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Chapter 599 Street fighting in Jinhe City!

Chapter 599 Street fighting in Jinhe City!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 599 Street fighting in Jinhe City!

  What Garen did not expect was that the high-intensity offensive of the Alliance lasted for three days.

  During these three days, those light infantrymen holding rifles infiltrated the city from several entrances in the north of Jinhe City, and engaged in fierce exchanges of fire with his tribe in the streets and alleys and the corridors of abandoned buildings.

  Both sides suffered considerable casualties during this period.

  According to the report of his warriors, more than a thousand tribesmen have died in the street fighting with the soldiers of the Human Alliance, including some big guys who have undergone prosthetic transformation.

  Of course, the casualties of the Alliance were also not small.

  The corpses piled up into a small hill at the entrance of the alley, and the blood almost dyed the entire road red.

  However, those people seemed not to be afraid, and they still rushed forward, firing and shouting words they could not understand.

  To be honest, Garen was a little confused.

  It would be fine if they were the survivors of Jinhe City. What if the sheep suddenly got angry and hated them to the core, and wanted to kill them even if they didn’t care about their own lives?

  But the problem was the crazy people in the north… He didn’t remember that he had provoked them, right?

  Except for the time in Dust Town.

  But that settlement wasn’t the Alliance’s territory, right?

  Just when Garn was feeling annoyed, the curtain of the tent was opened, and a burly mutant walked in, clasping his fists and saying.


  This man’s name was Delu, a warrior named by Garn himself, and also the chief of the tribe.

  When the Alliance troops came over, the tribe he led was the first to engage in a firefight with the Alliance, and the area of ​​the battle was exactly where his tribe was stationed, so Garn ordered him to serve as the commander of the front line.

  For mutants, it didn’t matter who was in command.

  After all, most of the time, those green-skinned animals didn’t have the concept of listening to orders in their minds. Just give them weapons and tell them where the enemy was, and that was it.

  So even if the commander’s appointment was a bit hasty, it actually has little impact on the mutants of the Qi tribe.

  Garn looked at Delu standing in the tent, and spoke slowly with a dignified look.

  ”What’s the matter.”

  Facing the leader of the entire tribe, Delu reported in a muffled voice.

  ”The alliance’s offensive has slowed down. Both the firepower and manpower are much less than the first day. From this morning to noon, we have repelled their three rounds of attacks, and the position has not moved at all… I can feel that they can’t hold on any longer.”

  Garn was happy when he heard this, but his face remained calm. He just raised the corners of his mouth coldly and said with a hint of sarcasm.

  ”These weak guys can’t hold on for only three days?”

  He had overestimated those guys before.

  It seems that he overestimated them.

  Delu nodded and continued in a muffled voice.

  ”Chief, I think now is a good opportunity for us to counterattack. As long as we take back the positions they took previously, those weak two-legged animals will definitely lose the courage to continue fighting!” After

  hearing this, Garen thought for a moment and felt that what he said made some sense.

  They have caused enough casualties to the alliance, and the weakening of the alliance’s offensive is the best proof.

  At this time, as long as we can make more efforts to tear a hole in the shaky defense line of those guys, they will soon flee out of the city like a flood.

  Thinking of this, Garen no longer hesitated and spoke immediately.

  ”I will give you another thirty armed vehicles, a thousand brothers, and twenty tons of ammunition. You must take back the position we lost yesterday before the sun sets!”

  De Lu was immediately overjoyed when he heard this, his caterpillar-like eyebrows loosened, and he clenched his fists to show his loyalty.

  ”Yes, sir! Delu will not disappoint the chief’s expectations!”

  ”Repay me with the heads of those two-legged animals,” Garen grinned cruelly as he looked at Delu standing in front of him, “Go down, I want to see their heads piled up into a mountain.”

  Delu respectfully accepted the order.



  On the other side, in the northern urban area of ​​Jinhe City.

  Next to a half-collapsed elevated road bridge, the Silver Corps, which had advanced to the hinterland of the mutant front, was engaging in a fierce exchange of fire with the mutants stationed in this area.

  Compared with the overwhelming offensive of the front-line corps, the Silver Corps, which had been playing soy sauce for many years, was naturally much worse.

  However, this could not be blamed on the three lively treasures, Silver Sword, Silver Hand, and Silver Dad, for not being strong. The main reason was that there were too many newbies in their corps.

  As long as they could meet the standards for entering the Death Corps and there were slots to fill in, newbies would basically not go to their corps.

  The large corps not only had high-level players, but also many benefits, while the small corps had nothing, and they might even have the bad habit of being a small circle.

  Not to mention that the leader is called Baiyinzhidaddy. If this is added, wouldn’t there be another “dad” out of thin air?

  Unexpectedly, Yinjian gnashed his teeth.

  That bastard said before he created the account that he would be everyone’s shield, but he turned around and changed the shield to “dad”.

  Is this what a human would do?

  Of course, he himself is not an honest man. He originally said that he would practice agility, but he saw that everyone on the forum was praising strength, so he chose strength in a second.

  In the end, only Yinshou was an honest man.

  At this time, Yindad, who was suppressed by the firepower, shouted.

  ”Laojian! The firepower of the machine guns in front is too strong! Think of a way!”

  ”Fuck, why don’t you think of a way yourself?!”

  ”I’m being suppressed!”


  A light machine gun was mounted on the broken window, firing at the position of the Baiyin Corps, pressing several newbies who had finally rushed up behind the billboard lying on the road and unable to move. Yindad was the leader.

  At a distance of hundreds of meters, the players could not see where the mutants were, and the mutants could not see them either, they just randomly attacked based on the location of their teammates’ shouts.

  In terms of street fighting, these mutants were quite skilled, although they looked stupid, but some tactical details were clear.


  their opponents were obviously not pushovers.

  With a team of four, Silver Sword took a detour to the flank of the firepower point about 50 to 60 meters away, and squatted by a damaged wall.

  He roughly estimated the distance.

  He took off the RPG launcher on his back, quickly loaded a fragmentation grenade, aimed at the flashing gun flames in the thick fog and pulled the trigger.


  He yelled, using his voice to inject power into the rocket trailing white smoke, and watched it blast into the looming window.

  An orange-yellow flame flickered in the fog, and he vaguely saw something seemed to be blown out.

  The machine gun stopped firing.

  The troops behind can finally continue to move forward.

  The Silver Sword was about to throw a punch excitedly, but just as he turned around, he saw a newbie lying straight on the ground in a big letter shape.

  His eyes widened, and he quickly squatted down and patted the guy’s face.

  ”Fuck?! What’s wrong with you, brother?”

  The man was still dizzy, and the two newbies next to him looked at each other, and one of them said with a smile.

  ”He… was sprayed by the exhaust gas behind your rocket launcher.”

  The other one also nodded and made additional explanations.

  ”It hit my head directly. I even heard a ‘bang’.”

  Silver Sword almost choked on his own saliva. At this time, the man lying on the ground finally woke up.

  Looking at the guy’s dumbfounded face, he said with a smile.

  ”No… brother, this is a recoilless gun. Why are you standing behind me?!” He

  was lucky not to be sent away directly.

  The guy lying on the ground scratched the back of his head embarrassedly and laughed foolishly.

  ”I, I, I just want to learn how to aim with this thing.”


  Silver Sword was about to scold him when a headlight suddenly lit up in the distance.

  I saw a wide car head tied with iron wire, and it rushed out of the fog with a deafening engine roar.

  Seeing the six-barreled revolver barrel on the roof of the car and the green face full of flesh behind the welded steel plate, Silver Sword’s face changed immediately.


  He had barely shouted when the whistling rain of bullets swept over. Two of the four-man team were blown into pieces on the spot. They were unable to make any sound and were stuck to the scrap car shell behind them along with the rain of bullets.

  The Silver Sword was also frightened and broke into a cold sweat.

  Dozens of tracers almost brushed past his arm.

  Fortunately, he reacted quickly and used all his strength to break open the broken window and hid in the storefront on the side of the street.

  The newbie lying on the ground survived by chance and crawled into the window with a face full of broken flesh and blood.

  Spat a mouthful of bloody saliva, the newbie said with a smile.

  ”Brother, didn’t we agree to collect the heads?” Why

  did he feel…

  that they were the only ones who had such a hard time fighting.


  The Silver Sword was also angry and amused for a while, not knowing what to say.

  That was indeed what their regiment commander said.

  However, he did not expect that these new guys really had no common sense at all, and they were completely new to 99k!

  It was not easy to blame this guy, he held back his temper and patiently comforted him.

  ”It can’t be helped, who asked us to bump into the line of defense with the strongest firepower, it will be comfortable once we cross over here.”

  But to be honest, the mutants in Jinhe City are indeed different from those in other places, not only with fierce automatic firepower, but also with vehicles modified from welded steel plates.

  Although the road conditions in the city are extremely poor, these green-skinned animals have lived in the city for so many years after all, and they know almost every road they can go, and vehicles always appear mysteriously.

  In addition, the foggy weather prevented the aircraft from providing effective firepower support to the ground, and they could only rely on portable anti-tank equipment to engage in firefights with the opposite side.

  It is said that the Skeleton Corps is on the way from Dawn City.

  When the armored forces of the Alliance arrive here, the resistance to advancement should be much smaller.

  The newbie is sensible and nodded excitedly.

  ”Okay, brother, I believe you!”

  To be honest, although it was a bit difficult to fight this guy, he felt it was quite exciting.

  Ignoring the burden, Silver Sword tapped the VM with his index finger and shouted into the headset.

  ”… Silver Hand, Silver Dad, this is Silver Sword! An off-road vehicle passed by us, they may be heading towards your flank.”

  ”That thing has quite strong firepower, you guys be careful!”

  There was only a rustling sound in the communication channel, and there was no response for a long time.

  Feeling something was wrong, Silver Sword immediately opened the communication list and saw the icon with no signal, and hung up the communication with a curse.


  The newbie swallowed and asked.

  ”What’s the matter again?”

  ”Signal interference! It’s probably because the car is carrying a vehicle shielding device or something like that!”

  Silver Sword grabbed the RPG launcher, stepped over the window with glass shards, and looked at the direction where the vehicle left and said with gritted teeth.

  ”We have to catch up with it!”

  With the remaining teammates, Silver Sword chased the exhaust of the off-road vehicle and chased towards the position where the main force of the Silver Corps was located.

  However, there was nothing he could do. No matter how fast his two legs were, they could not be faster than two pairs of speeding wheels. It was impossible to catch up.


  a tragic scene happened.

  The Silver Corps was leaning against the shelter on the street and engaging in a fierce firefight with the mutants. Suddenly, an off-road vehicle broke into the side and rear of the crowd.

  There was no time to react. The revolver machine gun fired a burst of shots. Just as Silver’s father was about to shout “Run!”, he was instantly turned into a piece of minced meat.

  ”Dad!!!” Silver Sword shouted in grief and anger, picked up the RPG on the ground and fired a round.

  The rocket with white smoke hit the welded steel plate in front of the revolver machine gun.

  The bursting metal jet covered the mutant’s face. The guy fell off the off-road vehicle with black smoke on his face and howled.

  But soon, a strong right hand stretched out from the car, replaced the guy who fell down, and held the machine gun with half of the bulletproof plate missing, and continued to shoot at the position of the Silver Corps. The

  whistling tracer blew up a hurricane in the thick fog, and the Silver Corps, which was suppressed by fire from two directions, soon suffered heavy casualties.

  And because of the shielding car, they could not call for indirect fire from the Iron Heart, nor could they call for close support from the Air Force.

  Looking at the mutant troops coming like a tide, Silverhand, who was still on the battlefield, rushed forward to pick up the loudspeaker that Silverfather dropped and shouted loudly.

  ”Retreat! Retreat!”

  This was probably the only time the alliance retreated in the past three days.

  But he had no choice.

  Failure to stop the opponent’s vehicle was a tactical mistake, but in fact, even without this tactical mistake, they would not be able to hold on for long.

  It was obvious that the opponent was concentrating its superior forces to launch a counterattack and regarded them as a breakthrough point to open the battle.

  This was a strategic decision.

  If they did not retreat, everyone would have to die here, and the result would not change at all.

  Hearing the shouts on the battlefield, the newbie following behind Silver Sword swallowed his saliva.

  ”Let’s retreat too.”

  Silver Sword looked up at the sky and sighed, and suddenly stuffed the VM, RPG launch tube and ammunition bag on his back to him.

  After taking over the pile of equipment, the newbie looked at him in confusion.

  ”Brother, what are you doing?”

  ”Bring the VM back for me, you can play with the others.”

  ”What about you?”

  ”See you in three days!”

  Silver Sword loaded his rifle and took a tragic step forward, leaving a majestic back to the newbie.

  The Alliance’s position has been advancing for three days, but they were pushed back. Even if there was a justifiable reason, he was too embarrassed to go back to see his brothers.

  ”Long live the Alliance!” Don’t even

  think about taking the position away while I’m still alive!

  He shouted and rushed towards the mutants who were surging like a tide. Soon, with a loud explosion, he disappeared in the vast sea of ​​smoke…

  The newbie was dumbfounded, and his eyes were gradually filled with emotion.

  ”Good brother…”

  I will never cheat you next time!

  Not daring to stay here any longer, he hurriedly ran towards the rear position.

  Not far from him, the strange tribe’s hum looked at the pool of minced meat on the ground, his heart pounding.

  It watched the human rush out of the mist, and after killing his fellow tentmates, he detonated the bomb on his body.

  The hot blood smeared on its face and flowed into the corners of its mouth.

  This was the first time that the food that originally made it salivate felt hot in its mouth, so it subconsciously spat out the blood. At

  this time, Hengchi saw their leader Delu walk to the front, raised his rifle high, and roared loudly in a rude voice.


  The whole street was filled with deafening cheers.



  After losing two kilometers of positions in three days, they finally won a victory and took back a street from the Alliance.

  Even if this street is only a dozen meters wide and a hundred meters long.

  Whether it is the minions who have just arrived at the front line or the old guys who have been fighting on the front line for three days, they are all very excited at this moment.

  However, there was no joy in Hengchi’s heart. It always felt that these humans were different from those it had eaten before.

  But looking at those brothers who were roaring excitedly, it still roared along with them, venting its anxiety in the roar. Will it

  really be that smooth?

  It didn’t know.

  But this was a battle that determined the survival of the race, a war between different species.

  There was no other way to go…


  On the afternoon of the third day when the Alliance launched a ground offensive against the mutant tribe in Jinhe City, the mutants who had been hiding behind the defense line finally launched the first large-scale counterattack.

  The Alliance’s positions were under great pressure everywhere.

  After a round of concentrated force attack, the troops of the Qi tribe finally tore a crack in one of the Alliance’s positions.

  However, the complete collapse of the defense line that Delu and Gann had expected did not happen.

  Almost at the same time when the gap in the defense line appeared, the Alliance skillfully shrank back the defense line at an incredible speed and rebuilt a new offensive position near an abandoned department store.

  They seemed to have been prepared for this, and even anticipated where problems might occur.

  Silver Hand squatted behind the bunker that had just been built with sandbags with a gloomy face.

  His two good brothers were dead, and there were less than ten people left in the entire corps, including the newbies. They could only temporarily follow the brothers of the Burning Corps.

  Squatting next to him, Quitting Smoking smiled and teased.

  ”You are so unlucky. Just when those animals were about to get back at you, they picked you up.”


  Silver Hand sighed and threw the blame calmly.

  ”It’s all because of those rookies! If I had seen such a soft persimmon lying there, I would have picked it up too.”

  The newcomer who followed him and saved his life was immediately unhappy when he heard it.

  ”Fuck! Can you blame us for this? Who the hell boasted that he would take us flying?”

  ”That’s right!” Another guy with his arm in a bandage also shouted.

  Ignoring his brothers’ complaints, Silver Hand pretended nothing happened and looked at the old man who was trying not to laugh, Quitting Smoking.

  ”When are we going to fight back? These damn beasts actually dared to fight back. They are tired of living!”

  Quitting Smoking said with a smile.

  ”Don’t worry, our regiment leader has discussed with several neighboring regiments. They are confidently fighting back, so let’s give them a taste of sweetness first.”

  Silver Hand said puzzledly.

  ”Why not just rush them in one go?”

  Quitting Smoking shook his head.

  ”These guys are different from the predators. They are more like something between aliens and predators. They are both fierce and cunning. If you push them too fast, they will hide in the bunkers and won’t come out. The further back they go, the harder it will be to fight. It’s better to pull back and give them some hope, and then let the pigs in to kill!”

  Silver Hand’s eyes lit up.

  ”This is a good idea! Which old bastard came up with it?”

  It’s too mean!

  Quitting Smoking laughed.

  ”Which of our regiment do you think is the most like an old bastard.”

  Silver Hand laughed.

  ”I understand.”

  At this moment, Fang Chang, who was pondering the map on the front line, sneezed, and his heart could not help but feel warm.

  Dear Dolly must miss her.

  After this battle is over, I have to go back and accompany her well…


  At the same time, on the bridge of the Iron Heart.

  Chu Guang, standing in front of the French window, was looking down at the hazy battlefield through several holographic screens.

  In three days, although the alliance’s front line only advanced two kilometers, and just now even retreated a few hundred meters, the casualties to the mutants’ manpower were astonishing.

  According to the report compiled by Xiao Qi, up to now, they have killed a total of 1,207 mutant soldiers, including 411 cyborg mutants, and recovered a total of 217 modified cyborgs and sent them to the Giant Stone Military Industry for analysis and research.

  In addition, a total of 219 prisoners imprisoned by mutants have been rescued and are currently being placed in the operations base under the Iron Heart.

  A small number of these people are wastelanders, and most of them are residents of nearby settlements such as the Pine Cone Farm. Moreover, they are heavily addicted to Naguo, and each of them is like a puppet with its strings cut off. Just looking at them makes people shudder. Let

  ’s put aside the matter of prisoners for the time being. The number of kills of mutants is still rising. Some kills that cannot be confirmed have yet to be verified and can only be counted after the battle line advances.

  From the current point of view, most of the kills are contributed by old players. Most of the newbies who have just entered the game in the past two months have joined in the fun.

  However, Chu Guang did not think that this was a meaningless death.

  It is better to say that it is precisely because of the newbies’ successive deaths that the mutants have the illusion that “I can kill back.”

  Therefore, even if they have suffered such heavy casualties, they still maintain an aggressive combat strategy in defense, and even bravely charge at the positions established by the alliance in the city.

  In the eyes of those guys, the alliance’s offensive is probably already a spent force.

  After all, there are indeed fewer newbies participating in the battle on the third day than on the first day.

  Looking at the city area with flickering fire outside the French window, Chu Guang’s mouth pulled up a faint smile.

  Tomorrow is the fourth day, and the guys who died on the first day will soon begin to revive one after another, and they will be resurrected with the experience of death and the hatred of withdrawal reaction.

  Soon these green beasts will find out how stupid their confidence is, and the large-scale attack three days ago will soon happen again.

  And this time –

  the nightmare has really begun!

  Xiao Qi, who was sitting on Chu Guang’s shoulder, dragged his lower cheek and complained in a low voice.

  ”Master, you smile like a villain.”

  Chu Guang replied casually.

  ”It doesn’t matter, I smiled at the window anyway, no one saw it.”

  ”So, that’s it.”

  Xiao Qi was surprised, and couldn’t help but secretly admire him. Looking at his side face with little stars in his eyes, he admired him even more.

  He is worthy of being the master.

  Even such trivial things are planned!

  This is too detailed!


  (Recommend a new book “Rewind 06”. Friends who like to read rebirth stories can collect and follow it. It was written by our book friend!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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