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Chapter 604: The Former Site of Singularity City

Chapter 604: The Former Site of Singularity City


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 604: The Former Site of Singularity City

  Due to the defeat of the mutant army’s front line, the crew led by Mole arrived at the rendezvous point faster than expected.

  After stopping at the intersection to wait for a while, two Chimera armored vehicles drove towards this side from a nearby block, one in front and one behind.

  A player got out of the turret and shouted in the direction of Mole.

  ”This is Chimera-2. We encountered a group of retreating mutant troops on the road and were delayed for a while.”

  Needless to say, the one behind was Chimera-4.

  Mole nodded and shouted to the two armored vehicles.

  ”Hurry up and catch up, don’t let our friendly forces wait too long!”

  As he said that, he knocked on the turret and said to the driver sitting inside.

  ”Let’s go.”

  The engine started.

  Chimera-1, which was parked in the middle of the road, began to move forward, leading the two armored vehicles following closely behind into the area where the bomber formation had plowed.

  This area is already a communication shielded area. Even when they are quite close, the communication channel is still full of strong noise.

  So far, the brothers of the Burning Legion have not dismantled the shielded base station. It seems that they are in great trouble.

  Several explosions and gunshots were heard from far away in the thick fog. The mole who stuck his head out of the turret couldn’t help but frowned.

  The visibility here is too low.

  ”Big Eyes! Get off the car and work!”


  Several brothers of the Death Legion jumped out from the back of the armored vehicle.

  The same was true for the two armored vehicles behind. In addition to the human radio station left on the vehicle, armored grenadiers wearing exoskeletons came out one after another, picked up their weapons and dispersed around the armored vehicles to guard.

  Walking in front of the convoy with the brothers of the Death Legion, Big Eyes’s eyes cruised along both sides of the street and finally stopped on an abandoned truck.

  The angular appearance and urban camouflage paint made it easy to see that this transport vehicle once belonged to the regular army of the People’s Alliance.

  However, the logo printed on the door was not the Human Union, but the emblem of Singularity City.

  Maybe before it was affixed with the emblem of Singularity City, it was also affixed with the logo of the Post-War Reconstruction Committee… But these are no longer important.

  Similar historical relics are everywhere on the street. No matter who once owned it, it has been abandoned here for some years.

  Not far behind the truck is a checkpoint made of rows of sandbag walls. Behind the checkpoint, at first glance, it is no different from the nearby urban area, but if you look closely, you can see some unusual clues.

  For example, some buildings are obviously office buildings from the appearance, but there are metal brackets outside the windows, and some torn clothes and sheets are hung on them. There is

  domestic garbage scattered on the ground, unburned coal is piled in the paint bucket, and some storefronts along the street are still hung with slogans full of the flavor of the times –

  such as [The cold winter will eventually pass], [The world belongs to us], [No war, peace], [Don’t rely on the war construction committee, rely on yourself] and other inspiring words.

  Debt Big Eyes quickly thought of the information in the official website setting collection.

  The “war” here should not refer to the three-year war two centuries ago, but a series of military operations launched by the Production Department against the Technology Department in Yunjian Province a century and a half ago.

  That man-made disaster was the fuse for the disintegration of the War Construction Committee.

  For the survivors of that era, that incident is much closer to life than the long-ago war…

  ”It feels like someone has lived here.” The debt-ridden big eyes carefully searched the corners and muttered in a low voice, “And there are quite a few people.” The

  mole, who was poking his head on the turret of the armored vehicle, replied casually.

  ”No doubt, this is Singularity City.”

  When several brothers of the Death Corps heard it, they showed surprised expressions on their faces and exchanged unexpected glances.

  ”Singularity City? Here?”

  ”I thought the settlement was in the old settlement!”

  The mole laughed and began to show off the gossip in his stomach.

  ”You don’t understand this. The old settlement was a resettlement site during the three-year war, which is where the mutants live now.”

  ”The space there is open, and the subway and parking lot are natural nuclear shelters. The only disadvantage is that the living conditions are a bit poor, and ventilation and sanitation are problems… This city has not been visited by nuclear weapons. I guess the locals survived the first few years and moved back to the surface to rebuild a new settlement, which is the area where we are now.”

  Singularity City has no mother nest, so naturally there is no towering wall like Monolith City. The local survivors just used the taller buildings nearby as shelters, and then put some sandbag walls and barbed wire in the streets and alleys as roadblocks to separate the orderly and disorderly areas.

  Until the 50th year of the Wasteland Era, the aliens were not the main threat to the survivors in the wasteland, but the cold and lack of supplies were.

  The latter extended not only poverty, famine and plague, but also predators roaming in the wasteland…

  Not everyone is a believer in order, some believe in chaos.

  Once people awaken their animal instincts in a barbaric environment, they are likely to do anything. Especially in the years after the Wasteland Era, many people were born in the wasteland, and they were born to be wild beasts in the jungle.

  The bullet holes on the sandbag wall were obviously not printed today.

  They were all in the past many years.

  The crowd passed the abandoned checkpoint and soon saw graffiti blurred by rust on a collapsed iron wall.

  The infantry walking in front stopped unconsciously.

  The young man and the brick on the construction site looked up and felt that the colorful painting was out of tune with the cold cement gray around it, and couldn’t help but blurt out a sentence out of curiosity.

  ”What’s written on it?”

  With a hint of curiosity, the debt-like eyes walked forward, reached out to wipe off the dust and rust hanging on it, and tried to read the few words.

  ”Lies… betrayal… monsters… these are the only ones I can see. Who of you knows more about the language?”

  ”I can guess what it says without even looking at it,” Mole said simply, recalling the information published on the official website’s setting collection while staring at the graffiti on the wall. “Just think about how Singularity City went to pieces.”

  Construction Boy and Brick: “What do you mean?”

  Mole: “Monsters, obviously refers to mutants, betrayal and lies, should be directed at the authorities of Singularity City… Do you remember the intelligence that Fang Chang and his team collected in Hope Town? Mutants were originally infertile.”

  Construction Boy and Big Eyes looked at each other.

  Seeing that the two obviously didn’t remember, Mole continued.

  ”In the distant past, the mutants who escaped here from the East Coast were infertile. Singularity City accepted them and supported their research. A small number of residents even took the initiative to become mutants…either for stronger bodies, to support the research of that group of researchers, or simply to express their disgust for the old order and the War Construction Committee.” ”

  Then after a period of time, mutants gained citizenship and fertility. Although this history is not described in detail in the setting collection, considering that the descendants of mutants are all mutants, and mutants have stronger physiques…guess what will happen?”

  The boy and the brick at the construction site swallowed.

  ”What will happen…”

  ”With more and more mutants and the continuous transfer of power to mutants, the old humans will eventually become a minority,” the Mole narrowed his eyes slightly and continued, “The authorities probably promised the residents something, such as mutants are harmless, or violence can be restrained through civilization, etc., but what cannot be changed is that mutants have only a single gender and need to combine with humans to produce the next generation… However, the number of old humans themselves is decreasing, both male and female.”

  The boy and Brick at the construction site scratched the back of their heads.

  ”Why not create a female mutant and let them play with themselves?”

  ”Because the original intention of castrating mutants was to prevent the spread of DNA from incomplete experimental results. Giving mutants penises is itself a compromise made by the Singularity City authorities to the mutant population. Wouldn’t it be putting the cart before the horse to design a female? And I personally speculate that the aesthetic orientation of mutants is actually inherited from the old humans. After all, they were originally humans.” “Moreover

  , the Singularity City authorities may not necessarily want to create a race out of thin air to split their own society. Their original intention may be to hope that mutants will become vassals that must rely on humans to exist. They have no need for medicines and can enter and exit radioactive areas to recycle materials without wearing any protective gear… It’s a pity that they got into trouble in the end.”

  ”Mutants are indeed inseparable from old humans, but just as humans are inseparable from the protein provided by chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep, it does not mean that humans will become vassals of livestock… The positions of both sides changed at the moment when the power imbalance was achieved. The mutants in Singularity City began to use force to force the old humans to surrender, and then kept them in captivity like livestock.”

  Looking at the words “lie” and “betrayal” carved on the wall, the mole continued to talk to himself.

  ”Almost harmless in the early stage, gradually showing fangs in the middle stage, and finally opening its bloody mouth to devour everyone… This sounds exactly like the plague and Naguo that are raging on this land.”

  Debt Eyes sighed softly and stepped back from the graffiti.

  ”The law of nature…”

  has never changed for tens of thousands of years.

  Although it is a fun game, the past buried under the modeling map is heavier than they imagined.

  The whole city is a tombstone.

  The graffiti left behind is its epitaph.

  It is unknown when Singularity City was destroyed. It is difficult to find a survivor of that era in the wasteland where the average life expectancy is less than 30 years old. Most of the old popsicles came to this land from an earlier era when Singularity City did not exist.

  Mole is more inclined to believe that when Singularity City was destroyed, humans did not become extinct, but fought against the mutants who occupied the majority.

  In the end, these people lost.

  Those who survived either became slaves or were exiled outside the city to places such as Pinewood Farm and Hope Town.

  In fact, human residences are not suitable for mutants. Soon after occupying Singularity City, mutants abandoned this settlement built by humans and moved to the place where the city originated – the “old resident resettlement site” near the Champion Biological Research Institute.

  There are subway stations and large underground parking lots… In short, there is a wide space, keeping warm is not a problem, and you can also avoid the guerrillas’ cold guns and cold cannons.

  After a period of time, the mutants have completely adapted to life in the wasteland and developed their own civilization – the

  current Qi tribe.

  Maybe the tribe was actually called the Singularity Tribe before, but the name with more syllables was too difficult for mutants to pronounce, so it was modified to the current name.

  Mole always had an indescribable feeling in his heart.

  If the past of Boulder City gave him more regrets of unfulfilled ambitions, then Singularity City gave him more of a feeling of not knowing where to start. The

  people here have made the worst plan from the beginning, and the ideal of saving everyone has never changed.

  But as they walked, they suddenly realized that their destination was actually never where they wanted to go…

  The group continued to move forward. The

  fog in front was getting thicker and thicker.

  The gray-green fog was filled with an indescribable weirdness, mixed with a hint of staleness.

  It was like the stench of corpses emanating from the dead.

  The players here knew that it was not normal fog, but spores spit out by mycelium buried in the ground and flesh.

  It was obvious that there was an abnormal guy ahead.

  Everyone was on high alert, opened the safety of their rifles, and carefully searched every corner that might be dangerous.

  However, to everyone’s surprise, the danger did not come from some dirty corner, but stood in front of everyone.

  Three dark green meat piles stood in the middle of the foggy road, and the fat body was like a rockery.

  Big Eyes, who was walking in front, was the first to notice the situation and immediately shouted loudly to the armored vehicle behind him.

  ”It’s an alien! Get ready for battle!”

  The monster obviously also discovered them, let out a dull roar, and rushed towards them with heavy steps.

  The construction site boy and Brick immediately lay on the ground and stretched out the bipod of the machine gun, pulling the trigger and spurting out flames. There

  was a burst of gunfire on the street.

  However, the bullets hit the three monsters, but only splashed a string of blood, and could not stop their steps at all.

  Seeing this, the construction site guy was anxious and turned back to shout in the direction of the armored vehicle.

  ”Stop looking at them, fire!”

  Mole was about to say that he couldn’t see anything from here, but suddenly he had an idea and shouted at the two vehicles behind him.

  ”Focus on the trajectory of the tracer bullets!”

  It must be said that this method is quite effective.

  Although the armored vehicles in the back row had no vision and could only roughly see the backs of the players in front, the bullets fired by their rifles and light machine guns had already pointed out the general direction of the target.

  The three Chimera armored vehicles immediately opened fire, and under the bang bang bang strafing, the monster closest to them was quickly shot into a sieve and fell to the ground.

  However, what was surprising was that the guy who should have died did not stop because of this.

  Even though his legs were broken and his body was pierced with several black holes, the twisted life was still crawling forward, with a shrill roar from his bloody mouth.

  The other two monsters had rushed to a distance of only 30 meters from the infantry. The construction worker who was pulled by Big Eyes quickly picked up the machine gun and retreated.

  Finally seeing the ferocious appearance of the two monsters, the mole was shocked.

  ”Fuck! How thick is this blood?!”

  This is a 37mm armor-piercing incendiary bomb!

  At this distance, even a concrete wall would be broken, right? !

  ”Lay the missile!”

  Without hesitation, the mole immediately retracted the turret and closed the hatch.

  Almost at the same time, a pigeon missile was thrown from the launch tube on the top of the turret. After ignition, a stream of white smoke shot out and shot towards the monster closest to it.

  The missile hit the guy’s chest straight, and before he could make a cry of pain, the explosion of flames instantly engulfed him.

  Facts have proved that the reason why the defense cannot be broken is that the equivalent is not enough.

  The monster that was hit by a pigeon missile was blown away half of its body, and the remaining half was also emitting white smoke with a burnt smell, and it fell to the ground and stopped moving.

  Seeing this, the other players following the car immediately reacted, and they all took the RPG rocket launcher from the armored vehicle, inserted the armor-piercing bullet and pulled the trigger.

  A stream of white smoke passed through the street like a sharp arrow, and soon the bodies of the other two monsters also exploded with brilliant sparks.

  Although the power of this RPG rocket launcher is not as powerful as the pigeon missile, as long as the number is sufficient, the lethality is also effective.

  The two monsters that were hit by the 37mm armor-piercing incendiary bombs and only had half of their lives left could not even make a wailing sound, and finally fell heavily under the concentrated fire of the players.

  Putting down the launcher, Da Yan pinched his sweat and cursed.

  ”Damn… What the hell is this thing?”

  Didn’t the bombing area just wash this area?

  How come there is still such a big guy alive.

  The brave construction worker walked forward and poked the unconscious meat mountain on the ground with the smoking barrel of the gun, muttering something.


  Debt Eyes: “Goliath?”

  ”Didn’t Fang Chang post a message on the forum before… It’s the BOSS they encountered at the Pinewood Farm,” the construction worker swallowed his saliva, “Oh my god, we actually got three of them here.”

  Everyone looked at each other, and there was always a bad premonition in their hearts.

  At this moment, a missile suddenly flew through the air with a whoosh and hit a tall building not far away.

  Everyone subconsciously lowered their bodies, but the expected explosion did not happen, and there was not even a flicker of fire.

  Only the player wearing headphones heard a harsh electric sound.

  Covering his ears, Debt Eyes stood up and looked in the direction where the missile disappeared.

  ”What is that thing?”

  The construction boy and the brick were confused.

  ”Our missile?”

  ”It doesn’t look like… It’s a model I haven’t seen before.”

  At this moment, a player walking beside the road suddenly shouted.

  ”Wait… Shit?! My communication seems to be restored!”


  Hearing that voice, Mole immediately looked at the VM on his arm, stretched out his hand and clicked on the map, and then a surprised expression appeared on his face.

  I saw that the green signal points marking the positions of teammates reappeared on the map, and the communication icon was lit up again in the communication list.

  At this time, Fang Chang’s communication request came over.

  ”…Mole! Can you see my position? I’m on the street where you turn left in front of you, come and help me!”

  The intermittent voice was accompanied by rapid panting, and was accompanied by gunshots and explosions from time to time.

  Without caring about where the missile came from, Mole’s face became serious and he said immediately.

  ”I’ll be there right away!”

  After saying that, he switched the communication channel and shouted in the team channel.

  ”Everyone move forward! Friendly forces are in front of us!”

  Soon, a series of energetic replies came from the communication channel.



  Under the cover of the infantry, three Chimera armored vehicles quickly moved towards the street where the Burning Corps was located.

  At the same time, three figures were standing on the roof of an office building not far from the street where everyone was.

  Jiang Xuezhou, wearing a gas mask, looked at Ye Shi, who was stunned beside him, with a smug look on his face, and reached out to pat the big guy next to her.

  ”How is it? I’m still very strong, right?”

  At this moment, on her right, there was a square-shaped four-legged robot, which was exactly the same as the “little Wang” she brought with her to Shelter No. 0.

  The only difference is that this guy is more than one circle larger than the previous one, and the weapons mounted are more bloated.

  Even big guys like missile launchers are installed.

  In the words of its owner, the little Wang is now invincible. Whether it is those annoying slime molds or tricks like EMP, it is like a tickle to it.

  The firepower of this combat robot alone is enough to rival a reinforced platoon!

  However, what shocked Ye Shi at this moment was not the size and firepower parameters of this thing, which he had already complained about before getting on the helicopter.

  Staring straight at the building with a vague outline in the distance, he didn’t even see what she had attacked clearly, and saw a missile flying out.

  Swallowing his saliva, Ye Shi looked at Jiang Xuezhou.


  ”Electromagnetic pulse bomb!”

  Jiang Xuezhou continued with a slightly boastful tone, flicking the ponytail that fell on his shoulders with the back of his hand.

  ”But that’s nothing special. The real technical content is to lock the real interference source in a camouflaged interference source, and then launch the EMP weapon before it reacts, destroying it with one shot – Hey, are you listening to me?”

  Looking at Ye Shi who was still in a daze, Jiang Xuezhou’s voice was a little unhappy.

  Hearing the question, Ye Shi immediately came back to his senses from his confusion and said with a smile.

  ”Yes, yes… The source of interference has been eliminated, right? That’s great!”

  As he said that, he scratched the back of his head embarrassedly and continued with a shy expression.

  ”By the way, speaking of that electromagnetic pulse… uh, that missile you just fired, where did you buy it?”

  Let’s be frank, that thing is indeed quite something.

  He also wants to get a few.

  After waiting for a long time without a compliment, Jiang Xuezhou rolled his eyes and said unhappily.

  ”Not for sale.”

  Ye Shi: “…”



  With the support of three Chimera armored vehicles and more than a dozen light infantry, Fang Chang finally got rid of the monster with wriggling flesh all over its body.

  The stench of rotting corpses filled the entire street.

  However, to everyone’s regret, the apostle who was hiding and shooting from the side finally let him escape.

  Fang Chang’s old face was a little embarrassed.

  The mole didn’t bother to be polite with him, and gloated over this guy. He could still let someone slip away under his nose.

  As the battle ended, a “Viper” transport plane landed near the crowd, dropping off supplies and taking away tissue samples extracted from the “Meat Mountain”. The

  Alliance’s Biological Research Institute will help them figure out what these ghost things they encountered are.

  Although there were some minor twists and turns in the side missions, the results of the front battlefield were reported to the Iron Heart one after another. The

  main forces of the Alliance’s corps have completed their assembly near the old settlements, and are less than one kilometer away from the Champion Biopharmaceutical Research Institute and the nest of the Qi tribe.

  Those green-skinned beasts seemed to have finally realized that their firepower was completely different from that of their opponents, so they simply gave up the surface.

  Some mutants retreated to the subway station, and some moved to the building of the “Champion” Biological Research Institute.

  They have been showing off their power on this land for more than a century, and now they are finally gradually feeling despair…

  At the same time, on the bridge of the Iron Heart.

  An officer from the Army Command walked behind Chu Guang, put his right fist on his chest, and reported neatly.

  ”The mutants hid in the subway station, and our ground forces occupied their nests on the surface… and rescued many survivors.”

  Chu Guang retracted his gaze from the French window and looked at the officer and asked.

  ”How many exactly?”

  The officer said in a heavy tone.

  ”It has not been counted yet, but according to the report from the front line, there are at least 10,000 people…”

  Chu Guang was slightly stunned, and then frowned.

  10,000 people…

  How could there be so many?

   Book title: Ten years of sharpening the sword, one sword shocks the world!


    Lin Lin once imagined.

    If life could see a progress bar like a game, he could find every bit of his progress and constantly get positive feedback.

    Maybe he could take the initiative to spend all his time on improving himself, and maybe he would not live such a mediocre life.

    Unfortunately, there is no if in life.

    After living a new life, Lin Lin has an attribute panel that can see his real-time status and can see every change in himself clearly.

    So, the change began!


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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