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Chapter 579 I really want to slide on my brother’s nose

Chapter 579 I really want to slide on my brother’s nose


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 579 I really want to slide down my brother’s nose

  Xiao Youran frowned and pretended to be angry, “You only know how to bully me, I’m going to tell Aunt Ning.”

  Xu Xiuwen chuckled, “It’s not a good child to complain.”

  ”I’m not a child, I’m an adult.”

  ”Only children will emphasize that they are not children.”

  Xiao Youran felt that she couldn’t argue with him, so she had to say, “You are annoying, I won’t talk to you anymore.”

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly said something.

  Xiao Youran was stunned for a moment and didn’t react.

  When she reacted, she hesitated, “But it’s daytime now.”

  Xu Xiuwen chuckled, “You really miss my body, damn it, don’t get close to me.”

  Xiao Youran realized that she was fooled again.

  She couldn’t bear it anymore.

  Even though she knew she was no match for Xu Xiuwen, she still raised her fist as a weapon and hit Xu Xiuwen’s chest.

  The two finished lunch with laughter.

  Looking at Xiao Youran’s bright smile.

  Xu Xiuwen thought to himself: Although I often CPU Xiao Youran, you can see that she is still very happy and happy.

  This shows that the CPU is correct. As long as the right method is used, it can promote feelings and make couples more harmonious and happy.

  After lunch.

  I don’t know who spoke first.

  Xu Xiuwen and Xiao Youran entered the bedroom together.

  Although it was already October, the weather in Jinling was still hot.

  In the narrow bedroom, the two of them were panting from the heat in a short while.

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly remembered that there was still ice cream in the refrigerator, so he took it out.

  Unfortunately, there was only one.

  Xu Xiuwen was such a good man who cared about his girlfriend, so of course he gave it to Xiao Youran.

  Xiao Youran didn’t know how to eat ice cream very well.

  Because she always bit it. Because she

  ate too much, she would spit it out from time to time because the ice cream was too cold.

  Xu Xiuwen gently taught her the correct way to eat ice cream.

  First of all, ice cream should not be eaten in big mouthfuls, but should be licked.

  Because the room temperature is relatively high, the ice cream melts quickly, so you can’t just stare at one piece and lick it, you have to lick the outside of the ice cream, taking care of the ups and downs and left and right.

  The angle and strength of the tongue must also be mastered.

  In particular, you must be fully engaged and not distracted, otherwise if you are not careful, your teeth will scratch and it will easily leave marks on the surface of the ice cream.

  In this way, eating the melted ice cream little by little is the most delicious and will not be wasted.

  Xiao Youran was able to be admitted to a key university like Jiaotong University.

  It shows that she is very smart.

  Smart people can learn anything quickly.

  Later facts also proved this point.

  It only took Xiao Youran a few times to completely learn it and become skilled.

  Taught Xiao Youran some life tips.

  Xu Xiuwen glanced at the time, and two hours had passed.

  He patted Xiao Youran on the head and showed a satisfied smile.

  Then he took a bath with Xiao Youran and went out to pick up Jiang Ruoyu.

  If Xiao Youran and Jiang Ruoyu hadn’t agreed.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t want to pick up Jiang Ruoyu.

  He always felt guilty when he saw Jiang Ruoyu.

  Xiao Youran experienced the last time Xu Xiuwen ignored her.

  She finally realized that she was very weak alone.

  In front of Cheng Lu, even if she had the identity of a childhood sweetheart, she still had no advantage. As

  the old saying goes, there is strength in numbers.

  Then Xiao Youran thought of Jiang Ruoyu.

  If the sisters work together, Cheng Lu will definitely not be their opponent.

  However, Xiao Youran did not want to share Xu Xiuwen with Jiang Ruoyu.

  So she thought of a way.

  That is to let Jiang Ruoyu make suggestions and not let her do it herself.

  She has already painted a big pie for Jiang Ruoyu and promised Jiang Ruoyu that as long as Xu Xiuwen and Cheng Lu break up, she will become Xu Xiuwen’s girlfriend.

  She will let Jiang Ruoyu join in.

  She has already thought about it.

  When she really succeeds, she will kill the donkey and never admit it.

  Anyway, as long as she doesn’t admit it, Jiang Ruoyu can’t do anything to her.

  Can Jiang Ruoyu still go to Ning Wanqiu to complain?

  This kind of thing is very difficult to talk about.

  Xiao Youran certainly knows that what she did was a bit excessive.

  She has already thought about it and will make up for Jiang Ruoyu in other ways in the future.

  That’s why Xiao Youran proposed that Xu Xiuwen take Jiang Ruoyu home together.

  Give Jiang Ruoyu a little sweetness first, and she will be willing to work hard.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t know that Xiao Youran and Jiang Ruoyu had reached an agreement in private.

  He simply thought that Xiao Youran asked him to pick up Jiang Ruoyu because they had a good relationship and it was on the way.

  The car drove to the gate of Jinling University of Political Science and Law.

  Jiang Ruoyu was already holding a suitcase and standing under the sycamore tree on the roadside at the gate waiting.

  As soon as Xu Xiuwen approached.

  Jiang Ruoyu waved, and then dragged the suitcase closer to the car.

  Xu Xiuwen stopped the car.

  He looked behind him to make sure that no car was approaching, then opened the door and got out.

  Seeing Jiang Ruoyu dragging the suitcase, he instinctively stepped forward to take the suitcase.

  Jiang Ruoyu saw Xu Xiuwen and shouted happily, “Brother Xiuwen~”

  The girl’s sweet voice attracted the attention of some students around.

  Jiang Ruoyu didn’t care about others at all.

  She dropped the suitcase and ran quickly towards Xu Xiuwen.

  Then she threw herself into his arms and hugged Xu Xiuwen tightly.

  Jiang Ruoyu gave him a warm hug as soon as she came up.

  It made Xu Xiuwen a little embarrassed.

  Especially since Xiao Youran was there too.

  Xu Xiuwen quickly raised his hands to show his innocence.

  At the same time, he turned his head and looked back, ready to explain at any time.

  However, when Xu Xiuwen turned his head and looked back, he noticed that Xiao Youran did not get out of the car.

  Xu Xiuwen was stunned.

  There is no need to say much about the relationship between Jiang Ruoyu and Xiao Youran.

  It was Xiao Youran’s request to take Jiang Ruoyu back together today.

  Why wouldn’t she get out of the car?

  Is she afraid of the sun?

  But the sun is not very strong today.

  None of this matters.

  What would Xiao Youran think when she saw Jiang Ruoyu hugging her?

  But the front windshield of the car reflected the sunlight.

  Xu Xiuwen couldn’t see Xiao Youran’s expression in the car.

  Forget it, I’ll explain it later.

  Xu Xiuwen turned his head and glanced around.

  Sure enough.

  Everyone around was looking at him and Jiang Ruoyu.

  Xu Xiuwen quickly lowered his head to Jiang Ruoyu in his arms and said, “Xiaoyu, let go quickly, there are so many people watching.”

  Jiang Ruoyu looked up at Xu Xiuwen’s handsome face and said, “No, I’m holding my brother Xiuwen, no one can stop me.”

  ”That’s not okay either, men and women should not be intimate, we can’t do this.”

  Jiang Ruoyu asked back, “Then why didn’t brother Xiuwen say no when he helped me take a bath before?”

  Xu Xiuwen was stunned.

  ”Xiaoyu, you… don’t talk nonsense.”

  Jiang Ruoyu pouted and said, “I’m not talking nonsense. When we were playing house when we were young, you said that dad should help his daughter take a bath, so he helped me take a bath. I remember it.”

  After she said that, Xu Xiuwen also remembered.

  That was before the age of 5.

  Well, 7 years old?

  Anyway, no more than 9 years old.

  Of course, things before the age of 9 don’t count.

  In order not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

  Xu Xiuwen felt that he needed to explain.

  ”Xiaoyu, I did help you take a bath, but I didn’t take off your clothes. You took a bath with your clothes on.”

  Jiang Ruoyu nodded, “I know, but you said you would rub my back and touch me all over. I didn’t say that.”


  Pairing is nonsense.

  Xu Xiuwen only remembered that when he helped Jiang Ruoyu take a bath, she was wearing clothes.

  didn’t remember anything else.

  Xu Xiuwen felt that he couldn’t do such a vulgar thing.

  Jiang Ruoyu looked at Xu Xiuwen’s face change and laughed, “Brother Xiuwen, I don’t blame you, don’t be nervous.”

  Xu Xiuwen smiled bitterly.

  Is this a strange thing?

  This is about his image and reputation.

  Xu Xiuwen said firmly: “Xiaoyu, you must have remembered it wrong. I didn’t rub your back, let alone touch you.”

  Jiang Ruoyu smiled and said: “I listened to Brother Xiuwen. Whatever Brother said is the case, it is the case.” Xu Xiuwen

  was relieved when he heard it

  Jiang Ruoyu took the opportunity to put her face on Xu Xiuwen’s chest and listened to Xu Xiuwen’s heartbeat.

  Brother Xiuwen’s heartbeat is so fast.

  Hee hee.

  Jiang Ruoyu pursed her lips and smiled.

  Xu Xiuwen soon found that he was led astray by Jiang Ruoyu.

  He hurriedly said to Jiang Ruoyu: “Xiaoyu, let go quickly, this is really not good.”

  Jiang Ruoyu nodded, “Okay, then I’ll let go now.”

  Although Jiang Ruoyu was reluctant, she still let go obediently.

  Seeing this, Xu Xiuwen breathed a sigh of relief.

  He hurriedly stepped back and distanced himself from Jiang Ruoyu.

  Although he knew that doing so was like covering one’s ears and stealing the bell, deceiving oneself.

  Because he had been holding her for so long, Xiao Youran must have seen it.

  Xu Xiuwen took the suitcase from Jiang Ruoyu and said, “You get in the car first, I’ll go put the suitcase.”

  ”Thank you, Brother Xiuwen, you are so good to me. Not only did you pick me up and send me home, but you also helped me with the suitcase.”

  was Xiao Youran’s request to pick up Jiang Ruoyu.

  He didn’t want to come.

  But Xu Xiuwen would not take the initiative to speak out at this time, he just smiled and did not respond.

  Xu Xiuwen put the suitcase away, he returned to the car.

  Jiang Ruoyu sat in the middle of the back seat, stretching her head to talk to Xiao Youran.

  After Xu Xiuwen got in the car, Xiao Youran just glanced at him with a faint smile on her face, and she didn’t even mention the hug just now.

  Xu Xiuwen was surprised.

  Could it be that the sunlight was too dazzling and she didn’t see it?

  Xu Xiuwen couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

  No need to explain.

  Xu Xiuwen gripped the steering wheel tightly and said, “Let’s go home.”

  Driving back to Langya City from Jinling.

  If you drive fast, it will take less than an hour. Even if you drive slowly, more than an hour is enough.

  The main thing is that there is no traffic jam and there are few cars on the road, so it is comfortable to drive.

  On the way back.

  Xiao Youran and Jiang Ruoyu chatted.

  But Xu Xiuwen didn’t think it was noisy at all.

  Because the voices of the two women are so beautiful.

  Jiang Ruoyu’s voice is very light and her words are like birds singing, very cheerful.

  Sometimes, Xu Xiuwen looked back from the rearview mirror.

  Just happened to look at Jiang Ruoyu.

  She looked like she had eaten honey, with smiles in her eyes.

  And Xiao Youran.

  I don’t know if it’s because she had just eaten ice cream, but her whole body from head to toe was filled with satisfaction.

  When she spoke to Jiang Ruoyu, her voice was lazy, soft and sticky, and very pleasant.

  Jiang Ruoyu couldn’t help but ask curiously: “Sister Youran, are you sleepy? Didn’t you take a nap at noon?”

  Xiao Youran shook her head, “No.”

  ”Ah, I thought you would come to pick me up after lunch, but you were more than two hours late, and I thought you were taking a nap. Then why did you come so late?”

  Xu Xiuwen heard this, because the view in front was wide and there were no cars, so he turned his head and glanced at Xiao Youran.

  Curious about how she would answer.

  Xiao Youran also saw Xu Xiuwen’s actions.

  Her face turned red, and she didn’t know how to explain for a while.

  She then turned to look out the window and said, “You should ask him.”

  Jiang Ruoyu then turned to look at Xu Xiuwen.

  Seeing Xiao Youran avoiding the question and throwing the question to herself, Jiang Ruoyu looked at herself again.

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly had an idea and said, “I usually don’t have time to clean the house. Youran was here today, so I cleaned it with her. I used a broom and she used a mop, and we were busy for a long time.”

  Jiang Ruoyu also knew that Xu Xiuwen bought a house next to the school. She thought it made sense and didn’t ask any more questions.

  Xu Xiuwen breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that he had fooled Jiang Ruoyu.

  Xiao Youran also turned to look at him.

  After the two looked at each other, they smiled tacitly.

  Soon the car drove into the community.

  Jiang Ruoyu said to Xiao Youran, “Sister Youran, since you are sleepy, you should go back and rest.”

  After that, she turned to Xu Xiuwen and said, “Brother Xiuwen, can I go to your house later?”

  Xu Xiuwen couldn’t help but grin and said, “Why are you going to my house?”

  Jiang Ruoyu smiled and said, “I haven’t seen Aunt Ning for a long time. I bought a gift for Aunt Ning and prepared to give it to her.”

  ”Xiao Yu’er, my mother doesn’t need anything. You don’t have to give it. You should give it to Aunt Gu.”

  ”Brother Xiuwen, don’t worry. I bought gifts for my mother and Aunt Ning.”

  In fact, it’s just a gift, no big deal.

  But Xu Xiuwen knew that Jiang Ruoyu was not interested in wine.

  He turned to look at Xiao Youran, hoping that she could help say a few words and persuade Jiang Ruoyu.

  However, Xiao Youran chose to speak for Jiang Ruoyu.

  ”Xiao Xu, just let Xiaoyu go. I brought a gift for Aunt Ning when I came back from vacation. If Xiaoyu doesn’t bring it, how will Aunt Ning look at her? Do you think Xiaoyu can feel at ease?”

  Seeing that Xiao Youran was speaking for Jiang Ruoyu,

  Xu Xiuwen seemed to be at a loss if he objected again.

  He had to agree.

  But agreeing is agreeing.

  Xu Xiuwen looked at Xiao Youran in confusion.

  The scene where Xiao Youran reminded him not to have any ideas about Xiaoyu was still vivid in his mind.

  Why would she speak for Jiang Ruoyu?

  Could it be that her personality changed so much because of the last CPU?

  Then Xu Xiuwen drove Xiao Youran to the downstairs of her house.

  Xu Xiuwen got out of the car and helped Xiao Youran with the suitcase.

  Jiang Ruoyu followed.

  After Xiao Youran got the suitcase, he went upstairs.

  Xu Xiuwen turned and got in the car.

  At this time, the passenger door opened.

  Jiang Ruoyu sat in.

  Seeing this, Xu Xiuwen couldn’t help but said, “You just got off the car, and you moved to the front. Is the place where Youran sat more comfortable?”

  Jiang Ruoyu shook her head and said, “I can’t see Brother Xiuwen’s face if I sit in the back. I just want to see it more clearly.”

  Xu Xiuwen was silenced by her words.

  He stopped talking and drove home.

  Jiang Ruoyu looked at Xu Xiuwen’s profile.

  From her angle, she could just see the whole face.

  Xu Xiuwen’s straight nose was like a slide.

  Jiang Ruoyu almost couldn’t help reaching out to touch it.

  Her eyes were full of smiles.

  Brother Xiuwen is really handsome.

  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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