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Chapter 585: It’s actually an old popsicle?

Chapter 585: It’s actually an old popsicle?


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 585 It’s actually an old popsicle?

  The Iron Heart floated above the clouds. A “Viper” transport plane floated in the distance, converged the plume of the plasma engine, and stopped steadily on the steel deck.

  Four men in gray robes were escorted by four players wearing exoskeletons and walked out of the Viper’s cabin.

  One of them was shot in the left leg and was simply bandaged with a bandage. He walked with a limp. The other three were not shot, but they looked dirty and obviously suffered a lot.

  But no one here will sympathize with them.

  They are all apostles of the Torch Church.

  Or war criminals.

  In just a few hours, at least tens of thousands of survivors died directly or indirectly from the interference of the 03 band of the mind interference device. There are

  countless people who have mental breakdowns.

  About twenty soldiers of the Guards Corps were waiting next to the apron early.

  Seeing the group of soldiers with live ammunition, Yul, who was standing in the middle, turned pale.

  He is the head of the Pinewood Farm Parish and the head of the 03 band research. If he is captured, the Inquisition will definitely not leave him alone.

  However, seeing these guys and the airship under his feet, he doubted whether the Inquisition had the ability to rescue him.

  ”Anti-gravity device… You have recovered the anti-gravity technology!” He kept muttering, but no one paid attention to him.

  In order to prevent him from hiding a locator or a bug, a soldier stepped forward and put a metal ring with a shielding device on his neck and the neck of the other three apostles.

  An apostle tried to resist, but he was obedient after being hit by a rifle butt.

  Looking at Ye Shi who walked in front of him, Lu Bei raised his right fist and knocked it on the left side of the breastplate, and saluted neatly.

  ”Thank you for your hard work.”

  ”You’re welcome. Say hello to the administrator for me. The rest is up to you.” Ye Shi said with a smile after returning the salute.

  Lv Bei nodded, watched him return to the plane, and then led the four dusty guys to the direction of the elevator.

  There was no communication along the way.

  Yuer finally lost his temper and asked.

  ”Where are you going to take us?”

  Lv Bei did not speak, went straight to a door, knocked on the door, and then pushed it open.

  Looking at Zhao Tiangan lying on his back on the ground, Yuer’s pupils shrank suddenly, his face became paler, and his Adam’s apple moved unconsciously.

  The man in the blue power armor looked at him, and then looked at the soldier standing next to him.

  ”Come one by one, find a place to lock up the others first.”


  The man nodded respectfully, then waved his hand, took a group of soldiers, and took his three colleagues to other places.

  Soon Yuer was the only one left at the door.

  Standing alone at the door, seeing the man in the blue power armor looking at him, he inadvertently met his eyes, and suddenly shuddered in his heart.

  The pupils were as deep as black holes.

  After only a moment of staring at each other, he felt as if his soul had been pulled out of his body, exposed to the sun without reservation, and burned by the light.

  No secrets could be hidden…

  As a researcher, he did not believe in something as illusory as the soul, and he did not believe that there was really anyone in this world who could read a person’s soul through their eyes.

  However, he still avoided his gaze involuntarily.

  At this time, the man spoke.

  ”What’s your name?”

  ”Yuel.” He didn’t want to say a word, but he blurted it out subconsciously, which made him feel annoyed.

  Chu Guang looked into his eyes and continued.

  ”Do you know what you are doing?”

  Yuer raised his head and said stiffly.


  He thought the man would ask him why he did this, but the man didn’t ask anything, just simply nodded.

  ”That’s good.”

  The tone of the matter being settled made Yuer feel a little surprised.

  He didn’t say anything, why did this guy look like he knew everything?

  Could he really read minds?

  Yul’s eyes were filled with fear, but he soon felt ashamed of this stupid idea, and his fear gradually turned into anger.

  How could there be such a metaphysical thing!

  This guy must be bluffing!

  If you think he will be scared so easily and confess everything, then you don’t know him well enough.

  If this is also a necessary sacrifice, then sacrifice yourself.

  Yul raised his head, pretending to be willing to die, and said bluffingly with a stiff neck.

  ”Hehe, I won’t say a word–”

  Before he finished speaking, a pair of glasses hung on his nose.

  Yul was slightly stunned as his vision was blurred by the ink-colored lenses.

  This is…

  In an instant, he seemed to think of something, and his face suddenly changed.

  Memory extractor? !

  How come these guys even have such a thing!

  ”Wait a minute, I–”

  Unfortunately, before the word “say” came out, a “hum” sound of electricity penetrated his eardrum, and his consciousness was instantly disconnected like a computer that was forcibly shut down.


  Han Shuang grabbed Yuer from behind and dragged him to the corner with full energy to sit down.

  Looking at the unconscious Yuer, Chu Guang’s expression did not show any pity.

  The memory extractor was seized from the Enlightenment Society. Its working principle is to use the most feared fragments of the user’s subconscious to weave dreams and seal the user’s memory, allowing it to flow out little by little, repeatedly unraveling it until there is nothing left.

  The more you resist, the more painful it is.

  In theory, this device can not only extract people’s memories, but also help people remember things they don’t even remember.

  Because it will cause a certain amount of mental burden, he almost never uses this thing in interrogation.

  If he is deceived, coerced or has unspeakable difficulties, he will give this guy a chance to confess and be lenient.

  But this guy said it himself, so I know it.

  In this case, if he is treated in the same way, he will not have any complaints. Compared with the survivors of Songguomu Farm, this punishment is still too light for him.

  Looking at the puppet sitting on his shoulder, Chu Guang asked.

  ”Xiaoqi, how long will it take to retrieve the memory?”

  Xiaoqi, who was already connected to the memory extractor, put his index finger on his chin and closed his eyes to think for a while.

  ”Well, one or two hours should be enough?”

  Speaking in an uncertain tone, its eyes suddenly opened, and it continued with a light exclamation, “…This guy actually has a bionic chip in his head?”

  Chu Guang frowned slightly.

  ”Is there any problem?”

  Xiaoqi looked at Eclipse standing beside him and whispered.

  ”Eclipse, can the security program on the chip be handled? I’ll transfer it to you.”

  Eclipse nodded expressionlessly.

  ”Not a big problem.”

  While saying this, the light blue data stream was reflected in the center of its pupils.

  After receiving a positive reply, Xiao Qi quickly looked at Chu Guang and proudly gave him a thumbs up.

  ”It’s not a big problem, Master! Just leave it to Xiao Qi!”

  Chu Guang: “…”

  Forget it.

  Anyway, the result is good.


  The memory retrieval was completed quickly.

  In fact, it would take a lot of time according to the normal process, but Xiao Qi put the memory retrieval program on the server of the shelter. The

  data processing capacity of the shelter server is completely different from the processor of the portable electronic device.

  To make an unimaginative comparison, one is a rocket and the other is a bicycle.

  It’s like installing nitrogen to accelerate the bicycle.

  An hour in the dream is only equivalent to half a minute in reality.

  In fact, if there is no limit to the speed at which the brain can process information, the speed of reading memory can be even more exaggerated.

  However, even if Xiao Qi has shown mercy, the brain of the apostle whose memory has been drained still bears a considerable load.

  Although the person has woken up, there is no difference between him and a vegetative person, and even more exaggerated than the situation of a vegetative person.

  Looking at Yule, who kept walking towards the wall with a babbling mouth, Chu Guang couldn’t help but have a strange expression.

  ”So is he awake or not?”

  Xiao Qi’s expression was a little subtle.

  ”Well… probably awake, but not completely.”

  ”What do you mean?”

  ”In short, the picture he sees is still the dream formed according to his memory, but the brain has actually regained control of the body… So in our eyes he is walking against the wall, but in his own eyes, he may just be walking from the living room to the kitchen.” In short, it

  ’s a high-PING warrior?

  Obviously, in the eyes of other players, he has been walking against the wall, but in the eyes of the player himself, he has walked from the B site to the middle door.

  Chu Guang’s heart moved.

  ”Like sleepwalking?”

  ”Well, although there is a little difference, it’s almost the same thing.”

  When he said this, Xiao Qi added in a low voice.

  ”I suggest that it is better to tie him up… otherwise he may eat strange things for breakfast.”

  ”Like shoes or something.”

  Chu Guang nodded, looked at the soldier next to him and ordered him to take this guy to the confinement room and tie him to the bed for two days.

  Lest this guy cause trouble.

  A few passing players happened to see the guy walking towards the wall, and they immediately started talking to each other excitedly.

  ”Is this NPC stuck in the wall?”

  ”BUG! It’s a bug!”

  ”Awesome, this game really has a bug!”

  Although every version has seen the dog planner fixing bugs, no one has ever seen what a real bug looks like.

  This time I finally saw it!

  Ignoring the captives, Chu Guang returned to the captain’s room alone, sat on a chair, picked up the virtual reality device on the table and put it on his head.

  He tapped the side with his index finger and said.

  ”Xiao Qi, help me connect the extracted memory.”

  The energetic voice soon reached his ears.

  ”Okay, master!”

  As soon as the voice fell, light blue light particles spread from the center of his field of vision to the surroundings, changing everything they touched into another appearance.

  First the floor, then the table and chairs, and then the wall – the room under his feet changed from the captain’s room to a pure white room.

  Chu Guang had never seen this place before.

  But from the nurse who was delivering the baby, the baby lying in the mother’s arms, and the man who looked like a father standing next to the bed, he could probably tell that this should be the delivery room.

  People in the delivery room were busy, and the couple sweetly discussed what name to give the child in their arms.

  No one noticed the stranger standing in the room.

  After all, this was “Yul’s” memory, and he didn’t belong here.

  Chu Guang stretched out his hand and passed through the nurse next to him, then walked to the window and looked out.

  The green plants outside the window were lush, the birds were singing, and the flowers were fragrant… I didn’t expect that even such details were perfectly restored.

  ”Why did you send me here?” Chu Guang’s voice was a little helpless.

  He was not interested in understanding the life of a small person.

  Even if this memory might be important to that person, it was insignificant to him and this wasteland.

  If he really read through these twenty or thirty years of memories from beginning to end, he wouldn’t have to do anything else.

  Light blue light particles flickered.

  Following Chu Guang into this memory, Xiao Qi, who had transformed into a human doll, fell on his shoulder and sat down, swinging his legs and speaking shyly.

  ”Sorry, Master… I’ll drag the progress bar!”

  Looking at Xiao Qi’s shy smile, Chu Guang always felt that this guy was doing it on purpose.

  Seeing that the master didn’t speak, Xiao Qi asked in a low voice with a guilty conscience.

  ”Then… from when he joined the Torch Church?”

  ”Well… wait.”

  Chu Guang was about to nod, but suddenly he noticed a detail.

  Beyond the lush greenery outside the window, you can see towering buildings and a sea of ​​cars in the distance…even Ideal City is inferior to it.

  This is obviously not a wasteland.

  This guy was born before the war?

  ”…From his memory before he entered the hibernation capsule,” Chu Guang paused and continued, “I want to know which shelter he entered.”

  However, Xiao Qi’s answer was beyond his expectations.

  ”He is not a resident of the shelter.”

  Not a resident of the shelter?

  Chu Guang frowned slightly.

  ”Then take me to before he entered the hibernation capsule…I want to know the reason why he chose ‘time travel’ and how he went to the future.”

  As he said, Chu Guang left the window, walked to the side of the bedside table, and looked at the holographic screen floating above the electronic clock.

  It is now 2100.

  The 75th year of the prosperous era.

  At this moment, the prosperous times are at their peak. People have built a utopia on earth, and they have obtained unlimited satisfaction both materially and spiritually.

  And just ten years later, in 2110, the industry and academia will once again liberate people’s imagination of a better life in the future.

  Graviton channels and FTL engines will officially open the door to the interstellar era. The ticket to the world beyond light years will no longer be a one-way ticket with no return, but an adventure that anyone can take.

  Of course, not all things that come with the future are good things. Taking a step forward can discover new treasures, but it also means more new problems.

  For example, just 13 years later, the mind interference device developed to replace the “infrasonic fence” was originally used to drive away dangerous alien species that harassed the colony, but it broke out in the third ecological protection zone of Qingquan City, the mother planet, for suspected brainwashing and human experiments.

  The incident was a big deal, and even the authorities were implicated, but it was obviously just a small episode for the people living in utopia.

  Chu Guang felt that even if he could talk to the people in front of him across time and space, no one would believe that the baby lying in the cradle at this moment did something that even Satan would be stunned two hundred years later.

  And if he told the people here that it was just a small episode in the distant future, and all the good things would end in 29 years, I am afraid he would only be regarded as a strange lunatic.

  It is now 2100.

  There are only 29 years left before the first year of the Wasteland Era – 2129…

  I vaguely heard that the mother named the child in her arms “Yul”, and then Chu Guang saw the scenery around him flying along with the progress bar dragged by Xiao Qi.

  Like many people of that era, Yul had a happy childhood, successfully went to school, and then got a job…

  When everything was frozen, the clean and bright delivery room had become a simple and spacious office, and the wide floor-to-ceiling windows could see floating clouds and tall buildings like a sea of ​​forests.

  A young man in a formal suit stood in front of the desk, talking excitedly to his boss who was sitting behind the desk.

  Chu Guang did not listen carefully to their conversation, but first paid attention to the clues containing time information.

  Soon he found what he was looking for on a holographic billboard outside the French window –

  it was July 13, 2121.

  Three days later, a hot-selling home security robot would hold a press conference, with a pre-order price of only 100,000 credit points – but these were not the main points.

  In the history that Chu Guang knew, Shelter No. 79 and its “Yongshi” plan were launched last year of this year.

  The end of the prosperous era seemed to have signs.

  People began to feel anxious about the future intentionally or unintentionally, and the consensus that tomorrow would be better was gradually replaced by doomsday theory.

  And anxiety itself is a business opportunity.

  Companies that sell home shelter solutions and protective equipment have made a fortune from this, and the company under his feet is obviously no exception.

  Chu Guang looked around the office and was surprised to see the documents on the desk. Wow, this is actually the headquarters of “Champion” Pharmaceuticals!

  The researchers in Shelter 79 are all die-hard fans of this company. Even the coffee beans are the brand of this company!

  But –

  he has always wanted to complain.

  Is it really okay for a pharmaceutical company to sell coffee?

  The conversation between the two people in the office gradually became clear.

  ”…Anti-radiation agent?”

  The boss touched his chin after reading the report in his hand, and the expression on his face was unpredictable. The staff standing in front of him described it in an exaggerated tone.

  ”That’s right! I bet that this new anti-radiation agent will definitely become the next growth point of the company’s profits! And it will be explosive growth!”

  The two were not Yuer.

  But this was Yuer’s memory, and the guy was obviously nearby.

  Chu Guang looked around and didn’t find it, but soon he had an idea and thought that the guy was only 21 years old and might just be a newcomer in the workplace, so he immediately walked out of the office.

  Sure enough, the guy was at the door.

  He was holding a briefcase in his hand, his eyes were wandering around, and some very subtle expressions could be seen that he should have just left the campus not long ago.

  Although he looked younger, this kid was undoubtedly the person he had just interrogated.

  Seeing Yuer concentrating on the conversation in the office, Chu Guang also focused on the two people in the office.

  If Chu Guang guessed correctly, the new project they were discussing at the moment was the formula of “using ‘blue umbrella mushrooms’ to synthesize radiation-resistant agents.”

  In a sense, this formula did save a lot of people.

  At least most of the mercenaries in Boulder City relied on this thing to prolong their lives, and his first pot of gold in the wasteland was also earned by selling that mushroom.

  ”… In more professional terms, it is DNA self-repair technology! We have discovered a special active substance in the body of a blue fungus that can repair macromolecules damaged by neutron rays in organisms.”

  ”This is a good idea… But forgive me, medical nanorobots can do better.”

  Putting the report in his hand on the table, the boss-like man interrupted the subordinate in front of the desk and said with his hands spread out.

  ”We are a technology company. Excuse me, using mushrooms as medicine… This sounds like the idea of ​​ancient people.”

  However, Yuer’s senior did not give up, but continued to argue.

  ”War, my friend, I’m talking about the war years! I know that nanorobots can perfectly repair damaged macromolecular nucleic acids, proteins and enzymes, but where can you find such things in the war years?”

  ”Compared to nanomedical robots that require a whole huge industrial chain to support, my solution will be much more practical! Even if the worst happens, suppliers are completely paralyzed, and raw materials around the world are skyrocketing, we can still provide our consumers with cheap and reliable anti-radiation drugs… Of course, it’s okay to be a little more expensive, we have an unparalleled cost advantage!”

  This time, the boss sitting behind the desk did not immediately say no, but touched his chin, with an interested expression on his face.

  ”It sounds interesting.”

  Everyone felt that parting ways with the colony was a high probability event, and war seemed to have become the only way to resolve differences.

  To this day, nuclear weapons are still the most efficient way to wipe out organisms from the surface of the earth. The only difference is the way and scale of delivery.

  A good and cheap anti-radiation agent is undoubtedly much more practical than any nanorobot in the era of radioactive dust.

  In the end, Yule’s predecessor successfully convinced the bosses of the two.

  Even though the process was not easy, he wasted a lot of saliva.

  Looking at the senior who walked out of the office, Yuer immediately stepped forward and asked.

  ”How is it?”

  The senior showed a bright smile on his face.

  ”It’s done! The boss agreed to lend us the research institute in Jinhe City. As long as we can produce visible results, he will strive for more budget for us at the board meeting… Time waits for no one, you pack up the materials before leaving work, we will set off early tomorrow morning!”

  Hearing this, Yuer’s face was filled with surprise, and he clenched his fists excitedly, but he was tongue-tied and could only utter one sentence after a long time.


  The senior smiled slightly and patted him on the shoulder.

  ”Keep doing your best.”

  Looking at the two people walking towards the elevator, Chu Guang showed a hint of surprise on his face.

  If he remembered correctly, the “Champion” Group only has one research institute in Jinhe City – the one given to him by the academy.

  And at this moment, that research institute is being controlled by mutants…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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