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Chapter 59: Moonlight

Chapter 59: Moonlight

2024-01-17 作者: 枚可

  Chapter 59: Moonlight is on the Man

  The cold air was everywhere, with only a few wisps of moonlight falling from the top of the meat mountain.

  Yang Shifei was trapped in layers of snake bodies. He looked around and saw the dense snake scales crisscrossing and wriggling, and he couldn’t help but feel a little frightened.

  This scene was indeed beyond his expectations.

  ”——Sir, how do you feel?”

  Jasmine leaned out from above the snake body meat mountain, her long hair falling like a waterfall.


  her sharp snake eyes and smiled, “Are you scared?”

  ”Not bad.” Yang Shifei quickly regained his composure and said in amazement, “I didn’t expect that Miss Jasmine’s true form is actually a snake demon.”
Jasmine raised her eyebrows slightly.

  This man is indeed as the lady and Tanxiang said, he is not afraid of their true forms.

  Jasmine’s mouth corners slightly raised. He is an interesting man.

  Yang Shifei pointed curiously again: “Is this huge snake body part of your body?”

  ”Yes. The size of this true body can be controlled at will, and these snake scales are formed by filth, which can be regarded as a layer of armor to protect the body. Under the filthy snake scales, it is my body.”

  Jasmine chuckled: “Seriously speaking, I am indeed no different from a snake demon.”

  Yang Shifei nodded suddenly.

  He approached and took a closer look at the snake body. Under the dark red snake scales, the skin was as translucent as white jade and as fine as agar ointment.

  ”Looking closely, it’s quite beautiful.”


  Jasmine’s smile froze and she was stunned. What nonsense is this person talking about.

  Yang Shifei chuckled twice again: “Miss, don’t you know that among those strange stories circulating in the neighborhood, the most popular one is the snake spirit. If the big snake turns into a human, it will be a stunning beauty, and every frown and smile can move people’s hearts.”

  Jasmine was stunned: “Is there, is there such a strange story?”

  She usually reads a lot, but she has never heard of it at all.

  ”Of course, I’ve seen quite a few before.” Yang Shifei said happily, “The one that impressed me the most was the story of a pretty boy and a snake demon falling in love and getting married. Oh, I almost forgot that the snake demon also had a sister with him. What a coincidence.”

  As he spoke, he observed the snake body wriggling back and forth again: “I didn’t think it was anything special before, but now that I see it with my own eyes, it is indeed quite wonderful.”


  Jasmine pursed her lips and looked strange.

  Are the young lady and Tan Xiang too conservative? This, this Yang Gongzi’s preferences are clearly too… different from ordinary people?

  Seeing that he was still staring at the snake body, she felt a little embarrassed for some reason, and quickly put away her true appearance, and floated back to the ground and stood up.

  Yang Shifei sighed with regret. I want to see more, and it would be even better if I could touch it with my own hands.

  He was really a little curious about whether the snake demon’s body was hot or cold.

  Jasmine blushed: “Sir, do you really like snakes that much?”

  Yang Shifei turned around and smiled: “I’m just not afraid of them. Whether I like them or not depends on whether the snakes are friendly to me.”

  After saying that, he simply said frankly: “In this case, can Miss Jasmine let go of the grudge in her heart?”

  Jasmine was stunned for a moment, and soon laughed out loud.

  ”So you’ve been talking for so long, sir, just to make me happy?”

  ”Miss, you revealed your true form, isn’t it just to test my reaction.” Yang Shifei showed a gentle smile: “Besides, I can really accept your appearance, and what you said just now is not false.”

  ”I understand your kindness.”

  Jasmine couldn’t help laughing, and glared at him with a smile: “It’s amazing that you can make up such a meaningful story.”

  ”Well, this is indeed what I saw before.”

  ”I didn’t hide my true form on purpose just now.”

  Jasmine didn’t care about his “explanation”, and stroked her long skirt casually: “I’m in the bottleneck period before transformation, so this complete true form can’t be maintained for too long, and it’s easy to accumulate too much filth. I hope you can forgive me.”

  Yang Shifei understood in his heart, and asked curiously: “Tan Xiang is a spider, and you are a snake. Are there such differences between sisters?”

  ”The filth was born from within the body, and what the true form will evolve into has nothing to do with our bloodline.”

  Jasmine crossed her arms and said, “As for the reason for the formation of the true form, we are not sure yet. After all, we have lived for more than ten years, and apart from the three of us and the civet cat in your home, we have never seen other similar creatures, so it is really hard to speculate.”

  Yang Shifei seemed to be thinking about something. Generally speaking, it is a natural mutation.

  But no one can say what it will be like.

  ”Anyway, you’ve passed the test tonight.”

  Jasmine patted his arm and chuckled, “You must take good care of my sister in the future, and be more considerate to my young lady.”

  Yang Shifei looked strange: “Girl, what are you doing…”

  ”Of course I came to see with my own eyes whether your man is really that good.”

  Jasmine shook her slender fingers and smiled mysteriously: “I have to help my sister and young lady check, and I can’t let them be deceived by bad men.”

  Yang Shifei hesitated a little and said: “If I hadn’t discovered the truth just now and kissed directly…”

  ”Of course I have to complain to my sister and young lady, and say that you took advantage of others, and I will make things difficult for you in the future.”

  Jasmine smiled cunningly, quite playful.

  After speaking, she waved her hand and smiled sweetly: “Okay, I won’t disturb you tonight. You should rest early after practicing.”

  Yang Shifei wanted to chat a few more words, but seeing that she was so impetuous, he could only go forward to see her off.

  ”Miss, go to bed early too.”


  Watching Jasmine waving goodbye without looking back, Yang Shifei closed the gate and recalled what he had just seen, he couldn’t help but sigh.

  This snake is really big.

  Knock knock –

  the knock on the door sounded again. Yang Shifei thought that Jasmine had dropped something, so he turned back and opened the door, only to see a familiar old man.

  ”Old Yan?”

  Yang Shifei was indeed impressed by this elder Yan of Shoujian Sect. After all, the ‘Treading Mountain Skill’ that he majored in was taught by him.

  ”I’m really sorry for visiting you so late at night.”

  Old Yan bowed and smiled, “It’s just that our Shoujian Sect is about to leave East City at night, so I wanted to say a few words to you before I leave.”

  Yang Shifei nodded seriously: “Master Yan, please speak.”

  ”At that time, when we were fighting on the ring, Master Yang’s feat was truly amazing.” Master Yan brushed his beard and praised: “I am even more shocked that you can practice our sect’s Treading Mountain Skill to this level.”

  Yang Shifei clasped his fists and said: “It is also thanks to Master Yan’s gift of martial arts.”

  ”Don’t. With Master Yang’s talent, it would be a waste of talent for him to learn the martial arts of our Shoujian Sect.”

  Master Yan smiled and took out a secret book from his sleeve: “Just consider it as a congratulations to Master Yang for shocking the world with a battle. This ‘Rejuvenation and Consolidation Skill’ will also be given to you.”

  Yang Shifei was stunned: “Such a generous gift, I am an outsider.”

  ”Not to mention that you are the son-in-law of the Luo family and have a close relationship with our Shoujian Sect. Just the contribution of your battle to the Liang Kingdom is worthy of this gift.” Old Yan’s eyes were full of praise, and he said with a smile: “And this book of Rejuvenation and Essence Strengthening is a technique that complements the Mountain Stepping Technique. Practicing them together can help you replenish your essence and blood.”

  ”Okay.” Yang Shifei did not refuse again, and bowed solemnly: “Thank you, Old Yan, for the gift. I will practice more diligently and live up to the reputation of these two martial arts.”

  But Old Yan’s expression soon became solemn again, and he whispered: “I have to remind you to pay more attention to the inside and outside of East City. Although it seems calm now, there may still be dangers lurking in it.”

  ”Did Old Yan find anything?”

  ”If I had found a clue, how could I be vague with you.” Old Yan shook his head helplessly: “It’s just a vague feeling. If nothing happens, just think of it as an old man being startled.”

  ”Okay, thank you Elder Yan for your advice. I will be more careful.”

  After saying goodbye to Elder Yan, Yang Shifei closed the courtyard door and stood there, thinking secretly.

  The vigilance of the old man in the world must be paid attention to.

  Elder Yan has also informed Miss Luo about this matter, so there is no need to convey it again.

  Yang Shifei suddenly felt like a thorn in his back, and hurriedly looked behind him. In the dark corridor, there was a pair of pupils glowing faintly.


  Yue Rui, wearing a thin gauze skirt, poked her head out from the back of the corridor, making a snoring sound as if she was angry.

  The next moment, the little girl dodged and moved, and in the blink of an eye she threw herself into his arms. Yang Shifei subconsciously put his arms

  around the girl’s soft waist, and when he looked down, he met Yue Rui’s slightly dissatisfied eyes.

  ”Brother, you hooked up with another bad woman.”

  ”Are you talking about Miss Jasmine? We just met.”

  Yang Shifei didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, and rubbed her head: “Why are you awake now?”

  Yue Rui pouted: “I felt a chilly breath and thought there were bad guys coming.”

  Yang Shifei’s heart softened when he heard it, and he smiled gently: “Thank you for your concern, girl.”

  He looked up at the sky and saw the bright moon: “If you don’t want to take a nap, I will sit with you to enjoy the moon?”

  Yue Rui’s eyes suddenly lit up, and she nodded quickly: “Okay!”

  Climbing onto the roof again, Yang Shifei felt complicated and his mood was completely different.

  He sat down a little lazily, looked up at the bright stars and the moon in the sky, and couldn’t help but smile with emotion.

  In just half a month, a lot of things really happened.

  Yue Rui, who was sitting next to him, blinked and smiled ethereally: “Compared to that time, you have changed a lot.”

  ”Yes, when I first came to East City, I was unfamiliar with the place and had to be careful everywhere, for fear of making mistakes.”

  Yang Shifei sighed: “But now, I have established a good relationship with everyone in the Luo Mansion and have gained a firm foothold for the time being. And–”

  He turned his head and looked at him again: “I am getting closer to you, as if I really have a warm little home here.”

  Yue Rui’s eyes moved, and she held her hair blown by the night wind.

  The girl seemed to have lost her usual cuteness and cuteness at this moment, and had a bit more dreamy purity and tranquility, like an elf under the moon.

  ”I like this little home too.”

  Yue Rui smiled faintly: “I also want to accompany you all the way.”

  Yang Shifei held the girl’s soft hand and held it in front of the two of them:

  ”Since you call me brother, of course I won’t let you go.”

  Looking at his calm smile, Yue Rui’s eyes gradually drooped, and she slowly leaned into his arms with a smile.

  Sniffing the familiar smell and feeling the sweet warmth, the girl’s body gradually softened and curled up like a cat, with a bit of rosy clouds on her cheeks.

  She didn’t know what this feeling was, but she felt that her body and mind were very warm at the moment. Even though the filth in her body was not sucked away, it still made her linger.


  Yue Rui suddenly looked up and muttered, “But you always provoke bad women, and you smell like all kinds of sneaky cats. I’m very angry.”

  Yang Shifei: “.”

  The warm atmosphere disappeared in an instant, and he couldn’t help but smile helplessly: “Then how can you forgive me?”

  Yue Rui’s eyes turned, and suddenly she said with great interest: “What you did to that bad woman last night, do it to me again!”


  Yang Shifei’s expression froze, and his eyes drifted away as if he was guilty: “This matter is probably a little inappropriate for children. Let’s talk about it when you grow up.”

  ”I’m old enough to get married!” Yue Rui slapped her chest: “Old enough!”

  ”Uh, quite small.”

  ”Huh?” Yue Rui was stunned for a moment, and soon bared her little tiger teeth, and pounced on him fiercely: “How can it be small!”

  The two of them made a fuss on the roof and almost rolled down.

  Yang Shifei almost laughed out loud, why did he feel like he was being scratched by a kitten, and his pair of small claws rubbed around, but it was a little itchy.


  They didn’t stop until they were both covered in dirt.

  Yang Shifei looked at Yue Rui lying in his arms, smiled and hooked her upturned nose: “If you keep making trouble, you have to go back and take a shower again.”

  ”It’s not dirty.”

  Yue Rui seemed to wilt all of a sudden, her eyelids drooped and she yawned repeatedly, and she nudged into his arms like a clingy cat: “I want to sleep.”

  ”Okay, sleep.” Yang Shifei touched her head and looked up at the sky full of stars and moonlight, which was beautiful.

   I hope everyone will follow and vote for the monthly ticket, thank you~


  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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