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Chapter 591: Depriving It of the Ground for Survival

Chapter 591: Depriving It of the Ground for Survival


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 591 Let them lose the soil for survival

  That loud voice was like a command arrow piercing the clouds. Under its command, the confused and dull faces suddenly seemed to have found their backbone, and they were filled with righteous indignation one after another.

  ”That’s right! How can that be!”

  ”Who will arrange our shifts?!”

  ”That’s it!”

  In addition to the excited red-faced and thick-necked ones, there were also old people with snot and tears. They walked to the front of Quitting Smoking with trembling hands and begged.

  ”Sir… You don’t understand if you are not from here. Without the farmer, we will starve to death.”

  Quitting Smoking was also confused.

  ”Ah… Did the farmer still teach you how to farm?”

  He had seen the farmer.

  Standing on the stairs like a fool, pretending to be cool, being manipulated by Luo Qian like a puppet. No

  matter how he thought about it, that guy didn’t look like someone who had that ability!

  Several old men looked at each other and looked at him humbly.

  ”You don’t need to be taught how to do rough work like that.”

  ”But sir, we only know how to farm…”

  ”The master will harvest a little… but not much. The rest is enough for our family to eat, and it’s okay to work for him. If we go to the wasteland, we’ll be doomed. Don’t you know how those mutants call us? They call us two-legged animals!”

  ”That’s right, it’s the wasteland outside… Without the master to take care of us, will you take care of us?”

  As soon as the old man finished speaking, the servants next to him, who were probably from the manor, shouted anxiously.

  ”We don’t need you to take care of us! The young lady is still alive… She is the new owner of the farm!”

  Realizing his gaffe, the old man quickly changed his words and shouted loyally.

  ”That’s right! Give… the young lady back to us!”

  Shouts echoed at the door.

  The farmer’s private soldiers stood in the distance and watched silently, neither standing with them nor coming to help the alliance.

  This was the request of their superiors.

  Regardless of whether the nightmare last night was the work of the Torch Church, those who have experienced it once don’t want to experience the feeling of being led by the neck again.

  That kind of power is so strong that it doesn’t make sense.

  When sinking into that indescribable dream, it seems that some kind of melody floats in the head, and then my body no longer belongs to me.

  Not to mention cannibalism.

  I’m afraid that even if the alliance asks them to eat shit, they can only lie on the ground and swallow it happily, and only vomit nausea after waking up.

  After all, isn’t the mind interference device in the hands of those guys at the moment?

  Conspiracy theory thinks that maybe I have actually been brainwashed, but I don’t know it because the brainwashing has not ended.

  Some officers do think so.

  It is precisely because of this that they dare not stand up to fight for the position of the farmer, let alone ask what happened to the lady in the manor. Whatever

  the alliance asks them to do, they will do it, whether it is moving the body out or maintaining order, but they will never do anything extra.

  Looking at the excited crowd, the smoking cessation man was dumbfounded, opening his mouth for a long time and unable to say a word.

  He wanted to help them.

  There is no special reason.

  He would not look at the problem from the perspective of the manager. He just thought that they did look pitiful, and he himself happened to have no worries about food and clothing, and a piece of equipment was more expensive than the rags they were wearing.

  To put it another way, does a level 30 big man need a reason to go to the novice village to show off? The realization of self-worth itself is also a need.

  However, he really didn’t know how to help.

  That Zhao Tiangan was dead.

  The survivors here could obviously discuss together how to go next, and no matter which road they finally took, they could be responsible for their own choices like adults.

  However, they didn’t want to, and would rather push all the responsibilities to an eight-year-old child who was even angry and upset with her good friend.

  If it were in reality, she wouldn’t even finish elementary school at her age.

  Will everything get better automatically as long as someone is responsible?

  Will the pie fall from the sky by itself as long as the responsibility and power are given to the imaginary omnipotent God?

  What kind of idealism is this…

  ”No, this is your settlement…”

  Quitting said with a smile.

  ”Have you never thought about… managing it yourself?”

  The complaint was drowned in the noise of the mountains and seas.

  Standing in front of the door, he did not notice that a pair of eyes mixed in the crowd were watching all this coldly.

  The man had a faint sneer on his face, as if he had expected it.

  It was like watching a clown teaching goats to sing, and the smile was full of ridicule…


  The annex of the Pine Cone Farm.

  The players who found an empty room to sit were holding a combat meeting, talking about the information just moved from the official website.

  The manager gave them only one tip –

  the large number of “pathogens” in the Pine Cone Farm is a hidden danger to the Torch Church’s plan.

  In particular, they may have learned from the spies in the farm that the Alliance is developing antidotes and vaccines.

  In order to thwart the Alliance’s plan and recover the experimental data that was not taken away last night, the Torch Church is very likely planning the next round of offensive against this settlement!

  As for the information about the Sanctuary, Forerunners, Apostles, Executioners and a series of other settings, everyone learned about them from the settings updated on the official website.

  According to Fang Chang’s speculation, the executioner and apostle they captured last night should have been sent to the Iron Heart for interrogation and there was a result.

  But Fang Chang didn’t expect that he actually guessed it right.

  The Sanctuary is really a program running in the virtual space.

  And it’s not just that.

  This thing is more awesome than the ordinary virtual space. It is a distributed computing network formed by connecting countless brains with bionic chips!

  Ye Shi touched his chin and thought for a while, then was suddenly shocked.

  ”Fuck… I understand.”

  Kuang Feng glanced at him.

  ”What do you understand now.”

  ”To put it simply, this thing is like Voldemort’s Horcrux! It can store part of consciousness in other people’s brains!”

  Hearing this metaphor, Luo Yu almost choked on his saliva.

  ”Pfft… you have a big imagination.”

  ”But now I understand,” Lao Bai touched his chin and said, “That is to say, there may be hundreds of Horcruxes hidden in the settlement now… Shit?”

  Finally realizing the seriousness of the problem, his face changed slightly.

  Good guy.

  This is the full map!

  Fang Chang also looked solemn and nodded slowly.

  ”In theory, any NPC here may become Luo Qian’s eyes… But fortunately, only when entering the fugue state can Luo Qian personally interfere with the behavior of those chess pieces, otherwise the impact on them is just to communicate in their minds or make their eyelids move.”

  Everyone was silent.

  Even so, this cheat is really amazing.

  ”…The problem now is that we don’t know where the monsters will spawn from. If there is another tunnel hidden in this settlement, we may have to fight a street fight with the mutants here.”

  Just when Fang Chang was feeling troubled, the voice of Brother Quitting Smoking suddenly came from the open microphone of the communication channel.

  ”Have you discussed the result?”

  Fang Chang subconsciously replied casually.

  ”We are still discussing it, not so fast… What’s wrong?”

  The voice on the other side of the communication channel was very noisy, and some chaotic shouting could be heard vaguely. Quitting

  Smoking said with a headache.

  ”The survivors in this settlement blocked the door of the manor… I feel that if we don’t do something, I’m afraid we will have a conflict with the survivors here first.”

  Hearing this, Ye Shi was stunned.

  ”The door is blocked? What’s going on?”

  It was obvious that he was not the only one confused, and others also showed blank expressions.

  Knowing that this matter could not be explained in a few words, Quitting Smoking simply did not explain and directly sent the video of the scene.

  Looking at the excited crowd in the camera, a group of players were stunned.

  ”…Oh my god.”

  ”Are these people crazy?”

  Ye Shi scratched the back of his head in confusion.

  ”I don’t understand…what on earth do they want to do.”

  The master is gone…

  isn’t that a good thing?

  Fang Chang looked calm, as if he had expected the situation. Seeing Ye Shiyi’s confused face, he said concisely.

  ”This is actually easy to understand. Think about it, if you were a serf and the landlord died, what would your first thought be?”

  Ye Shi said immediately.

  ”That would definitely be to divide the land!”

  Fang Chang smiled and said, not surprised by Ye Shi’s answer.

  ”You are a new-age youth in the 21st century, of course you would think so, but the people here are not like that. They don’t think the land under their feet is theirs at all. Therefore, for various reasons, they will try to find a new farmer so that they can continue to do their previous work.”

  Ye Shi was stunned for a long time, and he couldn’t figure out why the original farmer died and a new farmer had to be found. Is

  it true that without a farmer, crops can’t grow in the land?

  ”…This is too absurd.”

  Looking at Ye Shi who looked confused, Fang Chang said with a smile.

  ”There is no such thing as absurd or not. Think about it from another angle. One hundred and fifty years ago, when Singularity City was still in good condition, would you be willing to go out and open up wasteland?”

  Although he didn’t understand why Fang Chang asked this, Ye Shi still tried to listen to him and thought about it in the context of the game.

  Going to the wasteland to open up wasteland…

  If he didn’t have a second life, he probably wouldn’t dare.

  However, Fang Chang didn’t wait for him to figure out the final answer. Almost a second before he opened his mouth, he continued to speak.

  ”Most of the residents of Singularity City lived well under the care of the War Construction Committee, but those were the last few years of the Committee’s life after all, and the supply of materials could not always be so abundant. So the authorities promised to cut the rations of ordinary residents and provide certain assistance to pioneers who went out.”

  ”You are a young man with ideals. You think it is better to go out and try your luck than to starve to death. So you risked your life and went to the wilderness of the wasteland. You used a hoe and a shovel to dig the first well on the land that was frozen as hard as steel, plowed out the first field, and built the first house. The next year, you used the surplus food to exchange for seeds, fertilizers, cattle and sheep…”

  ”So far, life has been going well, and then a group of wandering wastelanders wandered to your doorstep, begging for your shelter.”

  ”Whether it was because you were attracted by their labor or out of sympathy, you nodded generously and agreed to let them live not far from you. Anyway, you could never cultivate all the fertile land even if you worked yourself to death, and it would be safer with more people. You knew very well that the environment in the wasteland was getting worse day by day, and no matter how powerful you were, you were just one person with only two hands and could not use three guns.” ”

  Later, a crisis broke out in Singularity City, and mutants replaced the old humans and became the new masters. More refugees flocked to you. Although you wanted to help them, you couldn’t give away the food you had worked so hard to store, so you thought of a compromise – you lent them food, seeds, and production tools, and in exchange, they needed to return them with next year’s food or reclaimed land, so that both of you benefited.”

  Ye Shi scratched his head.

  ”Is there any problem with this?”

  Looking at Ye Shi who was puzzled, Fang Chang smiled and said.

  ”There is no problem with this. The plantation economy was relatively advanced in the early days of the Wasteland Era. It encouraged large settlements to expand outward to a certain extent. In the era of the War Construction Committee, most settlements were unwilling to cause trouble for themselves because they had the almighty ‘black box’ of the Production Department.”

  ”Although some small plantations are technically immature, they have taken in a large number of excess survivors that the settlements can no longer accommodate, and have suppressed the emergence of predators to a certain extent.”

  ”If there were no plantations, after the crisis in Singularity City broke out, this place would probably become a kingdom of predators, and it would not only be mutants that eat people. The situation would only be worse than it is now.” When

  he said this, Fang Chang suddenly changed the subject.

  ”But the problem is that a century and a half has passed, and the locals are still using the methods of operating farms to manage this society that has actually developed into a settlement.”

  ”The farmer is very careful in managing the little power he has, hoping to use the wisdom of mortals to do things that even gods cannot do, like his ancestors, to arrange everything in detail. His biggest dream in this life is probably to occupy all the surrounding settlements. As for developing any industry, that is not something he can think of, or it is not something that any noble can think of. At least there must be a group of nobles who can’t be fed like in Boulder City.”

  Ye Shi said puzzled.

  ”But there are also many officers here… For example, Luo Feihui, who wanted to use our power to get promoted before, can’t he be considered a noble?”

  Fang Chang shook his head.

  ”He is just like Yang He who has escaped from this farm. He just borrowed some of the power granted by the farmer. In essence, he is just a powerful servant.”

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”However, this is not just a problem for the farmer alone. You can find that the local survivors are very careful not to take on any extra responsibilities.”

  ”They hold the idea that it is better to have less trouble than more, and they just accept whatever happens. They wish they could bury their heads in the ground so that tall people can support them, and they also wish they could stick their butts up to the sky so that they can grab a bench in time when the sun comes.”

  ”The mutants always talk about two-legged animals, baring their fangs and claws as if they want to eat people. The church doesn’t even treat them as human beings. They just kill tens of thousands of people. Maybe you look down on them from the bottom of your heart, but you sympathize with their plight from the perspective of modern people… But who are the church and mutants who treat them least as human beings? Aren’t they themselves?”

  ”Didn’t you notice? This is actually the result of a two-way rush. No one put a rope around their necks, because there was no need. The situation here is completely different from that in Boulder City. So don’t expect to remind them that they are human beings with just a few words. This four-wheel drive car doesn’t even have an accelerator. Let’s teach them to read first, and then give them a copy of “How Boulder City Was Made” to read. At least they can shout a few slogans.”

  Luo Yu interrupted.

  ”Isn’t it called “The Awakener Bol”? ”

  Fang Chang coughed.

  ”I forgot…”

  It’s really embarrassing.

  His partner is the editor of that book.

  Looking at Fang Chang blankly, Ye Shi’s Adam’s apple moved, and he wanted to say something but swallowed it back.

  He thought of the lamb.

  At the last moment, the little girl didn’t think about her own survival, and was even willing to be eaten by that lady.

  And she never thought about whether her self-sacrifice was really good for Yin Yin.

  Eating people…

  Even if you don’t go crazy, it will be a psychological shadow for a lifetime.

  Even someone like Lao Na, who dared to stuff anything into her mouth and yelled that it didn’t matter in the game, didn’t dare to try what a human tasted like.

  Not to mention the flesh of a good friend…

  In the end, she never considered herself a human being, even though she was smart and clever like a child.

  For a moment, Ye Shi suddenly felt that although the actions of the Torch Church were a bit extreme, they were not completely without reason.

  These people were not crazy because of Na Guo.

  They were not normal at all.

  However, the absurdity was that this farm was a relatively normal settlement in this wasteland, and there were many more crazy people than this one.

  ”…No wonder the Enlightenment Society wanted to destroy the world.”

  Looking at Ye Shi muttering there, Lao Bai patted him on the shoulder.

  ”Okay, don’t listen to Fang Chang’s nonsense. If this guy was thrown into the prosperous era, he would probably be a shareholder of the Enlightenment Society. If you listen to his nonsense, you will be led into the ditch.”

  Fang Chang retorted dissatisfiedly.

  ”You are slandering me. I will never do such an extreme thing.”

  ”That’s hard to say. You guys with good brains, who knows what you think every day,” Lao Bai smiled and patted Ye Shi on the shoulder, “You go and talk to that Yin Yin and ask her to cooperate with us.”

  ”Ah?” Ye Shi was stunned for a moment and blurted out, “What can a little kid like her do?”

  Luo Yu frowned at him mischievously.

  ”If you can’t, you can teach her. Don’t you like younger people?”

  Upon hearing this, Ye Shi jumped up like a rabbit whose tail was stepped on, and glared at Luo Yu who was grinning.

  ”Get out! I, I… like people who are a little older than me.”

  Kuang Feng touched his chin.

  ”I understand, no wonder…”

  Ye Shi’s face turned red with anxiety.

  ”No wonder you are so surprised!”

  The room was filled with a joyful atmosphere, diluting the solemnity of a moment ago.

  Fang Chang, who was sitting next to him, coughed and said to Ye Shi who was eager to argue.

  ”Seriously, I think what Lao Bai said makes sense. If we don’t help that little girl, she will probably be forced to become the owner of the farm by the people here.”

  In fact, that’s what the officers thought.

  Except for the dead Luo Feihui, others prefer to support the little girl to be the owner of the farm rather than being the owner themselves.

  In this way, they can indirectly control the farm without worrying about getting into trouble by messing up everything, and they don’t need to fight to the death for an unpleasant position.

  After all, the situation is still unclear, and the war between the Torch Church and the Alliance has just begun. Anything can happen.

  Ye Shi muttered.

  ”Don’t worry about it. Inheriting such a large fortune, maybe they are secretly happy.”

  Fang Chang glanced at him.

  ”And then mess up everything and be slaughtered as a scapegoat by those people?”

  Ye Shi couldn’t help but say.

  ”Then what can you expect from a child? And didn’t you say it yourself, that group of people is hopeless.”

  Fang Chang shook his head.

  ”I never said they were hopeless. It was the Torch who thought they were hopeless. I just wanted to express that ‘awakening’ was not something that fell from the sky. It’s not the responsibility of a certain person, but everyone has an unshirkable responsibility.”

  ”The same goes for that child. She can certainly accept the power and responsibilities handed over by those slaves with peace of mind, and the price is to become a puppet of those servants. After all, being a farmer is not that easy. She doesn’t have the means of her father, right?”

  ”Of course, she now has another choice, which is to return the power and responsibilities that her father has deprived from everyone in this settlement to them, and to use her own withdrawal in exchange for a decent ending. In this way, she can still keep some property.”

  Old Bai frowned and hesitated.

  ”Will this be too much for her? Alyssa is almost an adult… and she is only eight years old.”

  Fang Chang shrugged.

  ”This is already the easiest way. She only needs to nod and cooperate with us to say some polite words, and she can get a decent ending. If she refuses our help, she will have to face the heaviest part next.”

  Ye Shi looked at him puzzled.

  ”What do you mean?”

  ”This is a holy war against the Torch Faith, so the battlefield will naturally not be limited to the visible places… I just thought of it. The Holy Land is not as impeccable as we think. It can be hidden in anyone’s head, but it can’t be hidden in everyone’s head, and these people are the majority of people on this land. If you were the manager, what would you do?”

  Fang Chang did not directly answer his doubts, but asked him this question instead. Ye Shi

  pondered for a long time and was about to say that he didn’t know, but suddenly his heart moved, and he thought of that Naguo, and blurted it out almost subconsciously.

  ”As long as the Torch loses the soil for survival…”

  Naguo will not kill anyone.

  But it will make the soil no longer suitable for the survival of old humans.

  This is the basis of all the plans of the Torch Church, just like “neutron annihilation” for the Enlightenment.

  Similarly, the reason why the Torch Church and their plans can be implemented here is precisely because there is soil here for those dirt to survive and reproduce.

  Then just make this place no longer suitable for their survival.

  The Alliance allows the survivors around to decide their own fate, but the premise is that they mess around in their own territory and don’t harm others.

  But now this is obviously no longer a problem for the locals themselves.

  The Alliance’s Iron Heart has already arrived here, which is the most direct proof.

  Looking at Ye Shi, who has become smart, Fang Chang nodded approvingly.

  ”That’s right. As long as the majority of people on this land are united, the Torch and its Nago will lose the soil for survival. And in order to achieve this, the managers will almost certainly distribute the land that originally belonged to the farmers to the serfs and re-establish the order in this area.”

  ”After the disaster last night, all the settlements on this land have to face a multiple-choice question-”

  ”The church or the alliance.”

  The war has begun.

   ”I’m Inventing at Hogwarts” Author: Vera Tiantian Codewords.

    Introduction: After Rigg joined Hogwarts, the pressure came to Azkaban.

    When Voldemort escaped, he was knocked down by a super-electromagnetic cannon shot by Harry Potter.

    ”Rig, this is much better than the wand!”


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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