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Chapter 579 Plan 03

Chapter 579 Plan 03


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 579 Plan 03


  Staring blankly at the person in front of him, Xiao Yang’s eyes were filled with confusion and fear, and he could not help but move backwards.

  Seeing her reaction, Ye Shi put away the short knife covered with blood and scratched his helmet.

  ”Don’t think I’m a little scary, I’m actually a good person… Well, okay, I know that this is not very convincing.”

  If it were him, if a guy who was killing people suddenly broke into the community one day and grabbed his arm and asked him to go with him, he would probably be scared to death. She

  didn’t cry out of fear, and this little girl’s psychological quality is still good.

  But the problem is that he really doesn’t know how to explain the current situation, and he himself is also in a state of confusion.

  According to the original plan, he should take a carriage to the servants’ quarters not far away, get off the carriage and touch the annex, and take the person away without anyone noticing.

  However, things deviated from the original plan from the beginning.

  The carriage suddenly stopped halfway, and then the coachman rushed into the carriage and pounced on him like crazy.

  At first, Ye Shi was going to subdue the man, but he found that it didn’t work at all. The man didn’t listen at all and even reached out to snatch his weapon. Unable to

  communicate at all, Ye Shi could only twist his neck, then jumped off the carriage and headed straight for the annex in the corner of the manor.

  However, after arriving at the annex, he found that things were not as simple as he imagined. The people in the annex became the same as the coachman.

  Almost the moment he stepped into the annex, those guys sensed his presence and rushed towards him like zombies.

  If it weren’t for Lao Bai’s help in delivering the exoskeleton to the vicinity of the settlement before the operation began, and the officer who intended to rebel had helped them deliver the exoskeleton here, it would not be easy to break out of the siege of the group of “zombies”.

  To be honest, he is still confused and has no idea what happened.

  The only thing that can be confirmed is that something extraordinary must have happened in this manor – and even in the entire settlement.

  Perhaps before entering the settlement, they should conduct a more careful investigation.

  It was obvious that someone had set their sights on them and had used their plan to trick them.

  Just as Ye Shi was thinking about how to explain, the girl who was lying in Xiao Yang’s arms in a daze suddenly moved her eyelashes. As if she was awakened by the noise around her, she uttered a slow murmur.


  The strange sound that suddenly came made the two people in the basement feel a chill that penetrated deep into their bones, as if they had fallen into an ice cave at minus fifty degrees.

  Yin Yin opened her mouth exaggeratedly, with her gums turned outward, like a beast that had been hungry for a week, biting Xiao Yang’s neck fiercely.

  Xiao Yang was completely stunned and stood there motionless.

  Seeing that the bloody mouth was about to bite, a gun barrel was suddenly roughly stuffed into the mouth, pushing Yin Yin, who was lying on her, back.


  Yin Yin let out a manic roar, her hands with bulging veins kept stretching forward, and her bloodthirsty pupils seemed to want to tear her apart.

  ”You…are you crazy?! Get away from her!” Looking at the frightened little girl, Ye Shi was also scared and broke into a cold sweat. He couldn’t help but yelled.

  Good fellow.

  He didn’t even try to dodge when he bit her, and he even closed his eyes.

  If he had come two minutes later, the person lying here would have been a body beyond recognition!

  Looking at Yin Yin struggling with a hideous face and the gun barrel in her mouth, Xiao Yang suddenly woke up as if he had come back to his soul, rushed over and hugged his calf, shouting with a hint of tears.

  ”Don’t…don’t shoot!”

  Looking at the begging Xiao Yang, Ye Shi gritted his teeth, but finally didn’t make up his mind. He turned off the safety, reached out and grabbed the girl who had turned into a zombie, dragged her aside and tied her hands and feet with plastic ropes.

  Yin Yin, whose hands and feet were tied, struggled on the ground, with dust on her eyelashes and her pretty face twisted into a ball. At this moment, she was like a mad beast, baring her teeth and hissing.

  ”She has become a zombie… just like those people outside, like a gnawer. Damn, these bastards, do they grow anything else besides Naguo?” Ye

  Shi stood up and looked at the struggling little girl, then turned to look at the lamb kneeling on the ground.

  ”There is no time to explain. I will make it short. Believe it or not. Your father spent a lot of money to ask us to come and take you out of here. Now all you have to do is follow me closely, and I will take you away from here! Of course, if you don’t obey me honestly, I can only tie you up and take you away like her, understand?”

  If possible, he really didn’t want to do this. It was troublesome enough to deal with those guys like gnawers outside, and his ammunition was not unlimited.

  He had reason to suspect that it was not just the people in the manor who turned into that ghostly look, but the entire settlement was probably in trouble. Who knows what will happen later.

  Fortunately, although the little girl didn’t look very smart, she was calm enough. Even though she was scared, she didn’t lose her ability to communicate and could still communicate normally.

  Looking at the man covered in blood, Xiaoyang nodded palely.

  ”I understand… I will go with you. Please, please save Yinyin…”

  Ye Shi glanced at the little girl who was tied up like a dumpling against the wall, and a difficult expression appeared on his face.

  ”Save… How the hell do I save her?”

  To put it bluntly, he didn’t even know what happened to these people.

  Seal their mouths with tape and take them back?

  It’s not impossible.

  It’s just that he is alone. It’s troublesome enough to bring a burden, and he doesn’t have much confidence to bring another one who is a hindrance.

  Xiaoyang swallowed his saliva, tried to stay calm, and said in a trembling voice.

  ”I… may know why everyone has become like this.”

  ”Huh?” Ye Shi glanced at her.

  Seeing that the person was willing to listen to him, Xiaoyang continued patiently.

  ”This villa… is a very important place in the manor. It was the main building of the manor a long time ago. Later, a new large house was built, and the master used it to imprison some important guests.” Ye Shi

  couldn’t help but raise a trace of surprise in his eyes.

  This doesn’t sound like the words of a six-year-old child.

  Can she understand the concept of hostages at her age?

  ”Then what?”

  Xiao Yang continued.

  ”Because this place is very important… there are many people guarding it. Although some servants are wearing servants’ clothes, they are not servants, but the master’s confidants. It is no exaggeration to say that this place is even safer than the main building. That is why the master is very confident about this place. If I go somewhere else, many people will be anxious to find me, but here, even if I disappear for a while, no one will care…”

  ”In other words, if there is any secret that needs to be concealed, your master will most likely put it here?” Ye Shi touched his chin and said thoughtfully.

  Whether for protection or surveillance, this is indeed the safest choice. The hostages living in the annex can also act as a smokescreen.

  If someone is sent to guard another area, it will be more conspicuous.

  Xiaoyang nodded nervously.

  ”Hmm… don’t you think it’s strange? Such an important place has such a big basement, but it’s only used to store some sundries. And in fact, people don’t really pile up daily necessities in it, and there is a thick layer of dust on the boxes.”

  Ye Shi raised the flashlight and glanced around, trying to find some clues from the surroundings. However, no matter how you look at it, this is just a very ordinary basement.

  But as she said, it is indeed suspicious to keep such an unknown space in such an important place.

  Even if it was dug before and is no longer needed, you have to find a way to bury it or seal it completely, right?

  However, the owner of this manor did not do so.

  ”Then…Yinyin told me that there was an iron door in the basement of the annex. If we hid there, no one would find it. Then she took me in and sneaked in.”

  ”Actually…I don’t think this is a good idea. If I accidentally see something I shouldn’t see, something terrible might happen. But I couldn’t persuade her, so I had to follow her down.”

  ”After we came down, she said she heard a sound, and then she took me forward…We really found the door.”

  Ye Shi swallowed his saliva.

  ”That door…what’s behind it?”

  Xiaoyang shook his head, his face full of regret.

  ”I don’t know…Yinyin wanted to open the door, but she fainted soon after she held the doorknob. She slept for a long time, and she looked like this when she woke up. I guess it has something to do with the sound behind the door…but I can’t hear the sound she said at all.”

  Ye Shi frowned and said.

  ”I didn’t hear it either.”

  Logically, this shouldn’t be the case.

  His perception is very high. Even the slightest sound will be infinitely magnified by his keen sixth sense and analyzed instinctively.

  If there really was any sound there, it would have been in his intuition.

  However, suspiciously, he did not sense it at all.

  ”…I believe Yinyin is not joking. She really heard something and followed the sound to find the door. If she can go in and turn off the thing that made the sound, she should be back to normal.”

  After saying that, Xiaoyang grabbed Ye Shi’s arm and looked up at him with pleading eyes.

  ”Please, please…save her.”

  To be honest, Ye Shi didn’t really want to make things complicated.

  Especially since the plan had gone off track from the beginning, and it was still unknown what was going on with Fang Chang.

  So many variables had happened from the beginning, and the main goal of “controlling the farmer” might have failed. In this case, it might be the safest choice to evacuate immediately with the secondary goal to stop the loss.

  It’s not a good idea to stay in the basement for too long. The only way out can easily be blocked by the pursuers.

  What if there is nothing behind that door?

  After all, if that place is so important, why is there no guard, and not even a lock, so that the two children can easily find it and almost open the door.

  However, looking at the pleading eyes of the NPC, he finally gritted his teeth, made up his mind, and knocked on the helmet with his right fist.

  ”… Fang Chang, what’s the situation over there?”

  There was no movement in the communication channel, only the rustling sound of electricity.

  This is not simply no signal, but more like being interfered by something.

  Ye Shi cursed inwardly, tapped the helmet with his index finger, turned off the communication channel, and then looked at the girl with pleading eyes.

  ”Think it over, you only have one life… This is not a joke, I hope I won’t hear any nonsense like ‘Why is it like this’ or ‘I may have heard it wrong’ later.”

  It doesn’t matter if he dies.

  Anyway, he has one life in three days.

  It may be a bit sorry for Brother Luo Yu for not bringing people back safely, but I believe he won’t blame himself too much for such a thing.

  Xiao Yang nodded seriously.

  ”Well… I’ve thought it through.”

  Ye Shi nodded and took a deep breath.

  ”Then I’ll believe what you said.”

  ”Thank you…”

  Looking at the little girl who thanked him sincerely, Ye Shi urged.

  ”It’s too early to talk about this now, take me there.”


  Xiao Yang nodded nervously and took the initiative to run in front.

  Ye Shi followed behind her. The two walked for a while in the dark basement and soon saw the iron door hidden behind the wooden box in a remote compartment. The

  mottled rust went from the handle to the crack of the door, making people wonder how long it had been since no one had visited here.

  ”It’s here…” Looking at the rusty iron door, Xiao Yang timidly retreated behind him.

  Ye Shi walked forward, stretched out his hand to hold the rusty door handle, pulled it and found it was quite heavy, so he drove the power of the exoskeleton to pull it back hard.

  The heavy door panel was too heavy for a little girl of six or seven years old, but it was as light as a piece of paper for him wearing an exoskeleton.

  With a teeth-grinding squeak, the rusty iron door was quickly and easily pulled open by him, revealing the passage hidden behind it.

  ”Wow…it’s really not locked?”

  The passage behind the door was clean and tidy, with metal floors on the ground and cement gray paint on the walls. Compared with the basement outside the door and the rusty iron door, the corridor behind the door is simply two completely different worlds.

  Looking at the corridor that led to nowhere, Ye Shi’s face suddenly showed an expression of surprise, his eyes gradually became excited, and he looked back at the lamb.

  ”You wait for me here…if someone comes in, run to the door immediately.”

  The lamb nodded vigorously and replied seriously.


  After receiving a positive reply, Ye Shi did not delay any longer. He raised his gun and stepped into the door carefully, and continued to explore along this clean and tidy corridor.

  This place looks like a clinic, but also like a laboratory. Through the glass of the floor-to-ceiling windows, you can see a wide variety of equipment and a display screen with a sci-fi color.

  All signs indicate that this place has been abandoned, and it should have happened recently.

  I don’t know if it was because they left in a hurry and didn’t have time to clean up, or if there was no need to clean up at all. The display screens were still on, and some experimental equipment was still working, making meaningless buzzing sounds.

  Ye Shi’s face became more and more surprised.

  It’s hard to imagine that this research facility would appear in an unremarkable plantation.

  By the way, can the expenses of this facility really be afforded by a mere farmer?

  This is much more expensive than building a beautiful house.

  He walked into one of the laboratories.

  Ye Shi looked at the screen closest to him, and saw that there was nothing on the blank operation interface. I think the things inside have been deleted.

  After leaving this laboratory, Ye Shi continued to explore along the corridor and soon came to the room at the deepest part of the corridor.

  When he walked in, he was shocked by the situation here.

  There was a huge metal round tube in the center of the room, connecting the ground and the ceiling. Data cables as thick as forearms extended from its root, connecting it to the wall and another device in the room.

  This thing looked familiar.

  After seeing it clearly, Ye Shi’s eyes widened and a surprised expression appeared on his face.

  ”…Mind interference device?!”

  This thing is exactly the same as the one he had seen in the eastern suburbs of Qingquan City before! Even the main structure has not changed, only the connected peripherals have been improved!

  ”Could it be that this thing is driving those people outside crazy… Hiss, that’s not right, isn’t this thing useless to humans with higher mental levels?”

  It can’t be said to be completely useless, but the impact is very limited, so limited that it can only affect people’s subjective judgment on some insignificant things. For example, when people are hesitating whether to buy or not, they can choose to buy or not. However,

  this device has almost no impact on some major decisions related to life, society and even the future of civilization.

  Otherwise, when this technology was first developed, it would not have been used only for advertising. The entire human alliance might have been subverted by this advanced technology.

  Suddenly, Ye Shi remembered a key thing.


  Under normal circumstances, the mind interference device is useless for humans. At most, it can only be used to drive away some alien species with low mental levels in a wide area.

  But if you eat Nago and enter a fugue state…

  ”Oh my god… So the so-called ‘good news’ is actually this thing?!”

  Other settlements may also have similar things hidden!

  Thinking of this, Ye Shi’s scalp tingled.

  But now is not the time to think about these.

  Walking to the terminal device connected to the metal round tube, Ye Shi pulled out a data cable from the VM, and after searching for a long time, he finally found a suitable interface and poked it in.

  The alliance’s scientific expedition team provides hacking programs to players with professional levels above LV3, including some basic functions such as breaking through firewalls, obtaining access control, and grabbing data.

  The hacking program is mainly designed for civilian security systems in the pre-war era.

  Although this kind of general small program is not reliable most of the time, especially the hardware conditions of VM cannot support the huge amount of computing, but considering the security measures here that don’t even bother to install door locks, it is still worth a try.

  The entire settlement is covered by this mind interference device.

  If his inference is correct, theoretically every “believer” here is the eye of the bishop hidden in the sanctuary. Even the farmer himself has become a puppet of the Torch Church without knowing it.

  All the cover-ups are for outsiders. For the people living here, they don’t need to hide or protect themselves at all.

  The mind interference device itself is the best defense.

  If someone accidentally strays into this place, just “turn off” the consciousness of the unlucky guy like today, and let her faint.

  Ye Shi stared at the VM screen nervously, silently calculating the time in his mind.

  He needs to take away as much data as possible, but he also has to consider the pressure his teammates are under at the moment.

  If there is no result in 2 minutes, he will directly stick the C4 on the metal round tube, set the time to detonate, and directly destroy the research facility physically.

  Perhaps he heard the call from the bottom of his heart. In the last ten seconds of the countdown, a line of light blue pop-up windows popped up in the center of the VM screen.

  [Read-only permission obtained successfully.]

  [Operation permission is being obtained…]

  Seeing this line of words, Ye Shi, who was about to give up, was so surprised that he almost cheered out loud.

  ”Fuck!? You can do it!”

  Brother Yin Fang is awesome!

  Of course, maybe Xiao Qi is awesome!

  A simple operation interface appeared on the terminal screen in front of him. Although none of the densely packed characters were understandable to him, the plug-in installed on the VM automatically translated it into a language that is easy for players to understand.

  The copy program is being executed automatically.

  Although most of the data has been deleted, some residual data has been mined and sorted out.

  Waiting for the small program on the VM to obtain the operation permission to shut down the device, Ye Shi opened one of the sorted files, and a line of title soon caught his eye.

  ”… Plan 03?”

  What the hell?

  You can’t tell anything from the title alone.

  With a hint of curiosity, Ye Shi extended his index finger and moved it on the screen, looking at the summary of the document and reading it out in a low voice.

  ”…If it is determined that the plan is at risk of leakage, the relevant research units must immediately terminate the ongoing research, destroy the experimental data, and start Plan 03.”

  ”Experimental content: Test and record the clinical response and practical value of the experimenter under the stimulation of the 03 band signal… Damn, are these guys still human?”

  Ye Shi’s Adam’s apple moved, and he swallowed hard.

  What practical value does this thing have…

  Isn’t it just a group of gnawers? !

  And maybe it’s not as good as the gnawers, at least the latter don’t need supplies and can live for a long time without eating anything.

  Of course, this is not the point.

  The point is, just to verify this boring thing, they sacrificed this settlement of 50,000 people without hesitation… even though this settlement had surrendered to them long ago.

  These guys…

  what do they think of humans! ?

  Wait –

  Ye Shi suddenly noticed a detail.

  Although the personnel in this research facility have been evacuated, since Plan 03 is also part of the experiment, someone must stay to record and collect the experimental results, right?

  Otherwise, wouldn’t the experiment be in vain?

  Almost at this moment, a bone-deep coldness climbed up his spine.

  Without time to carefully identify where the coldness came from, Ye Shi almost reflexively raised the muzzle of the gun and pointed it at the door, and pulled the trigger without thinking.

  Even if there was nothing there!

  ”Tu Tu Tu–!”

  Orange-yellow flames spurted out of the muzzle and rushed towards the empty door.

  However, a strange scene happened. The rain of bullets seemed to hit a wall of air, and sparks burst while knocking open circles of transparent ripples.

  The outline of the exoskeleton appeared in the air.

  The man who was hit by a burst of bullets staggered back and almost lost his balance.

  This guy obviously didn’t expect that he was equipped with an optical camouflage that was almost flawless and he also kept his footsteps low, but he was still discovered.

  The man who barely stood up raised the muzzle of his gun and was about to fight back, but as soon as he pulled the trigger and fired two shots, a strong wind blew towards his face.

  It was a bloody short knife.

  He almost subconsciously raised his arm to protect his head. Although this action saved his life, it also meant that his arm was hit hard.


  The blade chopped through the protective gear of the exoskeleton, cut through the flesh and cut the radius of the man, causing him to scream in pain, and blood and sweat poured out. After

  pressing the man to the ground, Ye Shi pulled out the short knife with a click, pointed the rifle at the man’s head, and grinned.

  ”Good fellow… I was just looking to catch you alive, but you came to me on your own.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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