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Chapter 592: The Desperate Routine (A “Big” Chapter, Please Vote)

Chapter 592: The Desperate Routine (A “Big” Chapter, Please Vote)


Author: What’s wrong

  Chapter 592: Heartbroken Routine (“Big” Chapter, Please Vote)

  ”When selling plastic bags and takeout boxes, you must avoid the business districts around the headquarters of the distribution companies.”

  ”For example, the employees of Ele.me are likely to order takeout too. It would be a bit impolite if they saw this.”

  ”When I do business, I always like to make money by being friendly.”

  ”Also, when you go to sell plastic bags, you don’t need to have any psychological burden. You must remember that our goal is to reduce the packaging costs of merchants and help them make money. This is a great cause, a glorious cause.”

  ”Look at those merchants, they show moving smiles because they saved tens or hundreds of yuan in packaging fees, and we know that all this is worth it.”

  One week after the packaging plan was implemented, the number of users of group takeout grew steadily.

  During this period, Jiang Qin held a telephone conference to cheer everyone up and improve the inner pattern of each branch.

  After listening to it, everyone felt much more relaxed.

  ”We have finished the second batch of packaging bags. The quality is relatively poor and they may break sometimes. In addition, the workshop director of Shengshi Advertising has poor eyesight and accidentally printed the logo of other platforms on these poor quality packaging bags.”

  ”The ground promotion team has selected a group of new people to try to deliver them and see if they can be delivered. The main point is not to waste them…”

  ”If these [takeaway bags printed with other logos] break during the delivery process, causing the food to need to be redone or the soup to spill, we will bear the loss and then compensate them with double the [group takeaway packaging bags]!”

  Ye Ziqing looked at Jiang Qin on the screen and her scalp went numb.

  When she was doing business before, she only needed to read the plan and the plan, but now she has to read the Buddhist scriptures before she can fall asleep.

  Otherwise, she always feels that she has committed a serious sin.

  This matter will eventually be exposed, but sooner or later, how much pressure will Jiang Zong’s ancestors have to bear at that time…

  So in the subsequent period of time, plastic bags printed with “Are you hungry?”, “Nuomi Takeaway” and “Word of Mouth Takeaway” gradually circulated in the market, and they really broke with a little force.

  For a time, several platforms received a lot of negative reviews.

  Since using these “other people’s plastic bags”, consumers often encounter soup spilling, and some bags are broken, and the soup is really difficult to clean up.

  Bad reviews, very bad reviews!

  So it didn’t take long before these packages were collectively boycotted by merchants, and only group packaging was used.

  Merchants know that this is the fault of selling plastic bags, but consumers don’t know. In their minds, takeaways ordered from other stores often spill soup and often break bags, but group-buy packages are always intact.

  And this kind of hint of details will make consumers have an inertial thinking.

  That is, their packaging bags are so rubbish, how good can the meals ordered from their platform be?

  And once this concept is formed, it will solidify in people’s minds.

  So in just a few days, group buying became the conscience of takeaways, and the number of users rose again.

  At this time, a man selling plastic bags was looking at the bottom of the goods he squeezed, and fell into endless contemplation…

  ”Old Jiang, aren’t you also doing takeout?”

  ”Yes, I am, in full swing, and thriving.”

  ”Come on, our Linda takeout market has been invaded by other apps, what about your group takeout? Why is there no movement at all?”

  On Sunday morning, Jiang Qin just got up and heard his three roommates mumbling while holding their mobile phones to order takeout.

  At present, many takeout platforms have targeted the college market and spent money to hire part-time college students to promote on campus. Not only are there subsidies, but also Coke is given away when placing orders.

  Therefore, many college students no longer need to order group purchases in the three time periods before group buying, and directly use the takeout platform with real-time delivery.

  Cao Guangyu and others were also very confused. They had heard that Jiang Qin was going to do takeout, and he was in meetings and making phone calls all day, so why is there no trace of him now?

  ”You can’t see it because you haven’t ordered it yet. If you have, you will know that group-buying takeaways are everywhere.”

  Jiang Qin stretched and pulled his pants to cover the thing that would make Feng Nanshu cry with greed.

  There is no way, young college students are full of fire.

  At this time, Cao Guangyu turned his head and looked at him, thinking that he must not have woken up.

  You don’t do any promotion, don’t organize any activities, and don’t even put up a few posters. How can I order group-buying takeaways?

  ”Qiangzi, Chaozi, my takeaway has arrived. Where’s yours?”

  ”Mine has arrived too.”

  ”Then let’s go get it together.”

  Cao Guangyu turned over and got out of bed, landing on one foot, as cool as a short-legged armored warrior.

  Then, the three of them went to the door of the building in a hurry to get the takeaways, but after returning, the three of them all showed a feeling of being fooled.

  Cao Guangyu used word of mouth, Ren Ziqiang used hungry, and Zhou Chao used glutinous rice.

  As a result, their packaging was all the same, all [Group-buying takeaway, everything is delivered quickly], which was like seeing a ghost.

  At this time, Jiang Qin sat up from the bed and reached out to pick up three flyers from the trash can at the door.

  Ele.bu, Koubei and Fandian.

  These three platforms have now set their sights on the college student market and are constantly hiring part-time college students to do on-campus promotion.

  Among them, [Fandian] seems to be a new entrant app that specializes in takeout for college students.

  Just like the original group buying, it has developed very well because of its clear target positioning.

  His boss’s surname is Duan, and he seems to be a young entrepreneur, not even thirty years old.

  Jiang Qin smacked his lips and threw the three flyers into the trash can, his eyes seemed to be looking at a dead person.

  In the following days, the plans of Ele.bu, Koubei and Fandian Takeout to spend money on promotion in colleges and universities went smoothly, and group buying takeout became famous! !

  College students may not remember the slogans of other companies, but [Group buying takeout, everything is delivered quickly] is very memorable!

  ”Has Pintuan Waimai advertised?”

  ”No, it’s been quiet all the time, I haven’t even seen a flyer.”

  ”That’s strange, why are their app downloaded so much?”

  Guo Liang, the person in charge of Koubei Waimai, took a look at the download comparison chart and looked at Pintuan Waimai, which was chasing behind, with a hint of confusion in his eyes.

  And his former Lashou generals Luo Ping and Robin began to feel panic for some reason.

  They seemed to have returned to the day when they were chased and bitten by dogs.

  The management is far away from the market. Their minds are full of strategies and layouts. They are not down-to-earth and do not know that when they are competing for riders and comparing subsidies.

  There was a dog with a plastic bag on it wandering around the field.

  This is the characteristic of the hot industry during its wild growth period. Everyone is keeping a close eye on their opponents and has no time to take care of these details.

  At this time, Shengshi Advertising Factory has freed up two production lines and continued to work day and night.

  Soon, the logistics vehicle of Hengtong Freight drove out of Shengshi Advertising Factory, quickly hit the road, galloped through major cities, and drove into the warehouse of the group supply chain.

  Spring is a relatively rainy season, and the orders on the food delivery platform have also increased sharply with the rain.

  The rider industry has just started to develop, and the equipment is not complete. When encountering sudden rainfall, they can only deliver food in the rain and find a place to hide for a while after delivering.

  ”Do you want a raincoat?”

  ”We have raincoats.”

  ”Yours is too small, it covers the front but not the back. Our raincoats are big and they are supplied from the manufacturer, very cheap and of good quality. If it gets torn, come to me and I’ll replace it for free.”

  The rider Xiao Zhang looked up at the man in front of him: “How much?”

  ”Fifty yuan, there’s a pocket on the right side where you can put your phone. The fabric is soft and not stiff, and it’s highly waterproof. There’s also reflective material on the back so you don’t have to hide from cars when driving at night.”

  ”So cheap? I spent fifty on this crappy raincoat.”

  Jiang Jian smiled: “Of course, there is just a small problem. This batch of raincoats were ordered by other companies but not wanted. They have some prints and are only yellow. If you want all of them, I can give you a discount of ten yuan.”

  ”Show them here.”

  ”We also have jackets. Look, they can’t be torn apart, and water can’t seep in. They cost eighty yuan, but they have prints and are only one color. I’ll give you a discount of ten yuan.”

  ”So cheap?!”

  Jiang Jian stretched out his hand and handed over the raincoat and jacket: “If you want both, I’ll give you a waterproof box as a gift. You can tie it to the back of your electric car and it has a heat preservation function.”

  Xiao Zhang opened his mouth: “Give you something as a gift?!”

  ”Yes, do you want it?”

  Xiao Zhang looked at the rain outside: “Can it be cheaper?”

  Jiang Jian put the two clothes in his arms and pushed the waterproof box over: “How about this, I’ll give it to you.”

  ”Are you a Bodhisattva?”

  ”Brother, it’s not easy for you to do this business. I know you know a lot of riders. If you have time, just introduce some business to me. I can sell at half price for large quantities. This batch of goods is for clearance sale. They will be gone once they are sold out.”

  Xiao Zhang unfolded his raincoat and took a look at the eight big words on it: “Is this also from a food delivery company?”

  Jiang Jian lowered his voice: “Those who know will know. Be a rider and be nice to yourself.”

  Sometimes, marketing on the street will make people wary, but free ones are different.

  Soon, the riders who were taking shelter from the rain gathered around and asked Jiang Jian if he could also deliver them for free. They were willing to introduce business.

  The food delivery platform does not provide a basic salary or insurance, so the sense of belonging of these riders is actually very low.

  There are also quite a few riders who take orders from two or three platforms at the same time. They don’t care what is printed on this thing.

  As long as it is not “I am a big idiot”, what can’t I wear?

  So, more and more people began to order clothes from Jiang Jian.

  ”Brother, do you want one too?”

  ”Yes, I want one too.”

  Jiang Jian reached out and handed over the equipment: “How long have you been a rider?”

  The man who came to buy a raincoat and clothes was in his early thirties, with a flat head. He counted the money and said, “I just started. I used to sell things, but then business became more and more difficult, so I gradually stopped.”

  ”What business?”

  ”Selling plastic bags.”

  Jiang Jian’s eyelids jumped, and he laughed twice, and gave him a helmet for free. On the

  eighth floor of the Wangjing office building, the copywriter Xiaobai ordered takeout again, and more and more people in the company ordered takeout.

  Especially today, it was raining and it was inconvenient to go out. Why not use someone to deliver food to your door.

  But when Xiaobai saw the deliveryman wearing a bright yellow raincoat with the words [Group takeout, delivery is fast] on it, he was in a trance again.

  Before ordering food, the packaging bags were all group takeout, but now… even the riders are group takeout, this group takeout is incredible.

  In fact, many platforms are considering the issue of uniform clothing, but if they want to unify, they can only post but not sell.

  Good guy, people deliver food to you, and you still make money from their clothes?

  However, with the rapid increase in the number of riders, the clothing fee is also a very high cost. In the stage of burning money to grab the market, this option is naturally placed at the end.

  Jiang Qin has invested a lot of money in this round of clothing plan, but its publicity effect is extremely obvious.

  Some riders who were not promoted saw their peers wearing yellow robes on the way to deliver goods, and thought they were posted, so they couldn’t help but download the group delivery rider end.


  Because they think that it seems not bad to deliver food for the group for two days and get some clothes.

  ”How is the order volume in recent times?”

  ”It’s okay, it’s steadily increasing. The best market is still Kyoto, followed by the Shanghai market, but in Shanghai, the most users are still hungry.” “In addition

  , the growth of group business is very fierce, so fierce that it’s strange.”

  Guo Ming of word-of-mouth takeout is on vacation today and brought his daughter to the amusement park, but he still cares about his work all the time and makes calls to understand the situation along the way.

  But at this moment, a speeding electric car suddenly whizzed past, startling him.

  ”Damn, what is that? It’s gone bankrupt, and it scared me?”

  ”It’s group takeaway, everything is delivered quickly.”

  A ticket inspector next to him said with a smile, and Guo Ming’s head immediately buzzed: “You…what did you say just now?”

  The ticket inspector was stunned for a moment: “Group takeaway, everything is delivered quickly.”

  ”What about Koubei takeaway? What’s the next sentence?”

  ”No…I don’t know.”

  Guo Ming held his breath, with a hint of disbelief in his eyes.

  Koubei is backed by Alibaba and has spent a lot of money on advertising in various publicity channels. As a result, if you meet a passerby, their awareness is not as good as that of the group takeaway that has been silent all the time?

  Old Guo lost his mood to play: “Little girl, where did you see the phrase ‘group takeout, delivery is fast’?”

  ”Where else did I see it? In just half a month, it’s all over the street. It makes me so angry!”

  Before the ticket inspector could speak, the aunt in charge of cleaning the park came over and shook the garbage bag in her hand. There were several plastic bags printed with group takeout in it.

  Guo Ming took it out and took a look. His head suddenly felt like a mobile phone on vibrate, buzzing and couldn’t stop.

  It’s not because of how awesome and terrible Jiang Qin’s trick is. What’s so advanced about unified packaging?

  They had a plan for unified delivery packaging before, but later scrapped it.

  Because in their view, those who can touch the takeout packaging are already users who are using their platform, so this kind of secondary promotion is meaningless.

  Even if some packaging can be left behind and seen by other people, forming a third or fourth spread, the efficiency is still too low, far less direct than elevator ads and bus ads.

  In fact, other platforms also think so, so no one does unified packaging.

  So, what shocked Guo Ming was not the packaging itself, but the order on the packaging.

  And that order was for word-of-mouth takeaway.

  Guo Ming put down his phone instantly, snatched the aunt’s garbage bag, and searched through it one by one.

  Group buy paper bag + hungry order

  group buy plastic bag + glutinous rice takeaway order

  group buy packaging box + quick order

  “Shit, shit, shit…”

  “He…he unified the takeout packaging of other people’s food?!”

  (4,200 words, please give me a monthly ticket. I didn’t take any nap during lunch break. I just kept writing. Or2, or2, please have pity on this old mistake. Please!)

  (End of this chapter)


Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a s*ave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that!


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