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Chapter 590 I am no longer a human being! (Thanks to the Silver Alliance of “World Hall” for the reward!!)

Chapter 590 I am no longer a human being! (Thanks to the Silver Alliance of “World Hall” for the reward!!)


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 590 I’m not a human anymore! (Thanks to the Silver Alliance of “World Hall” for the reward!!)

  If we talk about the most complex and sophisticated instrument on this planet, it is undoubtedly human beings themselves.

  All man-made things born in the prosperous era are not worth mentioning compared to the wonders of nature.

  Even if they spent their short lives, the scholars of the past failed to completely crack all the secrets hidden by the Creator in this organism.

  This “machine” is almost omnipotent.

  Although he has always had more unsolved problems than solved ones, in the face of time, all known problems seem to have solutions in the end.

  However, this machine is not designed for a single purpose, so it will inevitably have its limits in specific areas.

  And to break through this limit,

  you must give up your identity as a human.

  The moment he woke up from the resurrection point, the midnight chicken killing was decided.

  In order to become stronger,

  he would not be a human anymore!

  At least not for this life!


  ”Have you thought about it? Once you embark on this road, the heavy shackles will accompany you for the rest of your life, and you will never have a chance to turn back… Haha.”

  Giant Stone Military Industrial Building.

  Prosthetic modification laboratory.

  Looking at the man lying on the operating table, Ibers had a twisted smile on his face.

  Although he could smile more amiably, he didn’t really want to do that.

  The engineers and doctors next to him had long been accustomed to their boss’s bad taste and were no longer surprised.

  Saws, wrenches, hammers, and countless flexible mechanical arms and various blades hanging above the operating table, all the construction tools were ready.

  As long as the customer nodded in front of the camera lens and signed this final life and death statement, they could immediately start to work on this guy.

  However, what disappointed Ibers a little was that the man lying on the operating table did not show any fear or trepidation because of his words.

  That straightforward answer was as if the man lying on the operating table was not himself at all, but something else.

  ”Hurry up! Don’t dawdle.”

  Looking at this guy who was urging him, Ibers was slightly stunned, and then said with a smile.

  ”As you wish.”

  After saying that, he waved his hand.

  The doctors and engineers waiting on the side didn’t waste any words and immediately picked up the equipment and started working.

  Midnight Killer, who was lying on the operating table, was straightforward. He closed his eyes, didn’t even look at the bloody scene, and went offline to do something else.

  The human skeleton determines the basic framework of a person, and also determines the upper limit of a person.

  Even if a powerful awakener’s quality in a certain field is far superior to that of an ordinary person, he will not deviate from the scope of a human and become a monster.

  Therefore, the first thing that Giant Stone Military Industry had to do was to replace the entire spine, as well as the bones of various parts of his legs, arms, etc., replace calcium salts with titanium alloys, and replace the complex exchange of bioelectric signals and chemical signals with pure electronic control units.

  Then, the construction workers replaced his original organic skin with 10mm thick special prefabricated steel plates, and filled his body, which was more than one circle larger, with complex and reliable motors and power units.

  There was a clanging sound in the operating room.

  Sometimes there was the sound of sawing bones, sometimes it was the sound of hitting metal, and sometimes it was the humming of arc welding. Plasma flew everywhere, and there were charred charcoal slag on the ground.

  This place didn’t look like an operating room at all, but more like a workshop.

  And it was indeed so.

  Under the flash of electric sparks, a nearly three-meter-tall, burly and magnificent “metal giant” gradually took shape.

  His left arm was attached to a one-meter-long chain saw, which could be replaced with the front manipulator, while his right arm was a 19mm caliber XB-1 “Growler” bolt gun with the same barrel, which was foldable and replaceable with the manipulator at the front of the forearm like the one-meter-long chain saw. It

  can be used as a heavy rifle to fire armor-piercing shells, or as a support equipment to fire air-blast grenades of the same caliber.

  As for the power source of the armor, it is a metal hydrogen battery weighing three kilograms, with a battery life of up to one week.

  It is no exaggeration to say that he is a walking logging machine + self-propelled recoilless gun, and it also hangs a front armor with a thickness of 30mm.

  The helmet is the hardest part.

  After all, it is the only part of the body with the most flesh and blood left, and it is also the information processing center of the whole suit of armor, so it must be protected.

  If possible, Midnight Killing Chicken actually planned to install two rocket launchers on his chest.

  But unfortunately, this suit of armor was not ordered by him, but a new experimental product made by Giant Stone Military Industry. As a “guinea pig”, he only has the right to choose whether to wear this free equipment, and does not have the right to DIY.

  The whole suit of armor was completely designed by the product research and development department of Giant Stone Military Industry. The name of the project is the “Power Warrior” plan.

  As the name suggests, it is to replace the extra burden on the human body with a wearable power armor, thereby making a self-propelled armor driven by humans.

  With such a design, even if the heart is pierced, it can still survive, because there is no such thing as a heart, instead it is a simple blood pump. The digestive system is also completely omitted, replaced by a feed inlet for inputting nutrient solution and a waste outlet for excreting metabolites.

  As the transformation progressed, this weapon system called “Power Warrior” had completely become a part of Midnight Killer’s body.

  Ibers, who was standing next to the operating table and watching, had an intoxicated smile on his face, and was satisfied with the masterpiece he had conceived gradually taking shape.

  This was his brainwave after watching the battle video of the Jungle Corps.

  In order to pursue more powerful strength, those green-skinned guys actually transformed themselves into half-meat, half-mechanical iron lumps.

  In his opinion, this brainwave is simply great!

  It is worth promoting in the organic society!

  If the residents of Boulder City had such a high level of awareness and pursuit, Boulder Military Industry would have become the world’s number one military enterprise long ago!

  Unfortunately, most people are very resistant to replacing their body parts with mechanical prostheses, but those “flashy” bionic prostheses are more popular.

  Most mercenaries will only carefully install one or two prostheses when they have to.

  Fortunately, there is no shortage of good people with high-level interests and pursuits in the Alliance.

  Their concepts are completely different from those of ordinary people, and even to the extent of being heretical in the eyes of ordinary people. They are extremely accepting of all kinds of strange mechanical prostheses, and dare to install any inexplicable parts on their bodies.

  With the support of such a group of lovely people, Jushi Military Industry, which has more professional equipment and rich experience in combat prosthesis design, there is no reason why it cannot come up with something more awesome!

  Ibers is full of confidence in this.

  His “Power Warrior” plan will innovate on the traditional concept of “power armor” and completely combine people and weapons into one!

  This will be unprecedented!

  Of course, because many bionic parts are too scarce and expensive, his design ideas are even simpler and cruder than those mutants’ prostheses, directly using machine structures to replace some parts that originally needed to be installed with bionic organs.

  As for the power source, due to the lack of nuclear fuel, even if the Alliance has a black box that can make fusion batteries, he can only temporarily use chemical batteries instead.

  However, even with numerous inconveniences, it still cannot affect the power of this war machine.

  This set of equipment is simply tailor-made for the Jungle Corps!

  However, unlike Ibers who looked appreciative and intoxicated, the surgeon standing next to the operating table had a tingling scalp on his face.

  Especially when he saw the intestines and minced meat discarded in the plastic bucket at his feet, he couldn’t help but smack his lips.

  ”…This guy is probably crazy.”

  ”Be more confident, change 80% to 100%,” wiped the blood on the tablet terminal, and an engineer wearing a safety helmet couldn’t help but complain, “If anyone is a little sane, who would change themselves into this.”

  No doubt.

  If he changed himself into this one day, his wife would probably divorce him before the next day.

  No one would want to live with a monster. Becoming like this is basically equivalent to giving up all the attributes of being a human.

  After all, why do you pursue power to this extent?

  Isn’t it good to be a human being?

  ”Are those guys living in the shelter all freaks?”

  ”Who cares, hand me the saw.”


  Of course, in addition to the guys who had similar ideas as him, there were also people who cast admiring eyes at the iron lump on the operating table.

  These guys gave up being human in pursuit of the ultimate power to fight against the many evils in the wasteland. They are real warriors!

  The engineer operating the tool respectfully installed the 19mm barrel that symbolized his identity for him and tightened the last screw.

  A power warrior costing 500,000 was completed just like that!

  Midnight Killing Chicken was still sleeping and hadn’t woken up.

  Ibers stared at this perfect steel body and admired it for a while. When his eyes stayed on his face, he suddenly groaned and touched his chin.

  This face…

  he felt familiar no matter how he looked at it.

  I always felt that I had seen it somewhere?

  At this time, Midnight Killing Chicken, who was lying on the operating table, shook his head, woke up from his sleep, and then sat up from the operating table.

  The doctor next to him was startled and said quickly.

  ”Sir, you’d better not do strenuous exercise now. Although we have used tissue repair fluid to accelerate wound healing, it’s better for you to take it easy.”

  Hearing this kind reminder, Midnight Killing Chicken smiled honestly, raised his huge arm, and touched the back of his head with his unskilled mechanical hand.

  ”It’s okay. I feel like I’ve almost recovered.”

  Although the recovery speed of strength players is not as fast as that of physical players, it is still outstanding compared to the other players.

  He feels that he is in great shape now!

  He can’t wait to go to the nearby city and find a few creepers to practice with.


  with his current equipment, it’s a waste to find creepers to practice with. If he wants to find one, he should find an evolved form like a tyrant or a decayed knight.

  Otherwise, how can the combat effectiveness of this set of equipment be demonstrated?

  Looking at Midnight Killer Chicken jumping off the operating table, Ibers put away his previous suspicion and said with a satisfied smile on his face.

  ”Your recovery speed is indeed different from that of ordinary people. Generally speaking, even if you fully recover, the phantom pain and discomfort after the operation will last for about three or four days… Anyway, how do you feel?” He

  knocked on the chest armor with his fist, listening to the crisp muffled sound, and Midnight Killer Chicken grinned.

  ”I feel full of strength, and I can even twist my head off!”

  Ibers coughed when he heard this and quickly gave instructions.

  ”I advise you not to do this… After all, this is equipment worth 500,000 yuan. If I die unexpectedly before going to the battlefield, I won’t be able to recover the precious experimental data.”

  Midnight Killing Chicken said with a smile.

  ”Don’t worry, I’m not stupid. How could I play with my own head?”

  After that, he walked out the door.

  The doctor beside him saw that he was about to leave and hurriedly stopped him.

  ”Wait a minute, in order to prevent possible rejection reactions, I suggest you stay here and observe for a few hours before leaving.”

  Any foreign tissue entering an immune-active host will inevitably cause rejection reactions of varying degrees.

  Although this can be eliminated technically, they have never implanted so many prostheses in any customer at one time.

  Midnight Killing Chicken waved his hand and said indifferently.

  ”It’s okay, it’s okay. If there is anything wrong, I will come back to check it out. I have received a mission here and I have to set off now.”


  The doctor was stunned and looked at him in surprise, as if he was looking at a monster.

  Midnight Killing Chicken smiled heartily and nodded.

  ”Well, it’s quite a coincidence, the job just happened to come.”

  He was browsing the official website when he went offline, and suddenly saw a pop-up window popping up in the taskbar. Unable to suppress his itch, he immediately went back online.

  Coincidentally, when he came up, the NPC next to the operating table just screwed the last screw on his “Power Warrior” system.

  The operation was completed almost on time!


  The doctor’s expression was still a little hesitant, and he obviously wanted to persuade him again, but Ibers on the side stopped him.

  ”Let him go.”

  Looking at the young man who turned and walked towards the elevator, Ibers continued slowly with an appreciative smile on his face.

  ”Such an active child, you actually have the heart to pour cold water on his enthusiasm… Tsk, tsk, it’s really inhumane.”

  The doctor turned around and looked at his boss in amazement.

  It’s okay

  to be inhumane… Who is inhumane?

  After a pause, Ibers continued in a cheerful tone.

  ”Besides, I also want to see the actual combat data of this equipment as soon as possible, so as to improve the next version.”

  He was extremely grateful for his original decision.

  It’s great to be able to join the alliance!


  Pine Cone Farm.

  The winter sun is not strong, and it is even a little cold. It shines on people’s faces and feels cold, just like soaking in cold water. A

  muddled expression is printed on every face in this settlement.

  People look at each other with fear, as if they are looking at a wild beast, fearing that he will suddenly go crazy in the next second…

  In fact, in a sense, in a large settlement like Pine Cone Farm, the serfs living here can be regarded as free people. They don’t work in shackles, but are tied to the land and cannot leave the land under their feet without permission.

  They are slaves, but not completely. They work 15 hours a day instead of 24 hours. They have their own property, but they do not own it completely. They only have the right to use “the part that the master allows them to use”.

  In general, a family here usually has a wooden house, a few children, a small piece of arable land or “share”, and a few fruit trees.

  The food grown on the share is mainly for their own consumption. In addition to cultivating their own land, they also need to cultivate the farmer’s fields.

  If they want to use the farmer’s mill, machinery, fertilizer and other production tools, or the high-yield seeds occasionally brought by the wastelanders, they need to pay an additional tax.

  Since there is no currency here, the type of tax is usually not fixed. Sometimes it is three chicks and fifteen eggs, and sometimes two cans of jam. It is usually announced at the beginning of the year.

  This is for farming.

  If you run a hotel, make paper pulp and furniture, or other handicrafts, the products you need to offer will become other things.

  Hammer is a serf here, and the most common type of serf.

  Although the name is a bit strange, it is not strange at all in the Pinewood Farm.

  His neighbor is a young man named Ban Deng, but unfortunately his wife bit off half of his face last night and he is dead. His

  memory of last night is not very clear. He only remembers going to bed very early. When he woke up, he did not lie in bed, but stood on the street with many people.

  He was scared to death at that time. He thought it was a miracle from the Son of God, and he knelt on the ground and prayed to the Son of God…

  It was not until the Alliance reported what happened at night through the radio and saw the bodies being carried out of the settlement and buried that he gradually remembered the vague memory and realized what happened to himself and others…

  It was really a nightmare.

  He was just glad that he and his family were still alive. Although they were crazy, they did not eat people, nor were they killed.

  Before dawn, he went to the neighbor’s house and found that the crazy woman had hanged herself, leaving only a child curled up in a cradle crying there.

  Maybe it was motherly instinct, or maybe she had been gnawing on her husband’s body for long enough, anyway, she didn’t eat the child.

  Hammer couldn’t bear it, so he took the poor child back to his home and gave him a name as sloppy as his father’s.

  From now on, Bench changed from a young man of 21 or 22 to a half-grown child.

  He would have to talk to the steward later.

  He believed that the adult would understand him and count the child as his. And in this way, he would be able to pay less food rations this winter.

  In order to change his mood, Hammer walked outside and took a deep breath, but the lingering smell of blood made him feel bad.

  But now was not the time to be dazed.

  According to the rules, he had to rush to the cowshed with farm tools before dawn and wait for the supervisor to arrange today’s work.

  After running through several muddy roads, he pushed open the fence and entered the door panting, and finally arrived at the cowshed before being late.

  There were many people standing under the dilapidated wooden shed.

  Seeing that everyone was almost there, Hammer was panicked, thinking that he would probably be whipped, and walked over with his head held high.

  However, at this time, he was surprised to see that the supervisor who usually guarded the door was gone.


  Today the sun really rose from the west!

  After entering the shed, Hammer soon found that he seemed to be too happy too early. The supervisor was not absent, but was standing with several servants under the housekeeper to discuss something. His

  heart, which had just been relieved, tightened again, and he walked over timidly.


  He was about to explain the matter of the Bench family and ask if he could pay less food rations at the end of the year, but was impatiently driven aside by the supervisor.

  ”Get lost, I don’t have time to care about you.”

  Without even bothering to look at Hammer, he used his eyes to warn the mud leg to get away, and then continued to talk in a low voice with the servants.

  ”Captain Luo Feihui seems to be dead too…”

  ”Doesn’t he have a younger brother?”

  ”His brother is just a centurion, what good can he do!”

  ”It’s difficult, he seems to have the most ideas.”

  ”What about the other officers? What do they think?”

  ”It’s hard to say…”

  Hammer’s face was blank as he could vaguely hear the whispers of those people.

  What are they talking about? What

  made him most uneasy was not the treasonous words they said, but the fact that they stood here and said them unscrupulously.

  This settlement seemed to be changing…

  Unable to fit into that circle, Hammer could only go where he should go and stand with the farmers standing in groups of three or five.

  Perhaps seeing that the supervisors were talking about the master’s family unscrupulously, these guys who were usually submissive also became bold.

  ”The master is gone…what should we do?”

  ”Oh, if he didn’t want to grow those fruits and invite those charlatans who chanted scriptures from the south, how could this happen!”

  ”That’s right! Isn’t it better to grow Camu?”

  ”Master, there is nothing we can do. Camu fruit can’t be sold at a high price. For some reason, the factory owners in the north don’t accept it this year.”


  Everyone sighed more and more as they talked. They were worried about each other, but they could do nothing about it.

  They were not completely worried about the uncertain future, but more about not knowing who to blame for a while.


  Who should be blamed? Should

  we blame the factory owners in the Valley Province for not taking care of their business, or should we blame the farms in the Luoxia Province for stealing their business? Or maybe it was the villains around the master who spread rumors, or the master himself was a little confused.

  Of course, the alliance was not a good thing either.

  If they hadn’t sneaked in and stimulated the group of charlatans, how could they suddenly do such extreme things?

  Pine Cone Farm is the largest settlement in Jinhe City. Is there any benefit to the church if this settlement is sacrificed?

  They have long joined the Torch Church and dedicated everything to the Supreme Son of God. There is no reason for those people to harm them.

  After all, this doesn’t make sense at all.

  Occasionally, shepherds would take one out of the sheepfold and kill it, but no madman would kill all the sheep at once.

  There is no benefit at all!

  Seeing everyone shaking their heads and sighing, Hammer couldn’t help but say.

  ”What are you talking about… Doesn’t the master still have a daughter alive?”

  Everyone looked at each other.

  A wrinkled man couldn’t help but remind him.

  ”She is only eight years old.”

  ”So what? Even if she is only eight years old… She also has the master’s blood and is the heir to this farm. Such a big thing has happened, so she has to take care of us.” When he said this, Hammer actually had a little selfishness in his heart.

  The master is not easy to deceive, and he has a heart of stone, but the child should be easy to deceive. He must be soft-hearted with snot and tears.

  If the young lady really becomes the farmer, the days to come may be easier. Anyway, he is just a farmer, and it doesn’t matter who he plants for?

  The farmer on the side echoed.

  ”Someone really needs to take care of it.”

  Although he didn’t think an eight-year-old kid could do anything, he agreed with the second half of the guy’s words. Someone really needs to take care of it.

  The other farmers also nodded in agreement.

  At this moment, a loud voice came from the side.

  ”That’s right! We can’t go on like this. Someone really needs to take care of it!”

  As he spoke, the supervisor came over. When

  everyone saw that face, they all dispersed in fear, but they didn’t expect that the man who usually looked ferocious would now have a warm smile on his face.

  Hammer was the most surprised.

  Because just a few minutes ago, he was glared at by the supervisor.

  That vicious dog-like look…

  almost scared him out of his wits.

  Not paying attention to the scared expressions of the crowd, the supervisor continued with a smile.

  ”Whether it’s the respected lady, or the captain of a thousand men, or a capable person under the housekeeper… someone has to take charge of the situation.”

  Looking at the people who were whispering or even nodding in agreement, the overseer’s smile became brighter, although there was a bit of sarcasm behind the smile.

  These guys are simply born animals, like sheep in a sheepfold. Even if they are led outside, they can’t go far.

  The sky of this farm has changed, and these guys are still thinking about what work to do today and whether they can pay less food tomorrow.

  It turns out that slaves are slaves for life.

  But he is different.

  Others see the sky falling, but he sees the hope of becoming a superior person.

  Looking at the smile on the overseer’s face, Hammer suddenly shuddered.

  What made him shudder was not the coldness in the smile, he didn’t have the ability to see anything, but that this guy could still laugh after something like that happened just a few hours ago.

  The overseer didn’t even look at him, but continued to speak in a loud voice.

  ”Now is the time when the future farmer needs us. Let’s go to the gate of the manor to petition. Whoever is willing to come out to take charge of the situation, we will support him.”

  ”Who is willing to go with me?”

  If he can stand by the future master when he needs him most, he may even become the steward of the farm with this merit, and rise to the top in one step!

  However, he was careful and cleverly used the term “future farmer” so that even if he bet on the wrong horse, he could change his words in time without being criticized.

  What if?

  What if the officers reach a consensus and decide to support the young lady? It is not impossible.

  Everyone looked at each other, but they didn’t have as many thoughts as him, but were simply panicked.

  There is an unwritten rule in this farm. Unless the steward orders them to help in the manor, they are not allowed to get close to the master’s manor.

  Moreover, farming is their job.

  If they run around without finishing their work, it is not something that can be covered up by a few whips. They may even be shot.

  Seeing the concerns in those eyes, the supervisor smiled and continued.

  ”Don’t worry, today is an exception! I can guarantee that even if you don’t do farm work today, no one will punish you!”

  Hearing this, everyone finally put down their concerns and echoed excitedly, completely standing on the side of the supervisor.

  At the supervisor’s call, everyone carried farm tools and headed towards the manor. Hammer didn’t want to get involved and just wanted to do farm work, but seeing that everyone was going, he had to bite the bullet and follow.

  Perhaps because of the terrible nightmare last night, there were not many people on the spacious streets, let alone patrolling soldiers.

  But when he arrived at the gate of the manor, the supervisor was dumbfounded. He saw that there were already a sea of ​​people in front of the magnificent gate, and there were all kinds of people.

  Obviously, he was not the only one who had the idea of ​​taking advantage of the situation, and everyone happened to think of the same thing.

  But the only unfortunate thing was that the most critical person who stood up to take charge of the situation was missing.

  No one was competing for the position of farmer here.

  He saw neither the powerful officers, nor the eight-year-old girl, nor the master’s trusted butler.

  Only a few soldiers from the alliance stood at the door.

  Seeing the crowds gathering on the street, Quitting Smoking, who was standing at the door, was also overwhelmed.

  The Alliance’s Guards had already controlled several officers on the farm. After seeing the power of the mind interference device, those guys were very cooperative, but they didn’t expect that the serfs who were least likely to make trouble would actually make trouble.

  Killing Dagger looked at Quitting Smoking with a guilty conscience.

  ”What on earth do they want to do…”

  These people just stood there without saying anything.

  Quitting Smoking swallowed his saliva.

  ”How should I know…”

  Just now they received intelligence from the Army Command that the mutant troops were on their way here, but it was not clear from which direction.

  The manager asked them to be careful and to protect the mind interference device in the annex.

  At this critical moment, they didn’t have time to care about these guys.

  It was not a solution to just stare blankly. Quitting Smoking cleared his throat and shouted loudly in a not very standard language.

  ”Friends of Pinewood Farm, what are you doing here?”

  There was a commotion in the crowd.

  After a while, one person mustered up the courage to shout.

  ”We want to know… who the new farmer is, and where the housekeeper is. Someone has to arrange today’s work.”

  Someone soon responded, and everyone nodded frequently.

  ”That’s right!”

  ”Please… help us call the master.”


  That’s it!

  Quit Smoking smiled when he heard it, and answered without thinking.

  ”Don’t worry, there will be no farmers here in the future!”

  ”You are liberated, and the food you grow is yours, go home!”

  After pretending, Quit Smoking was waiting for people to cheer, but he didn’t expect that as soon as the voice fell, the originally calm scene suddenly exploded.

  Hearing that there was no farmer here, Hammer, who was standing in the crowd, panicked. Just as he was about to speak, the supervisor next to him changed his face and shouted before him.

  ”How can that be!”


  (Thanks to Brother Jingjing for the Silver Alliance again! I am very ashamed that I asked for leave yesterday… I am really sorry. TT)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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