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Chapter 607: Familiar Bait

Chapter 607: Familiar Bait


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 607: Familiar Bait

  The northern part of Jinhe City.

  An old settlement.

  Two Viper transport planes flew in one after the other and landed on the open space beside the collapsed wall at the entrance of the Qi tribe.

  The soldiers of the Burning Corps basically wore light protective gear above the “Type 5” exoskeleton, and a Viper could only carry ten to fifteen people.

  In order to transport all 500 players of the Burning Corps back to the Iron Heart, which was sixty or seventy kilometers away, these two transport planes would have to make several trips back and forth.

  To be honest, most players didn’t really want to go back.

  The event was about to end, and everyone wanted to earn more points on the front line.

  Besides, the possibility of mutants attacking Iron Heart was just a speculation by Brother Quanshui, and it was not something that would definitely happen.

  Lao Bai didn’t force everyone, after all, there were not enough places for the transport planes.

  Except for a few old players with higher sequence levels in the Burning Corps, other players followed the principle of voluntariness. If they wanted to go back, they would follow, and if they didn’t want to go back, they would stay on the front line.

  To be honest, he didn’t have any idea in his heart.

  The possibility of mutants attacking the Iron Heart sounds a bit unbelievable. Even the Legion can’t do such a trick.

  The key is that there is no airport nearby!

  Maybe Quanshui is overthinking it?

  ”Will the mutants really come?” Sitting in the cabin, Ye Shi couldn’t help but mutter in a low voice with a beating heart.

  ”No one knows. Everything we are doing now is just a precaution for the overall war situation.”

  Fang Chang glanced at the VM screen. There was no update in the task bar. Maybe they were just thinking too much.

  But he still felt uneasy.

  As for why…

  I’m afraid it’s just as Quanshui said. Their offensive progress was a little too smooth. In just four days, they raided the nest of the Qi tribe.

  What’s incredible is that these mutants are still holding on to the research institute controlled by the Torch Church.

  It’s hard not to suspect that those charlatans promised them some benefits, or they have one or two cards to turn the tables.

  At this moment, a hand suddenly reached into the cabin, grabbed the handrail beside the cabin door, and got in with a whoosh.

  Looking at Jiang Xuezhou carrying a suitcase, Ye Shi was stunned for a moment, and blurted out subconsciously.

  ”What are you doing here?”

  ”Go back to the airship,” Jiang Xuezhou looked at him strangely, as if he was asking a very idiotic question, “After collecting samples, if I don’t go back to the airship, will I stay here?”

  This is indeed correct.

  The researchers of the academy did not come here to help the alliance fight, but to help study the synthetic monsters created by Nago and the Torch Church, and seek scientific solutions. The

  EMP missile that accurately hit the interference source was purely because she wanted to show off her skills. He almost forgot that this guy was a non-combatant.

  Looking at Jiang Xuezhou who consciously fastened her seat belt, Ye Shiyi couldn’t say anything to refute her, but thinking of what everyone was discussing on the forum, he couldn’t help but persuade her.

  ”You…why don’t you stay here.”

  Jiang Xuezhou glared at him.

  ”What nonsense are you talking about, staying here? I don’t want to spend the night here! If you want to stay, just leave it to yourself!”

  Not to mention that there is not even a decent bed here, the whole camp is filled with a stinky smell, and there are all kinds of messy things. She doesn’t want to have nightmares at night.

  This guy actually had the heart to let her spend the night in such a ghost place!

  Jiang Xuezhou, who was originally in a good mood, became more and more angry.

  Looking at the expression on her face, he knew that she probably misunderstood something. Ye Shi was about to explain that he was thinking about her safety, but soon thought that the possibility of mutants attacking the Iron Heart was just a speculation when they discussed it on the forum, and it was not something that would definitely happen.

  Both the forum and the discussion on the forum itself are things that are difficult to explain clearly. He thought for a while, and finally felt too lazy to explain it, and nodded helplessly.


  Seeing his reluctant look, Jiang Xuezhou rolled his eyes.

  ”Do I need your consent? I’ve already applied to your manager! Who do you think this plane is waiting for?”

  Fang Chang and Kuang Feng, who were watching from the side, were trying to hold back their laughter. Ye Shi’s expression was a little awkward, and he quickly changed the subject.

  ”…Uh, where’s your little Wang?”

  Jiang Xuezhou said casually.

  ”I left it here. Anyway, I’ll have to come here later, so I don’t have to move it around. And this plane can’t accommodate it, so I’ll just leave it here.”

  The size of that thing was one-third of a Chimaira, and it was indeed not suitable for moving around, so Ye Shi didn’t say anything else.

  But then again, he was quite surprised.

  I didn’t expect this guy to be so considerate of others…

  As he was talking, the door of the transport plane closed, and with the roar of the plasma engine, two Vipers rose into the air one after another.

  Jiang Xuezhou blocked his ears, and Ye Shi didn’t know where to look, so he drifted to the gray night sky outside the porthole.

  But at this moment, he frowned slightly when he saw the grayness, and gently poked Fang Chang who was sitting next to him with his elbow.

  ”Did you hear any sound?”

  Fang Chang was slightly stunned and frowned.



  Ye Shi closed his eyes tightly, nodded slowly, and said in an uncertain tone.

  ”It’s a bit like…”

  When a circle of people heard this, they all looked at him. Only Jiang Xuezhou didn’t understand what language he was speaking.

  After waiting for him to listen carefully for a moment, Kuangfeng looked at him and asked seriously.

  ”What is it like?”

  Ye Shi opened his eyes, and his voice was a little sure.

  ”…It’s like the sound of wings vibrating!”


  The bridge of the Heart of Steel.

  Chu Guang, standing by the French window, quietly looked at the gray night outside the window.

  Xiao Qi sat on his shoulder, whispered in his ear, and reported to him the news he had just collected from the forum.

  At this time, the hatch behind him opened, and an officer strode over, stood at attention and saluted.

  ”Report! Active interference signals have been detected in the direction of Jinhe City!”

  The so-called active interference is to actively release wide-area electromagnetic wave signals to drown out the radar echo, thereby making the aircraft invisible.

  An image-based but inappropriate metaphor is to shine a large flashlight into a person’s eyes.

  The radar system of the Iron Heart is quite advanced, and can even see birds a hundred kilometers away. And because the radar illumination source is located in the air, there is almost no blind spot, just like an ultra-long-staying early warning aircraft with a shield.

  The other party obviously did not have the confidence to deceive the Iron Heart’s eyes, so they simply used the method of using great strength to create miracles.

  However, this also exposed their intentions and active interference.

  ”The hook is straight and the bait is salty.”

  Chu Guang smiled faintly, his face slightly adjusted, and continued to give orders.

  ”Pass my order, all units on the ship enter alert status, all gun positions are loaded and on standby, all members of the carrier-based aviation team are on board and ready to take off at any time!”

  ”In addition, let the radar team continue to search for the location of the active jammer, and destroy it immediately after finding it!”

  ”Yes!” The officer saluted solemnly, turned around and walked quickly to the door.

  Chu Guang then looked at the captain on the side.

  ”Since our enemies have already set up their positions, I have reason to believe that they have made full preparations. Remember not to be careless.”

  ”I believe in your ability.”

  ”This airship will be handed over to you to command.”

  After a series of battles in Luoxia Province, he still has considerable confidence in the captain he personally promoted.

  Normally, Chu Guang only makes strategic deployments himself, and rarely intervenes in the command of the front-line troops unless the players have good ideas that require NPC cooperation.

  He still prefers to leave the specific tactical details and execution to professionals.

  Feeling infinitely honored by the trust of the manager, the captain nodded seriously and accepted the order with his right fist on his chest.

  ”Leave it to me, I won’t let you down!”

  But when he said this, he hesitated for a moment, and finally couldn’t help but say something.

  ”Master Administrator… Please allow me to say something. If the Torch really intends to target the Iron Heart, this place may not be safe. I suggest you avoid it for the time being.”

  He was not worried about his personal safety. From the moment he boarded the airship, he was ready to sacrifice. However, at this moment, he was not the only one on the iron airship.

  If something happened to the administrator, it would be a loss for the entire alliance.

  Obviously, he was not the only one who thought so. Lu Bei, who was following behind Chu Guang, was the same.

  This young man who usually didn’t talk much, rarely took the initiative to speak, and gave advice with a loyal face.

  ”Master, I think so too! Your safety…”

  Facing the two pairs of concerned eyes, Chu Guang just smiled faintly.

  ”Don’t worry about me, I will take good care of myself, and those few bugs are not enough for me to go around.”

  It’s not that he wants to be idle, but mainly because the two Vipers are still at the front line and haven’t returned yet. It may not be safer to stay on the ground than here.

  Besides, what does it look like to run away when someone else takes action?

  Does he, the manager, have no face?

  Looking at the people who still want to persuade him, Chu Guang rarely showed his authority that could not be refused and interrupted what they wanted to say but didn’t say.

  ”Enough, since I am standing here, it means that I have absolute confidence in you. What you should do now is not to persuade me to change my mind in various ways, but to be yourself and do what you should do now!”

  ”Just do it.”

  ”I will witness your bravery here!”

  The resounding voice fell.

  In response to him, there were high-spirited replies.

  ”Guarantee to complete the mission!”

  The eyes of each pair of eyes were burning with fighting spirit.

  The trace of uneasiness and hesitation when facing unknown threats were now burned away by the burning flames.

  Even if it was out of good intentions, it was an emotion that should not appear in them.

  From the communicator to the adjutant to the captain, everyone clenched their fists involuntarily, including the guards following Chu Guang.

  They are confident that they can defeat all opponents –

  no matter who they are!

  This is not only for honor and faith, but also because the majestic figure always stands side by side with them.

  Silent shouts echoed in the chest –

  for the administrator!

  For the alliance!


  The pre-war mobilization has been completed, and Chu Guang left the bridge, leaving it completely to the captain and a group of officers.

  He himself went to the players’ save point.

  The deployment of the front battlefield can be completely handed over to those trustworthy subordinates, but in order to ensure that the entire battle is foolproof, he also needs to add an additional necessary insurance to the airship.

  This work can only be done by his lovely little players.

  Of course.

  The pension will not be less.

  The moment he left the bridge, the entire Iron Heart was like a clockwork machine, moving in an orderly and rapid manner.

  The radar squad quickly locked the coordinates of the interference source, and a 400mm rocket-assisted extended-range bomb was quickly loaded, sending the flame of punishment to the distant target.

  On the other side, offline.

  The Goblin Corps chatted.

  ”Log in!” “It’s time

  to work!”

  ”Quick, quick, quick!”

  After typing three sentences in one second, Mosquito immediately put on his helmet and returned to the line. As soon as he got up from the hibernation capsule and went to the corridor, he ran into the manager who was walking in.

  Mosquito’s eyes lit up, and he estimated that the manager appeared here, probably because he had triggered some hidden task, so he immediately cleared his duck voice and spoke loudly in his usual funny tone.

  ”Good evening, respected manager!”

  The voice successfully attracted the attention of the manager.

  Seeing brother Mosquito, Chu Guang’s eyes also lit up, but he didn’t show it very obviously on his face. He spoke slowly with the airs that an NPC should have.

  ”You came at the right time. I have a glorious and arduous task for you.”

  WC is really there. Mosquito was overjoyed and said quickly.

  ”Just tell me what you want to do! I am not talented, but I am willing to die for the Alliance!”

  Seeing the exaggerated movements of Mosquito, Chu Guang smiled in his heart, but his face remained calm. He cleared his throat and continued.

  ”The task has been updated on your VM. Just follow the prompts in the task bar and do it this way…”


  The 400mm main gun was aimed at the urban area of ​​Jinhe City. With a thick and long flash of fire, a rocket-assisted missile with white smoke rose into the sky. The whistling

  sound of the falling bullet broke the silence of the night sky, and then the tranquility of the entire urban area was disturbed by the deafening roar.

  It was as if the day rose from the ground.

  It blew away the fog for several kilometers.

  Looking at the direction of the explosion, Alzu, who was standing on the roof, smiled coldly, but it didn’t take long for the smile to solidify on his face.


  The good news is that the Alliance really took the bait he threw out, and a heavy rocket hit the top of the disguised interference source.

  They shot very accurately, although it was a lonely shot.

  However, the bad news is that the Alliance installed a nuclear warhead on this rocket-assisted missile, and the Compton effect induced by gamma rays formed a wide-area electromagnetic pulse.

  Although the real jammer was not destroyed, the electromagnetic wave disturbance at this moment completely exposed the camouflaged radar he had set up in the city.

  They only need one more shot to completely invalidate the jammer on the Heart of Steel.


  maybe the flaw that was just revealed has exposed the position of the mutant.

  Although he wanted to wait until everything was won before appearing in front of that guy as the Son of God, Alzu knew he had to do something.

  Connecting to the chip installed in the biological armor called “Nightmare”, Alzu cleared his throat and slowly reminded him.

  ”You’d better fly lower.”

  At this moment, Garn, who was soaring in the night sky, was intoxicated by his god-like power, and he knew nothing about the confrontation between the Alliance and the Torch Church outside the battlefield.

  He had never been so powerful!

  The whole sky seemed to surrender under his wings!

  And those sharp-toothed “demons” gathered around him loyally. He only needed a glance to make them die for him.

  They were like cells in his body. !

  Just when Garen was intoxicated, a light voice floated into his ears, interrupting his endless reverie.

  Feeling a little annoyed by the voice that appeared out of nowhere in his head, Garen turned over and frowned, and let out a low roar in his throat.

  ”Who are you?”

  The voice from nowhere continued.

  ”I am the Son of God.”

  Hearing this familiar name, Garen narrowed his eyes.

  ”Are you the Son of God?”

  This biomass armor was given to him by the Torch Church. Of course, he didn’t know who these charlatans worshipped.

  But what he didn’t understand was that the legendary Son of God would communicate with him personally.

  Arzu paused for a while and said softly.


  Each of them is a Son of God.

  Although he did not enter the Holy Land, since he took over Luo Qian’s position, he could of course regard himself as a Son of God.

  The church is not so rigid about formalities for its internal staff. As long as it is for the ultimate great plan, everything is allowed.

  However, what Arzu did not expect was that he thought this green-skinned animal would be a little humble because of the name of the Son of God, but he did not expect that this uncivilized baboon only responded with an unruly and rude laugh.

  ”Hahaha! You are the Son of God? Then you just open your eyes and watch! Watch how I smash those two-legged animals to pieces!”

  Instead of keeping a low profile, Garen was afraid that the other side would not notice him. He roared to the sky, then kicked his wings and flew higher.

  ”This idiot!”

  Arzu cursed in his heart and continued patiently.

  ”Listen, I’m not kidding you. The Alliance doesn’t need to use their eyes to see where you are. Don’t think you can rest easy if you hide in the fog. If you don’t want to hit a metal shell, let your men fly in a scattered manner, and the height from the ground should not exceed 30 meters! The closer the better!”

  Hearing that the voice didn’t seem to be a joke, Garen finally calmed down and restrained his temper reluctantly.

  ”Got it, can you get out of my head first? I don’t like talking to guys who hide their heads and show their tails!”

  As he said this, he folded his wings and called on the minions around him to descend.


  Arzu clicked his tongue, hung up the communication angrily, took a deep breath towards the foggy night sky, and tried to calm himself down.

  Although this is a beast, it’s a pity that they need this beast.

  Everything is for the great plan.

  This is also a necessary sacrifice…


  On the other side, the bridge of the Iron Heart was busy.

  The staff sitting in front of the control terminal had just received the coordinates of the interference source newly observed by the radar team and had already input it into the fire control system.

  The 400mm main gun slowly adjusted its angle, reloaded a rocket-assisted range bomb, and prepared to fire another shot at the real interference source.

  At this moment, a new report came from the radar –

  ”A large number of unidentified flying objects were detected in the south! The flying speed is between 97 and 99 kilometers per hour! The direction is facing us, and we are only 20 kilometers away!”

  After hearing the staff’s report, the captain immediately asked.

  ”How many?”

  The staff sitting in front of the control terminal just stared at the screen and answered quickly.

  ”Ten thousand and seventy-eight!”

  The captain’s pupils shrank slightly.

  Ten thousand? !

  His first reaction was that this was impossible.

  In any case, this number was too exaggerated!

  And it was exactly the same as before –

  at that time, the Alliance relied on the decoy aircraft equipped with active interference sources to attract the firepower of the Iron Heart, and took advantage of the gap when the Iron Heart was reloading to drive the transport plane over its head.

  Could it be a decoy too? !

  Outside the porthole was a dark fog, and the sunset had completely sunk into the horizon. The airship floating in the clouds was like a submarine diving deep into the seabed. It was impossible to observe the surrounding situation visually, and could only rely on the radar as its only pair of eyes.

  After waiting for a while, the second heavy rocket hit the interference source in the urban area.

  As the thunderous roar penetrated the fog, the shipboard radar also returned to normal at the same time, and the blurred red dots were finally exposed on the radar screen again.

  The captain made a prompt decision and ordered.

  ”Scan their outlines!”

  He needed to determine what those aircraft were!

  After a while of operation, the staff immediately reported the observation situation of the radar team.

  ”The size of the cluster individuals is between 2 and 5 meters, the flight speed is extremely uneven, and the shape is constantly changing… They are too close to the ground! The reflected echo is seriously interfered by ground obstacles, and it is difficult to collect their precise flight parameters.”

  The adjutant looked at the captain.

  ”Excuse me, this doesn’t look like an airplane… But if it is a jamming bait, the interference from the urban area seems too deliberate.”

  He believed that there must be something there.

  The captain had the same idea, nodded, and said in a deep voice.

  ”What’s your guess?”

  The adjutant pondered for a moment and said.

  ”It may not be a plane… Could it be some alien species affected by the mind interference field?”

  The captain looked at him and asked back.

  ”Can the working range of the mind interference device cover from Jinhe City to here?”

  The adjutant’s eyes flickered slightly, and his index finger tapped on the radar screen.

  ”What if the mind interference device is also in here?”

  Hearing this, the captain’s face changed slightly, and he immediately gave the order.

  ”Prepare the anti-aircraft guns!”

  ”Fire at the radar marked area!”

  (The second half is really not finished. I originally planned to finish it in one chapter, but I can only do two chapters. TT)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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