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Chapter 6 The First Batch of Closed Beta Players

Chapter 6 The First Batch of Closed Beta Players


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 6 The First Closed Beta Players

  ”I’m an NPC.”

  Chu Guang said this to the mirror, took a deep breath, adjusted his collar, and tried to make himself look dignified enough.

  And expressionless.

  Three days have passed since that day.

  In a few minutes, it will be time for the players to log in to the game.

  As for the blue coat on his body, it is the one he wore when he first crossed into this world a long time ago.

  Old Charlie from Bette Street once told him that the residents who came out of the shelter seemed to wear this.

  ”I’m an NPC.”

  Chu Guang practiced again in front of the mirror he picked up from outside.

  The nature of this “new job” is completely different from the sales job he had done before. A smile as gentle as spring breeze and a polite attitude should not appear on a manager anyway.

  After all, this is a wasteland that adheres to the law of the jungle.

  To survive in this wasteland, his image does not necessarily have to be a tough guy, but at least he has to give people enough confidence and security.

  Touching the lines of his cheeks, Chu Guang wondered in his heart, should he get a scar on his forehead?

  Or should he simply style his hair into a punk-style Mohawk?

  After all, this is a wasteland that follows the law of the jungle.

  Too handsome.

  It will affect the sense of substitution.


  Chu Guang, who was still styling his hair in front of the mirror, raised his chin expressionlessly.

  ”What’s wrong?”

  Xiao Qi whispered.

  ”According to the information I read, NPCs in the game usually don’t call themselves NPCs.”

  The expression on his face stagnated slightly, and Chu Guang coughed lightly and said.

  ”Of course I know…”

  Facing the mirror, he muttered again.

  ”…I am the manager of Shelter No. 404.” It

  was almost time for the appointment.

  Three hours ago, the incubator had completed the synthesis of the clones.

  And he had also made an appointment on Penguin with the four “lucky ones” who had obtained the closed beta qualification. Put on the helmet before 9 pm Yanjing time, find a comfortable position to lie flat or lie horizontally, and log in to the game on time at 9 o’clock.

  Just as Chu Guang was thinking about how to appear in front of the players, a “ding” sound suddenly sounded in his mind.

  Then, a line of text appeared in front of him.

  [Mission Completed! ]

  Chu Guang’s heart tightened slightly.

  Here it comes!


  ”Crap! Crap! Amazing!”

  In the living area next to the resident hall, in an unremarkable room, four culture chambers were unlocked at the same time and the translucent doors were opened.

  Sitting up from the open culture chamber, Ye Wei was stunned and looked around, his face full of surprise and even dullness.

  This –

  is the game world? !

  Until a minute ago, he was still muttering in his heart, could this be a carefully planned prank. However,

  just as he was wearing a fully charged helmet, lying flat on the bed, and about to fall asleep, a beam of light pierced through the darkness and shot towards him.

  When he opened his eyes again, he was already in an unfamiliar room.

  His body was wet.

  It was as if he had just been fished out of the pool.

  The wind from the vents above his head fell on his shoulders, and he could clearly feel the liquid being evaporated bit by bit, taking away the heat from his body.

  There was also a faint smell that was not very pleasant.

  Ye Wei suddenly realized and widened his eyes.






  All five senses!


  This immersive feeling made his eyes fill with tears.

  He didn’t expect that in his lifetime, he would actually be able to see fully immersive virtual reality technology!

  This can no longer be described as a bunker!

  He was not the only one.

  The other three players who sat up from the incubator also showed the same shock on their faces.

  ”Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.”

  ”…I thought it was a joke.”

  ”Oh my god! It’s really fucking immersive!”

  ”Is technology so advanced now??? Damn, why have I never seen it on the news?!”

  ”Hiss… I even feel pain.” A player pinched himself.

  ”Who the hell are you? NPC?”

  ”What the hell NPC, I’m Lao Bai! Time flies! Who are you?”

  ”What the hell? Boss?! I’m Kuangfeng! Level 8 Kuangfeng! Why do you look like this? Hahaha, I’m dying of laughter.”

  ”Get lost! If you keep calling me boss, I’ll let you know what a rough guy is… Hey, this game is interesting. The appearance has been set? I wonder if the public beta version can customize the characters.”

  Lao Bai also pinched himself. Although he grimaced in pain, his face was full of joy.




  Dreams have come true!

  Ye Wei, who was in the next bed, stared with his eyes wide open, motionless, trying to digest the shock in his heart.

  In addition to him, there was another guy sitting still, who should be the future of the group.

  This guy was staring between his legs in deep thought, and I don’t know what he was thinking about.

  ”The character setting is male by default? There is no character creation process. What I mean is… can I create a female character?”

  ”Fuck, you are so sexy! You must be Ye Shi.”

  ”I am Fang Chang…”

  ”What the hell?! Fang Chang?! Good brother… do you understand what I mean?”

  ”Get lost, I just said it casually. The brother next to you must be Ye Shi… are you all here?”

  Seeing the three people looking at him, Ye Wei finally came back to his senses.

  Realizing that he was still naked, he quickly picked up the uniform hanging next to the incubator and put it on his head, and responded casually.

  ”Well, I just arrived… How do you play this game? Isn’t there a tutorial for beginners?”

  ”I don’t know, we just got here too.”

  As soon as the voice fell, the door of the room opened.

  A man in a blue coat walked in from outside.

  Behind him followed a robot in the shape of a wastepaper basket. Its cylindrical body looked a little silly, but its streamlined shell and the polished silver paint were full of science fiction.

  The eyes of the four players were all staring.


  ”Exactly the same as a real person!”

  ”Is this really a game world?”

  ”This is too real!”

  ”Quiet,” interrupting the chattering noise, Chu Guang looked around the four players in the room and slowly said, “Welcome to Shelter No. 404.”

  ”I’m the manager here.”

  ”Code name – Dawn.”

  The air was silent for a moment.

  The four players were unexpectedly honest, staring at him with bated breath, fearing that they would miss any details of the plot.

  It seemed that he had successfully controlled the situation.

  Chu Guang breathed a sigh of relief and continued according to the prepared script.

  ”First of all, I have to tell you a good news. The war is over.”

  ”But the bad news is that our world has changed beyond recognition. If you expect to go home to your mother with your luggage immediately, it is obviously unlikely.”

  ”It is now the 200th year after the apocalypse. Fortunately, we have successfully survived the most difficult years. You are more fortunate than 12 billion people to be able to stand here. Now I need you to recognize the current situation as soon as possible, and then fulfill your declaration under the banner of the Human Union – rebuild our home!” ”

  The one next to you is my assistant. Its name is Xiaoqi. If you have any questions about the shelter or don’t understand something, you can ask it.”

  The above is the opening remarks.

  When the next batch of players comes, Chu Guang will say it again.

  After all, it was not easy to make it up.

  As for Xiaoqi, Chu Guang has already informed it in advance what it can and cannot say, so there is no need to worry about the problem of slipping out of the mouth.

  In fact, it’s okay even if I let it slip.

  Anything that can’t be explained can be covered up with a sentence “This is the game setting”. There is no perfect setting these days. If you really want to be serious, you can find bugs in the news broadcast.

  Seeing that Chu Guang finally finished speaking, the player with the registered nickname Ye Shi asked hurriedly.

  ”Excuse me, where is Brother Guang? I mean, the game planner who gave us the helmet.”

  ”I don’t understand what you are saying.” Chu Guang replied expressionlessly.

  ”How to log out of the game?” Lao Bai continued.

  ”Go back to the incubator and lie down, you can log out normally.”

  In fact, there is another way. Abnormal states such as coma, sleep, and death will also cause the connection to be interrupted, but Chu Guang doesn’t want them to try it casually.

  Lying in the incubator is more energy-saving, and it will be troublesome to deal with a corpse lying anywhere.

  ”Where is the level? Where is the interface of the player system? Why can’t I find it?”

  Kuangfeng just asked this question, and before Chu Guang had time to answer, Fang Chang next to him interrupted and asked.

  ”What about the character creation system? Can’t the character settings be changed? And the gender of the character–”

  ”Enough, you guys go ask for advice on these questions… Ahem, it’s not your turn to ask questions yet.”

  Chu Guang interrupted these people’s endless questions with a frown on his face. With a businesslike attitude, he threw four booklets into their hands without saying anything.

  ”I will take you to familiarize yourself with the environment here, and at the same time tell you what you need to pay attention to.”

  ”Especially what can be done, and don’t even think about anything.”

  (Thanks to the leader of “ε伊雷娜з” and “Kakarot from the Future” for the reward~~~~~)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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