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Chapter 608: Blood Rain in the Sky

Chapter 608: Blood Rain in the Sky


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 608 Blood Rain in the Sky

  Hundreds of gun barrels were aimed at the radar marked area from a distance.

  With a flash of fire, tracers pierced through the gray-green mist and whistled towards the alien swarm that was flapping its wings.

  Garen, who was flying close to the ground, suddenly felt a chill on his neck, and then a warning suddenly rose in his head.

  He looked up suddenly, and before he could come to his senses, he saw dazzling flames exploding in the air.


  The dozen bat-winged people closest to him were the first to be swept in, and were torn to pieces by the tracers as thick as pythons on the spot.

  The guys flying around were not spared.

  The 155mm fragmentation grenades equipped with proximity fuses exploded one after another, and the flying fragments were like the scythe of the god of death, wantonly scattering in the gray mist in the exploding flames and dense smoke walls, harvesting bloody lives.

  Blood rained down from the sky, and the sky was full of flying pieces of meat and falling limbs.


  Thinking of the reminder of the saint, Garn opened his throat and roared, then flapped his wings, sideways to avoid the whistling tracer, and chased in the direction of the shell. The

  whistling whistle passed by him, and the ground was close at hand, causing rolling dust, but it did not hurt him at all.

  The biomass armor given to him by the Torch Church not only has an extremely strong keratin armor, but also has a strong self-repair ability.

  Ordinary explosive fragments and 7mm rifle bullets can hardly hurt him, and even if he is injured, he can quickly repair damaged tissues by absorbing biomass!

  Gradually familiar with the power of this biomass armor, Garn, who shuttled through the rain of bullets, gradually became bolder, and the only remaining panic disappeared.

  He dodged a whistling shell sideways, raised his head in the direction of the shell, and let out an excited roar.

  ”You cowards who only dare to hide and fire from a distance, are you hungry? Hahaha, you want to shoot me down with this little ability? Dream on!” The

  Iron Heart, which is more than ten kilometers away, obviously can’t hear the barking of a beast.

  At this moment, the captain in the bridge is staring at the screen of the control terminal, watching the red dots that are rapidly disappearing and falling.

  The staff sitting in front of the control terminal shouted loudly.

  ”The shelling hits! The damage is confirmed to be effective!”

  ”The number of cluster individuals is decreasing rapidly!”

  ”They are dispersing!”

  ”There are 10 kilometers left to us!”

  ”The radar marking area is corrected!”

  The adjutant standing aside clenched his fists, feeling mixed emotions.

  The good news is that they did guess the enemy’s movements, and it was not a bait.

  However, the worry is that the number of enemies is too large!

  Until now, they don’t know what is attacking them, and can only see a vague scanning outline on the radar.

  Looking at the captain, the adjutant said in a deep voice.

  ”There are more than 8,000 left. It will take them only ten minutes to get close to us… It will be difficult to eliminate them all with anti-aircraft firepower alone.”

  ”We must not let them get close to the Iron Heart!”

  The captain looked at the radar screen with a heavy face. After thinking for a moment, he finally gave the order.

  ”Let the carrier-based aircraft take off!”

  In foggy weather, especially at night, the interception efficiency of carrier-based aircraft is quite limited.

  Even though the visibility in the airspace where the Iron Heart is located is much higher than that on the ground, it is only about 200 meters.

  This means that the pilot’s shooting window will be very short, especially when facing irregular maneuvers of suspected alien targets. The opportunity to open fire is basically only a moment, and if you miss it, you have to go back again.

  But even so.

  It is better than leaving the plane on the deck and fighting with those monsters with bayonets!

  The deck of the Iron Heart.

  The players of the Goblin Corps have been sitting in the cabin waiting for a long time.

  Finally, the order to take off was received. Luo Yu pushed the switch without saying a word and slipped out of the runway holding the joystick.

  The planes that followed closely behind left the runway one after another, bypassed the edge of the fire net, and rushed towards the airspace marked by the radar.

  Feng Qing, who was in the queue, also drove the plane onto the runway, looked around, and muttered in confusion.

  ”Where is the commander?”

  Gui Gui’s voice came from the communication channel.

  ”I don’t know… I was just wondering where that guy went.”

  Such an exciting activity is gone.

  It’s really not like the style of Mosquito.

  At this time, Luo Yu’s voice came from the public channel.

  ”Brothers, Mosquito has once again passed the command pot to me… Although I don’t know what the enemy is, they obviously picked the wrong opponent!”

  As he said, he imitated Mosquito’s unique drake voice and shouted with his eyes closed.

  ”Follow me! Delay them at all costs! Aoaoao!”

  Hearing the completely different voice, Feng Qing couldn’t help but chuckle, but seeing that everyone was shouting with blood boiling, he also shouted with full momentum.



  I forgot to engrave the words on the cockpit.

  But it doesn’t seem to matter.

  The roar of the propellers created a howling hurricane on the deck, blowing the steep wings towards the battlefield shrouded in thick fog.

  The diving planes were like lancers sprinting with guns, rushing from the clouds to the surging beasts with fluttering wings.

  The airflow on the wingtips whistled, and the fighting spirit burned on the windshield. Her index finger was already on the trigger of the machine gun.

  I heard that there are tens of thousands of monsters.

  Then use their blood to write this poem!


  A total of fifty W-2 attack aircraft were divided into two combat formations, arranged on the left and right sides of the battle line, like a red-hot iron clamp, biting at the alien swarm rushing towards the Iron Heart.

  However, those aliens were obviously not vegetarians.

  After being strafed by several rounds of machine guns, the alien swarm quickly separated into more than a dozen teams and bit towards the propeller planes of the alliance.

  In terms of technological content alone, propeller planes are obviously not as good as these biological soldiers produced by genetic engineering.

  However, it is not easy for these beasts with flapping wings to catch up with fixed-wing aircraft. It takes dozens of them to do it together.

  After sacrificing dozens of lives, a monster finally took advantage of the gap when a W-2 pulled up to avoid it, folded its wings, swooped down and glided, and plunged into the cabin of a player.

  ”Oh my god?! What the hell is this?! It’s so ugly!”

  Frightened by the sharp-toothed green monster that suddenly came in, Guigui immediately pulled out her pistol and pulled the trigger at the howling head.

  Two gunshots rang out, and black blood sprayed everywhere, and was frozen on the cabin cover by the cold wind that poured into the cabin.

  The monster lost its breath on the spot, but its head was stuck on the nose of the plane, and its tail was entangled in the propeller.

  She vaguely saw black smoke coming out of the gap in the engine cover.

  At the same time, Feng Qing’s voice came from the communication channel.

  ”Guigui, what’s the situation over there?!”

  While hitting the head that got into the cabin with the grip of the pistol, Guigui held the joystick and tried to save the out-of-control plane.

  However, the speed dial was getting faster and faster. The canopy that was stuck with blood completely blocked the view outside. She was so anxious that her heart was about to break.

  ”My propeller is broken! Damn! There is blood everywhere. I can’t see anything outside. Am I upside down or down?!”

  ”How about parachuting——”

  ”What the hell! I will be gnawed to the bone!”

  She didn’t think mutants would abide by the Geneva Convention. Pilots who didn’t parachute would be caught and gnawed as soon as they were in the sky.

  While she was talking, another monster rushed up and stepped on her belly with both feet, causing the already out-of-control plane to shake violently.

  The guy stretched out his hands, grabbed the wings and climbed towards the canopy, and let out a piercing howl towards her sitting in the cabin.

  Looking at the bloody mouth and two green eyes in close proximity, she sighed and touched the pull ring on the side and rear of the cockpit.

  The W-2 attack aircraft has two escape devices.

  One is to manually open the hatch and parachute to escape, and the other is to attach explosives to the battery on the fuselage.

  The latter is the same type used by the infantry, but because it is attached to the battery, it is much more powerful and has burning damage.

  ”See you in three days!” Closing her eyes tightly, Gui Gui opened the safety and pulled the fuse.

  A wisp of white smoke quickly burst out from the outer edge of the explosive.

  With her last bit of consciousness, she saw that at the moment she was dragged out of the cabin by the monster with sharp teeth and mouth, the plane under her instantly turned into a ball of fire, swallowing all the monsters that were huddled together on the plane.

  ”Gui Gui!!”

  Looking at the plane engulfed by the explosion, Feng Qing shouted in grief and anger, and quickly turned the nose of the plane and rushed towards the direction where the fireball fell.

  The machine gun spewing flames continued to roar, and the aliens that were hit fell from the sky one by one.

  Until the last round of ammunition was used up…

  Fifty W-2 attack aircraft were somewhat struggling to face nearly 8,000 flying aliens,

  especially whether they were experienced ace pilots or rookies with less than 2,000 hours of flight time, they had no combat experience in dealing with such “irregular maneuvering targets”.

  Coupled with weather factors, the killing effect was not ideal, and more than half of the goblin army was killed or wounded in just a few minutes.

  However, even so, the goblin army still bought time for the gunners in the gun cabin and Xiao Qi who was operating the anti-aircraft gun to shoot.

  The last few kilometers of distance were like an insurmountable natural chasm for the fluttering beasts.

  Looking at the ripples getting closer and closer on the terminal screen, all the officers in the bridge couldn’t help but clench their fists.

  The Iron Heart had already poured out several tons of ammunition at full firepower, but the radar showed that there were nearly 4,000 left!

  Even with the most optimistic estimate, there would be two or three thousand aliens rushing into the shooting blind spot of the Iron Heart and landing on the deck.

  It seems that the “boarding battle” is inevitable.

  ”Notify all crew members to collect weapons and ammunition!”

  The captain gave the order in a deep voice. Without saying a word, he took out his service gun, loaded it, and slapped it on the table in front of him, indicating his position of living and dying with the ship.

  The same was true for others.

  There was no need to say more.

  And just as the dark beast tide rushed out of the edge of the mist and almost reflected on the French windows of the bridge, a gray-white transport airship slowly floated in front of the Iron Heart from below, blocking the sight of the pairs of beasts shooting straight at the Iron Heart.

  The adjutant standing next to the captain was slightly stunned, his face changed instantly, and he blurted out subconsciously.

  ”Transportation ship?! How could that thing be here?!”

  The transport airship took the initiative to descend in altitude and rushed straight towards the alien cluster. The faint fire seemed to indicate that someone was shooting on it.

  The captain was also confused, but he quickly came to his senses and shouted to the communicator not far away.

  ”Get it out of the way!”

  Driving an airship to meet an aerial target? !

  Is the idiot above crazy!

  However, just as he finished speaking, a majestic voice came from behind everyone.

  ”Let him go.”

  Chu Guang, who had returned to the bridge at some point and was bathed in the gazes of everyone, walked to the French window and stopped.

  Quietly looking at the flying fire rain and the planes disappearing in the beast tide outside the window, he slowly spoke.

  ”They are real warriors.”

  ”Don’t let them down.”

  There was silence in the bridge.

  Guessing the intention of the airship, the captain’s Adam’s apple moved, and he took off his hat and held it in his arms.

  Seeing this, the other officers also took off their hats in silence, paying the highest respect to the sacrificed pilot and the pilot of the airship.

  Just as the manager said.

  They are all real warriors!

  The battle was not over yet, and the silence in the bridge lasted only a few seconds.

  At the same time, unbridled laughter was passing through the narrow corridor and echoing in the empty cabin of the transport airship.

  ”Hahaha! Ugly things, here comes your mosquito grandpa!”

  Looking at the surging monster, a guy who had just been named a warrior was holding a machine gun with a belt of ammunition on his face with excitement.

  He smashed the cabin glass with the butt of the gun, and placed the machine gun in the center of the cockpit, and fired at the surging and roaring beasts outside.

  The spitting flames were like a swaying candle in the hail of bullets. There was no need to expect a hit rate, but it was enough to attract the hatred of the monsters.

  Staring at the bulky ship from a distance, a group of aliens with flapping wings just broke through the barrier of the clouds and immediately rushed up with howls. In

  just a few breaths, nearly a hundred aliens with flapping wings had crawled on the nearly 50-meter-long airship, and the number was still increasing.

  They didn’t understand what this bulging airship was, and just thought it was born from the same mother as the big guy in the sky, so they opened their mouths and bit at the solid airbag, trying to bite a hole to get out and get in, so as to kill all the people hiding inside.

  Seeing the spinning air pressure dial and the warning of the engine losing power, Mosquito sitting in the cockpit was not panicked at all, and even couldn’t help laughing.

  ”Don’t be polite, eat it in big mouthfuls… If it’s not enough, try this thing again!” He

  took out a detonator from his pocket like a magic trick, and he held the switch tightly with an evil smile on his face.

  Sparks instantly flew from the detonators placed in various places of the airship, and they ran through the entire airship like an electric current.

  At this moment, not only thousands of kilograms of T-En-T explosives were ignited, but also tens of thousands of cubic meters of hydrogen!

  The entire nearly 50-meter-long airship was like a burning oil barrel, and it instantly exploded into a ball of fire that spread outward.

  The mosquito that stepped on the cockpit was the first to be drawn into the sea of ​​fire, followed by the “big birds” that had already pounced on the cockpit glass.


  The aliens clinging to the airship were like moths flying into the fire, and were instantly swallowed up by the scorching flames and the air waves of the explosion.

  The shock wave of the explosion even blew to the edge of the airship’s deck, clearing a vacuum zone from the surging beasts. The

  aliens that were roasted into charcoal were covered with white smoke, and fell from the air like dumplings with the pungent smell of burning. The aliens chasing behind could only scream and dodge to the sides.

  Witnessing the doomsday-like flames, Garn’s eyes were full of bloodshot, and his anger almost turned into flames and drilled out of his nose.

  Looking at the minions falling from the sky, he didn’t feel distressed, but when he thought that those bat-winged people were all children of the tribe, the pain suddenly surged into his heart, making his ugly face even more distorted.


  ”I’m going to kill you!!!”

  Garn roared, overwhelmed by anger, and rushed towards the deck like crazy.

  As if feeling his anger, the bat-winged people flapping their wings worked harder, and screamed shrilly under their sharp fangs.

  At the same time, Alzu, who was far away in Jinhe City, was now full of black lines on his face, and veins on his fists bulged.

  Although he couldn’t see the situation on the battlefield directly, he could sense through the radar that they had lost nearly 500 bat-winged people just now!

  And because of the pause in the offensive, the number of casualties continued to rise!

  ”This bunch of trash!”

  Beasts are beasts after all.

  Fight the dumbest battle with the best equipment!

  If I had commanded it myself, I wouldn’t have lost more than half of my men before I even touched the edge of the airship!

  Fortunately, more than 2,000 bat-winged people broke through the firepower net of the Iron Heart and successfully touched the deck of the airship.

  At this moment, the main force of the alliance is on the front line.

  The number of people on the Iron Heart and the ground airport combined is probably less than 1,000.

  A sneer with a hint of pain hung on Alzu’s face.

  ”…Enjoy the pain of having your stomach ripped open!”

  ”It’s a pity that I can’t hear your wailing.”


  At the same time that Gaen took the remaining bat-winged people onto the deck, the Guards led by Lu Bei had already started a firefight with them.

  Although the Guards are not a front-line combat force, they are mainly responsible for intelligence collection and the protection of managers. There are only 300 of them deployed on the airship, but they are awakened like the players and have good individual combat capabilities.

  In addition, there are also aviation soldiers on the ship and some players who wake up from the save point who participate in the battle.

  The two sides engaged in a close combat around the 400mm main gun and the elevator for transporting ammunition. The battle situation was extremely tense. Nearly

  100 kilometers away, on the top of the mountain, Yang Kai, sitting in the research ship, stared at the screen and drank a sip of coffee calmly.

  He was an outsider in such things as fighting, but his intuition told him that the Alliance’s current situation was obviously not optimistic.

  But he couldn’t blame those people.

  He was also shocked when he first saw the flying mutants. He didn’t expect that the Torch Church still had this trump card, and actually hid so many of them!

  In this way, Dr. Conclusion’s speculation was once again confirmed.

  Those blue-skinned mutants with gills and scales along the coast of Yunjian Province might really be created by those charlatans.

  But then again, the Legion seemed to have lost the Iron Heart in this way, and that McLen was finally forced to escape in the escape pod with his tail between his legs. Unexpectedly,

  history repeated itself again.

  The Alliance, which took the Iron Heart as its own in a barbarian manner, was robbed of it in the same way.

  What a irony.

  Yang Kai smiled, and thinking that the time was almost up, he reached out and pressed on the holographic screen.

  He accessed the communication channel that the manager had left for him, cleared his throat, and spoke in a casual tone.

  ”I hope I didn’t disturb you by contacting you at this time. I can see that you have tried your best. I’m sorry that I can’t help you with the battlefield. However, it’s okay for me to take three or five people with you. If you want to retreat, just say hello to me.”

  The model calculated by Dr. Conclusion includes the possibility of the alliance’s failure, even if the probability is not high.

  If the worst result occurs, according to the options in the plan, he needs to ensure the safety of the alliance manager as much as possible, and then the child with antibodies.

  However, it was beyond Yang Kai’s expectations.

  Facing the life-saving straw he threw, what came from the communication channel was an unromantic rejection.

  ”Don’t worry about it.”

  Yang Kai raised his eyebrows slightly and sat up from his chair.

  ”Are you sure? Now is not the time to be brave.”

  There was an undisguised laugh from the communication channel.

  ”Which eye of yours saw me showing off?”

  As soon as the words fell, the call was disconnected.

  Looking at the icon of the communication interruption in the holographic window, Yang Kai tutted in annoyance and leaned back in his chair.

  ”Haha, it seems that I was too sentimental.”

  At the same time, two “Viper” transport planes broke out of the dark clouds and flew above the deck of the Iron Heart.

  Looking at the monsters climbing onto the deck one by one and the continuous flickering of fire, Ye Shi’s eyes almost popped out.

  ”Fuck… What the hell is this?!”

  It was too dark, and he couldn’t see exactly how many there were, but he could tell at a glance that the number was several times theirs.

  The other players were the same, with some surprise on their faces.

  But it was just surprise.

  ”A kind of beast with wings,” Lao Bai confirmed the photos taken by the Goblin Corps through the VM, turned off the screen, grabbed the rifle hanging on his chest and loaded it, then looked around at the brothers in the cabin and said concisely, “Get ready.”

  Not taking the densely packed alien species seriously at all, the people in the cabin shouted with high morale.


  The two Vipers fell straight onto the deck of the Iron Heart, spraying a faint blue arc of light and hovering on the northernmost side of the deck.

  At a height of more than ten meters, players wearing exoskeletons lined up at the side of the cabin and jumped out of the cabin one after another.

  Jiang Xuezhou, who was leaning on the seat, was pale, and her fingers holding the seat belt were blue.

  Seeing that Ye Shi was also going to go down, she suddenly panicked and spoke out.

  ”… Wait, you, you are going down like this?”

  Ye Shi, who was holding the handrail beside the cabin door, grinned.

  ”Well, it’s not the first time.”

  Seeing this guy’s scared expression, he continued in a teasing tone.

  ”You just stay here, don’t think about coming down to help.”

  ”Pet” is not around, this guy is a non-combatant, and it would be a hindrance if he went down, so it’s better for him to stay on the plane.

  But when this battle is over, he will have to laugh at this guy.

  After all, she had boasted a lot before, how awesome she was, but she was so scared before the battle even started.

  What a D-level researcher.

  That’s all!


  Jiang Xuezhou’s face was pale, and she didn’t know what the guy in front of her thought about her.

  Even without him telling her, she didn’t plan to go down. Besides, let alone jumping out, she felt dizzy just by looking at this height… Isn’t this guy afraid at all?

  ”Is it not okay to shoot on the plane?” Just because she felt embarrassed to stay on the plane alone, she wanted to try to persuade him to stay here.

  ”Shoot on the plane?” Ye Shi was stunned for a moment, and said with a strange expression, “Are you kidding? This is the sky, with such a strong wind, how can you hit it-”

  Before he finished speaking, a sign of crisis crept into his heart, but he had no chance to react at all. A huge force immediately hit the fuselage, and the Viper lost its balance and fell to the edge of the deck.


  Looking at the spinning outside the cabin, Jiang Xuezhou, whose whole body was pressed against the seat, was frightened and screamed, and almost fainted.

  Ye Shi was even worse.

  He had already stepped half a foot out of the cabin, and was almost thrown out of the cabin. He held the handle of the cabin door tightly with his right hand, and relied on the brute force of the exoskeleton to stay outside the plane.

  Perhaps it was hit by the deflector shield, and the rotating “Viper” was about to fall on the deck, but in the end it just slid past the edge.


  The pilot holding the joystick used all his strength and almost stepped the rudder into the floor, finally pulling the out-of-control plane back.

  However, at this moment, a monster with fangs embedded in the corners of its mouth and shriveled muscles stuck its head in from the open cabin door.

  That face seemed to come from hell –

  the moment she met the green eyes, Jiang Xuezhou felt cold hands and feet, and the cold wind that poured into the cabin door instantly blocked her breathing and heartbeat.

  ”…Xiao, Xiao Wang.” She said this sentence with trembling lips, but soon remembered that she had left it in Jinhe City.

  Despair gradually emerged on Jiang Xuezhou’s face.

  At that critical moment, a cold light flashed in the darkness, and a dagger flew in from the other side of the cabin like a javelin, and nailed the beast’s forehead with a thud. The

  dagger seemed to have pierced its eye socket by chance, and the monster let out a shrill cry, spread its claws and fell out of the cabin.

  Jiang Xuezhou was slightly stunned, and her eyes filled with mist looked at the other side of the cabin door where the dagger flew in surprise.

  He is still alive!

  However, her surprise came too early. The roar of the guy who climbed into the cabin instantly killed the fluttering deer in her heart.

  ”Why don’t you A it!!!”


  (Thanks to the leader “Monster丿” for the reward!!!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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