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Chapter 601 “I want to see you”

Chapter 601 “I want to see you”


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 601 “I want to see you”

  Xiao Youran suddenly asked: “Siyu, between me and Cheng Lu, who will you support?”

  Song Siyu did not give a perfunctory answer, but after thinking seriously, she said, “I don’t support anyone. I think you and Cheng Lu both deserve better boys.”

  ”It’s good that you won’t support Cheng Lu.”

  Xiao Youran ignored what she didn’t want to hear and only listened to what she wanted to hear.

  Song Siyu looked at Xiao Youran’s eyes and sighed helplessly.

  Song Siyu’s feelings for Xu Xiuwen have always been complicated.

  If we put aside Xu Xiuwen’s philandering and cheating.

  He is very good, better than more than 99% of the boys in the school.

  Women are naturally prone to admiration for excellent men.

  What’s more, Xu Xiuwen’s appearance and body shape are the type that Song Siyu likes.

  In theory, even if the two are not boyfriend and girlfriend, they can be very good friends.


  Song Siyu has hated philandering men since she was a child.

  As long as a man is philandering, he is sentenced to death in her heart.

  She will stay away from such people.

  But Xu Xiuwen became her exception.

  Even though she knew Xu Xiuwen’s true face, she still often appeared in front of Xu Xiuwen.

  Although sometimes, she could deceive herself and say that she couldn’t help seeing Xu Xiuwen because of Xiao Youran.

  But she knew it in her heart.

  There were many occasions where she could avoid meeting Xu Xiuwen as long as she didn’t go or avoided it.

  She listened to her inner thoughts.

  Song Siyu has been persuading Xiao Youran not to be deceived by Xu Xiuwen and break up with him as soon as possible.

  She was persuading sincerely.

  Because she felt that the philandering man was unreliable and didn’t want Xiao Youran to get deeper and deeper.

  But while persuading Xiao Youran to break up with Xu Xiuwen, she couldn’t help but appear next to Xu Xiuwen again and again.

  She felt that she was hypocritical and hated herself for being like this.

  So Song Siyu often fell into a self-blame mood.

  She didn’t dare to tell Xiao Youran her thoughts.

  She was worried that after Xiao Youran knew it, she would think that she was persuading them to break up out of selfishness, which would affect their relationship.

  And this National Day incident.

  When Song Siyu was very helpless, she didn’t think of the police, but Xu Xiuwen.

  Later, Xu Xiuwen also came from home to help her out, pretending to be her boyfriend and playing with the mother and daughter for a day.


  Song Siyu felt that she owed Xu Xiuwen a big favor.

  If she continued to persuade Xiao Youran to break up,

  she would seem too ungrateful.

  But she and Xiao Youran had a deep sisterly friendship, and she didn’t want to see Xiao Youran get hurt in the future.

  So Song Siyu decided to persuade her one last time.

  Xiao Youran listened, and that was it.

  She owed Xu Xiuwen a favor, and she would find a way to repay it later.

  If Xiao Youran didn’t listen,

  she would never persuade him again.

  She would never express any opinion on their relationship again.

  Song Siyu felt that by doing this, she was worthy of both Xiao Youran and Xu Xiuwen.

  She wouldn’t have to fall into contradictory and self-blaming emotions often in the future.

  Song Siyu stopped thinking and said, “Let’s go to the cafeteria to eat. If it’s later, there will be too many people.”

  Xiao Youran shook his head, “I don’t have an appetite.”

  ”Then eat with me.”


  After Xu Xiuwen and Tang Weiwei finished breakfast together, they came to the classroom for class.

  The three girls still sat in the first row.

  Xu Xiuwen walked to the back row.

  After a while, students entered the classroom one after another.

  Suddenly, a slap fell on Xu Xiuwen’s shoulder.

  Then he heard Jin Haonan’s voice, “Xiuwen, you are here, I thought you would not come to class today.”

  Xu Xiuwen turned his head and saw that all his five roommates had come.

  Xu Xiuwen stood up and gave his seat to his roommates.

  Xu Xiuwen noticed that Yang Baishan, Shi Xiangming and Wang Juncai had serious expressions and looked like they were worried.

  But he didn’t ask more.

  Class started soon.

  The first break.

  Shi Xiangming suddenly said, “Xiuwen, I want to go to the bathroom. Can you accompany me?”

  Xu Xiuwen glanced at Shi Xiangming.

  Considering his worried look, Xu Xiuwen immediately guessed that going to the toilet was just an excuse and he had something to say.


  Xu Xiuwen agreed.

  Then he followed Shi Xiangming out of the classroom.

  After leaving the classroom, Shi Xiangming suddenly walked towards the corridor.

  Xu Xiuwen followed him silently.

  After arriving at the corridor.

  Shi Xiangming couldn’t help asking: “Xiuwen, it’s been a month since the start of school. When will Yue’er come back? Yue’er’s parents are very worried about her.”

  Xu Xiuwen also vaguely guessed that Shi Xiangming’s visit to him might be related to Bai Yue’er.

  But he didn’t expect Shi Xiangming to suddenly mention Bai Yue’er’s parents.

  After a little thought, Xu Xiuwen guessed what Shi Xiangming was thinking.

  Shi Xiangming might be afraid that he would perfunctorily deal with him, so he deliberately brought up Bai Yue’er’s parents to put pressure on himself.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t point out Shi Xiangming’s little thoughts.

  He said lightly: “Well, Yue’er is indeed busy during this period, but she is basically done with her work recently and will soon return to school.” ”

  Really? Xiuwen, you didn’t lie to me.” Shi Xiangming looked excited.

  ”Why are you asking me if you don’t believe me? You can ask Yue’er yourself.”

  Shi Xiangming thought to himself, if I could contact Yue’er, I would be crazy to ask you.

  He smiled and said, “Haha, I believe it, Xiuwen, you don’t have to lie to me. It’s good that you’re back, I have a lot to say to Yue’er.”

  Looking at the smile on Shi Xiangming’s face, Xu Xiuwen really wanted to tell him the truth.

  But after hesitating, he gave up.

  On the one hand, it was because the relationship between Cheng Lu and Xiao Youran had not been resolved, which required a lot of energy.

  On the other hand, it was because Xu Xiuwen had promised Bai Yue’er that she would find a suitable time to confront Shi Xiangming and break up.

  Since he had promised, it would be bad to break his promise.

  However, Shi Xiangming deliberately brought up Bai Yue’er’s parents to pressure him, and he just suspected that he had lied to him. This

  made Xu Xiuwen a little unhappy.

  Especially when he saw Shi Xiangming’s smile, he felt even more dazzling.

  He was silent for a second, and suddenly said: “Brother Shi, there is something I need to tell you.”

  ”What is it?” Shi Xiangming cast a puzzled look.

  ”The company does not allow artists to fall in love, but Yue’er was engaged to you before signing the contract, and Yue’er was not popular enough at the time, so the company did not interfere. But now Yue’er is the company’s cash cow. Once the news that she has a fiancé spreads, Yue’er’s acting career will encounter a cold winter, which is extremely unfavorable to her future development and will also cause great losses to the company…”

  Shi Xiangming was anxious when he heard it.

  ”What do you mean? Are you saying that I have affected Yue’er’s development and you want me to break up with Yue’er?”

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t speak yet.

  Shi Xiangming said again, “Impossible! Yue’er is my fiancée. We will get married after graduating from college. I will never break up with her.”

  Xu Xiuwen pondered for a moment and explained, “Brother Shi, it’s not that I want you to break up. It’s the company’s idea.”

  Shi Xiangming was annoyed, “You are the boss of the company. The company is yours. If you don’t agree, who dares to disobey you?”

  ”Brother Shi, the company is not mine alone. I am in partnership with others. Artists are not allowed to fall in love. This is the company’s rule. If I stand up and oppose it, how can I manage other artists in the company? How can the company develop in this way? I hope you can understand me.”

  ”I understand you, but who understands me? There are so many actors who fall in love or even get married. Why can’t Yue’er be allowed to fall in love? Xu Xiuwen, we are roommates. You can’t do this to me!”

  Xu Xiuwen said calmly, “Brother Shi, don’t worry. This is just the company’s idea. We have to consider Yue’er’s idea. You can discuss it with Yue’er and see what to do.”

  Shi Xiangming said angrily, “Huh, I won’t break up with Yue’er anyway. Don’t force us. At worst, Yue’er will not stay in your company.”

  ”It’s probably a bit difficult. Yue’er has signed a contract with the company. If she doesn’t stay in the company, she has to pay a penalty, which is not a small amount.”

  Shi Xiangming’s momentum suddenly disappeared a little when he heard this.

  But he said stubbornly: “If you want to pay, pay it. Who can’t afford it?”

  Xu Xiuwen laughed, “Brother Shi, there is no need to make this matter so awkward. We can still discuss it. Class is about to start, let’s go back to the classroom first.”

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly told Shi Xiangming that the company does not allow dating, of course, he was deliberately trying to deceive him.

  Xu Xiuwen knew that Shi Xiangming was a fierce person.

  Don’t look at the fierceness of his mouth.

  I guess he is very worried now.

  In this way, Xu Xiuwen achieved his goal.

  Some people may ask.

  You, Xu Xiuwen, stole Shi Xiangming’s fiancée and deceived him. Isn’t it too much?

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t think he was too much.

  First of all.

  Bai Yue’er didn’t like Shi Xiangming at all, and never thought of marrying him.

  It was Shi Xiangming and his parents who locked Bai Yue’er with the chain of the bride price.

  After Bai Yue’er became famous, she made a lot of money.

  Regardless of whether Xu Xiuwen is there or not, she has decided to pay back the money to the Shi family.

  In addition, Xu Xiuwen and Bai Yue’er got together because they were attracted to each other and couldn’t help themselves.

  So there is no such thing as snatching.


  it was Shi Xiangming who begged him to give Bai Yue’er an acting opportunity at the beginning.

  Xu Xiuwen gave it to him.

  So Shi Xiangming owed him a favor.

  This is not counting the usual small favors.

  Xu Xiuwen did not expect Shi Xiangming to repay the favor, nor did he seek rewards.

  But the tone of Shi Xiangming’s words just now and the deliberate use of Bai Yue’er’s parents to pressure him

  made him very unhappy.

  So he put some eye drops on Shi Xiangming.

  Back to the classroom.

  Xu Xiuwen looked relaxed.

  Shi Xiangming seemed calm, but his eyes were full of sorrow.

  In a blink of an eye, it was the end of the second class.

  This time someone came to talk to Xu Xiuwen again.

  It was Yang Baishan.

  Yang Baishan told Xu Xiuwen that a school girl had been flirting with him recently and was very interested in him.

  But Yang Baishan still couldn’t forget Qian Yue in his heart, so he didn’t know what to do.

  It was difficult for Xu Xiuwen to give advice on such things.

  I had to persuade him to listen to his inner thoughts.

  After the third class.

  Wang Juncai also talked to Xu Xiuwen privately.

  Wang Juncai hesitated for a long time.

  Finally, he asked him if he could call Song Siyu out.

  Xu Xiuwen was stunned for a moment.

  ”Brother Wang, did you quarrel with Song Siyu?”

  Wang Juncai said with embarrassment: “Yes, I called her, but she didn’t answer. I sent a text message, but she didn’t reply. I didn’t even have a chance to apologize.” Xu

  Xiuwen suddenly remembered that he accidentally let it slip that day.

  Later, under Song Siyu’s questioning, he had to confess and told her about seeing Wang Juncai and Qian Yue in the cinema.

  If it was because of this incident that caused the two to quarrel.

  Xu Xiuwen couldn’t help but feel a little sorry for Wang Juncai.

  He asked calmly: “What’s the matter?”

  Wang Juncai said awkwardly: “Her mother came to Jinling for a trip a few days ago, and she didn’t tell me in advance. I happened to stay up all night the day before, so I didn’t hear her call the next day, and she got angry.” Xu Xiuwen was

  slightly relieved when he heard this, and at the same time he suddenly realized.

  That day he asked Song Siyu why she didn’t ask Wang Juncai to come over?

  Song Siyu didn’t tell him.

  Now Xu Xiuwen knows the reason.

  Considering that Song Siyu said she wanted to break up with Wang Juncai that day.

  It seems that this incident is the main reason or the fuse.

  Xu Xiuwen pondered for a moment and said, “What do you want me to do?”

  Wang Juncai asked, “Are you going to Jiaotong University to see Xiao Youran at noon? I’ll go with you, and then I’ll apologize to Siyu in person.”

  ”No.” Xu Xiuwen refused immediately.

  Wang Juncai frowned and looked at Xu Xiuwen, very disappointed.

  His expression seemed to say, we are all roommates, you don’t even help with such a small favor?

  Xu Xiuwen hurriedly explained: “Brother Wang, it’s not that I don’t want to help–”

  Xu Xiuwen thought to himself: Cheng Lu is still angry, if I go to Xiao Youran, wouldn’t that add fuel to the fire?

  He continued: “How about this, Brother Wang, I’ll call Song Siyu to our school, do you think it’s okay?”

  The dissatisfaction in Wang Juncai’s eyes subsided a little.

  ”Can you call Siyu over?”

  ”I think so.”

  ”That’s fine, then you contact Siyu quickly, I want to see her at noon.”


  The class bell rang.

  Xu Xiuwen said, “Let’s go back to the classroom first, I’ll send her a text message.”

  After the two returned to the classroom.

  The roommates all looked over.

  Among them, Shi Xiangming and Yang Baishan had the most complicated eyes.

  Obviously, they also guessed that Wang Juncai might have had a private chat with Xu Xiuwen just now.

  After Xu Xiuwen returned to the classroom, he just sat down and found that Wang Juncai looked at him anxiously.

  Xu Xiuwen gave him a look that said “don’t worry”, then took out his mobile phone and started texting Song Siyu.

  At the same time, in a classroom at Jiaotong University.

  Song Siyu was attending a class.

  The mobile phone suddenly vibrated.

  She picked up the phone and took a look. Her

  face was originally calm.

  After seeing the content of the text message and the name of the person who sent the text message.

  Song Siyu’s heart suddenly tightened and her heartbeat began to accelerate.

  She quickly turned the phone over and put it in the drawer.

  Then she straightened up and pretended to listen to the class seriously.

  But she glanced at Xiao Youran beside her.

  She saw that he was listening to the class seriously and didn’t look at her.

  Song Siyu’s nervous mood calmed down a little, but her heart was still beating fast. After

  listening to the class absent-mindedly for a while, Song Siyu secretly lowered her head, picked up her mobile phone, and began to type a reply.

  ”What do you want to talk to me about?”

  Soon she received a reply.

  The content was also very brief.

  ”I want to see you.”

  The heart that had just calmed down a little started beating quickly again.

  Song Siyu subconsciously clenched her teeth.

  Cheng Lu hasn’t been coaxed yet, and he wants to flirt with her again?

  It turns out to be a scumbag.

  Song Siyu hates scumbags the most. She can find a thousand reasons not to meet Xu Xiuwen.

  But in the end she replied, “When?”

  ”Come to the second floor of xxx on South Street after school at noon. I’ll treat you to dinner.”

  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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