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Chapter 594: A wild dog is worthy of being the opponent of the administrator?

Chapter 594: A wild dog is worthy of being the opponent of the administrator?


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 594 A wild dog, is he worthy of being the opponent of the administrator?

  Although the exact location of the mutant army was uncertain, a rough coordinate was enough for the Iron Heart, whose support gun bay was fully equipped with 155mm guns. At

  the moment when Chu Guang issued the order, the alarm to avoid the shock wave sounded on the airship deck, and the staff on the entire ship immediately became busy. The

  hydraulic support of the loader in the main gun bay was lifted, pushing an orange-yellow 400mm rocket-assisted projectile into the gun barrel.

  At this moment, on the deck.

  The huge short-barreled cannon made a clicking sound, slowly rotated under the traction of the motor, and aimed at the west of the pine nut farm.

  The automatic fire control system was completely controlled by Xiao Qi.

  According to the charge of this rocket-assisted projectile, the quantum computer has analyzed various ballistic conditions under different air density, wind speed conditions, and humidity conditions.

  A group of players stopped what they were doing and looked at the towering cannon curiously, with expectations in their eyes.

  As if in response to this expectation, three seconds after the alarm stopped, a flame as thick as a dragon spurted out from the huge gun barrel. The

  raging air waves and smoke swept across the hundreds of meters long steel deck, and were thrown into the sky in the turbulent air flow. The flashing white light in an instant almost blinded people.

  Although the Iron Heart has participated in many battles, not all players have really seen this industrial behemoth roaring with its head raised.

  Seeing the amazing power of destroying the world, many newcomers who boarded the ship for the first time cheered in surprise, and even whistled excitedly.


  ”You told me this is called a shell?! This is a barrel-fired missile!”

  ”The shock wave of this cannon is amazing!”

  Seeing the group of ignorant newbies, Guigui, with his hands on his hips, teased with a tone of an old player.

  ”Hey, this is nothing. If you were on the ground, you would know that the shock wave of the explosion is much more awesome than this!”

  The newbie swallowed his saliva.

  ”How awesome is it?”

  ”About this much!” Gui Gui stretched out her arms and tried to gesture, but found that she couldn’t describe it at all, so she groaned and scratched her head, “Anyway, it can blow away the garbage man from a kilometer away!”

  Newbie: “Awesome!”

  The newbie’s admiring expression made Gui Gui feel very happy.

  Although she has only played this game for a few months, as a frequent visitor to this deck, she has long regarded this place as her home.

  With a proud smile, she continued.

  ”Anyway, pray for those green-skinned animals. This is not a force that carbon-based creatures can resist. They evaporated in an instant. Roar, roar, roar.”

  Feng Qing put on goggles and lay on the edge of the deck. Without saying a word, she just held the telescope and stared at the ground excitedly.


  She wants to see the explosion!


  At the same time, dozens of kilometers away from the Iron Heart, an abandoned wooden house was located on a slightly rugged slope in the wilderness.

  Next to the wooden house were two motorcycles that had turned off.

  Li Jinrong and Xiao Yue, who were lying on the reverse slope of the gentle slope, looked at each other with strange expressions at the Alliance soldier who was dozing next to the motorcycle.

  The main force of mutants was advancing less than three kilometers away from them, and a patrol team of about ten people had just come to their place.

  However, at this critical moment, this guy could actually sleep!

  ”…Should we wake him up?” Xiao Yue asked in a low voice.

  Li Jinrong smiled bitterly.

  ”If you can wake him up.”

  Xiao Yue smiled embarrassedly and said nothing.

  When the mutant sentinels scouted this area just now, he did think about waking this guy up, but there was no response no matter what he did.

  To be honest, he had never seen anyone sleeping so soundly.

  And it was so close to those man-eating things, how could ordinary people sleep?

  ”I think we should at least send someone back to inform the others in the settlement. With such thick fog, even if the airship flies high, it won’t be visible.”

  ”That number… what if we inform them?” Li Jinrong glanced at the noisy movement in the distance and squinted his eyes and said, “He said to leave it to him, so let’s leave it to him.”


  the soldiers of the Alliance really have the special ability to send messages in dreams?

  This is a wasteland.

  As we all know, all kinds of strange things can happen in a wasteland. If we tell the survivors in another place that there are so many mutants in Jinhe City that they can form a kingdom and are strong enough to install a mechanical prosthesis for themselves, I’m afraid not many people will believe it.

  After all, in most other places, it’s already amazing that those green-skinned animals can make a thumbtack mine. If there are a little more, they might fight each other because of competing for food or females.

  Speaking of why they are here, we have to start with the ruthless man from the Burning Legion named Fang Chang lying next to them.

  It was probably when the fog had just started. Li Jinrong, who was resting in the farm, was alert to the surrounding situation. Suddenly, this guy found them and said that the mutants were coming from the direction of the city and wanted to borrow their motorcycles to investigate nearby.

  Li Jinrong had no objection, but he felt a little strange. Why did they want to borrow his motorcycle when they obviously had such a convenient thing as a vertical take-off and landing aircraft?

  So he proposed to go together, and the old man agreed very readily.

  So, the three of them left the Songguomu Farm and searched all the way west. As expected, as he said, they found traces of a large-scale deployment of mutants in this area.

  The hazy fog made it difficult to see how many green heads there were, and it was even difficult to determine the approximate location of the team.

  But what can be confirmed is that it is at least a team of a thousand people!

  Not only that, the actions of this group of mutants were also quite cautious, completely different from those guys who rushed up in a swarm before.

  Not only did they send out scouts to search along the marching route, but they also carefully divided the troops into several waves.

  Although this is a basic operation for human troops, it is extremely rare for mutants.

  Compared with death, they despise cowardice and weakness more, and in their eyes, using those fancy tactics is a manifestation of cowardice.

  The strong men worshipped by these mutants all rely on absolute strength to crush their opponents!

  Now they are willing to learn human tactics. It can be seen that in the previous battles, the Alliance has completely hurt these green guys.

  But this is not a good thing for the alliance.

  Feeling the murderous aura and bloodthirstiness through the gray-green mist, Li Jinrong couldn’t help but feel a little numb on his scalp, and felt that it was a difficult situation.

  At this moment, Fang Chang, who had been asleep for a long time, suddenly twitched and jumped up from the ground without any warning. Xiao Yue, who

  was lying next to him, was startled by this sudden movement. He raised his head and looked around and found that there were no mutant scouts here, so he covered up his embarrassment and said jokingly.

  ”Brother, you slept long enough…”

  Fang Chang, who had just woken up, nodded, patted the grass and dust on his arms, and said casually.

  ”Well, I boasted to others for a while.”

  Xiao Yue: “?”

  Li Jinrong: “……?”

  What the hell?

  The two were shocked instantly.

  Can you really send dreams? !

  ”… This is not the point,” Fang Chang coughed lightly at the two people with surprised expressions, vaguely passing over this inconvenient topic, “Also… it’s been fixed.”

  The reason why he waited so long to come back was not entirely because he was spamming on the forum, but mainly because he was waiting for other players to bring the news back to the official website to confirm when the bombardment could begin.

  Fortunately, the NPC of the Iron Heart was quite powerful and trusted them.

  Almost at the same time when Feng Qing brought the coordinate report to the game, the artillery preparation of the airship’s gun bay began.

  To be honest, with this reaction speed, Fang Chang couldn’t help but suspect that it was not just the players who were taking advantage of the game bug, but the NPC of the alliance was also browsing their official website.

  However, he didn’t report this bug to Brother Guang.

  It would be a pity if this kind of bug that can enhance the game experience was fixed, and everyone should just use it tacitly.

  Li Jinrong looked at this calm guy with a blank face, not knowing what he was talking about.

  How could it be fixed after a nap?

  What can this fix!

  His Adam’s apple moved, and he couldn’t help but ask the question in his heart.

  ”…What do you mean? How did it get done?”

  It was clear what he was confused about, but Fang Chang didn’t explain it to him in detail. He just looked in the direction of the mutant army’s march and said concisely.

  ”The alliance’s support will arrive soon, we just need to stand here and watch. Of course, it’s best not to go in front of those green guys.”

  While saying this, he simply checked his equipment, especially the VM on his arm, to make sure it hadn’t been touched, and took a closer look at the two NPCs.

  This time, he went out alone with these two, on the one hand to borrow their motorcycles, and on the other hand, it was also a test for them.

  Last night, Lao Bai talked with that Li Jinrong, saying that the alliance would support the guerrilla activities of the Iron Tower Organization in the south, but this didn’t mean that they had completely trusted these people.

  The Sanctuary could be hidden in the head of any NPC.

  Therefore, when he went offline, he turned on the recording and video functions of the VM to see what they would do.

  Anyway, the coordinates of the mutants have been reported. Even if they are stabbed, it will only take three days. It is worth it to use one life to see the two NPCs clearly.

  But now it seems that they did not do anything unnecessary.

  Although this does not mean that these two people are absolutely trustworthy, there is no problem with cooperation to a certain extent.

  Xiao Yue asked impatiently.

  ”How long will it take?”

  Fang Chang did not speak, but just said softly.

  ”Listen carefully… do you hear any sound?”

  Li Jinrong frowned slightly.


  What is this guy talking about?

  Just when he was thinking about this, he suddenly heard a slight sound. The sound was like the flapping wings of an autumn cicada, accompanied by the vibration of the air flow from a very far distance.

  Before he could listen carefully to what the sound was, a scene that surprised him was imprinted in his pupils.

  I saw a thick column of smoke piercing through the heavy fog, and then the rolling thunder of the mountains and seas swept across the entire wilderness.

  The orange-red flame was like a blooming mandala. The moment it bloomed, trees were uprooted, the earth slopes were flattened, and the gravel and wood chips were like flying shrapnel, carried to the sky by the hot air flow. The

  solid land seemed to be boiled by the lake, and the hot shock wave caused circles of ripples…

  Li Jinrong and Xiao Yue stared at the flames that burned everything in the distance in amazement, and they couldn’t open their eyes because of the suffocating hot wind.

  In front of the power of destroying the world, all organisms are so small.

  He had imagined what kind of trump card the Alliance would use to fight against those ridiculously strong mutants and the church, but he didn’t expect that what was displayed in front of him was such a terrifying and pure power.

  At this moment, he finally understood.

  How did the order of the Alliance come from? What

  was even more incredible to him was that he remembered the rumor he had heard before – the invincible steel behemoth did not belong to the Alliance from the beginning.

  It was their trophy, which was taken from the Legion by the Burning Legion!

  He really couldn’t imagine how powerful it would take to defeat that invincible steel giant.

  What made him even more unimaginable was that even such a monster could be tamed, so what kind of powerful monster would be worthy of being their opponent…

  Half a day ago, he was still hesitant about the answer to this question, but now he could be sure without a doubt.

  At least mutants –

  they could never be their opponents!

  After a while, Li Jinrong swallowed his saliva, and as if to verify his guess, he slowly spoke in a trembling voice.

  ”That is…”

  ”The main gun of the Iron Heart.”

  Fang Chang smiled softly while looking at the center of the explosion in the distance, and his bangs blown by the hot wind finally fell back to his eyebrows.

  After a pause, he continued softly.

  ”How is it? Is it spectacular?”

  Li Jinrong did not answer.

  Because at this moment, he could not describe the shock in his heart in words.

  At this time, it started to rain.

  The scorched black mud fell from the sky like raindrops, hitting the ground like machine gun bullets, and drifting in the wind on this battlefield scorched by gunpowder.

  Unfortunately, even this devastating force could not destroy the mother nest entrenched in the center of Qingquan City.

  Those slime molds had long grown together with the concrete debris. No matter how many shells were poured, they could not shake the “giant tree” formed by the spore cloud connecting the sky and the ground.

  But it was definitely enough to deal with those guys.

  Xiao Yue’s Adam’s apple moved, and he squeezed out a sentence with difficulty.

  ”Is it over?”

  Fang Chang smiled at the distance.

  ”The end? This is just the beginning.”

  Without waiting for the man to continue speaking, he continued in a casual tone.

  ”Watch carefully.”

  ”The real show is about to begin!”


  The first round of artillery fire was just a prelude.

  The 400mm rocket-assisted projectile not only engraved the starting point of the artillery fire on the surface, but also shattered the entire fog area, turned over the soil on the ground, and exposed the group of mutant troops marching between the forest and the wilderness to the gunner’s field of vision.

  After the main gun completed the bombing, each gun position quickly confirmed the landing point and strike coordinates of the shells, and began the first round of firepower calibration based on the firing parameters calculated by the computer.

  ”Firing parameters are set!”

  ”High-explosive shells are loaded!”

  ”Loading is complete!”



  The gunner in the gun bay suddenly pulled the rope back, and dozens of gunshots sounded at the same time, and the side of the airship gun bay flashed with lightning.

  Orange-yellow tracers rushed to the ground, and burst into balls of fire on the battlefield where the fog was blown away.

  The mutant soldiers marching in the wilderness had not yet recovered from the previous devastating explosion. Many of them were even stuck in the mud and could not climb out, and then they were swallowed by the artillery fire that followed.


  ”Lie down and hide–!”

  Struggling to get up from the mud, Kuru roared, and his bloodthirsty pupils were full of panic.


  on earth is this… ?

  He didn’t even see where the enemy was before the explosion sounded.

  Then the hot air wave hit his back like a heavy hammer, and swept all the mutant soldiers in the wilderness.

  Fortunately, the landing point of the shell was relatively far away from them, and it was hundreds of meters away from the edge of the army.

  However, even so, the power of destroying the world still made countless minions feel a fear and trembling deep in their bones.

  It was not a mortal power at all.

  They had never seen such terrible artillery fire!

  Kuru’s roar had just sounded, and the sound of breaking through the air tore through the silence of the battlefield.

  The explosion of fire and billowing smoke was like a ruthless plow, sweeping from behind their buttocks like plowing the field.

  Even though lying on the ground was a shame for the mutant warriors who advocated strength and barbarism, Kuru knew that this was not the time to show off, so he could only bury his proud head in humiliation.

  The slowly advancing barrage of bullets approached little by little. The gray-green fog was roughly torn apart just as it was about to heal, revealing the muddy battlefield.

  The shells were sprinkled on this wilderness as if they were free, planting blooming sparks one by one, vowing not to let go of every inch of soil here.

  Kuru, who was holding the back of his head, finally began to feel a little bit of fear.

  Especially when the boiling flames exploded only ten meters away from him, especially when the hot shrapnel cut his flesh and blood, he, who had always been fearless, couldn’t help but pray to the Son of God.

  This was completely different from the air raid last night. The sky and the earth seemed to be shattered by this power, and what frightened him most was that he didn’t know how to fight against this power.

  When the bombardment was completely over –

  it was unknown how long it would be later.

  He supported his almost buried body from the mud and looked around blankly at the messy battlefield. There was no joy of surviving the disaster in his heart.

  Instead, he was engraved with unprecedented despair.

  The battlefield, which was several kilometers wide, seemed to have been turned upside down. The scorched black mud was littered with broken limbs.

  He didn’t know how many shells had landed here, let alone how many soldiers under his command were still alive.

  What kind of guys were

  they fighting? !

  He looked up at the sky blankly, looked to the north of Jinhe City, and looked in the direction where the steel airship was floating to find the answer, but his sight was blocked by the gradually healing fog.

  This made him feel a little secretly happy, but followed by a deep sense of humiliation and powerless frustration.

  In order to vent his fear and to prove to his subordinates that he was not a coward, he raised his head and roared unwillingly.



  ”What’s the point of hiding in the fog!”

  ”If you have the courage, come out and fight Kuru with real swords and guns!”

  He knew that those two-legged animals would definitely not have the courage.

  Those guys only dared to sit on the flies flying around and fire at them, and they didn’t dare to stand in front of the mutant grandfather!

  When he was showing off his power, they could only hide from a distance and stare blankly!

  Thinking of this, Kuru’s mouth opened a satisfied arc.

  Just as he was about to get up and regroup his troops, a group of heavily armored warriors appeared at the edge of the thick fog and walked straight towards them from the north. The

  thick barrels emitted a cold light. The group of people all had a felling axe hanging on their bodies, with emerald green camouflage paint on their chests and unclear badges on their shoulder armor.

  The leader was even more exaggerated.

  Standing in the wilderness, he was like a black tower. Steel covered almost every inch of his skin, from toes to head, and the barrel as thick as a python was directly welded to his arm. Even

  if he couldn’t see the man’s eyes.

  Kuru could still feel the desire for battle that was coming at him.

  His pupils shrank slightly, and the corners of his cracked mouth twisted with muscles, revealing a hideous and bloodthirsty laugh.

  Is this the manager of the alliance?

  He had heard of it.

  The tribal leader of the alliance in the north was a lump of iron covered with iron sheets, and he seemed to be a very strong awakener.

  But Kuru didn’t care. No matter whether it was a power armor or a tank, they were just like paper in front of his incomparable pure power.

  Even if he wore armor, a two-legged animal was still an animal, and he would use his fists and teeth to prove this.

  Picking up the axe and gun that fell on the ground, Kuru raised his head and let out a deafening roar, like a standing beast, staring at the man with anger.

  ”Come on!”

  ”Leader of the Alliance–”

  ”Let me see what you are capable of!”

  The rough roar swept across the wilderness. The

  muddy battlefield was quiet for a while.

  The black tower-like man at the head seemed to finally react. The upright beast was talking to him.

  He ignored the arrogant provocation and curled his lips under the helmet.

  ”A wild dog is worthy of being the opponent of the administrator.”

  What a joke!

  You want to go to the spring without even demolishing a tower?

  You are dreaming!

  Raising his chin, Midnight Killer looked at the green-skinned beast expressionlessly, aiming the grenade launcher in his hand at his chest.

  ”Open your dog eyes.”

  ”Your opponent is me!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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