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Chapter 59 These players are getting more and more cruel

Chapter 59 These players are getting more and more cruel


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 59 These players are getting more and more cruel

  Yesterday’s snow seemed to be just an accident.

  The morning sun of the next day still carried a hint of autumn warmth.

  After leaving the shelter, Jun Lazi looked outside carefully. After finding that it was not as cold as he imagined, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and happily ran outside with his tail wagging. It

  was too cold at night.

  Its online time had to be changed back.

  Except for Chu Guang and Jun Lazi, no one seemed to be in a hurry. Instead, they had some expectations for the coming cold winter.

  Especially for players in the south, there are not many opportunities to see heavy snow.

  Now in this wasteland, snow foam is floating in the sky before September is over. I think if I wait for another ten days or half a month, I should be able to have a good game.

  Passing through the wall of the outpost.

  Chu Guang inspected his territory, and at the same time silently thought in his mind which piece of land to enclose next.

  Is it to the north or the south?

  This question is worth thinking about.

  At this time, when he walked to the door, he found that two little players were busy in front of the north gate, building a door-shaped frame with wood.

  Look at this shape…

  a bit like the gallows at the door of Brown Farm?

  ”… What are you doing?”

  Seeing the manager, the two players immediately stopped their work and looked over excitedly.

  Yaer I want to go to the toilet: “Dear manager, we are making a gallows!”

  Chu Guang: “… Gallows? What’s the point of making that thing.”

  Ward Foot Foot Who Levin: “This is more wasteland! And more punk!”

  Yaer I want to go to the toilet: “Yes, and very practical! If anyone violates the laws of the shelter, we will hang him up! Hehe.”

  Chu Guang: “…”


  But it’s not necessary.

  Except for these two idiots, the other players in the shelter look pretty normal. They are either busy doing tasks or busy chopping trees and moving bricks.

  The outpost is in the early stages of development. It lacks everything except work. There is no need to worry about players not being able to find things to do. It

  doesn’t matter if there are one or two people who slack off occasionally, just let them be.

  The art of management is not about micro-management, but about controlling the general direction, as long as the players are generally diligent.

  Unless someone has been offline for a long time, he will probably take care

  of them. If it is confirmed that they are AFK, he will give the closed beta qualification to others. As for how the system will take back the helmets, how to distribute them, and whether it will cause any disturbances, that is not his concern.

  If it can be done, there must be a reason for it, and you will know it when there are enough clues.

  Unfounded “infinite skepticism” is meaningless. Although scientific thinking emphasizes “skepticism includes suspicion of oneself”, it also emphasizes that everything must be based on evidence, and don’t take conjecture as truth.

  So why bother with so many “parallel worlds”?

  You can’t go back.

  Walking to the carpenter’s hut, Chu Guang counted the equipment on the shelf.

  So far, Brother Mosquito has made 15 wooden bows and hundreds of arrows, and his production and processing movements have become more and more skilled.

  Not only that, Chu Guang found that this guy is simply a talent. Not only does he have novel ideas, but he can also draw inferences from one example at work.

  For example, for this arrow alone, he designed two different arrowheads.

  One method is to push the arrowhead into a wooden strip with a fixing groove, heat it up, and forge it several times. This type of arrow can be used repeatedly many times until the arrowhead is completely scrapped.

  The other method is to simply mix rosin and animal fat and stick the rust flakes directly to the arrow shaft.

  Although this type of arrow is disposable and has poor penetration, as long as it can be effectively shot, it can basically leave the rusty arrowhead in the opponent’s body, causing continuous damage.

  Even if the opponent does not lose mobility on the spot, he will most likely die of tetanus or other infections in a few days.

  ”Mr. Manager? I was just planning to look for you.”

  Seeing Chu Guang appear at the door, WC Zhenyou Mosquito’s eyes lit up, put down the tools in his hands and stood up from the chair.

  Chu Guang looked at him and said.

  ”I’m just here to take a look around. Do you have anything to report to me?”

  ”I’ve made the gunpowder you asked me to make before!”

  Mosquito took out a can of black gunpowder in a glass bottle from the shelf and excitedly handed it to Chu Guang, who couldn’t help but take a step back and almost kicked him off the line without using his authority.

  ”It’s okay. There’s no open flame here. It’s very safe! Hehe.”

  Mosquito laughed and continued.

  ”I made it using the formula I found on the Internet, using 74.6% potassium nitrate. According to this ratio, gunpowder can burn most fully!”

  As before, Chu Guang ignored the out-of-game content mentioned by the players in the conversation, took the glass bottle and looked at it carefully, and nodded.

  ”Well done… Have you tried it?”

  ”I can experiment with you now! Please follow me!”

  Mosquito took the manager to the outside of the carpenter’s hut and took out a small glass bottle with a volume of about 150ml from his pocket.

  It was filled with gunpowder, with a cotton thread inserted in the bottle mouth and oil sealed with animal fat.

  He trotted out for a distance, placed the glass bottle next to a tree, lit the cotton thread with a match, and then ran away.

  As the cotton thread burned out, there was a loud thunder-like sound, and the glass bottle exploded violently, blowing the surface of the tree trunk into pieces, and it fell precariously.

  Many players who were cutting trees nearby were startled by the sound and ran over to watch the fun.

  ”Fuck?! Brother, you are good!”

  ”You made T-En-T?”

  ”What T-En-T? You only know T-En-T. The smoke is obviously black gunpowder. But it is also very strong! Everyone knows the formula, but the raw materials are too difficult to deal with.”

  ”Big brother is awesome!”

  Obviously heard the praise of other players.

  Mosquito looked at the manager next to him excitedly, his face full of excitement.

  ”How is it?”

  Chu Guang’s face was also full of surprise.


  this player is too cruel?

  What does a carpenter want to do by knowing so much?

  ”…Very good, your performance exceeded my expectations. Although the smoke produced is a bit large and the power of the explosion needs to be improved, these are not problems. I will report your contribution to the organization, and you will receive a 500 contribution point reward.”

  ”In addition, you can try to make smokeless gunpowder, such as nitrocellulose. If you succeed, the shelter will give you a 1,000 contribution point reward, and I will also give you a new job.”

  New job?

  The expression on Mosquito’s face was instantly excited.

  Is this a hidden task?

  In fact, it doesn’t matter if there is no hidden task. The reward of 1,000 contribution points is already tempting enough.

  Since the alpha 0.3 version, the contribution point income has been reduced. The daily active tasks are only 160 contributions, and the contribution of working is about the same number. 1,000 contribution points is already very strong.

  Although he is now a citizen, who would mind contributing more? In the future, it will only be more and more difficult to obtain this thing.

  He remembered that the planner had painted a pie on the official website, and that the identity level above citizens would be opened in the future, so that more land could be bought at that time.

  Mosquito said happily.

  ”No problem, respected manager! I’ll try it after I get nitric acid and sulfuric acid out!”

  Chu Guang nodded and told him to go back to work first, and then inspected the side of the blast furnace.

  In order to facilitate transportation, the earthen kilns for stewing charcoal and the cement kilns for burning cement were built nearby, connected in a row, almost forming a conventional industrial zone. The

  endless operation of the furnace caused the temperature nearby to be two degrees higher than other places.

  Since that “Ward Foot Who Levin” and “Yaer I Want to Go to the Toilet” improved the process of traditional steelmaking, the carbon chamber and the iron melting chamber were separated, and the iron oxide was reduced by incompletely burned carbon monoxide instead of directly using charcoal.

  In this way, the carbon content of the steel waste used as the raw material will not increase too much during the smelting process, and it is not necessary to repeatedly forge, quench and remove carbon to make steel as before.

  Although it is unlikely to restore the material to what it was two hundred years ago, the strength of the material in all aspects is definitely much stronger than that of smelting the original ore.

  After all, the rare metals originally mixed in the steel will not disappear out of thin air, and some of them will remain.

  Experience is always gained bit by bit.

  Looking at the players working hard, Chu Guang was full of emotion.

  A few days ago, the tools of the outpost had to be imported from the nearby Brown Farm, and they had to exchange them for animal fur.

  But now, players have not only learned to use the scrap metal they picked up to smelt it, but they can even make the tools they need by themselves.

  The carpenter’s hut solves the current needs.

  And here is where miracles can really be born.

  ”The production efficiency of these earthen kilns is still a bit backward. Expanding facilities requires more building materials and tools. To achieve this, some players must be allowed to directly or indirectly control the means of production, so that the players’ initiative and creativity can be brought into play and they can freely improve production.”

  ”Let me think… In the next version, this area can be designated as an industrial zone, the land use can be clearly defined, and players who have reached the citizenship level can be allowed to rent land here, open workshops, and engage in light industrial processing, so as to directly control some of the means of production.”

  ”As for heavy industries such as steelmaking and cement, which have huge output, large initial investment and unstable benefits, a ‘public’ steel plant and cement plant can be established, and outstanding life professional players can be appointed as factory directors in the form of ‘hidden tasks’ to coordinate production planning, which can be regarded as indirect control of the means of production.”

  ”In terms of balance… we can use settings such as taxes and land rent to solve it.”

  ”Anyway, it was the players’ own idea.”

  Chu Guang, stroking his chin, thought in his heart.

  As a qualified planner, the first priority is to understand what the current version needs.

  For example, if no one can rank ADC, then strengthen ADC. If they all run to be shooters, then we should chop the shooters’ heads off, or strengthen the junglers.

  The biggest difference between games and reality is that in reality, reforms and policy adjustments have costs.

  But in the game, when adjusting the balance, everyone will at most call the planner a jerk. As long as the game is not unplayable, we will still do what we should do in the end.


  Chu Guang stopped and looked back when he heard someone calling him, only to see a player with a bow and arrow running towards him breathlessly.

  ”What’s the matter?”

  ”On the north side of the outpost, near the viaduct, two people came, leading a cow with two heads! The leader looks familiar, and looks very similar to the one who came here before!”

  The player supported his knees with his hands and reported the situation intermittently.

  A cow with two heads?

  Could it be the merchant from Honghe Town?

  So fast?

  Chu Guang was slightly surprised, but his face remained calm, and he ordered the player.

  ”Take me there.”


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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