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Chapter 576: A “Quick Pass” Method for Mission

Chapter 576: A “Quick Pass” Method for Mission


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 576: The “Quick Pass” Method for the Mission

  ”Don’t get excited.”

  Seeing that the eyes of the people in front of him were gradually getting strange, the officer named Luo Feihui was more certain of his guess, and he laughed and laughed.

  ”I have no ill intentions, and I even want to make friends with you… It’s cold outside, come in and talk.”

  As he said that, he patted Fang Chang’s arm, gave the latter a meaningful look, and then took the initiative to turn around and walk into the house.

  Fang Chang and Ye Shi exchanged glances, and took the other eight players behind him and followed the NPC’s footsteps.

  Since the plot has been triggered, why not take a look first.

  The group entered the restaurant.

  The interior was the same as the outside, with luxurious decoration and spaciousness. All that could be seen were waiters, and there were no other customers except their line of work.

  The officer named Luo took them straight to the innermost private room.

  After sitting down, seeing that no one spoke, he smiled and took the initiative to open the conversation.

  ”Don’t be restrained. Although this is Mr. Zhao’s property, the people here are the families of my subordinates.”

  Fang Chang looked at him with interest.

  ”When did you start noticing it?”

  He was sure that this guy definitely didn’t tell their identities by the lack of calluses on their hands or by looking at their faces.

  Luo Feihui smiled faintly, with a hint of pride on his face.

  ”I noticed it from the moment you walked in.”


  ”In addition to the reasons I mentioned before, the most important thing is that my spy in Hope Town called me and told me that mutants attacked there, and a group of guys from the Alliance drove away those green-skinned monsters.”

  ”I see,” Fang Chang touched his chin, “I did consider the possibility that the news might spread here, but I didn’t expect that the news would be one step ahead of us.”

  This is a difficult situation.

  Looking at Fang Chang who was lost in thought, Luo Feihui seemed to guess what he was thinking, and continued with a smile.

  ”Don’t worry, our master doesn’t know your identities yet. He thinks you are just a group of mercenaries who take money to help others get rid of disasters. Let me treat you to good food and drink, and by the way, I will test your attitude and find out if that guy named Yang He has hired you to do any extra work.”

  ”For example?”

  ”For example, usurp the power in his hands.”

  Looking at Fang Chang with a hint of surprise on his face, Luo Feihui smiled faintly and said with a hint of meaning.

  ”To be honest, I’m quite surprised. I originally thought that brother Yang He just made a big business, but I didn’t expect him to join the alliance… Tsk tsk, it’s amazing.”

  Hearing this, Fang Chang’s face was not only surprised, but also had a subtle expression.

  To be honest, he really hadn’t heard of the Yang He mentioned by this person. He thought he should be the employer who gave the Luo Yu brothers the task.

  Joining the alliance and so on were all made up by this guy himself.

  But it’s not his fault that he has a big imagination.

  The main thing is that no one would have thought that in the alliance, as long as you place an order at the terminal of the mercenary guild and the commission content is reviewed, you can even get the assistance of the “regular army”.

  Looking at the “surprise” on Fang Chang’s face, Luo Feihui thought he had guessed it again,

  and a hint of joy rose in his heart. It was this hint of joy that gave him the confidence to continue guessing. He smiled slightly and continued slowly.

  ”It seems that I guessed it right. Our boss Yang betrayed his master and joined the alliance that made him a lot of money. Then he assisted the soldiers of the alliance to enter the pine fruit wood farm. Let me guess again… Flame Mercenary Group, you are not the Burning Corps, right?”

  Hearing this, not only Brother Fang Chang, but almost all the players showed surprised expressions on their faces.

  Good guy…

  If this NPC is not cheating, his imagination is too outrageous!

  And this is not the most outrageous.

  The most outrageous thing is that he even guessed which corps they are from by accident!

  ”You found out.”

  Because the reasoning was too perfect, Fang Chang couldn’t bear to lie to him, so he simply admitted with a smile, “Yes, we are.”

  Luo Feihui obviously didn’t expect that he was so capable and guessed it all. He sat up straight in his chair in surprise.

  ”Really? Nice to meet you! To be honest, I am a reader of the “Survivor Daily”. I have been listening to your channel and have heard of your great name for a long time! But I didn’t expect that we would meet in this way.”

  ”I didn’t expect that a small settlement of 50,000 people would hide such a smart person like you.”

  Fang Chang smiled, leaned back in his chair, and looked at him leisurely.

  ”Then? What are you going to do?”

  That expression seemed to be not worried about his acting being exposed. He

  was not surprised at all by his reaction. Luo Feihui had heard about the record of this corps. They were ruthless people who broke through the defense of Falcon City and captured the king.

  In comparison, his master who daydreamed all day was nothing.

  He was very self-aware of this.

  ”I said I had no ill intentions. If I really had that intention, I would have told the master about your affairs before you got here.”

  ”So I should thank you?”

  ”No,” Luo Feihui smiled and waved his hand, “Didn’t I say at the beginning that I really want to make friends with you?”

  As he said that, he stood up from the chair, walked slowly to the window, and looked through the blinds at the mansion that was close at hand.

  ”What do you think of this settlement?”

  Hearing him suddenly ask such a question inexplicably, Fang Chang couldn’t guess what he wanted to do, so he asked back casually.

  ”Is this considered a settlement?”

  Luo Feihui smiled and continued.

  ”Indeed, in the eyes of you refugees, or even other wastelanders passing by, this is not a settlement at all, but just a large farm. All the people here are the private property of the Zhao family, just like the animals in the barn… so he can do whatever he wants without caring what we think.”

  Hearing this, Fang Chang looked at him twice more in surprise.

  I didn’t expect this guy to have such awareness and such a thorough understanding of himself.

  Seeing that Fang Chang didn’t speak, Luo Feihui continued in a very light voice.

  ”Most of the farms here are like this, and the reason dates back to a long time ago… so long ago that most people here have forgotten it completely.”

  ”Jinhe City used to have a real settlement, and its prosperity was no less than that of Boulder City in the north. However, because a group of guys who thought with their toes took it upon themselves to take in a group of green-skinned bastards, the entire settlement fell apart.”

  ”Some people managed to escape to the farms outside. Out of fear of the green-skinned monsters, they decided to unite and resist, using the food they grew to trade with Boulder City in the north in exchange for weapons to protect themselves. Later, many things happened, and eventually the small farms were merged by the big ones, and the survivors who lost their land became slaves… This is the history of most of the farms here, and it is also the past of Pine Cone Farm.”

  ”You think I want to complain? Then you misunderstood me. I think this is a necessary price. In order to defeat an impossible enemy, we must make greater sacrifices than our enemies…”

  When it came to this, Luo Feihui suddenly changed the subject and his voice became excited.

  ”But haven’t you noticed? The people here seem to have completely forgotten why we put ropes around our necks in the first place… It was to drive out the mutants, to drive out all the green-skinned monsters, to take back our honor and prosperity!”

  ”But now, as you can see, we start to grow those Nagos, listen to the lies woven by a group of charlatans, and immerse ourselves in the beautiful dreams they have created, fantasizing about forming an alliance with the mutants, and then selling some of the poor creatures drowned by the Nagos to the mutants, making them their food and breeding tools… If my grandfather were still alive, he would definitely be ashamed of the master today.”

  ”We are putting ropes around our own necks with our own hands and becoming slaves of the mutants, but that idiot is still insisting on being a dog of the church! And he’s dragging everyone here with him! Even though Hope Town has proven enough that the mutants won’t treat us differently based on what we believe in, he’s still comforting himself that it’s just an exception.”

  ”I don’t know what Yang He promised you, but I dare say that I am definitely a more suitable candidate than him. There are many of my confidants on my side in this settlement. He can only help you enter the settlement, but I have a way to help you directly enter the Zhao Mansion… In exchange for helping you, I have only one request!”

  ”What request?” Fang Chang looked at the man who was getting more and more excited with an inquiring look.

  He didn’t know if this guy was trustworthy.

  But if this man really thought so in his heart, there was indeed a possibility of cooperation between them.

  Luo Feihui also stared at him intently and said word by word.

  ”Let me be the owner of this farm!”


  The night gradually deepened.

  Nearing midnight, the drunken mercenaries were taken back to the gate of Songguomu Farm by the guards of the settlement.

  As Fang Chang guessed, the suspicious farmer would not let them stay overnight on the farm. The residence they stayed in was outside the farm wall.

  But the master obviously did not calculate another thing.

  These drunkards were not the mercenaries from before, but the servants of the officer surnamed Luo, who had just changed into the casual clothes that the players wore when they came in.

  Although they looked completely different, no one noticed them in the dark, and no one noticed anything wrong until they reached the door of the settlement.

  The only one who noticed something was Wu Wenzhou. He

  vaguely guessed something in his heart, but being watched by Luo Feihui’s subordinates, he did not dare to make a sound, so he could only pretend to take those people to live in the hotel that Master Zhao had prepared for them.

  At this time, wooden boxes were carried to the back door of Xinglong Hotel, and Luo Yu and his Xiao Yu arrived together.

  Following several servants into the utility room in the backyard, Luo Yu pulled Fang Chang, who was standing inside checking weapons, and asked him.

  ”What’s the situation? Didn’t we agree that I would launch an attack from the periphery to help you contain the troops in the settlement?”


  Before they came to this settlement, they had already discussed it. They had no intention of completing the mission by infiltration or other gentle means. Instead, they planned to capture the owner of the farm directly. It was

  just a settlement of 50,000 people. The power structure was often not that complicated. As long as the one who gave orders was controlled, the entire settlement would basically fall into their hands. They could

  do whatever they wanted, not to mention releasing a few hostages and asking for clues about the Torch Church.

  When Luo Yu first heard Brother Fang’s idea, he was shocked. He didn’t expect this guy to be so reckless.

  But on second thought, this might not be the most efficient way. If

  we take over the farm directly, wouldn’t all the tasks be solved?

  But when he was ready to start, this guy sent him a message saying that the original plan was cancelled.

  ”The situation has changed. Now there is a better way… You tell me.”

  After checking the weapons, Fang Chang looked at Luo Feihui who was standing beside him. The latter coughed lightly and repeated his plan.

  ”The chefs in the restaurant are all servants in Mr. Zhao’s kitchen. They will take the carriage back to the manor mansion after the banquet.”

  ”My people will detain them. You can take their carriage directly through the checkpoint of the manor mansion and directly reach the mansion in the center. The coachman is my man. He will help you deal with the inspections along the way… The rest depends on you.”

  Luo Yu was stunned and said a little unbelievingly.

  ”Is it that simple?”

  ”You’d better not take it lightly.”

  Luo Feihui glanced at him and continued seriously.

  ”That Zhao Tiangan has some awakened people as thugs. If gunshots are heard in the manor, the thousand-man team stationed nearby can rush over in ten minutes at most… and I don’t have many subordinates under my direct command. I’m afraid I can’t help you more.”

  ”Understood,” Fang Chang replied casually without any hesitation, “You just need to do a good job of the aftermath, and leave the rest to us.”

  Luo Feihui nodded slightly.

  ”I have already put my life and property on your shoulders. I hope everything goes well for you.”

  After saying that, he walked out of the door.

  Looking at the closed wooden door, Luo Yu looked at Fang Chang with suspicion and whispered in Mandarin.

  ”This guy… is it okay? He is helping us like this after just meeting us for the first time?”

  He was actually a little skeptical.

  This plan sounded a little too smooth, as if this guy knew they were coming and even guessed what they were going to do.

  ”I don’t completely trust him. I don’t rule out the possibility that he is hiding something from us or has some other ideas, but now that we have been discovered, the original script is definitely not going to work. In that case, why don’t we take a look at what script he prepared for us?”

  As he spoke, Fang Chang took out the VM and tapped it with his index finger. Soon, a black-and-white thermal imaging aerial video was projected onto the screen.

  Looking closely, the center of the screen was the Pine Cone Farm!

  White dots marked the heat source in the darkness. It was obvious that they were still wandering around the streets at this time.

  Luo Yu’s eyes widened when he recognized the familiar operating interface.

  ”Wow… Seagull?!”

  Seagull fixed-wing drone!

  It can carry eight R-36 “Sanction” air-to-ground missiles. It has previously participated in the alliance’s military operations in Luoxia Province and performed brilliantly on the battlefield!

  I didn’t expect this guy to use all of this stuff.

  Looking at the surprised expression on Luo Yu’s face, Fang Chang explained concisely.

  ”We reported this operation to the Alliance Army Command in advance, and it was approved by the administrator. If this settlement is allowed to grow Naguo, it will pose a serious threat to the entire southern part of the Valley Province and even the Luoxia Province… He hopes that we can do a good job of cleaning up and remove this tumor at the lowest cost.”

  ”I remember that one R-36 seems to cost 100,000 Cr.” Luo Yu said with envy.

  His mission was only worth 100,000 silver coins in total!

  He couldn’t even think of such expensive support!

  Fang Chang coughed lightly.

  ”The drone is not actually hanging on the R-36, but the Pigeon missile of the Giant Stone Military Industry… That thing is not that exaggerated.”

  As he said, he clicked on the VM screen and switched the communication channel to Lao Bai.

  ”The recording has been sent, and the specific situation is this… We have received help from the inside, and now we plan to directly occupy the Zhao Mansion in the center of the Songguomu Farm.”

  After the sizzling sound of electricity, Lao Bai’s voice came from the headset.

  ”Understood, do you still need our support?”

  Fang Chang: “… You stay nearby. If the situation is optimistic, then there is no need. The best result is to control the entire settlement without the Torch Church noticing it at all… In this way, you don’t have to fire a single shot, and you can kill them by surprise at a critical moment.”

  Lao Bai: “This is a good idea, but is it too optimistic?”

  Fang Chang said seriously.

  ”It’s worth a try.”

  Lao Bai said readily.

  ”Okay, I’ll listen to you!”

  The tacit understanding between the two did not require much communication. After a simple communication, they quickly reached an agreement.

  Not long after, Luo Feihui returned to the door and told everyone that the carriage was ready. The group got on the carriage with their equipment.

  There were three carriages in total. They looked like cargo wagons. One carriage could fit seven or eight people, and it didn’t seem crowded at all.

  It was silent all the way.

  Holding the rifle tightly in his hand, Luo Yu, sitting in the carriage, felt his heart pounding fast. The slightest movement outside made him tense up.

  Although he had been to the battlefield many times, it was the first time for him to do such an exciting infiltration mission.

  ”Don’t worry,” Ye Shi, who was sitting next to him, chuckled and said softly, “I don’t feel any killing intent at the moment… at least no one is targeting us within 500 meters.”

  ”You have good psychological quality.” Luo Yu looked at him with a little surprise.

  ”Well, what’s the matter,” Ye Shi said indifferently, “When I was in Xizhou City, it was much more exciting than this. And in the game, it only takes three days to die.”

  ”That makes sense.”

  Luo Yu thought carefully, it seemed to be the case. Even if he failed, he just had to wait for three days of CD.

  But he was too involved in the game and almost played by the game… Hiss, wait, that’s not right!

  He suddenly remembered that he was different from these guys who could restart at any time. He also had a mission worth 100,000 silver coins.

  If this goes wrong, the mission will probably be ruined!

  Thinking of this, he became anxious again…

  Fortunately, there was no danger along the way.

  The sentries on duty really didn’t check carefully. They just glanced at the man on horseback, yawned and waved their hands to let him go.

  The distance of 600 meters passed in the blink of an eye.

  They successfully passed the gate of the manor house, passed two sentries with machine guns, and soon saw the magnificently decorated villa not far away.

  Its exterior wall is made entirely of marble, engraved with exquisite reliefs, like a work of art, and is seven stories high.

  From a distance, it looks like a castle standing in the garden, which reminds people of the old leech on Bate Street.

  However, this mansion is much more luxurious than the patched-up “amusement park castle”, and the wealth of the two is obviously incomparable.

  ”Oh my… Can he live in so many rooms?” Ye Shi secretly counted the windows of the mansion through the gap in the carriage, and couldn’t help but be surprised.

  Kuangfeng teased him on the communication channel.

  ”Do you think he lives alone?”

  ”Well, it seems so…”

  Ye Shi thought about it and thought that it made sense.

  If he were to be the local emperor, he would be unworthy of his status if he didn’t have seventy or eighty concubines.

  It turned out that poverty limited his imagination.

  Passing by a fountain landscape, the driver of the carriage saw the patrol team leaving in a direction away from here, and coughed twice.

  The players who received the signal immediately picked up their weapons, jumped off the carriage, opened the safety, and loaded their rifles.

  In a low voice, Fang Chang ordered in the communication channel.

  ”… Group A goes around the back of the building to prevent the target from escaping, Group B is on standby in the atrium garden, and moves to the building after the exchange of fire!”

  ”Group C, the main entrance, Group D, the window at the end of the corridor on the left!”


  A uniform answer came from the communication channel.


  The forward routes of each group have been marked on the drone aerial image.

  Everyone quickly arrived at the battle position, and as planned, they were divided into four groups to cross the garden with dense vegetation.

  Ten Xiaoyu were divided into four teams. Wearing K-10 “Iron Wall” exoskeletons, they served as the vanguards of the teams. Leading

  Team C close to the main gate, Fang Chang winked at Luoyu who was on the other side of the main gate. The latter understood and shouted softly in the communication channel.



  A voice full of enthusiasm came from the communication channel.

  A fruiting body wearing an iron-walled exoskeleton took a running start, and then, like a rugby player, slammed into the door with its shoulder.


  The heavy door panel was easily knocked open.

  The silent night was also shattered by the sudden sound.

  But there was no need to cover up at this moment.

  Drones full of missiles were hovering in the sky. The four teams had completely surrounded the entire building. The remaining work was to catch the turtle in the jar.

  Team C immediately broke into the dark hall, and Team D also started to act.

  However, the moment he broke into the hall, Fang Chang immediately felt something was wrong, and a faint smell of blood entered his nostrils.

  Then he saw a corpse that had been dead for an unknown period of time, hanging under the chandelier in the hall.

  The man’s stomach was cut open, and his intestines were hanging on his neck. His bloody face seemed to be twisted in pain, looking extremely miserable.

  The moment he saw the corpse, Fang Chang’s pupils shrank slightly, and he immediately turned on the flashlight to shine over.

  That officer’s uniform, and that face…

  It was the officer named Luo Feihui!

  He would not make a mistake!

  They had just met an hour ago!

  Fang Chang felt a chill on his back, and couldn’t figure out how this guy died here. Or was this guy already dead, and someone else had just come into contact with him.

  At this moment, a creaking sound came from the side.

  He suddenly shone the flashlight over there, and saw a huge monster sitting on the ground, stuffing something into his mouth as if no one was around, chewing it with relish.

  The guy’s skin was dark green, but he didn’t look like a mutant, but more like the fruiting body of the slime mold “butcher”.

  The fat was squeezed into a ball on its body!

  Sitting there, it looked like a rockery!

  Several hideous corpses were scattered beside it.

  There were men, women, old people and children… and their body parts.

  These dead people were probably the family of the officer.


  Luo Yu, who was standing aside, felt his stomach churning. He raised his gun and pointed it at the monster who ignored them and continued to feast.

  At this time, a dry and hoarse voice came from the top of the stairs.

  There was a hint of ridicule in the voice.

  ”I heard…”

  ”Someone is looking for me?”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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