map that had been divided into three parts was slightly trembling in the wind.

  When Wei Changtian agreed to Ning Yongnian’s request without any bargaining, Xu Suisui could not help but be stunned.

  Even Ning Yongnian was a little surprised.

  Wei Changtian actually only asked for fifteen states, and also gave Fengyuan to Xu Suisui.

  Ning Yongnian had never expected such a “generous” performance, not to mention that Wei Changtian seemed to have made the decision almost without hesitation. ”

  Young Master Wei”

  looked at Wei Changtian deeply, and Xu Suisui asked softly: “Are you serious?”

  ”Of course.”

  Wei Changtian smiled and turned to look at Ning Yongnian.

  ”Ning Yongnian, I wonder if you are satisfied?”


  Ning Yongnian had changed his address, but Wei Changtian still called the former by his real name.

  This move was undoubtedly very disrespectful, but Ning Yongnian did not get angry. He just stared at Wei Changtian and asked word by word:

  ”What exactly do you want to do?”

  ”Huh? What are you talking about?”

  Wei Changtian’s face was so fake that it couldn’t be more surprised: “Ning Yongnian, didn’t you want the thirty-five states yourself?”

  ”I have agreed now, and you asked me what I want to do.”

  ”Why? Can’t I agree?”


  Ning Yongnian was speechless for a while, and after a long while, he snorted coldly:

  ”Huh, I hope you won’t go back on your word.”

  ”I definitely won’t.”

  Wei Changtian waved his hand carelessly.

  ”Since I said that these thirty-five states will be given to Daning, then I will definitely give them to Daning.”

  (End of this chapter)


I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am Villain In The Book I Turned Out to Be the Arch-Villain of the Book 我竟是书中大反派
Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

Wei Tian transmigrated to a fantasy novel, and found out that he was the villain who was beaten up by the protagonist from beginning to end? ? ?

He has a powerful family background, but all he does is eat, drink, and have fun; he has a handsome face, but all he does is commit evil deeds; he has abundant cultivation resources, but all he does is waste them away… and he can’t even lie down properly, because the protagonist is about to come and steal his wife!

I used to want to be a good person, but now I really have no choice!


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