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Chapter 592 The fog has risen

Chapter 592 The fog has risen


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 592 The fog has risen.

  Probably since a year ago, when the church was just built in the settlement, Zhao Yinyin could hear the voice of an old man in her mind from time to time.

  At first she thought it was her hallucination, but later she found that it was not the case. He not only answered her doubts, but also occasionally taught her some knowledge that she had never known.

  When she was very young, her grandfather passed away. Sometimes she felt that the old man was always kind, just like her grandfather.

  Later, the old man told her that he was the Son of God, and that he was enshrined in the church.

  Yinyin did not doubt what he said. It would be better to say that she had long suspected that his identity might be the Son of God.

  After all, apart from the real gods, who else could be as omnipresent and omnipotent as him, and communicate with her in her mind?

  From then on, she began to confide her troubles to the Son of God without reservation.

  Gods will not lie, let alone talk about the troubles of mortals everywhere.

  There is no more suitable person to confide in than him…

  as usual.

  Yinyin, who was curled up in an empty room on the second floor of the annex, told him all her troubles, including the conflicts with her good friends, the sadness of her family being broken up, and the confusion of being helpless in the future.

  After wiping away her tears, Yinyin muttered softly.

  ”…I’m sorry, I said so much to myself, you may find it boring.” There

  was a long silence.

  The kind voice slowly floated into her mind.

  ”How could it be, my child.”

  Although it was just a comfort that was not encouraging, Yinyin showed a weak but strong smile on her face, and she cheered up a little.

  After a moment, she seemed to have made some kind of decision, looking straight ahead with her eyes.

  ”Sure enough, I should apologize to Xiaoyang…”

  Standing in an invisible place and looking down at the little girl, Luo Qian smiled faintly.

  Sure enough, she is a child.

  Even such an insignificant little thing will take so much time to worry about, but he will never do this, and will do things immediately after deciding.

  ”If you don’t want to do this, you don’t have to do it.”

  Yinyin tilted her head.


  Luo Qian wanted to tell her, because it was all meaningless. The people in this settlement will die soon. In that case, what difference does it make whether or not to do that?

  But after thinking about it, he finally didn’t say that.

  Even the animals in the sheepfold have the right to spend the last second happily. He didn’t kill for the sake of killing.

  So he changed to a more gentle statement.

  ”Time is a good medicine. It will heal all wounds equally. As long as you wait patiently, everything will be fine.”

  Yin Yin hugged her knees tightly, buried her chin between her knees, and muttered softly.

  ”As long as it’s long enough, everything will be fine.”


  The god guarding beside her nodded gently. Although she couldn’t see the man, she could be sure that he was doing this action.

  Yin Yin believed in him very much.

  But she couldn’t agree with this matter.

  Because she remembered very clearly that when she was worrying about whether to help the lamb escape from the cage, he told her in person.

  After hesitating for a moment, she whispered.

  ”But… didn’t you tell me that there are many things that are too late to hesitate, and that problems that are left to time to answer will definitely lead to regrets in the end?”

  … Hmm?

  Did I say that?

  Facing the innocent girl, Luo Qian couldn’t help but fall into thought for a moment.

  Among all the chess pieces he chose, this little girl was the youngest and the most special one.

  It was not because he had special feelings for her, but simply because she was different from other believers, and always told him every little thing in life.

  Most other people respected the gods and felt honored that “only they could communicate with the gods face to face.”

  Therefore, even Zhao Tiangan, who did not believe in the torch faith from the bottom of his heart, the father of this little girl, would show a humble and pious attitude when communicating with a higher being like himself, and carefully consider every word.

  And he also took advantage of this awe and communicated with these believers who only knew the surface of it as the Son of God.

  Occasionally, he would use their identities to issue orders.

  After all, although the chip has been implanted in their brains, he can’t just take over their bodies casually. He can

  only take over the control of the body completely when he is “wandering”.

  And this little girl seems to treat him as a person to confide in.

  She naively believes that the gods will not talk about mortals’ affairs everywhere, so she tells him almost everything.

  Luo Qian acquiesced to her behavior.

  Anyway, a few words of communication will not take up much computing power, and this chess piece may come in handy at a critical moment.

  That’s why, during the day yesterday, he used the excuse of knowing a wonderful hiding place to instigate this little guy to go to the basement.

  After all, even if you go crazy with others, you can’t guarantee absolute safety, after all, there are a group of special guests in the manor.

  But staying in that empty basement is absolutely safe.

  But now it seems that he seems to have done something unnecessary. In order to let a chess piece live a little longer on the chessboard, the whole plan has taken unnecessary risks.

  If she didn’t go to the basement, the alliance might have to spend some time to find the laboratory in the basement of the annex.

  No matter how useful this chess piece is, the experiment in this settlement has already been completed. Besides, it is hard to say whether it is truly merciful for her to survive.

  There is no pain in dying in a dream, but if you fall into the hands of mutants, it is truly worse than death.

  Thinking of this, Luo Qian sighed softly.

  Sure enough…

  his practice is still not enough.

  Of course, what he cares more about is actually another thing, why did he say “questions left to time to answer will definitely get regrets in the end”.


  That kind of thing will never happen to him.

  They have paid enough price on this road, and at the last moment, they have given their all for their ideals.

  He has no chance to turn back.

  ”I just think that escaping is not good… Lord Saint?” Seeing that the voice in her head has not appeared for a long time, Yin Yin asked nervously and carefully.

  She has nothing left.

  If even Lord Saint ignored her, she might really be desperate.

  ”Well, I am… I am just thinking about when I said that sentence. Sorry to have kept you waiting for so long.” Luo Qian said with a gentle smile.

  Yin Yin’s face showed a relieved smile.

  ”It’s okay… You have to respond to many people’s prayers every day. It doesn’t matter if you reply to me later, as long as you are still here.”

  Seeing that the little girl was still worried about him, Luo Qian couldn’t help but smile.

  If she knew that it was him who controlled her father to walk in front of the alliance and be killed by the group of soldiers, I wonder if she would still be able to laugh.

  ”God’s work is actually not as busy as you think.”

  Yin Yin tilted her head.

  ”But won’t many people pray to you?”

  He said in a gentle tone.

  ”My child, most people don’t really ask God’s will. Before they pray to me, they already have their own answers in their hearts… What they need may just be someone to push them from behind. Children like you who leave everything to me to decide are actually a minority.”

  Hearing this, Yin Yin couldn’t help but feel a little hot on her face, and said in a low voice with shame.

  ”I’m sorry… I’ve caused you trouble.”

  ”It’s okay, I don’t think you’re a trouble, I’d rather say I’m happy to see you grow up. You always asked for my opinion before, but today you made your own decision to reconcile with your friend. You already have your own opinion, which is a good thing.”

  Yin Yin asked in confusion.

  ”Don’t the gods want people to listen to you?”

  ”If everything is left to God to decide, I might really be busy to death.”

  Luo Qian said this half-jokingly, and when he came to his senses, he suddenly sighed softly.

  After talking about it, he actually denied himself.

  But it’s no wonder, he knows very well that the forerunners are not real gods, and the Son of God is even less so. They just need the clothes of the gods to do things that humans can’t do.

  Of course, he was very pleased that the settlements here all obeyed his will, but from the perspective of an elder, he still hoped to teach this child something more precious.

  Being obedient is of course a good child, but without your own opinions, you will always be a child. He hoped that she would have her own opinions, even if this was completely contrary to the doctrine he preached.

  Perhaps the contradiction was not his words and deeds, but deep down in his heart, he actually did not want this little girl to die.

  Not to mention a living person.

  Even if it was a flower or grass planted in a pot, as long as you spent time watering it, everyone hoped that it would be well and not wither.

  Not counting those like-minded apostles, this was probably the most communication he had with mortals since entering the Holy Land.

  After thinking for a moment, Luo Qian came up with a compromise.

  That was to release this special lamb from the sheepfold.

  Anyway, for him, losing one or two was not a big problem, and the Alliance was unlikely to research anything based on a single sample.

  ”If you believe me, I can show you a way.”

  Yin Yin nodded seriously.

  ”Well! You say it!”

  Luo Qian said slowly.

  ”Give up everything here, seek refuge from the people of the alliance, and then completely leave this place of trouble. I think they will consider it because you are still a child.”

  Yin Yin looked at him puzzledly, with disbelief and surprise flashing in her big eyes.

  ”But… aren’t the people of the alliance bad guys? They killed my father, and I heard that… they are going to tear down your church.”

  Looking at the little girl who tried her best to prove that those people were villains, Luo Qian suddenly laughed out loud, almost laughing to tears.

  Unfortunately, he no longer has that thing.

  Until the pair of surprised eyes turned into confusion, he slowly opened his mouth and continued.

  ”Listen, you may not understand it at your age, but you will understand it when you grow up… The things you say now are not important at all.”

  Yin Yin stared at the empty space with wide eyes.

  ”How could it be…”

  Without explaining to her, Luo Qian continued in a serious tone.

  ”This settlement is sandwiched between two behemoths, and so are all the settlements on this land. No matter what choice they make, the final outcome will not be good. And the only way you want to survive is to stay away from here.”

  Yin Yin bit her lip and squeezed out a sentence.

  ”But why do you want to join the Alliance… Can’t you take me away?”

  Luo Qian’s expression froze slightly, and after a long silence, he said ambiguously.

  ”We still need some time there…”

  It would be meaningless to drive her into another sheepfold. Even if other pioneers would take care of her for his sake, the experiments that should be carried out would definitely be carried out step by step.

  There was confusion and puzzlement in Yin Yin’s eyes.


  Luo Qian nodded and said patiently.

  ”Well… this is a huge project.”

  ”New humans, new society, all of these will take a very long time to build. We will build this utopia as perfect as possible, and for this we need to pay with our lives, courage and determination. I know that it will become heaven in the future, and the whole world will, but not now… Can you give me some time?”

  He didn’t know why he had to ask for the child’s consent, and he had to use a gentle tone of inquiry.

  In fact, he didn’t need to do this. After all, everything was decided, and even if she shook her head, it would not change the fate of this settlement.

  But he still did it.


  he just wanted to convince himself.

  Yinyin looked at the empty place with a vague understanding, nodded gently, and forced a smile on her face.

  ”Okay… Although I don’t understand it very well, you will definitely not hurt Yinyin, right?”

  The air was quiet for a while.

  After a moment, there was a sound.

  ”Well, I promise I won’t hurt you… Thank you.”

  He didn’t look at those innocent eyes, but just left a word quietly and hurriedly.

  That smile made him feel a prick in his heart.

  Although he had abandoned that thing a long time ago.

  This may be the only regret he has had since entering the Holy Land.

  Sure enough, his practice is not enough.

  Although she didn’t hear the farewell sound, Yinyin could feel that he had left here.

  He jumped off the chair with a swoosh. She was about to go outside and find Xiaoyang to solve the misunderstanding last night, but she heard a creaking sound from the floor outside the door.

  After all, this villa is an old house, and the wooden floor is so old.

  She was slightly stunned, walked quickly to the door, and opened it, only to see the familiar face not far from the door.

  Xiaoyang looked at her blankly, holding a handful of chocolate candies in his hand. They were given to them by the brothers and sisters of the alliance last night.

  At that time, she kept Yinyin’s share, but she never found a chance to give it out. It

was not until she had her blood drawn that sister Chen Yutong gave her another handful and asked her to share it with her good friend that she made up her mind to come.

  However, as soon as she walked to the door, she heard a voice in the room…


  ”Little Lamb?”

  Yinyin stared at her blankly, her expression changing from panic to alert, as if she had done something wrong, and she said at a loss, “You… why are you here?”

  ”The brothers and sisters from outside gave me some chocolate, and I want to share some with you…”

  Little Lamb looked at her nervously, swallowed his saliva, and continued.

  ”Who are you talking to…”

  Yinyin’s face was slightly pale.

  The Son of God told her that she must not let the people in the north know that she could communicate with him, otherwise, with their hatred for the torch, they would definitely not let her go.


  Looking at Yinyin, whose expression was full of nervousness and fear, Little Lamb vaguely guessed something, but said nothing, just walked up to her and hugged her gently.

  Looking at Little Lamb who suddenly hugged her, Yinyin was stunned and did not react.

  ”…… Eh?”

  ”It’s okay, I won’t tell anyone…” Looking at the helpless Yin Yin, Xiao Yang raised his head and gave her an encouraging smile, whispering in a gentle voice, “This is a secret between the two of us… Okay?”

  The lady has always taken good care of herself.

  She didn’t know if it was right to do so, but now it was her turn to report her.

  ”…… Xiao Yang.” Yin Yin stared blankly at this sister who was two years younger than her, and her eyes suddenly filled with tears.

  There was regret, grievance… and many emotions that she couldn’t say but were stuck in her chest.

  It was not just because of the hurtful words she said last night, but she suddenly realized that the person who was the most worthy of her confession and who cared about her the most was actually always by her side.

  However, what made her feel ashamed was that she had never really looked up to this clumsy friend, and even in her subconscious she had never regarded her as a friend, but just wanted to use Xiao Yang’s special identity to play tricks on the servants.

  Otherwise, why would she rather confess to an unknown god than to speak her heart out to her.

  Otherwise, why did she know that she couldn’t escape, but still dragged her to do things that might get her scolded.

  She always took her everywhere and treated her as her pet, but she never asked her what she thought, whether she wanted to leave here, whether she needed to hide in that “place where no one could find her” for a while.

  Even though such a serious thing happened last night, she didn’t ask her a question with concern, but was just worried about the change of identity and the loss of her only friend after losing everything.

  Looking at the young lady who suddenly burst into tears, Xiaoyang didn’t know what she was thinking, but just patted her back gently to comfort her.

  ”It’s okay now… Xiaoyang will be with you.”

  I don’t know how long it has been.

  Gray-green fog filled the window.

  It was a color that Yinyin had never seen before, and the haziness that was so dark that you couldn’t see your hand in front of you was even more ominous.

  Xiaoyang also noticed the changes outside the window, stopped patting Yinyin’s hand gently, and muttered to himself.

  ”It’s foggy…”

  At this time, a slight creak suddenly came from the direction of the stairs.

  Yinyin, who was holding a secret, immediately looked over there, but saw nothing. There was only an empty corridor.

  Was it an illusion?

  Just as she was thinking this, she suddenly caught a glimpse of a wet footprint slowly printed at the corner of the stairs.

  It was like a boot that had just walked through the grass stepped there.

  The moment she saw the footprint, her heart suddenly rose to her throat.

  … Ghost? !


  The fog rose suddenly, and it happened abnormally in the afternoon, and it filled the entire Pine Cone Farm in an instant.

  The faces of the people gathered at the gate of the manor showed panic, thinking that the alliance had activated the mind interference device, and what happened last night would happen again.

  Whether it was the supervisors, serfs, or servants of the manor, they all swarmed away, desperately hiding in their homes, and hurriedly took out the lock to lock themselves.

  There was really no lock, so they could only find a hemp rope and tie the family members separately to the pillars or the stove.

  This saved the players a lot of trouble.

  It was really dangerous for so many people to gather together when they didn’t know where the “monsters” would spawn.

  But no one took it lightly.

  The gray-green fog that suddenly rose was obviously a trick of the Torch Church. The players gathered at the door put on helmets and gas masks, spread out and became alert, and guarded against possible accidents.

  ”What’s the situation with this fog…”

  ”Poisonous gas?”

  ”It doesn’t look like… It doesn’t seem to affect breathing.”

  ”It just smells a bit.”

  ”And this is too damn green!”

  The communication channel was whispered.

  Luo Yu looked up at the sky. Previously, he could see the clouds in the sky, but now he could only see a ball of shit-green halo.

  The air was as sticky as jelly, and it had a damp and musty smell, like clothes that had not been washed for a long time.

  At this time, the call of the Iron Heart came from the communication channel.

  ”…This is the Iron Heart Air Command. We saw you surrounded by thick fog in the sky. Report the situation over there immediately!”

  Old White, wearing a power armor, walked to the door of the manor with a rifle and said solemnly.

  ”Everything is normal here for the time being. Can you estimate the scope of this fog area? Is it only our area, or is the entire area covered?”

  ”The fog area is about more than 1,000 square kilometers, and you are right in the center of the fog area.”

  ”I suspect it was the Torch… Can you send a plane to help us check nearby? Focus on searching the area from Songguomu Farm to Jinhe City.”


  With such a thick fog, the visibility on the ground should be very poor, and I’m afraid you can’t see anything in the sky, so Old White didn’t hold much hope. What

  he really worried about was that the mutants might take this opportunity to sneak out of the city.

  But what he cared more about was how did this thick fog come out?

  At this time, Luo Yu, who was standing aside, suddenly gently supported his forehead and whispered.

  ”…It’s spores.”

  Quitting was stunned and looked at him in surprise.


  ”Hmm…” Luo Yu nodded solemnly and continued, “It’s very similar to the spores of mutant slime molds… Xiao Yu told me.”

  Although Xiao Yu does not rely on spores to exchange information and reproduce, it was developed in the environment of Qingquan City after all, and it knows something about the spores of ordinary slime molds.

  However, after hearing what he said, all the players showed unexpected expressions on their faces, especially Quitting, who looked at him in disbelief.


  Why are there spores in Jinhe City?

  There is no mother nest here at all!

  The Killing Dagger swallowed his saliva.

  ”Wait… If you don’t understand, just ask. Didn’t your fruiting bodies die before?”

  ”It left one in my body, that is the biological prosthesis that increases HP recovery… And don’t say weird things. What do you mean by my fruiting body? That’s Xiao Yu’s!” Luo Yu glared at him dissatisfiedly. The

  Killing Dagger smiled embarrassedly.

  At this time, Lao Bai interrupted their communication and said.

  ”Now is not the time to talk about this… The situation has changed. We have to temporarily evacuate the key NPCs and equipment from here.”

  Luo Yu suddenly remembered that he still had a task worth 100,000 silver coins, and he said hurriedly.

  ”Remember to take the lamb with you.”

  ”Of course, she is a key research material. No matter who is left behind, she can’t be left behind.”

  Jieyan asked.

  ”What about the local residents?”

  ”There are 40,000 to 50,000 people here… It’s impossible to move everyone away, and it’s even more dangerous to go out of the wall.”

  Looking at the houses outside the manor, Lao Bai continued in a deep voice.

  ”Anyway, do your best.”

  At this moment, there was a deafening explosion behind everyone, followed by dense gunfire.

  Looking back suddenly, Lao Bai’s expression changed slightly.

  It’s the direction of the villa!


  In the emerald green jungle, green heads were shaking, and their knotted muscles were covered with orange-yellow ammunition and grim weapons.

  Kuru stood in front of the mutants, staring at the foggy plain ahead, his pupils flashing with bloodthirsty murderous light.

  The fog, which was too rotten for the weak old humans, smelled of a refreshing fragrance in his nose.

  In that fragrance, he had already smelled killing and death…

  Last night, he was unfortunately defeated. Not only did his brothers die and get injured, but he also lost half of his arm.

  Originally, such an incompetent guy should have been chopped up and thrown into the pot, but the patriarch did not pursue his stupidity, but forgave him generously.

  Not only that, the people of the church helped him install a mechanical arm and implanted a large number of mechanical prostheses in his broken body, which made his destructive power rise to a higher level.

  In order to make up for the losses caused to the tribe by his mistakes, and to repay the church for giving him the opportunity to return to the battlefield, he took the initiative to volunteer for this operation and vowed to bring back 50,000 heads for Lord Gaen.

  To comfort the brothers who died last night, as well as the martyred apostles and executioners.

  Looking at the increasingly thick fog, Kuru gradually showed a cruel smile on his face. The people of the church did not lie to him.

  Under the cover of this thick fog, the originally insurmountable plain will be completely open to them.

  Even if the airship flying in the sky knew that they might be hiding in this thick fog, it would not know where to fire.

  At this time, a light explosion floated in the distance.

  That was the signal for an attack.

  Kuru took a deep breath, letting the smell fill his chest, and the blood flowing in his veins boiled like magma.

  He raised his mechanical arm and the axe-like gun in his hand, and roared in a rough and savage voice.

  ”Kuru said, chop up those two-legged animals-”

  ”Don’t leave any!”


  (Thanks to the leader of “Diao Changjiang Snow Alone” and “Digging Graves in the Middle of the Night” for the reward!!!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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