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Chapter 572: Suspected Awakened Mutant

Chapter 572: Suspected Awakened Mutant


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 572: Mutants suspected of awakening


  ”It’s a Mosquito…”

  In the jungle, a group of people looked up in surprise, only to see a W-2 attack plane strafing and firing at the ground, and then quickly pulled up and climbed to a higher altitude.

  The mutants outside the town gate fired at the sky, and the bullets whizzed into the sky, but they couldn’t catch up with the plane that was flying away.

  After a while, the plane circled back, and then another round of strafing, sending away a large number of greenskins who had no time to dodge.

  The machine gun seemed to have eyes.

  Obviously someone was giving it ground fire guidance.

  Looking up at the sky, Lao Bai’s face was a little surprised.

  ”This brother is good at driving.”

  Kuangfeng nodded.

  ”It’s probably one of us.”

  The W-2 attack plane has been exported to Jinchuan Province for less than a year.

  Even if there are talented players, it is impossible to drive this plane to perfection with only one life.

  Lao Bai glanced at the icons of other players around him on the VM, and saw two green dots not far from them.

  One of the fast-moving green dots had the words “Luo Yu” written on it.

  Ye Shi, who was also checking the VM, was also shocked.

  ”What the hell? Brother Luo Yu?” Quitting

  Smoking asked in surprise.

  ”Why is he here?”

  Fang Chang thought for a while and said.

  ”I guess he’s doing a side quest. When the mercenary guild first came out, didn’t it update some tasks? I saw that many high-yield tasks were taken away.”

  At that time, thinking that he was going to Jinchuan Province, he was also thinking about taking some tasks from the mercenary guild. As a result, his hand speed was a bit slow, and those high-yield tasks were almost sold out as soon as they were released.

  To be honest, this brother’s hand speed is too fast!

  ”No matter why he is here, since our enemies are the same, they are teammates!”

  Lao Bai grinned and loaded his rifle.

  ”Get ready for battle!”

  The communication channel was filled with excited roars, and the others also loaded their rifles with a click.

  ”Revenge Brother Chicken!”


  It was about two hours ago.

  After retreating with the residents of Dust Town, they took the Viper transport plane back to this area, intending to avenge the Midnight Chicken.

  Or to finish off the mutant elite monster with a modified body.

  Those greenskin guys were originally having a party on the battlefield, but it seemed that they were not having enough fun, so they went east again.

  They followed the footprints of those beasts all the way to this area, and then heard gunshots here.

  Rushing towards the direction of the gunshots, they really saw the greenskins attacking the settlement.

  If there were no accidents, this settlement that had been corroded by the Nago would probably not last more than half an hour in the hands of these greenskin guys.

  However –

  now the accident has obviously happened.

  Listening to the gunshots from all directions, Oger’s fierce pupils flashed a trace of barely perceptible panic, and he roared and urged his men to move forward.

  ”Charge! Tear them apart!”

  The hot tracer shuttled through the jungle.

  Especially the rain of bullets coming from the rear, which was obviously more dense and tricky than the firepower from other directions.

  So much so that he felt a little tired.

  These people are completely different from the guys he met before!

  Their fighting style is different from that of well-trained soldiers, but also obviously different from those ruthless people he met before.

  They are more like something in between.

  They maintain a fierce fighting style, but also make do with tactical cooperation.

  They will attack in groups of three, three groups in a row, in a pincer shape, alternately fire to maintain suppression, and use cross firepower to maximize the width of the bunker.

  Although the full-power bullet fired by the LD-47 is not as powerful as the armor-piercing bullet of the grenade gun, it is the same as long as it hits the head.

  A mutant centurion wearing a fully enclosed steel helmet and a steel plate on his body was roaring and rushing with his minions.

  However, just before he left the bunker and took two steps, he was shattered in the head by an armor-piercing bullet fired by a 20mm cavalry rifle.

  The hot brain and blood sprayed all over the ground, and several mutant warriors nearby were stunned.

  However, the rain of bullets did not stop because of their stagnant steps, and a blood mist soon exploded on their bodies.

  One of the unlucky guys had half of his shoulder blown off, and another guy’s head was only half of his chin hanging on his neck.

  Just one contact.

  A team of ten people was reduced by more than half!

  And the continuous gunfire was still approaching, like a sudden rainstorm, tearing a hole in the mutants’ originally stable front.

  Oger stared at the guys wearing exoskeletons.

  His intuition told him that these guys were dangerous!

  Even more dangerous than all the prey he had met in his life combined!

  However, it was precisely because of this that he felt extremely angry.

  This feeling was like a juicy steak on a plate suddenly jumped out and slapped him.

  How dare these weak and ugly two-legged animals stand in front of him like this!

  He was defeated again and again!

  Oger gnashed his teeth until they creaked, and his gums were blood red.

  The metal parts of his right arm were shaking violently, and the muscles of his whole body were twisting and swelling like twisting earthworms.


  ”I’m going to chop you into pieces and make pies!”

  He roared angrily, like an out-of-control buffalo, firing a heavy machine gun. The recoil was like nothing to him. The ballistic bullets as thick as a bowl flew around, blasting the tree trunks as thick as thighs into pieces, and sawdust flew. The

  sudden surge in firepower suppressed the offensive of those human soldiers for a while. Those humans fired at him, but ordinary rifle bullets could not do anything to him.

  All the vital parts were protected by steel, and he had a welded steel helmet on his head. The thickness was 15 mm, and even a full-powered rifle bullet could not penetrate it!

  An arrow shot a mutant’s head. Fang Chang, who was suppressed by the rain of bullets and returned to the bunker, immediately looked at Ye Shi who was standing aside.

  ”Ye Shi!”


  Aiming at the guy who was shooting with a machine gun, Ye Shi, who was holding a Gauss rifle, took a deep breath of cold air and flipped the charging switch with his index finger.

  Buzz –

  the buzzing sound of electric current sounded.

  The blue arc accumulated terrifying energy in the barrel, and a mass bullet had been pushed into the barrel, like a crossbow ready to fire.

  Calm down…

  He was calmer than ever after calming down. He aimed at the ugly face expressionlessly, pressed the trigger –

  and then released it!


  With a blast that broke through the sound barrier, a mass bullet of several Machs passed through the forest and shot straight at the green head.

  However, something unexpected happened.

  The mutant suddenly shook his body to the side as if he had teleported, and dodged the fatal blow with a flash.

  The mass bullet hit the tree trunk, piercing through the tree trunk that the man couldn’t hug.

  The mutant who dodged the fatal blow stood next to the flying wood chips, and his bloodthirsty eyes stabbed at him like a dagger. When he

  met those eyes, Ye Shi was shocked.

  ”What the hell?!”

  Jieyan, who was standing next to him, was also stunned.

  ”You missed?”

  Ye Shi said blankly.

  ”No… You can dodge this?!”

  As soon as he finished speaking, a string of machine guns in the air swept towards the mutant.

  If it were a mortal body, this volley of 20mm caliber armor-piercing bullets would be enough to make it into a sieve, but the mutant seemed to have turned on a cheat, and once again demonstrated the miraculous evasion skills.

  Staring at the figure, Ye Shi, who was holding a Gauss rifle, found that he couldn’t even see the trajectory of his movement.

  Fang Chang, who was agile, narrowed his eyes.

  The extraordinary dynamic vision allowed him to see some clues that ordinary people could not see.

  ”…Bullet time?”

  He also has a similar talent.

  Simply put, by speeding up the brain’s processing speed of optic nerve information, the surrounding world is broken down into frames of pictures.

  The specific manifestation is that everything, including himself, slows down.

  However, even if he can see the bullet flying towards him, it is not an easy thing to dodge, even if he is not 100% sure.

  Not to mention the mass bullet fired at several Mach.

  However, with the physical fitness of mutants, coupled with the functions provided by the modified prosthesis, it is not completely impossible to dodge this fatal blow.

  ”These guys are indeed more difficult than we thought…” Fang Chang put an explosive arrow on the bowstring and shot an arrow at the mutant. The

  exploding arrow cluster released shrapnel in a cone, but it was like scratching the guy’s body.

  The mutant grinned with a mocking smile, and did not care at all. He pulled out the chain saw on his back, connected it to his right arm, and rushed towards this side with a meteor stride.

  Looking at the burly and magnificent figure, Ye Shi felt his scalp tingling. He put away the bracket of the Gauss rifle and prepared to retreat and distance himself.

  At this time, Lao Bai, who was standing behind him, took a step forward and left the bunker, pulling out the hot melt cutting axe hanging on the power armor.

  ”Leave it to me.”

  Seeing the angular power armor, Oger’s bloodshot pupils shook violently, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes.

  He recognized this armor!

  He was at the scene last night!

  His brother died at the hands of this guy!


  The chainsaw in his hand made a harsh metal friction sound, and he roared angrily, stepping on the meteor and rushing towards the iron lump.

  His body is not only condensed with the power of flesh and blood, but also the crystallization of technology!

  If it is a close combat, no one is his opponent!

  Not even the big guy!

  He swears-

  I will make these guys regret standing in front of him!

  Holding the hatchet tightly in his hand, Lao Bai stared at the monster rushing towards him, and did not relax his vigilance because of the equipment on his body.

  The intuition honed on the battlefield told him that this guy was very strong!

  Even stronger than the one Ye Shi encountered that night!

  But even so –

  there was no reason for him to lose!

  ”Go to hell!”

  Oger roared angrily and rushed towards the power armor. The 1.5-meter-long chainsaw in his hand was as light as a toothpick, and was raised high above his head.

  For a moment.

  He suddenly disappeared, leaving only a residual image on the spot, and then suddenly rushed forward three or five steps.

  The vertically chopped chainsaw was wrapped in a violent force, and it hit the power armor in front of him like thunder from the sky.

  Even the surrounding air seemed to be split by the chainsaw!

  So fast!

  His sight barely caught the movement trajectory of the monster, Lao Bai’s brows shrank suddenly, and the muscles of his whole body were tensed to the limit.

  Almost at the same time, the battle axe in his hand also blasted upward like magma erupting from a volcano!

  ”You are the one who should die–!”

  The light short axe was still one step faster.

  The blunt axe blade blasted from bottom to top on the mutant’s chest armor. The dull sound of the blunt weapon colliding spread out circles of sound waves, as if it could shatter a person’s eardrums.

  Feeling the tremor from his abdomen, Oger grinned, knowing that the axe did not even split the steel plate hanging on his chest.

  Although the chain saw had not fallen yet, he seemed to have seen the two-legged beast in front of him, being smashed into two pieces by the chain saw in his hand!


  the smile only appeared on his twisted face for a moment, and the alert smile turned into incredible surprise and fear.

  A hot energy penetrated his chest armor, burned his steel-like tough skin, and then penetrated his abdomen and even his chest without any suspense!

  The axe that hit his breastplate was not like an axe, but rather like a hammer, hitting the red-hot iron ingot, exploding a brilliant spark. The

  arm holding the chain saw lost its strength.

  He didn’t even have time to scream in pain before he felt a scorching energy piercing through his body and even his soul, knocking his consciousness out of the shattered body.

  The chain saw flew out and spun, stuck in the ground, and the blade was caught by mud and stones. He knelt heavily on the ground, and the bloodthirsty pupils gradually lost their light.

  The battlefield was dead silent.

  For a moment, the gunfire even stopped.

  The green faces looked at this side dully, watching their leader fall, and they hadn’t reacted to what happened.

  It was too fast.

  Whether it was the speed of their leader’s attack or the speed of the human in the iron lump’s counterattack, everything happened in just a moment.

  And when they came to their senses, everything was over.

  Pairs of bloodthirsty and cruel pupils were gradually engraved with fear and timidity. Some mutants began to retreat hesitantly, or even turned and ran away.

  They were not completely unafraid of death. They

  were just braver than their prey most of the time.

  When facing an invincible monster, they would also shrink back and turn and run away. This was their instinct for survival!

  At this moment, in their eyes, the guy holding an axe and stepping on the corpse of their leader was an absolute monster!

  That guy was not a human at all!

  They had never seen a person who looked like this!

  A strange scene appeared on the battlefield. The mutants who had always chased their prey were chased by a group of guys with guns. At

  the west gate of the town, behind the shooting bunker, a group of militiamen and mercenaries were dumbfounded at the commotion in the forest outside.

  ”…The sun is rising from the west, and those mutants are actually running away?!”

  And there were hundreds of mutants, being chased by a dozen or twenty people!

  The mercenary who had lowered the muzzle of the gun rubbed his eyes, and stared at the situation outside with his eyes wide open, trying to see clearly what was happening.

  He muttered in his mouth.

  ”Am I hallucinating…”

  If only one person saw it, it might be a hallucination.

  But so many people saw it, it was obviously not a hallucination.

  Crouching behind the shooting bunker, the mercenary leader’s eyes were full of disbelief, and then the disbelief turned into admiration.

  He clenched his fists and shouted excitedly.

  ”Fuck… these guys are so awesome!”

  Are they from the Alliance?

  Judging from the equipment, they should be, right?

  Looking at those fully armed guys from a distance, Mayor Ma’s expression on his face was mixed.

  The good thing was that they finally escaped, and this peaceful and tranquil town did not have to suffer the ravages of mutants.

  However, what worried him was that the group of ruthless people who could hit the mutants on the head might be more difficult to deal with than the mutants.

  There is no free lunch in this world.

  These people definitely did not come to help them out of any kind of bravery.

  He knew this very well.

  The arrival of this group of guys may not be a good sign for the situation in Jinhe City and even the entire Jinchuan Province…

  ”What the hell? Lao Bai?!”

  Above the clear sky, Luo Yu’s face was full of surprise as he watched the mutants fleeing to the south and the group of people chasing behind them.

  He had confirmed the identities of those people from the VM.

  The same was true for Xinghe and Xiaoyu below. They soon joined Lao Bai and the others and chased after the fleeing mutants.

  ”Down, what’s the situation down there?” Kong Lingkai, who was sitting behind Luo Yu, asked tremblingly, but he didn’t dare to open his eyes and look down himself.

  Just now, a few bullets were nailed to the side of the cabin, leaving a few bullet holes, which scared him to death.

  Luo Yu, who had relaxed, replied casually.

  ”Ah, it’s basically over.”

  Kong Lingkai was stunned.

  ”Over, over?!”

  Luo Yu said with a smile.

  ”Yes, you are lucky. The strongest corps of the alliance happened to be on a mission nearby. They probably heard the gunshots and came to help… Those mutants are finished.”

  ”Alliance…” Kong Lingkai muttered to himself, and it was unclear whether he was happy or afraid on his face. It was hard to guess what he was thinking.

  Luo Yu didn’t bother to care what he was thinking. He adjusted the course and circled down towards the farmland south of the town.

  Seeing that the altitude began to drop, Kong Lingkai suddenly became anxious and asked hurriedly.

  ”Why are you descending?”

  Luo Yu looked back at him strangely.

  ”Isn’t this nonsense? The war is over and there are no more bullets. If you don’t descend, how long do you want to float in the sky?”

  Kong Lingkai hesitated for a long time and managed to say a sentence.

  ”I… Can you take me to the pine fruit farm in the south?”

  Luo Yu asked back with a smile.

  ”Why would I go there?”

  Upon hearing this, Kong Lingkai suddenly became anxious.

  ”How can you not keep your word! You said you would take me away–”

  Luo Yu was immediately amused when he heard this, and teased with a smile.

  ”All these mutants have been killed, why are you still running away? I said I would take you away, but I didn’t ask you to show me the way. Doesn’t this count as running away?”

  Seeing that the guy wanted to say something, Luo Yu didn’t intend to pay attention to him. He directly cut the flaps to the landing gear, stepped on the left rudder and retracted the throttle.

  ”Hold on!”

  The wings were tilted upwards, like a big bird with its wings spread out and swooping down to the ground, and the landing gear that was quickly lowered came into close contact with the frozen fields.

  After a violent turbulence, the landing gear of the plane dragged in the field for a long time.

  Luo Yu held the joystick tightly, and finally stopped the plane safely with his rich driving experience.

  ”Hey, are you okay?”

  He shouted behind him, but there was no response for a long time. Luo Yu turned around and saw that the guy sitting behind him had rolled his eyes.

  ”Shit… Is he going to die?!”

  Luo Yu was frightened by the look of horror. He quickly unbuckled his seat belt, stood up and dragged the man out of the cabin.

  Fortunately, there is still a heartbeat.

  He should still be alive.

  Just at this time, Lao Bai and the others came over from not far away, and Xinghe and Xiaoyu were also together.


  Seeing Luoyu standing next to the plane, the Xiaoyu wearing exoskeletons shouted in surprise, and swarmed over here, checking whether he was injured.

  ”Ahem – wait, wait a minute! Be careful, there is a person lying on the ground!” The surrounded Luoyu screamed.

  Looking at Luoyu surrounded by a group of Xiaoyu, Ye Shi’s face showed envy.

  ”Oh my God… I’m a little envious.”

  Kuangfeng glanced at him.

  ”When did your taste become so weird?”

  Ye Shi was stunned. ”

  What are you talking about… This pet can split and fight, one can be equal to a team, and it can also add buffs. Isn’t it awesome? What does this have to do with taste.”

  Kuangfeng looked at Ye Shiyi strangely, and saw that this guy didn’t seem to be pretending to be innocent, and then he moved his eyes away with a subtle expression.

  ”……Okay, I’m dirty.”

  Ye Shi: “……?”

  After a long struggle, a group of Xiaoyu who were making noises finally put Luoyu down.

  Seeing that everyone was looking at this side with a smile, Luoyu’s old face couldn’t help but blush. He straightened his clothes, coughed dryly and started talking.

  ”……What a coincidence, we can meet here by chance.”

  ”It’s quite a coincidence,” Lao Bai grinned and continued, “Are you here to do a mission?”

  ”No, the one who has the mission here is Xinghe, I’m going to pick someone up from Songguomu Farm…” After taking a look at the mess around him, Luoyu sighed, scratched the back of his head and said worriedly, “It seems that the reward for this mission is not easy to get.” It’s

  just such a small and broken farm, and asking for someone is like asking for the life of the farmer. The conflict of interests is probably more complicated than he expected.

  ”It’s okay, brother! I keep my word. If you help me, I will definitely help you!” Xinghe walked over and patted him on the shoulder and said with a grin.

  Ten thousand silver coins!

  I’m rich!

  Fang Chang and Kuang Feng looked at each other, and then looked at Luo Yu.

  ”Pine Cone Farm… is it the largest settlement in this area?”

  Luo Yu was stunned and nodded.

  ”I think so… I haven’t heard of any larger settlements.”

  Fang Chang asked immediately.

  ”Do you know the NPC there?”

  Luo Yu scratched his head.

  ”Not really… but my mission is somewhat related to that settlement. The employer asked me to follow the convoy into the settlement, and then take the opportunity to rescue his daughter.”

  Hearing this, several players around showed joy on their faces.

  Before Luo Yu could react, Fang Chang grabbed his shoulders and said with a sharp look in his eyes.

  ”Good brother, is it convenient for me to take a ride?”

  Luo Yu was stunned.

  ”… A ride?”

  ”Yeah!” Fang Chang nodded and said seriously, “We need to go to that settlement to investigate some things about the Torch Church.”

  ”The Torch Church…”

  Hearing this name, Luo Yu suddenly remembered something and continued to speak.

  ”Oh, right, the town we just rescued seems to have a Torch Church church in the town! And not only that, there are a lot of Naguos planted there! They seem to have mixed Naguos with that belief–”

  ”It’s not just that one settlement, the whole Jinhe City, and even the whole Jinchuan Province is like this… Not only are there rampant Naguos, but there are also mutants.” Lao Bai glanced in the direction of Hope Town and narrowed his eyes. “We want to find out what the hell they are up to, and what’s hidden under the Champion Pharmaceutical Research Institute.”

  ”But first, we have to find where our enemies are.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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