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Chapter 605 Those Who Survived

Chapter 605 Those Who Survived


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 605 Those who survived

  The entrance to the wide and empty square was a wall made of reinforced iron plates and wooden piles. The heavy door panels were tightly closed, and the sentry towers on both sides were empty. The

  mutants stationed here retreated in a hurry, and some equipment was not even taken away in time, and was thrown on the wall.

  More than 20 Chimera armored vehicles were lined up outside the wall, and a dozen players carrying explosive packs trotted forward and placed high explosives under the corner of the wall.

  Watching his teammates retreat from the wall, he stood at the edge of the team and shouted an order in the communication channel.


  A player immediately clenched the detonator in his hand, and then a series of orange-red flames exploded at the edge of the wall.

  Together with the dilapidated gatehouse, the wall made of garbage was blown away in an instant.


  The commanders of the corps issued an order.

  Chimera armored vehicles started their engines one after another, and surrounded by a group of players holding rifles, they marched into the evil camp in a mighty manner.

  Mole, who poked his head out of the turret and held the hatch, shouted orders in the communication channel.

  ”Pay attention to carefully search every corner, and don’t let any mutants go! No surrender, kill without mercy!” A

  uniform answer came from the communication channel.

  ”Got it!”

  It’s not just the Skeleton Corps.

  The Jungle Corps is the same.

  The chicken killer guy walking in the front is like a devil crawling out of hell. His steel body is covered with minced meat and blood, and the chain saw embedded in his left arm is still whirring.

  If the number of kills in the Chimera armored vehicles is not counted, he probably got the highest number of kills in the whole game this time.

  After all, he has been here shooting those green-skinned beasts since the first day, and he came much earlier than the other corps.

  Besides him, the second highest number of kills is Junk.

  The diffuse gray fog provided him with excellent cover for close combat. If the mutants’ skin and flesh were not too rough, and some mutant warriors with prosthetics were also masters of close combat, his kill count could have been raised to another level.

  After entering the nest, everyone moved forward cautiously.

  Although they had entered the nest of the Qi tribe, no one was careless.

  One reason was that the green-skinned beasts had not died out yet, and one or two lone wolves would jump out from time to time. Another reason was that the shocking scenes completely pierced the bottom line of human conscience, making everyone who witnessed everything grit their teeth.

  This was the old site of the settlement during the Three Years’ War.

  Two centuries ago, hundreds of thousands of people or even more were temporarily settled here.

  However, now it has become a hell…

  Looking at the pickled products hanging on the wooden racks, the human skins being dried, and the countless bone products, I think Jingjing felt a twitch in her stomach.

  He had not played this game for too long, but he had also caught up with the war in Luoxia Province, and he felt that he had seen some cruel scenes.

  However, compared with the pure evil in front of them, it was still a small matter.

  Although the Weyland people did not regard other tribes as human beings, they rarely fired for the sake of firing.

  Mutants were completely different.

  In their eyes, the old humans were just livestock, so they would not only throw captives into the oil pan at will, but also make utensils from their bones and invent a series of blood sacrifice cultures to prove the superiority of their bloodline and the legitimacy of their dominance.

  The screams of prey were the most pleasant sounds to them, so they also borrowed a lot of anti-human tortures from the history of the old humans.

  Seeing a corpse nailed to a stone bed and cut open, the still pink newbie finally couldn’t help but retching.

  ”…%¥#@! Is this still a human?”

  The garbage collector at level 99 looked normal. Although he was also shocked by the scenes in front of him and couldn’t speak for a while, his facial muscles only twitched, not to the extent of retching.

  The strong man next to him sighed.

  ”If this photo is uploaded to the official website, it will probably be mosaics.”

  Jun Laji coughed softly with a subtle expression.

  ”Based on past experience, it may not be uploaded at all.”

  Past experience is not bad.

  I want to quietly turn my head and look at this guy, stunned.

  ”Damn, brother, what do you have in your photo album?”

  Jun Laji coughed.


  To be honest, he really didn’t save any very curious photos. The album mainly contained some of his heroic fighting postures and wonderful killing moments – well, considering his fighting style, some shots may indeed reach the R18G range.

  But this is not the point.

  In short, according to the rules set by the operator, some photos that are too curious cannot be synchronized to offline accounts.

  The explanation of the game operator is that the dream created by the player through the virtual reality helmet actually has a sensory dulling protection mechanism. The specific manifestation is that even some timid players will faint when getting an injection in reality, but they will only feel disgusted when they are sprayed with blood in the game. However,

  once out of the “dream”, this protection mechanism will not work.

  After all, the wasteland is not a harmonious society.

  For the sake of the physical and mental health of players, and to prevent players from getting more and more scared after going offline, the game operator will not only conduct necessary reviews on the photos synchronized to the offline, but also restrict access to some pictures according to the age of the viewers.

  Not far from the “slaughterhouse” is a huge department store.

  Its appearance is like a cruise ship sailing on land. It is twelve stories high, covers an area of ​​more than 100,000 square meters, and has a total construction area of ​​more than one million. The surrounding traffic extends in all directions. It is not difficult to see its former style from its magnificent outline.

  However, its builders probably would not have thought that his masterpiece would be used as a “barn” for a group of green-skinned animals to keep humans in captivity more than 200 years later.

  The moment he crossed the main entrance on the north side of the mall, a pungent stench came to his face, and the elf king Fugui, who was walking in front, frowned.

  He was about to complain, “What smells so bad?”, when a whistling gust of wind blew from the side.

  With a shudder, Brother Fugui ducked subconsciously, and a table almost brushed past his helmet before smashing into pieces against the wall.

  The mutant hiding in the dark roared in anger when he saw that his sneak attack failed, and then he rushed towards the main gate with a broad-bladed bone-chopping knife in his hand.

  Irene raised the PU-9 submachine gun in her hand half an inch, and fired at the mutant’s chest.

  The naked mutant’s chest burst into a string of blood, and he fell heavily to the ground without a sound before he ran two steps.

  ”Good guy, you’re still trying to sneak attack!”

  Brother Fugui stood up from the ground with a curse, patted the dust on his body, but found that he was smeared with a handful of black mud.

  Subconsciously, he moved his fingers close to smell it, his expression froze and he threw his hand away, looking at the black mud on the breastplate with a constipated expression.

  Now you don’t need to ask, you know what the stench is.

  ”I’m afraid there are a lot of people imprisoned here… Are you okay?” Looking at Brother Fugui who was looking for something everywhere, Irene asked with a strange expression.

  ”It’s okay, it’s okay, I’m fine…” Finally, he found a yellow rag and cleaned the black mud off his body. He looked at Lao Na and coughed, saying, “What the hell is this place?” ”

  Obviously, it’s the ranch of the Qi tribe.”

  Irena skillfully changed the magazine and looked up at the wide and long dome. She saw that the escalators had been transformed into sturdy wooden ladders.

  Not only that, the mutants also made a lifting tower with iron chains and pulleys and installed it next to the escalator.

  It seemed to be used to transport goods, and there were some bottles and moldy wooden boxes piled on it.

  Without worrying about the upper floors for the time being, the players who entered the lobby on the first floor walked through the open space in front of the door and explored the nearest shopping corridor.

  Soon, everyone saw the scene that they would never forget.

  The glass windows of the storefronts were replaced by fences made of iron bars. Behind the fences were skinny figures and numb eyes.

  Most of them were unkempt and had sunken eye sockets. If you didn’t get close and look carefully, you couldn’t recognize that they were human.

  Seeing the soldiers standing in front of the fence, the people in the cages all showed panic on their faces and retreated like animals.

  The people behind were probably stepped on and made babbling cries.

  ”Don’t be afraid! We are not mutants. We are here to save you.” Seeing this, the Elf King Fugui hurriedly spoke in non-standard human language to try to calm these people’s emotions, but they didn’t react at all, but became more panicked.

  Looking at the Elf King Fugui who was at a loss, Irena sighed and put her right hand on his shoulder with a complicated expression.

  ”Don’t waste your energy. These people… may not understand human language.”

  The Elf King Fugui was stunned.

  ”Can’t understand is…”

  ”I’m afraid they were not captured, but were born here.”

  After a pause, Irena added and continued to express her guess.

  ”…Eighty percent of them are descendants of the residents of Singularity City.”

  Elf King Fugui looked at him in disbelief, and then glanced at the prison next to him, his Adam’s apple moving up and down involuntarily.

  It is hard to imagine that these people who live like livestock once had a glorious history as great as that of Boulder City. The

  adjacent storefronts are connected only by troughs filled with dark green slurry, which are facing the discharge port of the nutrient paste synthesis device.

  Judging from the mottled rust, this machine should be a few years old, and from the appearance and model of the machine, it is probably a model eliminated by the Boulder City Industrial Zone.

  This cell is not very strong.

  Elf King Fugui stretched out his hand and grasped a rusty iron bar. It didn’t take much effort to make it creak under the heavy load, and the exoskeleton pulled it down with a little force.

  However, those imprisoned people just trembled and looked at the opened fence, without any other reaction, and had no intention of escaping at all.

  ”How to deal with these people may be a headache for A Guang,” Irena looked around, “Anyway, let’s report to the headquarters first.”

  Elf King Fugui was silent for a long time, and said with difficulty.

  ”How about sending them to the pioneer city?”

  ”This is one of the options,” Irena made a helpless expression and shrugged her shoulders, “But I think… sending them anywhere may not be the best choice.”

  These damn beasts.

  He cursed in his heart, but he could do nothing about things that had happened and had happened for decades or even hundreds of years.

  This place has been like this for a long time.

  And there are no telling how many similar hells there are in the wasteland.

  If the wasteland itself is not ended, more cruel hells than this will appear one after another, and the tragedies that have happened will be repeated again and again.

  However, to be honest, he has no idea how to end such a wasteland.


  the omnipotent administrator will have a complete plan in his mind.

  As an outsider, it is better to put aside the cruel core and enjoy the game itself.

  At least the daily life of the alliance is still very happy.


  However, what Irena didn’t know was that the omnipotent manager actually didn’t have any good solutions.

  A considerable part of the population of the Qi tribe were born in mutant breeding farms, and only a few were wastelanders captured by mutants from outside and slaves contributed by nearby plantations.

  As we all know, people’s worldview is gradually formed in the process of brain development. Only those who are raised in society can change from biological people to social people.

  The survivors here are more like people raised by animals.

  Although some people in the Black Stone Tribe encountered in the Great Desert were in a similar situation, the proportion was far less exaggerated than that of the Qi tribe.

  According to isolated samples in reality, these biological people would have to spend ten or even more than ten years just to learn to eat with their hands, not to mention learning a technology to support themselves.

  The Alliance does not have the realistic conditions to increase the number of dependents by 10,000 out of thin air. This is not a problem that can be solved by sending them to Pioneer City.

  Not to mention that most of these survivors are still Naguo addicts.

  It is not a good idea to take a large number of survivors carrying Naguo hyphae away from the local area, especially in the current situation.

  Chu Guang, standing on the bridge, fell into deep thought.

  At this moment, Vanus on the side suddenly spoke up.

  ”How about using a mind interference device?”

  Seeing that Chu Guang didn’t speak, Vanus paused for a moment and continued to analyze.

  ”Since they are Naguo addicts, in theory, when they enter a fugue state, they should be able to be affected by the mind interference device. As long as this brainwashing tool is used correctly, maybe they can be brought back to normal society.”

  After listening to his analysis, Chu Guang sighed softly and said.

  ”Using the mind interference device on people is something that has never happened in the Alliance. We have continued the practice of the Human Alliance era and only use it to drive away dangerous species on alien planets. It’s not that I don’t know how to adapt, but I’m thinking about a question… How to ensure that the choices we make today will not bury greater hidden dangers in the future.”

  Vanus was slightly stunned.

  ”For example?”

  Chu Guang said concisely.

  ”For example, I ask you a simple question, how can a mental patient prove that he is not mentally ill.”

  Vanus asked in confusion.

  ”Is this something that needs to be proved?”

  Chu Guang continued.

  ”If we do this, people living here in the future will have to face such a problem, and this may be the smallest problem.”

  Although this is just a matter of one sentence for him, executing this order is a systematic project.

  In this huge systematic project, there are too many links that may cause this order to deviate from its original intention and create a dystopia with “technology that should not be used on humans from the beginning.”

  The sixth settlement of the Alliance will become a large mental hospital, and even become the black history of the Alliance.

  But to be honest, Vanus’s idea did make Chu Guang a little tempted. The mind interference device can at least allow those survivors who are not fully capable of acting to do some simple labor to support themselves.

  The only problem is that he needs a morally perfect and selfless manager to execute his orders.

  Unfortunately, he himself is not that kind of perfect person.

  At this time, Frost, who had been silent all the time, suddenly spoke.

  ”How about letting me try?”

  Eclipse glanced at it expressionlessly, trying to hint it to take back the words that might cause trouble, but Frost had no intention of taking it back.

  Chu Guang was slightly stunned, and suddenly a look of interest appeared in his eyes.

  He almost forgot.

  There is such a person around him!

  But this involves the fate of tens of thousands of people or even more people, and it is not a joke.

  In order to confirm its determination, Chu Guang looked into its eyes and said in a serious tone.

  ”Are you sure? This is not an easy job. You can imagine those survivors as babies with adult power, and you are their babysitter. You have to plan their daily work, daily life, cultural education, and even their eating, drinking, defecating, and use limited resources to make them live like human beings as much as possible.”

  Chu Guang didn’t know if it was his illusion, but he always felt that the eyes of the bionic man in front of him seemed to be getting more and more excited.

  He was obviously talking about something very troublesome.

  Could this guy be an M…

  With strange thoughts, Chu Guang cleared his throat and continued in a serious tone.

  ”… In short, in the initial stage, you need to make them at least self-sufficient, and eventually make them and their descendants fully integrated into our society. During this period, we will give you some assistance, but to be honest, we are also very poor, and I am afraid we can’t give you much.”

  ”Have you thought it through-”

  ”I have thought it through!”

  Han Shuang couldn’t wait to answer Chu Guang’s question, looking at him firmly, and put his right fist on his chest to perform a poor alliance etiquette.

  ”I have always longed to use my knowledge and experience to help the suffering people in this wasteland, and now this opportunity is right in front of me… I can feel it!”

  Chu Guang stared at it with his eyes piercing.

  ”What do you feel?”

  Frost clenched his fist against his chest and said loudly with full emotion.

  ”The intellectual plug-in… is burning!”

  The voice had a slight tremor, as if it was singing, and the upward tail tone was even more pious and holy.

  However, Chu Guang was confused when he heard it.

  What the hell is the intellectual plug-in burning?

  Forget it.

  Let’s not worry about this for now.

  From the eyes of this bionic man, Chu Guang did feel its unwavering sincerity and determination.

  The compassion for the suffering people in the wasteland is as unwavering as that of Ibers, the madman who is afraid of chaos in the world.

  And as a bionic man, it has neither material desires nor moral flaws.

  It is the most suitable person to perform this task that human managers cannot complete!

  At least it’s worth a try!

  Vanus cast a worried look at Chu Guang. Although he came up with the idea, he always felt that this bionic man was not very reliable.

  However, Chu Guang’s attention was all on the pair of enthusiastic eyes, and he directly ignored the staff standing beside him.

  ”Then I’ll leave it to you!”

  ”Yes!” Staring at Chu Guang with a sharp gaze, Frost said with great momentum, “Leave it to me!”

  Eclipse, who was standing behind it, held his forehead.

  This guy seemed to have forgotten that he was the representative of Kangmao Group…

  I always felt that things were getting troublesome.



  Captain’s room.

  Xiao Qi, who was sitting on the pen holder at the corner of the table, dragged his lower cheek and swayed his pencil-thick calves, saying a little unhappy.


  Chu Guang, who was handling official business, moved his eyes away from the tablet terminal in his hand and looked at it, and said in a gentle tone.

  ”What’s wrong?”

  Xiao Qi muttered.

  ”Although Xiao Qi is just an assistant AI, it can also help a lot…”

  Seeing through its thoughts at a glance, Chu Guang couldn’t help but smile and stretched out his index finger to rub its little head.

  ”I understand that you want to help me, and I believe in your ability, but this is not your job scope. And… you represent me.”

  ”Huh?” Xiao Qi tilted her head in confusion.

  Chu Guang glanced at the planning plan for the sixth settlement of the alliance that was being drafted and smiled faintly.

  ”The alliance needs to unite all the survivors who can be united, but it must do this according to their actual situation. For the survivors who choose to progress spontaneously, we will give them enough space for independent development and let them bring progress to our society, but for the special situation of Singularity City, we can only manage them in a completely opposite way to prevent them from causing an impact on our society.”

  ”This is not just a problem of 10,000 people. There are still large parishes in Haiya Province that need to be liberated. By then, the pressure we need to bear may be several times or even dozens of times that of the current situation.”

  ”Although it is a bit unkind to say this, if Frost messes up, it will be the fault of Kangmao Group and even the enterprise. The ability of bionic people to participate in public affairs will also be questioned, right? I tend to think that within the scope of their ability, some people on the council will not ignore it.”

  It’s better to say that it was originally the trouble caused by their fathers!

  If there hadn’t been an accident a century and a half ago, there wouldn’t be all these messes today.

  Xiao Qi nodded, not quite understanding.

  ”So you do it to make it easier to pass the buck in the future?”

  This guy didn’t understand at all…

  But probably someone would interpret it this way.

  Chu Guang smiled and shook his head, saying indifferently.

  ”If I really wanted to pass on the blame.”

  ”I would not have bothered with these troublesome matters from the beginning.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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