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Chapter 598 New event online! Fire extinguishing plan!

Chapter 598 New event online! Fire extinguishing plan!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 598 New Event Online! Fire Extinguishing Plan!

  Dusk slowly fell from the edge of the muddy and dark wilderness, and the dark night gradually enveloped this land soaked in blood.

  The sound of gunfire had stopped for a while.

  However, the gray fog that permeated the surroundings still did not dissipate, but instead seemed to cover a wider range, spreading from Mr. Kong’s farm to the forest north of Hope Town.

  At the south gate where the roadblocks had just been removed.

  Standing next to the muddy road, Ma Hechang kept looking in the direction of Songguomu Farm, and couldn’t help muttering, “Lord Shengzi is here.”

  In the past, he could occasionally hear the voice of Lord Shengzi.

  However, after the fog came, he couldn’t hear it for some reason.

  In his panic, he couldn’t help but think of what Pastor Wei said.


  Lord Shengzi is really angry.

  Just as he was looking into the distance with eager eyes, three people came at the end of the road, and the one leading them was Kong Lingkai, the owner of the farm next door.

  Seeing that the hunter whose surname was not Liu, Ma Hechang’s face was disappointed.

  Without waiting for him to exchange a few words, Mr. Kong, who usually wanted to plug his nose, spoke up in a hurry.

  ”What’s going on? Why is there such a thick fog?”

  He originally stayed at home and didn’t want to care about it, but seeing that the fog had not dissipated at night, he always felt uneasy. He wanted to

  go to the nearby town to consult Pastor Wei, but he didn’t expect to run into Mayor Ma here. He instinctively felt that these guys had done something to him again.

  If it were normal, Ma Hechang would be polite to this guy, but he happened to be in no mood today, so he said impatiently.

  ”How do I know what’s going on? It’s not my business if God wants to make it foggy.”

  Kong Lingkai’s face froze. He didn’t like this guy’s attitude, but he couldn’t refute it. He could only look aside and grit his teeth to change the subject angrily.

  ”There must be something strange about this fog… I’ve said before that we shouldn’t have anything to do with those guys in the north. Since those people came to this place, strange things have happened one after another!”

  Ma Hechang glanced at the corner of his mouth with disdain, thinking that if he hadn’t had anything to do with those guys, those green-skinned monsters would have taken your beautiful women back to have babies.

  Of course, he was the same.

  ”Enough, there’s no point in talking about this now. I’ve sent someone to Songguomu Farm to inquire about the situation. Let’s talk about it when he comes back.”

  As he was talking, a horse ran over from a distance, and the town hunter Liu Youxiong was riding on it.

  The hunter wanted to run directly into the town, but he saw the mayor waiting at the door. He was immediately startled and hurriedly pulled the reins and turned over to get off the horse.


  Ma Hechang stared at him expressionlessly and asked straight to the point.

  ”What’s the situation at Songguomu Farm now!”

  ”I didn’t go in, I just took a look outside, and I felt…” Liu Youxiong started to speak quickly, but before he could finish, he was interrupted impatiently by the mayor.

  ”What do you feel? Tell me the key points!”

  ”Yes, yes!”

  Liu Youxiong said tremblingly.

  ”It was dead there, and I didn’t see anyone working outside the wall. I walked to the door and found that the guards on duty were gone, and the hotel next to the door was empty… It was like a ghost. I didn’t dare to stay there any longer, and it was getting dark, so I hurried back.”

  Ma Hechang’s heart skipped a beat, and he was about to ask what happened there, but someone was more anxious than him. Kong Lingkai, who was standing by, quickly grabbed him and asked.

  ”People are missing?! Where did they go?”

  ”I, I don’t know,” Liu Youxiong smiled bitterly, and suddenly remembered something, and said quickly, “By the way, I saw a group of mutants on the way there, about a thousand of them, fighting with the people of the Alliance…”

  Kong Lingkai asked quickly.

  ”How do you know they are from the Alliance?”

  Liu Youxiong swallowed his saliva and whispered.

  ”I can tell from their exoskeletons at a glance.”

  Ma Hechang frowned and looked at him and asked.

  ”Who won?”

  Liu Youxiong said quickly.

  ”Of course it was the Alliance. There was no suspense about that group winning… I saw that airship fired several shots at the mutants’ heads. The whole plain seemed to be turned over, and those who survived by chance were quickly killed!”

  Ma Hechang took a deep breath of cold air when he heard this, and finally knew what the rolling thunder and earthquake under his feet in the afternoon were.

  Kong Lingkai, who was standing next to him, looked at the two servants next to him, exchanging expressions of doubt and confusion on their faces.

  Just listening to Liu Youxiong’s description, the power displayed by the Alliance was completely not their level of opponents.

  Seeing that the two big men didn’t speak, Liu Youxiong didn’t dare to speak, and just stood aside honestly.

  It seems that the discussion has come to a conclusion.

  Kong Lingkai looked at Ma Hechang and said with a cough.

  ”The church is in danger now… If we help them, it would be a timely help. I suggest that we hold a meeting to discuss how to deal with the threat from the north–”

  ”Don’t dream,” Ma Hechang interrupted this guy’s whimsical speech without any hesitation, rolled his eyes and continued.

  ”The church is finished. Even if we have to hold a meeting to discuss, we should discuss how to get along with the new owner here.”

  Kong Lingkai suddenly became anxious and glared at him angrily.

  ”You, you want to betray the Son of God!”

  Ma Hechang sneered.

  ”Come on, do you believe in that stuff yourself? I tell you honestly that this is a business. We bought his security service and enshrined him here in exchange. Since he doesn’t have the ability to protect us, don’t brag about it.” As he

  said, he stared at the farmer meaningfully.

  ”I heard that the alliance prohibits the slave trade. I advise you to prepare as soon as possible.”

  After looking at the pale-faced Kong Lingkai, Ma Hechang turned back to the town, but did not immediately go to the town hall to summon the town’s bigwigs. Instead, he went to the church first.

  Some things need to be made clear.

  Pushing open the door, he called out Pastor Wei, but no one responded, so he went around to the backyard, and when he looked up, he saw a man hanging on the willow tree planted in the courtyard.

  The man was wearing neat clothes, with his neck tilted, his eyes closed, and his face peaceful. There was no trace of pain on his face.

  Ma Hechang was stunned at first, and then he turned pale with fear. He took a step back and stepped on a stone, and fell to the ground without standing firmly.

  ”Old… Old Wei?! Pastor Wei?!”

  He called out twice subconsciously, but Wei Ming had obviously been gone for a while, so he naturally couldn’t respond to his call.

  Ma Hechang’s lips trembled and he couldn’t speak. He didn’t get up from the ground for a long time, just sitting there in a daze.


  The pastor appointed by the bishop, the only man in the whole town who could contact the bishop…

  just died like this? !


  ”Wasteland OL” official website.

  [Event Announcement: “Fire Extinguishing Operation” is now online! ]

  [Event Introduction: The believers holding torches are spreading evil beliefs, death and plague are spreading on the land of Jinhe Province, and the flames of destruction are engulfing everything it touches, and the distance of 800 kilometers is not far for us.

  This is not only our crisis, but also the crisis of the entire wasteland. Before dealing with the threat of the wave, there are more necessary threats to be resolved!


  [Event Content: Raiders of the “Nago Nest” located in the underground test area of ​​the “Champion” Biopharmaceutical Research Institute, take the air transport airship to the Heart of Steel or the surface operation base to participate in the event!

  Each time you kill a mutant, you will get at least 10 points, and a nominal mutant will get at least 50 points. During the event, the points can be exchanged for event equipment including bolt guns, K10 “Iron Wall” exoskeleton, Giant Stone Military Industry Transformed Prosthesis, etc.!

  It can also be used to exchange for support including 155mm artillery, “Blizzard” rockets, helicopter pick-up, airdrop supply boxes, etc.!

  Even 400mm heavy rockets and tactical nuclear weapons to clear the field! 】

  【Registration conditions: You can initiate a team when the gene sequence level reaches LV10, and you can apply to join the team when the sequence level is greater than LV3 (players who have received the “Torch Passing” master-apprentice task can get a 20% point bonus when they are in the same team with the apprentice or master)】

  【Reward: After the event, the remaining points can be exchanged for blind box gift packs, limited titles, and there are also mysterious gifts! 】

  【The final right of interpretation of the event belongs to Shelter No. 404! 】

  Tail: “???”

  Quit smoking: “What the hell?!”

  Stop bullshitting: “Brother Meng! Time to work!! (broken voice)”

  Makabazi: “What the hell are you doing as a fisherman?”

  Garbage Picker Level 99: “Clock in, clock in——bah, log in, log in!”

  Silver Dad: “Recruiting people, recruiting people, the Silver Corps is recruiting people online! Is there any newbie who wants to do a master-disciple mission? The old driver will take you to the front line! Haha, collecting heads!” Elf King

  Fugui: “Are there any newbies who want to team up? Those who can shoot are given priority! (funny )”

  Shrimp and Pig Heart: “I, I, I can!”

  Shuke who drives a toy car: “Can a pistol be used?”

  Beta who drives a helicopter: “Can someone who can drive an armored vehicle be used?”

  Canyon Escaping Mole: “Private me!!!”

  Shuke who drives a toy car: “Private, brother!”

  Canyon Escaping Mole: “Get lost! I said the one below you can drive!”

  Shuke who drives a toy car: “Fuck! I really can! QAQ”

  Night Ten: “Fuck! How did our mission become an event!”

  Less than a minute after the event post was sent out.

  The forum that was still bragging, farting, fighting pictures and playing memes instantly boiled!


  For creatures like mutants, there is no concept of family.

  Even in the Qi tribe, a large mutant tribe that has inherited some human habits, few people remember which female gave birth to them.

  After all, when they are born, most of them only have the priest who delivers them by their side. Not to mention the father, they can’t even see the face of their mother who gave birth to them – the priest usually covers their face, and after the birth, they will quickly decide whether to send them to the barn or the kitchen.

  Since there is no concept of family and no property to inherit, most mutants naturally do not have names before they are given names by their leaders.

  However, although most mutants do not have names, they still have ways to distinguish each other.

  For example, the most common one is “nickname”.

  That is usually the loudest cry when they are born. The priest who delivers them will tell them what they shouted at that time, whether it is made up or really impressive.

  For example, some people are called “ah”, and some are called “ao”, or “wawu”, “yiyi” and so on.

  These are the most common nicknames. Not to mention the entire tribe, there are more than a dozen people with the same name under one account.

  Because it is not uncommon to call the wrong person by a nickname, but it doesn’t matter even if you call the wrong person in the past.

  For example, if a leader opens his throat and shouts “Hunchi, aowu, follow me to hunt”, then dozens or hundreds of minions will soon stand up to show their support.

  If there are too many people, he will kick out a few of the skinniest and smallest soft eggs. If there are not enough people, he will shout “Ah, come with me!”, and then the missing people will be gathered quickly.

  For humans, this situation is usually called chaotic management, but for mutants, it is more convenient.

  They are all good at killing and arson.

  As long as they gather enough people, who goes there doesn’t matter?

  No matter who goes there, it doesn’t prevent them from sitting on the mountain of enemy corpses and feasting on meat!

  A long night passed.

  The next morning, the sun had not yet risen.

  The dilapidated abandoned city was foggy, and the air was filled with a rotten smell, like a piece of moldy linen covering the mouth and nose.

  Anyone would feel physical discomfort.

  However, the mutants of the Qi tribe only felt the excitement of their blood.

  At this time, a rough roar came from outside the human skin tent, followed by the sound of gunshots fired into the sky.

  ”Human! Here we come! Humph, ah, follow me!”

  Before the roar fell, there was soon a roar of response.

  ”Kill! Kill!”



  Awakened by the chattering sound, Humchi, who was still in his sleep, sneezed and shook his groggy head to get up.

  He grabbed the blunt knife and iron rifle leaning against the sleeping bag, and without waiting for his blood pressure to rise, he went to the open space outside the tent to gather, baring his fangs and roaring at the dark and damp concrete ceiling.

  This is its way of showing bravery.

  Only the bravest warriors can get the attention of the leader and be taken out to hunt those weak two-legged animals.

  Glancing at the skinny human creatures in the cages in the corner, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of Hunch’s mouth.

  Such weak creatures actually dared to come to the door on their own initiative!

  It will let them know what cruelty is!

  Seemingly satisfied with the spirit of his men, the big guy standing in front of the open space nodded approvingly, and then waved his palm as big as a palm fan.

  He roared in a rough and loud voice.

  ”Follow Delu! Go chop off the heads of those bugs!”

  Hunch, like the other mutant brothers beside him, waved the things in his hands and responded to the boss’s shouts with excited roars.


  The mutants were shouting excitedly, and at this moment, thunderous cannons exploded on the ceiling above their heads.

  Large pieces of dust and stones were shaken off by the deafening sound, floating on their heads and chests.

  However, none of the mutants standing here showed a fearful expression.

  Instead, they became more excited!

  Solid concrete bunkers are everywhere in this city!

  With the protection of these reinforced concrete, the steel airship floating in the sky can’t do anything to them!

  And once they reach the city,

  it will be their home ground!

  ”Go and kill them!”


  Under De Lu’s command, Hengchi carried the guy in his hand, followed a group of muscular green brothers, and poured into the surface ruins along the dark stairwell, waiting for the end of the Alliance bombardment.

  The thunderous artillery sound lasted only about five or six minutes, and then shouts and crackling gunshots rang out in the nearby city.

  The brothers in the next nest have already exchanged fire with the Alliance soldiers on the edge of the city. Although the heavy haze cannot see the situation in the war zone, the sound can feel that these guys are coming with great force.

  Hengchi clenched the rifle in his hand, grinned at the corners of his cracked lips, revealing his bloodthirsty fangs, and snorted a heavy breath from his nose.


  It seems that this banquet will be a feast for the eyes!


  Under the abandoned office building, in addition to the bangs of gunfire, there were also the shouts of a group of newbies.

  ”Cover me!”

  ”Pull the gun line, brother!”

  ”There’s no way to pull a ghost in such a thick fog! Just charge and it’s over!”


  Just as the old players were still advancing their positions step by step, a group of second-hand newbies had already led the still-hot first-hand newbies to rush to the mutants’ positions.

  There were all kinds of fancy operations.

  Due to the old tradition of the alliance, each player was given a pack of explosives for “counterattack”. A newbie named Demolition Genius slapped his head and simply concentrated all the “free gift packs” of a team of four people on himself, connecting them into a huge guy with amazing equivalent, and then rushed to the place where there were many mutants with the hope of the whole team.

  As a result, before he ran to the face of the mutant, his leg was broken by a stray bullet on the battlefield.

  Unable to watch the explosive packs go to waste, the three teammates had to bite the bullet and pick them up, so they staged an extremely heroic scene of the gourd baby saving his grandfather.

  This was not a very successful trick.

  Of course, there were also many successful tricks.

  For example, several newbies with strong hands-on ability successfully used more than a dozen homemade Molotov cocktails to successfully kill a room full of mutants, and instantly saved up points to exchange for a grenade gun.

  Another example is that a newbie who probably practiced before, holding an RPG and directly destroyed a welded steel off-road vehicle that was rushing towards the alliance position.

  The situation on the battlefield is not so tragic as to say that it is a whole noisy, lively like a festival.

  Various random tactics of both sides emerge in an endless stream, and they do whatever they want without being human. For a while, I don’t know who is more like a mutant.

  Looking at the lively urban area in front, Kuangfeng, who had been stunned for a long time, gently pressed his temple and couldn’t help but complain.

  ”Do any of you still remember that this is our mission?”

  Looking at the random play of those newbies, he always felt like he had regressed to several versions ago.

  Lao Bai coughed lightly.

  ”No one expected it to be so difficult…”

  It’s not easy to defeat the mutant tribe of tens of thousands of people relying on the fighting power of the Burning Legion alone.

  Each of those green-skinned animals is a natural warrior, and a few of them can slaughter a village.

  If they were really that easy to deal with, they would have shot all of them on the first night they arrived here. Quitting

  Smoking said with a smile.

  ”But to be honest, it would be interesting to have more newbies participate.”

  The corner old six also said with a smile.

  ”Haha! I think so too! The previous battles with the Legion in Luoxia Province were too serious. It’s a rare opportunity, so it’s not bad to give the newbies some practice.”

  Fang Chang thought so in his heart.

  Their combat experience was also gained on the battlefield. Some things can’t be taught, and everything will be clear after dying once.

  Fang Chang couldn’t help but think of the rocket firecracker made by Mosquito that almost sent him away when he first encountered the mutants on Street 76 a long time ago.

  Who would have thought that guy is now almost a wasteland arms dealer!

  Shaking his head, Fang Chang loaded the bolter he bought with silver coins, and said with a smile while looking at the mutant positions in the distance that were shrinking their defenses.

  ”It’s time for us to go up, or we won’t even have a mouthful of soup if we wait any longer.”

  ”Well,” Lao Bai said with a grin after turning off the visor of his power armor helmet, “If we keep dawdling like this, we’ll be looked down upon by those rookies.”


  In the city area about one kilometer away from the exchange of fire, Qi Gann, standing on the top floor of a high-rise building, stared expressionlessly at the flickering fire in the gray fog in the distance.

  It was about eight o’clock in the morning when the full-scale general offensive of the alliance suddenly began.

  First there was a barrage of artillery fire, and then the infantry rushed into the city in groups.

  I have to admit that the alliance in the north is really good, completely different from the group of two-legged sheep around Jinhe City. No wonder several of his brave warriors suffered a great loss at the hands of that group of people.

  Those guys were full of vigor and fighting style, their offensive was fierce, and they were ready to fight to the death.

  However, Garen was not frightened by their momentum, and he was relieved after learning about the situation on the front line.

  Although the Alliance’s offensive was fierce, it made little progress. It took nearly a thousand dead bodies to take down a street.

  And this was only the outermost defense line of the Qi tribe. Even if it was lost to the Alliance, it would not matter at all. The loss was only two or three hundred brothers, more than twenty light and heavy machine guns, two ammunition depots with limited reserves, and some reserve food.

  Obviously, not every soldier of the Alliance has the combat power of one against ten, and most people’s fighting style is still very amateur.

  And the artillery of the Iron Heart is just as he expected, and its combat efficiency in the urban area is quite limited.

  The shells look powerful, loud, and powerful, but even if there is only a concrete wall between them, they can effectively weaken the shock wave and shrapnel of the explosion.

  However, unlike Garn’s optimism, Gomo’s face was written with a hint of sadness.

  ”This is not a solution… The Alliance’s industrial capacity is higher than ours. I heard that the Stone City has recently joined them. If we continue to consume at this pace, we will be dragged down by them sooner or later.”

  Garn smiled coldly and said disapprovingly.

  ”No matter how strong the industrial capacity is, there have to be people to use the things that are produced. I heard that the entire alliance has less than one million people in total. I want to see how long they can fight us to the death on this territory 800 kilometers away.”

  Gomo did not speak.

  In his heart, he actually agreed with this statement.

  But that was the alliance that defeated the Legion after all. As an old man who came from that era, he knew exactly what the Legion was.

  Being able to defeat the Legion on the front battlefield…

  Would those guys really fight such a mindless battle?

  Seeing that Gomo still had a sad face, Gann said lightly.

  ”You don’t have to worry about things on the battlefield, just complete the last ritual… If you really can’t contact Luo Qian, we will take over this parish.”

  Gomo nodded slightly.

  ”Yes, sir.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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