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Chapter 577 Funds are burning!

Chapter 577 Funds are burning!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 577 Funds are burning!

  In the hotel at the entrance of Songguomu Farm, candlelight flickered in the simply decorated guest room. Wu Wenzhou, who had been unable to fall asleep, paced back and forth in the room.

  Things are getting bigger and bigger…

  At first, he just promised Yang He to provide some help to the mercenary and take Yang He’s six-year-old daughter out of Zhao’s house.

  Whether it was for the sake of his kindness in the past or for his own interests, he planned to help.

  This does not require much risk.

  Although Yang He is his boss, this matter was not done through him, but with mercenaries hired from outside.

  After the incident, he could completely lie that he did not know.

  And if Yang He completely withdrew from Songguomu Farm, he would stay loyally and draw a clear line with Yang He, and he would be the royal merchant of Songguomu Farm in the future.

  Although Yang He also persuaded him to go together, they could still make a lot of money even if they did not use the resources of Songguomu Farm with the capital they had accumulated before.

  However, he declined without even thinking about it.

  He desired power and wealth more than the illusory freedom.

  He knew very well that he was different from Yang He. That guy might have enjoyed enough, but he had not tasted the fascinating taste yet.

  Maybe in the future he would make the same choice as his former boss, but that would be after he saved a lot of money. If he

  took the risk to leave now, not only would all his previous efforts to please the master be wasted, but he would never be able to live the life he dreamed of.

  However, after seeing what happened in Hope Town and having a detailed conversation with the guy named Fang Chang, he was poured with a bucket of cold water on his head.

  You have to have a life to spend money if you want to make money.

  Maybe the boss is right.

  The people here have gone crazy.

  Therefore, he agreed to the conditions offered by the alliance without hesitation and helped the alliance soldiers enter the settlement. In exchange, the alliance would send a plane to pick him and his family up from the plantation.

  However, what he didn’t expect was that things deviated from his imagined track from the beginning.

  The people of the alliance never thought of quietly investigating the “holy land” and the bishop hiding there, but were planning a more terrible and bold conspiracy.

  What he didn’t expect was that they were spotted by the spy of Captain Luo Feihui when they were in Hope Town, and that ambitious guy also got involved.

  Now, no matter how stupid he was, he came to his senses.

  He was fooled!

  But it can’t be said that the alliance deceived him, but these cunning guys didn’t tell all their plans.

  After all, compared to carefully infiltrating and bribing relevant personnel to obtain intelligence, directly occupying the farm and arresting relevant personnel for slow interrogation is also an investigation.

  And it is much more efficient.

  Not only that.

  If the alliance controls the entire farm, his family will naturally be safe, and it can be regarded as fulfilling the exchange conditions he set.


  is it really so smooth?

  He couldn’t help but look at the darkness outside the window.

  Isn’t this night a little too quiet…


  There was a knock on the door outside.

  The sudden sound startled Wu Wenzhou, who was sitting restlessly, and he quickly walked to the door.

  His hand was on the door handle, but he did not open the door immediately. He asked cautiously first.



  It was quiet outside the door, and no sound could be heard.

  The knocking sound seemed to be far away, but he was sure that the person was still at the door because he did not hear the footsteps leaving.

  With a feeling of uneasiness in his heart, he changed his left hand to hold the door handle, reached into his pocket with his right hand, held the revolver in his pocket, and gently opened the safety.

  Then, he gritted his teeth and opened the door.

  Standing at the door was the hotel’s accountant, his acquaintance Li Liangchuan.

  Seeing that familiar face, Wu Wenzhou breathed a sigh of relief, his pounding heart immediately calmed down, and the whole person seemed to have unloaded a thousand pounds of burden.

  ”…Fuck, you knock on the door and don’t say anything, you want to scare me to death!”

  The man standing at the door didn’t say anything, just stood there like a sleepwalker, staring at him straight, with his mouth closed and not saying a word.

  Being stared at by that empty gaze, Wu Wenzhou swallowed nervously and called his name tentatively.


  The man still didn’t respond, standing there with lifeless pupils.

  Finally feeling something was wrong in his heart, Wu Wenzhou retreated into the guest room, took out the revolver in his pocket, and pointed it at the man’s head.

  He roared with a ferocious look.

  ”You guy…what are you doing! Playing tricks!”

  It seemed that he finally had a little reaction to the threatening voice, or perhaps he was awakened by something else. The hotel owner slowly moved his lowered eyes and looked at him who retreated into the guest room.

  Staring at the lifeless pupils, Wu Wenzhou swallowed his saliva and retreated to the wooden table by the window again. While aiming at the head, his index finger was already on the trigger.

  From the cloudy pupils, he saw the desire for flesh and blood!

  That was the look of a hungry beast when seeing a lone prey. He would definitely not be wrong after walking in the wasteland for many years!

  There is something wrong with this guy!

  There is definitely something wrong!

  ”Don’t come over! I warn you! If you come over again, I will shoot–! Ah ah ah!”

  He roared to vent his anger and panic, and looking at his friend who staggered and rushed over, he decisively pulled the index finger on the trigger.

  And more than once!

  ”Bang bang–!”

  The explosion of gunpowder resounded in the room, and the bullet smashed his friend’s head without any suspense, carrying blood plasma and brain paste to the corridor.

  ”Don’t blame me… I warned you.”

  Staring at the corpse on the ground, Wu Wenzhou leaned on the table and panted hard. However, before he could recover, the figures that appeared at the door made him change his expression instantly.

  One, two, three…

  It was a group!

  They were wearing waiter uniforms, like zombies, staring at him with eyes as deep as the abyss, and then opened their mouths and let out a long, low roar like mud.


  Like a rushing mountain torrent.

  They rushed forward.

  ”Ahhh!” The terrified Wu Wenzhou fired wildly at the crowd rushing in with his revolver.

  Along with the explosion of gunfire, the gun flame flickered in the half-closed window with curtains, like a candle swaying in the evening breeze.

  After a while, a pool of scarlet blood smeared on the window, followed by a distorted face and bloody handprints, completely covering the warm light… At the same time

  , in the center of the settlement.

  The magnificent mansion belonging to the farmer was also shrouded in a bloody atmosphere at this moment.

  ”Aren’t you looking for me?”

  ”Now I’m in front of you, why don’t you say anything? Hahahaha–”

  Along with that voice, there was also a dry laugh, echoing in the dead silent hall with an indescribable weirdness.

  Everyone immediately looked up, but saw a middle-aged man standing on the empty stand on the second floor, with a turbid sight overlooking the people standing in the hall over the guardrail.

  He seemed to have been waiting here.

  Waiting for them to come over by themselves.

  After a quick glance at the image on the VM, Fang Chang’s pupils shrank slightly, and he looked at the man again, his eyes full of surprise.

  Zhao Tiangan? !

  No –

  ”… Luo Qian?” Fang Chang

  stared at the man intently.

  Luo Yu glanced at him quickly, his eyes seemed to ask “What are you talking about”.

  But Fang Chang did not answer.

  Just now, he thought of a possibility…

  Although it sounds a bit incredible, this can explain why the Holy Land is an absolutely safe place.

  And from a scientific perspective without any religious color…

  Because that thing is not on the “ground” at all.

  It is precisely because it is not on the ground that anyone can theoretically listen to his gospel. And as long as he wants, he can appear anywhere.

  Hearing the name, the man showed a weird smile on his face.

  ”Hehe… Have you reacted? It’s faster than I thought.”

  ”Ah, that’s it…”

  Fang Chang looked at him calmly, and his expression gradually became solemn.

  Glancing at the expression on Fang Chang’s face, Luo Yu swallowed his saliva and asked nervously and excitedly.

  ”What are you talking about… Why can’t I understand?!”

  He could understand a few sentences of human language.

  But he was still confused after listening for a long time.

  Fang Chang gritted his teeth and squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth.

  ”Mind interference device!”

  ”Mind… interference?!” Luo Yu looked at him unexpectedly, wondering why he suddenly mentioned that thing.

  What does that thing have to do with the current situation?

  Fang Chang stared at the man and said calmly.

  ”Remember, the characteristics of the mind interference device… The higher the mind, the more specific the information can be received, but the relatively less affected. The lower the mind, the less information can be received, but the relatively greater the impact.”

  His Adam’s apple moved and continued.

  ”Excessive consumption of Naguo will make people enter a ‘wandering’ state… If it is in that state, the mind is probably close to zero.”

  The real “good news” is probably not that pill!

  But a mind interference device working somewhere!

  The real effect of the pill is not to suppress the addiction reaction at all!

  It is something that amplifies the signal or assists in analyzing the signal!

  Of course, this is just his guess.

  But one thing is certain!

  Since they arrived at the Pinewood Farm – no, it should be earlier, that guy has been eyeing them!

  The man standing on the second-floor open stand had a fierce light in his eyes.

  ”Goliath, kill them!”


  The moment the man’s voice fell, the meat mountain sitting on the ground let out a deafening roar, and the windows of the entire building were shattered outward by the terrifying sound waves.


  Several players standing in the hall covered their ears. Although the pain was blocked, everyone’s hearing almost failed.

  In the spirit of catching the thief first, the good dog quickly raised the muzzle of the gun and shot the man standing on the open stand with two shots.

  A string of blood beads burst out of the man’s abdomen and shoulders, and he fell backwards without a sound.

  I didn’t expect this BOSS to be so bad. Haogou stared in surprise, and then spat with a beaming face.

  ”Bah! I told you to show off!”

  Fang Chang’s voice came from the side.

  ”Don’t let your guard down! That guy is just a puppet!”

  Haogou: “Fuck?!”

  ”Fire!” Fang Chang clenched the rifle in his hand and aimed it straight at the big guy sitting in the pile of dead bodies.

  The piece of meat sitting on the ground had stood up and rushed towards the players standing at the door of the hall with heavy steps.

  ”Bang, bang, bang–!”

  The muzzle sprayed flames, and the shells thrown from the gun chamber fell to the ground with clangs.

  Luoyu pulled the trigger without hesitation, and a series of orange-yellow tracers swept towards the monster that rushed over.

  However, to his surprise, his bullet was like shooting into a huge piece of gel, and it didn’t even cause a ripple on the body that was like a giant wall!

  ”Oh my god! What the hell is this?!”

  The bullets were focused on the monster’s huge head, but there was still no reaction from the huge mountain of flesh.

  The kinetic energy was completely absorbed!

  Even facing the concentrated fire of ten rifles, the monster called Goliath did not stop at all. Its giant hands as big as windmills slapped the people standing in front of the door, and a gust of wind was set off in the spacious hall.


  Seeing that the monster was about to rush in front of him, Xiao Yuzi, who was wearing the K-10 “Iron Wall” exoskeleton, pulled out his combat knife and strode forward.

  The sharp blade pierced the monster’s left chest.

  Surprisingly, however, the blood did not gush out, as if the heart was not there at all!

  The blade that stabbed in only touched fat!


  A short wail sounded in the communication channel.

  The monster was like a train. It stopped for only a moment, and then it knocked Xiaoyu’s exoskeleton-wearing fruiting body directly out, and continued to rush towards everyone without losing momentum.

  However, Xiaoyu’s fruiting body bought some time for everyone after all, and avoided the whistling slap.

  Raising his arm to block the flying broken tiles, Fang Chang pulled out the incendiary bomb inserted in the exoskeleton and smashed it hard at the monster called Goliath.

  The flames exploded on the monster’s body!

  However, compared to its fat body, the burning flames were like a cluster of flames swaying on a lighter, which could not hurt it at all.


  he didn’t expect to get rid of this monster with this thing.

  While Goliath was roaring in pain, Fang Chang shouted loudly in the communication channel.

  ”Team C, D, evacuate the building!”

  ”Drone crew, prepare to fire!”

  ”Old White! Come and help us!”

  ”Ye Shi! Are you okay? If it doesn’t work, let go. We are going to evacuate!”

  Earlier, Ye Shi did not get off the carriage, but stayed in the carriage and followed the coachman to the servants’ dormitory to find the six-year-old girl on behalf of Luo Yu.

  After all, Luo Yu had to command Xiao Yu’s fruiting body. Only when he was near, those “little Xiao Yus” could exert their greatest combat effectiveness.

  Ye Shi’s answer was not heard in the communication channel.

  But Old White’s voice came soon, accompanied by the sound of whistling wind.

  ”…Hold on! We are on our way and will be there soon!”

  At the same time, the harsh broadcast tore through the silent night, and the dry and shrill laughter echoed over the manor.


  ”It’s useless.”

  ”You can’t escape!”

  ”Stay here!”

  Goliath roared, and directly knocked down the wall connected to the front door of the villa, and his twisted face screamed at the players who fell into the front yard.


  The noisy air wave blew away the leaves and dust. Teams C and D, who had withdrawn from the villa, fired at the monster alternately.

  At the same time, Team B, who was squatting in the flower bed, and Team A, who had circled back from the backyard, also raised their rifles and focused their fire on the monster.

  Goliath’s movements paused for a moment, and there was a hint of pain in his angry roar. It was obvious that he was not immortal.

  When he was injured, he would also feel pain!

  At this moment, two flames with tail flames fell from the sky and accurately hit the monster’s left and right shoulders.

  The explosive flames swallowed Goliath, and the deafening roar was also cut off.

  There was a smell of burning in the hot air wave.

  When the dust from the explosion dissipated, a bloody mass of flesh stood at the collapsed gate of the villa. It looked so miserable that it was impossible to recognize its original shape.

  Pieces of black charcoal were scattered all over the ground, with gray smoke and heat waves floating. Those should be the fragments peeled off from it.

  Looking at the steps and stone roads burning in silence, as well as the towering and motionless mountain of meat, Luo Yu swallowed his saliva.

  ”Did it die…”

  It seemed –


  Looking closely, the fat body was still rising and falling evenly. Even though it was shattered by the missile, it still hadn’t swallowed its last breath.

  Not only that!

  The wound on its back also grew strips of meat like earthworms, twisted and intertwined, stitching up the damaged parts at a speed visible to the naked eye!

  This incredible recovery speed is a bit outrageous even for mutants.

  Its legs have been repaired, and it suddenly began to retreat.

  Seeing this, Fang Chang immediately shouted into the headset.

  ”Kuangfeng! Two more shots!”

  A calm answer came from his ear.

  ”Got it.”

  As soon as the words fell, two flames flashed across the night sky. Two missiles fell from the sky and hit the monster that was repairing itself again!

  One of the missiles directly pierced into the wound that was healing. Tentacle-like pieces of flesh entangled the side of the missile, trying to throw the thing out of the body.

  However, its reaction was obviously a step slower.

  The flames of the explosion burst out, easily tearing the pieces of flesh wrapped around the missile into pieces, and swallowed the monster again.

  Even if the recovery speed is outrageous, it is still a carbon-based creature after all. If two missiles are not enough, just two more!

  But this time, it was obviously enough.

  The behemoth fell heavily to the ground and finally stopped moving.

  Large pieces of black pulp gushed out of the holes all over its body. It was as thick as oil, blood, and fat.

  The battle was over.

  However, the crowd did not cheer.

  Everyone was extremely sober. They were standing in the center of the Pine Cone Farm at this moment, and there were at least three thousand-man teams outside.

  They made such a big noise in the boss’s house, leaving the whole house full of bullet holes and blood. Even if they had a thousand mouths, they probably couldn’t explain it clearly.

  Luo Feihui, the only one who could have controlled

  the situation, was already dead. “Something is wrong…”

  Retracting his gaze from the rockery-like corpse, Fang Chang glanced around vigilantly, with the muzzle of his gun cruising along the edge of the garden.

  ”Isn’t it too quiet around here?”

  If I remember correctly, there were at least two sentries and more than a hundred soldiers along the way from the main gate of the manor to where they were now.

  Even if only a few minutes had passed since the battle was triggered, it wouldn’t be that the patrols and sentries on duty nearby were deaf and had no reaction at all.

  He quickly glanced at the thermal imaging aerial photo on the VM. The huge corpse in the center of the screen was shaking with white light, and the bright spot in front of the villa was obviously them.

  And further away, a series of white spots had gathered near the manor, waiting for an opportunity to launch an attack.

  This was not abnormal.

  However, when he zoomed out and looked further away, he saw that the bright spots marking the soldiers were still moving along a fixed route, patrolling in an orderly manner…

  Fang Chang suddenly realized something and shouted immediately.

  ”Kuangfeng! Use up all the ammunition!”

  ”Use all?”

  As the two words came out of his mouth, Kuangfeng seemed to react and fired the remaining four “Dove” missiles on the drone at the open space outside the settlement without hesitation.

  However, a strange scene happened.

  After the four missiles were fired, they turned directly in the air and adjusted their direction to bombard the main entrance of the villa.

  Looking at the flames turning in the air, Fang Chang’s face changed wildly and he shouted loudly in the team voice channel.

  ”Rush into the villa!” As soon as

  the voice fell, he rushed to the villa that had been evacuated before.

  Almost at the moment when he stepped into the door, the flames of the explosion bloomed not far behind him, and the hot air wave pushed him directly into the door. His helmet hit the pillar and he almost fainted.

  He was still lucky.

  The two players were just one step late, and were swept into the boiling flames, and died on the spot under the supporting firepower of friendly forces.

  The voice of Kuangfeng came from the communication channel.

  ”The drone was hijacked… Sorry! My-”

  ”It’s not your fault… There are masters on the other side.”

  Looking back at the burning flames, Fang Chang, who sat up from the ground, took a breath and stood up with the butt of his gun.

  He suddenly remembered the previous battle with the Torch Church in the East District of Qingquan City during the mission of transporting fuel rods.

  Those guys were not many in number, but they were well-equipped and well-trained. If it weren’t for the home advantage and the timely support of Brother Mosquito’s aircraft, they would have had almost no chance of winning.

  A ball of fire rose in the air.

  After actively detecting the loss of control, the Seagull worth 3 million Cr triggered the self-destruction program and glided towards the preset safe haven coordinates.

  3 million.

  And it’s Cr.

  This time the funds are really burning.

  It was not only the wreckage of the seagulls that lit up the sky, but also the tracers rising upwards, interweaving into a firepower network in the air.

  Looking at the night sky lit up by anti-aircraft fire outside the window, Fang Chang immediately felt something was wrong and shouted into the headset.

  ”Old White… what’s the situation over there?”

  A hissing sound came from the communication channel, and the noisy gunfire and wind showed how fierce the battle was.

  ”We were driven away by anti-aircraft fire! We can’t get close to the central area of ​​the settlement… You have to hold on for a while!”

  Although the flexible and maneuverable “Viper” was not shot down by several quadruple anti-aircraft guns, it was unable to switch to the vertical take-off and landing mode smoothly to slow down and land under the harassment of anti-aircraft fire.

  ”… There are people approaching outside!” Luo Yu, who was holding a rifle at the window, shouted nervously, “Zhao! It seems there are quite a few!”

  Almost at the same time, Old White’s voice continued to come from the communication channel.

  ”A large number of targets are approaching you… Be careful! Those people feel something is wrong!”

  ”Prepare for battle!”

  Fang Chang quickly moved closer to the window, placed his rifle on the windowsill, and waved to signal Teams A and B to go to the second floor.

  The deployment of the defense was completed.

  After a slight gasp, he gritted his teeth and continued.

  ”About… how many people?”

  Lao Bai said in a deep voice.

  ”I can’t see clearly here, but if I’m not mistaken… the number is probably at least tens of thousands!”

  Fang Chang was stunned.

  ”Tens of thousands?!”

  Common sense and instinct told him that Lao Bai was probably wrong.

  However, a positive answer came from the communication channel.

  ”Yes, tens of thousands is probably a bit conservative… The heads of the entire settlement are moving towards you!”

  Fang Chang: “???”

  I Chao? !

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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