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Chapter 591: A Massacre

Chapter 591: A Massacre


Author: The Bell Outside the Besieged City

  Chapter 591: A Massacre

  The night was dark, and the burnt wood in the cave entrance turned black. The remaining flames flickered and gradually dissipated.

  Wei Changtian stood in the court for a while, and then slowly walked back to the gate of the county government.

  At this time, all the bandits in the county government had died, and only dozens of men, women, old and young were left gathered inside the gate, with fear on their faces.

  Most of them were women, and fewer were men. They were all captured by the bandits for fun or to do odd jobs.

  After the bandits died, they should have been able to regain their freedom, but the “dragon lock” that had not been removed blocked their way. They

  could clearly see the grass and trees outside the county government, but people couldn’t get out, as if there was an invisible wall separating the inside and outside of the county government.

  Ordinary people had never seen such a situation, so it was normal for them to become frightened at the moment.


  Waving his hand, Wei Changtian removed the dragon-locking barrier and said calmly under the tense gaze of the crowd:

  ”You can leave now.”


  They looked at each other in bewilderment. Someone tentatively touched the gate of the county government office and found that the “wall” just now was no longer there.

  ”Thank you very much for saving my life, young man!”

  The man shouted tremblingly, and then ran out of the county government office. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared into the night without looking back.

  To be fair, his thanks were a bit perfunctory.

  But this does not mean that this person is heartless.

  After staying in “hell” for so long, now he can finally escape and see the “light” again. I believe that anyone would have a similar reaction.

  And the fact is indeed so.

  Seeing that someone has escaped, the others no longer hesitated and crowded out.

  Voices of gratitude, thanks, footsteps, all kinds of sounds were noisy and chaotic, and disappeared in a very short time.

  In just ten breaths, the inside of the county government gate, which was originally crowded with people, became empty, with only one person still standing there alone.

  It was the girl who was in the gatehouse before.

  ”Why don’t you leave?”

  Looking at the girl’s eyes, Wei Changtian was a little confused.


  The girl lowered her head.

  This action seemed to involve the wound on her neck, causing her body to tremble slightly.

  ”My parents were killed by bandits, and my house was burned down. I, I have nowhere to go.”


  Taking a step closer, Wei Changtian didn’t say anything to comfort him, but after a moment of silence, he calmly asked:

  ”Do you know how many gambling houses opened by bandits in the east of the city?”


  ”Take me there.”

  ”Okay, okay!”

  Guessing what Wei Changtian was going to do, the girl’s eyes suddenly had a touch of spirit.

  She immediately nodded repeatedly and agreed to Wei Changtian’s request without hesitation. Even the pain of the wounds on her body was temporarily ignored because of excitement.

  ”Okay, I’ll go find a horse.”

  Nodding slightly, Wei Changtian prepared to go to the stable to get a horse first.

  But after taking two steps, he suddenly stopped and casually threw a small porcelain bottle to the girl.

  ”Take a pill in the bottle to heal your wounds.”

  ”I don’t need it.”

  The girl hurriedly caught the small porcelain bottle and clenched it tightly in her hand. She opened her mouth to refuse.

  But Wei Changtian had already turned around and soon disappeared deep in the county government office.


  She stared blankly at the gradually blurred back, and then looked at the exquisite porcelain bottle in her hand.

  The girl had never seen such an exquisite object, but she knew that this porcelain bottle alone should be worth a lot of silver.

  Not to mention the pill in the bottle.

  Her mood suddenly became extremely complicated, and she didn’t know what she was thinking when she stood there.

  Not long after, Wei Changtian appeared in her sight again on a horse.

  ”Benefactor, this thing.”

  The girl trotted over with a little stagger, and still wanted to return the pill to Wei Changtian.

  However, the latter only glanced at her and immediately interrupted,

  ”Get on the horse and lead the way.”

  ”Yes, yes,”

  the words came to her lips but she swallowed them back. The girl felt her body lighten, and the next second she was lifted onto the horse by Wei Changtian.

  The girl was very thin, so it was not too crowded for the two of them to ride on the same horse.

  But physical contact was inevitable.

  Wei Changtian could clearly feel the girl’s body becoming stiff, but he didn’t say anything, just urged his horse to leave the county government office full of corpses.

  The street outside was still dark, and the moon was at its zenith, emitting a bright white light.

  A quarter of an hour later, the rapid sound of horse hooves gradually slowed down, and the red horse stopped at the corner of an alley.

  After taking a look at the brightly lit gambling den not far away, Wei Changtian turned over and got off the horse, taking the girl with him.

  ”Wait for me here, I’ll be back soon.”


  the girl nodded, and then saw Wei Changtian walking slowly towards the gambling den without looking back.

  Walking out five feet, the shadow came out of the sheath.

  Walking out ten feet, a hundred long swords suddenly appeared.

  Walking to the door of the gambling den, the dragon lock fell.

  Swinging the sword to cut off several thugs guarding the door, he immediately walked into the already chaotic gambling house.

  The shouts originally mixed with curses and threats turned into the sound of weapons colliding, followed by wailing and begging for mercy, and finally into dead silence.

  It took Wei Changtian only a few dozen breaths from entering the gambling den to walking out of it.

  The light from the gambling house window was still bright, but it was faintly bloody.

  And there was not even a trace of blood on Wei Changtian’s body.

  ”Let’s go, Nuanxianglou.”

  Wei Changtian said only one sentence as he walked back to the girl step by step.

  The former seemed to have adapted to this “god descending to earth” scene, just nodded slightly and closed his eyes, allowing Wei Changtian to carry him to the horse again.

  Just like that.

  From the county government to the gambling house, to the brothel, to the martial arts hall.

  From the south of the city to the east, to the north, to the west of the city.

  In one hour, Wei Changtian “visited” all the places where the bandits gathered that the woman had mentioned before, and left no one alive.

  No matter whether they were men or women, people or ghosts, all the bandits in these places lost their lives overnight, and even their souls could not re-enter the cycle of reincarnation.

  Tonight was the first time Wei Changtian used “soul capture”, capturing the souls of nearly a thousand bandits.

  The expected sense of guilt did not appear, but the expected surge in strength also fell through.

  The reasons are nothing more than two points –

  first, the realm of these bandits is too low.

  Second, Wei Changtian’s realm is too high.

  ”Soul-stealing” can only absorb a small part of the dead’s cultivation. If the person’s realm is extremely low, the cultivation that can be absorbed is even less.

  In addition, Wei Changtian is now a third-grade warrior, and the internal force required for each small step forward in cultivation is huge.

  Therefore, just like a cup of water entering the sea, the sea level will naturally not rise significantly.

  However, this does not mean that soul-stealing is useless.

  The internal force absorbed from the lower third-grade warrior is only a “cup of water”, but what about the upper third-grade? Isn’t it a huge lake, or even an ocean?

  Besides, although a cup of water is small, what if it is ten thousand cups of water, one hundred thousand cups of water, or a million cups of water?

  As long as there are enough dead warriors, Wei Changtian can also greatly improve his cultivation through soul-stealing.

  For example, a battlefield with a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.


  the last black mist struggled to flow into the palm of his hand. Wei Changtian looked around and breathed a sigh of relief.

  Killing people is very simple, but the several times of dragon locks to prevent the bandits from escaping consumed a lot of internal energy, making him feel a little tired at this moment.

  Fortunately, it is finally done now.

  Shaking his head, he put the leaking shadow back into the star scabbard and walked out of the martial arts hall called “Tianju”. The

  girl was waiting outside with a horse. When she saw Wei Changtian coming out, she asked softly:

  ”Benefactor, where are we going next?”

  ”It’s okay. The groups of bandits in the city are all dead.”

  Wei Changtian shook his head: “The scattered ones will be dealt with by the state government.”


  Hearing that all the bandits in the city were dead, the girl was stunned for a moment, and the hand holding the horse trembled violently for a moment.

  She stared at Wei Changtian blankly, and after a few breaths, she suddenly knelt on the ground, and kowtowed heavily with tears streaming down her face.

  ”Dong, dong, dong”

  The sound of the forehead hitting the soil was dull and depressed, but the sound contained a completely opposite emotion.

  There was gratitude and relief.

  The cold wind blew, blowing the ill-fitting brocade robe on the girl.

  Wei Changtian watched all this silently, and did not immediately stop the girl’s actions, but waited for a few breaths before preparing to help her up.

  However, before he could reach out his hand, he saw the girl suddenly raised her head.

  In the bleak moonlight, she looked at Wei Changtian deeply with a desperate look, then closed her eyes, bit her lips tightly, and used all her strength to hit a piece of bluestone beside her.

  (End of this chapter)


I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am Villain In The Book I Turned Out to Be the Arch-Villain of the Book 我竟是书中大反派
Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

Wei Tian transmigrated to a fantasy novel, and found out that he was the villain who was beaten up by the protagonist from beginning to end? ? ?

He has a powerful family background, but all he does is eat, drink, and have fun; he has a handsome face, but all he does is commit evil deeds; he has abundant cultivation resources, but all he does is waste them away… and he can’t even lie down properly, because the protagonist is about to come and steal his wife!

I used to want to be a good person, but now I really have no choice!


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