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Chapter 582: “Walking into a Trap”

Chapter 582: “Walking into a Trap”


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 582: “Walking into a Trap”

  The interference of the mind interference device on long-distance communication is equally effective for both parties. As the output power of the mind interference field reaches its peak, the entire manor seems to have turned into a quagmire, and all information is trapped in it.

  Only at a very close distance can the communication equipment barely work.

  However, this kind of interference is not a big deal for players. The players who died earlier have already brought the situation here to the official website, and after Fang Chang went offline, he quickly learned from the task page of the official website that reinforcements were on the way.

  However, at this moment, the executioner team in the manor did not know that the Alliance’s Iron Heart was on the way to Jinchuan Province, and they did not know that the apostles of this settlement had contracted this place to the mutants to clear the field.

  Otherwise, these executioners would definitely curse.

  It is more difficult to make the murderous mutants distinguish between enemies and friends than to teach a pig to speak. It is extremely dangerous to squat in the same trench with those animals.

  So even if the Torch Church and the Qi Tribe formed an alliance, they rarely acted together, usually responsible for their own battlefields.

  Watching the transport plane leaving the villa, Li Jie’s eyes flashed with annoyance, but at this moment, a scarlet flare suddenly rose from the direction of the villa and hung in the middle of the dark sky.

  ”It’s the direction of the villa.” Looking at the scarlet incendiary bomb, an executioner standing not far behind Li Jie whispered, “Wu Zhe is probably in trouble!”

  Hearing this, the faces of the executioners showed surprised expressions and exchanged glances with each other.

  It’s just to deal with a little mouse that sneaked into the laboratory…

  With Wu Zhe’s ability and the equipment on that guy, they really couldn’t think of any reason why there might be an accident.

  At this moment, the alliance transport plane that was originally flying outside the settlement suddenly changed its course, turned a corner in the sky, and flew towards the villa.

  Seeing that the plane came back again, Li Jie’s face first showed a trace of surprise, and then a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

  ”Looking for death!”

  He tapped the side of the helmet with his index finger and said in a cold tone.

  ”Attention all units, our enemies are heading towards the annex. Group A is responsible for dealing with the plane. Groups BCDE follow me to attack the annex. We must stop them at all costs!”

  Amid the rustling sound of electricity, a noisy reply came.


  As the battle order was issued, the executioner team lurking in the forest moved quickly.

  A total of 25 soldiers wearing exoskeletons were divided into five teams, carrying light and heavy weapons and equipment, and heading towards the annex in three directions.

  The first team arrived at the garden in front of the main entrance of the annex first, and was far ahead of the transport plane.

  The square annex is like a prison. The four gates in the east, south, west and north are open lawns. The fountain garden in the north is the closest shelter.

  However, it is still a hundred meters away from the gate.

  However, this is not a problem for the executioner team equipped with optical camouflage.

  The optical camouflage plug-in equipped on their exoskeleton can collect image information of the surrounding environment and change the color and brightness of the armor coating according to the environment, so that the wearer can blend perfectly with the environment.

  When standing still, it can even be completely transparent.

  ”Team B has arrived at the combat position.”

  ”Prepare to enter.”

  The squad leader, who was half-crouching beside the garden fountain with a rifle in his arms, gestured, and then, like a chameleon, he blended into the environment with the four soldiers behind him.

  The five executioners left the bunker and rushed towards the annex in front of them. The black muzzles of the guns exuded a murderous aura, like five invisible daggers, slowly approaching the throat of the prey.

  According to the information provided by the bishop, there was only one person on the other side.

  They didn’t know how Wu Zhe got into trouble.

  But five against one –

  they had no reason to lose!

  At this moment, the squad leader walking in front suddenly heard a whooshing sound, like a wisp of cold wind blowing from a far distance.

  There was no time to think about where the sound came from.

  Then he felt a sharp pain drilling through the skull in front of his forehead, violently cutting off his consciousness. He didn’t even have time to utter a muffled groan, and fell backwards like a kite with a broken string.


  When everyone heard the gunshot, the second person fell to the ground.

  ”Two.” On

  the roof of the villa.

  Ye Shi, who was lying on the guardrail, held a sniper rifle, his index finger on the trigger, his right eye close to the edge of the scope, and continued to aim at the next target.

  The signal flare he fired before was not for help, but to lead Wu Zhe’s accomplice here.

  Compared with the intrigue with the enemy hiding in the dark, he preferred to be the one who fired the gun.

  He could lock the murderous intent in the dark.

  As long as you know the general direction of the murderous intent, it is not difficult to find the target hidden in the dark.

  Optical camouflage is not absolute.

  Especially when moving…

  In a blink of an eye, two teammates were shot dead, and the remaining three executioners were shocked. Seeing that the optical camouflage had been seen through, they didn’t care about hiding their bodies and quickly dispersed and rushed towards the villa.

  With the help of the exoskeleton, a distance of 100 meters can be crossed in a blink of an eye.

  However, at this moment, the 100-meter open space in front of the three people seemed like an insurmountable gap.

  The optical camouflage was passively removed in the violent shaking.

  At this time, the third and fourth gunshots rang out, one person was shot through the chest, one person was shot in the head, and in a blink of an eye, only one person was left in the five-man team.

  They were about to rush to the door.

  The executioner’s face flashed a trace of ecstasy after surviving the disaster, but at the moment when his front foot stepped over the north gate of the annex, he felt a slight touch in front of his boots.

  It was like

  stepping on a kite string.


  There was no time to react. Plastic bullets the size of glass beads rushed towards him like raindrops, and then they exploded like firecrackers with bangs and bangs.

  Ordinary fragmentation mines are not very effective against soldiers wearing exoskeletons and mutants, but this plastic bomb that combines X-4 fiber and N10 azide can play an unexpected miraculous effect.

  Each bomblet has an equivalent of 100g. The dense explosion of 50 bomblets in a narrow space is enough to cause trouble even for someone wearing power armor.

  This type of high-yield tripwire mine was originally prepared for mutants. It is

  somewhat cruel to use it against humans.

  When the dust from the explosion cleared, the executioner was lying on the ground like a rag, with his armor and flesh mixed together, and he could not even see the shape of a human.

  Looking at the smoke and dust coming out of the north gate below him, Ye Shi, who was lying on the roof, smacked his lips, mourned for the unlucky guy for half a second, and then quickly evacuated the roof and retreated to the room downstairs.

  At the same time, on the grass in front of the north gate, the unanswered communication channel echoed with a rustling sound of electricity.

  ”Team B! Please reply if you receive it! Repeat, please reply if you receive it!”

  ”Damn it!”

  After a long time without receiving a response, Li Jie cursed angrily, hung up the communication, and stared at the nearby annex with murderous eyes.

  Team B is no longer saved.

  From the moment he heard the first gunshot, he realized that something was wrong, and the last explosion made his mood sink to the bottom in an instant.

  The other party found that they were too fast!

  The man seemed to be waiting for them in front, waiting for them to run into the muzzle of the gun.

  The curtains were drawn on the dark windows, and the situation inside could not be seen clearly from the outside. The position of the sniper could be roughly determined from the direction of the gunshot, but there was nothing on the roof at the moment.

  Although their scouts were equipped with thermal imagers, the effect of that thing on targets wearing exoskeletons was very limited. Many sophisticated exoskeletons have heat dissipation units in the lower limbs or even the soles of the shoes, and there is almost no thermal difference between the upper limbs and the surrounding environment.

  The game of cat and mouse seemed to have become a hunter and a wolf pack.

  A team was killed in just one contact. Li Jie had to be cautious and ordered the drone operator to release the reconnaissance drone he was carrying.

  Two disc-shaped drones were ejected from the huge drone backpack and floated towards the direction of the annex.

  However, due to the disturbance of the mind interference field, the two drones became dull flies as soon as they approached the annex, and the screen of the control terminal connected to the drone also turned white.

  ”The electromagnetic interference ahead is too strong, we can’t get any closer…” The drone operator squatting beside him said sweatily, looking at the gloomy captain.

  Li Jie gritted his teeth and waved his right hand forward.

  ”Smoke bomb cover!”


  At the same time as receiving the order, the support soldier waiting in the forest unfolded the bracket on the “Destroyer I” exoskeleton, and while supporting himself on the ground with both hands, he erected the 120mm heavy mortar on his back.

  The four executioner teams crawling behind the bunker at the edge of the lawn were ready for the assault.

  At this time, three short explosions came from a distance, followed by columns of smoke falling from the sky, blasting a milky white wall of smoke on the empty lawn.

  Then there was another round of mortars, and the wall of smoke had already approached the edge of the annex.

  ”Good guy, the mortars are used?!”

  Seeing the thick smoke, Ye Shi, who was hiding in the room on the third floor, smacked his lips and couldn’t help sweating in his heart.

  At a distance of three to five hundred meters, especially since the other party had no vision, his sense of killing intent was already a little blurred, but he could still feel that there were at least a dozen people hiding in the woods.

  At the same time, another team was outflanking him from the side.

  In this case, the sniper rifle had lost its effect.

  Putting the sniper rifle aside, Ye Shi took a deep breath, loaded the LD-50 carbine in his hand, and prepared to fight the guys outside.

  At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly came from the headset.

  ”… Ye Shi, can you hear it?”

  The voice was very vague, accompanied by a noise like sandpaper scraping on the wall, but it was still barely audible, and Ye Shi’s face instantly showed a surprised expression.

  ”Fang Chang?!”

  ”It’s me… We have evacuated from the main building and are not far from you. I have to confirm your current location.”

  Ye Shi said immediately without waiting for Fang Chang to finish.

  ”Wait, listen to me first… The Torch Church has hidden a laboratory in the basement of the annex, and the mind interference device is inside! That thing is the culprit for the madness of those survivors!”

  There was a rustling sound in the communication channel.

  Ye Shi was not sure whether Fang Chang had heard it, and was about to repeat it again, when Fang Chang’s elder brother’s voice continued to come.

  ”… It’s basically the same as I guessed. Is there a way to turn off or blow it up?”

  Ye Shi swallowed his saliva and spoke quickly.

  ”It’s useless. I read the experimental log. The mind interference device has completed the brainwashing of the survivors in this settlement. The output band now only maintains the “wandering” state of those survivors. If the mind interference device is turned off, they will not wake up at the same time, but will wake up one after another within 24 hours, and then have irregular attacks…”

  Fang Chang: “Tsk, it’s difficult. Is there a solution mentioned in the experimental log?”

  Ye Shi said immediately.

  ”Yes… Just input other band signals to cover the brainwashing of the local survivors by the device. But I’m in trouble here. A group of people have already approached me, and their equipment is a bit outrageous.”

  Hearing this, a hearty laugh came from the communication channel.

  ”Isn’t that perfect?”

  That was Old White’s voice.

  Of course, it wasn’t just Old White, there were others as well.

  ”Brothers, blast their gold coins!”



  At the same time that the CDE team entered the annex, the A team ambushed outside the annex finally waited for the Alliance transport plane cruising outside to enter the field of vision.

  ”Enemy aircraft is within range.” “Fire!”

  An executioner immediately stepped forward, knelt on one knee and set up a rocket launcher. The translucent lens locked onto the arc light flashing in the night sky, and pulled the trigger at the same time as the photo was taken.



  A missile with a tail flame was thrown out and rushed towards the plane again.

  Seeing that the missile was about to catch up with the rear of the Alliance plane, but at this moment, something strange happened.

  I don’t know what happened, the missile was like it was blinded, brushing past the plane and exploding into a ball of fire hundreds of meters in the air.

  Seeing this incredible scene, the executioner carrying the rocket launcher’s eyes widened, not understanding what was going on.

  On the other side, Fang Chang, who was squatting on the edge of the cabin, put away the “Dawn” longbow in his hand.

  Looking at the flames that exploded in the distance, Jieyan, who was squatting on the side, also widened his eyes.

  ”Awesome… This is fucking possible!”

  Luoyu on the side was the same, and everyone was dumbfounded.

  ”Fuck… bows and arrows shooting missiles?!”

  Isn’t this too outrageous? !

  ”How is it possible…” Looking at Luoyu who was making a fuss, Fang Chang laughed and said, “This thing is just an EMP arrow equipped with a proximity fuze, and the warhead is modified from an EMP grenade.”

  This thing is mainly used to deal with drones.

  But I didn’t expect it to be very useful against missiles.

  I don’t think anyone would design a set of EMP protection devices specifically for shoulder-fired missiles with a launch distance of only two or three kilometers. This arrow directly paralyzed the tracking device on the missile.

  A momentary failure was enough for the missile to pass by the plane.

  And this was enough!

  The back of the pilot sitting in the cockpit was already soaked with cold sweat. When he saw the missile coming up just now, he was still thinking that he was dead, but he didn’t expect that he actually survived!

  He had no time to breathe a sigh of relief after surviving the disaster. While reducing the engine thrust, he looked at the people behind him and shouted.

  ”How do we get down? Should we land on the roof or the lawn outside–”

  Lao Bai, who had just communicated with Ye Shi, tapped his index finger on the helmet and said immediately.

  ”Descend from the patio!”

  The pilot was stunned.

  ”Hey, patio?!”

  Lao Bai said without hesitation.

  ”That’s right! The patio in the center of the annex! We land directly inside the annex!”

  Seeing that this guy was not joking, the pilot’s eyes widened and he lost his voice.

  ”Are you crazy?! This is a transport plane, not a tank!”

  ”Believe me!”

  Lao Bai put his hand on the back of his seat, stared into his eyes and said seriously, “The width of the patio is definitely enough for us to land… enough for two planes!”

  ”I don’t know how many anti-aircraft missiles there are on the other side. We can’t be so lucky every time. It’s safest to use the wall of the annex as a shelter!”

  The pilot gritted his teeth and pressed the joystick forward.

  These crazy people!

  He swore that this was the last time he would accompany them.

  Next time, he would not take this job no matter what!


  Just as the Alliance’s Viper transport plane approached the top of the annex, fifteen fully armed executioners had already entered the annex through the north gate.

  With the previous lesson, everyone was much more careful this time, carefully checking every corner where traps might be hidden, not daring to be careless.

  Everyone soon came to the patio.

  The ground was in a mess, with broken limbs and corpses everywhere.

  Before they came here, a battle had already broken out here, and the entire annex was slaughtered cleanly. The sticky blood made it look like hell.

  His sight fell on one side of the patio, and Li Jie saw Wu Zhe tied to a pillar at a glance.

  He was covered in blood, like a bloody man, his hands and feet were tied tightly, and a blood-stained dress was put on his head, so that people could not see his face.

  It seemed that he heard the footsteps coming in from outside, and Wu Zhe, who was tied to the pillar, suddenly struggled hard, making a humming sound from his mouth.

  Seeing his comrade in such a miserable state, Li Jie suddenly felt a surge of anger, especially when he thought of the five brothers who had died earlier. He wanted to chop up the sniper hiding in this building and feed him to the dogs. ”

  Go and untie him…”


  An executioner approached carefully, and after carefully checking to make sure there were no booby traps hidden nearby, he reached out and took off the clothes covering Wu Zhe’s head.

  However, when he took it off, he was stunned.

  Wu Zhe’s mouth was stuffed, and a circle of black squares hung around his neck, connected by a circle of wires.

  The moment he saw himself, his bloodshot pupils did not have the slightest joy of surviving the disaster, but were instead imprinted with deep despair.

  Although he could not recognize what was hanging around his brother’s neck, and that thing was not labeled, his intuition told him that it was definitely not a good thing. He

  had no time to react at all. He vaguely heard a “click” sound, and then a flash of white light cut off his consciousness.


  The deafening sound spread all around, and the blast swept across the entire patio.

  The two people standing in the center of the explosion were killed instantly, and flew out with the surrounding corpses.

  The hot air flow, carrying smoke and charred meat and debris, pounced on the executioners around like a galloping beast, forcing the latter to raise their arms and retreat in embarrassment.

  The entire patio seemed to be raining blood!

  Even the dust was stained with the smell of blood.

  ”I’m going to kill you!”

  Li Jie roared hoarsely.

  He was sure that the sniper was hiding in a corner of the building, quietly watching them walk into the trap, and then pressed the explosives hanging on Wu Zhe.

  He hated it so much that he almost bit his teeth.

  However, at this moment, a hot wind suddenly blew over everyone’s heads.

  Two burning arcs of fire emerged from the edge of the smoke, like two long swords piercing the night. Before everyone could see what the flames were, the wide fuselage met them.

  Li Jie’s pupils shrank instantly.

  Alliance aircraft!

  But how could it be –

  there was no time to think about how this aircraft broke through the shoulder-fired missiles of Group A, and orange-yellow tracers had already poured out from the cabin on one side of the fuselage.

  Along with the rain of bullets, the executioners’ heads were also filled with excited shouts.

  ”Hahaha! Go to hell!”

  Holding the fixed machine gun with both hands, Haogou desperately pulled the trigger and fired randomly. The face that was ferocious due to excitement was now reddened by the flames burning at the muzzle.

  Before the executioners could stand firm in the previous explosion, they were caught off guard by the sudden rain of bullets and were killed and injured instantly.

  Several soldiers wearing exoskeletons jumped to the ground from the other side of the cabin, split into two directions, and surrounded the executioners who were suppressed by firepower in a corner of the patio.

  Like a pair of flaming pliers, clamping a red-hot iron!

  One executioner raised his rifle and was about to fire back when he was met with a chopping axe.

  Panicked, he subconsciously raised his rifle to block, but a hot spark split the rifle in his hand into two without any suspense, and then hit him in the face with the blunt axe.


  The feeling of the helmet shattering came along the axe handle. Lao Bai took back the hot melt cutting axe, skillfully switched to the rifle, and continued to fire at the bunker where the group of executioners were hiding.

  For the last blow on the man’s helmet, he did not activate the charging, but chose to use the unopened axe blade to knock the man unconscious.

  The prisoner captured by Ye Shi is dead.

  They need to capture two more!

  Fortunately, there are many people here, which is enough.

  These guys confidently got out of the darkness. If they didn’t come to the door themselves, it would be difficult to catch them all.

  As the dust accumulated in the patio dissipated, the battle in the annex was basically over.

  There were a total of fifteen executioners, eleven of whom were shot dead, the remaining three were seriously injured, and one was slightly injured and surrendered. There should be another team outside the annex, but there is still some distance between here and here.

  It would be the best if they dare to come over.

  But Lao Bai thinks that they probably don’t have the courage to continue.

  Hearing the gunfire outside stop, the pilot huddled in the cockpit breathed a sigh of relief.

  Sitting up from the reclining chair, he opened the side window of the cockpit and shouted to the army brothers who were cleaning the battlefield outside.

  ”Hey, are you still retreating?”

  Lao Bai looked back at him and said with a smile.

  ”I forgot to tell you that the plan has changed. The manager asked us to find the mind interference device hidden in the manor. If we find it, we will defend on the spot and wait for support.”

  ”The Iron Heart is on the way, and a group of reinforcements will arrive here by glider soon… Or you can go back for supplies first, and bring a few brothers over for us, and bring more ammunition.”

  The pilot was stunned, and Ye Shi, who had just walked down from upstairs, was also stunned and asked.

  ”Ah… is this true?”

  Fang Chang nodded.

  ”You’ll know if you log off and take a look at the task bar.”

  Logically speaking, they are in a communication-blocked area and it is impossible for them to receive mission change messages, but in addition to VM, players can also check the task bar on the official website.

  But then again, this should be considered as taking advantage of a game bug, right?

  Thinking of this, Fang Chang couldn’t help but be curious whether the NPC who issued the mission to them knew that they could take advantage of the game bug.

  If they knew, it would be fun.

  The pilot didn’t understand their conversation, nor did he know how they received the manager’s orders. He could only complain and start the engine.

  ”Tell me in advance next time!”

  Lao Bai smiled apologetically and said to him.

  ”I will.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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