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Chapter 607: The Boss’s Cocktail Party

Chapter 607: The Boss’s Cocktail Party


Author: What’s wrong

  Chapter 607: The Boss’s Cocktail Party

  In the evening when the sky was covered with flaming clouds, a passenger plane took off from Kyoto and landed in Shanghai.

  Feng Shirong led his team out of the airport hall and got into the car. His secretary was also in the car. According to the previously prepared documents, he reported to him the actions of Feng Group in the past week.

  ”Mr. Feng, the layoffs are halfway through, and 8% of the people have been successfully optimized.”

  ”There are also three sunset projects like the printing factory that have been cut as a whole. This set of actions is expected to save 30% of cash flow.”

  ”In addition, the structural adjustment has begun. The company has begun to reduce burdens in all aspects and transform into the new commercial real estate field.”

  Feng Shirong nodded, satisfied with the company’s actions during this period.

  Qin Jingqiu left Feng Group with a lot of baggage. These baggages are not only not conducive to the development of the group, but have become a burden, so they have to be abandoned.

  There are also those sunset industries that no longer have any growth points. After cutting them off, cashing in can also quickly collect funds.

  In the future, Feng’s only two goals are left: investing in the Internet, catching up with the trend of the times, and moving quickly towards new commercial real estate.

  And this time he went to Kyoto to see the construction site of Feng’s real estate project [Joy City].

  In addition, he also went to inspect the Wanzhong Mall

  in Kyoto. After he came back, he went to visit the Wanzhong in Shanghai and was shocked. After visiting the one in Kyoto, he fell into deep thought.

  The construction period of the two malls was less than three years apart, but the one in Kyoto was a step further than the one in Shanghai in terms of structure, layout and overall planning.

  He felt that Qin Jingqiu must have a master behind him.

  But in fact, both the Wanzhong in Shanghai and the Wanzhong in Kyoto evolved based on the core concept of Jiang Qin’s mall 3.0 manual.

  The reason for the gap is that Shanghai, as the first pilot, took a relatively simplified model.

  But the success of Wanzhong in Shanghai gave Qin’s Real Estate and Wanzhong Group enough confidence, so they increased investment in the construction of Wanzhong in Kyoto, gradually upgraded the structure, and upgraded the style.

  In other words, even the one in Kyoto is not a complete body yet.

  What is the real complete body?

  It is the Wanshanghui project that Qin’s Real Estate is working closely with Wanzhong Group to develop.

  However, Feng Shirong has made up his mind and decided to develop the Wanzhong in Kyoto as the blueprint for Joy City.

  At this moment, the secretary sitting next to him handed over an invitation letter.

  ”Mr. Feng, I have received the invitation letter for the Internet Conference. Are you going?”

  ”Yes, if you want to invest in the Internet, you must expand your network of contacts.”

  ”My wife mentioned to me today that if it is convenient for you, can you bring her nephew with you?”

  ”Well, then call Wenzhao as well.”

  Feng is interested in Internet investment, so he will naturally not miss the Internet Conference.

  Because this conference will not only talk about new Internet application technologies, but also meet many potential entrepreneurs.

  As for Duan Wenzhao, he is now doing takeout orders. Of course, he hopes to contact more investors, more business channels and resources. This kind of Internet event, even if there is no network to take you, you have to sharpen your head to get in, not to mention that Feng Shirong is his uncle.

  The next afternoon, the weather was mild and the sun was setting in the west.

  In the magnificent exhibition hall, a group of media surrounded the entrance sign-in area.

  At the same time, the venue was surrounded by security guards, with guards every five steps and plainclothes officers everywhere.

  There was no way. Almost half of the domestic Internet industry was able to attend this meeting, and there was no room for any problems.

  Because once a problem occurs, the development of the entire industry may regress by more than 20 years.

  Night fell quickly, but the lights around the venue were so dazzling that the whole sky seemed like daylight.

  As the spotlights kept flashing, cars drove towards the red carpet, and a group of Internet business tycoons appeared in front of the door. The smell of money was floating in the lobby of the entire venue.

  This cocktail party was actually a time for entrepreneurs to communicate freely before the formal discussion began, which was no different from a group buying conference.

  At this time, Feng Shirong also brought Duan Wenzhao to the venue, walked along the red carpet, and was invited to enter the inner field after checking the admission letter.

  Then they met Xue Buqun, the investor nicknamed Xue Manzi.

  Xue Buqun made his fortune in real estate investment business in New York in his early years, and later returned to China to invest and became the best angel investor of 2008.

  He and Feng Shirong are good friends, and the two sides agreed to meet at the entrance of the inner field before coming.

  ”Boss Xue, long time no see.”

  ”The foreign economy has been sluggish in recent years, and it is a good thing to return to China. The domestic development is very fast now, and there are many opportunities. I will introduce you to some friends later, and you two can have a good chat.”

  Xue Buqun shook hands with Feng Shirong, and then exchanged pleasantries.

  Duan Wenzhao couldn’t get a word in, and didn’t want to stand alone, so he looked inside and saw Alibaba Chairman Ma Yun and Lenovo China’s Liu Chuanzhi chatting.

  ”Didn’t you say you wouldn’t come?”

  ”I’m not in a good mood, and I’m not in a good state. I almost died the day before yesterday.”

  Liu Chuanzhi was stunned for a moment: “What’s going on?”

  Ma Yun lowered her voice: “Drug poisoning, damn, I can’t say, hehe…”

  Liu Chuanzhi looked at him with a smile: “Then can I hear you sing today?”

  ”Let’s have an entrepreneur singing competition.”

  Duan Wenzhao heard this from the side, and felt his heart pounding, as if he knew the unknown secrets of the top circle.

  So he didn’t even dare to breathe, and could only pretend not to hear it.

  Xue Buqun also looked at the place where Duan Wenzhao’s eyes were at this time: “That’s Alibaba’s chairman Ma, and Lenovo’s chairman Liu, come on, I’ll take you to get familiar with them.” Feng Shirong

  nodded: “I have met Liu once, but I have never met Ma.”

  ”With me here, you will know them all today.”

  But at this moment, the surrounding media suddenly began to stir, and the flash of the SLR began to flash violently and frequently, and the shutter sound was endless.

  Seeing this scene, Xue Buqun, Feng Shirong and Duan Wenzhao all stopped, and Ma Yun and Liu Chuanzhi couldn’t help but turn their heads to look over.

  On the red carpet from the outer field to the inner field, Jiang Qin walked in wearing a black suit, took the pen, signed his name on the sign-in board at the entrance of the venue, and then walked towards the entrance of the inner field with a smile on his face.

  Among the people who entered the venue earlier, some were invited entrepreneurs, most of whom were middle-aged or already old.

  Of course, there were also some young fresh faces, but their posture was very low and their eyes were very blank. At first glance, they came with their elders to meet people.

  Only Jiang Qin, although young, had an exceptionally handsome posture.

  Seeing this, Ma Yun and Liu Chuanzhi walked over and shook hands with him with a smile.

  ”Mr. Jiang is here to join in the fun today?”

  Jiang Qin said with a smile: “I didn’t plan to attend the cocktail party originally. I was thinking of attending tomorrow’s discussion meeting directly. But when I heard that Mr. Ma and Mr. Liu were here, I came here happily.”

  Ma Yun pointed at him: “You are too good at group buying takeout. My word-of-mouth takeout can’t catch up at all.”

  ”It’s just nonsense, nonsense.”

  Liu Chuanzhi couldn’t help but speak: “Lenovo’s products wanted to go through the group buying strict selection channel before, but I didn’t expect to be rejected by Mr. Jiang later.”

  Jiang Qin looked at Ma Yun: “E-commerce belongs to Mr. Ma. I’m a small family, how dare I touch this.”

  ”Hey, you can’t say that casually, the industry needs a hundred flowers to bloom in order to develop together. If you do group buying strict selection, all Taobao’s resources will be used by you.”

  ”No, no, I don’t want to be a downstream channel merchant of Taobao.”

  Liu Chuanzhi looked at the two with a smile: “Mr. Jiang didn’t bring his wife here?”

  Jiang Qin laughed like a goose: “I watched the news at noon and found that the venue was surrounded by three layers of people inside and outside. The scene was too big. She was not used to it and stayed at home.”

  ”Why don’t we go in and talk, Mr. Jiang, I have a project to talk to you about and hear your opinion.”

  ”What project?”

  ”Cloud computing, have you heard of it, Mr. Jiang?”

  Jiang Qin was about to speak when two more people came over, Lei Jun of Xiaomi Technology and Liu Qiangdong, the founder of Jingdong Mall.

  Then there was another round of greetings, and they behaved very harmoniously and friendly with each other.

  Jiang Qin was considered a newcomer in the circle, so he naturally became the focus of discussion, and there was a lot of teasing between them.

  Xiaomi wanted to cooperate with Pintuan Yanxuan before, but was also rejected. This time, it was mentioned in front of Liu Qiangdong, causing Brother Qiangdong to cough beside him.

  This can also be regarded as a test. Whether it is Taobao or Jingdong, they are a little worried that Jiang Qin’s third fate will be in the e-commerce field.

  ”I don’t do e-commerce. I’m more interested in cloud computing, which Mr. Ma talked about. The cost of servers is too high now. If we want to do it, we should do industrial innovation.”

  ”Mr. Jiang, don’t be fooled by Ma. They have been working on Alibaba Cloud for three years, but they haven’t even built a framework yet. There is no future.”

  ”But the progress of the times needs the help of innovators. I think innovation is the responsibility of our generation of entrepreneurs.”

  About five minutes later, more and more people finally gathered together and entered the inner field.

  As they entered the field, the shutter sounds at the scene finally quieted down a lot. The cameras in the hands of many reporters were almost full of memory.

  There is no way, these were all famous scenes.

  Jiang Qin and Ma Yun shook hands publicly for the first time, Jiang Qin personally admitted that he had a wife, Lei Jun and Ma Yun teased each other, and Liu Qiangdong whispered with Jiang Qin.

  Damn, if this is posted online, it will be a hot search tomorrow.

  Feng Shirong frowned slightly at this time and looked at Xue Buqun: “Is that man Jiang Qin, the president of Pintuan?”

  ”Yes, the biggest oligarch in the domestic O2O field.”

  ”So young?”

  ”A college student, about to graduate this year.”

  (End of this chapter)


Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a s*ave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that!


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