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Chapter 587 This is too extreme

Chapter 587 This is too extreme


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 587 This is too extreme

  The dead city slept under the yellow-gray sunset, and the diffuse radioactive dust blurred the sunset.

  The high-rise buildings lined up like tombstones, and the empty windows could not see a trace of life, nor could they see the cars coming and going and the flashing neon lights in the past.

  The exhaled white mist condensed into white frost on the mirror of the protective suit.

  At this moment, Yuer finally understood why his predecessors repeatedly told him to wear protective equipment before he went to the surface, and finally understood why the 1,000 cubic meters of nuclear fuel sent were prepared.

  His Adam’s apple moved, and he squeezed out a few words with difficulty.

  ”… Nuclear winter?”

  Zhao Feiyu glanced at the sky.

  ”It’s not just the radioactive dust that blocks us, but also the debris in orbit… Just half a year ago, our space elevator disintegrated, and I didn’t know about it until yesterday.” The

  radioactive dust scattered at the edge of the atmosphere and the debris scattered in the low-Earth orbit blocked a large amount of visible light from reaching the surface.

  Not only that, everything, such as industrial scale, energy use, and production methods, has also regressed to the prosperous era or even earlier.

  This is not a simple matter of adding or subtracting calorific value. The ecosystem of this planet has already adapted to the production activities of the prosperous era, and now everything has changed violently.

  No one knows when this planet will adapt to everything again, especially when this planet is almost buried by dust.

  Perhaps humans should take the initiative to adapt to this drastic change.

  Interestingly, the life activities of the mutant slime mold were not affected by radiation, but the scale of activities was reduced due to global cooling.

  Thanks to this, the Human Union can deploy more military forces to the front line, and this war finally ushered in the dawn of victory.

  Zhao Feiyu briefly recounted the news he knew and what was happening in Jinhe City.

  ”The Human Union is planning to build a more efficient reconstruction agency in the hope of resuming production in the shortest possible time, while also dealing with the humanitarian disasters caused by climate change.”

  ”The refugee settlements in Jinhe City will be changed into settlements, and some researchers and engineers will assist the residents who are stranded there and unable to enter the shelters to start reconstruction work… Our jurisdiction has also been transferred from the Central Wartime Research Institute to the local management agency. Next, we will probably do some work on disease prevention and treatment and improvement of drug production methods.”

  ”Although I personally think this is a good thing, I’m afraid it also means that reconstruction will become a long-term work with a cycle of ten or even twenty years… It’s difficult.”

  Zhao Feiyu smiled, trying to ease the heavy atmosphere, but seeing that there was no smile behind the protective mask, he immediately restrained his smile.

  ”…Although it is difficult, I still believe that everything will be fine.”

  Seeing that Yul was still silent, he paused, looked into the distance and said.

  ”I have a few tickets to the future – well, I won’t keep you in suspense. They are hibernation capsules with a validity period of fifty years. The Human Union thanks us for our work. The formula of the anti-radiation agent has saved many people, and the radiation elimination agent has also… Our work has been completed, and we can go to the future to enjoy life.”

  Yul smiled bitterly.

  ”What if I go there?”

  Zhao Feiyu’s expression froze for a moment, and then he said with a smile.

  ”It won’t be a big deal if I go there, but everything will be back to normal in fifty years. All the unhappiness will be over after a good night’s sleep. Don’t you think it’s great? Of course, it’s not all good. Now three years is a generation. If you communicate with a guy from more than a dozen generations later, the generation gap may be greater than that between humans and dogs -”

  ”Do you believe it?” Yul looked at him and interrupted his fantasy.

  Zhao Feiyu fell silent.

  There is no need to answer this question.

  No one has counted the number of people who died directly or indirectly in the war, but just looking at the abandoned high-rise buildings, it is not difficult to guess that this must be an astronomical number.

  Back to the prosperous era.

  If it was really that easy, why would there be shelters in the shelter plan that hibernate for hundreds of years?

  Seeing that the senior fell silent, Yuer continued to ask.

  ”What are you going to do?”

  Zhao Feiyu sighed.

  ”I plan to stay…”

  Yuer did not speak, but listened quietly to him continue.

  ”Although the current situation is terrible, there are many people who need my research, and I have my family and friends in this era. I can’t drag everyone to the future. A person’s life is only so long, and I want to stay with them for the rest of the time.”

  After a pause, he looked at Yuer.

  ”Although it’s a bit selfish to say this, I still hope you can go.”

  Yuer said bluntly.

  ”Because I’m more withdrawn.”

  ”No, not that reason,” Zhao Feiyu said with a wry smile, “Okay, I’ll tell you the truth. The Human Union hopes that we can arrange a few researchers to go to the future, because as you can see, this is not a crisis that will end immediately. If everything ends in fifty years, of course everyone will be happy. If not… at least someone has to take us to move forward.”

  Yuer was silent for a long time and sighed.

  ”Then I’ll go to that beautiful new world for you.”


  Yuer finally chose to go to the future.

  He himself didn’t know why he made this decision.

  Maybe he still had a little fantasy about the world fifty years later, or maybe he was simply desperate about the current situation.

  It doesn’t matter which era he goes to, as long as it’s not now.

  Since people in the future may need him, and people now also need someone to go to the future to help their children.

  Then go to the future. Anyway,

  he has no offspring.

  The relationship between him and his parents is also indifferent.

  The young people of his generation are like this. Compared with blood and tradition, they care more about the realization of self-worth and souls that can resonate spiritually.

  After making all psychological preparations, he calmly lay in the hibernation capsule, just like countless explorers heading to the future, and began this one-way journey of time.

  However, even though he was mentally prepared, the development of things was still beyond his expectations.

  It was also beyond the expectations of Chu Guang, who was standing aside and watching quietly.

  When Yule woke up again, he was not facing the wasteland fifty years later, but nearly two centuries later.

  “2320 years…” Xiao Qi, who was sitting on Chu Guang’s shoulder, opened his eyes wide and exclaimed in a low voice, “That means… he slept for a full 191 years?! Shocking!”

  ”In the year 191 of the Wasteland Era… not long after Torch came out of Shelter No. 117,” Chu Guang glanced at Xiao Qi while saying, “You’ve already watched the entire memory, why are you still surprised?”

  Xiao Qi’s expression froze, and he subtly moved his eyes away and looked to the side.

  ”Hey… this is more atmospheric.”

  Chu Guang: “…”

  What a hammer atmosphere…

  ”Okay, okay, don’t pay attention to these details, it’s almost over… Woo woo woo, I really want to stay with the master for a while.”

  ”Don’t you follow me every day?”

  ”How can it be the same!”

  ”Is there a difference?” ”

  Of course there is! One is outside, the other is inside… Well, how to describe it?” After thinking for a while, Xiao Qi’s eyes suddenly lit up, and he smiled shyly and said, “It’s like the master entered Xiao Qi’s body… Hehe.”

  Chu Guang: “…”

  The still picture continued to flow.

  Xiao Qi pressed the button to continue playing without authorization, and Yuer, who sat up from the hibernation capsule, looked around blankly.

  After a brief conversation with the staff standing by, he learned that he had been sleeping for nearly two hundred years, and his expression was complicated as if he had overturned all kinds of emotions.

  People cannot fulfill promises beyond their own lifespan.

  It is even more impossible for a group of people.

  He should have expected this to be the case, but the current situation was still beyond his expectations.

  The fifty-year freezing period, the promised pension and honor…all of them disappeared with the disappearance of the Human Union.

  They entered a new era, and

  the people born in this era called it the Wasteland Era.

  In fact, after the Human Union, an organization called the Post-War Reconstruction Committee was born, and his predecessor worked for that organization for a period of time.

  The staff of this institute brought him his predecessor’s notes, and he found a letter left by his predecessor on it.

  ”…Mr. Yule, I’m sorry to have kept you sleeping for so long. I’ve been hesitating whether to defrost you on your eightieth birthday, but then I remembered what you said, that you wanted to go to the Brave New World. We may have to wait a little longer…”

  ”Now is 2174, the 45th year of the Wasteland Era. As for when you can see this letter, I’m not sure… Maybe 2229? But I hope it’s best, no one has ever slept so long before.”

  ”My body is getting worse and worse. Even if I replace my bionic organs, the remaining parts will still age, and things have been a mess recently. Those idiots didn’t fight enough fifty years ago, and they started fighting again recently… As expected, the War Construction Committee was disbanded. Now there are enterprises, academies and legions. No one knows what the future will be like.”

  ”Ah, you may be confused after seeing all this. Where should I start to explain it to you… Anyway, the War Reconstruction Committee is the Post-War Reconstruction Committee, which is the organization I told you about before that was set up for more efficient reconstruction. You can think of it as a continuation of the Human Union because it has successfully inherited all the bad habits of the Human Union. Of course, it also has its good points, but it doesn’t matter now. The best times are over, over again.”

  ”I never thought that I would have the honor of experiencing the end of the world twice in my life. Now we stand with the survivors of Singularity City, which is the refugee settlement next to the previous research institute. Now it has developed into a well-established city. A few days ago, researchers who fled here from the east coast joined us. I read their research… To be honest, their ideas are simply fantastic.”

  ”I have the same idea as them. As long as humans are humans, they will repeat the mistakes that humans are bound to make countless times… If they want to solve all problems once and for all, they can only turn humans into another new species that is strong, long-lived, intelligent and docile. They call it a perfect life form! This is a rare opportunity. How about giving the new human a pair of cat ears? Haha, just a joke, don’t take it seriously.”

  ”Those guys are really brave. They actually used unstable experimental reagents directly on themselves. But the effect is unexpectedly amazing. Now that we have a ‘strong physique’, the next step is to think about how to engrave more excellent qualities into DNA.”

  ”You may think I’m crazy, and I actually think so too, but… this is the only thing I can do for my fellow countrymen as a researcher.”

  ”Let’s put the research aside and talk about something happy. The unity shown by the residents of Singularity City gives me hope. It only took them a short time to give up their fantasies and decide to be their own saviors. There are also signs of improvement in winter. Perhaps it won’t be long before we can grow more food outside… The situation is optimistic. Maybe everything will be better in another fifty years.”

  ”I’m sorry that I took the initiative to extend your hibernation period, but please believe that I meant well. I’ve always felt guilty about bringing you to Jinhe City when you just entered society, and you ended up staying in the laboratory until the last day before the end of the world. It’s a pity that the past can’t be returned, but at least in the future I hope you can live in a beautiful new world… If possible, I would like to apologize to you in person, but after thinking about it, I decided to tell you these things in a letter.”

  ”I’m too old to time travel, and this letter may be the last message I leave in this world.”

  ”I wish you a happy life in the new world.”

  ”To my dear friend.”

  ”- A friend who chose to stay in the past. ”

  After reading the letter from beginning to end, Yule was silent for a long time, took a deep breath, and put away the notebook and the letter together.

  Now, he is truly alone in this world.

  The only umbilical cord between him and the world is probably the letter in his hand and the unfinished research of his predecessor.

  Standing behind him, an old man said softly.

  ”Your friend is a respectable scientific researcher.”

  Yule turned and looked at him.

  ”You are…”

  the old man said softly.

  ”Luo Qian, from Shelter No. 117.”

  Hearing this name, Chu Guang’s face showed a surprised expression, but Yule’s expression did not change at all, and he did not have any affection for the word shelter. More

  than two hundred years have passed…

  Even if the language has not changed at all, even if they are the same human beings, can they really be considered the same species?

  ”Do you know my predecessor?”

  The old man shook his head, but nodded.

  ”I have been in the shelter since I was born, and I escaped from that cage some time ago. Naturally, it is impossible for me to know someone more than a century ago. ”

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”But if I have the chance to meet him, I think I will become very good friends with him.”

  Yule looked at him strangely.

  ”Why do you think so?”

  Luo Qian smiled gently.

  ”Thinking itself is a subjective behavior, and scientific research is even more so. I learned about his research and then learned about him as a person.”


  Looking at Yuer who seemed to be thinking about something, Luo Qian slowly spoke.

  ”As long as people are still people, they will definitely repeat the same mistakes… We agree with his point of view. We have seen too many hopeless stupidities along the way, either eating people alive or eating people in various ways.”

  Yuer’s face did not show any surprise, but just said lightly.

  ”Has the outside world become like this?”

  He was not surprised at all.

  Rather, when he learned that it was two hundred years later, he already had an idea of ​​the situation outside.

  Luo Qian nodded gently and continued.

  ”We don’t want to be pessimistic and think that this is a curse engraved in our genes, but most of my companions and I are tired.”

  ”Since leaving the shelter, we have been looking for seeds that can hatch miracles. The first stop is Boulder City, and then other settlements… However, we have walked more than 800 kilometers, and we haven’t seen even the slightest shadow of hope. Instead, we have lost many outstanding people.”

  ”Singularity City is the last stop. We agreed that if this place doesn’t work, we will give up.”

  Yuer asked.

  ”Then did you give up?”

  Luo Qian smiled and said.

  ”Almost… We gave up when we saw those green monsters. Even if those old priests still have a little bit of human conscience and respect for knowledge, and let us go alone, it can’t change the fact that they have fallen.”

  ”Outside the institute are cannibals…” Yuer looked at the envelope in his hand and touched his chin, “In other words… Did the research of the predecessors fail?”

  For some reason.

  He didn’t have any regrets in his heart, but… a little happy.

  In this way, the choice he made with his life at stake was not meaningless. Although this was not a brave new world, at least there were things he could do.

  Just like now.

  This “meaning” was in his hands.

  ”I don’t think it was a failure, just incomplete,” Luo Qian continued, “He gave the new humans a strong body, but also planted the seeds of violence in their genes. He intended to solve this problem in the future, but unfortunately the seeds sprouted before he solved the problem… If we had woken up earlier and met him earlier, it would have been great.”

  ”That coward holding the key always persuaded us to wait a little longer, and let us believe in a human union that couldn’t even save itself, as if all problems could be solved as long as we followed orders step by step and handed everything over to our children.”

  ”Then we watched the flames go out little by little until the endless night swallowed up this land. No matter how far we went, there would be no miracles… no matter how many light years away or decades later.”

  When he said this, Luo Qian looked at Yur.

  ”We plan to end this meaningless journey and continue his research. If possible, I hope you can help us.”

  ”Complete the unfinished perfect life form?” Yuer thought for a moment and said simply, “I see, I will help.”

  Luo Qian looked at him in surprise, and then a smile appeared on his wrinkled face.

  Putting away the smile, he solemnly stretched out his right hand.

  ”Thank you for joining us. There is another excellent crew member on the ship to the new world.”

  ”You’re welcome.”

  Yuer held his right hand and shook it.

  ”My idea is the same as yours. If I can’t wait for the new world after sleeping for more than two hundred years, it will be the same if I wait for another two hundred years.”

  ”If I have to be the oar of this ship, I will do it.”

  After this handshake, Luo Qian said goodbye to Yuer and followed the others of Torch to the south. Torch reached an agreement with the local mutants. “Champion” Biopharmaceuticals will help them research prostheses that make mutants stronger, and the mutants need to fulfill their obligations to assist them in their experiments.

  The old priests of the Qi tribe were all survivors of Singularity City. The Ancestors led by them have an extraordinary respect for knowledge and scholars, which is also one of the traditions inherited from Singularity City – a group of technicians helped them a long time ago.

  Although the new generation of mutants of the secular faction are superstitious that the brains of smart people are more delicious, after seeing the power of the modified prosthesis, they have reached a rare consensus with the old guys of the Ancestors – at least not to eat those researchers.

  The experiment continued in an orderly manner.

  When Luo Qian came back again, it was 19 years later – that is, in 2339, 210 years of the Wasteland Era, and the year before Chu Guang woke up.

  Feeling the vicissitudes of time, Chu Guang suddenly sighed.

  With his elbows propped up on his knees, Xiao Qi, who was sitting on his shoulders, turned his head and looked at him.

  ”What’s the matter, master?”

  Chu Guang said concisely.

  ”Nothing, just a little emotional, actually saw the vicissitudes of this land in the memory of a small person.”

  The picture continued to flow.

  During this meeting, Luo Qian had uploaded his thoughts to the circuit board, and the meeting place was changed from reality to the “holy land” in the virtual world.

  At the same time, Luo Qian also brought new news.

  They have established a theocratic kingdom ruled by the Torch Church in the south.

  Under the rule of the “holy land”, people don’t have to argue about meaningless things, and everyone has become the oars of this ship to the new world with all their heart and soul.

  Not only that, he also brought the major research results of the laboratory in the south – a fungal organism called Naguo.

  ”Under the effect of the mind interference device and Naguo, we have successfully realized a utopia without disputes within the scope of a province.”

  Yule asked casually.

  ”What about the project of the perfect life form? Is there any need to continue?”

  Luo Qian stared at him with a sharp eye.

  ”Of course we have to continue. The old human utopia is only a phased result to ensure that our experiment will not be obstructed.”

  ”And the other side we are going to reach in the end is a harmony and prosperity that can be achieved without the help of Nago and the interference of the mind. This means that we must get rid of the shell that restrains our souls and become a creature higher than humans.”

  Yuer nodded.

  ”I understand, then what should I do next?”

  Luo Qian continued.

  ”To solve the problem of Nago’s difficulty in surviving in a low-temperature and dry environment, we need to spread it to more distant places, not just within the boundaries of the Haiya Province.”

  ”I will provide you with some samples… The situation is different now. The survivor settlements around us will slowly join us. By the way, from now on, you are the apostle of the church, and I, who have entered the Holy Land, am the forerunner.”

  ”I am not interested in chanting. This will take up my precious research time.” Yul said impatiently.

  What he hates most is politics.

  He does not need any political power. He just wants to do what he thinks is worthwhile.

  However, the irony is that he seems to have never gotten rid of this bondage in his life. From a long, long time ago, he has been sinking and floating with the boat under his feet.

  Fortunately, this new boss knows him very well.

  Luo Qian laughed and said kindly.

  ”Don’t worry, it’s just in name only. It won’t take up too much of your time.”

  ”With this identity, our plan will go much more smoothly. All the settlements in the entire diocese will cooperate with your experiments.”

  ”No matter what kind of experiment it is.”

  This time, Yul’s face finally showed an interested expression.

  ”It sounds interesting…”

  At this moment, he suddenly understood why they failed again and again.

  It was not because they did not have the opportunity to do everything well, but because they chose the wrong method and tried to rebuild their civilization from the material level with human methods.

  This idea may have been wrong from the beginning.

  The Prosperous Era is a unique example in the history of the Human Union, and it is called a miracle because it is rare.

  Rebuilding the Kingdom of Heaven with human methods will most likely repeat the mistakes made by humans.

  But God is different.

  Replacing human nature with divinity will not make human mistakes.

  Of course, he knew that this road must be full of thorns and some people would die because of it, but even if he did not do this, would fewer people die?

  Maybe more people would die.

  Instead of letting those ignorant guys die for meaningless things, it is better to let them die meaningfully.

  Yuer suddenly showed a happy smile on his face.

  ”I understand, leave it to me… By the way, after a few years, I will follow you to that holy land.”

  Luo Qian smiled kindly and nodded.


  Yuer nodded slightly and left the holy land.

  Looking down at his inner monologue, Chu Guang standing aside sighed softly.

  ”This is too extreme.”


  Songguomu Farm, the annex of Zhaofu Manor.

  Holding a machine gun, Quitting Smoking yawned.

  ”How long do we have to stay here?”

  Fang Chang, who had just logged off to peek at the official website forum, said casually.

  ”It seems that the Goblin Corps has taken over all the work. The mutant reinforcements probably can’t come. It should be very quiet tonight, but don’t take it lightly.” Quitting

  Smoking said with an uncomfortable look.

  ”Damn! This bastard didn’t even leave a mouthful of soup?”

  The murderous dagger raised.

  ”Huh? Who’s calling me brother?”

  Good dog: “%¥#@!”

  The lamb huddled beside the fire to keep warm stretched his little hand to the fire, exploring the warm outline with his palm and fingertips, and amusing himself to find the edge that was not too cold or too hot.

  The flames made her face flushed.

  Although a lot of things happened, her emotions have stabilized.

  Those big brothers in armor were all very good people. They not only drove away the bad guys, but also cured Yinyin and the others, and gave her some very fragrant and sweet chocolates.

  The bodies in the annex had been cleared away. Although the bloodstains on the walls and the ground were a bit scary, it was nothing after seeing them for a long time.

  She was safe now.

  Safer than ever.

  Yinyin sat next to her, wrapped in a blanket. After waking up, she sat motionless and did not respond to anyone who spoke to her.

  Xiaoyang took the chocolate for her, but did not eat it. He kept it all for her.

  I hope she can get better soon.

  At this time, the tall sister came over.

  After taking a look at Yinyin who was curled up and had lifeless eyes, Chen Yutong’s face showed a trace of concern and worry, and she looked at Xiaoyang and asked.

  ”Is she better?”

  Xiaoyang shook his head gently.

  At this moment, Yinyin suddenly raised her head.



  Although he didn’t hear clearly what the little girl said, seeing that she finally responded, Chen Yutong immediately squatted beside her.

  ”Are you feeling okay now? Are you feeling uncomfortable?”

  Yin Yin shook her head and continued to look at Chen Yutong, whispering.

  ”My dad… Is he okay?”

  Chen Yutong fell silent.

  Guessing something vaguely from the expression of this sister, Yin Yin’s eyes oozed tears and continued to ask in a trembling voice.

  ”Then… Where is my brother? Sister… And the housekeeper.”

  That silent expression said it all.

  Bean-sized tears fell from her cheeks, she hugged her knees tightly, sobbing constantly.

  ”… Why.”

  Xiao Yang touched her head and whispered.

  ”Don’t be sad…”

  Yin Yin, with tears in her eyes, bit her lips tightly, unable to say a word, and didn’t know how to face her friend.

  She thought about helping her leave this cage, but that was out of sympathy, pity or kindness, and never thought of it in this way.

  Her father is gone…

  What should she do in the future?

  Vaguely understanding the worry in Yin Yin’s eyes, Xiao Yang whispered to comfort her.

  ”…Well, although our family may not have such a big house, it should be quite big. I will ask my father to take care of you.”

  Yin Yin looked at her.

  The cold eyes made Xiaoyang feel that her friend suddenly became so strange, so strange that she even felt a little scared.

  ”You are very proud now, right… You are finally free.”

  Xiaoyang looked at her in astonishment, not understanding why she said that.

  Yinyin obviously didn’t understand why she said such a thing, and she didn’t understand why she was angry at Xiaoyang.

  She was obviously her best friend.

  But Yinyin didn’t want to apologize for it, and turned her neck to the side.

  Looking at this sulky child, Chen Yutong sighed.

  To be honest.

  Her father was at least 90% responsible for the settlement becoming like this, and it was not an exaggeration to say that he had brought it upon himself.

  He already had absolute power, but he wanted more, and at this time someone just threw a very fragrant bait in front of him.

  With an almost arrogant confidence in his own abilities, he bit the hook almost without hesitation, and even fantasized about using the chips in his hand to intrigue with the church thousands of miles away.

  But she didn’t expect that they didn’t even treat him as a human being. He didn’t even deserve to leave a name in the experimental log, only a line of scribbled numbers.


  she still couldn’t help but sympathize with this child.

  Touching the little girl’s head, Chen Yutong said softly.

  ”There are many things in this world that we can’t do anything about… This has nothing to do with our efforts and choices. Even if you didn’t accidentally enter that basement today, even if you didn’t do anything, what happened tonight would still happen.”

  ”I don’t know if saying this will make you feel better, but… at least don’t embarrass yourself or the people around you. You are all victims, and you are not the ones who should be responsible for this. Your friend bravely rescued you. If it were me, I would say thank you to her.”

  As she spoke, Chen Yutong looked at Xiaoyang and said softly.

  ”Can you come with your sister? I may need your help.”

  Xiaoyang looked at Yinyin, who turned her face away and didn’t speak, worriedly. Although she didn’t want to leave her aside, she nodded sensibly.

  ”Well… I’ll help.”

  Chen Yutong curled the corners of her mouth and stood up on her knees.

  ”Come with me.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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