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Chapter 602 Chimera’s Roar!

Chapter 602 Chimera’s Roar!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 602 Chimera’s Roar!

  The war entered its fourth day.

  The brutal street fighting turned the street in front of the abandoned department store into a cruel meat grinder, with every inch of the floor tiles covered with sticky blood and broken bodies. The

  originally neat and uniform battle lines turned into a jagged shape in the continuous pulling, and the surface plowed by artillery fire and aerial bombs was printed with shocking scars.

  Ironically, the three-year war that buried the Human Alliance had never touched this land, but it ushered in the baptism of iron and fire two centuries after the end of the war.

  Hengchi’s heart was full of confusion.

  He still remembered that the leader said that the alliance’s offensive was already a spent force, and their soldiers had been frightened by De Lu’s voice and would soon run away with their tails between their legs.

  The recaptured position was the best proof.

  However –

  is it really so?


  The dense artillery fire sounded on time, like a compressed black cloud, rolling over the street, getting closer and closer.

  Green heads squatted in the concrete buildings on both sides of the street, rising and falling with the dust that occasionally fell.

  Hench was not afraid of the Alliance’s bombardment.

  This thing sounded really loud, but it was still difficult to hurt them through the concrete wall, and some minor scratches were not worth worrying about.

  The two sides needed to fight face to face to decide the winner.

  There was nothing to be afraid of.

  The bombardment started on time and ended on time.

  The centurion squatting nearby shook off the cement slag on his body, stood up, raised his weapon and roared at the top of his voice.

  ”Chop them up!”

  Its chest shook with the roar, like a beast roaring to the sky.

  ”Oh oh oh!”

  Inspired by the courage and savagery, the mutant soldiers also shouted and stood up, grabbed their weapons and scattered to the shelters outside, ready to fight with the Alliance soldiers.

  Hench followed closely behind the guy in front.

  Almost at the same time it stepped out of the concrete wreckage, deafening shouts of killing followed by crackling gunfire came.

  The street it was in charge of was one of the streets leading to the abandoned department store, and the collapsed viaduct was across the middle of the intersection.

  A pile of old cars was a natural shelter. Simply throwing a few sandbags and mounting a machine gun would make a simple bunker.

  The church continued to deliver ammunition to the city. They didn’t need to worry about logistics, they just needed to stuff death into the mouths of those human soldiers –

  the flying tracers were noisy on the streets, like broken snow swept by a storm.

  From the invisible fog, Hengchi felt something unusual, the fierce firepower seemed to be a reappearance of the offensive on the first day.

  Wasn’t the alliance about to end?

  Why did it… come back to life? It

  always had an illusion in its heart, that is, the people in front of it were the same group of opponents it encountered on the first day.

  The only difference was that they seemed to be much more skilled than the first day, and they would no longer rush into the muzzle of the gun.

  If it was at that time, it would only take one round of bullets to knock them down.

  But now, they had obviously mastered the skills of fighting, and even if they were just some very shallow skills, they still caused them great trouble.

  ”Da da da–!”

  The machine gun continued to spray flames. In the foggy weather with extremely low visibility, it was almost a matter of luck to hit.

  Hengchi didn’t get the machine gun, so he could only hold the rifle he picked up from somewhere and fire randomly outside the bunker, but he soon felt lucky that he was a beat slower.

  Before the muzzle of the gun had even fired two rounds of smoke, the hot flames exploded next to him with a “bang”, and the flying shrapnel and hot blood covered his face.

  He turned his head to take a look, and saw that the guy who had previously fired with the machine gun was only half of his body left, twitching on the ground.

  Seeing so many corpses, they are actually numb. A guy with his upper body naked quickly grabbed the machine gun and continued to pull the trigger to fire.

  Hench did not show a sad expression because of the death of his brother who had peed with him, but he gradually felt a little confused.

  Retaking the street under his feet… does it really mean that the Alliance can no longer hold on?

  However, this trace of confusion lasted less than half a minute before it was interrupted by a roar that pierced through the thick fog.

  A giant covered in steel plates, with heavy and rapid steps, stepped over the fragmented bunkers and suddenly broke into the battlefield.

  Its body is as tall as a city wall, and the steel on it is as solid as the armor of a tank.

  Seeing its appearance, almost all mutants’ eyes were filled with enthusiasm and shouted excitedly.

  The same is true for Hench!

  Big guy!

  The strongest warrior in the tribe!

  They can’t be produced normally, and they won’t learn a few human words in their lifetime, but every guy who grows up is a warrior given a name!

  They are born warriors!


  The roar leaked from the gap in the helmet, and it ran and hit the nearest iron lump with its shoulder.

  The human soldier wearing an exoskeleton pulled out a short axe to resist, but the axe was like a toothpick in front of its huge size.

  He could clearly see that the axe that hit the helmet heavily only left a tiny white mark on the dark steel, and then the human soldier was knocked away by the big guy’s smooth collision and fell hard on the concrete building next to him.

  A steel bar exposed outside the wall pushed out from his back and pierced the human soldier through. The man struggled for a while with both hands holding the steel bar, and then his head drooped and stopped moving.


  The big mutant raised his head and roared, picked up a steel bar from the ground, and then smashed it at the next iron lump.

  The human soldiers were obviously frightened by this big guy. For a moment, they were caught off guard by this rampaging giant.

  They squatted behind the bunker, groaning with excitement, and shouted and cheered with the minions around them.

  The big guy seemed to be encouraged by their roars. He waved the several-meter-long steel bar in the center of the battlefield and fought more bravely.

  In a blink of an eye, two more heavy exoskeletons were blown away and fell unconscious in the concrete wreckage.

  The Alliance soldiers immediately raised their rifles and concentrated their fire on the guy, but the tracers were like toothpicks in front of its huge size.

  Apart from scratches on the curved surface of the thick steel armor, there was no substantial damage left, which aroused the ferocity of the big guy, and he swung the steel bar in his hand more vigorously. The

  already chaotic position was even more messy after being smashed.

  The leading human soldier seemed to be shouting something, but Hengchi couldn’t understand it. It should be a panicked scream.

  However, what it didn’t know was that although these Alliance soldiers were frightened by this big guy, they were far from panicking.

  For example, Midnight Killing Chicken had seen this thing, and many veterans of the Jungle Corps had also seen it. They knew that although this guy was not easy to deal with, he was far from invincible.

  ”Fuck – this bolter can’t even break the defense?!”

  ”Brother, you’re at a safe distance! Back off and shoot!”

  ”Too late! Switch to rifles!”

  ”Fuck, the armor is too thick! I can’t hit it!”

  ”Then use the barrel -”

  As soon as the voice fell, the roar of the engine came from one side of the intersection.

  Midnight Killer, who was about to take out the barrel, suddenly looked in that direction, and the moment his eyes met the headlights, he was immediately delighted.


  It’s the brothers of the Skeleton Corps!

  The roaring engine was like a war drum, and the wide front of the car rushed into the battlefield where gunfire was heard

  one after another. There was no drag.

  The raised edge of the front of the armored vehicle hit the crotch of the huge mutant fiercely.

  The big guy felt as if his lower body was hit by a heavy hammer, and he screamed in pain. His feet were pushed off the ground for a while, and he was pushed back by the huge front of the car.

  At this moment, the Chimera that was running rampant suddenly stopped. The big guy who lost his balance had no chance to stand firm and could only stagger backwards.

  But the Chimera armored vehicle did not give it any chance to breathe. The 37mm rapid-fire gun was aimed straight at its chest.


  the muzzle, as deep as a black hole, mercilessly spewed out thick and long tongues of fire!

  ”Bang, bang, bang!”

  The deafening sound of the cannon was like the beating of a war drum. Tracers as thick as pythons came out of the muzzle one after another, hitting the thumb-thick breastplate like raindrops. Every shot made the breastplate scream in pain. The

  big guy who staggered backwards had no power to resist the kinetic energy brought by the 37mm and was directly pressed into the broken window on the side of the street.

  The bursting shrapnel and sparks kept flying out of the window, and occasionally one or two bullets were bounced off.

  The flickering fire and thick smoke obscured the bloody quagmire and also cut off the scream of pain.

  Hengchi’s eyes widened, staring at the place where the big guy fell. The excitement and bloodthirstiness in his pupils had faded away at some point. What

  was left was only boundless fear. In

  just a moment,

  the warrior who came into the world with death and glory and was born with the name given by the patriarch was crushed into meat paste by the sparks shot out by the iron box.

  Soon he saw that the smoking gun barrel was slowly moving and aiming at the position where it was located.


  As if to vent the fear in his chest, Hengchi let out a hoarse roar, and the trigger of the rifle in his hand was almost pulled to the bottom, trying to use the fragile flame to blow out the whistling storm. The

  other mutant soldiers around him did the same, shooting fierce firepower at the iron lump standing in the center of the battlefield, trying to crush it with a hail of bullets.


  in front of the equivalent armor that was tens of millimeters thick, the bullets fired by light weapons were too weak, not as effective as the axes in their hands.

  Almost at the same time when Hengchi roared, a series of electric lights as thick as pythons had already pounced on the mutants, exploding flashes of fire on the sloppy battlefield. The

  sandbag bunkers were blown all over the ground, and the sandbag walls that could block bullets were like children’s building blocks in front of the 37mm rapid-fire gun.

  Fortunately, there was no pain at this moment.

  Hengchi only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and then it was black again, and all his perceptions fell into the endless abyss with the sound of “pop”…

  ”Bang bang bang–!”

  The roar of the artillery continued.

  Until the bunkers on the entire street were baptized by armor-piercing incendiary bombs.

  As if it was not enough, the armored vehicle replaced the high-explosive bombs and also washed the gaps between the buildings on both sides of the street.

  Although the gunfire in the distance continued, the battle on this street was basically over with the arrival of this armored vehicle.

  The players of the Jungle Corps left their bunkers one after another, holding their bolters and advancing with the armored vehicles, shooting and killing the mutant soldiers who were about to retreat with ammunition boxes, and taking back the positions they had given to the mutants yesterday.

  ”Well done!”

  The Piltover paratrooper wearing the “Iron Wall” exoskeleton excitedly gave a thumbs up after whistling at the Chimera armored vehicle that had stopped firing.

  Although he was not the one who fired.

  But the overwhelming firepower really made him feel good.

  Elf King Fugui jumped down from the back of the armored vehicle, looked at the dusty brothers of the Jungle Corps, and boasted with a beaming face.

  ”How is it? Is our new equipment awesome?”

  Xiao Xiaoxiao Bookworm: “6666!”

  The model worker: “I’m rich, brother!”

  Elf King Fugui smiled embarrassedly and said haha.

  ”It’s mainly because our leader’s game sells well.”

  Seeing his good brothers looking at him expectantly, the iron-clad Chicken Brother subtly turned his eyes away and whistled as if he didn’t see anything.

  Make money?

  Not happening.

  Just be content with getting the NPC’s equipment for free!

  Irena said with a funny look on her face.

  ”I suggest that guy stay in Ideal City and move bricks, and we can just fight.”

  The top cover of the armored vehicle was opened, and the mole that came out of it put his hand on the edge of the turret and rolled his eyes unhappily.

  ”Damn, without my command, do you know where to go?”

  These bastards!

  As soon as the wind is favorable, they pretend to be powerful and shout that command is useless!

  As soon as the wind scold the command,

  the commander was not powerful!

  The tactics of the line, the waves are finished! “” Dare to say that the accelerator was not the waves just now? ”

  After the communication button on




  the mouse decisively pretended not to hear the ridicule of everyone,



  throat and shouted

  on the

  communication channel


  ”Attention, all formations, prepare to cooperate with the infantry to advance in the direction of the coordinates of the ‘Old Resident Resettlement Site’… The old site of Singularity City is over there, be careful of the mutants hiding in the buildings.”

  Answers came from the communication channel one after another.


  Mole showed a satisfied expression on his face.

  It seems that the Chimera armored vehicle performed well on all fronts and did not embarrass him in front of other corps.

  However, the satisfied expression did not last for a few seconds, and soon an untimely voice came from the communication channel.

  ”…This is Chimera-3, we encountered a little trouble on the way to the attack point! The mutants’ anti-vehicle firepower damaged our engine, and we are now stranded in the middle of the road – damn, snipers! Disperse! Disperse to both sides of the street! Fuck… these bastards are playing dirty!”

  The team leader shouted and commanded his teammates while reporting the situation on the scene on the communication channel. Even if you don’t listen to his hurried tone, it is not difficult to hear from the clanging sound that the exchange of fire on the scene is fierce.


  Such a thick fog, is this a cheat? Damn it!

  The Mole was stunned for a moment, then his expression became serious and he said immediately.

  ”Report your position!”

  The team leader quickly confirmed his position on the map while peeking out through the observation window and spoke quickly.

  ”600 meters southwest of the department store, there is a subway station and an unmarked office building nearby… I marked it on the map!”

  Mole: “Where is the sniper’s position?”

  The team leader: “From the sound of the gunfire, it should be to our southwest, and the position has deviated from the crossfire area… I’m not sure of the exact location! It’s probably in the tallest building, or it may be in the one next to it.”

  ”Circle the approximate location!”

  ”…has been updated on the map!”

  ”Received! We’ll be there soon!”

  After hanging up the communication, the Mole reported the sniper’s coordinates to the headquarters, and then reached out and knocked hard on the turret.

  ”A brother is in trouble, let’s go to rescue him… Damn it, let these guys stay in the car and sit quietly, but they have to sit on the back of the car to show off!”

  Midnight Chicken Killer strode over with a grenade launcher on his shoulder.

  ”Do you need our help?”

  Mole glanced at his exaggerated equipment and shook his head like a rattle.

  ”No, no, you just keep pushing forward. We will solve the problem over there and turn around to support you in a while!”

  If you take this guy with you, at least two or three infantrymen will be unloaded from the car. This iron lump does look powerful, but its mobility is a flaw.

  Midnight Chicken Killer didn’t think much about it and grinned.

  ”Ok, good luck to you.”

  Watching the Chimera armored vehicle drive to the other side of the intersection, he waved to the brothers who had already occupied this war zone.

  ”Keep going!”


  Before noon, the battle between the Alliance and the Qi Tribe had already reached a fever pitch. Especially as the Chimera armored vehicles rushed into the battlefield, the originally tense battle situation completely turned into a one-sided massacre.

  Most of the ruthless people in the Skeleton Corps were veterans who had fought head-on with the armored forces of the Legion in the desert. Although it was their first time to fight in a street battle, they were unambiguous when it came to shooting.

  In just a few hours, the Qi Tribe lost all the positions they had snatched back from the Alliance yesterday, and the casualties reached the sum of the previous three days combined.

  De Lu was already blood-thirsty, like a gambler, still shouting at his few remaining men to attack the Alliance’s positions.

  However, even standing in the position of a spectator, it was clear that it was only a matter of time before that guy failed.

  Gaen had already given up on that idiot and was arranging defenses in the blocks near the institute. If the situation was optimistic, it could probably hold out for a week.

  But if the Alliance continued to increase the intensity of its offensive, it was hard to say whether it would abandon the institute or even abandon the entire Jinhe City and retreat southward.

  After all, the Torch Church really has no means to restrain these green-skinned guys.

  If they could, they would have done it long ago…

  On the southwest side of the battlefield, in an abandoned office building, an old man wearing an exoskeleton was quietly watching the battlefield. At

  the age of eighty, most people in this wasteland are already buried, but his face only has a few more wrinkles.

  His name is Alzu, an apostle, and like Yul, he is a technician.

  The difference is that his faith is much firmer than Yul’s old popsicles from the prosperous era, and there is almost nothing that can shake him.

  If he didn’t distrust the machine, he would have uploaded his consciousness to the Holy Land and become a glorious pioneer.

  In fact, until now, he still doesn’t believe in the Holy Land, a castle in the air built with imperfect technology.

  Luo Qian is the best proof.

  At the critical moment when the church was about to complete the last piece of the puzzle on this land, that guy actually lost the chain and disappeared.

  The Son of God sent him here to investigate the reason for Luo Qian’s disappearance and to fill in the last piece of the puzzle.

  Although he had no evidence, he smelled betrayal the moment he set foot on this land.

  The guy’s chip was still there,

  but it had become something else.

  He couldn’t think of any other reason except betrayal.

  So those illusory things are the most untrustworthy, and the human brain is the most perfect sanctuary in the world.

  Not far from him, the man with a crew cut pulled the trigger of his sniper rifle, uttered the number “two” coldly, and the electronic eye next to the scope shrank slightly.

  In the dense fog with visibility less than 20 meters, he seemed to be able to clearly see every subtle movement on the battlefield.

  Another man held a telescope in his hand, looking at the fierce battlefield in the distance, and smacked his lips lightly.

  ”…The Alliance has spent a lot of money this time, a total of 30 armored vehicles, which must be the equipment of a battalion.” It is

  not easy to gather so many armored vehicles in the wasteland.

  However, thinking that the Alliance recently inherited the industrial heritage of Boulder City, the man holding the telescope soon felt relieved.

  His name is Chi Mo, an executioner of the Tribunal. He is in the same organization as Shan Falcon, who disappeared in the previous mission, and is responsible for assisting Alzu’s plan.

  But unlike Shan Falcon, he doesn’t like to be alone, and usually takes his partner with him.

  The one lying at his feet is his partner, named Tang He.

  Because of a previous operation, this unlucky guy was blinded by a wastelander carrying a sniper rifle, which led to him replacing half of his brain and left eye with prosthetics.

  Probably due to the sequelae of the operation, he now talks about killing people every day, and feels uncomfortable if he doesn’t kill people for a day.

  No one knows what the world looks like in his eyes, but fortunately the parish has a lot of “pastures” for him to mess around with, and those livestock will not resist, just pick two out for him to kill.

  Because of his abnormal brain, Tang He almost won’t pay attention to him except for the topic of killing, so he communicated with the old apostle next to him all the way.

  After staring at the battlefield in the distance for a while, Alzu slowly spoke.

  ”I always feel that it’s not just the Alliance that is eyeing us.”

  Red Tapir laughed.

  ”Oh? How do you see that?”

  Alzu slowly said.

  ”The Alliance is more prominent in biotechnology, and they can suppress our technicians in electronic warfare. There must be masters helping them.”

  Red Tapir frowned slightly.

  ”Are you talking about the people in the enterprise?”

  It seems true.

  Yesterday he tried to launch an electronic warfare attack on the communication system of the Iron Heart, but he was discovered by the enemy as soon as he started.

  He could feel at least two completely different forces staring at him and hammering at him, which scared him so much that he quickly disconnected the connection.

  Almost, half of his good brother’s brain was burned out.

  Alzu nodded slowly, and then shook his head slowly.

  ”I’m afraid it’s not just the enterprise, there may be people from the academy.”

  Red Tapir frowned slightly.

  The academy…

  If it was just the enterprise, it wouldn’t be a headache for him.

  Those guys always treat people differently. If the opponent is not a behemoth like the Legion, it is almost impossible for the Council to take a big step right away. By the time those guys get serious, the Holy Fire has already covered several provinces, so there is no need to be afraid of them.

  But adding the academy is another story.

  The combat effectiveness of those technicians is not strong, and it can even be said that those guys are not good at fighting at all.

  However, in contrast, those guys are already ridiculously strong in the field of technology, and their tentacles are all over the wasteland.

  And the most troublesome thing is that few people know what they are planning and what their motivation is for doing something.

  To make a vivid metaphor, compared to those visible swords and sabers, he is more afraid of those incomprehensible magic.

  Scratching the back of his head, Chi Mo sighed with a headache.

  ”It’s difficult… How can we, a few guys who are just playing around, attract the joint attack of the academy and the company.”

  Alzu chuckled with a fake smile, and his majestic face did not change at all.

  ”It’s the same to me. Sooner or later, those bugs who are just sitting there doing nothing will die under our feet.”

  After saying that, he turned and walked towards the stairwell.

  Looking at his back as he left, Chi Mo shouted.

  ”Where are you going.”

  A voice that answered the question irrelevantly floated from a distance.

  ”I advise you not to underestimate them.”

  Chi Mo was slightly stunned, with a puzzled look on his face.

  What does “don’t underestimate them” mean?

  This “they”, are they referring to the academy and the company?

  He never figured out when he underestimated those guys…

  Just as he was thinking this, a buzzing sound gradually came from the distance. At first, the sound sounded like the sound of a mosquito, but soon it became heavier and clearer, more and more like the roar of a propeller –

  to be precise, it was not like.

  But it was!

  Tang He, who was lying on the ground, suddenly changed his expression, his eyes moved away from the sight, hurriedly looked up at the sky, and a curse ran out of his mouth.


  Soon the red tapir’s face changed as well.

  Behind the heavy fog, black crosses flew past from the near sky, and at the same time, there were also black dots dropped.

  His brother only fired two black shots…

  It’s not necessary to get into the bomber formation, right? !

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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