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Chapter 595: Your Heaven Is Yours to Go By Yourself

Chapter 595: Your Heaven Is Yours to Go By Yourself


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 595: You can go to your heaven by yourself

  ”…Holy Son.”

  A man in hunting clothes was standing next to a rusty guardrail next to an abandoned water tank a few kilometers away from the battlefield. He was holding a telescope in his hand, staring at the messy battlefield in the distance in amazement, repeating this sentence over and over again.

  He was a hunter in Hope Town, named Liu Youxiong.

  When the fog came earlier, the pastor in the town said some mysterious words, so Mayor Ma sent him to Songguomu Farm to check the situation.

  Liu Youxiong did not dare to neglect it.

  Not only because it was the order of the mayor, but also because Pastor Wei said that the Holy Son was angry and brought down divine punishment on the traitors and heretics who betrayed the torch.

  His heart suddenly skipped a beat, fearing that the divine punishment might implicate his family, and he was also anxious to know what the divine punishment was.

  So he rode on his horse and galloped all the way, and just when he was halfway on the road, the doomsday-like flames and roars scared the horse under his crotch and almost knocked him to the ground.

  He hurriedly got up from the ground and immediately found a high place, climbing up the tower water tank that stood alone next to the abandoned building.

  Then he saw the next scene –

  boiling flames and charred corpses reflected in his pupils, and Liu Youxiong swallowed unconsciously.

  Is this…

  the divine punishment sent by the Son of God?

  But –

  is the location wrong? The

  ones burning in hell are clearly those ugly beasts, the group of mutants who eat raw meat and drink blood living in the city.

  He clearly remembered that those man-eating things were the vicious dogs under the command of the Son of God.

  But why –

  the slowly blowing hot wind cleared the gray-green haze, and also cleared the confusion in his heart.

  His sight passed the smoke column that went straight into the sky, and he saw the steel airship far away in the sky, which was now flashing with stars of fire.

  Soon, another round of artillery fire washed the devastated wilderness, just like the gongs and drums following a heavy hammer, and a series of flickering flames engulfed the mutant army.

  At this moment, no matter how much he believed in the power of the Son of God, he could see that it was not the Son of God’s divine punishment –

  but the anger of the alliance manager!



  His provocation was thrown back unceremoniously, and the surging anger twisted into a ball on Kuru’s face.

  Raising the axe gun in his hand, he let out a boiling beast roar.

  In the dark mud, the muscular mutant warriors picked up their weapons and hatred, roaring and charging at the heavily armored human army.

  If it were ordinary light infantry, even if they were not blown up by the previous round of artillery fire, they would have lost their combat effectiveness.

  After all, this was a wilderness without any fortifications.

  In the previous round of bombing, the number of shells dropped by the Alliance even exceeded the number of mutants in this army.

  However, the blood flowing in the bodies of those beasts is the crystallization of the strongest biological technology in the prosperous era.

  Even if their limbs were blown off, even if they were roasted beyond recognition, even if their hearts were broken, their arteries were cut, and their skulls were pierced with shrapnel… As long as they did not die on the spot, they could crawl out of the dark mud again, and even pick up their broken bones as weapons to fight.

  Those twisted faces and bloodthirsty pupils were like evil spirits crawling out of the abyss.

  Let alone fighting with them.

  Anyone who can muster the courage in front of these beasts can be considered a dragon among men.

  Unfortunately –

  the people standing in front of them are not normal people.

  They are players.

  Facing the boiling roar and murderous aura that can suffocate ordinary people, they can only think that this dog planner is too awesome!

  ”Fuck… This is too exciting!”

  The player wearing the K10 “Iron Wall” heavy exoskeleton and holding the XB-1 “Growler” bolter swallowed his saliva.

  Looking directly at the shouts that made the earth tremble, his eyes were not afraid at all, but filled with excitement and high fighting spirit.

  He missed the last fight with mutants.

  This time he finally caught up!

  I heard from the team leader that he might even appear in the promotional PV!

  Letting the surging fighting spirit burn in his chest, Midnight Killer Chicken stretched out the 19mm bolter barrel welded on his arm.


  There was no extra monologue –

  for the uncivilized beasts.

  For the bugs that lie on the back of civilization and suck the flesh and blood.

  They always have only one thing to do.

  While pulling the trigger, he roared with all his strength.


  In response to the roar, there were boiling and hot shouts.


  ”For the Alliance!”


  The deafening roar seemed to shatter the clouds in the sky, and for a moment, the roar of the beasts was eclipsed by it.

  There were more than 500 mutant warriors who survived the artillery fire, but they were scattered on a battle line several kilometers wide.

  Although the Jungle Corps deployed only 120 troops on the battlefield via helicopter, their fighting will and organization were at their peak.

  The moment the beasts entered the range, Midnight Killer pulled the trigger first, and more than 100 players wearing heavy exoskeletons also opened fire. The

  orange-yellow tracers danced wantonly on the battlefield, and the bursting flames flickered continuously in the muddy wilderness.

  Facing the strafing of the grenade guns, the mutants who were firing and advancing fell one after another, but soon the battle line spread from the front of the Jungle Corps to the two wings.

  These green beasts are not really brainless, but most of them disdain to use their brains when they can solve the problem with brute force.

  Seeing the Alliance’s firepower and the heavy armor, Kuru immediately roared and gave orders, asking his minions to press forward at all costs and engage in close combat with the human soldiers.

  According to his experience, once his warriors approached within ten steps, these two-legged animals would lose their will to fight.

  And this battle would soon become a one-sided massacre!

  The gray-green haze provided cover for the mutants’ charge. Although they suffered continuous casualties, their running momentum did not slow down.

  Moreover, the mutant troops encountered by the Jungle Corps this time were completely different from the group of guys they encountered last time.

  Although they were also green-skinned animals, most of these guys had undergone prosthetic transformation and their weapons and equipment were also more sophisticated.

  Some of them carried heavy machine guns, some carried mortars on their backs, and some carried wooden baskets full of grenades.

  Relying on their strong muscles, they could burst out with power comparable to that of exoskeletons and throw the lead-like shrapnel more than a hundred meters away.

  The mutant soldiers gathered from all over the battlefield were like a big bowl, dunking on the narrow position of the Alliance.

  Looking at the close front and the steel armor, Kuru sneered in his heart, and his eyes flashed with bloodthirsty murderous light.

  He swore.

  He would kill the guy who provoked him in the most cruel way.

  But what made him feel uneasy was that in the face of his unstoppable charge, the troops in front of him had no intention of retreating at all. What

  do these guys want to do?

  Do they expect to stop them with a few sets of exoskeletons?

  Kuru felt uneasy. These two-legged animals seemed different from animals in other places.

  However, there was no time to hesitate.

  In this battlefield with visibility less than ten meters, the two sides collided in just a few breaths, and a close fight broke out on the soil that had been plowed by artillery fire.

  ”Go to hell!”

  A two-meter-tall mutant stepped out of the fog, and the shotgun in his hand sprayed arc-shaped fireworks, hitting the chest of the Alliance soldier in front of him.

  The thumb-sized lead bullet knocked a dent in the black breastplate.

  However, the man who was shot did not shake at all, raised the muzzle and fired a 19mm armor-piercing bullet back.

  This distance of just ten meters was just stuck in the safe distance of the grenade gun.

  The explosive bomb hit the mutant’s shoulder, and the hot metal jet instantly sprayed out from the mutant’s shoulder blade, with broken meat and bone residue scattered all over the ground.

  The mutant’s eyes were bloodshot, and he knelt on the ground without saying a word.

  Looking at the animal kneeling on the ground, the model worker grinned.

  ”MMP! You are too young to fight me with a gun!”


  he was only halfway handsome for three seconds. He had been preparing for a long time, but before he could finish pretending, three or five mutants rushed over to him through the mud.

  He raised the muzzle of the gun and pulled the trigger calmly, but heard a click. The model worker’s eyebrows jumped violently, and he immediately threw down the grenade gun and pulled out the felling axe hanging on the exoskeleton.

  Almost at the same time when he swung the axe, the mutant closest to him had already come to him with a thick and long chain saw.

  There was a blood mark on the skull covered with metal sheet, and the twisted face was full of hideous colors. This guy was also an elite monster – a cyborg mutant!

  He dodged the fatal blow by leaning sideways, and stepped forward skillfully, close to the chain saw that was knocked into the ground, swinging the axe in his hand from bottom to top, and chopped the mutant’s side ribs fiercely. From the

  touch of his palm, he could feel the pain of flesh and bones being separated. This blow must have broken at least a few of the guy’s lungs.


  After all, it was the mutant’s recovery ability. The muscular green beast let out a painful roar, and his eyes were almost bleeding.

  The muscles of his whole body expanded to the limit, and he struggled to pull up the chain saw that had hit the ground, and threw the creaking chain stirring sound to the human warrior next to him.

  However, this fatal second blow was still dodged by the cunning guy by ducking.

  ”Can you do it, brother?”

  The rolling chain made a grinding sound against the shoulder armor. Although he was scared and sweating, the hardworking model still mocked stubbornly.

  Regardless of whether the mutant understood or not, he pulled out a bursting bullet and inserted it into the iron buckle on the guy’s chest, then swung an axe at him.

  The moment the blunt tip hit the primer, smoke gushed out, followed by dazzling sparks from the tail of the bursting bullet.

  The mutant staggered back a step, reaching out to pull out the hot bursting bullet nailed to his chest, but stepped on the body that had fallen not long ago, lost his balance and fell backwards, and lost his last chance to survive.


  The hot metal jet penetrated his chest, drilled out from his scarred back, and pushed his sturdy body upward and twitched.

  Wiping the blood on his helmet, the hardworking model was about to take a breath, but saw another burly mutant rushing in front of him.

  This time it was another guy who was welding a gun barrel in one hand and holding a mace in the other. The prostheses on these beasts were all different!

  ”Oh my god… how many of these beasts are left!”

  The axe cut off the barrel of the gun that was pointed at his chest, and the model worker who was hit by a hammer on his shoulder groaned, cursed in the communication channel, and then retaliated with a fierce axe.

  There have been several rounds of bombing, why are there still so many? !

  The team voice came from the communication channel.

  ”The mission briefing said there are 500 to 600.”

  Listening to the noisy voice, you can guess the fierceness of the battle.

  Looking at the green head flying out, the model worker threw away the axe that was greasy and picked up the mace dropped by the elite monster.

  ”Are you sure there are only 500 or 600?!”

  The rustling sound echoed in the communication channel.

  ”…Who cares how many are left, fuck it!”


  Who cares how many are left.

  The model worker who gradually got into the bloody atmosphere and gradually found his feeling, his expression became ferocious.

  It’s a rare opportunity –

  let’s kill them happily!

  ”Got it!”

  The gunshots in the wilderness were almost inaudible. At face-to-face distance, axes, hammers, and chainsaws were more effective.

  For the extremely tenacious mutants, a bayonet half a finger wide looked like a toy, and it might not be as hard as their bones.

  Even if their stomachs were cut open and their intestines fell out, they could still fight with the clubs in their hands. Only by completely smashing their skulls or poking a hole through their chests could they be truly killed!

  The same was true for the Alliance soldiers who were armed to the teeth with exoskeletons. The piercing damage from sharp weapons and rifles could not break the defense of the “Iron Wall” heavy exoskeleton.

  Even the overloaded shotguns can only kill them in one shot if they hit their heads, and if it is a universal caliber rifle, the armor can only be broken by continuous shooting due to metal fatigue.

  This dragging style of play is obviously not the style of this group of mutants. Coincidentally, the tough guys of the jungle corps are not interested in kiting and shooting at them.

  Therefore, both sides chose to use fist-to-flesh competition to determine the winner, fighting each other in the most primitive way.

  The chaotic battle situation is like a rolling meat grinder, ruthlessly swallowing up fresh lives and spitting out fragmented meat paste.

  Kuru’s expression was first ferocious, then crazy. Finally, when he killed the second alliance soldier, the crazy expression uncontrollably turned into confusion and panic.

  Whether it is number or strength, it is obvious that they have the advantage, but the brothers who rushed up were knocked down one after another.

  Obviously, hand-to-hand combat is their home ground!

  This should have become their hunting!

  These guys…

  are they really human?

  When the hot blood sprayed on him and was licked into his mouth, he was sure that the animals in front of him were those weak guys.

  But when he saw that the warrior whose armor he had cut with a chainsaw did not run away, but rushed towards him with a ferocious face under the whistling chainsaw, Kuru was completely stunned.

  In this ever-changing battlefield, any distraction could be fatal, and he soon paid the price for his confusion.

  The shock wave of the explosion blew up his chainsaw, and the broken steel debris and minced meat hit his chest together.


  Kuru let out a painful roar and took two steps back. Looking at the fragment stuck in his arm, he pulled it out and threw it away in shock and anger.

  If it weren’t for the Torch experts who helped him strengthen the structure of his prosthesis, this alone would be enough to make him lose his ability to move.

  Supporting his body with an axe gun, Kuru staggered to his feet. He was as strong as a two-headed bull, but his steps forward were like a staggering donkey.

  These people are crazy.

  No –

  they are not human at all. They are

  other things covered in human skin!

  Those weak two-legged animals can’t fight so well. These guys are more like beasts than me… than me!

  The sound of fighting began to weaken.

  It was not because the enemy in front of him was already exhausted, but more and more mutants fell in front of those steel bodies.

  They usually need to pay three or four prices to kill a Union soldier wearing an exoskeleton.

  And this is already the best case.

  The reality is that three Union soldiers form a team and support each other with the other two teams. They often lose more than a dozen lives and can’t bite off a head.

  Even in a melee, those people still maintain a minimum of teamwork, and while they are killing crazy, they are still thinking about their teammates next to them.

  This is something Kuru can’t understand!

  However, although his heart is full of hesitation, there is one thing he can be sure of – if he continues to fight like this, it will be a matter of time before the whole army is wiped out!

  The wolf-like eyes searched on the battlefield, and soon he saw the unique figure from the looming fog.

  The steel body, like a black tower, stood in the center of the battlefield, like an insurmountable wall.

  There were more than a dozen soldiers lying in front of him, and the chain saw embedded in his left arm was still swinging non-stop, chopping heads as skillfully as chopping trees. The

  flying blood plasma drenched the man into a bloody man, scarlet from head to toe, like a living flag.

  Although the guy denied that he was a manager, he was undoubtedly the leader of this group of humans.

  ”Haha, completely crazy!”

  He seemed to be shouting something excitedly.

  But Kuru couldn’t hear it clearly, let alone understand it. He just felt that the surrounding alliance soldiers seemed to be inspired by the roar.

  Kuru’s eyes gradually became dangerous, staring straight at the man, and picked up a chain saw that could still be turned from the ground.

  As long as he killed that guy…

  these people would surely collapse and run away!

  Coincidentally, as if noticing his sight, the man also looked at him, revealing a cruel grin through the helmet stuck with blood.

  Kuru couldn’t see his smile, but the moment he was stared at by that gaze, his heart couldn’t help but tremble, and the humiliation and anger immediately rolled up in his heart.

  He was a warrior who was given a name, but he was actually scared by the food on the plate!

  ”Go to hell!”

  He roared and rushed over.

  Seeing this, the man didn’t dodge or avoid it. He proudly raised the chain saw welded to his left arm and rushed towards him with a roar.


  ”Completely crazy!”

  In stark contrast to Kuru’s imagination, at this moment, Brother Ji had completely forgotten to command, and even forgot that he was the commander of the corps. There

  was only the record of the last time in his head.

  He was completely crazy.


  Standing in the holy land that did not exist on the ground, Luo Qian looked at the battlefield expressionlessly through the eyes of mortals.

  How barbaric…

  How ugly…

  He was very curious before, how the alliance would fight with the chess pieces he placed on the chessboard, but he didn’t expect it to be a way to degenerate into a beast.

  There was a trace of boredom on his face, as well as a trace of compassion and sympathy.

  Wasteland is just such a dirty thing. In order to survive, people can only plunge into the jungle and turn themselves into beasts that eat raw meat and drink blood.

  In this process, people have unknowingly become part of the jungle, turning every inch of soil into a hell where civilization cannot grow.

  ”… This twisted civilization really should be restarted.” With a trace of resentment and relief, he looked at the group of pieces of meat that were wrestling together and read out this monologue in a cold tone.

  However, he soon realized that this was a thought of anger that he should not have – he should guide those lambs to a glorious dedication in order to realize his great ambition, and he must not judge a person’s life or death because of personal feelings, otherwise it would be a blasphemy against life and ideals. It

  is also a blasphemy against divinity.

  ”Sure enough, my practice is not enough…”

  Luo Qian lowered his eyebrows, and after reflecting in his heart, he couldn’t help but think about the reason for the “anger that should not have existed”.

  Is it because of Yinyin?

  The little girl was just like his granddaughter who died many years ago. She was childish but not bad by nature. She was a little naive but very studious. She was occasionally spoiled, but deep down she hated doing things that hurt others… For a farmer’s child, this quality could be said to be kind or cowardly.

  He was very curious about what the child would look like, so he gave her a few pointers from the perspective of an elder.

  Unfortunately, before the budding flower matured, it died in the flowerpot by the laboratory window.

  ”Sure enough, it is impossible for a civilized bud to grow in a barbaric soil, let alone a beautiful and delicate flower. Even if she survives, I’m afraid she won’t live well… Death may be the most gentle ending for her.”

  He talked to himself facing the empty sanctuary, as if he was comforting himself, or as if he was convincing himself.

  ”I’m sorry I couldn’t save you.”

  ”But I swear to you, when everything is over, you will live a carefree life in the new world and run freely in the sun.”

  ”Everything that once bound you will no longer exist, and your troubles will disappear with the old world… It will be a paradise more prosperous than the prosperous era, a utopia that truly descended on the earth.”

  He sighed softly.

  However, at this moment, a scornful laugh suddenly broke into this sacred and inviolable area from a place beyond his sight.

  ”Promising a paradise on earth to the dead, using daydreams and lies to cover up your incompetence… It’s ridiculous, the way you think of to end this jungle is to kill everyone here? You are not even as good as those big-nosed bastards, they at least set a fire, and the fire can really destroy this forest.”


  Luo Qian suddenly opened his eyes and looked around, but he couldn’t see the source of the voice. Suddenly, his pupils shrank slightly, and he thought of the chip left on Yin Yin.

  Those guys actually used her body to brazenly say those nonsense!

  A trace of anger flashed in Luo Qian’s cloudy pupils, and he stretched out his hand to extinguish the annoying voice, but his skinny five fingers stopped in mid-air.

  The majestic voice carried a trace of contempt and disdain, ignoring the weak and powerless dead tree trunk.

  ”Even if we degenerate into beasts and use stones, sticks, or even fists and teeth to fight this wasteland, we will not forget who we are and where we are going.”

  ”Your kingdom of heaven is left to you.”

  ”We are not going anywhere, we will rebuild our own country on earth!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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