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Chapter 6 East City

Chapter 6 East City


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 6 East City

  Yang Shifei sat shirtless on the bed, his consciousness becoming increasingly hazy, and his eyes gradually closed.

  Indistinctly, apart from the flickering lights in the room, there was a dark figure walking back and forth.

  Behind it, it seemed that there were sharp blades that broke through the clothes and stretched out like tentacles.

  Yang Shifei opened his eyes and woke up, as if he had a nightmare, with sweat on his forehead.

  Was it really a dream?

  ”When did you learn martial arts, sir?”

  A cold female voice sounded beside him, which made Yang Shifei come back to his senses in a trance. He turned his head to look at the maid Tan Xiang who was helping to apply medicine.

  The cold face seemed to be without makeup, but it was extremely white and soft. A pair of beautiful eyes stared straight at him, with a slightly scrutinizing meaning.

  ”Well, I don’t know too much.”

  Yang Shifei rubbed his forehead: “I don’t know why my body has become very strong these two days. I just entangled with the bandits and just relied on brute force to fight.” As

  soon as he finished speaking, he grinned and hissed, and hurriedly looked at his right arm that was extremely painful.

  The wounds that were originally cut by the knife were now wrapped with gauze, and a little red could be seen.

  I thought that it was Tan Xiang who bandaged me when I was dizzy.

  ”Thank you, Miss Tan Xiang.”

  ”Your body looks thin, but it is very tough and strong.”

  Tan Xiang was applying ointment on his left arm and said coldly: “Although there are many bruises, most of them can be healed in a few days. Even the knife wound on the arm only hurts the skin and flesh, not the bone. You can move freely in half a month.”

  Yang Shifei smiled: “This is the best.”

  He was also quite emotional in his heart. In the past, he would grimace in pain when he had a little scratch, but now he can talk and laugh like nothing happened.

  The fighting scene appeared in his mind again. Recalling the dull feeling of breaking the opponent’s face bone with a punch, he felt a little uncomfortable, that’s all.

  I don’t know if my mentality has changed, or the influence of the cold has not disappeared.

  But what can be confirmed is that this mysterious cold air has greatly enhanced the body, and even brought extraordinary senses and intuition. Otherwise, he would never have won against the assassin last night.

  ”I can apply the medicine on the wounds myself.”

  Yang Shifei put away his thoughts, took the medicine bottle from the other party, and said seriously: “You have to be more careful, there is a group of people intending to attack Luo Mansion.”

  Tan Xiang stood up by her skirt, turned her head to avoid her sight: “Mo Li has already interrogated the assassin, it is from Feilin Gang.”

  ”Have you finished?”

  Yang Shifei was applying the medicine, and was a little surprised to hear this.

  ”This person was beaten by you and broke his courage. He told everything with a little question.”

  Tan Xiang said calmly: “He was instructed by Feilin Gang to investigate the details of Luo Mansion. If there is a chance, he will take the heads of everyone in our mansion.”

  Yang Shifei frowned when he heard it: “What deep hatred?”

  He had heard a little about this gang in the past two days.

  It seems to be entrenched in the deep suburbs outside East City. Because of its good business, it is also popular in East City. The Yellow Crane Tower he was going to visit before seemed to have some relationship with Feilin Gang.

  ”It’s just a business conflict.”

  Tan Xiang walked aside and picked up the various medicine bottles on the table.

  ”You should have heard from the young lady that we have some business in East City. Maybe because of this, we have a feud with the Feilin Gang. I just didn’t expect them to send people to attack directly. It’s really too much.”

  ”And it’s quite a coincidence.”

  ”Yes. Young Master has just arrived in Luo Mansion for two days, and they sent people.”

  Tan Xiang looked back: “The reason why they attacked is also because of Young Master Yang.”


  Yang Shifei looked surprised.

  Tan Xiang nodded slightly: “They probably thought that Luo Mansion heard the news in advance and specially invited you, a helper with unknown origin. So they wanted to test the truth. If it’s nothing serious, they will attack directly. If it’s really a strong man, they have to go back and make a long-term plan.”

  Yang Shifei’s mouth trembled when he heard it.

  What a dark heart.

  The man in black was arguing with him on the tree at that time, perhaps he was observing his martial arts skills.

  After thorough confirmation, he decisively used the knife.

  ”However, we have to thank you for your timely action.”

  Tan Xiang closed the medicine box and said lightly: “Thanks to you, we and the young lady were able to escape from disaster.”

  Yang Shifei could only laugh twice when he heard this.

  He was not sure whether the people in the Luo Mansion had extraordinary abilities. If so, his actions tonight might be unnecessary.

  ”What are you going to do next?”

  Yang Shifei put on his robe again and put the medicine bottle back into the box: “Since Feilin has sent people, they will know that something has happened tomorrow at the latest.”

  ”Don’t worry, the young lady will make her own decision.” Tan Xiang picked up the medicine box and turned to leave: “Young master, just rest and recuperate here. If you have anything, just open the door and call me.”

  After the maid closed the door, Yang Shifei thought for a while, and finally did not intend to act without authorization.

  Compared with him, a foreigner, the young lady of the Luo family should know the situation better.


  Yang Shifei clenched his left hand. Although his physical fitness improved rapidly, he could clearly feel that the coldness in his body was almost dissipated.

  ”Is it a disposable consumable?”

  He couldn’t figure out the ins and outs of it for the time being, and feeling the fatigue and sleepiness rising again, he simply stopped trying to hold on and fell into a deep sleep.

  It was almost noon.

  Yang Shifei had a long sleep after a long time. After getting up and washing up, he secretly listened to the noises in the courtyard.

  What happened last night, and it seems that everything is calm again today?


  Tan Xiang’s clear voice sounded not far away.

  Yang Shifei had just straightened his clothes and turned around to see the little maid coming along the corridor with a hot lunch.

  ”You just woke up, so I reheated it. Eat it while it’s hot.”

  ”Sorry to trouble you, young lady.” Yang Shifei sneered twice: “I got up a little late today.”

  ”Young master was injured last night, so it’s normal for him to be sleepy.”

  Tan Xiang spread out the dishes on the stone table in the backyard and said in a light voice: “The food will be lighter today, so don’t mind it too much, young master.”

  ”With the young lady taking good care of me, I can eat two more bowls of rice.”

  Yang Shifei picked up the bowl of rice with a smile, glanced at the few side dishes on the table, and began to eat with peace of mind.

  Compared to the food in Niujia Village, the three meals in Luo Mansion, even if they are a little “light”, can be called home-cooked delicacies, so there is no need to be picky.


  Tan Xiang sat opposite with her skirt gathered, looking at him calmly.

  Yang Shifei’s eating movements were a little slow, and he said awkwardly: “Did I not wash my face clean?”

  ”I’m just a little surprised.”

  Tan Xiang blinked her bright eyes: “It got better faster than I thought, and the bruises on my face have faded.”

  ”I think the ointment of the young lady is effective.”

  Yang Shifei laughed and was not ready to reveal the matter of the cold air for the time being.

  After all, the relationship between the two parties is not that familiar, so it’s always right to keep some secrets.

  But he soon thought that he was able to absorb the cold air from the mysterious little girl yesterday, so was Tan Xiang in front of him

  ”What is the young master thinking in his heart?”


  Yang Shifei quickly swallowed a mouthful of rice and smiled: “It’s just that I just arrived two days ago and didn’t have the leisure to look around. Today I found that Miss Tan Xiang is very beautiful.”

  ”. Thank you.”

  Tan Xiang’s pretty face was neither sad nor happy, and there was no emotional fluctuation.

  This made Yang Shifei feel a little embarrassed.

  Although she looked like a young girl of fifteen or sixteen, her temperament was frighteningly cold.

  ”By the way.”

  Yang Shifei quickly changed the subject: “Did you make any progress on the incident last night?”

  ”The young lady and the others have already gone to the government.” Tan Xiang’s pink lips moved slightly: “The Luo family has some connections in the government. We can’t say that the Feilin Gang will be completely eradicated, but at least we can give those evil bandits a good beating.”

  Yang Shifei felt relieved after hearing this, and the rice in his bowl smelled better.

  Even if the Feilin Gang was arrogant and domineering, they would not do whatever they wanted under the eyes of the government. Although

  the little rich woman could be scary, she was still quite reliable at this time.

  ”After the young master finishes eating, I will take him around the town.”

  ”Ah?” Yang Shifei looked at her in surprise.

  Tan Xiang just said calmly: “The young lady is not here today, and we can’t let the young master stay at home alone. Besides, the young master has been looking for a suitable livelihood outside these two days, and I can also help introduce one or two.”

  Yang Shifei was overjoyed, as he was worried that there was no good “agent” familiar with the local area.

  He hurriedly finished his meal, helped to clean up the dishes, and then left Luo’s house together.

  At noon, the streets of East City were even more lively.

  There were endless cars and horses on the streets, shouts and hawking echoed, and smoke rose everywhere.

  Yang Shifei looked back and forth and asked curiously, “Where are you going to take me?”

  ”Qingyue Tower.”

  Tan Xiang, who was walking beside him, moved her lips slightly: “This is the restaurant that the young lady bought at the beginning. It has been operating until now, and the business is pretty good.”

  Yang Shifei secretly smacked his lips when he heard it.

  This is a big deal, and I don’t know how much silver it cost.

  ”So, the Feilin Gang also had bad intentions towards Luo’s house because of Qingyue Tower?”


  Tan Xiang nodded slightly, and kept walking.

  Yang Shifei looked at the street scenes along the way, and he could see many busy stalls on both sides of the street. Dongcheng

  is the provincial capital of Shanling Province, located in the middle of the north and south, and the local food is a fusion of the two sides. You can see some foreign food in almost every street and alley, which looks quite rare.

  ”Ah, be careful.”

  Yang Shifei quickly held Tan Xiang’s shoulders and led her to avoid the carriages that were rushing by. Along the way, many people screamed and cursed.

  ”Won’t the government take care of this?”

  Tan Xiang glanced at him and whispered, “If you are not rich or noble, they won’t care.”

  Yang Shifei smiled helplessly. This is the case in every world.

  He quickly retracted his gaze and silently shook the left hand that had just been on his shoulder.

  Unlike that little girl, there was no chill when he touched her for the first time.

  Or did he need to silently say “bite her” like he did at that time to absorb the chill?

  Yang Shifei considered it for a while and suppressed the urge to try. Let’s

  keep in touch for a while.

  The two walked along the street for about a few miles and stood in front of a restaurant.

  Yang Shifei looked up and felt that the building was indeed decorated extraordinary, looking quite elegant and in line with the artistic conception of the word “clear moon”.

  ”Business is busy now, it may be a little noisy.”

  Tan Xiang took the lead in entering the restaurant and walked to the counter with ease.

  Two waiters passed by along the way, and when they saw Tan Xiang, they nodded respectfully, obviously knowing her identity.

  Yang Shifei was a little confused, and just thought that she wanted to help introduce the owner of Qingyue Tower.

  ”Hey, why is Miss Tan Xiang here?”

  The middle-aged man at the counter hurried over, showing a kind smile and bowed: “Please say hello to the young lady for me.”

  At the same time, he looked at Yang Shifei on the side, with some confusion in his eyes.

  The Luo family has lived in Dongcheng for two years, but no man has ever approached even half a step. This man is

  ”The owner, no need to greet.”

  But Tan Xiang just waved his hand coldly: “I came to ask you for something.”

  The owner patted his chest and laughed heartily: “As long as Miss Tan Xiang needs it, I will-”


  Tan Xiang opened her pink lips slightly, and said lightly: “Bring me the account books of the past two years.”


   I hope everyone will follow and vote more, thank you~


  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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