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Chapter 60 The Money Deliverer is Here

Chapter 60 The Money Deliverer is Here


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 60 The money-giving man is here

  The north gate of the outpost.

  Two men dressed in avant-garde clothes, one in front and one behind, sandwiched the two-headed cow in the middle, and stopped in front of the north gate.

  The man standing in front held the specialty of Honghe Town – a 7mm revolver rifle. Although the muzzle was facing down, his eyes kept wandering around the wall and the surroundings, alerting for possible dangers.

  This man is very strong!

  This was Chu Guang’s first instinct.

  As for the man standing in the back, it was the businessman surnamed Sun that Chu Guang had met before.

  ”Haha, my old friend, we meet again!”

  Seeing Chu Guang appearing at the door, the tension on Sun Shiqi’s face suddenly disappeared, and he opened his arms with joy and enthusiasm and greeted him.

  Chu Guang could smell the smell coming from him from a long distance away. He couldn’t stand it anymore and didn’t hug him. Instead, he stretched out his right hand.

  Sun Shiqi smiled and didn’t feel embarrassed. He changed his posture and shook Chu Guang’s right hand vigorously.

  Then let go.

  ”Sorry, I’ve been traveling for almost five days and haven’t had time to take a shower. I’m sorry to have embarrassed you!”

  ”It’s okay,” Chu Guang glanced at the man standing next to the two-headed bull and cast an inquiring look at Sun Shiqi, “Who is this?”

  ”He is the gunman I hired in Honghe Town, responsible for my safety along the way. There are several gunman guilds in Honghe Town who are very trustworthy and reliable. The most important thing is that they know how to avoid conflicts with the looters in the nearby area… Mainly for safety reasons, just pretend he doesn’t exist!”

  Gunman guild?

  I’m afraid it’s a looter who has retired from the underworld.

  Chu Guang nodded, his eyes stayed on the large two-headed bull for a while, and his eyebrows raised slightly with a hint of interest.

  It seems that the dried meat they make is very popular in Honghe Town. The last business should have made this guy a lot of money. Not only did he have money to buy a batch of new goods, but he also hired a bodyguard.

  This is a good thing.

  A win-win business can last long.

  ”How is the road to Boulder City? Is it easy to walk?” Chu Guang asked casually.

  ”I haven’t been to Boulder City before, so I don’t know much about the situation there,” Sun Shiqi shook his head like a rattle. “After I left you last time, I went to a farm not far from you. It happened that they were very interested in my remaining goods, so I exchanged some food with them and went straight back.” ”

  The road conditions in the city are too complicated, and the ruins inside are like a maze. I would rather walk 10 kilometers in the wilderness than walk a mile in the city.”

  ”You should have felt that this winter will probably be more difficult than in previous years. The price of food in Honghe Town has skyrocketed. Those bigwigs like miners and slave owners can’t get used to those black nutritional pastes. I almost hadn’t delivered the goods to the trading station, and they were immediately snapped up by their servants.”

  ”I thought that since it sells so well, I might as well make another trip before the snow blocks the road. So I hired a bodyguard and set off, hehe.”

  ”So easy to sell? It seems I sold it too cheap last time.” Chu Guang said half-jokingly.

  Realizing that he was getting a little carried away, Sun Shiqi coughed dryly and said with a smile.

  ”You are joking, sir. We are all businessmen who do business without thinking about it. We can earn some money, but in fact, we can only earn enough to make a living.”

  ”Okay, stop playing pity on me. How much you earn depends on your ability. Remember to buy two more cows when you have money, and bring more things next spring,” Chu Guang interrupted his nonsense and got straight to the point. “Where are the things I want? Did you bring them?”

  Sun Shiqi said hurriedly.

  ”I brought them all! Hehe, don’t worry, I will definitely not forget your instructions!”

  The mutated two-headed cow often weighs more than one ton, and its carrying capacity is about 700 kilograms to 900 kilograms. Its ability to move in ruins and wild terrain is relatively good, slightly inferior to the mutant yak.

  ​​In addition to 500 kilograms of coins, Sun Shiqi also used the money he earned to purchase less than 100 kilograms of supplies.

  Among them, there were items of trading value, including a bag of waxy yellow coarse salt, weighing about 10 kilograms. There were also 10 7mm caliber revolver rifles, two large bags of heavy bullets, and so on.

  Although he still had some weight left, he had no extra money to buy more.

  In the past, these less wealthy merchants would take the risk of detouring to scavenge, but at this point in time, it was obviously not appropriate to do so.

  When checking the bullets in the sacks, Chu Guang noticed that the bullets in the two large bags were all made of copper?

  It seems that there is no shortage of copper in Honghe Town.

  However, compared with the stamped shells produced in Boulder City, many of the bullets produced in Honghe Town are rolled with copper skin, and there are visible depressions and protrusions on the shells.

  No wonder they make this kind

  of semi-automatic revolver rifle with a simple receiver structure. A slightly more sophisticated receiver would probably jam after firing this kind of ammunition after a few rounds.

  Is this the difference between industrial survivor bases and resource survivor bases?

  Throwing the few bullets in his hand back into the bag, Chu Guang silently memorized this information in his heart.

  ”…How is it, sir? Are you satisfied with these goods?”

  Sun Shiqi had a flattering smile on his face.

  If possible, he hoped that Chu Guang would buy all of these things.

  In this way, he could also bring back more dried meat.

  ”Weapons, coarse salt, and those coins, I want them all,” Chu Guang’s eyes fell on the last bag. He took a look and found that it was filled with some turmeric powder, so he asked, “What’s in it?”

  Sun Shiqi said with a grin.

  ”Insect powder! It’s made by drying and grinding the mutant yellow-fronted stilt spider. It’s rich in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and is mainly used as fertilizer!”

  Chu Guang nodded to show that he understood.

  As fertilizer, that should be what Brown Farm wants. He hasn’t started farming here yet, so he doesn’t need this stuff.

  But this does give him an idea.

  I heard from the players that there are a lot of guano stones by the lake, maybe he can try to make some fertilizer and sell it to Brown Farm.

  At this time, Sun Shiqi suddenly remembered something, walked to the side of the two-headed cow, opened the leather package hanging on it, and took out a glass bottle from it.

  The mouth of the glass bottle was plugged with a cork, and the cork had some small holes for ventilation. In the bottle were ants as big as fists, shaking their limbs and antennae visible to the naked eye, which looked quite creepy.

  Chu Guang stared at the bottle with interest for a while, and then asked.

  ”Is this the iron-backed ant?”

  Sun Shiqi said with a smile.

  ”That’s right! We usually use it as feed or other things. Someone happened to be selling it at the trading station, so I bought a bottle.”

  After playing with the bottle for a while, Chu Guang looked at Sun Shiqi and asked.

  ”How much?”

  Sun Shiqi waved his hands and said.

  ”No, no, no, my friend, you misunderstood. This is a gift from me to you. I don’t charge for it.”

  ”Oh? Thank you then.”

  Chu Guang certainly wouldn’t refuse such a good thing, and decisively accepted the gift.

  As for the return gift?

  There is no such thing.

  Allowing this guy to do business with me is already the greatest grace for him.

  Seeing Chu Guang accept the gift, Sun Shiqi’s face was full of smiles.

  ”You’re welcome. It’s my honor to have your friendship… Look, it’s getting late, why don’t we talk about the details of the transaction?”

  Chu Guang nodded and said only one word.



  Unlike the merchants from Boulder City, most of these merchants from other regions do not recognize chips as currency. They either have their own currency or simply don’t have any currency.

  Therefore, in general, when conducting cross-regional trade, everyone is bartering, and there is no fixed “price”.

  Although he received a gift from Sun Shiqi that symbolizes friendship, friendship cannot be eaten after all. When bargaining, Chu Guang did not make any concessions for the sake of human feelings.

  Just kidding.

  Who can be thicker-skinned than the salesperson?

  500 kilograms of coins are still based on the price agreed last time, 100 kilograms for 4 kilograms of air-dried meat, equivalent to 20 kilograms of air-dried meat.

  Chu Guang has always been a man of his word. He has no intention of going back on his promise, and there is no need for that.

  The two sides happily reached a consensus.

  However, the happy part only ends here.

  A few minutes ago, Sun Shiqi naively thought that the man in front of him was easy to talk to, until the man in front of him said something crazy, “3 kilograms of air-dried meat for 1 kilogram of salt.”

  ”Sorry, did I hear it wrong… Maybe you said 1 catty?”

  Chu Guang said unmoved, as he was completely expecting this guy’s reaction.

  ”You heard me right, I said 1 kilogram, 1 kilogram of coarse salt.”

  ”This is impossible!”

  Sun Shiqi exclaimed almost reflexively, sweeping away his previous respectfulness, and argued angrily.

  ”You must be kidding! The bacon here is baked and air-dried, and it has not been pickled at all. It can’t be worth this price!”


  Seeing that Chu Guang was still unmoved, Sun Shiqi took a deep breath and continued in a soothing tone.

  ”Well, you are not a businessman after all, maybe you don’t understand the market… Let’s do some calculations. If I transport this 10 kilograms of coarse salt to Boulder City, I can get at least 1 point of chips for every 100 grams!”

  Chu Guang didn’t say anything.

  In fact, he had never been to Boulder City. He only knew that the coarse salt with a sallow appearance and bitter taste, which only poor people would consume, was charged 2 points of chips for every 100g at the old leech on Beth Street, which was doubled as expected.

  But what does it matter?

  The price of grain has tripled for this old leech!

  There is no point in discussing prices in the wasteland.

  Sun Shiqi moistened his dry throat and continued.

  ”100 chips! If I exchange these chips for electrical appliances, industrial products, and daily necessities and take them to Brown Farm, I can get at least 300 kilograms of green wheat. If I exchange these grains for bacon, it must be at least 60 to 75 kilograms to be reasonable.”

  ”So the lowest price I can accept is 60 kilograms, which is 1 kilogram of salt for 6 kilograms of bacon! For the sake of our friendship… 59 kilograms, this is the lowest offer I can accept!”

  ”It’s also my biggest concession!”

  Sun Shiqi felt that he had made the truth simple and clear enough.

  Even if these hamsters guarding the shelter have never traded in the wasteland, they should be able to understand their “hardships”.

  However, after listening to his nonsense, Chu Guang just smiled.

  He was right in one sentence.

  He is indeed not a businessman.

  If someone really sees himself like this, then the pattern is too small.

  But if you think you don’t know how to trade?


  ”You’re right.”

  Sun Shiqi’s face lit up with joy.

  But before a second, Chu Guang’s next words solidified his happy expression.

  ”…Then my friend, why don’t you?”

  Chu Guang said softly, looking at his friend who came from afar with a smile.

  ”I mean, if you want to exchange 300 kilograms of green wheat for 59 kilograms of bacon, I can accept it.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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