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Chapter 589 Virtual God

Chapter 589 Virtual God


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 589 Virtual Gods

  ”These damn beasts…”

  The bridge of the Iron Heart.

  Looking through the sighting equipment at the pyramid made of human heads and the bloodstains on the walls more than ten kilometers away, the captain of the Iron Heart couldn’t help but curse in a low voice.

  Glancing at the captain standing beside him, Chu Guang looked out the French window of the bridge again and spoke slowly.

  ”If they knew that this provocation was effective, they would soon build a second or third Jingguan, or even kill everyone the moment they lose.”

  ”These guys are quite active in killing people. There is no need for us to waste ammunition in meaningless places.”

  From a practical point of view, the benefits of delivering indirect firepower to urban areas densely populated with concrete are quite limited.

  Not to mention artillery such as howitzers that rely on fragmentation to kill, even strategic nuclear weapons with a yield of tens of thousands of tons are not as exaggerated as in film and television works when facing concrete bunkers.

  There are records of instances where people who were in concrete buildings within five or six hundred meters of the explosion center survived when an atomic bomb exploded, and as long as they didn’t run out to take a look, they didn’t even have sequelae.

  As for mutants, let alone.

  This kind of creature can only be killed directly by excessive neutron rays, and it is unrealistic to expect to kill it indirectly by the aftereffects of cancer.

  ”…I understand.” The captain nodded heavily.

  At Chu Guang’s signal, he looked at the adjutant beside him and gave an order.

  ”Lower the anchor chain!”

  The adjutant saluted.


  The huge steel anchor chain was thrown from the belly of the airship and hit the ground heavily, raising a rolling dust on the surface.

  Then the elevator was lowered.

  As the vanguard and construction equipment were successively delivered to the surface, the decks became busy.

  Chu Guang briefly explained a few words to the captain, then turned to the confinement room and looked at Yul who was fixed in a wheelchair.

  He was wearing a pair of virtual reality glasses on his head, connected to the sighting equipment of the airship, and facing the Jingguan made of human heads.

  ”Is this the heaven you want to go to?” Chu Guang looked at him and said.

  Yuer didn’t say anything, just sat there quietly, as if he hadn’t woken up from the “sleepwalking” state.

  But Chu Guang knew that this guy had woken up before dawn, and was just pretending to be crazy.

  Chu Guang looked at him and continued.

  ”Where is the holy land.”

  After a long silence.

  Yuer suddenly chuckled, as if he was laughing at himself and everyone else.

  ”Don’t you know it already?”

  ”I know that the holy land is virtual, I’m asking where its server is?” After a pause, Chu Guang continued, “Or to put it another way, how to destroy it.”

  Yuer expressed his uncooperative attitude with silence.

  Chu Guang didn’t care, and continued in a very light voice.

  ”The bionic chip inserted in your brain has locked up part of your memory. Our experts on the airship do find it difficult, but you should know that even so, it is only a matter of time for us to crack it.”

  ”Is it bluffing?”

  ”No,” Chu Guang said calmly, “it suggested to me that I send your brain to the Ideal City for slow research, but in this way you will have no possibility of atonement.”


  Yur suddenly laughed out loud, turned his face wearing VR glasses towards Chu Guang, and raised his voice.

  ”Why should I atone? What sin have I committed? Compared to the people killed by the wasteland, compared to the people turned into livestock or beasts by the wasteland, the few people we sacrificed are insignificant, not to mention that those guys were already living like livestock… Even if we do nothing, they will rot on their own.”

  ”If you really understand them, you should know that they are hopelessly stupid. They will put chains around their necks and speak ill of those who try to help them. They just want to be animals. I think they adapt to this wasteland better than anyone else, and hope that the wasteland will continue to exist more than anyone else. It is better to make their lives a little more meaningful. At least their death in our hands can serve as fuel to end the wasteland.”

  Yul laughed hoarsely, and his laughter gradually became crazy.

  It was like he was crazy.

  Lu Bei, who was standing behind Chu Guang, stared at this twisted and rude guy, and the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily.

  Chu Guang looked at Yul expressionlessly. It

  was not until his voice became hoarse and he could no longer laugh that he slowly spoke.

  ”Then who decides what you call meaning?”

  Yul continued in a hoarse voice.

  ”No one needs to define it. The descendants living in the new world will give an objective evaluation of what we have done. It doesn’t matter if they curse us. I didn’t do these things for honor or fame.”

  Chu Guang looked at him with pity.

  ”What a pity.”

  ”…” Yul didn’t say anything, and put on an expression that didn’t care about anything.

  Chu Guang looked at him and continued.

  ”Even if you go to the new world, your wasteland will not end. This land will become a wasteland in another sense. And your sacrifice has no meaning. From beginning to end, it is just your own self-satisfaction.”

  Yul finally couldn’t help but refute.

  ”How do you know what people will think in the future?”

  ”It’s not a question of whether I know or not, but why are you so sure?” Chu Guang stared at him and said word by word, “You haven’t even lived in the heaven you imagined for a second, but you expect to use heaven’s methods to solve the problems on earth.”

  ”If a person is hungry, we will give him food to maintain basic survival, and then tell him how to get more and how to live with more dignity, instead of suggesting that he change to a bionic stomach that can digest even mud and a mouth that can chew even stones.”

  Yule smiled coldly.

  ”You think too simply. If you don’t get hungry, the wasteland will end? Then the wasteland would not exist from the beginning. This is not a problem of hunger at all-”

  ”But at least hunger is a specific problem. Solve this problem first, then we can solve the next problem,” Chu Guang looked at him expressionlessly, and retorted unceremoniously, “Expecting that there is a common optimal solution for all specific problems, and that all problems can be solved once and for all as long as you become a new human, then what then?”

  Yule was stunned and blurted out slowly.


  ”Yes, then what? How do you plan to solve the problem of the new humans? Design a life form that is more perfect than the new humans and pull everyone to ‘evolve’ again? Or jump from one utopia to another?”

  Looking at Yuer who was silent, Chu Guang continued.

  ”Unfortunately, this is the method you left for future generations to solve the problem. If you fail, it’s fine, but if there is a one in ten thousand chance that you are lucky enough to succeed, that would be the biggest disaster.”

  ”Any cost will become a necessary sacrifice. They will repeat today’s tragedy over and over again, and then drown others in impossible dreams. So am I thinking too simply, or are you thinking too simply?”

  Retracting his gaze from the blank face, Chu Guang knew that he had never considered these things, and continued coldly.

  ”Maybe one day we will evolve into a new species, but that must be because we happen to have reached that stage, not just for the sake of evolution, or to solve problems for the sake of solving problems.”

  ”I gave you a chance to atone, but now it seems that I have wasted my time.”

  ”You’d better go somewhere else to repent.”

  Throwing down these words, Chu Guang turned and walked out the door.

  Yuer stared blankly at the direction where the footsteps left, and suddenly spoke in a panic.

  ”Wait a minute.”

  Chu Guang, who had already walked to the door, stopped and looked back at him.

  ”What’s wrong?”

  Yuer was silent for a while, and then slowly spoke.

  ”The Holy Land is not on the ‘ground’, and of course not in a server. It is a server array composed of countless bionic chips, which is connected into a large network with the assistance of one or more nodes… The Holy Land is this network.”

  Lv Bei showed a trace of surprise on his face.

  On the one hand, he was surprised at the Holy Land composed of countless bionic chips, and on the other hand, he was surprised that this stubborn guy actually confessed. It was

  not only Lv Bei who was surprised. In fact, even Yuer himself was not sure whether he was doing the right thing.

  The memory extractor not only pulled out his memory roughly, but also reminded him of many trivial things that he had long forgotten.

  He is a researcher, and he should know better than anyone that bold assumptions and careful verification should be the most basic methodology.

  However, the irony is that he clearly knew but did not do it, instead pinning his hopes on replacing humanity with divinity.

  Perhaps it is just as the manager in front of him said.

  The end of this dream is not heaven, but hell in another sense…

  As he said this, Yul slowly turned his wrist tied to the armrest, raised his bent index finger, and pointed to his brain.

  ”For example, I have one here… It’s just that the signal here is not very good, so it can’t connect to the network.”

  The Iron Heart itself is a large iron shell. Unless standing on the deck, information exchange with the outside world can only be through a dedicated information interface.

  That channel is monitored by Xiaoqi, so Luo Qian naturally would not leave such an obvious handle and take the initiative to get in.

  This is also the reason why Eclipse was able to unexpectedly reactivate the power-off chip through Zhao Tiangan’s body and connect to the Holy Land.

  Because at the moment Zhao Tiangan died, Luo Qian lost the connection with the chip. Biochips need human life activities to provide energy.

  If it was through Yuer’s chip, he would not be able to enter the Holy Land at all, because it was basically known that he was captured.

  Chu Guang frowned slightly.

  ”Distributed computing?”

  Yuer laughed self-deprecatingly.

  ”Although it is different, you can understand it this way… Each chip is a cell that constitutes ‘Luo Qian’ and the ‘Holy Land’, and all cells share intelligence in a shared network. When one of the chips is offline, the data stored in that chip exists as an independent personality. For example, there is a Luo Qian living in my brain now.”

  Chu Guang fell into deep thought.

  ”I see.”

  This is very similar to Xiao Qi.

  Sometimes when entering an area without signal, Xiao Qi can still communicate with him through VM or other electronic devices, but in fact, the one communicating with him is not Xiao Qi in the shelter, but a sub-individual split from Xiao Qi at time point A. For the sake of

  convenience, let’s call the main body A and the sub-individual A1.

  A1 has all the cached data before time point A, as well as the computing power of all portable terminals added together.

  So even if A1 does not have all the data and computing power of A, it can still communicate with him normally, but because of the interruption of communication, the data between A1 and A is not shared.

  However, when the signal is restored, the data between A1 and A will begin to flow again, and the two will be combined into one through the exchange of information.

  Although it may be strange to think from a human perspective, it is a very common thing for digital life. After all ,

  information is everything in digital life.

  It is precisely for this reason that Xiao Qi is always very clingy, and every time he goes out, he pesters Chu Guang to take him with him.

  Luo Qian is probably a similar existence.

  Each chip stores a part of the fragment of the “Holy Land”. Under normal communication conditions, all the chips together constitute the entire server array.

  The loss of one of the chips is of no concern to him. After all, he can exist even with only one chip and one brain.

  It’s just that in that case, it is not very convenient to do anything due to the limitation of computing power.

  Unlike Chu Guang who was lost in thought, Lu Bei’s expression gradually changed, and he couldn’t help asking.

  ”Countless…how many are they?”

  If Luo Qian buried a thousand or even ten thousand chips in Jinhe City, wouldn’t that be endless?

  They couldn’t just chop off everyone’s heads like the mutants did?

  Even if it was to destroy the Torch Church, this approach was too extreme. It was even

  more unrealistic to do a CT scan of everyone’s brain.

  Bionic chip implantation surgery is usually done in secret, and the materials used are all special carbon-based materials. Ordinary MRIs can’t detect them at all, let alone the temporary laboratories on the front line.

  If you want to find out all of them, you have to use at least the scanning bed in the shelter. Or you have to use a memory extractor to retrieve the traces of the bionic chip working frame by frame from the visible memory.

  Yule shook his head.

  ”Except the bishop himself, no one knows how many there are… I’m afraid even the Son of God doesn’t know.”

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”But it shouldn’t be necessary to install one for everyone. After all, I heard that the thing is made of black boxes, and black boxes have a working life. For example… peripheral apostles like Zhang Zhengyang don’t have implanted chips, and he needs us to communicate with Luo Qian.”

  ”I think so.” Chu Guang nodded.

  He remembered that He Ya said that most of the black boxes in Shelter No. 117 were bionic organs.

  And the first black box he recovered from Shelter No. 117 was a neural connection unit that could make a brain-computer interface.

  Later, the Torch Church also tried to recover the black box from him, as well as the administrator’s log left by the former shelter director, but failed.

  After thinking for a moment, Chu Guang continued slowly.

  ”If I were him, I would probably install one for each plantation owner and heir, so that I could indirectly control all plantation-style settlements, and then select a few individuals who are easy to manage to mix in, as servers that contribute computing power and backup purposes, and as backup options in case of emergency.”

  Coincidentally, most of Jinhe City are such settlements, and even places like Hope Town where power is relatively decentralized are a minority of the minority. It’s

  not just Jinhe City, but the entire Jinchuan Province.

  The hawks and dogs raised by the nobles of Boulder City have opened up almost all the markets that can be developed here and transformed them into the shapes they want.

  In this way, when Luo Qian executes the plan, he only needs to use a small part of the chess pieces, and most of the chess pieces can be safely hidden in the dark.

  Whether it is to give everyone a comprehensive inspection or to kill everyone here, it is a difficult task in terms of workload.

  No wonder he gave up Zhao Tiangan, the chess piece, without hesitation…

  He had already laid an invisible and intangible net, covering more than 90% of the survivors in the entire Jinhe City.

  Looking at Chu Guang who was lost in thought, Yuer smiled faintly.

  ”It’s very Torch-like, isn’t it? The Son of God is only a nominal leader and a spiritual totem. The plan is made by every pioneer who enters the Holy Land.”

  ”In each parish, the pioneer is the Son of God who exercises divine power and is the totem admired by believers, while the real executors are every apostle connected to the Holy Land and the countless believers who are guided.”

  Chu Guang suddenly thought of something and spoke.

  ”Are you Yuer or Luo Qian now?”

  Yuer was silent for a long time.

  This is a difficult question to answer.

  If he puts all the responsibility on a certain devil living in his heart, it may indeed reduce his sins.

  But is it really so?

  After a long time, he smiled bitterly and shook his head.

  ”I don’t know.”

  ”Maybe… both.”


  The door of the confinement room was closed again.

  Following behind Chu Guang, Lu Bei slightly quickened his pace and walked to his side, asking in a low voice.

  ”How to deal with that person?”

  Chu Guang said casually.

  ”It depends on him. In fact, I prefer to keep this chess piece by my side rather than handing him over to the enterprise for research.”

  Of course, if the Council is interested in the secrets of that guy, he doesn’t mind bringing along old friends from the East Coast. Anyway,

  it’s so far away, and it’s unlikely that the enterprise will come here to investigate by itself. In the end, it still has to rely on the “local snake” of the Alliance.

  Lu Bei looked at Chu Guang in confusion and asked.

  ”What’s the point of doing this?”

  To be honest, he didn’t quite understand why he had to waste so much time talking to the prisoner. He had ten thousand ways to make that guy honest.

  He didn’t even need the technology of the enterprise.

  Chu Guang could probably guess what the young man was thinking and said with a smile.

  ”Of course there is, you should have heard that every bionic chip is a sanctuary, and Luo Qian lives in it. The one on that guy is naturally one, and we have just negotiated with him for half an hour.”

  He continued after glancing at the time on the VM.

  ”This is actually a good start. Didn’t you notice? That guy has gradually begun to doubt whether the extreme ideal he insisted on is correct… And as he said, the two personalities of Yuer and Luo Qian exist in his body at the same time.”

  ”His decision is actually a joint decision of the two people.”

  ”It’s just that he can’t distinguish them subconsciously.”

  The memory extractor has retrieved all of Yuer’s memories, but still has not retrieved the specific location of the sanctuary and the method to destroy it.

  It can only mean that the memory is not in his mind at all, but cached on the bionic chip in his brain.

  Now Yuer took the initiative to hand it over. Obviously, this is not just his decision, but also the decision of one of Luo Qian’s clones.

  Otherwise, even if he wanted to confess, he couldn’t do it.

  When facing questions that cannot be answered, the psychological defense line of the two souls has already had a gap, so he thinks this is a good start.

  After listening to Chu Guang’s explanation, Lu Bei’s eyes suddenly lit up.

  ”I understand! As long as the chip in his head communicates data with Luo Qian outside, the idea can be transmitted to… the holy land where Luo Qian is?”

  It’s like hiding a bomb in a package and sending it to Luo Qian!

  This is the only metaphor he can think of, but the more he thinks about it, the more reliable this method is, and his eyes are shining brighter.

  As expected of a manager!

  Lu Bei looked at Chu Guang with even more admiration.

  But Chu Guang himself, after listening to the young man’s interpretation, laughed and said.

  ”It’s not as simple as you say. If the problem can be solved by talking nonsense, there is no need to drive the Heart of Steel here.”

  Lu Bei was stunned.

  ”Ah, it’s not possible?”

  Chu Guang shook his head.

  ”After all, it is impossible for the data cached on a terminal to overwrite the data of the entire network.”

  It’s like the data cached on Xiaoqi’s terminal will not overwrite the data on the host even if it is separated from the host for a while.

  Luo Qian does not have a fixed host to save data, but chooses to disperse all of his self on various bionic chips implanted in the brain.

  The advantage of doing this is that the host’s location will not be found and destroyed, but there is also a fatal flaw.

  When the environment where most of his “clones” live has undergone fundamental changes, and they cannot be brainwashed through the mind interference device, this huge network formed by countless nodes may be easily subverted from the bottom up.

  After all, bionic chips need to rely on the human brain to exist. If there is no mind interference device, the two actually affect each other.

  At least the fuzzy calculation part that constitutes personality must be calculated on the human brain… Chu Guang heard all this knowledge from Yin Fang.

  Lu Bei looked at Chu Guang blankly and scratched the back of his head in shame.

  ”Sorry, sir… I didn’t understand, or you can just tell me what to do.”

  Chu Guang smiled and said.

  ”In short, the bastard hiding in the sanctuary thinks that this wasteland is hopeless and the world must be destroyed once before it can be reborn.”

  ”Since they have this stupid idea, let’s show them how we do it!”

  Doesn’t that guy think that this world is hopeless?

  Then let him see what the alliance does!

  From mutants to slave owners, he will get rid of the troubles here one by one.

  And when that time comes, he wants to see that guy, no matter how shamelessly he says “no hope”.

  First of all, the first thing…

  Chu Guang thought for two seconds and spoke.

  ”Well, there’s trouble at Songguomu Farm. Please contact the Army Command for me and ask them to dispatch a troop immediately.”

  If Zhao Tiangan and the Apostle are not the only chip holders, it means that Luo Qian outside still has countless eyes in Songguomu Farm.

  With the psychic interference device turned off, the communication shielding there has been lifted.

  Maybe they will find a way to send the mutants directly in.

  After all, that guy himself said that there is a passage leading to the outside world in the basement of the church, but he didn’t say that there is only one passage.

  Lu Bei’s expression immediately became serious, and he didn’t ask the reason, and took the order without saying a word.

  ”I’ll go now!”

  Looking at Lu Bei who was leaving quickly, Chu Guang suddenly had an idea and thought of something.

  Speaking of which…

  today is the third day.

  ”Wait a minute.”

  Hearing the voice of the manager, Lu Bei stopped and turned back to say respectfully.

  ”Do you have any other instructions?”

  Chu Guang said with a smile.

  ”The opponent should be a mutant.”

  ”Let the brothers of the Jungle Corps go!”


  (Thanks to the leader “是苦无泪” for the reward!!! And the two big guys “三生缘ε伊雷娜з” and “IAG_启神” for booking the whole theater at Qidian. The booking time is December 1st to 8th. Please read it for free! Book friends can search the name of the novel on the Qidian Reading APP and make an appointment on the novel details page. During the booking period, book friends can follow the chapters I update for free within 48 hours!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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